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ईसाई पैगम्बरों का चरित्र चित्र

लेखक –श्री राम आर्य

ईसाई मजहब व बाइबल का पोलखाता अर्थात ईसाई पैगम्बरों के चरित्रो का कच्चा चिट्ठा –

सारे संसार में बुद्धिमान लोगो ने मनुष्यों के उत्थान के लिए शुभ आचरण करने पर जोर दिया है |मनुष्य यदि उत्तम विचार रखे,परोपकारी वृति रखे ,दीन ,दुखियो निर्बलो,असहायों पर दया दृष्टि रखे ,प्राणिमात्र को अपने अपने कर्मो से किसी भी प्रकार का कष्ट न पंहुचाये,सबके हित में अपना हित समझे,नेत्रों से उत्तम चीजों को देखे,वाणी से श्रेष्ट बातें करे,कानो से शुभ कथाये वार्ता सुने,मन में सदा शुभ विचार व श्रेष्ट संकल्प धारण करे, निराकार सर्वव्यापक जगतकर्ता प्रभु में प्रीती रखे,उसकी भक्ति में मन को लगाये,सदाचार व संयम का जीवन व्यतीत करे मन,बुद्धि व आत्मा को पतित करने वाले मॉस ,मदिरा आदि विष्टा तुल्य गंदे पदार्थो के सेवन से बचे,सत्य ज्ञान प्राप्त करे व महापुरुषों का सत्संग करे तो उसके लिए इस लोक में सुख व म्रत्यु के अनन्तर उत्तम जन्म जन्मान्तर के शुभ कर्मो के परिणाम स्वरूप आत्मा के निर्मल होने पर मोक्ष की प्राप्ति होती है| यह भारत के आर्यों का वैदिक सिधान्त है|

किन्तु चंद लोगो ने अपना बडप्प्न दिखाने के लिए स्वयं को खुदा का बेटा या खुदा का एक मात्र पैगम्बर अथवा स्वयं को सक्षात्त खुदा बताकर संसार के भोले भाले लोगो को बेवकूफ बनाया है ओर अपने चेलो की संख्या बढ़ाने के लिए यह घोषित किया है कि परमसुख अथवा मोक्ष के हम ही ठेकेदार है,खुदा की तरफ से हम पर ही मोक्ष की सोल एजेंसी है| बिना हमारे ऊपर ईमान लाये मुक्ति किसी को भी नही मिलेगी |हम इंसान को अथवा अपने चेले को मोक्ष ,स्वर्ग,अथवा बहिश्त में घुसने का पासपोर्ट या टिकिट देगे |

जो हमारे चेलो में नाम नही लिखायेगा,आँखे बंद करके हमारे ऊपर ईमान नही लायेगा,हम उसे नर्क या दोजक में ठूस देगे| फिर चाहे उसके कर्म कितने ही अच्छे क्यूँ न हो|

(युहन्ना पर्व १४ का भावार्थ व कुरान शरीफ का सारांश )

इस प्रकार की बातें आपको ईसाई व इस्लाम मजहब में बहुत कुछ मिलेगी| इन दोनों मजहबो के संस्थापको ने बहिश्त के वह नजारे अपने चेलो को फांसने के लिए अपने ग्रंथो या उपदेशो में पेश किये है कि अज्ञानी लोग उनके लालच में फंस कर उनके मजहबो में फंसते रहे है|

इस्लाम का बहिश्त में बहिश्ती शराबे ७०-७० हूरे (अछूत सुन्दरी औरते ) व ७२-७२ गिलमो अर्थात बड़ी बड़ी आँखों वाले खुबसूरत लडको) का लालच अरब के वहशी लोगो को मुसलमान बनाने का प्रधान आकर्षण रहा है ,तो यूरोप के अज्ञानी जन समुदाय को ईसाईयत के बहिश्त व ईसा के फर्जी करिश्मे व खुदा के बेटे पर ईमान लाना एक मुख्य कारण ईसाइयत में प्रवेश कराने का रहा है|

हजरत ईसा मशीह ने खुदा का इकलोता बेटा अपने आप को बताया तो हजरत मुहम्मद साहब ने अपने आप को खुदा का आखरी पैगम्बर बताकर अपने मजहब का प्रचार किया था| हम इस लेख में इस्लाम पर न लिख कर केवल ईसाई मजहब में जनता को कुछ परिचय करवाएंगे |

ईसाई मजहब के धर्मग्रन्थ बाइबिल का यह कहना है की ईसा मसीह खुदा के इकलोते बेटे थे,एक बड़ी बेतुक्की बात है | हजरत खुदा के बेटे है तो उसके बहु,साले,सास,ससुर,सालिया व सलेज वगैरा सभी रिश्तेदार अवश्य होंगे| ईसाई लोग इनके नाम पते बतावे ताकि खुदा की ससुराल का हाल मालुम हो सके |

हजरत खुदा के सिर्फ एक ही बीटा मसीह पैदा हुआ आगे उसने कोई भी औलाद पैदा नही की ,इसका क्या कारण है? क्या वजह हुई कि खुदा की गर्भवती बीवी ने खुदा को छोड़ कर जल्दी युसूफ नाम के बढई को पसंद कर लिया ओर शादी कर ली?

खुदा को अपने क्वारेपन की पहली औलाद ईसा को अपने पिता के घर में जन्म न देकर गैर आदमी से शादी करके उसके घर उसके घर जाकर जन्म देने की श्रीमती आदरणीय मरियम महोदय को क्यों आवश्कता पड़ी ? क्या इस रहस्य को इसाई विद्वान पादरीगण खोल सकेंगे?

जब खुदा के बेटे मसीह को इंसान ने फांसी दे कर मारा तो वह सूली पर चिल्लाता रहा कि –

“ है मेरे बाप! मुझे बचा लो “(मती २७/४६)”

तो खुदा अपनी एक मात्र औलाद को बचाने क्यों नही आया? ईसा ने बड़े जोर से चिल्ला चिल्लाकर फांसी के तख्ते पर प्राण छोड़ा| (मती २७/५०)

इससे सिद्ध हुआ है की ईसा मौत से बेहद डरता था| उससे भारत के लाल भगत सिंह जैसे लोग ज्यादा बहादुर थे जिन्होंने हँसते हुए अपने हाथो से फांसी का फंदा गले में पहिना था| वीर जोरावर की मिसाइल ईसा से कही ज्यादा ऊँची है जो हँसते हसते हुए धर्म के लिए दीवार में चुने गये उस पर ईसा खुद को साक्षात खुदा का बेटा मानते थे तो बाप का धर्म था बेटे की मदद करता|

बेटे तीन तरह के होते है,(१) पूत(२)सपूत ओर (३)कपूत |पूत वह जो बाप के जैसा हो| सपूत वह जो बाप से बढ़ कर काम करे| कपूत वह जो बाप का नाम डुबो दे|

हो सकता है कि ईसामसीह खुदा के भी पूत व सपूत न होकर तीसरे नंबर के बेटे हो ओर शायद इसी के लिए खुदा ने उनको त्याग दिया हो| बहुत सम्भव है कि जैसे दुनिया को पैदा करके खुदा बाईबिल में पछताया (उत्पत्ति)

वैसे ही एक औलाद ईसा को पैदा कर पछताया हो ओर दुखी हो कर आगे को ब्रह्मचर्य धारण कर बेठा हो|

ईसाइयों का मजहब क्या है? एक तमाशा है| ईसाई खुदा के यहा बेटा है बीवी है बेठने के लिए तख़्त है, रहने को मकान है,रक्षा के लिए फोज है,खिदमत के लिए फरिस्ते है|अपने मकान से उतर कर अदन के बाग़ में ठंडी ठंडी हवाओं में सैर करता है ओर आदम से बातें करता है| (उत्त्पति)

शेतान से डरता है| गुंडा शेतान जिन गरीब लोगो पर हावी हो जावे उन्हें दंड देता है,शेतान को सजा देने की उसमे शक्ति नही है|

“खुदा याकूब से रात भर कुश्ती लड़ता है ओर न वह याकूब को पछाड़ पाता है,न याकूब को गिरा पाता है|(उत्पति ३२)”

“इंसान को आदमी के पाखाने से रोटी पका कर खाने की आज्ञा देता है|”(जेह्केल पर्व ४)

“बाप को अपनी बेटी से व्यभिचार व शादी करने की आज्ञा देता है तथा उसे अच्छा काम बताता है|(करन्थियो ३६-३७-३८)”

“उसका बेटा मसीह शराब पीता है|(मती११/११)”

“वह गधो की चोरी कराता है|(युहन्ना१२/१४ तथा लूका १९/३०)”

“ईसा खुदा का सोल एजेंट होने का दावा करता है(युहन्ना १४/६)”

“यहोवा परमेश्वर औरतो को नंगा करता है|(याशाशाह३/१६-१७)”

“ईसाई पैगम्बर अत्यंत चरितहीन थे|यहूदा ने अपने बेटे की बहु से व्यभिचार किया|(उत्पत्ति ३८/१२-२०)”

“पैगम्बर लूत ने अपनी खास बेटियों से शराब पी करके उन्हें गर्भवती बनाया|(उत्पत्ति १९/३३-३८)”

“हजरत अविराहम ने अपनी बहन से व्यभिचार किया व झूठ-मुठ की शादी की|(उत्पत्ति १२/११-१३)”

“याकूब ने अपनी दासियों के साथ व्यभिचार किया व उसके बेटी दीन ने हमुर के बेटे सिकम के साथ व्यभिचार किया|(उत्पत्ति ३४२४-३०)”

“पैगम्बर दाउद ने उरियाह की खुबसूरत बीवी से व्यभिचार किया,उरियाह को मरवा डाला व उसकी बीवी को अपने घर में डाल लिया|(सैमुएल२ पर्व ११/२-२५)”

“दाउद के बेटे आमुनुन ने अपनी सगी बहिन तामार के साथ जबरदस्ती काला मुह (व्यभिचार) किया |(सैमुएल२/१३/१-२०)”

“ईसा की माँ मरियम क्वारेपन में ही बाप के घर से गर्भवती होकर आई थी ओर उसी से ईसामसीह पैदा हुए |(इंजील १/१८-९)”

“ईसा ने गधा चुरवाया|(मती २१/१-७)”

“इसराइल में रुबेन ने अपने पिता की बीवी के साथ व्यभिचार किया|

मूसा ने फोज की क्वारी अछूती कन्याओ से खुले में व्यभिचार की आज्ञा दी (गिनती नामक पुस्तक ३१/१४-१८)”

ईसाई खुदा अत्यंत बहरम बी जाहिल है|वह मर्द,औरतो,नन्हे मासूम बच्चे,भेड़,ऊंट,गधे आदि निर्दोषों को अत्यंत बेरहमी से क़त्ल करने की आज्ञा देता है|(१ सेमुएल १५/२)

“बाइबिल ईसाई मजहब को धोखे व मक्कारी से फ़ैलाने की आज्ञा देता है|(चोलास का फिलोपियो को ख़त १/१८)”

बाइबल मंदिरों व मूर्तियों को तोड़ डालने की आज्ञा देती है|(व्यवस्था विवरण१३/९)

बाइबल इतवार के दिन काम करने वालो को मार डालने का आदेश देती है|(निर्गमन३५/२)

“इसाई तालीम औरतो को व्यभिचार के लिए लुटने का हुक्म देती है|(न्यायियों को २१/२१)”

“ईसाई तालीम पर स्त्री,माल व बाल बच्चो को लुटने की व्यवस्था देती है|(विव्रन२०/१४)”

“ईसा ने लोगो को लड़ने के लिए शस्त्र खरीदने का आदेश दिया है| उसने कहा की मै दुनिया में झगड़े फसाद पैदा कराने आया हू| मत समझो कि मै मुहब्बत पैदा कराने आया हू|(मती१०/३४-३६)”

“ईसा ने कहा जितने भी पैगम्बर मुझसे पहले आये सब चोर डाकू थे(योहन रचित सुसमाचार पर्व १०/९)”

इससे सिद्ध होता है कि ईसाई पैगम्बर चोर ओर डाकू थे| उनके चरित भी ख़राब थे| ऐसे ख़राब चरित्रों के लोगो को केवल इसाई लोग ही भला भला आदमी व पैगम्बर मान सकते है| दुनिया के लोग ऐसो के नाम से भी घृणा करंगे|

जब पैगम्बर का यह हाल है तो उसके अनुगामी लोगो के चरित्र क्यूँ कर न भ्रष्ट होंगे,जैसे गुरु वैसा चेले होने चाहिए|

ईसाई मजहब एक गलत मजहब है| वह लोगो को गुमराह करता है| इसीलिए कोई समझदार आदमी इस मजहब में प्रवेश नही करता है| ईसाई लोग धोखे,मक्कारी व लोभ लालच से भोले बेपढ़े गरीब मेहतरो को बहका कर ईसाई बना लेते है| किसी पढ़े लिखे आदमी से यह कभी बात करने की हिम्मत नही करते है|

ये भारत में पैदा हुए भारतीय अन्न जल से पले,भारतीय इसाई आज स्वतंत्र देश के नागरिक होते हुए अपने भारतीय पूर्वज राम कृष्ण को भूल कर विदेशी ईसा को अपना दिल व दिमाग बेच कर उसकी उपासना करते है| उसकी गुलामी में फंसे है| कितनी शर्म की बात है कि जिनके रक्त से पैदा है उन्ही को भूल बेठे है|

मेरे इसाई बंधुओ तुम्हारा ओर हम भारतीयों का खून का रिश्ता है,विदेशी ईसा से तुम्हारा पानी का रिश्ता है| खून का रिश्ता पानी के रिश्ते से वजनी होता है|जब देश स्वतंत्र हो गया तो हमारे देश के लिये| भारतीय आर्य रक्त वालो के लिए यह कलंक की बात है कि अपने देश के महापुरुषों को त्याग कर विदेशियों की गुलामी में अपने दिमाग को ख़राब करे| अत: मै भारतीय इसाई बंधुओ से अपील करता हु कि वै आर्य समाज में शुद्धि करा कर अपने पूर्वजो के सत्य वेद धर्म को स्वीकार करे,ओर मानव जीवन को सफल करे|

ईसा के अंध भक्त विदेशीय पादरियों से भी मुझे दो शब्द कहने हैं कि तुम लोग अपने घर योरोप व अमेरिका में जाकर पाहिले उसे ठीक करो जहा चोरी,जिनाखोरी,शराब,गोश्तखोरी बदकार आम रिवाजे है|सारा ईसाई संसार एक दुसरे के खून का प्यासा है| गत दो महायुद्ध इसका सबूत है|

तुम भारत में बदमाशिया करना बंद करो| भारत के लोग धर्म के बारे में तुमसे ज्यादा जानते है|तुम अभी धर्म ज्ञान के बारे में बच्चे हो| अपनी शुद्धि करा कर हम आर्यों से अभी तुम धर्म के बारे में शिक्षा प्राप्त करो|

तुम्हारे धर्म में दुनिया की सारी बुराइया भरी हुई है| एक भी ऐसी ज्ञान विज्ञानं की बात ईसाई मजहब या बाइबल में नही है जिस पर तुम गर्व कर सको, जिस थोथे धर्म को धोखे,मक्कारी व लालच से तुम भारत के गरीबो में फ़ैलाने चले हो उसका खंडन तो भारत का बच्चा बच्चा कर सकता है| इसलिए नौकरियों व लम्बी लम्बी तनख्वाहो के कारण तुम लोगो को गुमराह करने की कोशिश करने से बाज आओ| वरना दम हो तो शाश्त्रथो द्वारा अपने धर्म की सत्यता सिद्ध करने के लिए मैदान में उतरो| यह हमारे सारे ईसाई जगत को निमंत्रण है|

जिन विदेशिय पादरियों का ऐसा ख्याल है कि वे भारत निवासियों को ईसाई बना कर (योरोप अमरीका वालो के हम मजहब बना कर) पुन: भारत को विदेशियों का गुलाम बना सकेंगे वे मुर्ख की दुनिया में रहते है | ऐसे देश द्रोही पादरियों को भारत से तुरंत बाहर निकाल देना भारत सरकार का कर्तव्य है|


बाईबिल मे अन्तर्विरोध भाग2

पिछली पोस्ट बाईबिल मे अंतर्विरोध से आगे-

5परमात्मा थक जाता है और विश्राम करता है-

17 वह मेरे और इस्त्राएलियों के बीच सदा एक चिन्ह रहेगा, क्योंकि छ: दिन में यहोवा ने आकाश और पृथ्वी को बनाया, और सातवें दिन विश्राम करके अपना जी ठण्डा किया॥

(निर्गमन 31:17)

6 यहोवा की यह वाणी है कि तू मुझ को त्यागकर पीछे हट गई है, इसलिये मैं तुझ पर हाथ बढ़ाकर तेरा नाश करूंगा; क्योंकि, मैं तरस खाते खाते उकता गया हूँ।(यिर्मयाह 15:6)

24 तू मेरे लिये सुगन्धित नरकट रूपऐ से मोल नहीं लाया और न मेलबलियों की चर्बी से मुझे तृप्त किया। परन्तु तू ने अपने पापों के कारण मुझ पर बोझ लाट दिया है, और अपने अधर्म के कामों से मुझे थका दिया है॥( यशायाह 40:26)

परमात्मा न थकता न विश्राम करता-

28 क्या तुम नहीं जानते? क्या तुम ने नहीं सुना? यहोवा जो सनातन परमेश्वर और पृथ्वी भर का सिरजनहार है, वह न थकता, न श्रमित होता है, उसकी बुद्धि अगम है।

(यशायाह 40:28)

6 ईश्वर सर्व व्यापक है और सब वस्तुओ को देखता ओर जानता है-

9 यदि मैं भोर की किरणों पर चढ़ कर समुद्र के पार जा बसूं,
10 तो वहां भी तू अपने हाथ से मेरी अगुवाई करेगा, और अपने दाहिने हाथ से मुझे पकड़े रहेगा। (भजन संहिता 139:9,10)

21 क्योंकि ईश्वर की आंखें मनुष्य की चालचलन पर लगी रहती हैं, और वह उसकी सारी चाल को देखता रहता है। (अयुब 34:21)

ईश्वर सर्व व्यापक नही है ओर न तमाम वस्तुओ को देखता है और न जानता है-

5 जब लोग नगर और गुम्मट बनाने लगे; तब इन्हें देखने के लिये यहोवा उतर आया। (उत्पत्ति 11:5)

21 इसलिये मैं उतरकर देखूंगा, कि उसकी जैसी चिल्लाहट मेरे कान तक पहुंची है, उन्होंने ठीक वैसा ही काम किया है कि नहीं: और न किया हो तो मैं उसे जान लूंगा। (उत्पत्ति 18:21)

8 तब यहोवा परमेश्वर जो दिन के ठंडे समय बाटिका में फिरता था उसका शब्द उन को सुनाई दिया। तब आदम और उसकी पत्नी बाटिका के वृक्षों के बीच यहोवा परमेश्वर से छिप गए। (उत्पत्ति 3:8)

7ईश्वर मनुष्यो के हृदय को जानता है-

24 और यह कहकर प्रार्थना की; कि हे प्रभु, तू जो सब के मन जानता है, यह प्रगट कर कि इन दानों में से तू ने किस को चुना है। (प्रेरितो के काम 1:15)

21 तो क्या परमेश्वर इसका विचार न करता? क्योंकि वह तो मन की गुप्त बातों को जानता है। (भजन संहिता 44:21)wpid-Jesus-Rifle.jpg

2 तू मेरा उठना बैठना जानता है; और मेरे विचारों को दूर ही से समझ लेता है।
3 मेरे चलने और लेटने की तू भली भांति छानबीन करता है, और मेरी पूरी चालचलन का भेद जानता है। (भजन संहिता 139:2,3)

ईश्वर लोगो के दिल की बात जानने के लिये उनकी जाच करता है-

3 तब तुम उस भविष्यद्वक्ता वा स्वप्न देखने वाले के वचन पर कभी कान न धरना; क्योंकि तुम्हारा परमेश्वर यहोवा तुम्हारी परीक्षा लेगा, जिस से यह जान ले, कि ये मुझ से अपने सारे मन और सारे प्राण के साथ प्रेम रखते हैं वा नहीं? (व्यवस्थाविवरण 13:3)

2 और स्मरण रख कि तेरा परमेश्वर यहोवा उन चालीस वर्षों में तुझे सारे जंगल के मार्ग में से इसलिये ले आया है, कि वह तुझे नम्र बनाए, और तेरी परीक्षा करके यह जान ले कि तेरे मन में क्या क्या है, और कि तू उसकी आज्ञाओं का पालन करेगा वा नहीं। (व्यवस्थाविवरण 8:2)

8ईश्वर सर्व शक्तिमान है-

27 क्या मेरे लिये कोई भी काम कठिन है?(यिर्मयाह 32:27)

26 यीशु ने उन की ओर देखकर कहा, मनुष्यों से तो यह नहीं हो सकता, परन्तु परमेश्वर से सब कुछ हो सकता है। (मत्ति 19:26)

ईश्वर सर्व शक्तिमान नही है-

19 और यहोवा यहूदा के साथ रहा, इसलिये उसने पहाड़ी देश के निवासियों निकाल दिया; परन्तु तराई के निवासियों के पास लोहे के रथ थे, इसलिये वह उन्हें न निकाल सका।(न्यायियो 1:19)


बाईबिल मे अंतर्विरोध

मित्रो इसाई ओर मुस्लिम समुदाय अपनी अपनी किताबो को परमात्मा की भेजी बताते है जबकि दोनो के अध्ययन से पता चलता है कि दोनो मे परस्पर विरोधी वचन होने से ये मानवकृत किताबे है। इससे पहले हमने कुरान मे अंतर्विरोध बताया था अब बाईबिल मे देखे-

1 परमेश्वर अपने कार्यो से संतुष्ट है-

31 तब परमेश्वर ने जो कुछ बनाया था, सब को देखा, तो क्या देखा, कि वह बहुत ही अच्छा है। तथा सांझ हुई फिर भोर हुआ। इस प्रकार छठवां दिन हो गया॥(उत्पत्ति 1:31)

14 मुझ यहोवा ही ने यह कहा है; और वह हो जाएगा, मैं ऐसा ही करूंगा, मैं तुझे न छोड़ूंगा, न तुझ पर तरस खऊंगा न पछताऊंगा; तेरे चालचलन और कामों ही के अनुसार तेरा न्याय किया जाएगा, प्रभु यहोवा की यही वाणी है।(यहेजकेल 21:14)

परमेश्वर अपने कार्यो से असंतुष्ट है-

11 यों सुलैमान यहोवा के भवन और राजभवन को बना चुका, और यहोवा के भवन में और अपने भवन में जो कुछ उसने बनाना चाहा, उस में उसका मनोरथ पूरा हुआ। (2 इतिहास 7:11)

6 और यहोवा पृथ्वी पर मनुष्य को बनाने से पछताया, और वह मन में अति खेदित हुआ।
7 तब यहोवा ने सोचा, कि मैं मनुष्य को जिसकी मैं ने सृष्टि की है पृथ्वी के ऊपर से मिटा दूंगा; क्या मनुष्य, क्या पशु, क्या रेंगने वाले जन्तु, क्या आकाश के पक्षी, सब को मिटा दूंगा क्योंकि मैं उनके बनाने से पछताता हूं। (उत्पत्ति 6:6-7)

2 परमेश्वर चुने हुए मंदिरो मे निवास करता है-

11 यों सुलैमान यहोवा के भवन और राजभवन को बना चुका, और यहोवा के भवन में और अपने भवन में जो कुछ उसने बनाना चाहा, उस में उसका मनोरथ पूरा हुआ। (2 इतिहास 7:11)

परमेश्वर मंदिरो मे नही रहता-

48 परन्तु परमप्रधान हाथ के बनाए घरों में नहीं रहता, जैसा कि भविष्यद्वक्ता ने कहा। (प्रेरितो के काम 7:48)

3परमेश्वर प्रकाश मे रहता है-

16 और अमरता केवल उसी की है, और वह अगम्य ज्योति में रहता है, और न उसे किसी मनुष्य ने देखा, और न कभी देख सकता है: उस की प्रतिष्ठा और राज्य युगानुयुग रहेगा।(1 तीमुथियस 6:16)

परमेश्वर अंधकार मे रहता है-

12 तब सुलैमान कहने लगा, यहोवा ने कहा था, कि मैं घोर अंधकार में वास किए रहूंगा। (1 राजा 8:12)

4 परमेश्वर को देखा व सुना जा सकता है-

23 फिर मैं अपना हाथ उठा लूंगा, तब तू मेरी पीठ का तो दर्शन पाएगा, परन्तु मेरे मुख का दर्शन नहीं मिलेगा॥(निर्गमन 33:23)

11 और यहोवा मूसा से इस प्रकार आम्हने-साम्हने बातें करता था, जिस प्रकार कोई अपने भाई से बातें करे। और मूसा तो छावनी में फिर आता था, पर यहोशू नाम एक जवान, जो नून का पुत्र और मूसा का टहलुआ था, वह तम्बू में से न निकलता था॥ (निर्गमन 33:11)

8 तब यहोवा परमेश्वर जो दिन के ठंडे समय बाटिका में फिरता था उसका शब्द उन को सुनाई दिया। तब आदम और उसकी पत्नी बाटिका के वृक्षों के बीच यहोवा परमेश्वर से छिप गए। (उत्पत्ति 3:8)

30 तब याकूब ने यह कह कर उस स्थान का नाम पनीएल रखा: कि परमेश्वर को आम्हने साम्हने देखने पर भी मेरा प्राण बच गया है।(उत्पत्ति 32:30)

1 जिस वर्ष उज्जिय्याह राजा मरा, मैं ने प्रभु को बहुत ही ऊंचे सिंहासन पर विराजमान देखा; और उसके वस्त्र के घेर से मन्दिर भर गया। (याशायाह 6:1)

9 तब मूसा, हारून, नादाब, अबीहू और इस्त्राएलियों के सत्तर पुरनिए ऊपर गए,
10 और इस्त्राएल के परमेश्वर का दर्शन किया; और उसके चरणों के तले नीलमणि का चबूतरा सा कुछ था, जो आकाश के तुल्य ही स्वच्छ था।(निर्गमन 24:9,10)


परमात्मा अदृश्य है देखा व सुना नही जा सकता है-

18 परमेश्वर को किसी ने कभी नहीं देखा, एकलौता पुत्र जो पिता की गोद में हैं, उसी ने उसे प्रगट किया॥ (यूहन्ना 1:18)

37 और पिता जिस ने मुझे भेजा है, उसी ने मेरी गवाही दी है: तुम ने न कभी उसका शब्द सुना, और न उसका रूप देखा है।(यूहन्ना 5:37)

20 फिर उसने कहा, तू मेरे मुख का दर्शन नहीं कर सकता; क्योंकि मनुष्य मेरे मुख का दर्शन करके जीवित नहीं रह सकता।(निर्गमन 33:20)

16 और अमरता केवल उसी की है, और वह अगम्य ज्योति में रहता है, और न उसे किसी मनुष्य ने देखा, और न कभी देख सकता है: उस की प्रतिष्ठा और राज्य युगानुयुग रहेगा।(1 तीमुथियुस 6:16)




The Christian missionaries were making an all out assault on degrading our hindu beliefs,  our sacred scriptures and there by convert en mass hindu brothers who are ignorant of our religious ideals. Earlier their sinister propagation was against our epics, Puranas and historical characters like Sree Ram and Sree Krishna.  Due to the influence of Ramayan and Mahabharath epics and its TV serials like Ramayan etc. (as there is no provision for giving religious education in our schools as secularism forbid teaching Hindu dharmic topics, hence we have to depend upon the popular tele serials like Ramayan and Mahabharath), majority of hindus were able to understand and counter any allegation against their such holy books. But unfortunately, Vedas the revealed knowledge and the root of Indian (even entire creation of the world) civilization did not get such popularity among the general public. There are many reasons for this. I do not want to elaborate it here as now our task is to counter the evangelists who are trying to defame our Vedic religion.

Christian Missionaries after their failure in refuting Vedas and Hindu scriptures even after repeated attempts , their tactics to dupe naïve Hindus had changed. Now their  attempt is to – To prove that  Jesus arrival was prophesied in Vedas and there by Hindus should convert to Christianity. Following the path of these Christian propagandists , Jihadi’s are also trying die hard to plant their Allah and  Muhammad into Vedas.

One of such claim by Christians propagandists in various forums as part of a organised conspiracy is as follows

If Krishna is a far cry from the superlative person of Jesus, there is another person in the Rig Veda who fits the comparison most.  As there are 73 books in the Holy Bible, there are 10 books in the Rigveda. Ten mandalams. First nine mandalams refers to a God and presents methods of worship as rituals.  In the tenth mandalam, besides this Lord Almighty, there is the mention about a man. The first born and only born son of the God. His name is ‘Prajapathy’. Prajapathy, the son of the God comes to this world at the appropriate time. After coming to this world he travels around advising mankind, what is sin and what is not sin; what is to be done and what is not to be done; what is wrong and what is right. To those human beings, who accept his advises and obey his orders, he offers prosperity and peace in this worldly life and salvation at the time of their death. And being the completion of his venture to redeem mankind from sin, he gets sacrificed at the end his specified period on earth.

In verse 7 chapter 90 of the 10th book of the Rigveda, the sacrifice of Prajapathy the Son of God, is well explained.

‘At the time of sacrifice, the son of God will be tightly tied to a wooden sacrificial post using iron nails by hands and legs, he will bleed to death and on the third day he will regain his life in a resurrection.”   Evidently none of the avatars meets this description. Nor are they expecting another incarnation, which will fit the description and attributes

Now let us counter the allegation verse by verse.

Allegation 1. In verse 7 chapter 90 of the 10th book of the Rigveda, the sacrifice of Prajapathy the Son of God, is well explained.

‘At the time of sacrifice, the son of God will be tightly tied to a wooden sacrificial post using iron nails by hands and legs, he will bleed to death and on the third day he will regain his life in a resurrection.”

Reply :  This Hymn is from Purusha Sooktha of Rig Veda. It is repeated in Yajurveda also. The meaning of this Hymn is as follows “O men know Him, the perfect God, existent before the creation of the world, and highly adorable, Him the learned, the yogis and the Rishis realize in the innermost recesses of their hearts, and worship as directed by the Vedas preached by Him!’  There is no mention of cruzification by nails, bleed to death, resurrection etc.

Allegation 2 :  “sa paryaghachachukrama virunamsnaviram shudhhama papavittham kavirmanishi paribhur swayambhur yadhatha ityadhorthan  viyadhadhacha chiviyaha samabhyaha”

Reply : This manthra is from Isavasyopanishat (also the 8th manthra of 40th chapter of Yajurveda). Its meaning is “God is All pervading, Lustrous, Bodiless, Flawless, Sinewless, Pure, unpierced by evil. He is omniscient, knower or the hearts of all, censurer of the sinful, and self-existent. He truly reveals through the Vedas all things for His subjects from His immemorial attributes, free from birth and death”  Nowhere here the Jesus seems to have any resemblance. The description of the Supreme God mentioned in the referred Upanishads also do not substantiate the biblical view of God.

The Hymns of Purusha Sooktham mentioned in the articles and their concept of meaning can only foolish those who do not  know basic Sanskrit knowledge. See a classic example (this I already pointed out in reply to Allegation 1 above). In vedic literatures, the word yagya is not similar to the meaning of sacrifice as being followed by Christians and Muslims (for them sacrifice means killing of men or animals as an offering to God!). Vedas totally prohibits killing of any creatures for any purpose including food needs also. The Prajapathi mentioned in Vedas do not have any resemblance with the man God Jesus!

It is very interesting that the Christian propagandists are now willing to accept that Vedas originated even before their Bible and Jesus. It will also be interesting to search the truth that the life of Jesus was missing from his age 13 to 30 yrs from history books. In his research book titled ‘Christianity is Krishnanity’  by renowned historian and INA veteran Late Sri. PN Oak clearly proved with strong evidence regarding this view.  Since our missionary brothers started acknowledging the Vedas, it is right time for them to study more on Vedas, Hinduism and return to their parent religion i.e. Vedic Religion!

Om Krinvantho Vishwamaryam! 

The Nature of the Christian God

god in christainity

The Nature of the Christian God

1. God’s Name Exodus 15; 3


2. God’s Country Habakkuk 3; 3


3. Descriptions of God. 2 Samuel 22; 9, Deut. 11;12 , 2 Chronicles 16; 9, Zech. 4;10

3:1 God is like jasper & carnelian stones Rev. 4; 2-3

3:2 John’s description of Christ. Rev. i. I2-l6. Rev. 2; I8


4. God’s companions. Zech. 6; 2

4:1 Bizarre heavenly beasts around God’s throne praise him tirelessly. Rev. 4; 6


5. God’s Character

5:1 Yahweh the destroyer. Zeph. 1; 2

5:2 Yahweh the avenger. Deut 32; 35 Nahum 1; 2

5:3 Yahweh craves vengeance Ezek. 5; 12 -13

5:4 Yahweh the god of war. Deut. 39 —- 42

5:5 Yahweh comes accompanied by epidemics. Hab. 3;5-6

5:6 God as a wild beast. Lam. 3; 10 Hosea 5; 13; 7-8

5:7 God describes himself as a moth and the rot Hosea 5;


6. God’s emotional composition

6:1 Yahweh — an envious, irascible, indignant god. Nahum 1;1 – 6

6:2 Yahweh’s unbridled rage. Deut 32; 22 – 25

6:3 Yahweh’s uncontrollable fury and lack of poise. Isaiah 34; 2 – 10

6:4 Yahweh’s lack of compassion. Lam. 2; 20

6:5 The Lord God remains unmoved by pleas for mercy. Ezek. 8; 18 Ezek. 8:5 Isaiah

13, 6 18

6:6 God regrets destroying every living being and resolves not to do it again. Gen. 8;21

6:7 God repents and feels sorry for himself. Jer. 15; 6. Gen; 6; 6 1] Exodus 32; 14

I Sam. 15; 35 Amos. 7; 3 Jer.15;6.

6:8 The Lord takes a turn, and inexplicably tries to murder Moses and is pacified with the

offering of a baby’s foreskin. Exodus 4; 24-26


7. God’s Transport

7:1 God rides on the back of an angel. 2 Samuel 22:11 Psalm 18:10


8. God’s Throne

8:1 God has a rumbling, flashing, thundering throne. Rev. 4; 5


9. God’s Offspring

9:1 Sons of God have sex with the daughters of men. Gen. 6; 4 1]


10. God’s Diet

10:1 The Lord prefers meat to vegetables. Gen. 4. 3-5.

10:2 God enjoys the smell of roast meat. Gen. 8;20

10:3 God shoots out fire to eat the meat offering Lev 9:24


11. God’s Appearances

11:1 God stands on the Altar. Amos 9;1

11:2 God manifest himself as a pillar of fire and a cloud. Exodus 13; 21, 22.

11:3 God hides in a burning bush. Exodus 3.2-5

11:4 God shows his back parts. Exodus 33; 23


12. God’s Social Life

12:1 God is tired of living in a tent and demands a house. 2 Sam;7:4

12:2 Satan pays a visit on his mate God. Job 1; 6

12:3 Moses and God meet on the top of a mountain. Ex 19; 20

12:4 Moses takes the people to meet Jehovah in a burning mountain. Exodus 19; 17-22

12:5 God holds a dinner party for 74 guests on a paved mountain. Exo 24:9-11

12:6 God and two angels pay a courtesy call on Abraham and have lunch with him. Gen.

18; 1- 8

12:7 Abraham takes a stroll with God and negotiates with him. Gen. 18:16 Gen 18:23

12:8 God has a tiff with Sarah. Gen. 18:10

12:9 Disgusting effect of the presence of “God in a box.” 1 Samuel 5; 8


13. God’s Communicative skills

13:1 God appears in a cloud and talks to Moses. Exodus 33; 9 Numbers 12; 5

13:2 God roars Isaiah 42:13 Hosea 11:10 Joel 3; 16

13:3 and yells like grape-pressers. Jer. 25; 30

13:4 He summons people by whistling and hissing. Isaiah 5;26 Zech. 10; 8

13:5 He also summons the flies from Egypt and the Bees from Assyria by hissing. Isaiah

7; 18


14. God’s Deceptions

14:1 God deceives his own prophets. Jer. 20; 7 2 Chronicles 18; 22

14:2 And sends evil spirits to trouble his kings. I Samuel ‘I6; 14 I Samuel 18;10

14:3 He even has his son taken away and tempted. Luke 4; 1

14:4 He also deludes people into believing lies so that he can then condemn them. 2

Thessalonians 2; 11

14:5 God makes men drunkards Jeremiah 13:13


15. God’s Enemy the Dragon

15:1 God describes the Leviathan his nemesis — a many-headed fire-breathing Sea-

Dragon. Job 41:1 Ps 104:26

15:2 A War in heaven between the angels and the dragon. Rev. 12; 7

15:3 God fights with the Sea-Dragon and kills it. Ps 74:14 13 Isa 27:1


16. Testimonies of God’s Goodness

16:1 The love of God is evident in his killing and expropriating the land of others. Psalm 136: 10

16:2 Sun, moon, stars, dragons, pious mountains, and holy beasts are called upon to Praise the Lord. Psalm 148:3


Objections to the Creationism of the Bible


Objections to the Creationism of the Bible

The whole edifice of Christian theology of Salvation finds it’s origins in the Biblical account of creation and the subsequent fall of man — necessitating the final salvation through Jesus Christ. So we begin our critique with this myth. The fundamentalists would have us believe that God created the world from nothing (ex nihilo). The world was created according to Genesis in 6 days, then God tired from his labour and took rest on the seventh day, which was consecrated as a holy day. (The original day was Saturday which Emperor Constantine changed to Sunday). If this is accepted as a Myth — meaning a description which explains an inexplicable Truth, then there is no problem. When it is presented as historic and cosmological fact then some questions call for answers. The first major problem that faces us with the story of creation is that there are two distinct and Mutually contradictory accounts.

Genesis 1; 1-31

The earth is formless and void — water is in a state of chaos.

Day 1. God creates the light through speech and separates it from darkness, calls light day and darkness night.

Day 2. Divides the waters upwards and downwards by the sky.

Day 3. Gathers the waters below the sky into the sea, and dry land (earth) appears. Creates vegetation.

Day 4. Creates sun, moon and stars. Day 5. Creates creatures of the sea and birds, and sea monsters (ta‘inim).

Day 6. Creates cattle and all earth creatures,then creates both male and female (Adam & Eve).

Day 7. Takes rest from His handiwork.

Genesis 2; 4-25

The earth is barren and dry

Step 1. A spring gushes out and waters the entire earth.

Step 2. God creates Adam from the dust.

Step 3. God plants a garden to the east — Eden, together with the tree of life and the tree of good & evil.

Step 4. God puts Adam in the garden to work as a gardener.

Step 5. Makes animals to be his companions so that he won’t be lonely. He brings each one to Adam to name it.

Step 6. Adam still has no helper and so God creates Eve from his rib.

Objection 1. The creation ex nihilo?

There is no definite statement that the world was created from nothing. The first verse “ln the beginning God created heaven and earth” is a statement introducing a subject about to be taught ie. the creation of heaven and earth. There was either a pre-existent chaos in which earth and water and sky were all combined and undifferentiated or the first thing that God did was to create a chaos and then set about sorting it out.

Objection 2. Day & Night without the Sun?

God separates light from darkness and calls the light Day and the darkness Night. (Genesis 1;4) Then three days later he creates the sun.(Genesis 1;16) How is it possible for day to exist without the sun? Every school child knows that the day and night are created by the movement of the earth. The Fundamentalist will perform all kinds of exegetical gymnastics to get out of this quandary. Saying that the Day referred to is not an actual day, and the Night is not an actual night — none of which is borne out by the text which uses the words in a simple and straight forward manner, affirming that day and night were alternating with each other.

Objection 3. Canopy of the sky?

According to Genesis 1; 6-8 God separates the waters by means of the canopy of the sky. There is water below which is the sea and there is another body of water above the sky. Seeing that water is a physical substance this canopy too must be a physical substance. Yet millions of people have flown in aircraft above the clouds, space ships and satellites have regularly been sent into space yet never has there been any report of vast bodies of water beyond the sky! Nor a canopy that has been pierced.

Objection 4. Creation of Man

We are told that God created animals first and then followed with the creation of man (Adam) and woman (Eve) at the same time. We are then told that he first created Adam, then he created the animals to be companions to him. When this does not alleviate Adam’s loneliness he takes a rib and creates woman (Eve) to be his companion. An evangelical friend of mine understood the second account to be an elaboration of the first account. But he still could not adequately explain how the animals were created before Adam and then again after him.

Objection 5. Human-like Activities of God.

Genesis 2; 8 tells us that God then took to gardening and planted a garden in the east called Eden. He then gave Adam and Eve to live in the garden. In the cool of the evening He used to stroll about in the garden4alking to himself (Genesis 3;8). Where Adam and Eve hide themselves from him, he couldn’t find them and called out to them(Genesis 3;9). He then interrogates them about their indiscreet behaviour and curses them. This episode clearly demonstrates that God is very much a physical being with physical limitations and is not yet omniscient. If the East spoken of is a geographic east why is it that the garden of Eden has never been found? If it is acknowledged by our Fundamentalist friend to be spiritual realm, then surely the account cannot be historic! History pertains to the realm of scientific investigation not to the realm of mythological speculation! The two views are incompatible. One Evangelical that I was discussing this subject with told me that the garden had been destroyed in the flood! Tree of life and all! (There is no indication of this in the Bible to my knowledge!)

Objection 6. The existence of other Peoples

Adam and Eve had two sons — Qayn and Hevel, Qayn killed Hevel, God then inquires from Qayn what has happened to his brother (Gen. 4;10) In the dialogue that follows Qayn expresses fear that he will be victimized and the Lord acknowledging the reality of his fear promises to protect him (Gen. 4; 15).Qayn then departs to the land of Nod where he marries and has children (Genesis 4; 16). It seems like the creator suddenly has a memory lapse, the entire population of the earth is three; Adam, Eve and Qayn, so who does Qayn fear and from whom will God protect him? Where did those people in the land of Nod come from? Who made them? If this is an historical account we must come to the logical conclusion that other creators were at work oblivious of each other’s agendas!

Objection 7. Lifespan exceeding 800 years

We then have a genealogical table of Adam’s descendants all whom live not less than 800 years! Seeing that a year has always been exactly 12 months except in a leap year it is impossible to accept that our pre-flood ancestors actually lived for 800 + years!

Objection 8. God’s lack of knowledge

The people began building a tower to ascend to heaven (Gen 11;4) God (elohim) came down from heaven to see what they were doing (Gen 11;5) He became worried because nothing would prevent them from doing what they have imagined to do (Gen 11;6) God (elohim) then says “let us divide their languages so that they will become confused and their work will be obstructed” (Gen 11;7) From this “historical” account we learn that God lives up in the sky beyond the clouds, his vision is limited so he cannot see clearly from were he is. He is compelled to descend from the sky to observe what the people are doing. He becomes worried because they can and will reach heaven if they continue building and so he and his colleagues (“let us“) divide the languages, cause confusion and so foil the plot by humans to ascend to heaven!!

The Bible that is Never Quoted

robert lee

The Bible that is Never Quoted

The Bible is a book of miscellaneous character. It was composed by many authors, some of whose Names are known and other unknown and handed down by word of mouth for centuries. lt contains Poetry, history, legends, fables, ethics, prophecy, parable, and superstition. The good and bad, beautiful and ugly, savage and tender, are all wonderfully mixed. It is also a very large book without an index or table of contents and as such it is very easy to read it in an uncritical manner, selecting passages that are agreeable and simply ignoring those that are unagreeable or difficult to understand. Hence the necessity for this Book of unusual or little known Biblical quotes, which is chiefly designed for non-Christians and Freethinkers, but should also be of service to inquiring Christians. The object of this compilation is to present a collection of embarrassing verses which are never quoted by missionaries and in most cases little known by the missionaries themselves. The quotes are presented as they appear in the Bible with the chapters and verses for the purpose of cross-reference by interested scholars. The worst things in the Bible have been selected; its self-contradictions, its absurdities, its immoralities, its indecencies, and its brutalities. Many Christians will doubtless object to this way of approaching the Bible. They will probably deny the fairness of dissecting the Bible in this way and presenting the passages out of context. But the apologists of the Christian Scriptures, particularly the evangelicals are constantly occupied in asserting that the Bible is the unquestionable and infallible “Word of the True God”. It is also the way of true morality and everything in their lives has reference to the Bible and what the Bible says on various selective topics — from the election of the president, to war, abortion and homosexuality. Unquestionably it would be grossly unfair to disembowel an ordinary book in this way. But the Bible is not an ordinary book. lt is endorsed in England as “God’s Word” by Act of Parliament, it is believed by many that everything in it is historically and scientifically true. The creation of the world, the origins of the human species, God’s plan for salvation and everything else is the Absolute Truth to millions of pious Christians. Wars were fought over it, Governments rose and fell through it, blood was shed in it’s name, people were conquered and enslaved on its teachings, persecution was justified by its myths and personal prejudices and hatreds were keep inflamed by its quotes. Its supporters use its verses to denigrate and denounce other belief systems and certainly in the past to justify burning people alive. Evangelicals use a highly critical method of examining the Sacred Scriptures of the Hindus in order to expose their flaws and contradictions and to refute them by appealing to logic, science and ethics. None of these methods are ever applied by them to their own Bible which is seen as so sacred and self evidently perfect that any attempt to censure it would be blasphemy warranting the wrath of God and the righteous indignation of pious Christians and punishment. Of an etemal damnation. The verses are presented with minimal commentary in order to allow the Bible to speak for itself and Give evidence in its own name.

Hindus are now the favored target group for the Southern Baptist Evangelicals who are now pouring hundreds and thousands of dollars into the conversion of the Hindus in India. Hindus are seen as an easy target because of their openness, respect for other religions and deep sense of the spiritual.— Values which can easily be exploited in the conversion strategy. The most common strategy is sales. Is to convince the victim of the need for the product been purveyed. This is done by establishing the superiority of the new product over the old product. ln the unlearned populace this is easily done by comparing the best of the new with the worst of the old. Evangelical missionaries learn the basics of Hinduism and then compare the most contentious aspects with the best of Christianity. Stressing all the successes, theological beauty and religious fellowship. Teaching that Hinduism is a product of the devil and how much the damned heathen will benefit from the goodness and truth of Christianity — this is further backed up by the building of Schools, clinics and financial support for the new converts. The Bible is the basis of the Evangelical case. The missionaries have an amazing range of Biblical quotes in their repetoir all designed to show us the error of our ways, to expose our ignorance and to teach us benighted heathens about the “True Living God” and the perils we face in not accepting the presented version of Christianity. Historically Evangelism goes hand in hand with imperialism, chauvinism and western supremacy. The Missionaries of old were always followed by the soldiers and the merchants. The missionaries stole The spirituality of the natives, the soldiers stole their land and the merchants stole their resources. The English imperialist agenda was justified by the pious desire to bring “The light“to the heathens of the Third world! The real agenda was for material exploitation. The genocide practiced by the (Protestant) Founding Fathers of America, by the (Anglican) English in Tasmania, by the (Calvinist) Dutch in South Africa are all well documented historical facts. The Bible indeed, as does all the world’s Scriptures, contains much that is good and sublime. Christianity too has much that is good and positive and acceptable. But the Bible also contains an incredible amount of nonsense, immorality, wickedness and sheer ignorance. The Bible contains such a vast amount of subject matter that it is possible to justify anything and everything from its pages. The new converts, coddled in the niceties of modern day Christianity are never taught the true history of the church, about the wars of religion, the inquisition etc. and how much the Bible was used to justify the imperialist expansion of the Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese and the English. The entire edifice of Apartheid in South Africa was theologically justified by the Dutch Reformed Church, on the basis of Scripture. The Dutch Calvinists, like the American Protestants saw themselves as the “New Israel“ entering into the land of Canaan (Africa and America respectively.) The pagans that they came across were the “New Canaanites“ of the Old Testament. Therefore it made sense to them that the socio- political policies of Yahweh regarding the “Old Canaanites” viz. total annihilation, was still valid.

Now therefore kill every male among the little ones and kill every woman who has known man by lying with him. But all the female children who have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. Numbers 31 ;1 7

And when the Lord your God shall deliver them before you, and you shall defeat them; then you shall Utterly destroy them; you shall make no covenant with them, nor show mercy to them. Deut. 7; 2

You shall surely smite the inhabitants of that city with the edge of the sword, destroying it utterly, and all that is in it, and its cattle, with the edge of the sword. Deut 13; 15

But of the cities of these people which the Lord your God gives you for an inheritance, you shall save alive nothing that breaths; but you shall utterly destroy them. Deut 20;16

And they utterly destroyed all that were in the city, both men and women, young and old and oxen and sheep and asses, with the edge of the sword. Joshua 6.21

The Lord shall deliver the Moabites also into your hands. And you shall destroy every fortified city, and shall fell every good tree and pollute all the springs of water and mar every piece of land with stones. 2. Kings 3:19

When -the Christian—Europeans arrived in America in 1492 there were an estimated 80 million native Inhabitants — by 1550 only 10 million remained. In Mexico on the eve of the Christian conquest there Were about 25 million people, by 1600 only 1 million remained. In the West Indies almost the entire Population was exterminated. In Santo Domingo in 1492 there were about 1 million inhabitants, by 1530 only 10,000 were left. In Cuba in 1492 there were an estimated 600,000 natives, by 1570 only 270 households remained. In North America too million Native Americans — men, women and Children were slaughtered by the pious “pilgrims” egged on by their fundamentalist Baptist preachers Quoting the above passages and demonising the natives.


Whether Christ is Omniscient By Chattampi Swamikal

make man of his image

Initial Creation

Oh! Christian preachers,

Why did Jehovah create the primeval man and woman devoid of discrimination? Had they discrimination, why did they eat the forbidden

fruit and fail to know that to refrain from doing forbidden things right and to do them is wrong? Why weren‟t they initially bestowed with the

knowledge of good and evil that they gained after eating the forbidden fruit?

Why did Jehovah plant a useless tree in the Garden of Eden where they were sent to live though they had no discrimination? Suppose a father brings home a pretty looking poisonous fruit, bids his children to stay away from it and in his absence the children get tempted, eat the fruit and fall sick, will you blame the children instead of the father? Similarly, would not the blame for the primeval man and woman turning sinners fall Jehovah instead of the man and woman?

Is Jehovah justified in not killing the man and woman after they ate the fruit forbidden by Him (though on eating the fruit they were to die on the same day)? If it was out of compassion for the man and woman, why didn‟t omniscient Jehovah foresee the events?


If eating forbidden fruit was to give knowledge of good and evil, is it not cheating on the part of Jehovah that He did not want them to acquire this knowledge? If it is said that it was not so, the tree had no power of bestowing such knowledge and that it was merely a symbol to indicate that abiding by Jehovah‟s commands is good and violating them is evil, this interpretation not being contained in the scripture cannot be accepted. The scripture further says, “After eating the forbidden fruit, their eyes opened”.


Why did Jehovah plant that tree in the Garden of Eden and forbid the man and woman from eating its fruit? If His purport was to make them realize that to obey His commands is good and to disobey them is bad, why did He give this command which was of no use to either Himself or others?


Had God provided them with discrimination at the time of creating them, they would have known that God is the ultimate cause and that it is good to obey Him and bad to violate. The tree of knowledge then becomes redundant. If Jehovah forbade man from eating the fruit of the tree in order to know whether or not the man would obey his command, it would mean He lacked foreknowledge and was, therefore, not omniscient.


If it is argued that Jehovah had given free will to man and man alone is responsible for his mistakes and that Jehovah was not to be blamed, it is not acceptable. For, if a father allows freedom to his innocent children and the children commit grave mistakes, who is to blame, the children or the father? Is He justified in giving freedom to persons devoid of discrimination? Can Satan have power to beguile and to bring to harm the man whom Jehovah created in His own image? If Jehovah was absent when Satan tempted the woman, it is evident that Jehovah is not  omnipresent. If He was not aware of that Satan was to tempt the woman, it is evident that Jehovah Is not omniscient. If He knew about Satan‟s intention, but failed to prevent the happenings, it is evident that Jehovah is not omnipotent. If He was aware of the happenings and allowed them to take place, it is evident that Jehovah is without compassion.


Can he who, even after seeing his child being attacked by a beast, does not try his best to rescue the child and remains quiet, be called a father? Never! Is it justified to consider Jehovah as father of all beings?


If intention of Jehovah was to punish Satan and redeem the man later, it can be deemed as an eccentric act, since it is unwise to acquire both disease and medicine.


It is said that it was Satan who spoiled man‟s mind. If it is so, there should have been an evil spirit who should have spoiled an angel‟s mind and turned him into Satan. Since there was no such spirit in existence at that time, Jehovah should be the evil spirit who spoiled everyone. Why did Jehovah curse the serpents as a whole while it was Satan who came in the form of serpent and beguiled men? Is it justified that the innocent serpents were victims of the curse whereas the actual culprits, i.e. Satan, the tree of knowledge and Jehovah who created them received no such curse?

While it was only the primeval men who disobeyed Jehovah‟s command, why did He decide to extend the curse on all their descendants? And the LORD was sorry that he had made humankind on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart. He was sorry that He made them – Genesis 6:6, 7.

Having created men of His own accord, why should Jehovah feel sorry about that? His sadness over the degradation of men from pure souls to sinners is understandable. After all, Men only turned into sinners and did not cause any other harm. But, in the case of Satan who was initially an angel created by God, not only did the angel sin and turn himself into Satan but he turned men also into sinners. Thus Jehovah ought to have felt sad about the grave misdeeds of Satan, which he did not, but He chose to worry about men‟s deeds. Why is it so? It can be concluded that if Jehovah could not foresee, at the time of creation, the occurrence of these troubles, He is not omniscient, if He had the foreknowledge of these events, He is devoid of compassion and His later repentance is only pretence.


If one knows the certain events will take place in certain manner, will he not decide a definite course of action to be taken to achieve the end? If so, won‟t everything happen as planned by Jehovah and not go awry? If it goes wrong won‟t it mean that Jehovah is devoid of omniscience and omnipotence? If nothing has gone wrong, it would mean that things happened as per Jehovah‟s design. So, there is no justice at all in attributing all sins to men instead of to Jehovah. There is scriptural evidence that everything was predetermined by God – According as he hath chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love – Ephesians 1-4, In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of Him who worketh all things after the counsel of His own will

Ephesians 1:11, And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose – Romans 8:28, For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be

conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren – Romans 8:29, Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he

justified, them he also glorified – Romans 8:30, Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain – Acts 2:23, What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction; And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory – Romans 9:22,23, But we are bound to give thanks always to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth – Thessalonians 2:2:13.


It can be seen from the above that Jehovah had decided that things should occur in a certain manner. It is therefore clear that all ill occurrences

took place just as designed by Jehovah. Therefore, punishing the souls for the sins committed Jehovah is grave injustice.


From the above analysis of „initial creation‟, it is proved that Jehovah doesn‟t have characteristics of God.


Whether Crist is Omnipotence by Chattampi Swamikal



 Material Cause

 Oh! Christian preachers,

Does not your Bible say that Jehovah created the world out of void? Cause should always precede an effect. The effect is, however, contained in latent

form in the cause and it  becomes manifest when efficient cause comes into action later. For instance, the pot was in latent form in the clay and it  became manifest when the potter created it out of  clay. Bible mentions only efficient cause (Jehovah) for Creation which is an effect and is silent about material cause of Creation. This is no way logical.


If it is argued that God could create the world out of void because He is omnipotent, it doesn‟t fit. Omnipotence is the power to make everything function smoothly without any obstacles. Doing thing in an improper way instead of adopting right means is not a sign of omnipotence. For instance, to put a mountain within a mustard seed without changing their respective vastness and smallness is not possible. Not doing such a feat, doesn‟t strip God of His omnipotence. Otherwise, just because God doesn‟t have the power to create another omnipotent God or to destroy Himself, He would be deemed not omnipotent. Since this would not be acceptable to you,  creating world from a material cause would not take away God‟s  omnipotence.

If it is said that God Himself is both material cause and efficient cause of the world, it is not logical. Logic is that an effect is a modified material

cause. Just as the thread used to weave a white cloth should itself be white, the God, who is the material cause of the world which is both sentient

and insentient, should necessarily possess these characteristics. This is possible because one cannot possess opposite qualities at the same time.

Were God to be part sentient and part insentient, He would be comprised of parts, hence an effect and would cease to be the supreme cause. As per the basic dictum in logic, यद्यर्् सावयवम् र्त्तर्् कायतम्, यथा घटिटाद्दद, whatever is made up of parts isan effect such as pot, cloth, etc. From the above analysis of material cause of Creation, it is proved that Jehovah doesn‟t have characteristics of God.