Zakir Naik, Ayesha, The Prophet & Ayurveda. Posted by yasharya Mulla Naseeruddinji Listen to what Zakir naik says in this video: He says that MAYBE Ayesha attained puberty and thus the consummation of marriage by Mohammed was right. Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Number 64 Narrated ‘Aisha: that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death). Sahih Bukhari 7.18 Narrated ‘Ursa: The Prophet asked Abu Bakr for ‘Aisha’s hand in marriage. Abu Bakr said “But I am your brother.” The Prophet said, “You are my brother in Allah’s religion and His Book, but she (Aisha) is lawful for … Continue reading Zakir Naik, Ayesha, The Prophet & Ayurveda.→
Ayesha said: Are you not the one falsely claiming/presuming to be the Messenger of Allah? Posted by yasharya Did Prophet Marry His Aunt??? Details Parent Category: Shia/Sunni: Articles Category: Aisha bint Abi Bakr Published on Thursday, 06 August 2009 13:17 Written by Guided In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful We read in Musnad Ahmad 6/409, Hadith 26050: عن سعيد بن المسيب : أن خولة بنت حكيم السلمية وهي إحدى خالات النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم Narrated Sa’eed ibn al-Musayab: Khaula bint Hakim al-Salamiyah was one of the aunts of the Prophet. Shaykh al-Arnaut says: حديث حسن The hadith is hasan. In short, according to Sunnis, Khaula bint Hakim al-Salamiyah was an aunt to the Holy Prophet Then, we read this: … Continue reading Ayesha said: Are you not the one falsely claiming/presuming to be the Messenger of Allah?→
Age of Ayesha at marriage with Mohammed saheb Posted on by yasharya #1798 – Dr. Ahmad Al-Mub’i, a Saudi Marriage Officianl: It Is Allowed to Marry a Girl at the Age of One, If Sex Is Postponed. The Prophet Muhammad, Whose Model We Follow, Married ‘Aisha When She Was Six and Had Sex with Her When She Was Nine LBC TV (Lebanon) – June 19, 2008 – 03:08 #4004 – Tragic Consequences of Child Marriage in Yemen Revealed in TV Report Sky News Arabia (U.K./Abu Dhabi) – September 18, 2013 – 01:54 Aisha the Child Wife of Muhammad By Ali Sina The thought of an old man becoming aroused by a child is one of the most disturbing thoughts that makes us … Continue reading Age of Ayesha at marriage with Mohammed saheb→
Allah, quranic embryology and the soul ! Posted by yasharya Arya siddhanti: Did allah tutor mohammed saheb about the soul? Mulla Naseeruddin: During the lifetime of the Prophet (saws) the Jews of Medina sent their allies, the Makkan infidels [idolators], to the Prophet (saws) to ask about the soul. In reply to their questions, the following Qur’anic verse was revealed: “They ask you [O Muhammad (saws] concerning the Ruh (Soul). Say: ‘It is one of the things, the knowledge of which is only with my Lord. And of knowledge, you (mankind) have been given very little.” [Qur’an Al-Israa 17: 85] Sahih Muslim Book 033, Hadith Number 6390. Sahih Muslim Book 33. Destiny Chapter : The growth of a child in the … Continue reading Allah, quranic embryology and the soul !→
I bear witness that certainly Mohammed is the messenger of Allah !! Posted by yasharya Mulla Naseeruddin: A muslim must recite the kalma ! Arya: What is contained in it? Mulla Naseeruddin: There are 6 in all. The 1st says :There is no god but Allah, [and] Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. The 2nd says: I testify that (there is) no partner for Him. And I testify that certainly Muhammad (is) His worshipper and His Messenger. [] Arya: What is the proof that Mohammed is the messenger of Allah? Mulla N: The proof is here: Sahih Bukhari Volume 1, Book 1, Number 3: Narrated ‘Aisha: (the mother of the faithful believers) The commencement of the Divine Inspiration to Allah’s Apostle was in the … Continue reading I bear witness that certainly Mohammed is the messenger of Allah !!→
Cows domestication in Vedas AV12.4 AV Sukta12.4 अथर्व वेद 12-4 सूक्त -वशा गौ ,ऋषि- कश्यप: AV 12.4.1 अथर्व 12-4-1 On Donating a cow गौ दान किस को ददामीत्येव ब्रूयादनु चैनामभुत्सत। वशां ब्रह्मभ्यो याचद्भ्यस्तत्प्रजावदपत्यवत् || अथर्व 12.4.1 Cows should be given in keeping of learned persons (veterinarians) who have noble temperaments. गौओं को ब्राह्मण वृत्ति के पशु पालन वैज्ञानिकों के ही दायित्व में देना चाहिए । AV 12-4-2 Curse of a sick Cow दुःखी गौ का श्राप प्रजया स वि क्रीणीते पशुभिश्चोप दस्यति। य आर्षेयेभ्यो याचभ्दयो देवानां गां न दित्सति ।। अथर्व 12-4-2 Those who do not give cows in the keeping of such virtuous persons to bring about improvements in the cows, merely trade and do no service for society. They suffer from curse of unhappy cows. जो लोग कुशल … Continue reading Cows domestication in Vedas→
भारतीय समाज में मन्यु (बोध जन्य क्रोध) का महत्व साधारण हिंदी में मन्यु का अर्थ क्रोध लिया जाता है . यह इसी बात का परिचायक है हम मन्यु शब्द का अर्थ तक भूल गये हैं भारत वर्ष में महाभारत काल में ही समाज में मन्यु का अभाव दिखायी देने लगा था. वास्तव में कृष्ण द्वारा अर्जुन को गीता का उपदेश वैदिक मन्यु का ज्ञान ही तो है. दुष्टों के अन्याय के विरुद्ध आक्रोश और संग्राम तो मानव का कर्तव्य बनता है. भगवान राम का लन्केश रावण के दुष्टाचार से समाज का उद्धार मन्यु ही तो था. मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम से क्रोध की तो अपेक्षा ही नहीं की जा सकती . बोध जन्य क्रोध को मन्यु कहते हैं .इसीलिए वैदिक प्रार्थना है … Continue reading भारतीय समाज में मन्यु (बोध जन्य क्रोध) का महत्व→
RV6.70 Nature’s bounties Including Honey Doctrine प्रकृति का वरदान – मधुविद्या ऋषि:- बार्हस्पत्यो भारद्वाज: । देवता:- द्यावापृथिवी । जगती। बार्हस्पत्यो -विद्वानों का भी विद्वान, भारद्वाज:- अत्यन्त शक्ति से सम्पन्न इस सूक्त की व्याख्या में तीन बड़े महत्वपूर्ण शब्द प्रयुक्त हुए हैं. घृत: – घृतवती,घृतश्रिया , घृतपृचा , घृतावृधा – घृत को स्नेहन भी कहते हैं- जीवन में सदा स्नेहयुक्त मनमुटाव रहित रहने से समाज में सौहर्द्र , संगठित रहने से समाजशक्ति , अस्पृश्यता भेदभाव जैसी विकृतियों के स्थान पर समृद्ध सुखमय समाज का निर्माण देखा जाता है. मधु – स्नेह युक्त होना ही तो मधु जैसा मिठास जीवन में स्थापित करताहै. भारतीय दर्शन में मधुविद्या का बड़ा महत्व दिखाया In proper understanding this sookt three words described below have to be considered in their wider context. 1.घृत ;- Ghrit;- Commonly it … Continue reading प्रकृति का वरदान – मधुविद्या→
About Mansaparikrama मनसापरिक्रमा विषय AV3.26 & 3.27 दो अथर्व वेद सूक्त 3.26 और 3.27 एक ही विषय पर समष्टि और व्यष्टि रूप से उपदेश द्वारा मानव जीवनके मार्ग का निर्देश करते हैं. दोनों को एक साथ स्वाध्याय पर आधारित मेरे व्यक्तिगत विचार विद्वत्जनों के टिप्पणि के लिए प्रस्तुत हैं . Two Atharv ved sookts 3.26 and 3.27 appear to give guidance on the same subject , AV3.26 on macro level and AV3.27 on micro earthly level. My personal understanding and interpretation of these two complimentary Vedic sookts is submitted for consideration and comments of learned persons ऋषि:- अथर्वा | देवता-अन्न्यादय: नाना देवता येऽस्यां स्थ प्राच्यां दिशि हेतयो नाम देवास्तेषां वो अग्निरिषवः । ते नो मृडत ते नोऽधि ब्रूत तेभ्यो … Continue reading मनसापरिक्रमा विषय→
Long Life in Vedas RV10.59 Integrating Ashtang Yog in life. अष्टांग योग द्वारा दीर्घायु ऋषि: – बन्धु: श्रुतबन्धुविप्रबन्धुर्गौपायना:; बन्धु ‘बध्नातिइति बंधु:’ जो बांधता है वह बंधु है . जिस को बांधना सब से कठिन है उस को जो बांधताहै वह सच में बंधु है. किस का बांधना सब से कठिन है ? मन का. जो मन को बांधता है, इधर उधर नहीं भटकने नहीं देता वह ‘बंधु’ है . श्रुतबंधु वह बंधु जिस ने श्रुतियों- वेदों वेदों के ज्ञान से विप्र बन्धु अपने को विद्वान बंधु बनाया.गोप कहते हैं इंद्रियों को ,इंद्रियों का पालन करनेवाला गोपायन कहलाया. इस प्रकार मन को बांध लेने से इंद्रियों के व्यर्थ इधर उधर भटकने से रोकने वाला – बन्धु: श्रुतबन्धुविप्रबन्धुर्गौपायना: ऋषि कहलाया. । आधुनिक … Continue reading Long Life in Vedas→