The Bible that is Never Quoted

robert lee

The Bible that is Never Quoted

The Bible is a book of miscellaneous character. It was composed by many authors, some of whose Names are known and other unknown and handed down by word of mouth for centuries. lt contains Poetry, history, legends, fables, ethics, prophecy, parable, and superstition. The good and bad, beautiful and ugly, savage and tender, are all wonderfully mixed. It is also a very large book without an index or table of contents and as such it is very easy to read it in an uncritical manner, selecting passages that are agreeable and simply ignoring those that are unagreeable or difficult to understand. Hence the necessity for this Book of unusual or little known Biblical quotes, which is chiefly designed for non-Christians and Freethinkers, but should also be of service to inquiring Christians. The object of this compilation is to present a collection of embarrassing verses which are never quoted by missionaries and in most cases little known by the missionaries themselves. The quotes are presented as they appear in the Bible with the chapters and verses for the purpose of cross-reference by interested scholars. The worst things in the Bible have been selected; its self-contradictions, its absurdities, its immoralities, its indecencies, and its brutalities. Many Christians will doubtless object to this way of approaching the Bible. They will probably deny the fairness of dissecting the Bible in this way and presenting the passages out of context. But the apologists of the Christian Scriptures, particularly the evangelicals are constantly occupied in asserting that the Bible is the unquestionable and infallible “Word of the True God”. It is also the way of true morality and everything in their lives has reference to the Bible and what the Bible says on various selective topics — from the election of the president, to war, abortion and homosexuality. Unquestionably it would be grossly unfair to disembowel an ordinary book in this way. But the Bible is not an ordinary book. lt is endorsed in England as “God’s Word” by Act of Parliament, it is believed by many that everything in it is historically and scientifically true. The creation of the world, the origins of the human species, God’s plan for salvation and everything else is the Absolute Truth to millions of pious Christians. Wars were fought over it, Governments rose and fell through it, blood was shed in it’s name, people were conquered and enslaved on its teachings, persecution was justified by its myths and personal prejudices and hatreds were keep inflamed by its quotes. Its supporters use its verses to denigrate and denounce other belief systems and certainly in the past to justify burning people alive. Evangelicals use a highly critical method of examining the Sacred Scriptures of the Hindus in order to expose their flaws and contradictions and to refute them by appealing to logic, science and ethics. None of these methods are ever applied by them to their own Bible which is seen as so sacred and self evidently perfect that any attempt to censure it would be blasphemy warranting the wrath of God and the righteous indignation of pious Christians and punishment. Of an etemal damnation. The verses are presented with minimal commentary in order to allow the Bible to speak for itself and Give evidence in its own name.

Hindus are now the favored target group for the Southern Baptist Evangelicals who are now pouring hundreds and thousands of dollars into the conversion of the Hindus in India. Hindus are seen as an easy target because of their openness, respect for other religions and deep sense of the spiritual.— Values which can easily be exploited in the conversion strategy. The most common strategy is sales. Is to convince the victim of the need for the product been purveyed. This is done by establishing the superiority of the new product over the old product. ln the unlearned populace this is easily done by comparing the best of the new with the worst of the old. Evangelical missionaries learn the basics of Hinduism and then compare the most contentious aspects with the best of Christianity. Stressing all the successes, theological beauty and religious fellowship. Teaching that Hinduism is a product of the devil and how much the damned heathen will benefit from the goodness and truth of Christianity — this is further backed up by the building of Schools, clinics and financial support for the new converts. The Bible is the basis of the Evangelical case. The missionaries have an amazing range of Biblical quotes in their repetoir all designed to show us the error of our ways, to expose our ignorance and to teach us benighted heathens about the “True Living God” and the perils we face in not accepting the presented version of Christianity. Historically Evangelism goes hand in hand with imperialism, chauvinism and western supremacy. The Missionaries of old were always followed by the soldiers and the merchants. The missionaries stole The spirituality of the natives, the soldiers stole their land and the merchants stole their resources. The English imperialist agenda was justified by the pious desire to bring “The light“to the heathens of the Third world! The real agenda was for material exploitation. The genocide practiced by the (Protestant) Founding Fathers of America, by the (Anglican) English in Tasmania, by the (Calvinist) Dutch in South Africa are all well documented historical facts. The Bible indeed, as does all the world’s Scriptures, contains much that is good and sublime. Christianity too has much that is good and positive and acceptable. But the Bible also contains an incredible amount of nonsense, immorality, wickedness and sheer ignorance. The Bible contains such a vast amount of subject matter that it is possible to justify anything and everything from its pages. The new converts, coddled in the niceties of modern day Christianity are never taught the true history of the church, about the wars of religion, the inquisition etc. and how much the Bible was used to justify the imperialist expansion of the Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese and the English. The entire edifice of Apartheid in South Africa was theologically justified by the Dutch Reformed Church, on the basis of Scripture. The Dutch Calvinists, like the American Protestants saw themselves as the “New Israel“ entering into the land of Canaan (Africa and America respectively.) The pagans that they came across were the “New Canaanites“ of the Old Testament. Therefore it made sense to them that the socio- political policies of Yahweh regarding the “Old Canaanites” viz. total annihilation, was still valid.

Now therefore kill every male among the little ones and kill every woman who has known man by lying with him. But all the female children who have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. Numbers 31 ;1 7

And when the Lord your God shall deliver them before you, and you shall defeat them; then you shall Utterly destroy them; you shall make no covenant with them, nor show mercy to them. Deut. 7; 2

You shall surely smite the inhabitants of that city with the edge of the sword, destroying it utterly, and all that is in it, and its cattle, with the edge of the sword. Deut 13; 15

But of the cities of these people which the Lord your God gives you for an inheritance, you shall save alive nothing that breaths; but you shall utterly destroy them. Deut 20;16

And they utterly destroyed all that were in the city, both men and women, young and old and oxen and sheep and asses, with the edge of the sword. Joshua 6.21

The Lord shall deliver the Moabites also into your hands. And you shall destroy every fortified city, and shall fell every good tree and pollute all the springs of water and mar every piece of land with stones. 2. Kings 3:19

When -the Christian—Europeans arrived in America in 1492 there were an estimated 80 million native Inhabitants — by 1550 only 10 million remained. In Mexico on the eve of the Christian conquest there Were about 25 million people, by 1600 only 1 million remained. In the West Indies almost the entire Population was exterminated. In Santo Domingo in 1492 there were about 1 million inhabitants, by 1530 only 10,000 were left. In Cuba in 1492 there were an estimated 600,000 natives, by 1570 only 270 households remained. In North America too million Native Americans — men, women and Children were slaughtered by the pious “pilgrims” egged on by their fundamentalist Baptist preachers Quoting the above passages and demonising the natives.


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