Ticklish problems arise if one has more than one wife and if one marries often.  One of the problems, for example, is how many nights one should spend with one�s newly wed wife?  The answer is seven days if she is a virgin, and three days if she is a widow (3443-3449).

Umm Salama, one of the wives of Muhammad, tells us that when Muhammad married her, he spent three nights with her.  When he intended to leave, she �caught hold of his garment.� But the Prophet told her: �If you wish I can stay with you for a week, but then I shall have to stay for a week with all my wives� (3443-3445).

Though a husband should divide his days equally among all his wives, one wife could make over her day to another.  AhAdIs 3451-3452 tell us that when Sauda became old, she made over her day to �Aisha.  So Allah�s Messenger �allotted two days to �Aisha� (3451).

But sometimes the Prophet himself would ask a wife to forgo her day.  One wife told him: �If I had the option in this I would not have allowed anyone to have precedence over me� (3499).

Eventually the rule of rotation was withdrawn altogether by a special dispensation of Allah: �Thou may defer the turn of any of them that thou pleasest, and thou may receive any thou pleasest; and there is no blame in thee if thou invite one whose turn thou hast set aside� (QurAn 33:51).  Allah is very accommodating.  �Aisha, for whose benefit He really spoke, taunted Muhammad: �It seems to me that your Lord hastens to satisfy your desire� (3453).

author : ram swarup

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