Category Archives: Islam

Women in Islam (लौंडी (रखैल) औरत) Aacharya Shri Ram Sharma



लौंडियों के बारे में पुस्तक रियाजुस्सालिहीन के पृष्ठ १४१ पर लिखा हैं की- अबूहुरैरा (हजरत) से रवायत है की-

  “रसूलल्लाह सलाल्लेहू वलैहीअसल्लम हजुरे पाक से रवायत है की जब लौंडी बदकारी करे और उसके उस फेल की तहकीकात हो जावे तो उसको हद (बंदिश) लगाईं जावे और डांट फटकार न की जावे फिर अगर दुबारा उससे यह फेल सरजद हो तो उसकी हद लगाईं जावे और जज (डांट फटकार) व तौफिख (झिडकना) न की जावे | अगर तीसरी बार फिर अमल करे तो उसे बेच डाले | ख्वाह बाल की रस्सी के मुआवजे में” |

    कलामे पाक अर्थात कुरान में जो हम पीछे दे चुके हैं उसमें खुलासा लिखा है की-

  …………………………………………………………..“लौंडी से जबर्दस्ती व्यभिचार करने पर खुदा माफ़ कर देता है” ||

                                                          (कुरान पारा १८ सुरह नूर रुकू ४ आयत ३३)

दर्जनों औरतों को लौंडी बना कर रखना उनसे राजी या गैरराजी व्यभिचार करना, इस्लाम में नाजायज नहीं है | मगर यदि वह किसी अन्य से कुछ करा बैठे तो बालों की रस्सी के बदले भी उसे बेच डालने का आदेश है |


नोट:- भाइयों ! यह है इस्लाम और कुरान व अरबी खुदा की नजर में  “औरत जात की कदर ?” !

लौंडी (रखेल) को गिरवी रखना

“अगर कोई शख्स अपनी लौंडी (रखेल) को किसी के पास गिरवी रख दे और गिरवी रखने वाला उससे जिना व्यभिचार करे तो उस पर कोई शरायत (शर्त) लागू नहीं, अगर्चे वह जानता भी हो की यह लौंडी मुझ पर हराम है” |

                                                (हिदायह्मुतरज्जिम फ़ारसी जिल्द १ हदीस ३०२ व ३०३)

………………………………………………………………………………………………………..लौंडी का दूध बेचना दुरुस्त है |

                                                                       (फिताबी गरायब पृष्ठ २४८)

………………………………………………….. अपनी लौंडी को जिना की बिना पर (जहर देकर) मार डालना दुरुस्त है |

                                                            (फताबी खजानतह अलरवायत पृष्ठ ४१७)

नोट:- नारी की इस्लाम में कितनी इज्जत की जाती है ? यह ऊपर के प्रमाणों से बिलकुल स्पष्ट हो गया है | अतः शिक्षित मुस्लिम औरतों को इस पर विचार करना चाहिए |


Women in Islam: Aacharya Shri Ram Sharma


हूदी और कुरानी खुदाओ के आदेश   

यहूदी धर्म की पुस्तक तौरेत जिसे कुरानी खुदा ने खुदाई किताब का दर्जा दिया है, तथा कुरान में कई जगहों पर खुदाई घोषित किया हैं उसमें व्यवस्था विवरण वाले प्रकरण के न० २४ में लिखा है की-

(१)     यदि कोई पुरुष किसी स्त्री को ब्याह ले और उसके बाद उसमें कुछ लज्जा की बात पाकर उससे अप्रसन्न हो, तो वह उसके लिए त्यागपत्र लिख कर और उस त्याग पत्र को उसके हाथ में देकर उसको अपने घर से निकाल दे |

(२)     और जब वह उसके घर से निकल जाए तो तभी वह औरत किसी दुसरे पुरुष की हो सकती है |

(३)     परन्तु यदि वह औरत उस दुसरे पुरुष को भी अप्रिय लगे, और वह उसके लिए त्याग पत्र लिख कर उसके हाथ में देकर उसे अपने घर से निकाल दे या वह दुसरा पुरुष जिसने उसको अपनी स्त्री कर लिया था, वह मर जाए |

(४)     तो उसका पहिला पति जिसने उसको निकाल दिया था उसके अशुद्ध होने के बाद भी उसे अपनी पत्नी न बनाए, क्योंकि यह यहोवा (खुदा) के सम्मुख घृणित बात है |

  इस प्रकार तू उस देश को जिसे तेरा परमेश्वर यहोवा तेरा भाग (हिस्सा) करके तुझे देता है उसे पापी न बनाना |

यहूदी खुदा की इस पहिली खुदाई किताब में लिखा है की-

   “गैर से सम्भोग करा लेने पर पहिला पति उस स्त्री को कदापि स्वीकार न करे”|

यह आदेश है परन्तु कुरानी अरबी खुदा की पहली शर्त ये है की—

  “पूर्व पति द्वारा तलाकशुदा पत्नी को पुन: लेने की शर्त ही यह है की वह किसी दुसरे पुरुष से निकाह करने के बाद सम्भोग कराकर आने के बाद ही उसे वापिस ले सकता है”|

  भाइयों ! यह समझ में नहीं आता की दोनों खुदाओ के हुक्मों में से कौन सा हुक्म ठीक हैं ? मुस्लिम विद्वानों को विचार करके स्पष्टीकरण प्रस्तुत करना चाहिए की इस विषय में दोनों खुदाई आदेशों में विरोध होने का वैज्ञानिक रहस्य क्या है ?

   कुरान की एक व्यवस्था व्यभिचार के समर्थन में और भी देखने लायक है, ज़रा गौर फरमायें—

  ……. और तुम्हारी लोंडिया (रखैल) जो पाक रहना चाहती हैं उनको दुनिया की जिन्दगी के फायदे की गरज से हरामकारी पर मजबूर न करो, और जो उनको मजबूर करेगा तो अल्लाह उनके मजबूर किये जाने के पीछे सबको क्षमा करने वाला मेहरबान और दयावान है |

                                                         (कुरान पारा १२ सुरह नूर रुकू ४१ आयत ३३)

   लोंडियों को जब मजबूर करने पर और व्यभिचार कर लेने पर अरबी खुदा व्यभिचारी मुसलमान को माफ़ कर देगा तो फिर व्यभिचार जुर्म कहाँ रहा ? इसका अर्थ है की खुदा और उसकी अरबी किताब व्यभिचार के खुले समर्थक हैं |

   इस्लाम (सुन्नी सम्प्रदाय) की मान्य अन्य पुस्तकों में तो व्यभिचार का बहुत ही खुला समर्थन किया हुआ मिलता है, देखिये-

   “अगर कोई रोजादार ने किसी दीवानी औरत से सम्भोग कर डाला हो तो दोनों पर कोई पाप या प्रायश्चित लागू नहीं है|”

                                                          (फताबी काजीखां जिल्द अव्वल हदीस १०१)

   “अगर कोई रोजादार शख्स चौपाये या ठण्डी (बिना आसक्ति वाली) औरत या छोटी बच्ची से बदफैली (सम्भोग) करे और उसका इंजाल (वीर्यपात) न हुआ हो तो उसका रोजा नहीं टूटता, और उस पर गुसल भी वाजिब अर्थात लागू नहीं होता” |

                                                               (फताबी काजीखां जिल्द १ सफा १००)

अत: मुसलमानों का इस्लाम में ब्रह्माचर्य की बात कहना उसकी हंसी उडाना है, और लोगों को संयम के नाम पर गुमराह करना है |

  इस्लाम के अन्दर कुरान का निम्न आदेश भी देखने के काबिल है-

“ऐ ईमान वालो (मुसलमानों) जो लोग मारे जावें, उनमे तुमको (जाने के) बदले जान का हुक्म दिया जाता है | आजाद के बदले आजाद और गुलाम के बदले गुलाम तथा औरत के बदले औरत …………….. का हुक्म दिया जाता है” |

                                                             (कुरान सुरह बकर रुकू २२ आयत १७८)

इसमें खुदा ने हुक्म दिया है की-

  “अगर कोई गुंडा किसी भले आदमी की औरत से जीना बिलजब्र (बलात्कार) कर डाले तो उस शरीफ आदमी को भी चाहिए की वह भी उस गुंडे की शरीफ औरत से बलात्कार करे”|

    क्या यही खुदाई इन्साफ है ? की बुराई करने वाले को दंड न देकर उसकी निर्दोष बीबी पर वैसा गुण्डापन करे ? क्या बुराई का बदला बुराई दुनिया में कोई शराफत का कानून है ?

   औरतो की गुंडों से रक्षा क्या ऐसे ही इस्लाम में होती है ? क्या शरीफ औरतों की यही इज्जत अर्थात अस्मत इस्लाम में कायम है ?

  कुरान का एक आदेश और भी देखने योग्य है देखिये कुरान में खुदा का आदेश है की-

  “तुम्हारी बीबियाँ तुम्हारी खेतियाँ हैं अपनी खेती में जिस तरह चाहो जाओ और अपने लिए आइन्दा का भी बन्दोबस्त रखो |

  और अल्लाह से डरो और जाने रहो की (तुम्हे) उसके सामने हाजिर होना है | ऐ पैगम्बर ! सभी ईमान वालों को यह खुशखबरी सूना दो” |

                                                       (कुरान पारा २ सुरह बकर रुकू २८ आयत २२३)

इसमें औरत से चाहे जिस तरह चाहे जिस और से चित या पट्ट वाली स्थिति में सम्भोग करने को खुशखबरी बताया गया है |

  इस आयत पर कुरान के मशहूर तजुर्माकार शाहअब्दुल कादरी साहब देहलवी ने हाशिये पर हदीस दी है की यह आयत क्यों बनी है ? (देखो दिल्ली का छपा कुरान) वहां लिखा है की- 

“यहूदी लोग कहते थे की यदि कोई शख्स औरत से इस तरह जमाव (सम्भोग) करे की औरत की पुष्ट (पीठ) मर्द के मुहँ की जानिब (तरफ) हो तो बच्चा जौल यानी भेंगा पैदा होता है | एक बार हजरत ऊमर राजी उल्लाह अन्स से ऐसा हुआ तो उन्होंने हजरत सलाल्लेहू वलैही असल्लम (मौहम्मद साहब) से अर्ज किया तो यह आयत नाजिल हुई की-“यानी अपनी बीबी से हर तरह जमाअ (सम्भोग) दुरुस्त है”|

   कुरान की इस आयत के सम्बन्ध में अपनी प्रसिद्ध पुस्तक “हफवातुल मुसलमीन” में मौलाना शहजादा मिर्जा अहमद सुलतान साहब मुस्वफवी चिश्ती “खाबर गुडगांवा निवासी” ने सफा ४० व् ४१ पर निम्न प्रकार लिखा है-

    एक दिन जनाब उमर फारुख रसुलल्लाह के पास हाजिर हुवे, और अर्ज किया की- या रसूलअल्लाह ! में हलाक हो गया |

  हुजुर ने फरमाया की- तुम्हे किस चीज ने हलाक किया ?

  उसने (मुहम्मद साहब से) अर्ज किया की- “रात मेने अपनी सवारी को औंधा कर लिया था”|

इब्नअब्बास कहते है की-

  रसूलअल्लाह यह सुन कर चुप रह गए | बस ! अल्लाह ताला ने “वही” भेज दी रसूलअल्लाह की तरफ |

   नोट:- यहाँ वही अर्थात- उसी आयत का जिकर है जो ऊपर कुरान पारा २ सूरते बकर की आयत न० २२३ पर लिखी है की-

   “तुम्हारी बीबियाँ तुम्हारी खेतियाँ हैं वास्ते तुम्हारे जाओ अपने खेत में और जिधर से चाहो और नफस का चाहना करो | बस! अल्लाह से डरो और उसकी सुनो”|

   इसमें औरत से गुदा मैथुन की बात बिलकुल स्पष्ट रूप से खरी साबित हो गई जो कोई भी औरत अपने मुह से ऐसी बात कह नहीं सकती है |

   आगे देखिये कुरान का फरमान-

    “तुम्हारे लिए रोजों की रात में भी अपनी औरत से हम बिस्तरी (सम्भोग) करना हलाल है”|

                                       (कुरान पारा २ सुरह बकर रुकू २३ आयत १८७)

एक रवायत में हजरत इब्नअब्बास फरमाते हैं की—

……………………………………………..“चौपाये के साथ बुरा फ़ैल (कर्म) करे तो उस पर अहद (जुर्म) लागू नहीं होता”|

                                                    (तिरमिजी शरीफ सफा २९० हिस्सा १ हदीस १२९४)

हमारे विचार से यह रवायत कुछ ज्यादा ही सही हैं क्योंकि इसमें कुछ जुर्रत से ज्यादा ही हिम्मत से काम लिया गया है |

आगे देखिये-

   “हजरत आयशा रजीउल्लाह अंस से रवायत है की नबीसलालेहु वलैही अस्लम (हजरत मौहम्मद साहब) ने मुझसे उस वक्त निकाह किया की जब मेरी उम्र सिर्फ ६ साल की थी”|

                                                    (बुखारी शरीफ हिस्सा दूसरा सफा १७८ हदीस ४११)

आगे देखिये कुरान के आदेश-

…………………………………………………………………..और वह लोग जो अपनी शर्मगाहो की हिफाजत करते हैं ||५||

……………………………………………………………….मगर अपनी बीबियों और बंदियों के बारे में इल्जाम नहीं है ||६||

                                                         (कुरान पारा २ सुरह मोमिनून आयत ५ व् ६)

इससे प्रकट है की-

  “इस्लाम में नारी जाती को माता-पुत्री के रूप में नहीं वरन केवल विषयभोग के लिए पत्नी के ही रूप में (मर्दों की अय्याशी के साधन के रूप में) देखा व् व्यवहार में लाया जाता है |

  इस्लाम में उसकी इसके आलावा अन्य कोई स्थिति नहीं है | मर्द जब भी चाहे उसे तलाक दे देवे या बदल ले अथवा उससे जैसा चाहे वैसा व्यवहार करे, इस्लामी कानून या मान्यताएं औरत को कोई हक़ प्रदान नहीं करती, सिवाय इसके की वह जिन्दगी भर मर्द की गुलामी करती रहे | और उसे खुश रखे”

     भाइयो ! यह तो इस दुनियां का हाल रहा, अब जरा खुदा के घर “जन्नत” में भी औरतों की दशा को देख लेवें- कुरान में जन्न्र का हाल बयान करते हुए जन्नती मुसलमानों के लिए लिखा है की-

    “उसके पास नीची नजर वाली हरें होंगी और हमउम्र होंगी”|  (कुरान पारा २३, सुरह साद, आयत ५२)

…………………………………………………………उनके पास नीची नजर वाली बड़ी-बड़ी आँखों वाली औरतें होंगी ||४८||

……………………………………………………………………………………………………..गोया वहां छिपे अंडे रखे हैं ||४९||

                                                             (कुरान सुरह साफ़फात आयत ४८ व् ४९)

…………………………………………………….“ऐसा ही होगा बड़ी-बड़ी आँखों वाली हूरो से हम उनका विवाह कर देंगे” |

                                                                    (कुरान सुरह दुखान आयत ५४)

इनमे पाक हूरें होंगी जो आँख उठा कर भी नहीं देखेंगी और जन्नतवासियों से पहिले न तो किसी आदमी ने उन पर हाथ डाला होगा और न जिन्न ने” ||५६||

“………………………………………………………………………………वह हूरें पेश की जायेंगी जो खीमें में बन्द हैं” ||७२||

                                                                            (कुरान सुरह रहमाना)

………………………………………………………………जन्न्तियों के लिए हमने हूरों की एक ख़ास सृष्टि बनाई है ||३५||

…………………………………………………………………………………………………….फिर इनकी क्वारी बनाया है ||३६||

                                                                            (कुरान सुरह वाकिया)

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..नौजवान औरतें हमउम्र ||३३||

……………………………………………………………………………………………अछूती हूरें और छलकते हुए प्याले ||३४||

                                                          (कुरान सुरह नहल आयत ३५,३६,३७,३३,३४)

      कुरानी खुदा के उक्त वर्णन के समर्थन में “मिर्जा हैरत देहलवी” ने अपनी किताब मुकद्द्माये तफसीरुल्कुरान में पृष्ठ ८३ पर इस्लामी बहिश्त का हाल लिखा है (जिसे शायद वे वहां जाकर देख भी आये हैं) वे लिखते हैं की हजरत अब्दुल्ला बिन उमर ने फरमाया है की-

      “जन्नत अर्थात स्वर्ग में रहने वालों में सबसे छोटे दर्जे का वह आदमी होगा की उसके पास ६०,००० सेवक होंगे और हर सेवक का काम अलग-अलग होगा | हजरत ने फरमाया की हर व्यक्ति (मुसलमान) ५०० हूरों, ४,००० क्वारी औरतों और ८,००० शादीशुदा औरतों से ब्याह करेगा”|

नोट- जब छोटे दर्जे के लोगों का यह हाल है तो फिर हम जानना चाहेंगे की बड़े दर्जे के लोगों का भी खुलासा कर देते तो अच्छा रहता |

          (इतनी अय्याशी के अलावा भी) स्वर्ग में एक बाजार है जहाँ पुरुषों और औरतों के हुश्न का व्यापार होता है | बस! जब कोई व्यक्ति किसी सुन्दर स्त्री की ख्वाहिश करेगा तो वह उस बाजार में आवेगा जहाँ बड़ी बड़ी आँखों वाली हूरें जमा है और वे हूरें व्यक्ति से कहेंगी की-

 “मुबारक है वह शख्स जो हमारा हो और हम उसकी हों |

इसी मजमून पर हजरत अंस ने फरमाया की-

   “हूरें कहती हैं की हम सुन्दर दासियाँ हैं, हम प्रतिष्ठित पुरुषों के लिए ही सुरक्षित हैं” |

इससे तो यहीं मालुम होता है की-

    “जन्नत में भी रंडियों के चकले चलते है”

यह यहाँ पर इन उपरोक्त वाक्यों से बिलकुल स्पष्ट है |

 भाइयों ! ये है जन्नत के नज़ारे ! इस लोक में भी औरतों से ब्याभिचार और मरने के बाद अल्लाह मियाँ के पास बहिश्त में भी हजारो औरतों से जिना (सम्भोग) होगा |

   क्या इससे यह साबित नहीं हैं की इस्लाम में जिनाखोरी ही जीवन का मुख्य व अंतिम उद्देश्य है ?  यहाँ भी और अरबी खुदा के घर जन्नत में भी | कुरानी जन्नत में औलाद चाहने पर कुरान हमल रह जावेगा और फ़ौरन औलाद होकर जवान बन जावेगी | यह सब कुछ सिर्फ एक घंटे में ही हो जावेगा |

    खुदा की जादूगरी का यह करिश्मा सिर्फ वहीँ जन्नत में देखने को मिलेगा | न औरतों को नौ महीनों तक तकलीफ भोगनी पड़ेगी न वहाँ पैदा शुदा औलाद को पालना पड़ेगा |

                                                          (तिरमिजी शरीफ, हदीस ७२९ जिल्द दोयम)

  इस्लामी जन्नत में सिवाय औरतों से अय्याशी करने और शराब… पीने के अलावा मुसलामानों को और कोई काम धंधा नहीं होगा, कुरान में जन्नत का हाल ब्यान करते हुए लिखा गया है की –

   “यही लोग है जिनके रहने के लिए (जन्नत में) बाग़ हैं | इनके मकानों के नीचे नहरें बह रही होंगी | वहां सोने के कंकन पहिनाए जायेंगे और वह महीन और मोटे रेशमी हरे कपडे पहिनेंगे, वह तख्तों पर तकिया लगाए हुए बैठेंगे | अच्छा बदला है क्या खूब आराम है खुदाई जन्नत में ?”

                               (कुरान पारा १६ सुरह कहफ़ ४ आयत ३१)

………………………………………….यहाँ तुमको (जन्नत में) ऐसा आराम है की न तो तुम भूखे रहोगे न नंगे ||११८||

…………………………………………………………….और यहाँ न तुम प्यासे ही होवोगे और न ही धुप में रहोगे ||११९||

                                                        (कुरान पारा १६ सुरह ताहाल आयत ११८-११९)

……….……………………………………………………………………..……सफ़ेद रंग (शराब) पीने वालों को मजा देगी ||46||

…………………………………………………………………………………………...न उससे सर घूमते हैं और न उससे बकते हैं ||४७||

………………………………………………………उनके पास नीची निगाह वाली बड़ी आँखों वाली औरतें (हुरें) होंगी ||४८||

                                                              (कुरान पारा २३ सुरह साफ़फात रुकू २)

…………………………………………………………….वहां जन्नत में नौकरों से बहुत से मेवे और शराब मंगवाएंगे ||५१||

………………………………………………..इनके पास नीची नजर वाली हूरें (बीबियाँ) होंगी और जो हमउम्र होंगी ||५२||

                                                                       (कुरान पारा १८ सुरह साद)

आगे देखिये कुरान में खुदा ने कहा है की-

………………………………………………..“ऐसा ही होगा बड़ी-बड़ी आँखों वाली हूरों से हम उनका ब्याह कर देंगे” ||४७||

                                                                    (कुरान सुरह दुखान आयत ५४)

……………………………………………………………………………उनके पास लौंडे हैं जो हमेशा लौंडे ही बने रहेंगे ||१८||

                                                                     (कुरान पारा २७ सुरह वाकिया)

……………………………..उन पर चांदी के गिलास और बर्तनों का दौर चलता होगा की वह शीशे की तरह होंगे ||१५||

………………………………………………………….और वहां उनको प्याले पिलाए जायेंगे जिनमें सौंठ मिली होगी ||१७||

                                                                       (कुरान पारा २९ सुरह दहर)

……………………………………………………………………………………..उनके नजदीक नौजवान लड़के फिरते हैं ||१९||

………………………………………………………………………………उनका परवरदिगार उन्हें पाक शराब पिलावेगा ||२१||

                                                                    (कुरान पारा ३० सुरह ततफीफ)

……………………………………………………………………………………………………उनमें कपूर की मिलावट होगी ||५||

                                                                       (कुरान सुरह दहर आयत ५)

…………………………………………………………………………………….”जन्नत में इगलामबाजी लौंडे बाजी होगी” ||६||

                                                                    (दरमुख्तार जिल्द ३ सफा १७१)

…………………………………………क्या खुबसूरत गिलमों (लौंडों) का जन्नत में इसी प्रकार इस्तेमाल किया जाएगा ?

  “लाइलाहइल्लिल्लाह……..”- कहने वाला चोरी और जिना (व्यभिचार) भी करे तो भी जन्नत में ही दाखिल होगा” |

                                            (मिश्कात किताबुलईमान जिल्द १ सफा १२,१३ हदीस न० २४)

हजरत तलक बिन अली फरमाते हैं की नबी करीम सलेअल्लाहु वलैहि असल्लम ने फरमाया की-

   “जब मर्द अपनी बीबी को अपनी हाजत (सम्भोग) के लिए बुलाये तो औरत उसके पास चली जावे ख्वाह्तनूर पर ही क्यों न हो” |

                                                   (तिरमिजी शरीफ हिस्सा १ सफा २३२ (१०२२ हदीस))

मतलब तो यह है की ख्वाह वह किसी भी काम में मशगुल हो उसका छोड़ कर चली आये और उसकी ख्वाहिश को पामाल न करे अर्थात ठुकरावे नहीं |

Defiant bikers as horse riders of jihadi Islam

united muslim

Written by Ram Kumar Ohri, IPS, (Retd.)

Jihadi Islam is in fast forward mode. Not only in India, but across the globe. The soldiers of Islam are waging a jihad against the so-called ‘kaffirs’ (read the non-Muslim) from America to the Phillipines via Europe, Middle East and Indian sub-continent. The fast-forward epidemic of rowdy bike-riders have managed to hold the citizens of Delhi for ransom during the last two successive years. There is a method in their madness. They are conveying a warning to the Indian masses (read Hindus) of the coming clash of civilizations.

In June 2013 the denizens of Delhi, especially the motorists and pedestrians on Delhi roads had to wade through a harrowing experience of lawlessness throughout the night of the Muslim festival of Shab-e-Barat . Th unsuspecting motorists and commuters were caught in a frightful melee caused by thousands of skullcap wearing jihadi motorcyclists. Many of them were gesticulating at motorists, especially to frighten the lone women car drivers, while performing stunts on the roads of New Delhi. Their shameful antics and rowdy behaviour was roundly criticized by the media which faulted the police for the monumental breakdown of public order on the fateful night.

This year, too, on June 13, 2014, which was the night of Shab-e-Barat many teams of skullcap-wearing bikers tried to stage a repeat performance of lawlessness and disorder unleashed last year. In a desparate bid to dissuade the defiant jihadi bikers from creating mayhem across the city on the night of Shab-e-Barat, the Delhi Police went out of their way to seek help of several so-called ‘moderate’ Muslim leaders, including 21 Imams of various mosques. But their endeavour ended as an exercise in futility

Interestingly despite the assurances given by the Imams and leaders of the Muslim community this year, too, the jihadi bikers chose to defy the law and the police. Caring two hoots for the warnings given by the Delhi Police Commisioner and unprecedented extensive deployment of police force at nearly 180 strategic points several determined groups of biker warriors of Islam came out in large numbers in a bid to create chaos in the central and south-east Delhi. They tried to create an atmosphere of lawlessnes in certain Muslim-dominated areas of East Delhi like Seelampur and Usmanpur. They succeeded in disrupting the orderly movement of traffic on a number of roads during the late hours of night and early morning hours. The police measures failed to stem the onslaught of rowdy bikers and there were multiple traffic snarls due to erection of multiplebarricades on major roads

muslim-bikers-indianewsMercifully the police were able to prevent the jihadi bikers from going berserk. They challaned nearly 15 00 to 2,000 defiant bikers and impounded more than 300 motor cycles. Even then after idnight many bikers tried to confront the policemen by throwing stones at them. Many roguish bikers could not be caught and challaned on the spot despite best efforts of the police personnel detailed to arrest them.

There have been sporadic reports of skull-caps bearing bikers trying to create similar lawlessness in some other cities and towns of the country. Unfortunately the intelligence agencies and police officers have failed to read the tea leaves of the fast approaching ‘faultline conflicts’ forecast by Samuel Huntington in a seminal essay in 1993 which was subsequently elaborated in his famous tome on the clash of civilisations.

Our intelligence agencies have refused to learn any lessons from the havoc played by jihadi bikers in several parts of the world. Well known proactive members of Islamic outfits in several countries have been organizing Muslim bikers gangs. Some of them operating in Sydney and other twons of Australia call themselves as ‘MBM’ or Muslim Brotherhood Movement. Apparently the bikers claim to represent the ideals and goals of the notorious Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt. There is another gang of Muslim bikers, known as ‘Soldiers of Islam’, or “Sons of Islam” who have been operating with impunity in Australia’s Gold Coast, nearabout Mermaid Beach.

Similarly in the United Kingdom there is a bikers gang organized by Jamal Richards who had also founded an outfit called ‘Concerned Muslim Citizens’. Jamal is also the organizer and leading light of a devout Muslim bikers gang called ‘Deen Riders’ which was established 5 years ago in the year 2009. The Deen Riders ultimately plan to ride on motor bikes to Hajj in Saudi Arabia. According to Jamal Richards his group of the faithful proposes to call the bike journey to Hajj as “Enduring Hardship for Allah’s Pleasure”. He claims that people love to see the shining bikes of Muslims.

The Muslim bikers phenomenon has now surfaced in the USA. One such organization is known as United Muslim Bikers (or UMMA M.C.).They have branches and chapters of bikers in California, Oakland, Las Vegas,Atlanta and East Coast, etc. A number of hard-nosed Islamic preachers like Hasan of Oakland, Naim of Las Vegas and Dawud of Los Angeles are associated with the bikers movement across America The United Muslim Bikers also try to impress on their members that Prophet Muhammad was an excellent horse rider of his times. In Today’s world motorbike is a substitute for horse. The UMMA Club is meant for the Muslims who love to ride motor cycles.

The Muslim bikers of the USA had also tried to organize a ‘Million Muslim March’ on 12th anniversary of 9/11 jihadi attack. The American Muslims Political Action Committee was behind the proposed Million Muslim Rally and its avowed objective was to counter the unfair fear of Muslims caused by 9/11 terrorist attacks. But their attempt to cow down the Chritians was thwarted by a determined nationalist group who threatened to organise a two million bikers march against ‘Fear’ caused by Islamists. Though falling short of the 2 million mark, several thousand Christian bikers road into Washington D.C. on September 11. After thwarting the Million Muslim March, the national coordinator of the Christian bikers march Belinda Bee, announced that they plan to be present on 9/11 every year.

Interestingly the Muslim bikers also promised to return for a bigger show next year on anniversary 9/11. So a race for supremacy appears to have been joined by the bikers of the two communities, namely the Muslims and the Christians

It is time that the Indian police officers and intelligence agencies woke up to the reality of the bikers menace seen in Delhi for two successive years and tried to learn lessons from the growth of Muslim bikers gangs in several countries. Equally important it is for the Hindu leaders to awaken the masses of the danger posed by jihadi bikers. As explained by the United Muslim Umma of Motorcyclists, they are going to use motor-cycles as the 21st century horses of jihadi Islam.

In Delhi the gangs of Muslim bikers try to gather in the infamous ‘No Go’ areas where entry of police is invariably resisted by aggressive rowdies. During the UPA regime the number of ‘No Go’ areas in Delhi and several Indian cities has grown manifold, especially after the Intelligence Bureau, NIA and CBI shifted their focus from Indian Mujahideen and SIMI to the so-called threat of ‘saffron terrorism’ as exemplified by Rahul Gandhi in December, 2010, during a meeting with the US Ambassador,Timothy Roemer. More importantly this allegation was repetitively emphasized by Digvijay Singh, a heavy-weight political guru of Rahul Gandhi and the former Home Minister, Sushil Kumar Shinde.

The truth, however, is altogether different. India’s intelligence agencies like the Intelligence Bureau and the Research & Analysis Wing of the Cabinet Secretariat, including the top political echelons of the Indian government are fully aware that the Inter Services Intelligence of Pakistan has a long term plan to overrun India, i.e., Bharat, annihilate its Hindu population and establish a powerful caliphate in this part of the world.. Their ultimate goal is to convert the entire sub-continent into Dar-ul-Islam. For achieving their sinister objective the ISI has managed to plant thousands of fifth columnists and fellow-travellers of militant Islam across the country.

According to a news published in an obscure corner of Times of India, New Delhi on June 20, 2014, a Hindu activisit, S. Suresh Kumar who was President of Hindu Munnani’s Tiruvallur unit was killed by four assassins who came on motor-cycles on the noight of June 18. The police authorities suspect them be members of extremist outfits. The murder led to outbreak of violence next day during which 17 buses of State Transport and shops were damaged.1 [Source: Times of India, New Delhi, p.4, a news item titled ‘Munnani Neta’s murder sparks violence in TN’]

The notorious terrorist of Indian Mujahideen Yasin Bhatkal was arrested on Indo-Nepal border near Dharbhanga. His interrogation by the NIA revealed that Yasin had planned to carry out multiple jihadi attack across the country with help of his close associate, Waqas, who was an expert bomb maker and an active participant in the notorious Hyderabad blasts. Among other things it was admitted by Danish Mohammed Ansari, another member of the I.M., in a statement got recorded by the NIA under section 164 Cr. P.C. before a Magistrate that in 2010 Yasin Bhatkal had confided in him that the I.M. had already enlisted nearly 33,000 volunteers for carrying out subversive activities and terror attacks in India. The point to note is that a statement recorded under Section 164 Criminal Procedure Code is admissible as evidence during trial. Unfortunately thereafter the trail went cold.

Interestingly neither the NIA nor the Intelligence Bureau were able to make any break through for identifying and arresting thousands of fifth columnists and militant volunteers who had joined the Indian Mujahideen.

The threat posed by the skullcap-wearing rowdy bikers of Delhi and other cities and States needs urgent attention of the intelligence agencies and security experts. The gangs of bikers have become a major threat to the maintenance of law and order. It is time to remember that today India is under siege of thousands of fifth columnists. Could it be that the rowdy bikers operating in Delhi and many other cities and States part of the 33,000 members enlisted by Yasin Bhatkal and his associates for subverting the Indian nation?

In any case, the time for stringent action against the growing menace of skull-capped militant bikers has arrived.

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Why Allah is Evil, Sadistic God?

While I was browsing Islamic Articles online, I came through a most horrifying, sadistic, cruel article on Non-Muslims. I didn’t expect an alleged god (Allah) to be that cruel and sadistic, as his revealed book and words of his holy Prophet suggests. Below I’ll quote the article, with my comments as explanation. The article is taken from ARAB News:

AS Hell has various levels, in some of which the torment and horror is greater than in others, so the people of Hell will be given different levels of punishment. According to a Hadith narrated by Muslim and Ahmad from Samurah, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said concerning the people of Hell: “There are some whom the Fire will take up to their ankles, others up to their knees, others up to their waists, and others up to their collarbones.”

According to another report, “up to their necks” (Muslim in Kitab Al-Jannah wa Sifaat Na’imiha, Baab Shiddat Harr an-Naar, 4/2185) [ARTICLE]

Are we sure, that these words are from Holy Prophet of most merciful god? It doesn’t seems so, because all it talks about burning Non-Muslims, and tormenting them, just because they didn’t believe in an imaginary god, when they were alive? I would also like to draw the attention of readers, that it is not our deeds, which determine whether we Non-Muslim (Kafirs) will be in hell or heaven. Its Allah’s prerogative to send anyone to hell or heaven. In this connection, Prophet Muhammad himself said, in Sahih Bukhari,  Volume 6, Book 60, Number 473 :

“There is none among you, and no created soul but has his place written for him either in Paradise or in the Hell-Fire, and also has his happy or miserable fate (in the Hereafter) written for him.”

If we need to believe on this Hadith, then for sure, Allah is the most merciless & brutal god, who first predetermine the fate and then punishes the Non-Muslims. This is just beginning, let’s see what more Non-Muslims will face in hell of Islam.

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) has told us about those who will receive the lightest punishment in Hell. Al-Bukhari reports from Al-Nu’maan ibn Bashir who said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) say, ‘The person who will have the least punishment among the people of Hell on the Day of Resurrection will be a man under the arch of whose feet will be placed a smoldering ember, and his brains will boil because of it’. [ARTICLE]

I am amazed to read that the least punishment in Allah’s sadistic torment house will be a man with burning feet & boiling brain. When we are talking of fire, I’ll not forget that the fire in Islamic hell is not the same which we usually see & feel. Because the merciful prophet said, “The Hell Fire is 69 times hotter than ordinary worldly fires.’ So someone said, ‘Allah’s Apostle, wouldn’t this ordinary fire have been sufficient to torture the unbelievers?” [Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 54, Number 487]. Now we are getting little idea of Islamic hell, which is prepared by merciless, barbaric Allah to torture those who chose not to believe in his pseudo-scientific, illogical, violent rant. Below is the list of some extremely violent, inhumane, barbaric list of punishment, with reference from authentic scriptures of Islam, which will be given to Non-Believers of Islam.

Roasting of the skin
The Fire of the Almighty will burn the skin of the infidels. The skin is the site of sensation, where the pain of burning is felt, and for this reason, Allah Almighty will replace the burned skin with a new one, to be burned anew, and this will be repeated endlessly: “Those who reject Our Signs, We shall soon cast them into the Fire. As often as their skins are roasted through, We shall change them for fresh skins, that they may taste the penalty. For Allah is Exalted in Power, All-Wise.” (Qur’an, 4:56)

One of the kinds of torment will be the pouring of Al-Hamim over their heads. Al-Hamim is ultra-heated water; because of its extreme heat, it will melt their innards and everything inside: “… then as for those who disbelieve, garments of fire will be cut out for them, boiling water will be poured down over their heads. With it will melt or vanish away what is within their bellies, as well as skins.” (Qur’an, 22:19-20)

At-Tirmidhi reported from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Al-Hamim will be poured on their heads and will dissolve through until it reaches their sides and all their innards will drop out, until it comes out of his feet, and everything is melted, then he will be restored as he was.” He (At-Tirmidhi) said, “It is a sahih ghareeb hasan Hadith.” (At-Takhweef min An-Naar, p.145, Jaami’ Al-Usool, 10/540)

Scorching (the face)
The noblest and most dignified part of a person is the face, hence the Prophet (peace be upon him) forbade us to strike the face. One of the ways in which Allah Almighty will humiliate the people of Hell is by gathering them on their faces, blind, deaf and dumb, on the Day of Resurrection: “…We shall gather them together prone on their faces, blind, dumb, and deaf; their abode will be Hell; every time it shows abatement, We shall increase for them the Fierceness of the Fire.” (Qur’an, 17:97)

Then they will be thrown on their faces in the Fire: “And if any do evil, their faces will be thrown headlong into the Fire: “Do you receive a reward other than that which you have earned by your deeds?” (Qur’an, 27:90)

The Fire will burn and cover their faces forever, with no barrier between them and it: “If only the unbelievers knew when they will not be able to ward off the Fire from their faces, nor yet from their backs, and no help can reach them!” (Qur’an, 21:39)

“The Fire will burn their faces and they will therein grin, with their lips displaced.” (Qur’an, 23:104)

“Their garments of liquid pitch, and their faces covered with fire.” (Qur’an, 14:50)

“Is then one who has to fear the brunt of the penalty on the Day of Judgement his face?” (Qur’an, 39:24)

Look at this horrific scene that makes one shudder!
“The Day that their faces will be turned upside down in the Fire, they will say, “Woe to us! Would that we had obeyed Allah and obeyed the Messenger.” (Qur’an, 33:66)
Do you not see that just as meat and fish are turned over when they are cooked, so their faces will be turned over in the Fire of Hell. We seek refuge with Allah Almighty from the punishment of the people of Hell.

Another of the painful torments that the infidels will suffer is being dragged on their faces into Hell: “Truly those in sin are the ones straying in mind, and mad. The Day they will be dragged through the Fire on their faces: “Taste the touch of Hell.” (Qur’an, 54:47-48)

Their pain at being dragged will be increased by the fact that they will be tied up in chains and fetters: “…But soon shall they know, when the yokes round their necks, and the chains, they shall be dragged along, in the boiling fetid fluid, then shall they be burned.” (Qur’an, 40:70-72)
Qatadah said, “They will be dragged once in the Fire, and once in Al-Hamim.” (Ibn Rajab, at-Takhweef min an-Naar, p.147)

Blackening of the faces
Allah Almighty will blacken the faces of the people of Hell in the Hereafter: “On the Day when some faces will be white and some faces will be black; to those who faces will be black: “Did you reject Faith after accepting it? Taste then the Penalty for rejecting Faith.” (Qur’an, 3:106)

This is intense blackness, as if the darkness of night had covered their faces
“But those who have earned evil will have a reward of like evil, and ignominy will cover their faces. No defender will they have from Allah. Their faces will be covered, as it were, with pieces from the darkness of night. They are Companions of the Fire, they will abide therein [for aye!] (Qur’an, 10:27) [ARTICLE]

After reading these verses from Quran, and sayings of Muhammad, I don’t believe any sane, rational mind, will call Islam a religion of peace, or Allah the Most Merciful Lord of universe as Muslims say. These verses are evil & demonic, and it appears that these verses are written by the most demonic & sadistic man ever to live on face of Earth. I want to leave readers with choice, either they want to live a life-like hell with so-called peaceful Muslims like Osama Bin Laden & Hafiz Syed, or they want to eradicate this cancer called Islam.


quran word of god

Author – Aryavir

The Scholars of Islam claim Quran to be a word of GOD (Allah) and they bring forward some verses from Quran to support their claims. In this Short article, we will analyze one such claim and will prove that Quran is not a word of God in just three simple steps. The English translation of Quranic verses has been taken from reliable and authentic Islamic sources like and anybody who feels that the English translation of Quran is not correct  should actually question these Islamic sources from where the translation has been taken.




It is written in Quran Chapter 4 – Surat An-Nisā’ (The Women) verse 82 which says –


Then do they not reflect upon the Qur’an? If it had been from [any] other than Allah , they would have found within it much contradiction.


So here in this verse there is a very strong claim given by the Author of Quran that if it had been from anybody other than God (Allah) then we would have found  many contradictory statements in Quran and no Muslim can refuse this statement in fact they very proudly mention this verse of Quran and challenge Non Muslims to prove one single contradiction in Quran. So if we find a single contradiction in Quran then it cannot be called as a word of God.




Now let us have at look on some other verse of Quran-


Chapter 6(Surah Al-anam) verse 114 says-


[Say], “Then is it other than Allah I should seek as judge while it is He who has revealed to you the Book explained in detail?” And those to whom We [previously] gave the Scripture know that it is sent down from your Lord in truth, so never be among the doubters.


Chapter 68 (Surah Al Qalam) verse 37 –


Or do you have a scripture (other than Quran) in which you learn


Chapter 77 ( Surah Al-Mursalat ) verse 50 –


Then in what statement after the Qur’an will they believe?



So as per these verse Quran is a book which has explained things in detail so neither you should doubt the authenticity of Quran and nor you should follow any other book other than Quran because according to these verses Quran is a complete book and the best discourse and no Muslim can disagree with this statement.




Now in the first two steps we have studied that Quran claims itself to be a book from God and states that there are no contradictions and it is book which is itself complete and has been explained in detail now we will analyze a four well known practices of Islam and we will see whether they are explained in detail or not and whether they contradict the verse 114 of chapter 6.  Here are the four well known practices in the light of Quran-




Salat (prayer) is one of the most important pillars of Islam and it is compulsory for a muslim to pray five times ( Namely Namaz fajr, Namaz zuhr, Namaz Asr, Namaz Maghrib, Namaz Isha ) in a day but surprisingly in Quran the holy book of Muslims which is book which has explained things in detail (As per Q 6:114 )  does not even mentions the number of times need to pray in a day there is not even a single verse in Quran which says that a muslim is suppose to pray 5 times a day and even more surprisingly even the names of five prayers are not mentioned in Quran, By name only Three Namaz are mentioned in Quran


1-      Salat Al-Fajr (Dawn Prayer)24:58

2-       Salat Al-Isha (Night Prayer)24:58

3-       Al-Salat Al-Wusta (The Middle Prayer) 2:238.


Chapter 2 verse238  mentions the middle prayer and also says to perform the obligatory prayers but does not mentions how many times in a day you need to perform the obligatory prayers.

So The five times of Namaz is not mentioned in Quran a book which is claimed to be explained in detail and claims no contradictions in it and does not even clearly mentions the minimum number of times one needs to perform Prayer in a day which is indeed one amongst the basic pillars of Islam. It seems like the Author of Quran got so busy in expressing his hate and intolerance for Non Muslims that he forgot to mention the minimum number of times a muslim needs to pray in a day and then the Fake story of flying donkey (Al-Burq) was created to justify the concept of Five time Namaz in a day.


b). Celebrating Eid on the end of Ramadan 


Unknown to many Muslims, the term ‘Eid’ has never been used by the Quran to mark the end of Ramadan or to celebrate the conclusion of the fasting period. For example, the requirements to fast in the month of Ramadan, to pay ‘zakat’ and to establish ‘salah’ are not learnt by ‘prophetic sunna’ or tradition. These are clear directives instituted by the Quran as are many other prescriptive laws and edicts. There is absolutely no ‘religious’ prescription to celebrate ‘Eid’ in the Quran


The term ‘Eid’ has only been used once in the entire Quran and possibly in the context of the Eucharist which is the Christian ceremony which commemorates the Biblical Last Supper of Prophet Jesus. According to the New Testament, the festival is celebrated by Prophet Jesus’s followers as per his instructions to remember him.


According to the Quran, Prophet Jesus in response to an initial request made by his disciples (5:112), prayed to Almighty God that He send from heaven a table spread (with food) as a festival (Eid). This festival would constitute a sign from God from the ‘first to the last of them’


In Chapter 5 verse 114 “Said Jesus the son of Mary: “O God our Lord! Send us from heaven a table spread, that there may be for us  a festival (Arabic: Eid(an)) for the first and the last of us and a sign from You; and provide for our sustenance, for You are the best Sustainer (of our needs).””


But  no where in Quran (a book which is claimed to be explained in detail and claims no contradictions in it) ‘Eid’ has been used to mark the end of Ramadan or to celebrate the conclusion of the fasting period.





Now Burial of dead bodies is a very important concept in Islam Muslims believe that a person whose body has not been buried cannot enter heaven and Burial of the Dead in Islam as it is practiced today, deploys a rigid ritualized process which is performed in the name of ‘religion’. Depending on which school of thought one follows, the rituals can vary.


What is interesting to note is the fact that preparing the body in a specified manner for burial is not mentioned anywhere in the Quran . For example, the Quran states when  ‘ghusl’ (bathing) or ‘wudu’ (ablution) is required in chapter 5: verse 6 but this verse mentions no ghusl and wudu for the Dead.


There is complete silence on the matter regarding burial preparation and it is a matter left to society to prepare and bury the body in what is deems appropriate. There is no codified Quranic position with regards this. There is no right or wrong way to bury the dead, other than with respect and a matter to be performed with dignity.


d).  Circumcision 


Many Muslims never question whether this ritual has any basis in scripture (i.e. the Quran).  Instead, they blindly follow the traditions of their forefathers without rational thought, evidence or analysis subjecting their new born children to a part mutilation of their genitalia. The Quran on the other hand makes no mention of circumcision.


Instead, there are verses that indicate that God has already created the human shape in a perfected form (requiring no changes such as the removal of a male’s foreskin )


Chapter 95. verse 4




Laqad khalaqna al-insana fee ahsanitaqweem


“We have indeed created mankind in the best of stature (moulds ) (Arabic: taqweem)


The above verses beg the following question. Why then is the male incomplete and requires his foreskin to be removed if our Lord has revealed no decree for it nor hinted at it from His words which He has revealed to us?


In fact, the only source that  can be cited by Muslim is the ‘Sunna’, a practice carried forward from Abraham. But the question still remains. Where is the proof that this indeed was a practice instituted for humanity (men) when clearly God instructed Prophet Muhammad  to follow the commandments and warn by way of the Quran only (6:19; 50:45)?


At no place in the Quran does it mention that Abraham practiced circumcision and if they bring proofs from any other book than it proves that Quran cannot be called a book which is explained in detail.


In connection with the above, the desperation to prove this practice as a religious requirement of Islam is all too evident in Muslim thought when the Bible (which is claimed by Muslims to be a corrupted book) is used to invoke proof. It is clear that many Christians themselves do not see circumcision as a fundamental requirement of their faith and worship towards God and they posit their arguments from scripture. Jewish followers do much the same to support their particular stance for the commandment of circumcision.


The Quran on the other hand makes no mention of circumcision.




Quran which as per chapter 4 verse 82 claims to be a book from Allah because by claiming itself to be free from contradictions and in another verse Quran says that it is book explained in detail (as per verse 114 of chapter 6) and Muslims require no other book then Quran (as per verse 37 of chapter 68 and verse 50 of chapter 77) as Quran in itself is a complete book for Muslims.


Now in step three we have analyzed that the basic and most well known practices of Islam like


1 Five times Namaz daily

2Celebrating Eid on the end of Ramadan

3 Procedure for Burial of dead bodies

4 Circumcision of male gentiles


Is not even mentioned in Quran then how can we claim this book to be a book explained in detail ? Is this not a contradiction to verse 114 of chapter 6 ? Is this not a contradiction?


Muslims themselves knew that Quran is an incomplete book and to justify there practices they compiled the books of Hadees, We today see that Hadees themselves are books full of contradictions Sunni Muslim reject Shia Hadees and Shia Muslim reject Sunni Hadees and the Aihl-e-Quran (Quran Aloners) reject all the Hadees. In any of the above case whether we include Hadees or not Quran itself remains an incomplete book and no justification and mention for many of the current day practices of Islam are found in Quran.


So the above three step analysis clearly proves that Quran is not a word of God infact it is a man made book filled with errors and contradictions.


[Note – To keep the length of this article short, I have briefly discussed only four well known practices of Islam which are not mentioned in Quran there are some other things also which are not mentioned in Quran and some more contradictions in Quran which will be discussed in the next part of this series CAN QURAN BE A WORD OF GOD?]


The Purpose of writing this article is not o hurt anybodies religious beliefs but to accept what is truth and reject what is False.


ॐ असतो मा सद्गमय । Aum Asto Ma Sad Gamya

( O supreme Lord, Lead me from unreal to real )

तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय । Tamso Ma Jyotir Gamya

( Lead me From darkness of ignorance to the light of knowledge )

मृत्योर्मा अमृतं गमय । Mrityur Ma Amritam Gamya

(Lead me from fear of death to the knowledge of Immortality)

ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥  Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti

(O lord, Let there be Peace, peace and peace )


In case of any query, suggestion or feedback feel free to write me at my email id –











Terrorism has a Religion, and that is Islam

Politically correct leaders, paid media, and pseudo-secular activists want us to believe that terrorism has no religion. They stress that no religion teaches terrorism, and it should not be linked with any faith. Grand Mufti of Egypt, Ali-Gomaa once wrote in his article:jihad-1024x522

“Terrorism cannot be born of religion. Terrorism is the product of corrupt minds, hardened hearts, and arrogant egos, and corruption, destruction, and arrogance are unknown to the heart attached to the divine.  Islam is a religion of tolerance and peaceful coexistence with all of humanity both as individuals and communities. Islam views people as honored creatures without regard for their religion, race, or color. “ 

If you ask any Islamic cleric or the politically correct leader about linking Islam with terrorism, their most probable answer would be, that terror has no religion or color. India’s External Affairs Minister, Mr. Salman Khurshid when asked the same question few months back, he answered:

“Terror does not have religion. We have said this very clearly. And religion should not be associated with color.  This we have said very clearly. It is terror that we have to fight. Terror directed against India that we are fighting.”

Ask this question to any of the above mentioned people, the answer would be absolute same. But the question is, are they factually correct? Does Terrorism really has no connection with any particular religion? Has terrorism no color? In this article I will try to answer these questions using evidences, and teachings from canonical scripture of Islam and by the facts provided by the terrorists (Jihadis) themselves.

There are loads of evidences which proves Islam is the religion of Terrorism, but it cannot be compiled in a single article. So I’ll try to provide some evidences which proves my point.  The Islamic clerics themselves admit that it is OK to kill the Non-Muslims (Kafirs) as per the teaching of Islam. In 2002 [WND], A London-based Muslim cleric has been caught on film urging his followers to kill non-Muslims – particularly Americans – and to commit other acts of terrorism.

Sheik Abu Hamza, affiliated with London’s Finsbury Park mosque, tells an audience that non-believers should be killed or sold into slavery in a tape converted to digital files and smuggled onto the Internet.

The tapes were reportedly given by Hamza to a researcher who posed as a supporter and infiltrated his inner circle. “If a kafir person (non-believer) goes in a Muslim country, he is like a cow,” explains Hamza. “Anybody can take him. That is the Islamic law.”

Another example is of Ajmal Kasab, the sole surviving gunman from 2008 Mumbai attacks admitted that hisAKAS (Islamic Leaders or Preachers) told him that killing ‘Hindu kafirs’ and getting killed while doing so is the most pious way to get to heaven, where a thousand million virgins will be waiting to serve them and take them even higher.

If these two example are not sufficient enough to prove that Islam is the religion of Terrorism, so let’s see what happened in West Gate Mall in Kenya.

According to an Eyewitness News who spoke to the Economist magazine’s Daniel Howden who is in Nairobi.

He said after the initial burst of firing was over, several witnesses said the attackers were calling on Muslims who were inside the mall to identify themselves so they could be allowed to leave.

The above report proves that the terrorists identified Muslims as their own, so they allowed them to leave the mall to kill all the other Non-Muslim inside the mall. As per another report:

“In one instance, it was described to me that an Indian man pretended he was a Muslim and was asked to provide the name of the mother of the Prophet Muhammad. When he couldn’t provide it, he was shot dead in front of everyone.”

It again proves that the terrorists wanted to know the religion of people who tried to escape, and they asked them questions, which are mostly known to Muslims. The Indian man was killed because, he didn’t knew the name of mother of Muhammad, whom terrorists adore as their Prophet, and his religion as their religion.

The evidence against Islam, becomes much stronger by the recent suicide bombing by Muslims in a Church in Pakistan, which was only attended by Christians. The sole intention of suicide bomber was to kill as many Non-Muslim he can.

These terrorist attacks are not alone evidence, there are dozens of verses too, which exhorts Muslims to become terrorists. Although I have discussed it many a times, still I’ll quote few verses which clearly commands Muslims to kill and fight those who accept not Allah as their Lord and Muhammad as his Prophet.

Quran 8:39 says, “And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and polytheism: i.e. worshipping others besides Allah) and the religion (worship) will all be for Allah Alone [in the whole of the world]. But if they cease (worshipping others besides Allah), then certainly, Allah is All-Seer of what they do.”

The verse is self-explanatory, the author wants Muslims to fight the Non-Muslims until the religion is solely for Allah, i.e. Islam alone. Many Islamic scholars complain us of quoting the verses out of context, but unfortunately the verse itself says to fight the all the disbeliever until religion is only for Allah, which leaves no room for contextual interpretation.

Quran 9:14 says, “Fight against them so that Allah will punish them by your hands and disgrace them and give you victory over them and heal the breasts of a believing people.”

It is amazing to read that it is Allah himself who is using the hands of these terrorists to punish innocent non-believers, still people say that religion should not be linked with terrorism.

Now I believe after going through these evidences, any rational mind, without a shadow of doubt will agree with me, that Islam is the religion of terrorism. Terrorists are born out of preaching of Quran, and yes terrorist have a religion a color, which is Islam.

Islamic Cleric: Indian Politicians should be more critical of Modi to get certificate of secularism

Imam of city’s Tipu Sultan Mosque Maulana Barkati lashed out at Modi for seeking the votes of the Muslim community. He asked Trinamool Congress leader Mamata Banerjee to be more critical of Modi in order to prove her secular credentials.

He added, “Mamata Banerjee (CM of West Bengal) should be more critical of Narendra Modi (BJP PM candidate) like Rahul Gandhi to prove her secular credentials.

The Imam of city’s Tipu Sultan Mosque, Maulana Barkati, told PTI, “We know she is secular, but if Mamata Banerjee wants to prove her secular credentials, she should be more aggressive and critical about Modi. Rahul Gandhi has been critical of Modi, we want Mamata Banerjee also to come out openly in criticizing Modi.”

In India, the politicians who sports Skull caps like Muslims, even on Hindu Festivals, and openly abuses & criticizes Hindu Nationalist leader Modi, is offered certificate of secularism by the great clerics of Islam.

Indian National Congress leader, & Union Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde refused to be anointed by a vermilion tilak when a Hindu priest approached him, but he went forward enthusiastically to wear a skull-cap, when offered by a Maulvi (Islamic Cleric), just to woo Muslims of India, and to prove his secular credentials.

Even, the newly born Aam Aadmi Party’s chief ‘Arvind Kejriwal’, who is accused of having relations with Anti-India organizations, too wore skull-cap in public meeting to woo Muslim voters, and to project himself as a secular leader.

Now Indian voters need to realize that wearing or sporting skull-cap has nothing to do with secularism. Secularism is defined as “the view that public education and other matters of civil policy should be conducted without the introduction of a religious element”, but this is not the case with Indian secularism, in India secularism is decided by some of the powerful Islamic Clerics, who are free to abuse Hindus, Hindu leaders and right-wing politicians, and the Politicians who follow them blindly are rated high in their certificate of Secularism.

Medicines of Prophet Muhammad

If we search ‘Miracles of Quran’ online, more than thousand of articles will come within fraction of seconds by Islamic scholars, Maulvis and Muslim scientist. They don’t fail to brag about miracles in Quran, which according to them has many scientific details consistent with established science. Muslims also love to tell stories and tales of their Miraculous Prophet. Yes, Muhammad was miraculous, because without any degree in medicine, he used to cure his companions, with his medicines. Lets read few narrations from authentic Hadith collection, which talks about the medicines of Islamic Prophet.

Sahih Bukhari Vol 7 No 673 : Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah’s Apostle said, “If a fly falls in the vessel of any of you, let him dip all of it (into the vessel) and then throw it away, for in one of its wings there is a disease and in the other there is healing (antidote for it) i e. the treatment for that disease.”

Does the wings of this fly looks medicinal? Yes, as per Islamic teaching..
Does the wings of this fly looks medicinal? Yes, as per Islamic teaching..

Have we got any Muslim here, who dipped a fly in his vessel and threw it away? Flies sit on most filthy and unclean thing, how can its Wings have Antidote or Medicine? But yes, Muhammad is correct in stating that flies wing has diseases, but flies wings have medicine, can only be suggested by a mentally retarded person.

In another Hadith, our Dr. Prophet suggests that pain can be relieved, if we apply the mixture of Saliva and Dust, this Hadith is from Sunaan Abu Dawood, but it is not present in Online version, or in e-book. Muslims know that it is an embarrassment for them, so they omitted it. The Hadith says:-

For any pain, mix saliva with dust, and then apply on the affected part…(Sunaan Abu Dawud, 3.28.3886)[Wiki Islam]

Now, it is hard to believe that Saliva can cure diseases or relieve a man from his pain. Isn’t this too amazing? When we are talking of Medicines of Muhammad, then how can we forget famous Camel Urine? As per Muhammad, illness can be cured by Camel Urine. He suggested this to a group of people who fell ill.

The Medicinal Camel Urine of Islamic Prophet Muhammad

Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 71, Number 590: Narrated Anas: The climate of Medina did not suit some people, so the Prophet ordered them to follow his shepherd, i.e. his camels, and drink their milk and urine (as a medicine). So they followed the shepherd that is the camels and drank their milk and urine till their bodies became healthy. Then they killed the shepherd and drove away the camels. When the news reached the Prophet he sent some people in their pursuit. When they were brought, he cut their hands and feet and their eyes were branded with heated pieces of iron.

Beyond any doubt these suggestions are ludicrous, and absurd. But Muslims have got no option, they have to follow and do what their Prophet has commanded. So I would better ask Muslims to apply Saliva and dust, when in pain, and drink Camel’s urine, when feel sick and ill. And never forget to dip the wings of flies, as it is medicinal. Aren’t these Hadiths and Suggestion by the Holy Prophet of Islam absurd and humorous? Lastly, I would request Muslims readers to ‘have a glass of camel urine a day, and keep doctors away’.

 This article is written in Good Faith, not to humiliate anyone, but to show the absurdities of Islamic Science.