World wide a large number of people are influenced with Shri Krishna. He is known as Yogeshwar Shri Krishn. But unfortunately Krishna has also been used as a tool by a group of people to cover-up their unethical acts and wishes. Shri Krishna has been projected by people as a carrier of all the unsocial activities and behavior, whether it is prostitution or misbehaving with ladies or it is theft etc. Because of this Shir Krishna has been targeted by people from outside as well within India by different sects.
Maharshee Dayanand considered Shri Krishna as a noble man. Shri Krishna was one of the character whom he considered as noble personality. He was very upset with those kind of people who were indulged in the process of maligning the image of the great person of the era(Dwapar).
He is the character whose name was referred as noble by Maharshee Dayanand Saraswati to the people of India. Maharshee Dayanand writes in Light of Truth that :
“The life-sketch of Krishna given in the Mahabharat is very good. His nature, attributes, character, and life-history are all like that of an apta (altruistic teacher). Nothing is written therein that would go to show that he committed any sinful act during his whole life, but the author of the Bhagvat has attributed to him as many vices and sinful practices as he could. He has charged him falsely with the theft of milk, curd, and butter, etc., adultery with the female servant called Kubja, flirtation with other people’s wives in the Rasmandal, and many other vices like these. After reading this account of Krishna’s life, the followers of other religions speak ill of him. Had there been no Bhagvat, great men like Krishna would not have been wrongly lowered in the estimation of the world.
There are lots of literature available about Shri Krishna. Mainly literature that speaks about Krishna is Mahabharat, Harivansh and few of the Puranas. There is too much of differences that is found in the different stories about Shri Krishna in the different books. This fact is accepted and supported by different authors who have researched and wrote about most prominent personality of Dwapar Yuga. Most Authentic story which has less adulterated verses is found in the Mahabharata.
Now , we will discuss various objections of Dr. Ambedkar one by one.
Dr. Ambedkar first of all has proclaimed that Ugrasen’s wife had an illicit connection with Drumila the Danava king of Saubbha. From this illicit connection was born Kansa who was in a sense the cousin of Devaki. Whatever Dr. Ambedkar has written in this regard is totally baseless. Nothing is mentioned in this regard in the Mahabharata or Bhagwat (mostly known books about story of Shri Krishna). It seems imagination of his mind that is baseless and should be condemned as without and base writing such derogatory statement does not suits the image of person he was.
First Dr. Ambedkar has cited birth of Balram as miraculous mentioning that the seventh child, Balram, was miraculously transferred from Devaki’s womb to that of Rohine, another wife of Vasudev and has also discussed about the birth of Shri Krishna. Dr. Ambedkar has written about the most common story heard around of a voice of heaven that Devaki’s eight child would kill the Kansa and hence Kans imprisoned both Devaki and her husband Vasudev.
Story about miraculous birth that Dr. Ambedkar has cited from Purans don’t find any place in Mahabharata. Bakim Chandra Chatopadhyay wirtes that in Bhagwat and Mahabharat Krishn declares that Kans was uprooted his father from the post of the King and controlled the kingdom and he was so cruel that people started to leave Mathura in search of safe heaven. He writes there about the possibility that by considering the environment of the terror, Vasudev and Devaki might have placed Krishna and Balram in the supervision of Nand. Further Pandit Chaumupati Ji have mentioned in the “Yogeshwar Shri Krishn” that in Maharabharat while elaborating the criminal acts of the Kansa, Krishn neither has discussed that Vasudev was imprisoned for ten or twenty years nor he has said about the personal torture of Kansa on his parents. Hence all the facts confirms that there was nothing miraculous in the birth of Krishna and Balaram.
Dr. Ambedkar has written that the killing of Asuras and number of other heroic deeds, impossible for an ordinary human child. But these are the chief staple of the Pauranic account of Krishna’s early life. He says that first of these is the killing of Putana. Pandit Chamupati has discussed this aspect as under:
Let’s have an ideas what Puran says about the Putana.
वसतातोकुळेतेषाम पूतना बाल घातिनी।
सुप्तंकृष्णमुपादायरात्रौ सा प्रददौस्तनम
यस्मैयस्मैस्तनंरात्रौ पूतना संप्रयच्छति
अंश ५, अ. ५ श्लोक ७,८,
In Vishnu Puran , Putana is resident of Gokul. In Hariwansh she is called care taker of Kans and In Brahmvart she is called sister or Kans. There are different stories about the Putana in various puranas in this regard and their stand on Putana are not tuned in.
Bankim Chandra Chatopaddhyay says that this story is also available in Mahabharat, in Shishupal murder chapter. Shishupal has called her “Shakuni”.
Eagle, and other meat eater birds are called “Shakuni”. Shishupal says in Mahabharat:
यद्यनेनहतोबाल्येशकुनिश्चित्रमत्रकिम। सभा. ४१/७
If a child has killed an eagle so what exception he has done? So when even Sishupal doesn’t see it as exceptional even why does Dr. Ambedkar has declared it in that manner. Continue reading Response to Riddle of Krishna of Ambedkar
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