Category Archives: Myth Busters

Varn Vyawasthaa according to Vedas


वेदानुसार  Varn Vyawasthaa
There is no sanction in Vedas of castes by birth system
वर्ण – ब्राह्मण, क्षत्री,वैश्य,शूद्र जाति जन्म से नहीं होते
Nurturing of Talents
शिशुराङ्गिरस: । पवमान: सोम: । पंक्ति: ।
Refrain line is:इन्द्रायेन्दो परि स्रव Natural Talents may flower; प्राकृतिक प्रतिभाओं का विकास हो.

Different temperaments;

नानानं वा उ नो धियो वि व्रतानि जनानाम् ।
तक्षा रिष्टं रुतं भिषग् ब्रह्मा सुन्वन्तमिच्छतीन्द्रायेन्दो परि स्रव ।। 9.112.1
Humans manifest different traits.
1. Work with Physical Objects; One has an inclination to be skilled with physical objects and techniques.
2. Work with living Objects; One wants to become a healer, a doctor to bring comfort by cure to others.
3. Work on Minds; One wants to be a learned person interested in bringing bounties of wisdom to others.
The motivating force in humans manifests in various forms, and needs to be nurtured accordingly. Natural Talents may flower

मनुष्य भिन्न भिन्न प्रकृति के हैं. कोई शिल्पकार – वस्तुओं के स्वरूप को सुधारने वाला बनना चाहता है; तो कोई वैद्य- भिषक बन कर प्राणियों के स्वास्थ्य मे सुधार लाना चाहता है; तो अन्य ज्ञान का विस्तार कर के समाज में दिव्यता की उपलब्धियों के लिए शिक्षा यज्ञादि अनुष्ठान कराना चाहता है.
इन सब प्रकार की वृत्तियों के विकास के अवसर उपलब्ध कराने चाहिएं. प्राकृतिक प्रतिभाओं का विकास हो.
Set up Different Avenues of Education

जरतीभिरोषधीभि: पर्णेभि: शकुनानाम् ।
कार्मारो अश्मभिर्द्युभिर्हिरण्यवन्तमिच्छतीन्द्रायेन्दो परि स्रव ।। 9.112.2
1. Different herbs, products from other living beings like feathers of a bird and such materials have medicinal properties; Set up avenues to study and teach about them.
2. Technologies can provide opportunities to generate wealth by intelligent working with minerals etc.; set up institutions for nurturing these talents.

1. भिन्न भिन्न जड़ी बूटियों, भिन्न भिन्न प्राणियों के अवयवों से अनेक ओषधियां प्राप्त होती हैं. इन के प्रशिक्षण अनुसंधान के साधन उत्पन्न करो.
2. खनिज पदार्थों इत्यादि से ज्ञान कौशल द्वारा धनोपार्जन सम्भव होता है. इन विषयों पर प्रशिक्षण अनुसंधान के साधन उपलब्ध कराओ.

Different Vocations

कारुरहं ततो भिषगुपलप्रक्षिणी नना ।
नानाधियोवसूयवोऽनु गा इव तस्थिमन्द्रायेन्दो परि स्रव ।। 9.112.3
I am a musician, my family (father& Son) are medical practioners healing diseases, my mother grinds corn to make our food. We all perform our duties to make our contribution to sustain the society, like a cow sustains us all.
मैं संगीतज्ञ हूं, मेरे पिता वैद्य हैं, मेरी माता अनाज को पीसती है. हम सब इस समाज के पोषण में एक गौ की भांति अपना अपनाअपना योगदान करते हैं.
Different predilections- भिन्न भिन्न रुचि

अश्वो वोळहा सुखं रथं हसनामुपमन्त्रिण: ।
शेपो रोमण्वन्तौ भेदौ वारिन्मण्डूक इच्छतीन्द्रायेन्दो परि स्रव ।। 9.112.4
A routine worker like a horse drawing a laden cart with good
master is contended. Another person wants to spend time among friends making merry. Yet another one has high libido and seeks female company. But natural talents must be developed to find opportunities for community development.
साधारण व्यक्ति एक घोड़े की भान्ति एक संवेदनशील स्वामी की सेवा में अपना भार वहन करने में सन्तुष्ट है. अन्य व्यक्ति मित्र मंडलि में बैठ कर हंसी मज़ाक में सुख पाता है. अन्य व्यक्ति अधिक कामुक है और स्त्री सुख की अधिक इच्छा करता है.
भिन्न भिन्न व्यक्तियों की भिन्न भिन्न वृत्तियां होती हैं. परंतु समाज में अपना दायित्व निभाने के लिए सब की प्रतिभाओं का विकास करना चाहिए.

What is Holi? Why do we arya people celebrate it? : By Yashwant Arya




In Sanskrit HOLAK means half baked/roasted shami grain like barley, wheat, etc. p246, Arya Parva Paddhati- Pt Bhawaniprasad. [ ]. Holi is the hindi apbhransh ofthe sanskrit word holak.

Ayurvedic benefits of holak : In spring/vasant the glaciers melt and increase water in the rivers. Similiarly, body fat melts and enters the blood stream. If left unattended, it will create common cold etc. Holak grain reduces kapha and fatigue and increase a little vata. [Bhav prakash]. This also signals the start of eating of sattu [roasted gram and barley] in Aashad/summer to reduce pitta, etc.

Why don’t we eat it alone? Rigved says ‘Kevalagho Bhavati Kevaladi’ or he who eats alone is accumulating paap/bad deeds. Similiarly sage manu [3.118] admonishes the person eating alone.

Why should the arya people [especially farmers] be happy to receive the aashadhi [saadhi] harvest ? Because this harvest is seldom lost even during famine!!

Russians too celebrate this festival as maslenitsa .

UK pancake festival.

Other pagan pre Lenten festivals in different countries are:

Clothing: Clothing can be changed after holak to the light coloured cottons so that one  can enjoy summer.

Relationship management: On this day enemies can embrace each other and make a new beginning of friendship.

Playing holi with women : It is not allowed. Did Lakshman ever look at Sita above her feet? How then, can we touch other women on the pretext of coloring them?

Alcohol and other drugs: Not allowed. Do these things improve our intellect or body?

What about Prahlad and holika burning? That is a story.

What should we throw on others? Throw gulab jal or any other jal made from flowers. This will give money to the indian flower growers rather than the chinese communists.

Can we do a yagna [ in sandhya kal]  ? Of course swargokamo yajet!

What one act play should be enacted? I suggest Abhijyan Shakuntalam, etc rather than sexually suggestive material which destroys deva and devis alike.


Response to Riddle of Krishna of Ambedkar




World wide a large number of people are influenced with Shri Krishna. He is known as Yogeshwar Shri Krishn. But unfortunately Krishna has also been used as a tool by a group of people to cover-up their unethical acts and wishes. Shri Krishna has been projected by people as a carrier of all the unsocial activities and behavior, whether it is prostitution or misbehaving with ladies or it is theft etc. Because of this Shir Krishna has been targeted by people from outside as well within India by different sects.


Maharshee Dayanand considered Shri Krishna as a noble man. Shri Krishna was one of the character whom he considered as noble personality. He was very upset with those kind of people who were indulged in the process of maligning  the image of the great person of the era(Dwapar).


He is the character whose name was referred as noble by Maharshee Dayanand Saraswati to the people of India. Maharshee Dayanand writes in Light of Truth that :

“The life-sketch of Krishna given in the Mahabharat is very good. His nature, attributes, character, and life-history are all like that of an apta (altruistic teacher). Nothing is written therein that would go to show that he committed any sinful act during his whole life, but the author of the Bhagvat has attributed to him as many vices and sinful practices as he could. He has charged him falsely with the theft of milk, curd, and butter, etc., adultery with the female servant called Kubja, flirtation with other people’s wives in the Rasmandal, and many other vices like these. After reading this account of Krishna’s life, the followers of other religions speak ill of him. Had there been no Bhagvat, great men like Krishna would not have been wrongly lowered in the estimation of the world.

There are lots of literature available about Shri Krishna. Mainly literature that speaks about Krishna is Mahabharat, Harivansh and few of the  Puranas. There is too much of  differences that is found in the different stories about Shri Krishna in the different books. This fact is accepted and supported by different authors who have researched and wrote about most prominent personality of Dwapar Yuga. Most Authentic story which has less adulterated verses is found in the Mahabharata.


Now , we will discuss various objections of Dr. Ambedkar one by one.

Dr. Ambedkar first of all has proclaimed that Ugrasen’s wife had an illicit connection with Drumila the Danava king of Saubbha. From this illicit connection was born Kansa who was in a sense the cousin of Devaki.   Whatever Dr. Ambedkar has written in this regard is totally baseless. Nothing is mentioned in this regard in the Mahabharata or Bhagwat (mostly known books about story of Shri Krishna). It seems imagination of his mind that is baseless and should be condemned as without and base writing such derogatory statement does not suits the image of person he was.

First Dr. Ambedkar has cited birth of Balram as miraculous mentioning that the seventh child, Balram, was miraculously transferred from Devaki’s womb to that of Rohine, another wife of Vasudev and has also discussed about the birth of Shri Krishna. Dr. Ambedkar has written about the most common story heard around of a voice of heaven that Devaki’s eight child would kill the Kansa and hence Kans imprisoned both Devaki and her husband Vasudev.

Story about miraculous birth that  Dr. Ambedkar has cited from Purans don’t find any place in Mahabharata. Bakim Chandra Chatopadhyay wirtes that in Bhagwat and Mahabharat Krishn declares that Kans was uprooted his father from the post of the King and controlled the kingdom and he was so cruel that people started to leave Mathura in search of safe heaven. He writes there about the possibility that by considering the environment of the terror, Vasudev and Devaki might have placed Krishna and Balram in the supervision of Nand. Further Pandit Chaumupati Ji have mentioned in the “Yogeshwar Shri Krishn” that in Maharabharat while elaborating the criminal acts of the Kansa, Krishn neither has discussed that Vasudev was imprisoned for ten or twenty years nor he has said about the personal torture of Kansa on his parents. Hence all the facts confirms that there was nothing miraculous in the birth of Krishna and Balaram.


Dr. Ambedkar has written that the killing of Asuras and number of other heroic deeds, impossible for an ordinary human child. But these are the chief staple of the Pauranic account of Krishna’s early life. He says that first of these is the killing of Putana. Pandit Chamupati has discussed this aspect as under:

Let’s have an ideas what Puran says about the Putana.

वसतातोकुळेतेषाम पूतना बाल घातिनी।

सुप्तंकृष्णमुपादायरात्रौ सा प्रददौस्तनम

यस्मैयस्मैस्तनंरात्रौ पूतना संप्रयच्छति


अंश ५, अ. ५ श्लोक ७,८,

In Vishnu Puran , Putana is resident of Gokul. In Hariwansh she is called care taker of Kans and In Brahmvart she is called sister or Kans. There are different stories about the Putana in various puranas in this regard and their stand on Putana are not tuned in.

Bankim Chandra Chatopaddhyay says that this story is also available in Mahabharat,   in Shishupal murder chapter.  Shishupal has called her “Shakuni”.

Eagle, and other meat eater birds are called “Shakuni”. Shishupal says in Mahabharat:

यद्यनेनहतोबाल्येशकुनिश्चित्रमत्रकिम।  सभा. ४१/७

If a child has killed an eagle so what exception he has done?  So when even Sishupal doesn’t see it as exceptional even why does Dr. Ambedkar has declared it in that manner. Continue reading Response to Riddle of Krishna of Ambedkar

The Nature of the Christian God

god in christainity

The Nature of the Christian God

1. God’s Name Exodus 15; 3


2. God’s Country Habakkuk 3; 3


3. Descriptions of God. 2 Samuel 22; 9, Deut. 11;12 , 2 Chronicles 16; 9, Zech. 4;10

3:1 God is like jasper & carnelian stones Rev. 4; 2-3

3:2 John’s description of Christ. Rev. i. I2-l6. Rev. 2; I8


4. God’s companions. Zech. 6; 2

4:1 Bizarre heavenly beasts around God’s throne praise him tirelessly. Rev. 4; 6


5. God’s Character

5:1 Yahweh the destroyer. Zeph. 1; 2

5:2 Yahweh the avenger. Deut 32; 35 Nahum 1; 2

5:3 Yahweh craves vengeance Ezek. 5; 12 -13

5:4 Yahweh the god of war. Deut. 39 —- 42

5:5 Yahweh comes accompanied by epidemics. Hab. 3;5-6

5:6 God as a wild beast. Lam. 3; 10 Hosea 5; 13; 7-8

5:7 God describes himself as a moth and the rot Hosea 5;


6. God’s emotional composition

6:1 Yahweh — an envious, irascible, indignant god. Nahum 1;1 – 6

6:2 Yahweh’s unbridled rage. Deut 32; 22 – 25

6:3 Yahweh’s uncontrollable fury and lack of poise. Isaiah 34; 2 – 10

6:4 Yahweh’s lack of compassion. Lam. 2; 20

6:5 The Lord God remains unmoved by pleas for mercy. Ezek. 8; 18 Ezek. 8:5 Isaiah

13, 6 18

6:6 God regrets destroying every living being and resolves not to do it again. Gen. 8;21

6:7 God repents and feels sorry for himself. Jer. 15; 6. Gen; 6; 6 1] Exodus 32; 14

I Sam. 15; 35 Amos. 7; 3 Jer.15;6.

6:8 The Lord takes a turn, and inexplicably tries to murder Moses and is pacified with the

offering of a baby’s foreskin. Exodus 4; 24-26


7. God’s Transport

7:1 God rides on the back of an angel. 2 Samuel 22:11 Psalm 18:10


8. God’s Throne

8:1 God has a rumbling, flashing, thundering throne. Rev. 4; 5


9. God’s Offspring

9:1 Sons of God have sex with the daughters of men. Gen. 6; 4 1]


10. God’s Diet

10:1 The Lord prefers meat to vegetables. Gen. 4. 3-5.

10:2 God enjoys the smell of roast meat. Gen. 8;20

10:3 God shoots out fire to eat the meat offering Lev 9:24


11. God’s Appearances

11:1 God stands on the Altar. Amos 9;1

11:2 God manifest himself as a pillar of fire and a cloud. Exodus 13; 21, 22.

11:3 God hides in a burning bush. Exodus 3.2-5

11:4 God shows his back parts. Exodus 33; 23


12. God’s Social Life

12:1 God is tired of living in a tent and demands a house. 2 Sam;7:4

12:2 Satan pays a visit on his mate God. Job 1; 6

12:3 Moses and God meet on the top of a mountain. Ex 19; 20

12:4 Moses takes the people to meet Jehovah in a burning mountain. Exodus 19; 17-22

12:5 God holds a dinner party for 74 guests on a paved mountain. Exo 24:9-11

12:6 God and two angels pay a courtesy call on Abraham and have lunch with him. Gen.

18; 1- 8

12:7 Abraham takes a stroll with God and negotiates with him. Gen. 18:16 Gen 18:23

12:8 God has a tiff with Sarah. Gen. 18:10

12:9 Disgusting effect of the presence of “God in a box.” 1 Samuel 5; 8


13. God’s Communicative skills

13:1 God appears in a cloud and talks to Moses. Exodus 33; 9 Numbers 12; 5

13:2 God roars Isaiah 42:13 Hosea 11:10 Joel 3; 16

13:3 and yells like grape-pressers. Jer. 25; 30

13:4 He summons people by whistling and hissing. Isaiah 5;26 Zech. 10; 8

13:5 He also summons the flies from Egypt and the Bees from Assyria by hissing. Isaiah

7; 18


14. God’s Deceptions

14:1 God deceives his own prophets. Jer. 20; 7 2 Chronicles 18; 22

14:2 And sends evil spirits to trouble his kings. I Samuel ‘I6; 14 I Samuel 18;10

14:3 He even has his son taken away and tempted. Luke 4; 1

14:4 He also deludes people into believing lies so that he can then condemn them. 2

Thessalonians 2; 11

14:5 God makes men drunkards Jeremiah 13:13


15. God’s Enemy the Dragon

15:1 God describes the Leviathan his nemesis — a many-headed fire-breathing Sea-

Dragon. Job 41:1 Ps 104:26

15:2 A War in heaven between the angels and the dragon. Rev. 12; 7

15:3 God fights with the Sea-Dragon and kills it. Ps 74:14 13 Isa 27:1


16. Testimonies of God’s Goodness

16:1 The love of God is evident in his killing and expropriating the land of others. Psalm 136: 10

16:2 Sun, moon, stars, dragons, pious mountains, and holy beasts are called upon to Praise the Lord. Psalm 148:3


Objections to the Creationism of the Bible


Objections to the Creationism of the Bible

The whole edifice of Christian theology of Salvation finds it’s origins in the Biblical account of creation and the subsequent fall of man — necessitating the final salvation through Jesus Christ. So we begin our critique with this myth. The fundamentalists would have us believe that God created the world from nothing (ex nihilo). The world was created according to Genesis in 6 days, then God tired from his labour and took rest on the seventh day, which was consecrated as a holy day. (The original day was Saturday which Emperor Constantine changed to Sunday). If this is accepted as a Myth — meaning a description which explains an inexplicable Truth, then there is no problem. When it is presented as historic and cosmological fact then some questions call for answers. The first major problem that faces us with the story of creation is that there are two distinct and Mutually contradictory accounts.

Genesis 1; 1-31

The earth is formless and void — water is in a state of chaos.

Day 1. God creates the light through speech and separates it from darkness, calls light day and darkness night.

Day 2. Divides the waters upwards and downwards by the sky.

Day 3. Gathers the waters below the sky into the sea, and dry land (earth) appears. Creates vegetation.

Day 4. Creates sun, moon and stars. Day 5. Creates creatures of the sea and birds, and sea monsters (ta‘inim).

Day 6. Creates cattle and all earth creatures,then creates both male and female (Adam & Eve).

Day 7. Takes rest from His handiwork.

Genesis 2; 4-25

The earth is barren and dry

Step 1. A spring gushes out and waters the entire earth.

Step 2. God creates Adam from the dust.

Step 3. God plants a garden to the east — Eden, together with the tree of life and the tree of good & evil.

Step 4. God puts Adam in the garden to work as a gardener.

Step 5. Makes animals to be his companions so that he won’t be lonely. He brings each one to Adam to name it.

Step 6. Adam still has no helper and so God creates Eve from his rib.

Objection 1. The creation ex nihilo?

There is no definite statement that the world was created from nothing. The first verse “ln the beginning God created heaven and earth” is a statement introducing a subject about to be taught ie. the creation of heaven and earth. There was either a pre-existent chaos in which earth and water and sky were all combined and undifferentiated or the first thing that God did was to create a chaos and then set about sorting it out.

Objection 2. Day & Night without the Sun?

God separates light from darkness and calls the light Day and the darkness Night. (Genesis 1;4) Then three days later he creates the sun.(Genesis 1;16) How is it possible for day to exist without the sun? Every school child knows that the day and night are created by the movement of the earth. The Fundamentalist will perform all kinds of exegetical gymnastics to get out of this quandary. Saying that the Day referred to is not an actual day, and the Night is not an actual night — none of which is borne out by the text which uses the words in a simple and straight forward manner, affirming that day and night were alternating with each other.

Objection 3. Canopy of the sky?

According to Genesis 1; 6-8 God separates the waters by means of the canopy of the sky. There is water below which is the sea and there is another body of water above the sky. Seeing that water is a physical substance this canopy too must be a physical substance. Yet millions of people have flown in aircraft above the clouds, space ships and satellites have regularly been sent into space yet never has there been any report of vast bodies of water beyond the sky! Nor a canopy that has been pierced.

Objection 4. Creation of Man

We are told that God created animals first and then followed with the creation of man (Adam) and woman (Eve) at the same time. We are then told that he first created Adam, then he created the animals to be companions to him. When this does not alleviate Adam’s loneliness he takes a rib and creates woman (Eve) to be his companion. An evangelical friend of mine understood the second account to be an elaboration of the first account. But he still could not adequately explain how the animals were created before Adam and then again after him.

Objection 5. Human-like Activities of God.

Genesis 2; 8 tells us that God then took to gardening and planted a garden in the east called Eden. He then gave Adam and Eve to live in the garden. In the cool of the evening He used to stroll about in the garden4alking to himself (Genesis 3;8). Where Adam and Eve hide themselves from him, he couldn’t find them and called out to them(Genesis 3;9). He then interrogates them about their indiscreet behaviour and curses them. This episode clearly demonstrates that God is very much a physical being with physical limitations and is not yet omniscient. If the East spoken of is a geographic east why is it that the garden of Eden has never been found? If it is acknowledged by our Fundamentalist friend to be spiritual realm, then surely the account cannot be historic! History pertains to the realm of scientific investigation not to the realm of mythological speculation! The two views are incompatible. One Evangelical that I was discussing this subject with told me that the garden had been destroyed in the flood! Tree of life and all! (There is no indication of this in the Bible to my knowledge!)

Objection 6. The existence of other Peoples

Adam and Eve had two sons — Qayn and Hevel, Qayn killed Hevel, God then inquires from Qayn what has happened to his brother (Gen. 4;10) In the dialogue that follows Qayn expresses fear that he will be victimized and the Lord acknowledging the reality of his fear promises to protect him (Gen. 4; 15).Qayn then departs to the land of Nod where he marries and has children (Genesis 4; 16). It seems like the creator suddenly has a memory lapse, the entire population of the earth is three; Adam, Eve and Qayn, so who does Qayn fear and from whom will God protect him? Where did those people in the land of Nod come from? Who made them? If this is an historical account we must come to the logical conclusion that other creators were at work oblivious of each other’s agendas!

Objection 7. Lifespan exceeding 800 years

We then have a genealogical table of Adam’s descendants all whom live not less than 800 years! Seeing that a year has always been exactly 12 months except in a leap year it is impossible to accept that our pre-flood ancestors actually lived for 800 + years!

Objection 8. God’s lack of knowledge

The people began building a tower to ascend to heaven (Gen 11;4) God (elohim) came down from heaven to see what they were doing (Gen 11;5) He became worried because nothing would prevent them from doing what they have imagined to do (Gen 11;6) God (elohim) then says “let us divide their languages so that they will become confused and their work will be obstructed” (Gen 11;7) From this “historical” account we learn that God lives up in the sky beyond the clouds, his vision is limited so he cannot see clearly from were he is. He is compelled to descend from the sky to observe what the people are doing. He becomes worried because they can and will reach heaven if they continue building and so he and his colleagues (“let us“) divide the languages, cause confusion and so foil the plot by humans to ascend to heaven!!

The Bible that is Never Quoted

robert lee

The Bible that is Never Quoted

The Bible is a book of miscellaneous character. It was composed by many authors, some of whose Names are known and other unknown and handed down by word of mouth for centuries. lt contains Poetry, history, legends, fables, ethics, prophecy, parable, and superstition. The good and bad, beautiful and ugly, savage and tender, are all wonderfully mixed. It is also a very large book without an index or table of contents and as such it is very easy to read it in an uncritical manner, selecting passages that are agreeable and simply ignoring those that are unagreeable or difficult to understand. Hence the necessity for this Book of unusual or little known Biblical quotes, which is chiefly designed for non-Christians and Freethinkers, but should also be of service to inquiring Christians. The object of this compilation is to present a collection of embarrassing verses which are never quoted by missionaries and in most cases little known by the missionaries themselves. The quotes are presented as they appear in the Bible with the chapters and verses for the purpose of cross-reference by interested scholars. The worst things in the Bible have been selected; its self-contradictions, its absurdities, its immoralities, its indecencies, and its brutalities. Many Christians will doubtless object to this way of approaching the Bible. They will probably deny the fairness of dissecting the Bible in this way and presenting the passages out of context. But the apologists of the Christian Scriptures, particularly the evangelicals are constantly occupied in asserting that the Bible is the unquestionable and infallible “Word of the True God”. It is also the way of true morality and everything in their lives has reference to the Bible and what the Bible says on various selective topics — from the election of the president, to war, abortion and homosexuality. Unquestionably it would be grossly unfair to disembowel an ordinary book in this way. But the Bible is not an ordinary book. lt is endorsed in England as “God’s Word” by Act of Parliament, it is believed by many that everything in it is historically and scientifically true. The creation of the world, the origins of the human species, God’s plan for salvation and everything else is the Absolute Truth to millions of pious Christians. Wars were fought over it, Governments rose and fell through it, blood was shed in it’s name, people were conquered and enslaved on its teachings, persecution was justified by its myths and personal prejudices and hatreds were keep inflamed by its quotes. Its supporters use its verses to denigrate and denounce other belief systems and certainly in the past to justify burning people alive. Evangelicals use a highly critical method of examining the Sacred Scriptures of the Hindus in order to expose their flaws and contradictions and to refute them by appealing to logic, science and ethics. None of these methods are ever applied by them to their own Bible which is seen as so sacred and self evidently perfect that any attempt to censure it would be blasphemy warranting the wrath of God and the righteous indignation of pious Christians and punishment. Of an etemal damnation. The verses are presented with minimal commentary in order to allow the Bible to speak for itself and Give evidence in its own name.

Hindus are now the favored target group for the Southern Baptist Evangelicals who are now pouring hundreds and thousands of dollars into the conversion of the Hindus in India. Hindus are seen as an easy target because of their openness, respect for other religions and deep sense of the spiritual.— Values which can easily be exploited in the conversion strategy. The most common strategy is sales. Is to convince the victim of the need for the product been purveyed. This is done by establishing the superiority of the new product over the old product. ln the unlearned populace this is easily done by comparing the best of the new with the worst of the old. Evangelical missionaries learn the basics of Hinduism and then compare the most contentious aspects with the best of Christianity. Stressing all the successes, theological beauty and religious fellowship. Teaching that Hinduism is a product of the devil and how much the damned heathen will benefit from the goodness and truth of Christianity — this is further backed up by the building of Schools, clinics and financial support for the new converts. The Bible is the basis of the Evangelical case. The missionaries have an amazing range of Biblical quotes in their repetoir all designed to show us the error of our ways, to expose our ignorance and to teach us benighted heathens about the “True Living God” and the perils we face in not accepting the presented version of Christianity. Historically Evangelism goes hand in hand with imperialism, chauvinism and western supremacy. The Missionaries of old were always followed by the soldiers and the merchants. The missionaries stole The spirituality of the natives, the soldiers stole their land and the merchants stole their resources. The English imperialist agenda was justified by the pious desire to bring “The light“to the heathens of the Third world! The real agenda was for material exploitation. The genocide practiced by the (Protestant) Founding Fathers of America, by the (Anglican) English in Tasmania, by the (Calvinist) Dutch in South Africa are all well documented historical facts. The Bible indeed, as does all the world’s Scriptures, contains much that is good and sublime. Christianity too has much that is good and positive and acceptable. But the Bible also contains an incredible amount of nonsense, immorality, wickedness and sheer ignorance. The Bible contains such a vast amount of subject matter that it is possible to justify anything and everything from its pages. The new converts, coddled in the niceties of modern day Christianity are never taught the true history of the church, about the wars of religion, the inquisition etc. and how much the Bible was used to justify the imperialist expansion of the Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese and the English. The entire edifice of Apartheid in South Africa was theologically justified by the Dutch Reformed Church, on the basis of Scripture. The Dutch Calvinists, like the American Protestants saw themselves as the “New Israel“ entering into the land of Canaan (Africa and America respectively.) The pagans that they came across were the “New Canaanites“ of the Old Testament. Therefore it made sense to them that the socio- political policies of Yahweh regarding the “Old Canaanites” viz. total annihilation, was still valid.

Now therefore kill every male among the little ones and kill every woman who has known man by lying with him. But all the female children who have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. Numbers 31 ;1 7

And when the Lord your God shall deliver them before you, and you shall defeat them; then you shall Utterly destroy them; you shall make no covenant with them, nor show mercy to them. Deut. 7; 2

You shall surely smite the inhabitants of that city with the edge of the sword, destroying it utterly, and all that is in it, and its cattle, with the edge of the sword. Deut 13; 15

But of the cities of these people which the Lord your God gives you for an inheritance, you shall save alive nothing that breaths; but you shall utterly destroy them. Deut 20;16

And they utterly destroyed all that were in the city, both men and women, young and old and oxen and sheep and asses, with the edge of the sword. Joshua 6.21

The Lord shall deliver the Moabites also into your hands. And you shall destroy every fortified city, and shall fell every good tree and pollute all the springs of water and mar every piece of land with stones. 2. Kings 3:19

When -the Christian—Europeans arrived in America in 1492 there were an estimated 80 million native Inhabitants — by 1550 only 10 million remained. In Mexico on the eve of the Christian conquest there Were about 25 million people, by 1600 only 1 million remained. In the West Indies almost the entire Population was exterminated. In Santo Domingo in 1492 there were about 1 million inhabitants, by 1530 only 10,000 were left. In Cuba in 1492 there were an estimated 600,000 natives, by 1570 only 270 households remained. In North America too million Native Americans — men, women and Children were slaughtered by the pious “pilgrims” egged on by their fundamentalist Baptist preachers Quoting the above passages and demonising the natives.


Dr.Ambedkar and his Riddles of Rama

Riddle of Rama


Ambedkar and Rama


There are n numbers of the followers of Shree Ram. He is known for his Characteristics and for the principles. He is known for moral behavior. He is one from whom we people get the inspiration to follow the noble path. He is one who inspire people of every age group to follow the path of “Dharma”. It is unfortunate that Dr. Ambedkar has fallen in riddle in case of virtues Shi Ram also. Let’s discuss and examine logics of Dr. Ambedkar In case of Riddle of Shri Ram along with the story mentioned in Valmiki Ramayana, which Dr. Ambedkar considered simple and has said that there is nothing sensational about it.

 Dr. Ambedkar in his riddle of Rama has mentioned that Dasharath had three wives, Kaushalya, Kaikai and Sumitra besides several hundred concubines.

Vedic principle is only for only one wife. Dhasharatha was having three wives and this is against the Vedic principles. However claim of Dr. Ambedkar is that he was having hundreds of concubines stands nowhere. Story mentioned in the Ramayana does not support the claim of Dr. Ambedkar. In the 6th Sarg of Balkand of Ramayana while explaining about the Dasharath, Valmki has said him “Jitendraya” i.e. one who control his wishes.

बलवान निहितामित्रो मित्रवान विजितेन्द्रिय।  बालकाण्ड षष्ठ सर्ग श्लोक – ३

If Dasharath was having several hundreds of concubines, as claimed by Dr. Ambedkar he would not have been called “Jitendriya” by Valmiki.


Dr. Ambedkar proclaims that Rama’s birth is miraculous and it may be that the suggestion that he was born form a pinda prepared by the sage Shrung is allegorical glass to cover the naked truth that he was begotten upon Kaushalya by the sage Shrung although the two did not stand in the relationship of husband and wife.

Claim of Ambedkar is totally baseless. He accuses Kaushalya of having unethical relationship with sage Shrung however fails to provide any corresponding facts about his claim. Ignoring different chapters in Valmiki Ramayana on the birth of Rama and putting forward own baseless story is the allegorical glass in real sense which Ambedkar was using.

Dashrath was not having child. Sage Shrung was invited to perform the Yagya to cure the disease. And different Kings along with the all four “Varns” were invited by Dasharath on this Occasion.

ततः सुमन्त्रमाहूय  वसिष्ठो वाक्यमप्रवीत

निमन्त्रयस्व नृपतीन पृथिव्यां ये च धार्मिकाः

ब्राहम्मणान क्षत्रियान वैश्यान शुद्रांश्चैव सहस्रशः।

१९/२०  बालकाण्डे त्रयोदश सर्ग

 He invited noble people from all the countries. Dashrath asked Sumant to go to Mithila to invite King “Janak” in the same way King of Kahi and king of Kaikay and in-laws of Dashrath was also invited along with his son. Lot of people from different countries were invited to take part in the “Putresthi” yagya. Valmiki says in 13th Sarga of Balkand that Dasharath requests to invite all the kings of south India. He further ask Sumant to invite  all the Kings of this earth along with their relatives and supporters. Invitations were send to all the kings and their relatives as per the directions of the Dasharath.

दाक्षिणात्यान नरेन्द्रांश्च समस्तानानयस्व ह

सन्ति स्निग्धाश्च ये चान्ये राजानः पृथिवीतले

तानानय यथा क्षिप्रं सांऊगां सह्बान्धवान्

एतान दुतैर्महाभागैरानयस्व नृपाज्ञया।

२८/२९  बालकाण्डे त्रयोदश सर्ग

Further Valkimi states in “Balkand” that Rishi Shrung perform the putreshti Yagna. He says that “O King! I will perform the “Putreshti yagna” with the Mantras of Atharveda. Purpose of this yagya will be fulfilled on following the process given in Atharveda.

यष्टिं ते हं करिष्यामि पुत्रियां पुत्रकारणात

अथर्व शिरसि प्रोक्तैर्मन्त्रै सिद्धां विधानतः।

२ पंचदश सर्गः बालकाण्ड

At the end of the Yagna Sage Shring prepares the medicine and ask Dashrath to go to their wives and provide the medicine. He assures Dashrath that his wish of having son will come true.

भार्यानामनुरपाणामश्रीतेती प्रयच्छ वै

तासु त्वम् लप्य्स्यसे पुत्रान यदर्थं यजसे नृप।

२० बालकाण्डे षोडश सर्गः

It is clearly stated in the Valmiki Ramayan that it was a mammoth organization in Ayodhaya in which kings from whole world was invited along with their relatives. “Putreshti Yagna” was performed by the Rishis. On the basis of that medicines were prepared by the Rishis and handed over to Dashrath to get his wish fulfilled.

In the light of above facts baseless allegation of Dr. Ambedkar stands nowhere. Neither the facts of Ramayana supports his claims nor has he given any basis of what he has written. It seems complete baseless result less attempt to malign the image of Noble person Shree Ram.

Dr Ambedkar further writes that  “Valmiki states in his Ramyanana by emphasizing the fact  that Ram is an Avatar of Vishnu”.

It is something which he has written on the basis of adulterate verses of Ramayana. Stand is not made on the basis of adulterated verses. As the Rama is called incarnation of Vishnu on the same basis Mahatma Buddha is also declared incarnation of Vishnu. But the verses of Bhagavat puran (Pratham Skandh, third Chapter) declaring Mahatma Buddha as incarnation of Vishnu will not be acceptable to any of the follower of Buddha or the follower Ambedkar as the adulterated verses doesn’t have any base.

Dr. Ambedkar writes that according to the Valmiki Ramayana Sita is not the natural born child found by a farmer in his field while ploughing it and presented by him to king Janaka and brought up by Janka. It was there superficial sense that Sita could be said to be the daughter of Janaka.

This claim is again on the basis of adulterated verses. Dr. Ambedkar has ignored deliberately or un deliberately verses of Ramayana stating that Sita was the daughter of King Janak and his wife.

Swami Vidyanand saraswati writes that how it can be considered that Sita was born from earth when in Valmiki Ramayana at many places Sita is called “Aatmaj”  of Janka (वर्धमानां मम आत्मजः।  बालकाण्ड ६६/१५ , जनकात्मजे (युद्ध ११/१८ ), जनकात्मजा ( रघुवंश १३/७८ )

“Aatmajah” stand for generated from his own body.

During her stay in forests, Sita discusses with Anusuiya in the Aashrama of Atri Muni that :

प्राणी प्रदाने च यत्पुरा तवाग्नि सन्निधौ

अनुशिष्टम् जनन्या में वाक्यं तदपि में धृतम।

अयोध्या कांड ११८ /८-९

Whatever advises given to me by my mother at the time of my marriage I have not forgotten that. I have adopted all that in my behavior.

Whether in this statement, of describing the advices at the time of marriage, Earth can be called the advisor?  Whether it was earth who weep while sending Sita with the Rama? Tulaseedas even has noted the name of her mother as  Sunayana.

जनक वाम दिसि सोह सुनयना,

हिमगिरि संग बनी जिमी मैना।

रामचरितमानस ३५६/२

In the Ramayana at the time of marriage name of 22 forefathers of Rama have remembered in the same manner name of forefathers of Sita have been also remembered. If earth would have been the mother of Sita in that case who would be called the forefathers of earth?

Sita coming out of the earth is a gross gossip which Dr. Ambedkar has used in riddle. It is total hearsay. Neither the Valmiki Ramayana Support this fact nor the common sense.

Dr Ambedkar further states that according to Buddha Ramayana, Sita was the sister of Rama, both were the children of Dasharatha. He further states that “Among the Aryans marriage between brothers and sisters were allowed.

This is again the imagination of the Dr. Ambedkar and the writer of Buddha Ramayana. Ancient text that is available about the Rama is Valmiki Ramayana. And other books about the Ram were written in later years. But that Ram and Sita was brother and sister is not supported by any of the version of Ramayan.

In supporting his views Dr. Ambedkar has proclaimed that in Aryans marriage between brothers and sisters were allowed. This is again completed baseless allegation which Dr. Ambedkar has put forward. It shows the ignorance of Dr. Amebdkar regarding the topic he was writing.

Oldest law of this earth is Manu Smriti. Aryans have been following it up for sagas to sagas. Let’s see what Manu Smriti says about the marriage part.

असपिण्डा च या मातुरगोत्रा च या पितुः

सा प्रशस्ता द्विजातीनां दारकर्मणि मैथुने

“A girl, who is not descended on his mother’s side within the sixth degree and does not bear the same family name (Gotra) as his father’s. is eligible for marriage.” MANU 3: 5.

In the absence of evidence about the allegation, and in the presence of clear law of Manu who can say that Sita and Rama was brother and sister?


Dr. Ambedkar further says that Rama was not monogamous and was having many wives along with lot of concubines. But the reference provided by Dr. Ambedkar does not confirm his allegation that Shri Ram was having many wives or concubines.


Dr. Ambedkar has alleged Rama to abandon Sita in a state of pregnancy and for the murder of Shambuk etc.

This again a combinations of adulterated verses on which Dr. Ambedkar has relied. He has forgotten to consider that Valmiki has written Ramayana as it was elaborated by Narada to him. Narada had elaborated story up to the Lanka war. In that case how Valmiki would have written the Uttar kand .Full of these rubbish stories used to malign the images of Rama.

In the Balkand 1st Sarag , Naradas says :

नंदीग्रामे  जटाम हित्वा  भ्रातृभि सहितो नघ :

रामः सीतामनुप्राप्य राज्यम पुनर वाप्तवान्।

After completing his tenure of forest stay Rama took hair cut at Nandi village and lived in the Ayodhya.

Swami Vidyanand Saraswati writes that when story was heard by Valmiki upto the stage of coming back to Ayodhya, how one can claim that Rama abandon the Sita in the stage of pregnancy and murdered Shambuk. All these stories are baseless and part of adulteration. There is not base of these stories mentioned in Balkand of the Valmeeki Ramayan.  Tulasee das has also completed his Ramcharitmanas on the Yuddha kand and all these baseless stories does not have their place in Ramcharitmanas.

As well as in the Mahabharat, Ramayan story is mentioned with the name of “Ramopakhyan” and their also story of ram is completed on the Yudhdh kand. All other stories are not in Mahabharat also.

We can conclude on the facts given from Valmiki Ramayana, Ramcharitmanas and from the Mahabharat that the claims raised by Dr. Ambedkar on Rama are baseless and does not stand anywhere and these are either not supported by any verses of the Ramayana or are written on the basis of adulterated version in the same way as Mahatma Buddh is said as avatar of Vishnu. 🙂





By Rishwa Arya

People of India are called Arya. After arrival of Muslims “Arya” word was replaced by the “Hindu” word and the mass people who were follower of Vedas and was living in Bharatvarsh were called as “Hindus”. In the later time period people came to this land from different parts of the world and settled down. These people were follower of different sects. People of India provided safe haven to these groups to settle down in India and not only allowed to trade but also allowed to freely discuss their views about the their sect. As a result they were successful to get follower of their sect on this land. It was the open heartiness of people of India which allowed to mushroom these sects in India. Contrary to other parts of world freedom of expression about the views of religion played instrumental roles in providing place for spreading different sects on this land. Resulted India is called conjeries of communites  by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.

He says that “India is a conjeries of communities. There are in it Parsis, Christians,  Mohammedans and Hindus. The basis of these communities is not racial. It is of course religious. This is a superficial view. What is interesting to know is why is a Parsi a Parsi and why is a Christian a Christian, why is a Muslim a Muslim and why is a Hindu a Hindu? With regard to the Parsi, the Christian and the Muslim it is smooth sailing. Ask a Parsi why he calls himself a Parsi he will have no difficulty in answering the question. He will say he is a Parsi because he is a follower of Zoraster. Ask the same question to a Christian. He too will have no difficulty in answering the question. He is a Christian because he believes in Jesus Christ. Put the same question to a Muslim. He too will have no hesitation in answering it. He will say he is a believer in Islam and that is why he is a Muslim.

Now ask the same question to a Hindu and there is no doubt that he will be completely bewildered and would not know what to say.”

He further adds to this that “If he says that “I am a Hindu because I hold to the beliefs of the Hindus” his answer cannot be right for here one is confronted with the fact that Hinduism has no definite creed. The beliefs of persons who are by all admitted to be Hindus often differ more widely from each other than do those of Christians and Muhammadans.

Before going into further discussion it’s necessary to discuss meaning of “Religion” and its origin.

Swami Dayanand writes in “A statement of my belief” that “The practice of equitable justice together with that of truthfulness in word, deed and thought and the like (virtues) – in a word, that which is in conformity with the Will of God, as embodied in the Vedas – even that I call Dharma (right). “.

He further explain the Dharma elaborated in the Vedas in his “An Introduction to the Commentary on the Vedas” that:

सं  गच्छध्वं सं  वदध्वं सं  वो मनांसि जानताम।

देवा  भागं यथा पूर्वे संजानाना उपासते।।

ऋ ८.८. ४९.२

God Ordains: Acquire duly the Dharma preached by me which is justly devoid of bias and partiality and refulgent with truthful characteristics. Combine together giving up all dissensions so that your best happiness may increase and all suffering may be destroyed. Having combined together hold discussions, loving putting questions and answering them and avoiding perverse reasoning such as sophistry, captious and fallacious arguments, so that boble qualities and true knowledge may ever increase amongst you. Acquire wisdom and so exert yourselves that your minds may be shocked with knowledge and be always filled with joy. Always follow dharma and never practice Adharma. You should follow the same Dharma as was followed by the learned, wise and impartial men, whether of past times or of the present age, i.e. whether dead or living, having a love for the preaching of the Divine Dharma. They worshipped me as the Almighty and adorable God and followed the Dharma laid down by me. You also must do the same so that you may know the Dharma inculcated by the Vedas and have no doubts about it. Rigveda

Further Vedas explains:

यस्तु सर्वाणि भूतानि आत्मनि एव अनुपश्यति।

सर्व भूतेषु चात्मानं ततो न विजुगुप्सते। 

यजु. ४० /६

Whoever sees all thing in the self (God) and the self (God) in all the things, hates none.

This is the root of religion and was explains by the originators of the various sects. Being Kindness helpful and generous are the basic element of religion and is elaborated in different literature worldwide by different sects.

In the Mahabarat Vedvyas explains meaning of Dharma to Yudishthir as

“आत्मनः प्रतिकूलानि परेषां  न समाचरेत।  महाभारत अनु ११३/ ६”

Don’t behave with others in manner you don’t want to be get treated with others.

The same principle of equivalent which is explained in Vedas and other Aryan literature was borrowed by Mahatma Buddha. Preaching his followers he explains:

यथा अहम् तथा एते  यथा  एते तथा  अहम्

अत्तानं उपमं कत्वा न हन्येन न घातये।  सुत्तनिपात नालकसुत्त २७

 As I am same are the others hence thinking about the impact of your act on yourself don’t kill or allow to kill others.

Second line of this Shloka is repeated two times in Dhammpada in shlok 126 and 130

In the same manner as Mahatma Buddha borrowed the principle of equivalent behavior from the Aryan texts other sects with Persians and Christion’s has also followed the same way.

Love your neighbor as much as you love yourself. Matthew 22-39

Treat others as you want them to treat you. Luke  6-31

Teaching of Christ mentioned in Matthew and Luke are the retranslation of the Vedic principle of:

यस्तु सर्वाणि भूतानि आत्मनि एव अनुपश्यति।

सर्व भूतेषु चात्मानं ततो न विजुगुप्सते। 

यजु. ४० /६

 Whoever sees all thing in the self (God) and the self (God) in all the things, hates none.

Swami Vidyanand Saraswati writes in “Adhyatm Meemansa that this principle of Dharma spread from the Vedic Text in the different sects whether it is Christ or the Arastu or the Confushiyas .

Study of all sects started by different philosophers find its root casus in the Vedic Texts. These principle of the religions were not established by a particular person but are as old as the human race is. In the lite of above facts claim that the principle of equivalent behavior and humanity, i.e. considered as the backbone of religion, was not in existence at the beginning of the human race looks awkward. These principles are found in the Vedas which are anonymously considered as the oldest book of the human civilization.

 In the fact of above claim of Dr. Ambedkar that “Hinduism has no definite creed” doesn’t stand anywhere. Whether principles of devoid of biasness and partiality and refulgent with truthful characteristics are not the creed of religion? Whether these principles are not well established from the beginning of the civilization? Whether any one can say the principle of humanity was started by a particular person or sect and others have followed this principle? These principles of Vedic religion are as old as the life. These principles are not fundamental are not deprived of any sect to grow and elaborate.







Vivekanand 2
In order to have better understanding about Swami Vivekananda we have to think on the following issues also with unbiased mind:

  • What Swami Vivekananda wrote or said about the British rule in India?
  • Had he worked directly or indirectly to liberate India from the British rule?
  • Had he contributed or supported for national freedom to national congress existing & working during his time ?
  • Had he inspired any revolutionary Indians to fight for the national freedom?
  • Was he really upset for the political bondage of our nation?
  • During his foreign tours of Europe – America did he try to raise the issue of our national freedom?
  • Had he worked for other issues of national importance like cow-protection & national language (Hindi)?
  • Had he worked for the removal of superstitions from our nation?
  • Didn’t he believe his master Sri Ramkrishna Paramhansa as the greatest incarnation of Lord?
  • Doesn’t the account given in his biography of his visit of Kshir-Bhavaani temple show that he himself was superstitious?
For further reading, I quote below a chapter “PATRIOTISM AND SOCIAL REFORMS” from the English book “The Gospel of Swami Vivekanand” (edition: 1992, page: 22-24, Publisher: Sarvadeshik Arya Pratinidhi Sabha-N Delhi) written by great scholar Sri Swami Vidyananda Saraswati:



It is said that – “Ramakrishna and Vivekananda were the first awakeners of India’s national consciousness; they were India’s first nationalist leaders in the true sense of the term… The movement for India’s liberation started from Dakshineswar.” (Bio, 231)

But facts refute this tall claim. In Vivekananda’s own words – “Let no political significance ever be attached falsely to my writings or sayings. What nonsense!” (Bio, 232) He said this as early as September 1894. A year later he wrote – “I will have nothing to do with cowards or political nonsense. I do not believe in any politics. God and truth are the only politics in the world, everything else is trash.” (Bio, 232)

As a matter of fact, neither Vivekananda nor his Guru had any thing to do with India. Vedanta was their only obsession.

“First and last, he (Vivekananda) was the boy who had dedicated his life to Ramakrishna… The policy of the Ramakrishna Order has always been faithful to Vivekananda’s intention. In the early twenties, when India’s struggle with England had become intense and bitter, the Order was harshly criticized for refusing to allow its members to take part in Gandhi’s Non-Cooperation Movement.” (Teachings of Swami Vivekananda, xxxviii)

Vivekananda said – “It has ever been my conviction that we shall not be able to rise unless the Western countries come to our help. In India no appreciation of merit can be found, no financial support.” (Bio, 255)

He wrote in a letter to an Indian disciple – “What is the use of going back to India? India cannot further my ideas. This country (USA) takes kindly to my ideas.” (V, 77) In other letter he wrote – “You have remarked well; my ideas are going to work in the West better than in India… I have done more for India than India ever did for me.” (V, 92)

He did not like India because it could not give him what America could. He clearly wrote back – “Here in America I have all the comforts – food, clothing etc. Why then should I come back to a country of ungrateful people?” (Letters of Swami Vivekananda, p. 17)

He wrote it when he was in America, waiting for recognition in India. With a view to please the British Government he had given standing instructions to his associates not to forget to eulogize Queen Victoria while preparing any speech for him. (Letters of Swami Vivekananda, P. 385)

According to Dr. V.V. Majumdar, “Vivekananda received so much publicity in England for his glorifying the British government. This was a reward for his loyalty to the throne.” (History of Social and Political Ideas, P. 267)

“I do not bother about child-marriage, widow remarriage etc. I admit that child marriage makes the nation physically as well as morally strong.” (India Women, P. 34, 53)

“I also believe that child-marriage has helped the Hindus in maintaining the chastity of their women-folk.” (Gyana Yoga, P. 30)

“The Hindus can really promote their culture by grasping the basic ideal which developed the institution of child-marriage.” (Vivekananda in India, P. 430)

I do not know how Vivekananda, who always condemned social reformers (See Vivekanand in India, P. 126, 127, 153), could write – “But for Kabir, Nanak, Chaitanya and Arya Samaj, Muslims and Christians would have out-numbered Hindus in India.” (Modern India, 27)

According to Vivekananda, his source of inspiration, Ramakrishna “never recognized any sin or misery in the world, no evil to fight against.” (VII, 16)

In the words of Dr. Bhawanilal Bharatiya – “Ramakrishna was a self-cantered and emotional man. Social service, patriotism and social reforms had no place in his life. At times he would not hesitate to ridicule those who stood committed to help people in distress at the cost of their personal interests.”

Vivekananda was himself an idolater. He considered material worship to be the lowest stage, but, as has already been mentioned, he stood there into the last. But, though himself engaged in idol worship, he advised others to the contrary, saying – “He who is high and the low, the saint and the sinner, the god and the worm, Him worship, the visible, the knowable, the real, the omnipresent, break all other idols. In whom there is neither past life nor future birth, nor death nor going or coming, in whom we always have been and always will be one, Him worship, break all other idols.” (V, 136) “If you want to remain happy, throw away all your bells etc. into the Ganges and worship God in men. Opening and closing of gates and with that bathing, clothing and feeding of God is all humbug. God in the idol changing dress several times, while the living Thakurs outside be shivering in cold is mockery of worship.” (Patravali II, P. 199)

While Ramakrishna and Vivekananda fed themselves with the flesh of innocent creatures, they asked their followers to treat all beings as their own self! When in one of his lectures in Chicago Vivekananda gave a philosophical interpretation of image-worship, those in the audience ridiculed him, saying, “He is trying to mislead people in the West. No Hindu in his own country would be prepared to accept his interpretation.” (Vivekananda Charita, P. 193)

[“The Gospel of Swami Vivekanand”, edition: 1992, page: 22-24, Publisher: Sarvadeshik Arya Pratinidhi Sabha-N Delhi, by: Swami Vidyananda Saraswati]