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वेद, विज्ञानं, और सृष्टि उत्पति के युवा मनुष्य

नमस्ते मित्रो,

अमैथुनी सृष्टि के मनुष्य कैसे और किस अवस्था में उत्पन्न हुए होंगे ?

जैसे की आपने विषय पढ़ा – जो बहुत ही गूढ़ है – फिर भी हम कोशिश करेंगे इस विषय पर ध्यान रखकर – वेदो के विज्ञानं को समझने की – वेदो के अनुसार आदि सृष्टि अमैथुनी होती है – पहले समझते हैं ये अमैथुनी सृष्टि क्या है ?

अमैथुनी सृष्टि से अभिप्राय उस सृष्टि से है जिसमे जीवो के शरीर बिना मैथुन (सेक्स) द्वारा उत्पन्न होते हैं – ऐसे शरीर उत्पन्न होने के बाद ही मैथुनी सृष्टि – अभी जो आप देख रहे इस प्रकार संतति उत्पन्न करने वाली होती है।

अब कुछ लोग सोचेंगे – जब प्रकृति का नियम ही मैथुनी सृष्टि से है तो फिर किसप्रकार और क्यों अमैथुनी सृष्टि होती है ? कुछ सोचेंगे ऐसा कैसे हो सकता है ? कुछ कहेंगे वेद सदा ही ज्ञान विज्ञान और तर्क की कसौटी पर किसी तथ्य को कसता है मगर यहाँ अमैथुनी सृष्टि के लिए कौन सा विज्ञानं और तर्क है ? कुछ भाई बिना कुछ सोचे विचार ही इस पोस्ट को लाइक कर देंगे और कमेंट में अपने विचार भी प्रकट नहीं करेंगे –

खैर पहले हम जांच करते हैं की अमैथुनी सृष्टि किस प्रकार होती है :-

हिंस्राहिंस्रे मृदुक्रूरे धर्माधर्मावृतानृते ।यद्यस्य सोऽदधात्सर्गे तत्तस्य स्वयं आविशत् ।।

अर्थ : हिंस्रकर्म-अहिंस्र, मृदु (दयाप्रधान) क्रूर, धर्म घृत्यादि-अधर्म, सत्य असत्य, जिसका जो कुछ (पूर्वकल्प का) स्वयं प्रविष्ट था, वह वह उस उस को सृष्टि के समय उस (ईश्वर) ने धारण कराया। (२९)

यथा र्तुलिङ्गान्यृतवः स्वयं एव र्तुपर्यये ।
स्वानि स्वान्यभिपद्यन्ते तथा कर्माणि देहिनः।।

अर्थ : जैसे वसंत आदि ऋतुएँ अपने अपने समय में निज निज ऋतु चिन्हो को प्राप्त हो जाते हैं, उसी प्रकार मनुष्यादि भी अपने अपने कर्मो को पूर्व कल्प के बचे कर्मानुसार प्राप्त हो जाते हैं। (३०)

(मनुस्मृति अध्याय १ श्लोक २९-३०)

जिस प्रकार प्रलय काल में सभी जीव सुषुप्ति की अवस्था में गहन निद्रा में होते हैं, जैसे ही सृष्टि का समय आता है ईश्वर जीव के पूर्व कल्प के कर्मो अनुसार उचित फल देकर आदि सृष्टि में उत्पन्न उचित देह द्वारा फल भोग करवाते हैं।

अब सवाल उठेगा ये देह कैसे बनेगी ?

तो उसका जवाब है –

महर्षि मनु ने जो ऋतुओं की उपमा देकर आदि अमैथुनी सृष्टि का वर्णन किया है, यह बहुत ही सारगर्भित है, महर्षि का आशय कुछ इस प्रकार है जैसे ऋतुओं के चिन्ह बिना श्रम विशेष स्वाभाविक ही प्रगट होने लगते हैं। वसंत ऋतू में वृक्षों में वह खमीर गर्मी सर्दी के नियत प्रभाव से उत्पन्न होने लगता है और सर्वत्र बाग़ खिले फूलो से भर जाता है। भूमि की गर्मी सर्दी के प्रभाव से ऐसी दशा स्वयमेव ही हो जाती है की स्वयं ही शंखपुष्पी आदि अनेक फूलवाली औषधीय निकल आती हैं।
ठीक ऐसे ही वसंत ऋतू में भूमि को यदि गर्भाशय मान ले तो कोई संशय नहीं होगा क्योंकि ऋतुओं के परिवर्तन का कारण जल गर्मी की कमीबेसी इसी प्रकार आदि सृष्टि के समय पर पृथ्वी अत्यंत गर्म होती है ऐसा ब्राह्मण ग्रन्थ भी कहते हैं और हाल के वैज्ञानिक भी इसी निष्कर्ष पर पहुंचे हैं –

एक अवस्था में पृथ्वी और द्यौ साथ थे :

इमौ लोको सह सन्तौ व्यैताम। जै० ब्रा० १।१४५

इमौ वै लोको सहास्ताम्। एत० ब्रा० ७।१०।१

शतपत ब्रा० (७।१।२२३) आदि अनेक ब्राह्मण ग्रन्थ में श्लोक पाये जाते हैं जिनका
अर्थ है सूर्य और पृथ्वी पहले साथ ही साथ थे। बाद में पृथक हुए

इमौ वै सहास्ताम। ते वायु वर्यवात। तै० शा० ३।४।३

जब पृथ्वी सूर्य से अलग हुई तब बहुत गर्म थी इस हेतु उसमे मनुष्यादि प्रजा का उत्पन्न होना विज्ञानं सम्मत नहीं होता – इसलिए पृथ्वी का उचित तापमान बनाने हेतु वर्षा की गयी और उचित समय पर पृथ्वी और जल के संपर्क से मनुष्य आदि की उत्पत्ति से तीन चतुर्युगी पूर्व वृक्ष औषधियां आदि उत्पन्न हुई –

या औषिधी पूर्वा जाता देमयस्त्रियुग पुरा।
मनै नु बभ्रूणामह शत धामानि सप्तच।।
(ऋग्वेद 10.97.1)

औषधियां मनुष्य से तीन चतुर्युगी पूर्व उत्पन्न होती हैं।

ये सिद्धांतभूत नियम है जो वेदो में इस विज्ञानं के सम्बन्ध में पाये जाते हैं।

सिद्धांतो को लेकर ब्राह्मण आदि ग्रंथो में विस्तार और क्रम आदि दिखलाया गया है।

तस्मादात्मन आकाश सम्भूत। आकाशाद्वायु। वायोरग्नि। अग्नेराप। अदभ्य पृथ्वी। पृथिव्या औषधय। औश्विम्यो न्नम्। अन्नात्पुरुष।
तै० उ० 2.1

अर्थ : परमात्मा की निमित्तता से प्रकृति से आकाश उत्पन्न हुआ। आकाश से वायु। वायु से अग्नि और अग्नि से जल। जल से पृथ्वी और पृथ्वी से औषधीय। इनसे अन्न और अन्न से पुरुष उत्पन्न हुआ।

यह एक वैज्ञानिक क्रम है जो उपनिषद में वर्णित है।

तो पृथ्वी में आदि सृष्टि के मनुष्य आदि प्रजा उत्पन्न करने के लिए वसंत आदि ऋतू में गर्भ आदि का उचित तापमान जब आया तब ईश्वर ने “वीर्य” को गर्भ (पृथ्वी) में धारण करवाया।

यहाँ वीर्य उस सामग्री का नाम है जो गर्भ में भ्रूण बनाने में उपयोगी पदार्थ विद्या है – जैसे वीर्य में अनेक गुण (प्रॉपर्टीज) होती हैं – वैसे ही रज में होते हैं – और गर्भ में उचित तापमान होता है जिससे गर्भ में भ्रूण बनता है।

यदि हमें ४ लोगो का भोजन बनाना हो – तो नमक हल्दी मिर्च आदि मसाला – सामान्य ही उपयोग होगा – परन्तु यदि ज्यादा लोगो का खाना बनाना हो तो अवश्य ही ज्यादा हल्दी मिर्च आदि मसाला प्रयुक्त होगा – ठीक इसी प्रकार जब आदि सृष्टि के मनुष्य युवा अवस्था में उत्पन्न होते हैं – तब उत्तम और उचित वीर्य से उस अवस्था के मनुष्य उत्पन्न होते हैं – यदि विज्ञान रज-वीर्य आदि के गुण (प्रॉपर्टीज) ठीक प्रकार जांच लेवे तो विज्ञानिक स्वयं स्वतंत्र रूप से वीर्य का निर्माण कर सकते हैं मगर ऐसा होना अभी हाल के अनुसन्धानियो द्वारा संभव नहीं मगर विज्ञानं ने इतनी तरक्की तो कर ही ली है की “कृत्रिम गर्भ” को बना सके। आने वाले कुछ वर्षो में शायद ये तकनीक ठीक काम करने लगे –

ठीक इसी प्रकार यदि रज और वीर्य आदि के गुण धर्म (प्रॉपर्टीज) भी ज्ञात कर लेवे तो स्वतंत्र वीर्य – विज्ञानिक स्वयं निर्माण कर सकते हैं। और उचित समय पर जब गर्भ (पृथ्वी) में मनुष्यादि देह में जीव का संयोग ईश्वर को करना होता है तब विद्युत अग्नि आदि से जीव का शरीर से संयोग होता है और जगत में मनुष्य आदि प्रकट होते हैं।

आपो ह यादवृहतीविशवमायन गर्भदयाना जनयतिरग्निम्। (ऋग्वेद म. १० सूक्त १२१ मन्त्र ७)
कारण भूत जले गर्भ में अग्नि को धारण करती हुई विश्व को प्रकट करती हैं।

अब कुछ लोग सोचेंगे – ये युवा अवस्था में ही क्यों आदि सृष्टि मनुष्य उत्पन्न होते हैं ? तो मित्रो इसका बहुत ही सुन्दर और सरल जवाब ऋषिवर दयानंद ने दिया है –
ऋषि ने सत्यार्थ में इस सवाल का जवाब दिया है –

“आदि सृष्टि में मनुष्य युवावस्था में उत्पन्न होता है क्योंकि जो बालक उत्पन्न होता तो उसके पालन के लिए दूसरे मनुष्य आवश्यक होते और जो वृद्धावस्था में उत्पन्न करता तो मैथुनी सृष्टि न होती। इसलिए युवावस्था में ही आदि सृष्टि मनुष्य उत्पन्न होते हैं।

तनिक विचार किया जाए तो ये बात सिद्ध भी सही होती है और ऊपर के लेख में वैज्ञानिक और तार्किक रूप से यही सत्य सिद्धांत समझाने का प्रयास किया गया है =

किसी भी लेख में भूलचूक होना स्वाभाविक है – कृपया लेख को पढ़कर अपने सुझाव और परामर्श अवश्य देवे – यदि कोई त्रुटि रह गयी हो तो क्षमा करे

लौटो वेदो की और


Viman Vidya and Shivkar Bapuji Talpade

Pandit Shivkar Bapuji Talpade

Viman Vidya and Shivkar Bapuji Talpade 

Author : Vijay Upadyaya


According to Bhāratiya knowledge heritage, Veda is the source of all knowledge. Our scholars and seers have derived all knowledge from this only. But after the Mahabhārat war with the decline in the Vedic ethics, scientific deciphering tradition of Veda was also vanished gradually.

But in the 19th century it was again brought into practiced by Swāmi Dayānand Saraswati and he started the scientific deciphering process of the Vedas. He had brought into light the forgotten Vimāna Vidyā existed during the Vedic period and explained the various technologies present in the Vedas in his book titled ‘Rig-Vedādic-Bhāshya-Bhumikā’ published in 1877.

In the ‘Nau-Vimāna Vidyā’ chapter of this book he explained the fundamental principles of Vimāna and Ship from the eleven Mantras of the Rig-Veda. Also in his commentaries on the Vedas name as ‘Yajur-Veda and Rig-Veda Bhāshya’ he deciphered and explained the fundamental principles of Vimāna Vidyā present in the Veda Mantras. Pandit Shivkar Bapuji Talpade came to know about from these and constructed and flew the first unmanned aircraft after taking inspiration from these texts.



Shivkar Bapuji Talpade was born in 1864 in Mumbai, Maharashtra. He was belonged to the Pathare Prabhu Community. During his study in Sir J. J. School of Art, Mumbai he came to know about ancient Indian Aeronautics through his teacher Chiranjilal Verma. He guided Talpade to read Swami Dayanand Saraswati works related to ancient aeronautics viz. ‘Rigvedādic Bhāshya Bhumikā’ and ‘Rigved and Yajurveda Bhāshya’. Inspired from these texts he decided to construct Vedic Vimāna described in the Vedas and started learning Vedic Sanskrit language.

Shivkar used the scientific method of decoding Veda Mantras prescribed by Swami Dayanand Saraswati. Following Dayānand’s method, he studied the fundamental principles of Vimana from the Veda Mantras. To carry out the experimental and observational analysis of the Veda Mantras, he set up a laboratory in 1892. Based on his findings, he was the first man to claim that the shape of a Vimana is like that of a bird. Initially he built a prototype and later constructed a 6×4 feet aircraft and placed the ‘Shanku-Yantra’ in the centre.

Research in Vedic Aeronautics by Pandit Shivkar Bāpuji Talpade

Shivkar carried out experimental and observational analysis of the Veda Mantras containing the fundamental principles of Vimāna. Based on these Mantras, he manufactured the first aircraft of the modern era. His research work on Vedic Vimāna is explained below.

  1. Shape & Utilization of Vedic Vimāna

Shivkar studied and deciphered the following two Mantras of Rigved and described the shape and utilization of Vimāna. These are

तुग्रो ह भुज्युमश्विनोदमेघे रयिं न कश्चिन्ममृवाँ अवाहाः । तमूहथुर्नौभिरात्मन्वतीभिरन्तरिक्षप्रुद्भिरपोदकाभिः ॥१॥

तिस्रः क्षपस्त्रिरहातिव्रजद्भिर्नासत्या भुज्युमूहथुः पतंगैः । समुद्रस्य धन्वन्नार्द्रस्य पारे त्रिभी रथैः शतपद्भिः षळश्वैः ॥२॥


In these two Mantras he focused on some words and after comprehending that he got the knowledge of the shape and use of the vimāna. These words are –

i.        (अन्तरिक्षप्रुद्भिः) – That which can be used to move in the sky and which is known by the name of Vimāna.

ii.        (पतंगैः) – Similar to a kite or a bird and as fast as horse.

iii.        (र्नौभि) – Ship which is used to move in ocean at comfort.

From these words he concluded that Vimāna can be used to travel in sky and Ship can be used in water. There shape is like that of a bird.


  1. Machines used in Vimāna

He got to know about the machines required to make the Vimāna fly after deciphering the following Mantra.

द्वादश प्रधयश्चक्रमेकं त्रीणि नभ्यानि क उ तच्चिकेत । तस्मिन्त्साकं त्रिशता न शङ्कवोऽर्पिताः षष्टिर्न चलाचलासः ॥

In this Mantra the word which indicates the machine to be used in the Vimāna is (शङ्कवोऽर्पिताः). This means a machine having the shape of a cone has to be placed in the Vimāna. This machine should have six openings. While moving up, orifice present below should be opened up and upper orifice should be closed. While moving down, upper orifice should be opened up and other one should be closed. Like wise if the aircraft has to be moved to east, the west one should be opened up and vice-versa. In a similar manner it is to be executed for the north and south directions.



This unmanned plane was flown in December of 1895 at Girgaum Chaupati beach in front of audience. It is said that the plane rose to a certain height and then came down on the ground. But this event wasn’t recorded officially by the British Govt. He also exhibited this Vedic Vimāna in an exhibition at town hall in Mumbai organised by the Bombay Art Society.

Literary Works

                        Shivkar was short of funds and didn’t receive any support from the then British government.  As a result he could not expand his research further but he decided to pass on his work and published a Marathi book titled ‘Prāchina Vimāna Kalechā Shodha’ in 1907. Later in 1909 he published ‘Rig-Veda – Prathama Sukta Evam Tyāchā Artha’ explaining the scientific method of deciphering the Vedas.

Shivkar practiced the Yoga Vidyā and wrote three books on this namely ‘Pātanjali Yogdarshanātargat Shabdo Kā Bhutārtha Darshan’, ‘Man Aur Uskā Bal’ and ‘Gurumantra Mahimā’. Also he translated the two famous book of Swami Dayanand Saraswati from Hindi to Marathi and edited six other books. He was also the editor of a magazine called ‘Arya Dharma’. Due to his literary contribution, he was awarded with ‘Vidyā-Prakāsha-Pradeepa’ by the Kolhapur Shankarāchārya. Shivkar was the Secretary at the “Vedavidyā Prachārini Pāthashālā’ and member of ‘Veda Dharma Prachārini Sabha’.

Family Details

Shivkar Bapuji Talpade was married to Smt. Laxmi  Bai. They were blessed with two sons and one daughter. Elder son Moreswar was working as a health inspector in the Health Dept. of Bombay Municipality while the younger one Vinayaka was a clerk in the Bank of Bombay. Daughter’s name was Navubai.

Study of Vyamaanika Shastra

In 1916, Pandit Shivkar Bāpuji Talpade studied Maharshi Bhāradwāja’s ‘Yantra-Sarwaswa, Amshubodhini and Aksha-Tantra’ under the guidance of Pandit subrāya Shāstri of Bengaluru. These texts were related to the ancient aeronautics. Maharishi Bhāradwāja classified the Vimānas based on the basis of source of energy used in the Vimāna. The aphorism is

“शक्त्युद्गमोदयष्टौ”                     विमानाधिकरण सू. १ अधि.५४ ।

                        This is explained by sage Bodhāyana as –

शक्त्युद्गमो भूतवाहो धूमयानश्शिखोद्गमः

अंशुवाहस्तारमुखोमणि वाहो मरुत्सखः ।।

इत्यष्टदाधिकरणे वर्गाण्युक्तानि शास्त्रतः ।

                        Based on the construction and energy sources Vedic Vimānas were classified into eight different types. These are –

Types                                    Energy Sources

  1. शक्त्युद्गमवर्गम् ।          Electric Energy.
  2. भूतवाहः वर्गम् ।              Five Elements known as Pacha-Mahābhuta.
  3. धूमयानः वर्गम् ।             Steam.
  4. शिखोद्मः वर्गम् ।           Wax prepared from various plants.
  5. अंशुवाहः वर्गम् ।             Solar Energy.
  6. तारामुखः ।                     Energy extracted from the Extra-terrestrial bodies falling on the earth.
  7. मणिवाहः वर्गम् ।            Heat and Electricity extracted from air.
  8. मरुत्सखाः वर्गम् ।           Energy collected from air after separating its heat and humidity.

Pandit Shivkar Bāpuji Talpade constructed the Marutsakhā type of Vimāna. His first attempt of flying it was not very much successful but he kept on rectifying the defects with the dogged determination and working at it day and night to bring it to perfection. This worsens his health and finally he left his mortal on 17 September 1917.



  1. ऋग्वेदादिकभाष्यभूमिका, स्वामी दयानन्द सरस्वती, १८७७ (पुनः प्रकाशित २०१२) ।
  2. बृहत विमानशास्त्र, स्वामी ब्रह्ममुनि परिव्राजक, १९५८ (पुनः प्रकाशित १९९२) ।
  3. सत्यार्थप्रकाश, स्वामी दयानन्द सरस्वती, १८७५ (पुनः प्रकाशित २०१२) ।
  4. हिन्दीशिल्पशास्त्रसार (मराठी), श्री कृष्णाजी विनायक वझे, १९२९ (पुनः प्रकाशित २०१३) ।
  5. वैदिक वाङ्मय का इतिहास-द्वितीय भाग, पण्डित भगवद्दत्त, १९३१ (पुनः प्रकाशित २००८) ।
  6. ऋषि दयानन्द की वेदभाष्य-शैली, डॉ. धर्मवीर, १९८८ ।
  7. उपदेश मंजरी, स्वामी दयानन्द सरस्वती, १८७५ (पुनः प्रकाशित २०१३) ।
  8. प्राचीन विमान विद्या (पूर्वार्ध), पं. श्रीपाद दामोदर सातवलेकर, केसरी, १० मई १९५३ ।
  9. पाठारे प्रभूंचा इतिहास (मराठी), श्री प्रताप वेलकर, १९९७ ।
  10.  प्रभुमासिक (न्यू सीरीज) (मराठी), अक्टोबर, १९१७ ।
  11.  प्राचीन विमान कलेचा शोध (मराठी), शिवकर बापूजी तलपदे, १९०७ ।
  12.  ऋग्वेद-प्रथम सूक्त व त्याचे अर्थ (मराठी), शिवकर बापूजी तलपदे, १९०९ ।
  13.  गुरुमंत्र महिमा (गुजराती), पण्डित शिवकर बापूजी तलपदे, १९१६ ।
  14.  The Autobiography of Maharshi Pandit T. Subraya Sasthriji, G Venkatachala Sarma, 12 Mar, 1972.




Defiant bikers as horse riders of jihadi Islam

united muslim

Written by Ram Kumar Ohri, IPS, (Retd.)

Jihadi Islam is in fast forward mode. Not only in India, but across the globe. The soldiers of Islam are waging a jihad against the so-called ‘kaffirs’ (read the non-Muslim) from America to the Phillipines via Europe, Middle East and Indian sub-continent. The fast-forward epidemic of rowdy bike-riders have managed to hold the citizens of Delhi for ransom during the last two successive years. There is a method in their madness. They are conveying a warning to the Indian masses (read Hindus) of the coming clash of civilizations.

In June 2013 the denizens of Delhi, especially the motorists and pedestrians on Delhi roads had to wade through a harrowing experience of lawlessness throughout the night of the Muslim festival of Shab-e-Barat . Th unsuspecting motorists and commuters were caught in a frightful melee caused by thousands of skullcap wearing jihadi motorcyclists. Many of them were gesticulating at motorists, especially to frighten the lone women car drivers, while performing stunts on the roads of New Delhi. Their shameful antics and rowdy behaviour was roundly criticized by the media which faulted the police for the monumental breakdown of public order on the fateful night.

This year, too, on June 13, 2014, which was the night of Shab-e-Barat many teams of skullcap-wearing bikers tried to stage a repeat performance of lawlessness and disorder unleashed last year. In a desparate bid to dissuade the defiant jihadi bikers from creating mayhem across the city on the night of Shab-e-Barat, the Delhi Police went out of their way to seek help of several so-called ‘moderate’ Muslim leaders, including 21 Imams of various mosques. But their endeavour ended as an exercise in futility

Interestingly despite the assurances given by the Imams and leaders of the Muslim community this year, too, the jihadi bikers chose to defy the law and the police. Caring two hoots for the warnings given by the Delhi Police Commisioner and unprecedented extensive deployment of police force at nearly 180 strategic points several determined groups of biker warriors of Islam came out in large numbers in a bid to create chaos in the central and south-east Delhi. They tried to create an atmosphere of lawlessnes in certain Muslim-dominated areas of East Delhi like Seelampur and Usmanpur. They succeeded in disrupting the orderly movement of traffic on a number of roads during the late hours of night and early morning hours. The police measures failed to stem the onslaught of rowdy bikers and there were multiple traffic snarls due to erection of multiplebarricades on major roads

muslim-bikers-indianewsMercifully the police were able to prevent the jihadi bikers from going berserk. They challaned nearly 15 00 to 2,000 defiant bikers and impounded more than 300 motor cycles. Even then after idnight many bikers tried to confront the policemen by throwing stones at them. Many roguish bikers could not be caught and challaned on the spot despite best efforts of the police personnel detailed to arrest them.

There have been sporadic reports of skull-caps bearing bikers trying to create similar lawlessness in some other cities and towns of the country. Unfortunately the intelligence agencies and police officers have failed to read the tea leaves of the fast approaching ‘faultline conflicts’ forecast by Samuel Huntington in a seminal essay in 1993 which was subsequently elaborated in his famous tome on the clash of civilisations.

Our intelligence agencies have refused to learn any lessons from the havoc played by jihadi bikers in several parts of the world. Well known proactive members of Islamic outfits in several countries have been organizing Muslim bikers gangs. Some of them operating in Sydney and other twons of Australia call themselves as ‘MBM’ or Muslim Brotherhood Movement. Apparently the bikers claim to represent the ideals and goals of the notorious Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt. There is another gang of Muslim bikers, known as ‘Soldiers of Islam’, or “Sons of Islam” who have been operating with impunity in Australia’s Gold Coast, nearabout Mermaid Beach.

Similarly in the United Kingdom there is a bikers gang organized by Jamal Richards who had also founded an outfit called ‘Concerned Muslim Citizens’. Jamal is also the organizer and leading light of a devout Muslim bikers gang called ‘Deen Riders’ which was established 5 years ago in the year 2009. The Deen Riders ultimately plan to ride on motor bikes to Hajj in Saudi Arabia. According to Jamal Richards his group of the faithful proposes to call the bike journey to Hajj as “Enduring Hardship for Allah’s Pleasure”. He claims that people love to see the shining bikes of Muslims.

The Muslim bikers phenomenon has now surfaced in the USA. One such organization is known as United Muslim Bikers (or UMMA M.C.).They have branches and chapters of bikers in California, Oakland, Las Vegas,Atlanta and East Coast, etc. A number of hard-nosed Islamic preachers like Hasan of Oakland, Naim of Las Vegas and Dawud of Los Angeles are associated with the bikers movement across America The United Muslim Bikers also try to impress on their members that Prophet Muhammad was an excellent horse rider of his times. In Today’s world motorbike is a substitute for horse. The UMMA Club is meant for the Muslims who love to ride motor cycles.

The Muslim bikers of the USA had also tried to organize a ‘Million Muslim March’ on 12th anniversary of 9/11 jihadi attack. The American Muslims Political Action Committee was behind the proposed Million Muslim Rally and its avowed objective was to counter the unfair fear of Muslims caused by 9/11 terrorist attacks. But their attempt to cow down the Chritians was thwarted by a determined nationalist group who threatened to organise a two million bikers march against ‘Fear’ caused by Islamists. Though falling short of the 2 million mark, several thousand Christian bikers road into Washington D.C. on September 11. After thwarting the Million Muslim March, the national coordinator of the Christian bikers march Belinda Bee, announced that they plan to be present on 9/11 every year.

Interestingly the Muslim bikers also promised to return for a bigger show next year on anniversary 9/11. So a race for supremacy appears to have been joined by the bikers of the two communities, namely the Muslims and the Christians

It is time that the Indian police officers and intelligence agencies woke up to the reality of the bikers menace seen in Delhi for two successive years and tried to learn lessons from the growth of Muslim bikers gangs in several countries. Equally important it is for the Hindu leaders to awaken the masses of the danger posed by jihadi bikers. As explained by the United Muslim Umma of Motorcyclists, they are going to use motor-cycles as the 21st century horses of jihadi Islam.

In Delhi the gangs of Muslim bikers try to gather in the infamous ‘No Go’ areas where entry of police is invariably resisted by aggressive rowdies. During the UPA regime the number of ‘No Go’ areas in Delhi and several Indian cities has grown manifold, especially after the Intelligence Bureau, NIA and CBI shifted their focus from Indian Mujahideen and SIMI to the so-called threat of ‘saffron terrorism’ as exemplified by Rahul Gandhi in December, 2010, during a meeting with the US Ambassador,Timothy Roemer. More importantly this allegation was repetitively emphasized by Digvijay Singh, a heavy-weight political guru of Rahul Gandhi and the former Home Minister, Sushil Kumar Shinde.

The truth, however, is altogether different. India’s intelligence agencies like the Intelligence Bureau and the Research & Analysis Wing of the Cabinet Secretariat, including the top political echelons of the Indian government are fully aware that the Inter Services Intelligence of Pakistan has a long term plan to overrun India, i.e., Bharat, annihilate its Hindu population and establish a powerful caliphate in this part of the world.. Their ultimate goal is to convert the entire sub-continent into Dar-ul-Islam. For achieving their sinister objective the ISI has managed to plant thousands of fifth columnists and fellow-travellers of militant Islam across the country.

According to a news published in an obscure corner of Times of India, New Delhi on June 20, 2014, a Hindu activisit, S. Suresh Kumar who was President of Hindu Munnani’s Tiruvallur unit was killed by four assassins who came on motor-cycles on the noight of June 18. The police authorities suspect them be members of extremist outfits. The murder led to outbreak of violence next day during which 17 buses of State Transport and shops were damaged.1 [Source: Times of India, New Delhi, p.4, a news item titled ‘Munnani Neta’s murder sparks violence in TN’]

The notorious terrorist of Indian Mujahideen Yasin Bhatkal was arrested on Indo-Nepal border near Dharbhanga. His interrogation by the NIA revealed that Yasin had planned to carry out multiple jihadi attack across the country with help of his close associate, Waqas, who was an expert bomb maker and an active participant in the notorious Hyderabad blasts. Among other things it was admitted by Danish Mohammed Ansari, another member of the I.M., in a statement got recorded by the NIA under section 164 Cr. P.C. before a Magistrate that in 2010 Yasin Bhatkal had confided in him that the I.M. had already enlisted nearly 33,000 volunteers for carrying out subversive activities and terror attacks in India. The point to note is that a statement recorded under Section 164 Criminal Procedure Code is admissible as evidence during trial. Unfortunately thereafter the trail went cold.

Interestingly neither the NIA nor the Intelligence Bureau were able to make any break through for identifying and arresting thousands of fifth columnists and militant volunteers who had joined the Indian Mujahideen.

The threat posed by the skullcap-wearing rowdy bikers of Delhi and other cities and States needs urgent attention of the intelligence agencies and security experts. The gangs of bikers have become a major threat to the maintenance of law and order. It is time to remember that today India is under siege of thousands of fifth columnists. Could it be that the rowdy bikers operating in Delhi and many other cities and States part of the 33,000 members enlisted by Yasin Bhatkal and his associates for subverting the Indian nation?

In any case, the time for stringent action against the growing menace of skull-capped militant bikers has arrived.

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क्या श्री राम ने पशु वध किया था ??

अम्बेडकर वाड़ी दावा :-

राम जी ने मॉस प्राप्त करने के लिए हिरण का वध किया था ….

दावे का भंडाफोड़ :-

प्रश्न-क्या श्री राम ने किसी हिरण की हत्या की थी?
उत्तर-रामायण के अनुसार वो कोई हिरण नही था असल मे वो एक मायावी बहरूपिया मारिच था जिसने सीता जी ओर रामजी को भ्रमित करने के लिए हिरण का छद्म भेष बनाया था।(ये ठीक इसी प्रकार था जैसे कि रात मे रस्सी को साप समझ कर भ्रम मे पड जाना,रेगिस्तान मे प्यासे को पानी नजर आना)
असल मे मारीच भेष बदलने के अलावा तरह तरह की आवाजे(मिमिकरी)निकालने मे भी माहिर था।
उसके इस छल के बारे मे लक्ष्मण जी ओर श्री राम जी को भी पता चल गया था,,
जैसा कि बाल्मिक रामायण मे है-
शड्कमानस्तु तं दृष्टा लक्ष्मणो राममब्रवीत्।
तमेवैनमहं मन्ये मारीचं राक्षसं मृगम् ॥अरण्यकांड त्रिचत्वारिश: सर्ग: 4॥वा॰रा॰
उस मृग को देख लक्ष्मण के मन मे सन्देह उत्पन्न हुआ ओर उनहोने श्री राम जी से कहा-मुझे तो मृगरूपधारी यह निशाचर मारीच जान पडता है।
वास्तव मे वो सब बनावटी था इसके बारे मे लक्ष्मण जी ने श्री राम से कहा-
मृगो ह्मेवंविधो रत्नविचित्रो नास्ति राघव।
जगत्यां जगतीनाथ मायैषा हि संशयः॥अरण्यकांड त्रिचत्वारिशत: सर्ग 7॥वा॰रा.
लक्ष्मण जी कहते है,है पृथ्वीनाथ!है राघव!इस धरतीतल पर तो इस प्रकार का रत्नो से भूषित विचित्र मृग कोई है नही।अत: निस्संदेह यह सब बनावट है ।
अत: इन बातो से यह निश्चत है कि श्रीराम जानते थे कि वो बहरूपिया असुर मारीच था कोई हिरण नही,,
लेकिन बेवकुफ लोग यहा भी प्रश्न करेंगे कि वो एक बहरूपिया था फिर भी श्री राम ने उसे क्यु मारा ओर उसका कसूर किया था,,
उ०-अरे अंध भक्तो राम जी जानते थे कि वो पापी था क्युकि एक बार पहले भी श्री राम ने उसे क्षमा कर दिया था उसका ओर श्री राम जी का पहले भी सामना हुआ था,,
खुद मारीच ने इस बात को रावण से कहा था कि वो कितना पापी था।
भयं लोकस्य जनयन्किरीटी परिघायुधः॥
व्यचरं दण्डकारण्ये ऋषिमांसानि भयक्षन्।
विश्वामित्रोsथ धर्मात्मा मद्वित्रस्तो महामुनिः॥अर॰का॰,अष्टत्रिशः सर्गः,२,३॥
मारीच कहता है कि मेरे शरीर की कांति नीले रंग के बादल के समान थी,कानो मे तपाये हुए सोने के कुण्डल पहिने,मस्तक पर किरीट धारण किये ओर हाथ मे परिघ लिये हुए,तथा लोगो मे भय उपजाता हुआ मै दण्डकवन मे घूम घूम कर ऋषियो का मांस खाता था।धर्मात्मा महान महर्षि विश्वामित्र भी मेरे से भयभीत थे॥
उसके इस वर्णन से पता चलता है कि वो दुष्ट था साथ ही शस्त्र,मुकुट,कुण्डल पहने एक नीच मनुष्य ही था।
प्र०-क्या सीता जी ने उस मृग को मांस के लिए श्री राम जी से पकडने के लिए बोला था?
उ॰-नही! हिरण सीता जी ने मांस के लिए नही बल्कि सीता जी ने खेलने के लिए मंगवाया था।
“आर्यपुत्राभिरामोsसौ मृगो हरति मे मनः।
आनयैनं महाबाहो क्रीडार्थ नो भविष्यति॥
अरण्यकांड,त्रिचत्वारिशः सर्गः॥
सीता जी कहती है-है आर्यपुत्र,यह मृग मेरे मन को हरे लेता है,सो है महाबाहोः इसे तुम ले आओ!मै इसके साथ खेला करूगी॥
इससे पता चलता है कि सीता जी ने उस हिरण को मांस के लिए नही बल्कि खेलने के लिए श्री राम जी को पकडने को कहा था।
अत: रामायण से ही स्पष्ट है कि श्री राम ने किसी मूक पशु का वध नही किया न ही सीता जी ने उसे मांस के लिए मंगवाया था,,,

In Modi’s Victory is India’s Victory! Dr. Dharmveer


It is ludicrous to see people in the country debating on the capabilities required for the
position of India’s Prime Minister. In a country where Manmohan Singh could remain
the Prime Minister for 10 years, this discussion is a sheer waste of time and energy.
During his tenure, capabilities of the Prime Minister became a popular subject of
mockery and ridicule in media. As an example, a journalist once asked Manmohan
Singh, “What is two plus two?” He answered, “It should be four but let me first confirm it
with Sonia ji”. When a person like him can become India’s Prime Minister, then surely
there should be no doubt on the candidature of Narendra Modi. The only requirement
here is a majority in Parliament, capability is immaterial.! !
If someone thinks being an economist justifies Manmohan Singh’s capability to be the
Prime Minister, it is naiveté. This economist has only contributed in further ruining our
economy. There are scores of people who, in name, are the officers of the Government
of India but actually serve the American interests. Having worked earlier for them in
Institutions like the World Bank etc., they still take pride in taking orders from them.
Whether it is Mr. Manmohan Singh or Mr. Ahluwalia of the Planning Commission or our
Finance Minister, Mr. P Chindambaram, their loyalties lie with America rather than
India. Manmohan Singh left no stone unturned to achieve the Nuclear deal with the US.
He went so far as to bribe for the vote but ultimately fulfilled the US desire to accomplish
the deal. Similarly for FDI, the government bent over backwards to ensure that it was in
accordance with America’s wishes, completely neglecting Indian interests. All regional
Governments, belonging to the Opposition parties, opposed this decision, but Mr. Singh
did not heed anyone and went ahead with it. Is this the eligibility and qualification we are
talking about?! !
In India, normally, the President is a nominal head, but for the first time, India’s Prime
Minister became one. Mr. Manmohan Singh held the office but the real power remained
with Sonia Gandhi. The country in reality was being run from 10, Janpath. The decisions
taken there were released from the PMO. To be a part of Sonia Gandhi’s Council (as is
now revealed in Mr. Baru’s book: The Accidental Prime Minister), one did not have to
contest an election or be a Cabinet Minister. Being her loyalist was good enough. This
membership however had one clause – one needed to hate India and everything Indian.
If one’s heart filled with hatred on hearing the word “Hindu”, then no other qualification
was required. The greater your efforts to disintegrate India and Hindus, the more points
you gained. The perfect example of this is the “Communal violence Bill”. Sonia Gandhi
and her team would forever regret not being able to pass this bill. Efforts to shut all
Hindu Institutions and organizations, spending the offerings made to the temples for
spreading Islam and Christianity, treasury of the temples being spent on Madarsas and
missionaries, these have been the major contributions of this Government. Maligning
the image of Hindu saints and Institutions, putting Hindu reformers in jail in the name of
“Hindu Terrorism” and charging them with false accusations is what the Government has
done in the last ten years. Is this the qualification required for India’s top job?! !
“Minorities have the first right to this country’s resources” – This ideal statement by
India’s Prime Minister is the result of the policies implemented by his Government.
Never before in the history of India, were the terrorists and traitors bestowed with so
much honor and wealth as has been done by this Government, all in the name of being
from a minority community. It was only possible in Sonia’s and Manmohan’s
Government for a nation to declare its majority population as terrorists and the actual
terrorists as innocent. In a recent interview, Mr. RN Singh, who was until very recently
an officer of RAW (India’s external intelligence Agency), made a most startling
revelation on Mumbai’s 26/11 attacks: the Manmohan Singh Government and Sonia
Gandhi had planned to declare the Mumbai attack as a Hindu Terrorist Attack.
According to this plan, Ajmal Kasab was to commit suicide, then there would have been
no proof of who was behind the attack and it could have been easily termed as an
attack by the Hindu Terrorists. It would have had two advantages: Islamic Terrorism
would have been spared from another act of disgrace and all Muslim votes would have
come to the Congress. The Hindus would have borne the brunt of the incident and could
have easily been put at par with Islamic Terrorism. Shri RN Singh also revealed that
there is an ongoing conspiracy to create a history of Hindu terrorism. The Malegaon
blasts and then the Samajhauta Express accident were both declared as Hindu terrorist
acts. Some army officials were accused of being co-conspirators. It was said that they
stole RDX from the army. This is a baseless allegation, as RDX is not even used by the
army. However these people were and are still being arrested, jailed and tortured. Is
this the qualification and eligibility of Manmohan Singh that we are talking about?! !
Criticizing the Indian Army and lowering its morale, restricting and interfering with the
Army actions on the borders, unprecedented corruption and nepotism in the purchase of
Aircrafts, submarines and helicopters – They did everything in their power to weaken the
army. Humiliating its own Army General on some random issue and appointing corrupt
officials in his place is dishonesty and treason towards one’s own country. Being a
traitor is the sole qualification that he has. ! !
Manmohan Singh’s government conveniently ignored the attacks and tortures on our
soldiers by China, Pakistan and Bangladesh. China has been repeatedly encroaching
our borders. Forget about retaliation, the government did not even register a token
protest. Only those who have no respect and love for their country can behave like that. ! !
Under their skewed policies of Muslim appeasement at all cost, the Government
destroyed the entire security structure of the country. With fake encounters and a pro
terrorist policy, it made the Intelligence Bureau (India’s internal security agency) fight
with RAW (Research Analysis Wing, External security agency of India) and with the CBI.
It not only undermined the reputation and prestige of these services, but lowered the
morale of the officers working in them, making India even more vulnerable. It had no
scruples in humiliating those who sacrificed their lives for the country. They were not
even spared posthumously. The terrorism in Punjab could not have been tackled without
a brave and dedicated officer like Mr. Gill. Even he was not spared. A low level officer
was instigated to accuse him of the death of innocent people in fake encounters. There
is no security apparatus that has not been systematically destroyed and no department
whose officers have not been left disenchanted. On various international fora, in the
parliament, foreign missions and other platforms, they talked again and again about
saffron terror, Hindu Terror and RSS terror. Hindus have been made synonymous with
terrorism and RSS has been portrayed as the training ground for Hindu terrorists. This
is the game plan through which they plan to rule this nation. ! !
Whilst patriots were being punished for doing their duties, the traitors were being
showered with awards and honors. Dr. Binayak Sen, a known Maoist sympathizer and
activist, was arrested on account of his anti-national activities. Human Rights agencies
worked over-night to get him released and even came to India to inspect our justice
system. Finally when released on bail, it was celebrated as justice having prevailed. On
his release, Dr. Binayak Sen was promplty made a member of the Planning
Commission. He is now working towards punishing the people who work for the country.! !
India is being attacked by terrorists and they are being protected by the Government
and the NGOs. This is a strange country where its own Government first invites
terrorists, then provides them protection by standing between the terrorists and
judiciary. Our forces are sent on the borders with their hands tied. The terrorists decide
the number of soldiers and army posts for different areas. For instance, though the
armed forces have been successful in crushing the terrorist movement in Kashmir, the
only credit they ever got was that of destroying innocent lives. The Armed Forces
Special Act, which has helped in nabbing terrorists, is seen as a violation of Human
Rights. Nowadays we hear voices saying that the number of army men in Kashmir
needs to be reduced and the Armed Forces Special Act to be expunged. Kashmir being
a part of India is being contested by those organizations which are funded by terrorist
organizations. Prashant Bhushan, a known terrorist sympathizer, has no qualms in
declaring Kashmir a part of Pakistan. His political organization “AAP” shows Kashmir as
a part of Pakistan. Is providing patronage to anti nationals the only qualification to be
India’s Prime Minister?!
The Government forbids our soldiers from opening fire. It says if you have to fire, fire
slowly. Army is still to understand what is meant by that. It is a gross misfortune and
injustice to our soldiers that if they act under the instructions of the Government,
innocent people lose their lives and they are termed inefficient. If they do their duty and
kill terrorists, they face legal action for causing fake encounters. This Government
naturally considers the life of a single terrorist far more valuable than the lives of
hundreds of innocent men and women.! !
During Punjab insurgency about 20,000–25,000 people lost their lives. In Kashmir,
40,000 people died due to terror attacks. Naxalites have killed thousands in different
parts of India. No Government, no NGO or Human Rights Group talks about them, their
rights and our duty towards them. When a terrorist is killed in an encounter, NGOs,
Human Rights Groups and even foreign Governments come forward to his defense. Not
to mention the Government of India being the front runner. Laws are normally there to
protect the citizens of the country; the only law that is an exception is the “Human
Rights Law”. No other law has been abused the way this law has been. The primary
purpose of this law is to protect the terrorists. It is safe to say that it has become the first
and the last refuge of the scoundrels masquerading as the Government of India and
Non-Governmental Organizations. They get funding for providing protection to terrorists.
People of India don’t mean anything to these self-serving groups. We need a law that
protects India and the Indians who fight for the country and this certainly cannot be
done by this Government. ! !
Today, using these laws we have been enslaved by these organizations and people,
who are keen on breaking India into fragments. Today more than ever we need
someone who calls this country as his own, who stands for this country, represents this
country and believes in it. We need someone who can become a symbol of a capable,
strong and great nation.! !
For the last 15 years there is only one person who has been fighting these anti national
forces. Yes he is not a top notch economist and doesn’t hold a foreign degree, the
degree that is awarded only by USA’s approval. He has been called harbinger of death,
a terrorist and Hitler. Muslims and Christians call him an enemy of the minority
communities. For the last 10 years, the Government of India has left no stone unturned
to demonize him. All Government agencies have been trying to prove him guilty. All
Commissions, foreign Governments, Institutions want to see him behind bars. To enable
this, the Supreme Court appointed the SIT outside of Gujarat. No Literature Fest, no
news article or program, no event is complete without denouncing him. To the pseudo
intelligentsia of this nation, his name is synonymous with evil and terrorism. Christians
don’t trust him and Muslims see him as their enemy. Politically he is a pariah. His own
party people consider him arrogant. Governments of Europe and United States, all
news channels, all newspapers, all leading politicians, foreign journals, and his own
party men have used all their might to destroy him, to defeat and demean him. The
reporters even found out his estranged wife, leveled snooping charges, and he is still
standing unfazed, undefeated and firm. He is challenging his enemies. Is this quality not
enough to be the Prime Minister of India? Narendra Modi is the Arjun of this
Mahabharat. He is heard saying like Arjuna – ‘Neither will I run away nor will I plead!!

Griha Pravesh Based on Paraskar Griha Sutra and Vedas

grah pravesh

Author: Subodh Kumar

Griha Pravesh (Entry to NEW HOME ) Based on Paraskar Griha Sutra  and Vedas.

पारस्कर गृह्सूत्र 3.4 के अनुसार

  1. Announce entry in to the new HOME by entering through the decorated main door, carrying flower bouquets, gifts of fruits and sweets.
  2. And carry in a bronze/Copper vessel mixed in water, milk, curd, honey, leaves of गूलर-Ficus Racemosa, पलाश टेसु – Butea Monosperma,कुशा Cyanodon Dactylon  and Barley seeds. (Modern science has confirmed that all these ingredients are natural organic sanitizers and have fungicidal and bacticidal properties.)

While entering recite:

धर्मस्तूणा  राजँ श्रीस्तूपमहोरात्रे द्वारफलके । इन्द्रस्य गृहा

    वसुमन्तो वरूथिनस्तानहं प्रपद्ये सह प्रजाया पशुभि: सह ॥पागृ

  धर्म के आधार पर बने इस सुन्दर भवन में लक्ष्मी  का निवास हो. ,दरवाज़े

   खिड़कियों पर दिन रात सुरक्षा के लिए देवता उपस्थित रहें  जिस से सारी धन

   सम्पदा की सुरक्षा से मेरे आश्रित पुत्र  पौत्र  सुरक्षित रहें.

 This house achieved by honest means should always ensure a prosperous living for the inmates. Gods may provide full protection and safety on all entrances –doors and windows to ensure wellbeing of all young children and dependants here.

    यन्मे  किञ्चि दस्त्युपहूत: सर्वगण्सखायसाधुसंवृत: ।

    तां त्वा शाले sरिष्ट्वीरा गृहान्न: सन्तु सर्वत इति॥ पागृ  

  हम प्रार्थना करते हैं कि हमारा यह भवन  हमारे परिवार जनों को सदा रोग मुक्त

  सुरक्षा प्रदान करे.

We also pray that this house may always be free from any infections that may cause ill health or disease to the inmates.     

  1.  Arrange to sit down and perform jointly with all the family a PUJA and HAWAN (if it can be done).

For Hawan/ Puja consider  the following for reciting.

घी की आहुती

  1. ओ३म् वास्तोष्पदे प्रति जानीह्यस्मान्‌ त्स्वावेशो अनमीवो भवा न: ।

यत्वेमहे प्रति तन्नो जुषस्व शं नो भव द्विपदे शं चतुष्पदे  स्वाहा ॥ ऋग्वेद

7.54.1.पा गृ

मैं इस नये भवन में प्रवेश करता  हूं। मेरा यह प्रवेश मंगलमय हो । हमारी रक्षा का भार तुम पर है। इस के लिए तुम आशीर्वाद दो कि मेरी देह, श्रेष्ठ,  नीरोगी और स्वस्थ रहे।  जिस किसी वस्तु की हमें अभिलाषा  हो वह यथाशीघ्र  प्राप्त हों । यह निवास  हम सब के  लिए कल्याणकारी हो.

I occupy this house to bring me good luck. This house may provide to me with healthy ambience to ensure good health. All my needs for this house may get fulfilled at appropriate times.  .

2. ओ३म् वास्तोष्पदे प्रतरणोन एधि गयस्फानो गोभिरश्वेभिरन्दो ।

अजरासस्ते सख्ये स्याम पितेव पुत्रान्‌ प्रति नो जुषस्व ।

शं नो भव द्विपदे शं चतुष्पदे  स्वाहा ।। ऋग्वेद 7.54.2,पागृ

हमारी चल सम्पत्ति की रक्षा करो । दुर्घटनाओं से सुरक्षा प्रदान करो । मित्र  भाव  से हमारे स्वास्थ्य और  सम्पत्ति  की वृद्धि  करो । हम चिर तरुण बने रहें । इस घर  से  हम प्रेम  की डोर से  बंधे रहें ।

This house should provide complete safety to all fixtures, furnishings, fittings and movable property safety against thefts and accidents to ensure for us a relaxed carefree living, to make us feel always young and cheerful and to be attached to this place.  

3 . ओ३म् वास्तोष्पदे शग्मया  संसदा ते सक्षीमहि रण्वया गातुमत्या ।

पाहि क्षेम  उत योगे वरं नो  यूयं  पात स्वस्तिभि: सदा न: ॥ ऋग्वेद7.54.3,


अति रमणीय और सुखदायक  उत्तम वाणी,  सहवास , और सभा  पड़ोस से सदा

सुख सम्बंध बनाए रखें । हमारे प्राप्त धन और भविष्य में  हमारी  आय की रक्षा

करो ।  इस प्रकार हमारे कल्याण के सब  साधनों  की रक्षा करो ।

This house should ensure for us a very pleasant happy homely family and sweet atmosphere. We should  be relaxed and on friendly terms with all our neighbors, that  ensures complete safety and protection for our entire wellbeing and living here.

  1. ओ३म् अमीवहा वास्तोष्पते विश्वा रूपाण्याविशन्‌ ।

सखा सुशेव एधि न: स्वाहेति ॥ ऋग्वेद 7.55.1 पागृ

इस भवन में हमें रोगादि सुक्ष्माणुओ से सुरक्षा प्राप्त हो। सुंदर स्वास्थ्य दायक

वातावरण प्रदान करो ।

This house may always have disease free, healthy ambience of positive energy.

स्थालीपाक से  आहुतियां खीर मिठाइ  से हवन

(These are addressed to all different Devtas that have a role in our wellbeing.)

  1. ओ३म् अग्निमिन्द्रं बृहस्पतिं विश्वाँश्च देवानुपह्वये ।सरस्वतीञ्च वाजीञ्चवास्तु मे दत्त वाजिन: स्वाहा ॥ पागृ

This offering of food in to fire is  to symbolize my wish that food in this house may promote the wisdom to lead an active life in welfare of the entire community.

  1. ओ३म् सर्प देवजनान्त्सर्वान् हिमवन्तं  सुदर्शनम्‌ । वसूँश्च रुद्रानादित्यानीशानं  जगदै: सह । एतान्त्सर्वान्‌ प्रपद्येSहं  वास्तु मे दत्त वाजिन:  स्वाहा ॥ पागृ

This offering of food in to fire is to symbolize my wish that food in this house is to welcome the presence of health promoting, and disease (pollutants)   removing agents in this house.

  1.  ओ३म् पूवह्णणमपराहणं चोभे मध्यन्दिना सह । प्रदोष्मर्धरात्रं चव्युष्टां देवीं महापथाम्‌ । एतांत्सर्वान्‌  प्रपद्येSहं  वास्तु मे दत्त वाजिन:  स्वाहा ॥ पागृ

This offering of food in to fire is to symbolize my wish that food in this house that the availability of Nature’s gift to ensure the living of our physical body along with our mental faculties to remain fully awake even during our sleep in the nocturnal 24 hours cycle.


  1. ओ३म् कर्तारञ्च विकर्तारं विष्वकर्माणमोषधींश्च वनस्पतीन्‌ ।  प्रपद्येSहं  वास्तु मे दत्त वाजिन:  स्वाहा ॥ पागृ

This offering of food in to fire is to symbolize my wish that our life style in this house should ensure that the entire environment – ecosystem provides us complete welfare.

  1. ओ३म् धातारं विधातारं निधीनांचपति सह । प्रपद्येSहं  वास्तु मे दत्त वाजिन:  स्वाहा ॥ पागृ

This offering of food in to fire is to symbolize my wish that Nature is our guardian angel to shower all its bounties for us to live happily and with peace in this house.


  1. ओ३म्  स्योनं शिवमिदं वास्तु दत्तंव्वब्रह्मप्रजापती। सर्वाश्च देवताश्च स्वाहा ॥पागृ

This offering of food in to fire is to symbolize my wish that my guardian angels ensure that I progress in life to reach highest levels of fame, prestige and prosperity.

After the hawan/Puja   visit the entire house starting from the main entrance anoint all the walls on the four directions East-West- South-North with the sanitizing water mixture brought in the bronze/copper vessel , while reciting the following:

On the East side; श्रीश्च त्वा यशश्च पूर्वे सन्धौ गोपायेतामिति । पागृ 3.4.10

तुम्हारा यश (समाज में सम्मान) और धन सामर्थ्य तुम्हारी पूर्व दिशा की रक्षा करें

Your reputation and financial strength may provide protection from Eastern side.

On the South side; यज्ञश्च त्वा च दक्षिणे सन्धौ गोपायेतामिति । पागृ 3.4.11

तुम्हारे समाजिक कार्य और दान तुम्हारी तुम्हारी दक्षिण दिशा से रक्षा करें

Your social work and charities may provide you protection from South side.  

On the West side; अन्नञ्च त्वा ब्राह्मणाश्च पश्चिमे सन्धौ  गोपायेतामिति । पागृ 3.4.12

तुम्हारा अन्न और सुमति तुम्हारी पश्चिम दिशा से रक्षा करें

The wisdom in your living and your food may provide protection from West side.

On the North side; ऊर्क्‌च त्वा सूनृता चोत्तरे सन्धौ गोपायेतामिति । पागृ 3.4.13

तुम्हारा तेज और सत्याचरण तुम्हारी उत्तर  दिशा से रक्षा करें

Your image in community as supporter of just causes may provide protection from North side.

(Perhaps too much should not be read in mention of specific directions East West South North. Symbolically it is only reminder as to the  type of your life style that provides protection from all the four sides)

After these ceremonies and a community meal, and thanking every one, while departing the elderly persons may bless the house holder by reciting following;

इमे गृहा मयोभुव ऊर्जस्वन्त: पयस्वन्त: ।

सर्व भवन्तोsत्राssनन्दिता: सदा भूयासु ॥ अ‍थर्व  7.60.2

तुम्हारा जीवन सुख समृद्धि दूध  से पूर्ण हो. (दूधो  नहाओ पूतो  फलो)

Departing guests wish the householder a living full of prosperity and love.

ओ३म् सस्तु माता सस्तु पिता सस्तु श्वा सस्तु विश्पति: ।

ससन्तु सर्वे ज्ञातय: सस्त्वयमभितो  जन: ॥ ऋग्वेद 7.55.5

इस घर के  माता पिता, घर की रक्षा करने वाले बुज़ुर्ग , सब सम्बन्धी अड़ोस पड़ोस के जन सुख चैन से रहें।

Departing guests also wish the householder a carefree happy living in the entire neighborhood.