The divine punishment for not paying the poor tax is more gruesome than any secular punishment devised by a human agency.  �If any owner of gold or silver does not pay what is due on him, when the Day of Resurrection would come, plates of fire would be beaten out for him; these then would be heated in the Fire of Hell and his sides, forehead and his back would be cauterized with them.  And when these cool down, the process is repeated during a day the extent of which would be fifty thousand years.� And for someone who owns camels and does not pay, �a sandy plain would be set for him, as extensive as possible,� and his camels �will trample him with their hoofs and bite him with their mouths . . . during a day the extent of which would be fifty thousand years.� The same fate awaits the tax-defaulting owner of cows and sheep: �They will gore him with their horns and trample him with their hoofs� for the same period (2161).

author : ram swarup

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