Tag Archives: Disbeliever

Why I am not a Believer of Islam

I’ll start this article by quoting an Islamic site, which says that Islam is the only true religion,and mankind need to follow Islam for salvation. It further goes to claim that all child are born sinless and a Muslim. Later their environment leads to unbelief and adopt practices which contradicts Islam.

It further says “Islam is known not only as a rational and moral way of life prescribed for all of mankind, it is known by the term ‘Din ul-Fitra’ or ‘the natural religion’. Islam is the religion designed by the Creator of mankind for the benefit of mankind and therefore fits human nature perfectly. Being Muslim is living in harmony with your human nature.” [Islamic Org/ Why Islam] 

However, I find this contradictory with authority of Islam, i.e. Qur’an. Qur’an in many verses say, that Allah is the reason of disbelief, also we will try to find why we are Disbelievers, Polytheists, Idolaters, Atheists, Agnostics, etc, who are the prime target of Islamic Jihadist, who kill innocent people in name of Allah.

Allah in Quran says Qur’an 6:111 

Sahih International

And even if We had sent down to them the angels [with the message] and the dead spoke to them [of it] and We gathered together every [created] thing in front of them, they would not believe unless Allah should will. But most of them, [of that], are ignorant.

Allah in this verse says, that even if he makes dead speak to Unbelievers that, Allah is the true GOD, and Muhammad is his messenger and send Angels to testify the message of the Prophet, still no unbeliever is going to believe in Qur’an and Muhammad. Now the question in mind of readers would be why they are not going to believe it? The answer is very plain and simple, it is because it is Allah’s will, that the unbelievers will not believe in him and his Message (Qur’an).[Source]

Ibn Abbas explains this verse as follows:

(And though We should send down the angels) as they have asked and testified in favour of that which they denied (unto them) unto those who sneer, (and the dead should speak unto them) from their graves, as they asked, telling them that Muhammad is Allah’s Messenger and that the Qur’an is Allah’s speech, (and We should gather against them all things) of birds and beasts (in array) face to face, testifying that what We say is the Truth and affirming that which they have denied, (they would not believe) in Muhammad and the Qur’an (unless Allah so willed) that they believe. (Howbeit, most of them are ignorant) that it is the Truth from Allah.

On the very same verse, Ali Dashti in his book 23 years, page 41-42 writes:-

Such being the case, certain questions arise. If these people’s future unbelief and persistence in polytheism had already been preordained, what useful purpose had been served by God’s appointment of a man to preach to them and guide them aright? Can a useless action be attributed to God who is wise, omniscient, and infallible? Formalists, who reject the application of reason to religious questions, interpret the statement as an ultimatum or test intended to make humans aware that they are wicked and deserve punishment in the next life. This interpretation, however, is inconsistent with the immediately following words “unless God so willed” in the same verse 111. The inescapable conclusion is these people were not going to believe because God did not wish them to believe, and this is confirmed by the clear statement “We shall confuse their hearts and eyes” in verse 110. Earlier in the same sura 6 it is stated, in verse 107, that “If God had so willed, they would not have been polytheists.” God must therefore have willed that  they should be polytheists. Surely Almighty God’s humble creatures cannot change His will. Not even Mohammad could dissuade from polytheism those whose polytheism was caused by God’s will. The idolaters in question were not to blame. Why, then, were they threatened with punishment after death?

Indirectly, the all Knowing, Omniscient, Merciful God, says that he has proof and evidence to prove Qur’an being a true revelation from GOD, and Muhammad is his messenger. But he did not want to show those proof, because Unbelievers will not believe in him and his Message, because its not his will. Now guess what sense it makes, and why Qur’an was revealed to a Messenger, when it was already preordained that Non-Believers are not going to believe in it. This is not the only verse, which claims such thing. There are many more such verse. Let’s have a look on them too.

Qur’an 32:13 

Sahih International

And if we had willed, We could have given every soul its guidance, but the word from Me will come into effect [that] “I will surely fill Hell with jinn and people all together.

It is good to hear that Allah has already said that he will fill the Hell with Men and Jinns together, that is why he need not to guide all the souls. In other words, if he will guide all souls, they will all go to Heaven, with rest of Believers. In this case his words will become due, which he has already decided. That is why Allah will guide only a few and leave the rest for hell fires in hereafter. [Source]

It would have been a much better choice of Allah, if he had willed to make all mankind his believers. I leave it on readers to guess why he left us without guidance, which leads to Bloodshed, Terrorist activities, Love Jihad, Suicide Bombing etc. I will also add that this God is very Unjust and Cruel, he wants to sent us to hell, just to keep his words.

Lastly, I would like to draw attention of all the unbelievers to a verse of Qur’an, which declares fate of those who disbelief in Allah.

Qur’an 2:161-162

Sahih International

Indeed, those who disbelieve and die while they are disbelievers – upon them will be the curse of Allah and of the angels and the people, all together,

Sahih International

Abiding eternally therein. The punishment will not be lightened for them, nor will they be reprieved.

So, our fate is decided and we will abide in hell hereafter eternally. Allah and his Angels will curse us too for our disbelief. Even our good deeds of this life will not benefit us in day of Judgement. Unbelievers’ good deeds won’t be accepted on the Day of Judgement because they lack devotion and consistency which are fundamental in Islamic Canons.  Good deeds are null and void if they are not compatible with the Islamic rulings or if they lack sincerity.  Unbelievers’ deeds lack one or both of the two conditions which consequently puts their deeds much farther from being accepted. [Source] 

Anyways, I on behalf of all Disbelievers thanks Allah for not guiding us, and making us follower of a Terrorist Prophet and his violent and hatred preaching book, Qur’an. I am even thankful to Allah, that he will send us in hell, because it will be much better and peaceful place without believers (Muslims), as they will go in heaven.