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मैक्समुलर के सफ़ेद झूठ…….


जिज्ञासा – समाधान

जिज्ञासा –( जिज्ञासु- अनिरुद्ध आर्य, दिल्ली ) कुछ विद्वान वेदों का काल पाश्चात्य विद्वानों के आधार पर २००० या ३००० ईसा पूर्व हि मानते है, क्या यह ठीक है ? और मैक्समुलर ऋग्वेद को दुनिया के पुस्तकालय की सबसे पुरानी पुस्तक मानता है , क्या यह मैक्समुलर की मान्यता ठीक है ? क्या हम आर्यो को भी इसी के अनुसार मानना चाइये | कृपया मार्गदर्शन करे |

समाधान – ( समाधान करता – आचार्य सोमदेव,ऋषि उद्यान, अजमेर)  वेदों का काल जब से मानव उत्पति हुई है तभी से है | आज इस काल को महर्षि दयानंद के अनुसार १ अरब ९६ करोड़ ५३ हज़ार ११५ वा वर्ष चल रहा है | पाश्चात्य विद्वानों की, की गयी काल गणना ठीक नहीं है | क्यों की इनके द्वारा की गयी काल गणना निर्धन और पक्षपात पूर्ण कपोल कल्पना मात्र है | इस गणना की लिए इन विद्वानों के पास कोई ठोस प्रमाण नहीं है |जब हमे हमारा लाखो वर्ष पुराना इतिहास सप्रमाण प्राप्त हो रहा है, तब हम इनकी कुछ हज़ार वर्ष पुरानी बात कैसे स्वीकार कर ले | हा इनकी बात पर वे विश्वास कर सकते है  जिन्हें अपने ऋषियों, महापुरषो से प्रभावित न होकर, पाश्चात्य संस्कृति व विद्वानों से प्रभावित रहा हो |

कुछ लोगो का निराधार व अल्पज्ञान भरी बात है की ऋग्वेद की रचना सबसे पहले हुई और इसके बाद अन्य वेदों की | ऐसी मान्यता वाले लोग अथर्ववेद को तो ऋग्वेद के बहोत बाद का मानते है | इस बात का भी उनके पास कोई ठोस प्रमाण नहीं है |

हमारे ऋषियों के अनुसार चारो वेदों का काल एक हि है, एक हि साथ एक हि समय परमेश्वर ने ४ ऋषियों के हृदय मे चारो वेदों का अलग-अलग ज्ञान दिया अर्थात अग्नि ऋषि को ऋग्वेद का, वायु ऋषि को यजुर्वेद का, आदित्य ऋषि को सामवेद का, और अंगिरा ऋषि को अथर्ववेद का ज्ञान दिया | ऋषियों ने ऐसा कही नहीं लिखा की चारो वेदों की उत्पति अलग-अलग समय मे हुई | हमे वेद व ऋषियों के अनेक प्रमाण प्राप्त है की जिनसे ज्ञात होता है की चारो वेद एक हि समय मे उत्पन्न होते है |

जैसे –



इन दो मंत्रो मे वेद शब्द का बहुवचनान्त वेदा: शब्द प्रयुक्त हुआ है | यह वेदा: शब्द चार वेदों का संकेतक है |


इत्यादि अनेक वेद व ऋषियों के प्रमाण सिद्ध करते है की चारो वेदों का काल एक हि है |

आप मैक्समुलर की मान्यता के विषय मे भी जानना चाहते है कि उनकी मान्यता ठीक है या नहीं | मैक्समुलर ने तथाकथित भाषा शास्त्र के आधार पर वेदों के रचना काल कि सम्भावना सर्वप्रथम १८५९ ई. मे प्रकाशित अपनी पुस्तक ‘ ए हिंदी ऑफ एंशियट संस्कृत लिटरेचर’ मे कि थी | उनकी यह कालावधि किसी तथ्य पर आश्रित न होकर विशुद्ध कल्पना पर आधारित थी किन्तु यह मान्यता इतनी बार दुहरायी गई कि परवर्ती समय मे आधुनिक इतिहासकारों मे बिना सोचे-समझे स्थापित सी माने जाने लगी | लेकिन स्वयं मैक्समुलर ने १८८९ मे ‘ जिफोर्ड व्याख्यानमाला ‘ के अंतर्गत अपने इस मात् पर संदेह प्रकट किया था और हृटनी जैसे पाश्चात्य व प्रो. कुंजन राजा प्रभूति भारतीय इतिहासकारों ने भी मैक्समुलर के भाषा शास्त्र के आधार पर वेदों के काल सम्बन्धी मात् का जोर्धर खंडन किया था | दूसरा जो मैक्समुलर ऋग्वेद को दुनिया कि सबसे पुरानी पुस्तक कहता है | उसकी यह बात वेदों कि रचना के सम्बन्ध मे भ्रम फैलाने के उद्देश्य से कही गयी प्रतीत होती है | ऋषियों-महर्षियो के आधार पर आर्य समाज कि दृढ़ मान्यता के विपरीत ये वेदों का क्रमिक विकास सिद्ध करती है, जिससे वेद ईश्वरीय रचना न सिद्ध होकर मानवीय रचना सिद्ध हो सके |

इस सारे प्रसंग को मैक्समुलर कि इन मान्यताओ के सन्दर्भ मे भी देखा जाना चाइये कि वह वेदों को बाइबिल से निचली श्रेणी का मानता है |कैथोलिक कॉमनवैल्थ के दिए गए साक्षात्कार मे पूछे जाने पर कि विश्व मे कौनसा धर्म ग्रन्थ सर्वोतम है, तो मैक्समुलर ने कहा था –

“There is no doubt, however, that ethical teachings are far more prominent in the old and New Testament than in any sacred book.” He also said “It may sound prejudiced, but talking all in all, I say the New Testament. After that, I should place the Quran which in its moral teachings is hardly more than a later edition of the New Testament. Then would follow…. According to my opinion, the old Testament, the Southern Buddhist Tripitika……The Veda and the Avesta.” (LLMM, vol.II, Pg. 322-323)

अर्थात “इसमें कोई संदेह नहीं कि यद्यपि किसी भी अन्य ‘पवित्र पुस्तक’ कि अपेक्षा ( ईसाइयों के धर्म ग्रन्थ ) ओल्ड और न्यू टेस्टामेंट मे नैतिक शिक्षाये प्रमुखता से विद्यमान है | उसने यह भी कहा भले हि यह पक्षपातपूर्ण लगे लेकिन सभी दृष्टियों से मै कहता हूँ कि न्यू टेस्टामेंट (सर्वोत्तम है ) | इसके बाद मै कुरान को कहूँगा जो कि अपने नैतिक शिक्षाओ मे न्यू टेस्टामेंट के नविन संस्करण के लगभग समीप है | उसके बाद…..मेरे विचार से ओल्ड टेस्टामेंट ( यहूदियों का धर्मग्रन्थ ), दी सदर्न बुद्धिस्ट त्रिपिटी का, ( बौद्धों का धर्म ग्रन्थ ) फिर वेद और अवेस्ता ( पारसियो का ग्रन्थ ) है |”

अत: आर्यो को वेद के सन्दर्भ मे मैक्समुलर जैसे लोगो के मात् को उध्दृत करने से बचना चाइये | इसके स्थान पर ऋषि-महर्षियो के मात् को रखना चाइये | लेकिन अगर कोई आर्य वेदों की प्राचीनता सिद्ध करने लिए मैक्समुलर को इस रूप मे उध्दृत करता है कि ‘मैक्समुलर’ भी वेदों कि प्राचीनता के प्रसंग मे एक सत्य को अस्वीकार न कर सका, उसे भी ऋग्वेद को प्राचीनतम पुस्तक स्वीकार करना पड़ा’ इस रूप मे बात रखी जा सकती है |










Progress in life according to Veda

life in progress

जीवन्नोति Progress in life Rig Veda2.7( महर्षि दयानंद  भाष्याधारित भावार्थ)

लेखक : श्री सुबोध कुमार

ऋषि: -सोमाहुतिर्भार्गव: = ‘श्री वै सोम:’ शतपथ के अनुसार यहां  सोम के अर्थ श्री अर्थात्‌ धन सम्पत्ति भी है. जो यज्ञ यागादि में अपनी धन सम्पत्ति  की आहुति डाल देता है, वह सोमाहुति है.  भार्गव:= भृगु सन्तान = जो अत्यंत तपस्वी  है.

Enviable Riches पुरुस्पृह रयि

1.श्रेष्ठं यविष्ठ भारताSग्ने द्युमन्तमा भर |
वसो पुरुस्पृहं रयिम्‌  || RV2.7.1

(वसो) सुखों में वास कराने और (भारत) सब विद्या विषयों  को  धारण करने वाले ( यविष्ठ) अतीव  युवावस्था युक्त, (अग्ने) अग्नि के समान प्रकाशमान विद्वान ! आप (श्रेष्ठं) अत्यंत कल्याण करने वाली (द्युमन्तम्‌) बहुत प्रकाश युक्त (पुरुस्पृहं) बहुतों  के  चाहने  योग्य (रयिम्‌) लक्ष्मी को (आ भर)  अच्छे  प्रकार  धारण  कीजिए ।

 Learn   all knowledge and skills to utilize that knowledge. Thus empowered by knowledge and skills by enlightened energetic youthful actions generate wealth that is desired by all and that brings welfare and cheerfulness to all.

2. मा नो अरातिरीशत देवस्य मर्त्यस्य च |
पर्षि तस्या उतद्विषः || RV2.7.2

 ( मर्तस्य च)  अविद्वान मनुष्यों के त्रुटी पूर्ण व्यवहार  ( अराति) शत्रु (मा ईशत ) समर्थ मत हो (उत) और हम लोगों को (तस्या: ) उस (द्वीष: ) द्वेष करनेवाले शत्रु के ( पर्षि) पार पहुंचाइए.

अथवा ,  दान  न देने  की वृत्ति , सब से बांट कर व्यवहार न करने की भावना हम पर शासन न कर पाए – जिस से हम लोकहित के कार्य न कर पाएं -और (न: )   हम (देवस्य- देवताओं के गुणों से) प्रेरित हो कर (पर्षि तस्या उतद्विष: ) सब से द्वेष की भावना से ऊपर उठ जाएं.

Let not human failings of selfish behavior overpower us to share our wealth, bounties and success in welfare of all by subscribing to charities. May we rise above petty considerations of jealousy, selfishness, petty mindedness and ill feelings.

3. विश्वा उत त्वया वयं धारा उदन्या इव |
अति गाहेमहि द्विषः || RV2.7.3

हम वर्तमान में अपने साथ आप्त विद्वान्‌ जनों ( के मार्ग  दर्शन शिक्षा के द्वारा ) सब द्वेष करनेवाले शत्रुओं कि वैर वृत्तियों को ऐसे बहा दें जैसे नदी की धाराएं सब प्रदूषण को बहा देती हैं Enabled by excellent knowledge skill and strategy, we should wash away  all hurdles put in our way by our adversaries like the fast moving forcefully flowing rivers.

4. शुचिः पावक वन्द्योSग्ने बृहद्विरोचसे |
त्वं घृतेभिराहुत: ||  RV2.7.4

जैसे घी आदि पदार्थों से प्रज्वलित किया हुआ पवित्र करने वाला अग्नि बहुत प्रकाशित  होकर ज्ञान दीप्ति को हमारे हृदयों में स्थापित करता है,  वैसे ही सत्कार पाया हुआ  विद्वान  ज्ञान द्देप्ति का प्रकाश  करके  उपकार  करता है.

Just as Agnihotra fire when well fed with ghee flares up  in to bright light and brings enlightened disposition a wise learned Guru also does great service by enlightening  the followers.

5.त्वं नो असि भारताSग्ने वशाभिरुक्षभिः |

अष्टापदीभिराहुतः || RV2.7.5

हमारे भरण के लिए उत्तम गौओं द्वारा (उक्षभि) शरीर मे उत्पन्न होने वाली इंद्रियों की शक्ति को योग के आठ पादों द्वारा हमधारण करें. ( गौ द्वारा प्राप्त सात्विक  आहार  और अष्टांग योग द्वारा अपना जीवन सफल बनाएं)

Cow based organic food and yoga should be your life practice.

6. द्र्‌वन्न: सर्पिरासुति: प्रत्नो होता वरेण्य: ।

 सहसस्पुत्रो अद्भुत: ॥ RV2.7.6

वनस्पति रूप अन्न- शाकाहर, गौ घृत से अग्निहोत्र की उत्तम परम्परा द्वारा सहस्रों पुत्रों को प्राप्त करने की अद्भुत सामर्थ्य प्राप्त करें.

Simple vegetarian food and life based on Yoga  bless the society with amazingly bright and long progeny.

Duties of a Householder & King


Duties of a Householder AV 6.122, AV6.123

Author :- Subodh Kumar

ऋषि:  -भृगु = जो साधना के  मार्ग पर चलते हुए अपने जीवन को  अधिकाधिकपवित्र बना लेता है तब वह सब धनों का विजेता शक्तिशाली बन कर परम आत्मत्व से सब से सखित्व भाव रखता है.

देवता:- विश्वेदेवा:   

गृहस्थ के दायित्व – दान और पञ्चमहायज्ञ परिवार विषय  

अथर्व 6.122,

पञ्च महायज्ञ विषय

यज्ञ का रहस्य: (आचार्य डा. विशुद्धानंद मिश्र की व्याख्या से साभार उद्धरित)   

 वेद धर्मका प्राण हैं और यज्ञ इस की आत्मा है । यज्ञ सर्वधर्म रूप भवन की आधारशिला है । ‘ यज्ञेन यज्ञमयजन्त देवास्तानि  धर्माणि प्रथमान्यासन्‌’ – ध्यान यज्ञ से देवताओं ने यज्ञ पुरुष की पूजा की,यज्ञ ही प्रथम धर्म  है ।  ‘प्रजापतिर्वै यज्ञ: ,विष्णु र्वै यज्ञ:’ –यज्ञ ही  प्रजापति है और यज्ञ ही विष्णु है।‘वेवेष्टिसर्वं जगत स विष्णु:’  – जो अपने अनन्त विस्तार से समस्त जगत को व्याप्त कर रहा है वह विष्णु है । ‘तं यज्ञं बर्हिषि प्रौक्षन्‌ पुरुषं जातमग्रत:’ – तपस्वी ऋषि मुनियों ने सर्वप्रथम उत्पन्न यज्ञ  पुरुष को अपने हृदय में प्रबुद्ध किया ।

इसीलिए यज्ञ ईश्वर और धर्म का प्रतीक है। समस्त का धारणकर्ता होने के कारणही यज्ञजो प्रजाओं का भरण पोषण व  धारण कराता है यज्ञ धर्म कहलाता है ।

     यज्ञों में मन्त्रों  का विनियोग वेदार्थाधीन  होना चाहिए  

1.   एतं भागं परि ददामि विद्वान्विश्वकर्मन्प्रथमजा ऋतस्य  ।

अस्माभिर्दत्तं जरसः परस्तादछिन्नं तन्तुं अनु सं तरेम  । ।AV6.122.1

Wise man perceives that the bounties provided by Nature from the very beginning are only not be considered as merely rewards earned for his labor but considers himself as a trustee for all the blessings from Almighty to be dedicated for welfare of family and society. Dedication of His bounties ensures that life flows smoothly as normal even when the individuals are past their prime active life to participate in livelihood chores. (This system enables the human society to ensure sustainable happiness. People must dedicate their bounties in welfare and charity of family and society- by performing various Yajnas to protect environments, biodiversity and bring up good well trained progeny.)

संसार का विश्वकर्मा के रूप में परमेश्वर सृष्टि के आरम्भ से ही मानव को अनेक उपलब्धियां प्रदान करता है. बुद्धिमान जन का इस दैवीय कृपा को समाज और परिवार के प्रति समर्पण भाव से देखता है और पञ्च महायज्ञों द्वारा अपना दायित्व निभाता है.    इसी शैलि से सुंस्कृत सुखी समाज का निर्माण होता है. जिस में समाज सुखी और सम्पन्न बनता है. वृद्धावस्था को प्राप्त हुए जन भी आत्म सम्मान से जीवन बिता पाते हैं,पर्यावरण शुद्ध और सुरक्षित होता है.  ( यजुर्वेद का उपदेश “ईशा वास्यमिदँ  सर्वं यत्किञ्च जगत्या जगत्‌”भी यही बताता है कि जो भी जगत में हमारी उपलब्धियां हैं वे सब परमेश्वर की ही हैं. हम केवल प्रतिशासकTrustee हैं,  इस सब का मालिक तो परमेश्वर ही है. और हमारा दायित्व परमेश्वर की  इस देन को संसार,समाज,परिवार  के प्रति अपना दायित्व निभाकर सब की उन्नति को समर्पण करना ही है.)

भूत यज्ञ

2.   ततं तन्तुं अन्वेके तरन्ति येषां दत्तं पित्र्यं आयनेन  ।

अबन्ध्वेके ददतः प्रयछन्तो दातुं चेच्छिक्षान्त्स स्वर्ग एव  । ।AV6.122.2

Those who live by the ideals of their virtuous parents and utilize their bounties to dedicate themselves to the cause of providing for the society and environments as also take care and provide good education to their orphaned brothers,  make their own destiny to be part of a happy society and have a happy family life.

जो जन इस संसार में उन को मिली उपलब्धियों को एक यज्ञ का परिणाम मात्र समझते हैं वे (स्वयं इन यज्ञों को करते  हैं ) और सब ऋणों से मुक्त हो जाते हैं .

जो अनाथों के लिए सेवा करते हुए उन्हे समर्थ बनाने के अच्छे प्रयास करते हैं उन का जीवन स्वर्गमय हो जाता है.

अतिथियज्ञ , बलिवैश्वदेव यज्ञ व देवयज्ञ

3.   अन्वारभेथां अनुसंरभेथां एतं लोकं श्रद्दधानाः सचन्ते  ।

यद्वां पक्वं परिविष्टं अग्नौ तस्य गुप्तये दम्पती सं श्रयेथां  । ।AV6.122.3

This is an enjoined duty of the house holders to share with dedication and respectfully their food with guests, in to fire for latently sharing with environments and to the innumerable diverse living creatures.

दम्पतियों का  (गृहस्थाश्रम में) यह कर्तव्य है कि भोजन बनाते हैं उस को श्रद्धा के साथ अग्नि को गुप्त रूप से पर्यावरण की सुरक्षा, अतिथि सेवा, और और पर्यावरण मे जैव विविधता के संरक्षण मे लगाएं

यज्ञमय जीवन

4.   यज्ञं यन्तं मनसा बृहन्तं अन्वारोहामि तपसा सयोनिः  ।

उपहूता अग्ने जरसः परस्तात्तृतीये नाके सधमादं मदेम  । ।AV6.122.4

By setting an example of following a life devoted earn an honest living and fulfilling one’s duties in performing his duties towards environments, society and family development of an appropriate temperament   takes place. That ensures a peaceful heaven like happy atmosphere in family and off springs that ensures a comfortable life for the old elderly retired persons.

तप ( सदैव कर्मठ बने रहने के स्वभाव से ) और यज्ञ पञ्च महायज्ञ के पालन  करने से उत्पन्न  मानसिकता के विकास द्वारा  जीवन का उच्च श्रेणी का बन जाता  है. ऐसी व्यवस्था में, दु:ख रहित पुत्र पौत्र परिवार और समाज के स्वर्ग तुल्य जिव्वन में मानव की तृतीय जीवन अवस्था (वानप्रस्थ और उपरान्त) हर्ष  से स्वीकृत होती है.

परिवार के प्रति दायित्व (उत्तम सन्तति व्यवस्था)

5.   शुद्धाः पूता योषितो यज्ञिया इमा ब्रह्मणां हस्तेषु प्रपृथक्सादयामि  ।

यत्काम इदं अभिषिञ्चामि वोऽहं इन्द्रो मरुत्वान्त्स ददातु तन्मे  । ।AV6.122.5

Bring up your children to develop virtuous, pure, honest temperaments. Find suitable virtuous husbands for your daughters to marry, in order that they in their turn bring up good virtuous progeny for sustaining a good society.

पुत्रियों का  शुद्ध पवित्र पालन कर के  उत्तम ब्राह्मण गुण युक्त वर खोज कर उन से पाणिग्रहण संस्कार करावें. (जिस से समाज का) इंद्र गुण वाली और ( मरुत्वान्‌ -स्वस्थ जीवन शैलि वाली विद्वान) संतान की वृद्धि  हो.(इस मंत्र में वेद भारतीय परम्परा में संतान को ब्रह्मचर्य  पालन और उच्च शिक्षा के साथ स्वच्छ पौष्टिक आहार के  संस्कार दे कर ,अपने समय पर विवाहोपरांत  स्वयं गृहस्थ आश्रम में प के स्वस्थ विद्वान संतति से समाज  कि व्यवस्था का निभाने का दायित्व  बताया है.)


1.   एतं सधस्थाः परि वो ददामि यं शेवधिं आवहाज्जातवेदः  ।

अन्वागन्ता यजमानः स्वस्ति तं स्म जानीत परमे व्योमन् । ।AV6.123.1

Creation of wealth is made possible by excellent knowledge and contribution of efforts by the society. It is imperative that the individuals in control of the wealth are duty bound to ensure that all wealth and knowledge are  used in the welfare of the entire creation and that creates heaven on earth..

समस्त धन ऐश्वर्य वेदोक्त ज्ञान और सब के सहयोग का फल है ।  धन और ज्ञान के  कोष  का  समस्त संसार के कल्याण में उपयोग  करने से ही भूमि पर स्वर्ग स्थापित होता है ।

2.   जानीत स्मैनं परमे व्योमन्देवाः सधस्था विद लोकं अत्र  ।

अन्वागन्ता यजमानः स्वस्तीष्टापूर्तं स्म कृणुताविरस्मै  । ।AV6.123.2

(जानीत स्मैनं परमे व्योमन्देवाः सधस्था विद लोकं अत्र) यहां यह निश्चित रूप से जानो कि जब इस संसार में विद्वान लोग एक दूसरे के सहायक बन कर कल्याणकारी कार्यों से स्वर्ग स्थापित करते हैं, जब  (यजमान: स्वस्ति अनु  आगन्ता ) – यज्ञशील पुरुष अधिक से भी अधिक कल्याण कारी सुख प्राप्त करते हैं , जब वे (अस्मै इष्टापूर्तम्‌ आवि: कृणोतु)  – इस कल्याण प्रप्ति के लिए लोक हित कार्यों को पूर्ण करने  में अपना अपना निजी कर्तव्य निभाते  हैं ।

This is a fact that when all people engage collectively in carrying out their individual duties and tasks in the interest of community that fulfill the needs felt by the community welfare of all creates heaven on earth.

3.   देवाः पितरः पितरो देवाः  ।यो अस्मि सो अस्मि  । । AV6.123.3

देवता स्वरूप मनुष्य दूसरों के संरक्षण भरण पोषण में अपना दायित्व कर्तव्य निभाते  हैं जैसे पितर माता पिता संतान के प्रति , इसी प्रकार जो समाज के संरक्षण, भरण पोषण में सेवा कार्य करते  हैं वे देवता स्वरूप  ही होते हैं।

The enlightened persons engage themselves in positive actions that provide for and protect others, just as parents do for their children. Also those who provide for and help others by protecting them are enlightened people.


4.    स पचामि स ददामि  ।स यजे स दत्तान्मा यूषं  । ।AV6.123.4

Dedicate and give away all that you produce and work for. Never forsake the principle of dedicating to giving away all that you produce.

(This Ved mantra contains a very important message for any society. Every one engaging himself in any task such as being self employed or otherwise in an office or industry must realize and appreciate that his entire work is a service towards the large community, society and nation. That he is engaged in his work not for earning his personal livelihood but for making his contribution towards welfare of all. And in return he is getting his share for his services thus rendered. (This is where the Vedic ideal of enshrined in Ashtang Yog of Yam and Niyam comes in to play for a stable strife /conflict free society. The non ostentatious simple  life style promoted for all should be such as everyone is able to live , irrespective of the work being performed by him. There should be little gap in the visible life style of rich and poor.

Gandhi ji called it as a self chosen lifestyle of simple living as a poor.

Inefficiency, trade union conflicts between employees and employers would vanish In modern industries and offices if employees are made to realize that they are to perform their duties as service and in larger cause of society . And the bosses, the employers in charge of the wealth and power are made to realize that they   trustees of the wealth and should make it available for welfare of all.

In the past under this Vedic directive kings and wealthy persons used to dedicate and donate all their extra wealth at the feet of divinities in the temples. Temples were expected to promote actions to build the society by promoting character building by education, study of Vedas, enabling skills and norms of good cows, agriculture, social community services etc. When over a period of time our temples no longer carried out these functions properly by utilizing the donations received by them, vast landed properties, wealth and gold started accumulating in the temples. This attracted hordes of foreign marauding invaders to mount regular periodic attacks on our temples to repeatedly raid India to plunder and loot our temples, destroy any resistance offered take slaves of our men and abduct our women. In fact the intervals between attacks on India by Mahmud Gazanavi and Mohammed Ghori gave them a very good estimate of the annual income generated in India by the areas commanded by different temples. The amount of annual tributes fixed for various Muslim governors that were appointed by them after wards was  based on the estimates of the income generation in the respective provinces.

Thus inaction by non performance by our temples of their duties in using temple wealth for service of the society was the main cause for downfall of our great nation.

And the greatest reformer of India in modern age, Swami Dayanand Saraswati had to point out that Idolatry that had led to establishment of these temples as institutions to become huge sources of power and wealth were  the main cause of decline of our society.)

5.   नाके राजन्प्रति तिष्ठ तत्रैतत्प्रति तिष्ठतु  ।

विद्धि पूर्तस्य नो राजन्त्स देव सुमना भव  । ।AV6.123.5

इस प्रकार प्रशस्त मन वाला , दीप्त जीवन वाला साधक राजा इत्यादि जन वेदों के उपदेश आधारित यज्ञादि उत्तम कर्मों के द्वारा सुखमय लोक (स्वर्ग)  में प्रतिष्ठित होते  हैं .

Thus enlightened persons and kings , perform various yajnas  according to Vedic wisdom and establish heaven on earth by providing happy life for everybody.

Gross Happiness Entrepreneurship


RV1.3 Gross Happiness Entrepreneurship

Author:- Subodh Kumar

ऋषि:-  मधुच्छन्दा वैश्वामित्र:, देवता:- 1-3 अश्विनौ, 4-3 इन्द्र:ू; 7-9 विश्वेदेवा:; 10-12 सरस्वती छंद-  गायत्री 

शिल्प ज्ञान उन्नति का आधार

Life sustainability by technology

अश्विना यज्वरीरिषो द्रवत्पाणी शुभस्पती 

पुरुभुजा चनस्यतम् ।। RV 1.3.1 (Dayanand Bhashyaadharit)

On universal scale – (द्रवत्पाणी) seek fast material growth of (पुरुभुजा) food and means that provide health (शुभस्पती) for welfare of all by (अश्विना) employing the twins of Solar energy resources and Water resources (यज्वरी:)with application technological skills (इषा:) providing objects of desire such as food & facilities (चनस्यपतम्‌) for getting selectedand liked by all.

समष्टि रूप में– (द्रवत्पाणी) शीघ्रता से समृद्धि  पाने के लिए (पुरुभुजा) सब के बल और स्वास्थ्य के लिए(इषा:) अन्नादि ऐच्छिक पदार्थों  (चनस्यपतम्‌) की  सात्विक प्राप्ति के लिए (अश्विना) प्राकृतिक  उपलब्द्ध अग्नि सौर ऊर्जा और जल तत्व के प्रयोग से  (यज्वरी:) भौतिक यज्ञादि कुशल कर्मों में प्रवृत्त होवें .

व्यष्टि रूप में – On another level प्राणापान को अश्विना शब्द से स्मरण किया जाता है. कि ये ‘ न श्व:’ यह निश्चित नहीं कि ये कल  भी रहेंगे ,और यह सदैव क्रिया करते रहते हैं .  इन्हीं के कारण यह मानव शरीर चल रहा है, भूख लग रही है और सब इच्छाएं प्रकट हो रही हैं . (यज्वरी:) यज्ञशील बनने के लिए (इषा:) अन्नदि इच्छित पदार्थ  (चनस्यपतम्‌) सात्विकता का जीवन में चयन आवश्यक है. प्राणायाम द्वारा तामसिक वृत्तियों आलस्य काम क्रोध इत्यादि के परित्याग से सात्विक वृत्तियों अहिंसा कर्मठता आत्मविश्वास यज्ञशील जीवन से ही प्रगति और सुख समृद्धि प्राप्त होती है.


प्रोद्योगकि शिक्षा

Technical Education  

1.   अश्विना पुरुदंससा नरा शवीरया धिया । धिष्ण्या वनतं गिर: ।। RV 1.3.2

(अश्विना)To employ energy and material resources   (पुरुदंससा) for technologies that provides many solutions (नरा शवीरया) for speedy  implementation  (धिया) bring to knowledge । (धिष्ण्या) by fast communication methods (वनतं) to users ( गिर: ) by lecturing education.

(सौर) ऊर्जा और पदार्थ (जलादि) संसाधनों के वैज्ञानिक प्रयोग से शीघ्र  उत्तम उपब्धियों के लिए उत्तमगुरु जन उपदेश द्वारा शिक्षा प्राप्त कराएं

विषमता नाशक ज्ञान

Knowledge to remove hardship

3.दस्रा युवाकव: सुता नासत्या वृक्तबर्हिष: । आ यातं रुद्रवर्तनी ।। RV1.3.3

(दस्रा: ) that which  removes hardship  (युवाकव: ) multidiscipline ( सुता) born out of ( नासत्या ) that which is flawless (वृक्तबर्हिष: ) expert consultants- can also be pathogen destroying herbal covers   । (आ यातं) bring in common use (रुद्रवर्तनी) That does not allow any harm to come.

कठिनाइयों विषमता का नाश ही औद्योगिक शिल्प  ज्ञान की उपब्धि है.


शिल्प ज्ञान  की उपलब्धियां

Gifts of Entrepreneurship

4.इन्द्रा याहि चित्रभानो सुता इमे त्वायव: । अण्वीभिस्तना पूतास: ।। RV1.3.4

(इन्द्रा याहि)The entrepreneurs by (अण्वीभिस्तना पूतास 🙂 utilizing their knowledge and paying attention to the minutest inputs (सुता) create (इमे त्वायव :)by their efforts (चित्रभानो) amazingly useful results.

सूक्ष्म से सूक्ष्म विषय पर ध्यान दे कर अपने ज्ञान के सदुपयोग से शिल्प द्वारा आश्चर्यजनक  उपलब्धियां सम्भव होती हैं.

चमत्कारी आविष्कार 

Creation of innovative products

5. इन्द्रा याहि धियेषितो विप्रजूत: सुतावत: । उप ब्रह्माणि वाघत: ।। RV1.3.5

(इन्द्रा याहि) The entrepreneurs (धियेषितो विप्रजूत: उप ब्रह्माणि) by intelligent knowledge application (सुतावत: वाघत) create very useful products.

सफल शिल्पी अत्यंत सफल आविष्कारक  होते हैं

नवीन आविष्कार

New Technological products  

6. इन्द्रा याहि तूतुजान उपब्रह्माणि हरिव: । सुते दधिष्व नश्चन: ।। RV1.3.6

(इन्द्रा याहि) The entrepreneurs (सुते दधिष्व नश्चन:) create useful food etc. every day use products ( तूतुजान उपब्रह्माणि हरिव: ) by excellent knowledge base highly productive methods.

प्रोद्योगिकि शिक्षा का लक्ष्य

Objects of Technical  Education  

7. ओमासश्चर्षणीधृतो विश्वे देवास  गत  दाश्वांसो दाशुष: सुतम् ।। RV1.3.7

Our education should inculcate in our progeny the fearless temperament respecting laws of Nature to provide full protection on physical and mental level to us by good health and virtuous thoughts  for the sustainability of individual and society.  

हमारी संतान की बुद्धि  में सत्य शिक्षा के उपदेशों द्वारा वे सब देवताओं के गुण स्थापित होने चाहिएं  जिस से शरीर और मन की मलिनता  दूर हो कर निर्भय, विद्वत और दानवान आचरण स्थापित हो.


शिक्षकों का दायित्व Role of Teachers

8.विश्वे देवासो अप्तुर: सुतमा गन्त तूर्णय:  उस्रा इव स्वसराणि ।। RV1.3.8

(सुतम्‌) To provide enlightenment (विश्वे देवास🙂 all the world’s teachers (आगंत)should visit daily (अप्तुर: तूर्णय:) for speedy teaching  (उस्रा इव) like sun’s rays (स्वसराणि) that  bring day light.

जिस प्रकार सूर्य प्रकाश से अंधकार को दूर करता है , उसी प्रकार सब गुरुजनों को शीघ्र ज्ञान के प्रकाश का दान को देने के लिए  आना चाहिए


शिक्षा का  परिणाम Results of Education

9.विश्वे देवासो अस्रिध एहिमायासो अद्रुह:  मेधं जुषन्त वह्नय: ।। RV1.3.9

(अस्रिध:) Confident of their knowledge (एहिमायास:) knowledge based action oriented community (विश्वे देवास🙂 all knowledgeable persons (मेधम्‌) by implementing your knowledge based skills  (अद्रुह:) without causing destruction (to environment and society) (वह्नय:) bring welfare to all.

अपनी कर्म प्रधान शिल्प शिक्षा में दृढ़ आत्मविश्वास द्वारा सब ज्ञानवान वीर जनों बिना पर्यावरण और समाज  को क्षति पहुंचाए ,अपने शिल्प के ज्ञान से  संसार में सुख साधन उत्पन्न करो.

 उत्तम ज्ञानाधारित वाणि का महत्व  

Good articulate communication

10.पावका न: सरस्वती वाजेभिर्वाजिनिवती । यज्ञं वष्टु धियावसु: ।।RV 1.3.10

(सरस्वती)Knowledge enabled articulation is (Here importance of keeping one’s knowledge up to date should also be seen.)   (न:) for us ( पावका वाजेभिर्वाजिनिवती) provider of unsullied meritorious virtuous means of habitat  and strength.(धियावसु: )Provide the society thus with excellent (ecologically sustainable) habitat (यज्ञं वष्टु) by implementation of smart projects.

उत्तम ज्ञान आधारित वाणि, पवित्र योजनाओं को कार्यान्वित करने की क्षमता प्रदान करती है. ( यहां अपने ज्ञान को इस स्वाध्याय द्वारा उन्नत करने का भी महत्व देखा जाता है )  इस प्रकार समाज के कल्याण के  सुख साधन पर्यावरण को दूषित किए बिना उपलब्ध करो.


मिथ्याचरण का त्याग Take Ethical Stand

11.चोदयित्री सूनृतानां चेतन्ती सुमतीनाम् | यज्ञं दधे सरस्वती ।। RV1.3.11

(चोदयित्री चेतन्ती सरस्वती) Have the ability to perceive, stand up and speak the truth (सूनृतानां सुमतीनाम्) by rejecting wrong ideas and following wise path (यज्ञं दधे)in implementation of the projects.

मिथ्याचरण का त्याग और सुमति को व्यक्त करने की अपनी  वाणि मे क्षमता द्वारा पथ भ्रष्ट योजनाओं के स्थान पर कल्याण कारी  योजनाएं कार्यान्वित करो .

उत्तम वाणि शासन का मूलमंत्र

Secret of success- Excellent Articulation

12.महो अर्ण: सरस्वती प्र चेतयति केतुना  यो विश्वा वि राजति ।। RV1.3.12

(महो अर्ण: सरस्वती प्र चेतयति केतुना ) One who has at his command the ocean of knowledge reflected in his speech, ( यो विश्वा वि राजति) he rules the world.

जिस की (सरस्वती) वाणि (केतुना) शुभ कर्म , श्रेष्ठ बुद्धि से (मह:) अगाध (अर्ण:)  शब्दरूपी समुद्र को (प्रचेतसी) जानने वाली है, ( यो विश्वा वि राजति) वही शासनाध्यक्ष होता है

Shyamji Krishna Varma- His Making and Dayanad Saraswati , By Vidhu

shyam ji


Shyamaji Krishna Varma was born on 4 October 1857 in Mandvi (in the Kutch province of modern day Gujarat).  His mother died when he was only 11 years old, after which he was raised by his grandmother.  After finishing school he moved to Mumbai for further education.  It was here that the seminal event of his life occurred; he came to the notice of Svami Dayanand Sarasvati who had founded the first Arya Samaj in Mumbai in 1875.  

Varma spoke Sanskrit so well that he impressed Dayanand (the greatest scholar of Sanskrit India has produced in recent millennia) immensely.  Varma’s brilliance as a young student of Sanskrit led to his becoming a disciple of Dayanand, who recognised such enormous potential in Varma that – despite his many other commitments – he took to, personally, tutoring Varma so as to optimise his knowledge of the intricacies of the grammar of Vedic Sanskrit.  Varma was soon competent to lecture on Vedic philosophy and religion, so much so that in 1877, a public speaking tour brought him to national prominence as well as to the attention of Monier Williams, an Oxford professor of Sanskrit who offered Shyamaji a job as his assistant.

As India’s first ardent nationalist under British rule, Dayanand had not only led Varma to the Vedas but also imbued in him the spirit of Nationalism necessary to build an independence movement brick by brick.  He therefore encouraged the young Shyamji to travel to the United Kingdom for higher studies and to subsequently further the cause of independence of India.  In truth, Dayanand fervently desired that the Vedic Dharma would spread to the West and saw Varma as an ideal messenger to propagate that cause.

With the help of a recommendation of Williams, Shyamji arrived in England to join Balliol College Oxford on 25 April 1879.  He returned to India in 1885 to start practice as a lawyer. After a short stay in Mumbai he settled in Ajmer, the ex-headquarters of his mentor Dayanand who by then had tragically had died in 1883, and continued his practice at the British Court in Ajmer. He went on to act as a minister in a number of Indian princely states in India.

]Due to tensions in his relationship with the colonial Crown authority, he was dismissed from such a position at Junagadh and chose to return to England in 1897; this bitter experience having shaken his faith in British Rule.  One of the effects of the British ruling India was that Indians started to move to Britain, primarily to seek further education.  Unfortunately, however, many such Indian students encountered racism when seeking living accommodation in England.   This is where Varma stamped an important mark on Indian history, because it was he who founded India House, a building in London he had bought as his home in 1900 which, in 1905, started a new life as a hostel for Indian students, based at 65 Cromwell Avenue, Highgate.

Krishna Varma was a great admirer of the work of Herbert Spencer, and his dictum that “Resistance to aggression is not simply justified, but imperative” [a Vedic dictum first defined thousands of years earlier by Lord Krishna in the Geeta].  Thus was born his plan for India House to become the locus for incubating an Indian revolutionary movement in Europe; it rapidly developed as an organised meeting point for radical nationalists among Indian students in England at that time and as one of the most prominent centres for Indian nationalism outside India.  Famous people to have later contact with this organisation were Gandhi, Lenin and Lala Lajpat Rai.  Later in 1905, he founded a periodical, the Indian Sociologist , and a society, the Indian Home Rule Society both intended to inspire sympathisers in the UK to lobby for political and social freedom as well as religious reform. Later still that year, at the United Congress of Democrats held in London, Shyamji spoke as a delegate of the India Home Rule Society.  His resolution on India’s future received a standing ovation from the entire conference.  Important to note is that he avoided the Indian National Congress , but instead kept in contact with various liberals, nationalists, social democrats and Irish Republicans.

Inevitably, such activities aroused the concern of the British government: Shyamji was disbarred from the Inner Temple and removed from its membership list on 30 April 1909 for writing anti-British articles in the Indian Sociologist.  Most of the British press were critical of Shyamji and carried outrageous allegations, against him and his newspaper, which he defended them boldly. The Times referred to him as the “Notorious Krishnavarma“.  His movements were so closely watched by British Secret Services that he decided to shift his headquarters to Paris, leaving India House in charge of Vir Sarvakar.

It was in 1907 that Shyamji left Britain secretly, to evade arrest by the British government, and moved to Paris. The British government’s attempts to extradite him from France failed, it is said, because he gained the support of many top French politicians.  Shyamji’s work in Paris helped gain support from people in other European countries, including Russia, for Indian Independence.  In 1914, as a result of France and Britain signing the Entente Cordiale, Varma thought it safest to move to Geneva.  For the best part of the next decade he continued to devote himself energetically to the mission of agitating for India’s independence.

It is probably appropriate to conclude that he is one of India’s unsung heroes in terms of his place in the history written about its struggle for independence, that is – so far – history has been unkind to him in not according him with the credit he merits for his contribution to India becoming free.  This is partially mitigated by a new town in his native state of Kutch being named, in the 1970s, Shyamji Krishna Varmanagar in his memory; later he was similarly honoured by the University of Kutch being renamed after him.

Shyamji Krishan Varma died in 1930 at the age of 73.  News of his death was suppressed by the British government in India.  Nevertheless tributes were paid to him in Lahore by Bhagat Singh and other inmates who were in jail at the time whilst undergoing a long and drawn out trial.  It was not until 22 August 2003 that his ashes reached India, when they were handed over to the then Chief Minister of Gujarat State, Narendra Modi by the Ville de Genève and the Swiss government – 55 years after India had become independent.  A memorial called Kranti Tirth dedicated to his memory was built and inaugurated in 2010 near his birth-place in Gujarat, Mandvi.  This museum houses his ashes, as well as a full scale replica of India House and galleries dedicated to other activists of the Indian independence movement.



Can it be, uncharitably, suggested that Varma failed to deliver the outcomes expected of him by Svami Dayanand?  It is a fact that before he died he wrote at least one anxious letter to Varma in England, inquiring about the progress he was making in propagating the Vedic Dharma.  With hindsight, it would be fair to say that Dayanand’s dream was that Varma would – after Dayanand’s death – make the same type of impact in the West, would go on to make in successfully spotlighting Hinduism in the West.

Similarly, is it fair to lament that Varma, in his later life, became closer to the philosophy of Herbert Spencer than that of Dayanand?  If so, in mitigation, it must also be recognised that Dayanand’s dream was unrealisable in the context of when and where Varma lived after leaving India; being estranged from India in the era before air travel must have severely compromised his connections with the Arya Samaj movement.

In that light, it sadly must be conceded that Varma did not measure up to Vivekanand’s overall greatness, despite having the intellect and education to potentially do so.  As we know, Vivekanand failed in facilitating the conversion to Hinduism of large western populations; a result that is entirely understandable when considering flaws in the ideology of neo-Vedantism such as advaita, polytheism and idol worship. Persevering with in this speculative, and pathetic, lament leads one to next ask whether the Arya Samaj’s history would have been different if Varma had remained in India for his entire life?  If so, perhaps the Vedic Dharma would have put down stronger roots in India – roots it seems that are less vigorous today than Dayanand hoped for?





In Modi’s Victory is India’s Victory! Dr. Dharmveer


It is ludicrous to see people in the country debating on the capabilities required for the
position of India’s Prime Minister. In a country where Manmohan Singh could remain
the Prime Minister for 10 years, this discussion is a sheer waste of time and energy.
During his tenure, capabilities of the Prime Minister became a popular subject of
mockery and ridicule in media. As an example, a journalist once asked Manmohan
Singh, “What is two plus two?” He answered, “It should be four but let me first confirm it
with Sonia ji”. When a person like him can become India’s Prime Minister, then surely
there should be no doubt on the candidature of Narendra Modi. The only requirement
here is a majority in Parliament, capability is immaterial.! !
If someone thinks being an economist justifies Manmohan Singh’s capability to be the
Prime Minister, it is naiveté. This economist has only contributed in further ruining our
economy. There are scores of people who, in name, are the officers of the Government
of India but actually serve the American interests. Having worked earlier for them in
Institutions like the World Bank etc., they still take pride in taking orders from them.
Whether it is Mr. Manmohan Singh or Mr. Ahluwalia of the Planning Commission or our
Finance Minister, Mr. P Chindambaram, their loyalties lie with America rather than
India. Manmohan Singh left no stone unturned to achieve the Nuclear deal with the US.
He went so far as to bribe for the vote but ultimately fulfilled the US desire to accomplish
the deal. Similarly for FDI, the government bent over backwards to ensure that it was in
accordance with America’s wishes, completely neglecting Indian interests. All regional
Governments, belonging to the Opposition parties, opposed this decision, but Mr. Singh
did not heed anyone and went ahead with it. Is this the eligibility and qualification we are
talking about?! !
In India, normally, the President is a nominal head, but for the first time, India’s Prime
Minister became one. Mr. Manmohan Singh held the office but the real power remained
with Sonia Gandhi. The country in reality was being run from 10, Janpath. The decisions
taken there were released from the PMO. To be a part of Sonia Gandhi’s Council (as is
now revealed in Mr. Baru’s book: The Accidental Prime Minister), one did not have to
contest an election or be a Cabinet Minister. Being her loyalist was good enough. This
membership however had one clause – one needed to hate India and everything Indian.
If one’s heart filled with hatred on hearing the word “Hindu”, then no other qualification
was required. The greater your efforts to disintegrate India and Hindus, the more points
you gained. The perfect example of this is the “Communal violence Bill”. Sonia Gandhi
and her team would forever regret not being able to pass this bill. Efforts to shut all
Hindu Institutions and organizations, spending the offerings made to the temples for
spreading Islam and Christianity, treasury of the temples being spent on Madarsas and
missionaries, these have been the major contributions of this Government. Maligning
the image of Hindu saints and Institutions, putting Hindu reformers in jail in the name of
“Hindu Terrorism” and charging them with false accusations is what the Government has
done in the last ten years. Is this the qualification required for India’s top job?! !
“Minorities have the first right to this country’s resources” – This ideal statement by
India’s Prime Minister is the result of the policies implemented by his Government.
Never before in the history of India, were the terrorists and traitors bestowed with so
much honor and wealth as has been done by this Government, all in the name of being
from a minority community. It was only possible in Sonia’s and Manmohan’s
Government for a nation to declare its majority population as terrorists and the actual
terrorists as innocent. In a recent interview, Mr. RN Singh, who was until very recently
an officer of RAW (India’s external intelligence Agency), made a most startling
revelation on Mumbai’s 26/11 attacks: the Manmohan Singh Government and Sonia
Gandhi had planned to declare the Mumbai attack as a Hindu Terrorist Attack.
According to this plan, Ajmal Kasab was to commit suicide, then there would have been
no proof of who was behind the attack and it could have been easily termed as an
attack by the Hindu Terrorists. It would have had two advantages: Islamic Terrorism
would have been spared from another act of disgrace and all Muslim votes would have
come to the Congress. The Hindus would have borne the brunt of the incident and could
have easily been put at par with Islamic Terrorism. Shri RN Singh also revealed that
there is an ongoing conspiracy to create a history of Hindu terrorism. The Malegaon
blasts and then the Samajhauta Express accident were both declared as Hindu terrorist
acts. Some army officials were accused of being co-conspirators. It was said that they
stole RDX from the army. This is a baseless allegation, as RDX is not even used by the
army. However these people were and are still being arrested, jailed and tortured. Is
this the qualification and eligibility of Manmohan Singh that we are talking about?! !
Criticizing the Indian Army and lowering its morale, restricting and interfering with the
Army actions on the borders, unprecedented corruption and nepotism in the purchase of
Aircrafts, submarines and helicopters – They did everything in their power to weaken the
army. Humiliating its own Army General on some random issue and appointing corrupt
officials in his place is dishonesty and treason towards one’s own country. Being a
traitor is the sole qualification that he has. ! !
Manmohan Singh’s government conveniently ignored the attacks and tortures on our
soldiers by China, Pakistan and Bangladesh. China has been repeatedly encroaching
our borders. Forget about retaliation, the government did not even register a token
protest. Only those who have no respect and love for their country can behave like that. ! !
Under their skewed policies of Muslim appeasement at all cost, the Government
destroyed the entire security structure of the country. With fake encounters and a pro
terrorist policy, it made the Intelligence Bureau (India’s internal security agency) fight
with RAW (Research Analysis Wing, External security agency of India) and with the CBI.
It not only undermined the reputation and prestige of these services, but lowered the
morale of the officers working in them, making India even more vulnerable. It had no
scruples in humiliating those who sacrificed their lives for the country. They were not
even spared posthumously. The terrorism in Punjab could not have been tackled without
a brave and dedicated officer like Mr. Gill. Even he was not spared. A low level officer
was instigated to accuse him of the death of innocent people in fake encounters. There
is no security apparatus that has not been systematically destroyed and no department
whose officers have not been left disenchanted. On various international fora, in the
parliament, foreign missions and other platforms, they talked again and again about
saffron terror, Hindu Terror and RSS terror. Hindus have been made synonymous with
terrorism and RSS has been portrayed as the training ground for Hindu terrorists. This
is the game plan through which they plan to rule this nation. ! !
Whilst patriots were being punished for doing their duties, the traitors were being
showered with awards and honors. Dr. Binayak Sen, a known Maoist sympathizer and
activist, was arrested on account of his anti-national activities. Human Rights agencies
worked over-night to get him released and even came to India to inspect our justice
system. Finally when released on bail, it was celebrated as justice having prevailed. On
his release, Dr. Binayak Sen was promplty made a member of the Planning
Commission. He is now working towards punishing the people who work for the country.! !
India is being attacked by terrorists and they are being protected by the Government
and the NGOs. This is a strange country where its own Government first invites
terrorists, then provides them protection by standing between the terrorists and
judiciary. Our forces are sent on the borders with their hands tied. The terrorists decide
the number of soldiers and army posts for different areas. For instance, though the
armed forces have been successful in crushing the terrorist movement in Kashmir, the
only credit they ever got was that of destroying innocent lives. The Armed Forces
Special Act, which has helped in nabbing terrorists, is seen as a violation of Human
Rights. Nowadays we hear voices saying that the number of army men in Kashmir
needs to be reduced and the Armed Forces Special Act to be expunged. Kashmir being
a part of India is being contested by those organizations which are funded by terrorist
organizations. Prashant Bhushan, a known terrorist sympathizer, has no qualms in
declaring Kashmir a part of Pakistan. His political organization “AAP” shows Kashmir as
a part of Pakistan. Is providing patronage to anti nationals the only qualification to be
India’s Prime Minister?!
The Government forbids our soldiers from opening fire. It says if you have to fire, fire
slowly. Army is still to understand what is meant by that. It is a gross misfortune and
injustice to our soldiers that if they act under the instructions of the Government,
innocent people lose their lives and they are termed inefficient. If they do their duty and
kill terrorists, they face legal action for causing fake encounters. This Government
naturally considers the life of a single terrorist far more valuable than the lives of
hundreds of innocent men and women.! !
During Punjab insurgency about 20,000–25,000 people lost their lives. In Kashmir,
40,000 people died due to terror attacks. Naxalites have killed thousands in different
parts of India. No Government, no NGO or Human Rights Group talks about them, their
rights and our duty towards them. When a terrorist is killed in an encounter, NGOs,
Human Rights Groups and even foreign Governments come forward to his defense. Not
to mention the Government of India being the front runner. Laws are normally there to
protect the citizens of the country; the only law that is an exception is the “Human
Rights Law”. No other law has been abused the way this law has been. The primary
purpose of this law is to protect the terrorists. It is safe to say that it has become the first
and the last refuge of the scoundrels masquerading as the Government of India and
Non-Governmental Organizations. They get funding for providing protection to terrorists.
People of India don’t mean anything to these self-serving groups. We need a law that
protects India and the Indians who fight for the country and this certainly cannot be
done by this Government. ! !
Today, using these laws we have been enslaved by these organizations and people,
who are keen on breaking India into fragments. Today more than ever we need
someone who calls this country as his own, who stands for this country, represents this
country and believes in it. We need someone who can become a symbol of a capable,
strong and great nation.! !
For the last 15 years there is only one person who has been fighting these anti national
forces. Yes he is not a top notch economist and doesn’t hold a foreign degree, the
degree that is awarded only by USA’s approval. He has been called harbinger of death,
a terrorist and Hitler. Muslims and Christians call him an enemy of the minority
communities. For the last 10 years, the Government of India has left no stone unturned
to demonize him. All Government agencies have been trying to prove him guilty. All
Commissions, foreign Governments, Institutions want to see him behind bars. To enable
this, the Supreme Court appointed the SIT outside of Gujarat. No Literature Fest, no
news article or program, no event is complete without denouncing him. To the pseudo
intelligentsia of this nation, his name is synonymous with evil and terrorism. Christians
don’t trust him and Muslims see him as their enemy. Politically he is a pariah. His own
party people consider him arrogant. Governments of Europe and United States, all
news channels, all newspapers, all leading politicians, foreign journals, and his own
party men have used all their might to destroy him, to defeat and demean him. The
reporters even found out his estranged wife, leveled snooping charges, and he is still
standing unfazed, undefeated and firm. He is challenging his enemies. Is this quality not
enough to be the Prime Minister of India? Narendra Modi is the Arjun of this
Mahabharat. He is heard saying like Arjuna – ‘Neither will I run away nor will I plead!!

It was not Mahatma Gandhi who started the struggle for India’s independence

not mahatma

Author : Dr. Vibhu

The accuracy of the history of India as, contained in modern-day records, has been much criticised over the decades since India freed itself from British colonisation. The ‘official’ version, as accepted both in India and abroad, needs re-evaluation; as is always the case in dealing with the question ‘what is the truth?’ considerable intellectual integrity will be required to chart a course through this controversy.

To begin with, it must be remembered that India has – in truth – secured independence twice over, not once. The first victory was that of gaining freedom from Islamic rule by the Mughal dynasty; the contribution of the Sikhs in Punjab deserves to be singled out as being key in this success. Guru Gobind Singh must be hailed for the greatness of his leadership, and India should be eternally grateful to the Sikh Gurus and their people for conducting that struggle.

Whenever India’s Independence is celebrated, tribute must be paid to Maharishi Svami Dayanand for being the true pioneer of this struggle. Sadly, outside of the circles of the Arya Samaj movement, India seems to be guilty of overlooking this fact. The role of the Arya Samaj in the latter part of the 19th century in beginning the fight against British rule was profound. This article focuses on one example of its work; the effect of a book written by Dayanand in 1875.

The Arya-abhivinaya is a collection of 108 mantras from the Vedas that Svami Dayanand translated into Hindi. As a book, it is most notable for the inspirational style of the commentary that the author uses to explain each mantra in detail; which is why it galvanised many of India’s revolutionaries over coming generations. These patriots used it as a source of solace to drive them on the selfless path of service to the motherland. Two stories illustrate this well.

Firstly is the fact that Ram-Prasaad Bismil, that great young crusader for the freedom of India, used to read Arya-abhivinaya every day. The publisher’s note in the book’s English translation written by Satyananda Shastri in 1971 describes the inspiration Bismil gained from one of the mantras covered by Svami Dayanand in his book: This is why he was dauntless even in the face of death: Listen to the immortal roaring of this lion-hearted indomitable young martyr. He sang the following memorable stanza, even at the altar of death (just before he was hanged for treason):

Maalik terii razaa rahe aur tuu hii tuu rahe. Baaqii naa main rahuun na merii aarzuu rahe. [O Almighty God, you are eternally unchanging. May only, in this world, your will prevail and of none else. I am mortal; I surrender to You. I do not wish to survive any more nor do I wish any of my desires to outlive me.]

The second example is a case prosecuted for sedition, by the British authorities against members of the Arya Samaj in the district of Patiala, Punjab in 1907. Incredibly, the evidence submitted by the prosecution was a collection of patriotic quotations from the Arya-abhivinaya. It was alleged that the Arya Samaj was a seditious society, and that it wanted to overthrow the British Government in India because its members prayed the following prayer daily:

….O Supreme God, You are the greatest ruler among all worldly rulers. Kindly instil us with appropriate courage, fortitude, morality, courtesy, prowess, physical strength and mental stamina and many other such virtues, so that, we may remain independent and enjoy sovereign imperial sway. May no foreigner come to our country to rule over us, and may we never lose political independence and be enslaved by foreigners!….

Of course, this commentary is none other than Dayanand’s elucidation of mantra 38.14 of Yajur Veda. So, it can be seen that by 1875, well over half a century before Gandhi’s movement peaked, Svami Dayanand had already made his clarion call to North India to begin to resist British rule.

Dayanand’s great legacy is highlighted by the sentences that follow further on in the same paragraph explaining this mantra: ….Also, kindly bless us with independence in our own national affairs and freedom to visit other countries at will. May we able to manage our political and administrative affairs ourselves! May there be excellent men and women to do the needful in this regard, so that, our nation may never suffer for want of anything we need. O Master of all, please provide for our political bodies statesmen equipped with perfect learning and other requisite qualities. May our warriors and administrators, endowed with resourcefulness and foresight, excel in valour and other virtues….

Could any words ring any more true? Even today, with the malign influence of western corporations, this timeless masterpiece of wisdom surely must resonate – not only for the India of today but for political administrations of all nations of the world – for all time.

It must be asked why Dayanand has been ‘written out’ of the text-books of history that survive in India from the time of the British Raj. The answer simply is that a key plank of Britain’s strategy, for maintaining its grip on India in the very long term, was to try and make Christianity the national religion of India. For this to succeed, Dayanand’s aim of uniting all the people of India under one God (and thus one faith, the Vedic Dharma) by inspiring them to (re)turn to the Vedas would have to be thwarted. The British Government even went to the lengths of commissioning a German Christian scholar of Sanksrit – Prof. Max Muller – to write a translation of the Vedas that opposed Dayanand’s interpretation; much of Muller’s work clearly makes the judgement that Christian thought is of a superior quality to that of India’s.

A startling example of evidence of such prejudice is contained in a book by T. Williams titled Exposure of Dayanand Sarasvati and his followers (Both as to their Deliberate Falsification of the Rigveda and their immorality) published in 1889 in Delhi. Dayanand’s translation of the mantra RigVeda 10:10:10 is that the word yama denotes husband and yami denotes wife. Williams, however, is scathingly critical of this. He objects: ‘I have then shown that the speakers throughout this dialogue, are twins, a brother and a sister. The sister Yami desires ardently that her brother Yama should sexually lie with her….’

Such was the type of abuse, then, that his British detractors were directing at Dayanand a few years after his death, a measure of how intimidated the British authorities were by the Arya Samaj movement well before Gandhi arrived on the scene. This leaves us with this question. Can the history books – written by the British, and left as a legacy to India, and which are being used to teach history to Indian children to this day – be trusted? Even more heart-breaking is that this version of history is the only officially accepted one in India today.

Perhaps Gujarat’s recent decision to celebrate the memory of the great Sardar Vallabhai Patel will be the catalyst for India to likewise go on and place on its highest pedestal, its greatest son of recent millennia, Dayanand Saraswati.

Cow instrumental in successful life By Subodh kumar



cow and economic


सफल जीवन का केंद्र बिंदु गौमाता :
Rig Veda Book 1 Hymn 22
ऋषिः-मेधातिथिः काण्व,
देवता: ;1-4 अश्विनौ, 5-8 सविता, 9-10 अग्नि,11 देव्य: , 12 इंद्राणीवरुणान्यग्नाय्य:, 13-14 द्यावापृथिव्यौ:, 15 पृथिवी:, 16 विष्णुदेवो वा: ,17-21 विष्णुश्च देवता:.

अश्विनौ देवता
प्रात: काल से दैनिक जीवन क्रम
1. प्रातर्युजा वि बोधयाश्विनावेह गच्छताम | अस्य सोमस्य पीतये || ऋ1.22.1
The अश्विनौ Ashvinou twins – प्राण अपान inhale and exhale- i.e. our breathing, both work in tandem all the time . But when the sun rises in the morning it is our duty to engage सोम Soma (our intellect) to make a start of the day with fruitful actions for intelligent and effective operations of our duties. Only when Soma gets involved with the twin of अश्विनौ Ashvinau पृथ्वी अग्नि in life, useful and desired results emerge.
(Soma is the software for operating the system of the hardware that is physical world.) For every physical activity as well as technological activity, an intelligent operating system is needed. Even the operation of the sun, modern science tells, it is a fusion nuclear reaction technology that operates it . It is referred as आदित्य:सोम:. Sun operates by Soma. To be empowered, one needs the ability to reach from one place/stage to other . Here Ashwin twin Dewtas would represent the involvement of inputs of knowledge, science and technologies along with actions to move on the desired right path to achieve wellbeing of all. Again all systems in their dynamic equilibrium depend on balancing of two polar forces. In science South Pole North Pole of magnetic phenomenon are the bases of entire electromagnetic systems of negative and positive electricity. In solar system the cycle of day and night (twins) balances the life. In family unit the twin of husband and wife stabilizes the system of progeny growth. This system of twins of polar forces is called अश्विनौ देवता Ashwinou Devta in Vedic terminology.

2. या सुरथा रथीतमोभा देवा दिविस्पृशा | अश्विना ता हवामहे || ऋ1.22.2
With dawn of the day when daylight touches here, it clears our path and vision to make our way to progress in life. For making progress by getting from one place to other along the twins of clear vision to apply ourselves with energy to the elements of air space and waters.
यज्ञ देवता
(देव पूजा, संगतिकरण ,दान)
3. या वां कशा मधुमत्यश्विना सूनृतावती | तया यज्ञं मिमिक्षतम || ऋ1.22.3
For making progress by development of these technological achievements there will be need for cooperative activities of yajna यज्ञ communication skills of discussions and education. Yajna यज्ञ involves देव पूजा , संगति करण, दान. These can be described as showing regard for elders, loving cooperative behavior with contemporaries and being charitably disposed towards underprivileged. This of course involves the cultivation of अश्विनौ Ashwinou the twins of pleasant speech and ability to listen.
4. नहि वामस्ति दूरके यत्रा रथेन गच्छथः | अश्विना सोमिनो गृहम || ऋ1.22.4
Being empowered with such twins, the Ashwinou, no goals in life are far away to seek.
सविता देवता- सविता वै प्रसविता ; कौo 6.14
5. हिरण्यपाणिमूतये सवितारमुप ह्वये | स चेत्ता देवतापदम्‌ || ऋ1.22.5
Savita Dev is the name given to the phenomenon of creation of the Almighty of entire physical creation, riches and wealth and by friendly and cooperative involvement of all living and physical substances.
6. अपां नपातमवसे सवितारमुप स्तुहि | तस्य व्रतान्युश्मसि || ऋ1.22.6
Savita Dev enables that in nature nothing is wasted by efforts & pursuits. By positive actions newer bounties emerge out of apparently naturally occurring wasting degradation phenomenon.
(Examples can be recycling of waste in to soil, while still extracting biogas energy from it. Electricity/ energy from waters going down to waste in falls,and using that water in irrigation also.)

7. विभक्तारं हवामहे वसोश्चित्रस्य राधसः | सवितारं नृचक्षसम || ऋ1.22.7
Natural products of different categories /class are utilized in producing most praiseworthy valuable products. Develop insights to visualize, how to allocate various resources for obtaining value from them.
8. सखाय आ नि षीदत सविता स्तोम्यो नु नः | दाता राधांसि शुम्भति ||ऋ1.22.8
All men should engage in environment friendly and community interest cooperative activities to generate and harness Savita Dev’s immense bounties of wealth.

अग्निः देवता
9. अग्ने पत्नीरिहा वह देवानामुशतीरुप | त्वष्टारं सोमपीतये || ऋ1.22.9
Fire in its physical manifestations as different forms of energy, solar energy, heat of combustion, force of explosion etc, offers immense opportunities for application of scientific wisdom and technologies to bring welfare for progress of mankind. This is similar to a wife to giving birth and raising good progeny for progress of the world. .
10. आ ग्ना अग्न इहावसे होत्रां यविष्ठ भारतीम्‌ | वरूत्रीं धिषणां वह || ऋ1.22.10
Individual, engages all the faculties of Devtas namely Eyes चक्षु , Ears श्रोत्रम , Nose प्राण: , Mouth वाक for perception, observation , speech communication with his intellect बुद्धि and motivations चित्त In life for his pursuit of protection and survival the progress by seeking to remove the impediments to his progress in a similar manner as an Yajna Agnihotra sanitizes the environment and brings cheer to all. (Yajna is defined as देवपूजा , संगतिकरण, दान by being the best of actions-यज्ञो वै श्रेष्ठतकर्मण: )
देव्यः देवता- Role of women
अभी नो देवीरवसा महः शर्मणा नृपत्नीः | अच्छिन्नपत्राः सचन्ताम || ऋ1.22.11
Females in society provide the peace and comforting ambience by their constant undiminished contribution as facilitators of positive activities.
No IPR (Intellectual property rights) Vedic Socialism
इन्द्राणीवरुणान्यग्नाय्यः देवता
12. इहेन्द्राणीमुप हवये वरुणानीं स्वस्तये | अग्नायीं सोमपीतये || ऋ 1.22.12
Share freely with all the intellectual bounties that bring joy and wealth सोमपीतये Sompiitaye like the Nature’s universally freely available bounties of Sun, Air, Water and Fire.( In Vedic tradition knowledge is to be freely shared with all. Most famous recent example is that of Sir J.C. Bose the inventor of wireless in the modern world. Madam Annie Besant wanted to file a patent in name of Bose as inventor of Wireless. Bose in consultation with Robindra Nath Tagore is said to have refused to give his consent to patenting his achievement, by saying that knowledge was not for concealing but for being made universally available for welfare and progress of mankind.)

पोषण में तरल रस आदि विषय
द्यौः पृथिवीः देवता
13. मही दयौः पृथिवी च न इमं यज्ञं मिमिक्षताम | पिपृता नो भरीमभिः || ऋ1.22.13
There are two macro and micro levels for interpretation of this mantra.
1. At macro level the vast bounties of bright sun shine and light above the horizon as also the vast resource of dark matter the earth below the horizon fulfill man’s desires for comfort by यज्ञ Yajna knowledge backed activity .
2. At micro level द्युलोक Dulok corresponds to our intellectually motivated mind – wisdom and मही पृथिवी Mahi Prithiwee to the adorable healthy physical body. These two when acting together bring comfort and happiness.

महान द्यौ और पृथ्वी हमारे इस यज्ञ – जीवन यापन को उत्तम पोषणों द्वारा पूर्ण करने के लिए उत्तम रसादि पदार्थों की व्यवस्था करें. अथवा हम अपने मस्तिष्क और अन्नमय कोष के सदुपयोग से सुखी जीवन प्राप्त करें .
An example एक उदाहरण
14. तयोरिद घृतवत पयो विप्रा रिहन्ति धीतिभिः | गन्धर्वस्य ध्रुवे पदे || ऋ1.22.14
(As an example) To ensure continuous normal working of human heart, wise men know that care has to be exercised while consuming milk fats and fat bearing product .
(गां वेदवाचं धरति) गंधर्व वह है जो वेद वाणी धारण करता है अर्थात बुद्धिमान होता है. मानव शरीर में हृदय की धड़कन के शब्द को ‘गंधर्व का ध्रुवपद’ कहते हैं . ह्रदय की धड़कन को बनाए रखने के लिए विद्वत्‌जन गोदुग्ध में घृत तथा घृतयुक्त पदार्थं का सेवन सावधानी से करते हैं.

उत्तम भूमि विषय
पृथिवीः देवता
15. स्योना पृथिवि भवानृक्षरा निवेशनी | यच्छा नः शर्म सप्रथः || ऋ1.22.15
Clear the waste lands to be free of weeds ,uniform level surface and made fit for habitation, and sustain life.

हे पृथिवी ! हमारे निवास में विस्तृत सुख देने के लिए कण्टक रहित हो. ( ऊबड खाबड न हो )

विष्णुर्देवा वा
16. अतो देवा अवन्तु नो यतो विष्णुर्विचक्रमे | पृथिव्याः सप्तधामभिः || ऋ1.22.16
When knowledge about attributes – laws and properties- of all the seven physical manifestations of Nature viz. Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Universe, Atoms and Structure of matter is learnt (by education and research), the विष्णु: चक्रम्‌ ability to recycle nature’s bounties is established (by sustainable resource utilization ) for welfare of mankind.
जब सातों भौतिक धामों पृथिवी, जल, अग्नि, वायु, विराट्‌, परमाणु, और प्रकृति कि विद्या का ज्ञान शिक्षा अनुसंधान इत्यादि से प्राप्त किया जाता है, और विष्णु: चक्रम्‌ सब भौतिक पदार्थों का पुन: भिन्न रूप से प्रयोग होता है ( जैसे गोबर से उर्वरकऔर बायोगैस,प्रपातों से गिरते जल से विद्युत,इत्यादि ) तब जीव, मन , शरीर और मस्तिष्क से उन्नति को प्राप्त करता है.

विष्णुः देवता

17. इदं विष्णुर्वि चक्रमे त्रेधा नि दधे पदम | समूळ्हमस्य पांसुरे || ऋ1.22.17
Man continuously strives to attain the final blessings in life viz. excellent healthy body, positive mental attitude and sharp intellect by continuously pursuing the path symbolizing the three steps of विष्णु Vishnu i.e. यज्ञ – संगति करण , देवपूजा , दान – Cooperation among all, being God fearing, and sharing with all.
विष्णु के तीन परम पद प्राप्त करने के लिए जीव इस पार्थिव (पांसुरे – धूल से बने ) शरीर से सम्यक कर्त्तव्य करते हुए शरीर को नीरोग, मन को निर्मल और मस्तिष्क को तीव्र बुद्धि वाला बना पाता है .

Cow establishes a welfare state
गौ से विष्णु के तीन पाद –परम पद
गौ ही विश्व में धर्म को स्थापित करती है.
18 . त्रीणि पदा वि चक्रमे विष्णुर्गोपा अदाभ्य: । अतो धर्माणि धारयन्‌ ॥ ऋ1.22.18
(विष्णु) वह है जो व्यापक हृदय वाला है. विशाल हृदय ही तो संकोच –अपवित्रता से रहित होता है. (गोपा:) गोपालन से ही (अदाभ्य:) दोनों प्रकार के मानसिक और भौतिक व्याधियों, रोगादि कृमियों से हिंसित नहीं होता. शरीर , पृथ्वी और पर्यावरण नीरोगि और स्वस्थ रहते हैं. जब चित्त , शरीर और पर्यावरण स्वस्थ होते हैं तभी धर्म स्थापित होता है और विष्णु अपने तीन कदम रखता है. विष्णु के तीन कदम क्या हैं?
यज्ञो विष्णु: – यज्ञ ही विष्णु है . विष्णु के अर्थात यज्ञ के तीन कदम क्या हैं ? देवपूजा, संगतिकरण और दान बड़ों का आदर, बराबर वालों से प्रेम तथा छोटों को दया पूर्वक कुछ देना.
Maintain Enterprising spirit
19. विष्णोः कर्माणि पश्यत यतो व्रतानि पस्पशे | इन्द्रस्य युज्यः सखा || ऋ1.22.19
Where enterprising spirit is adopted as a friend, in resolve to reach specific objects, they bring forth desired results – the efforts do not go waste.
जब इंद्र को सखा के रूप में साथ लेकर जीव किसी लक्ष्य का व्रत लेता है, तब शीघ्र ही उस के व्रत (और प्रयत्न ) को देख कर विष्णु आशीर्वाद से सफलता प्रात कराते हैं.
Monitor the effects of your actions
20. तद्‌ विष्णोः परमं पदं सदा पश्यन्ति सूरयः | दिवीव चक्षुराततम्‌ || ऋ1.22.20
Learned persons while walking the talk with विष्णु के तीन पाद Vishnu’s three steps keep their eyes wide open to monitor their actions.
बुद्धिमान जन जीवन में परम पद पाने के कर्म (यज्ञ) में संगाति करण देवपूजा और दान करते समय सर्व पदार्थों के दर्शन सूर्य के समान स्वत:प्रकाश से सब स्थितियों पर अपनी नज़र रखते हैं. जैसे कुसंगति हितकर नहीं होती, दन सुपात्र को ही देना चाहिए इत्यादि.
Educate &Share your expertise
21. तद विप्रासो विपन्यवो जागृवांसः समिन्धते | विष्णोर्यत्‌ परमं पदम्‌ ||ऋ1.22.21
सत्कर्म में जागृत विद्वान लोग जीवन में परम पद पाने के लिए प्रकृति सब पदार्थ गुणों का ज्ञान और उस ज्ञान के प्रयोग से जिस प्रकार कर्म करने में उन्हें सफलता प्राप्त होती है, उसका समस्त जनों मे शिक्षा और मार्ग दर्शन द्वारा प्रचार करें.



development or decoy


Author : Pt Dharmdev Vidyamartand 

Three is a word of difference between the Vedic language and the Classical Sanskrit of the epics, sastras, kavyas….. At times the meaning of a word may undergo a sea change !


The word sachí for instance, is used in the classical Sanskrit for ‘lndra`s wife’, whereas in the Vedic Lexicon Nighantu, it is en-joined for ‘speech, wisdom, action’ (vide Nigh.)-


The words vrtra, asum are used in Sanskrit as the name of a Raksasa (and for ‘raksasa‘ in general), but in Vedic they are two epithets, usually, of ‘cloud’-


The word ‘ahí‘ is used in Sanskrit for serpent, while in Vedic, it stands for cloud again.


The word adri, parvata, giri are used in Sanskrit for mountain, but in Vedic they again denote cloud-


The word ghrta is used in Sanskrit for clarified butter, in Vedic for water-


In Sanskrit, the word visa is used for poison but, according to the Vedic Nighantu, it is one of the many names ofwater-


ln Sanskrit, the Word varaha is used for ‘boar’, but in Vedic it is given for cloud-


In Sankrit asman and gravan are used for stone, but in Vedic they are shown as denoting cloud-


The word dhara is used in Sanskrit for flow or current but in Vedic it is used for speech-


The word ghrtací is used in Sanskrit for dancing girl, but in Vedic it denotes night-


The word gaya is used in Sanskrit for a particular place where oblations are offered, but in the Vedic Nighantu, gaya means progency, wealth, home.



On the score of grammar, Vedic naturally differs from Classical Sanskrit in extension as well as in depth. Panini’s Astadhyayi refers to this vedic freedom of scope through aphorisms like.


bahulam 1

Quite a few among Western linguists and philosophers hold that there has always been a growth, a development and an evolution in language :

T. Burrow, for instance, says in Sanskrit Language, “Many [of the changes of meaning] occured in the natural growth of the language.”

F. Bopp, in Comparative Grammar 0f Sanskrit, Greek, Latin and Other Languages, vol. l, has used the word ‘development’, in this connection; “[Of] language in its Stages of being and march of development.”

A.B. Keith has also opted for the view ‘development’, saying: “From the language of the Rigveda one can trace a steady development to Classical Sanskrit.” (History of Sanskrit Literature.)

Some Indian philologists, too, who have followed Western Writers, have held the same view. For instance : “From the cry and onomatopoeia with their various combinations, by means of association and metaphor, we arrive at a Vocabulary, sufficient for the purpose of the primitive man”…”The small original stock is improved upon and added to by manipulation of various kinds, based upon the association of various kinds, and on metaphor”.

But, when we compare the most ancient Vedic language with the modem Classical Sanskrit, we find that, instead of ‘growth’ or ‘development’, there has been ‘decay’.

For instance : (1) in the Vedic Lexicon Nighantu, at 1.2 we find 57 synonyms of vac (speech) like-

shlok 1

shlok 2

Very few of them have survived in classical Sanskrit : Amara Kosa, for instance, gives only the following-


lt is growth or decay ? Let the reader on his own decide.

To give yet another illustration, in Vedic 101 names are listed for ‘water’, including-


But in the Amara Kosa only 27 remain ;




There are 37 names of megha (cloud) in Nighantu, in the Amara Kosa only 15-


Among the 26 names of karma (action, work), including-


-only 2 (karma and karyam) are found in the Amara Kosa.

Many more examples could be given to show how, down the centuries, it has not been a case of growth or development, but rather one of decay in language.

lt is gratifying to note that some distinguished western linguists also are opposed to this theory of growth or evolution in language. We cite four of them :

V. VENDRYES in his book Language observes :

‘Certainly, modern languages, such as English and French, rejoice in an extreme suppleness, ease and flexibility; but [accordingly] can we maintain that the classical tongues, like Greek or Latin, are inferior to [any of these] ? It [Greek] is a language whose very essence is godlike.. If we have once acquired the taste for it, all other languages seem harsh after it… The outward form of the Greek language is itself a delight to the soul. Never was a more beautiful instrument fashioned to express human thought.

WILLIAM JONES : ‘The Sanskrit language, whatever be its antiquity, is of a wonderful structure-more perfect than Greek, more copious than Latin, and more exquisitely refined than French or Spanish.’

MAX MULLER : says they have reduced the rich and powerful idiom of the poets of Veda to the meagre and impure jargon of the modem sepoy’.

He adds : “We are accustomed to call these changes ‘growth’ of language, but it would be more appropriate to call this a process of phonetic change or decay. ”

‘On the whole, the history of all the Aryan languages is nothing but a gradual process of decay.’

‘Lecures on the Science of Language, vol.l

And GRAY, lastly, has to say this (Foundations of Language) :

‘In lndo-European, we find 8 distinct case-forms in Sanskrit; Greek and Lithuanian have 7, Hittite and Old Church Slavic 5, Old French and Modem English only 2, Albanian 4. And American and Old English 3. This reduction in the number of case-forms-with  the result that some of them take over the functions of one or more others-gives rise to the linguistic phrase now known as syncretism. The reason for this seems to be phonetic decay of the characteristic case-endings.’

‘the mother of languages’


From the study of many of the historical languages of the world we have been driven to the inevitable conclusion that it is not Classical Sanskrit (which of course is the first daughter of the mother), but Vedic, that is the mother of all languages of the world.


1. Vasra-in Vedic and, in its slightly different or corrupt forms, in different languages of the world :

The word [vasra] has been used in the Rigveda on the following occasions-vasra 1O.119.4; vasra’iva 1.33.2, 1.28.8; 2.34.15; 7.149.4; 1.37.11, 1.96.6; 6.7.7, 9.1.37, 10.75.4.

In the other Vedas also the word is used frequently. All commentators of Veda are unanimous in holding that the word is derived from V vasr ‘sabde‘ and stands for cow (lowing, ‘making sound’.


Now, it is to be noted that there is no mention of this word in the Amara Kosa, or in any other lexicon of Sanskrit; nor do we find it generally used in the classical literature. Withal, the word is used for `cow’ in the French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian languages in slightly different (corrupt) forms.

ln French it is vache; in Spanish vaen : in Portugese vaca ; and in Italian la vaces. [Also, likewise, in the languages of Europe the words derived from go are used for English cow : Swedish ko ; Danish ko ; Dutch koe ; German kuh].

2. To take another example, we may examine Vedic ‘irman ‘ for ‘arm’.

lt is from this (irman) alone that the word ‘arm’ is derived. With its Swedish, Danish, Dutch and German variants in COD, for Apisali states in his Siksa (as also Bharate in his Natyasatra) that ‘sarva-mukha-sthaniyan a-varnam’ ! agni : ignis (Lat.).

3. Another very common word, which may be mentioned in this connection, is dama. According to Nighantu 3.4, it is a grhanama (home)-


But in Sanskrit literature and in classical lexicons, like the Amarakosa, dama occurs nowhere in the sense of ‘home’ or ‘wife.’

And so we should not be surprised to find the word, with slight changes, used in several languages of Europe-English, Swedish, Danish, Dutch, German in the sense of ‘lady’ : dame, dane, dem.

4. mira (ocean) ‘submarine fire’ and also vadavagni ! ; German meer ; French la mer ; Spanish and Portugese mar.

5. apa’ ítí-‘karma’-nama (Nighantu. 2.1) ; opus (Latin), operation (English).

These five exmples should suffice to show that Vedic is the most ancient-and accordingly, the mother-of all languages.


lf, Vedic is the universal mother (or foster-mother as some would like to call it), the question naturally arises : how these hundreds and thousands of languages and dialects have sprung up from that one source. How to explain their multifurcation ?

The answer may be briefly given as follows (taking into consideration what native and foreign scholars have written on the subject) Some probable causes suggested are :


(l) Physiological causes– when some people cannot pronounce some difficult sounds on account of some defect in the anatomy;

(2) Geographical surroundings-sometimes making it difficult to pronounce words correctly (due to severe cold.);

(3) Communication and Correspondence (difficulties)- people of distant lands also sometimes cause pidgin-like change(s) in the language and its pronunciation ;

(4) Change of model-e.g., a new king may ascend the throne and his subjects begin copying his style ;

(5) Association-also causes change,



(6) Analogy-is defined (by Vendryes) as “the power of other words in a languages to exempt any special word from the operation of phonetic laws or to compensate it for changes which those laws may press or produce.”

0ne clear instance of this change by analogy is cows. ln Old English it was spelt (inflected) as kine ; but, as table, book, boy and other words are formed by just adding an “s” at the end, so the plural of cow also became cows-(though foot did not become foots such as.

(7) Economy of effort-with regular vagaries-

(a) varna-viparyaya or ‘metathesis’ :


(b) varna-lopa (dropping out of a letter, usually owing to inadvertence) :


(c) samikarana-(assimilation) :

yasya 1

cf. Edward Sturtivant (Introduction to linguistic Science : “Of great linguistic importance is the assimilation of contiguous consonants”

(d) viprakasa-(dissimilation) :


(e) svara-bhakti (hiatus) :


(f) agro’pajana-(prothesis)


(g) sthana-viparyaya-(interchange) :


The following verse, quoted by Durgacarya in his ‘gloss’ on the Nirukta(Ch. 1), gives in brief most of these ‘rules’ :


(1)    pro/epen/post-thesis ; (2) interchange ; (3) distortion ;

(1)(4) elision; (5) ‘sense suggesting = engendering another sound!’.

(1)In various fonns of P/’akrta and in English, Greek, Latin,Russian and other languages ‘changes’ have taken place according to the above ‘rules’. It is thus that words actually become corrupt and new languages spring up. Defective and imperfect scripts also have helped in the distortion of a ‘pure` language no less :

(1)In Tamil (script) there are only k and n ; c and n ; t and n ; t and

(1)n ; p and m. [In Arabic script there is no p.]

(1)In English there is no provision for t, th, d dh, n ;

(1)In French there is no room for t, th, d, dh, n.


Pashto is the language spoken by Pathans and allied tribals of the North-Western Frontier. The author learnt from a letter, received from the Vice-Chancellor of Peshawar University, some years back, that “here Sanskrit is compulsory for all students of languages, as it is thought here, said the letter that, abounding in Sanskrit Vocabulary as it is, Pashto cannot be mastered without a good

grounding in Sanskrit.”

Following is the list of some Sanskrit words, with their Pasto variants, to stress the point :


sanskrit 1

Also, for ‘grandfather’ the Pashto is Nikoh-derived from ‘niskrodha’-free from anger and, therefore., loving ; likewise, for grandmother anniya ‘anna-datri“,? But, we are just suggesting ; nothing more.


There are some words in the South Indian languages, which have their origin in Sanskrit.

On studying Kasakrtsna-Dhatupatha-Vrtti with the gloss of Channa-Vira Kavi, we have come to know of these ‘suspected origins’ ever more clearly-ever more surely. It should be borne in mind that Kasakrtsna had been a South-Indian grammarian centuries before Panini, recording some 800 more roots, i.e., in addition to the 2000 found in Panini !

(1) amma / avva, tayi-mother : These are the words used for ‘mother’ in different parts of the country.

Of these amma-(1) is considered by some a corruption of ‘amba’ ; but according to Kasakrtsna’s Dhatupathavrtti, it is derived from V amm ‘gatau’ (1.224) ; avva (2) from V avv-bandha-ne-palane (1-226) ;t’yt (3) from V tayr, ‘santana-palanayon’(1.493).

[In Tamil the word used for mother, tadar, too appears to have come from the same root] In Marathi, the word used for ‘mother’ is dyt V ay gat au (1.485)

(2) appa = pitar (in Kannada, Tulgu and some other South Indian languages) from V app palane !

(3) ammi-putrí from V amm gatau (Kannada).

(4) akka ‘elder sister’ (Kan.) from V akk bandane + palane.

(5) atta, mother-in-law ; attika, sister-in-law (Kan.) from V at gatau.

(6) appa-‘elder brother’ (Kan.) from V ap sabde (1.206).

(7) nathi, dog (Kan., Tam.) from V nin ‘prapane’.

(8) dana, animal (Kan.) from V dhan ‘calane’.

(9) hana = wealth, woman (Kan.) from V han sabde. (niskasya dasamo bhagah.)

(10) duddu, money (Kan.) from V duddu dharane.

(11) gíni, parrot (Kan.) from V gin sabde.

(12) gande, wall (Kan.) from V gadi bandhane.

(13) vayí, mouth (K. and Ta.) from V vay gatau.

(14) ane, hand (K., Ta.) from V an prapane.

(15) avu, cow (Tel.) from V av palane. cf. ava-ni=’gau’ (earth)!

(16) nalla, good (Tam.) from V nall palane.

(17) ganda-pati, husband (Kan.) from V gadí vadaníkadese (sahayyam karoti)-cheek-by-j owl.

(18) guli, bull (Kan.) from V gul bhaksane.

(19) gulle, bubble, foam (Kan.) from V gull bhavane(vivarte).

(20) hammu, pride (Kan.) from V hammu gatau (brain-wave)

(21) pandu, fruit (Tel.) from V padí gatau.

(22) jenu, honey (moon face ?), Kan. from V jin sambhaktau !

(23) channa, honey, fair lady (Kan. et al) from V cann sambhaktau!

(24) havu, serpent from V havva (ghost) Kan.

(25) hedi, coward (Kan) from V hedr calane ?


Comparative lists of words of different European languages clearly establish the affinity of these languages to Sanskrit. The question remains to be answered is : what relationship Sanskrit bears to the different languages of the world ? Is it Sister/aunt/mother of them? It is here that scholars widely differ. Max Muller : “Sanskrit, no doubt, has an immense advantage over all the other ancient languages of the East. lt is so attractive and has been so widely admired that it almost seems at times to excite a certain amount of feminine jealousy.. We are ourselves lndo-Europeans. In a certain sense we are still speaking and thinking Sanskrit ; or, more correctly, Sanskrit is like a dear aunt to us and [vasudhaiva kutumbakam] she [responsibly] takes the place of a mother who is no more. [Chips from a German Workshop] vol. 5.

It (Sanskrit) is the most regular language known, and is especially remarkable-as containing the roots of the various languages of Europe-Greek, Latin, German, Slavonic, says Baron Cuvier in Lectures on the Natural Sciences.”

And here is what Adelung has to say in “Sanskrit Language”. “The great number of languages, which are said to owe their origin – or bear a close affinity-to Sanskrit, is truly astonishing and-is yet another proof of the latter’s high antiquity. Rudiger avers it to be the parent of upwards of a hundred languages and dialects among which he enumerates l2 Indian, 7 Median Persic, 2 Austric Albanian, 7 Greek, 18 Latin, 14 Slavonic, and 6 Celtic Gallic. The various vocabularies, which we now possess as a result of laborious and learned investigations, render it pretty evident that Sanskrit has not only furnished words for all the languages of Europe, but forms a main feature in almost all those of the East. A host of writers have made it the immediate parent of the Greek and Latin and German families of languages [no less]

Bopp in Edinburgh Review, vol. 33, expresses his opinion that “At one time, Sanskrit was the one languages spoken all over the world.”

And lastly, to quote from W.C. Taylor’s “India in Greece” :

It was an astounding discovery that Hindustan possessed a language of unrivalled richness and variety, a language the parent of all those dialects that Europe has fondly called classical-the source alike of the Greek flexibility and the Roman strength, a philosophy compared with which lessons of Pythagoras are but of yesterday [in point of age, in point of enduring speculation], Plato’s boldest efforts [sound] tame and commonplace…a poetry more purely intellectual than any of which we had before any conception, and a system of science whose antiquity baffles all powers of astronomical calculations. This literature, with all its colossal proportions, which can scarcely be described with-out [a] semblance of bombast and exaggeration, claims of course, a place for itself-it stands alone, [has been] able to stand alone. Its literature seems exhaustless. The utmost [of] stretch-of-imagination can scarce comprehend its boundless mythology. Its philosophy, far from shunning, has touched upon every metaphysical difficulty [and has much to contribute on each and every issue].

lt is, thus, clear that many impartial linguists and philologists of the West also admit that Sanskrit is the mother (not sister or aunt) of all the important languages of the world. It is unfortunate that, even in India, not much attention is being paid to the study and spread of Sanskrit either by the people or by the Government. It is high time the study of Sanskrit is made compulsory at schools and in colleges, throughout the country.


Making of Bharat According to Vedas By Subodh Kumar

AEL Maurya

Bharat varsh according to Vedas.

वेदों के अनुसार भारत देश.
राजा द्वारा भारत देश निर्माण
गौ ,शिक्षा और राजा के आचरण, इन तीन का राष्ट्र निर्माण मे महत्व
Making of Bharat Desh RV5.27

ऋषि:- त्रैवृष्ण्याष्ययरुण:,पौरुकुत्सस्त्रसदस्यु:, भारतोश्वमेधश्च राजान: ।
अग्नि:, 6 इन्द्राग्नी। त्रिष्टुप्, 4-6 अनुष्टुप्।
ऋषि: = 1. त्रैवृष्णा:= जिस के उपदेश तीनों मन शरीर व आत्मा के सुखों को शक्तिशाली बनाते हैं
2. त्र्यरुण:= वह तीन जो मन शरीर व आत्मा के सुखों को प्राप्त कराते हैं
3.पौरुकुत्स त्रसदस्य: = जो राजा सज्जनों का पालक व तीन (दुराचारी,भ्रष्ट , समाज द्रोही)
दस्युओं को दूर करने वाला
4. राजान भारतो अश्वमेध: ;
भारतो राजान: – राजा जो स्वयं की यज्ञमय आदर्श जीवनशैलि से प्रजा को भी यज्ञीय
मनोवृत्ति वाला बना कर राष्ट्र का उत्तम भरण करता है .
अश्वमेध: – अश्व- ऊर्जा और मेधा- यथा योग्य मनन युक्त आत्म ज्ञान को धारण करने वाली
परम बुद्धि

इन्द्राग्नी = इन्द्राग्नि: = उत्साह और ऊर्जा से पूर्ण सदैव अपने लक्ष्य को प्राप्त करने मे विजयी व्यक्ति Have fire in their belly to be ultimate Doers

COWS’ role in Vision for Bharat varsh Nation

1. अनस्वन्ता सत्पतिर्मामहे मे गावा चेतिष्ठो असुरो मघोन: ।
त्रैवृष्णो अग्ने दशभि: सहस्रैर्वैश्वानर ष्ययरुणश्चिकेत ।।RV5.27.1
(गावा चेतिष्ठ:) गौओं से प्राप्त उत्तम चेतना द्वारा (सत्पति: ) सज्जनों के पालन के लिए भूत काल की उपलब्धियों के अनुभव के आधार पर वर्तमान और भविष्य के लिए (तीनों काल )(त्रैवृष्ण:)में शरीर, मन, बुद्धि तीनों को शक्तिशाली बनाने वाली (असुरो मघोन:) ऐश्वर्यशाली प्राण ( जीवन शैलि ) को (त्र्यरुण:) शरीर , मन और बुद्धि के लिए ज्ञान ,कर्म और उपासना द्वारा (दशभि: सहस्रैर्वैश्वानर) समस्त प्रजा की प्रवृत्तियों की धर्म अर्थ और काम की उन्नति के लिए (अनस्वन्ता) उत्तम वाहनों से युक्त समाज, (मामहे) उपलब्ध कराओ.
Excellent cows should be ensured to build physically healthy, peaceful and high intellectual society. Current and Future planning should be based on experience of past working results, to obtain excellent Health, Mentality and Intellect in the nation to provide for a prosperous life style. Such a nation is self motivated in following the path of righteous behavior, charitable disposition and God loving conduct in their daily life.
Among other things excellent infrastructure of communication, transport should be provided.

Hundreds of well fed cows
2. 2.यो मे शता च विंशतिं च गोनां हरी च युक्ता सुधुरा ददाति ।
वैश्वानर सुष्टुतो वावृधानोऽग्ने यच्छ त्र्युरुणाय शर्म ।। RV 5.27.2
3. (वैश्वानर) धर्म अर्थ और काम को प्राप्त कराने वाली ऊर्जा और (वावृधान: अग्नि:) निरन्तर प्रगति देने वाले यज्ञ (त्र्यरुणाय) शरीर, मन और बुद्धि के लिए सेंकड़ों गौओं और बीसियों उत्तम शकटों से (हरी:) जितेंद्रिय पुरुषों से –भौतिक साधनों और श्रेष्ठ समाज से युक्त हो कर (शर्म यच्छ) विश्व का कल्याण प्राप्त करो
4. Urge for continuous strong positive motivation based activities in individuals creates a prosperous, peace loving, healthy, self disciplined sustainable society with hundreds of cows and dozens of carts loaded with green fodder for cows for aorganic food, and good infrastructure base. Nation provided with such infrastructure has a society that is rich in physical resources, and has well behaved people for welfare of the world.

Planning in Nation

3. एवा ते अग्ने सुमतिं चकानो नविष्ठाय नवमं त्रसदस्यु: ।
यो मे गिरस्तुविजातस्य पूर्वीर्युक्तेनाभि ष्ययरुणो गृणाति ।।RV 5.27.3
तेजस्वी विद्वान प्रकृति के विधान और अनुभव से प्राप्त ज्ञान के उपदेशों की कामना करता हुआ सब वासनाओं से मुक्त समाज के निर्माण द्वारा भविष्य के लिए उत्तम नवीन समाज की आवश्यकताओं की पूर्ती और तीनो प्रकार तम , मन और आत्मा से सुखी समाज का निर्माण करता है और सब से ऐसी विचार धारा का सम्मान करने को कहता है.
Bright enlightened intellectual leadership seeks guidance from Nature the environment friendly and traditional empirical wisdom to build a hedonism free culture for the growing needs and aspirations of future generations. By honoring and propagating such wisdom only an ideal and happy society is evolved.
Education in Nation

4. यो म इति प्रवोचत्यश्वमेधाय सूरये ।
दददृचा सनिं यते ददन्मेधामृतायते ।।RV 5.27.4
(राजा का दायित्व है कि ) जो विद्वद्जन (राष्ट्र की उन्नति के लिए) समाज में ऊर्जा (भौतिक और आत्मबल ) के विस्तार और सत्य असत्य के निर्णय करने मे समाज को सक्षम करने के वेद विद्यानुसार उपदेश करते हैं,उन को सम्माननीय पद दे और उन का सत्कार करे.
For growth of the nation it is responsibility of King recognize, honor and promote intelligent teachers that develop the society by educating it in growth conservation of physical energies and their mental energies, with ability to discern truth from untruth.
Bulls make excellent Nation
4. 5. यस्य मा परुषा: शतमुध्दर्षयन्त्युक्षण: ।
अश्वमेधस्य दाना: सोमा इव त्र्याशिर: ।। RV5.27.5
5. (यस्य मा शतम्‌ उक्षण: परुषा:) जो मेरे लिए , सेंकड़ो क्रोध से रहित सधे हुए वीर्य सेचन में समर्थ उत्तम वृषभ और कठिन परिश्रम साध्य बैल, (त्रयाशिर:) तीनों – बालक, युवा, वृद्ध तीनों प्रजाजनों के लिए – राष्ट्र में (अश्वमेध-ऊर्जा और मेधा) – तीनों वसु (भौतिक सुख के साधन) रुद्र रोगादि से मुक्त,आदित्य सौर ऊर्जा के द्वारा, तीनों दूध,दही और अन्न (सोमा: इव) श्रेष्ठ मानसिकता तीन प्रकार से शरीर को नीरोग,मन को निर्मल बुद्धि को तीव्र बनाते और (दाना:)इन दानों से (उद्धर्ष्यन्ति ) उत्कृष्ट उल्लास का कारण बनते हैं .
Bulls that have excellent breeding soundness for providing excellent cows and oxen that are strong and mild mannered to provide power to the nation
Provide excellent health nutrition and intellect to all the three ie. infants youth and old persons with three bounties of happiness ie. Healthy environments, cheerfulness and solar energy by the three items of cows milk, curds and organic food to provide the three bounties of healthy disease free life, positive attitudes in life and sharp intellect to spread happiness all round.

6. इन्द्राग्नी शतदाव्न्यश्वमेधे सुवीर्यम् ।
क्षत्रं धारयतं बृहद् दिवि सूर्यमिवाजरम् ।।RV 5.27.6
उत्साह और ऊर्जा से पूर्ण सदैव अपने लक्ष्य को प्राप्त करने मे विजयी, योग्य मनन युक्त आत्मज्ञान को धारण करने वाली परम बुद्धि से युक्त समाज, असङ्ख्य पदार्थों से सूर्य के सदृश उत्तम पराक्रम तथा बलयुक्त नाश से रहित महान राष्ट्र का निर्माण होता है.
Thus is created a Nation that is strong to protect itself from all destructive internal and external enemies, where the society consists of a prosperous, self motivated well behaved intelligent people.