Category Archives: Islam

हदीस : तस्तहिद्दा


मुहम्मद ने उन शब्दों का भी असरदार इस्तेमाल किया है जिन्हें साहित्य समीक्षा में अश्लील अभिव्यक्तियां कहते हैं। एक बार पैगम्बर और उनका दल, एक चढ़ाई से कुछ देर में वापस आये। उनके साथी तुरन्त अपने घरों को जाना चाहते थे। लेकिन पैगम्बर ने उनसे तब तक इन्तज़ार करने को कहा, जब तक कि ”औरत अपने बिखरे बालों को कंघी से संवाल ले और जिसका मर्द बाहर गया था वह अपने को साफ कर ले, ताकि जब तुम भीतर पहुंचो, तो तुम मज़ा ले सको“ (2462)


अनुवादक हमें समझाते हैं कि ”अपने को साफ करने“ के अर्थ में एक अरबी शब्द है ”तस्तहिद्दा,“ जिसका अक्षरशः अर्थ होता है ”गुप्तांगों के बाल साफ करना।“ लेकिन यहा उस शब्द को पति के साथ समागम के लिए तैयार हो जाने के लाक्षणिक अर्थ में प्रयुक्त किया गया है (टि0 1926)।

author : ram swarup



FAtima hint Quais was divorced by her husband �when he was away from home.� She was very angry and went to Muhammad, who told her: �There is no lodging and maintenance allowance for a woman who has been given irrevocable divorce.� But he mercifully helped her to find another husband.  She had two suitors, AbU Jahm and Mu�Awiya.  Muhammad advised against them both, for the former did �not put down his staff from his shoulder� (i.e., he beat his wives), and the latter was poor.  In their place, he proposed the name of UsAma b. Zaid, the son of his slave and adopted son, Zaid (3512).

Later on a more generous sentiment prevailed.  �Umar ruled that husbands should provide their divorced wives with a maintenance allowance during the period of �idda on the ground that the true purpose of the Prophet�s words had been misunderstood by FAtima, a mere woman.  �We cannot abandon the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of our Apostle for the words of a woman� (3524).

�Idda is a period of waiting during which a woman cannot remarry.  It normally lasts four months and ten days but ends sooner if the woman gives birth to a child.  Once �idda has ended, the woman can contract another marriage (3536-3538).

Having to provide an allowance for four months at the most was not very difficult.  Thus, since husbands had almost no fear of any future burden, and could get rid of their wives so easily, the threat of divorce hung heavily on Muslim women.

author : ram swarup

हदीस : कुंवारी से ब्याह

कुंवारी से ब्याह

अन्य अहादीस में पैगम्बर कुंवारी से ब्याह करने की विशेषताएं बतलाते हैं (3458-3464) जाबिर के अनुसार रसूल-अल्लाह ने कहा-”जाबिर ! क्या तुमने शादी की है। मैं बोला हां। उन्होंने कहा-कुंवारी से या पहले की शादीशुदा से ? मैं बोला-पहले की शादीशुदा से। इस पर वे बोले-तुमने एक कुंवारी से ब्याह क्यों नहीं किया, जिसके साथ तुम क्रीड़ा कर सकते थे ?“ (3458) अथवा “जो तुम्हारा मन बहला सकती थी और जिसका मन तुम बहला सकते थे“ (3464)।

author : ram swarup



It seems there were other occasions of domestic discord, some of them centering round money.  These must have occurred in the early days at Medina, when Muhammad lacked funds.  Once AbU Bakr and �Umar went to Muhammad and found him �sitting sad and silent with his wives around him.� He told the two fathers: �They [his wives and their daughters] are around me as you see, asking for extra money.� Then AbU Bakr �got up, went to �Aisha and slapped her on the neck; and �Umar stood up and slapped Hafza� (3506).

On this occasion, the Prophet also gave his wives the option of a goodly departure if they �cared more for this world and its adornments than for Allah and His Apostle and the abode of the Hereafter� (QurAn 33:28-29).  The wives chose the latter.

The moral of these ahAdIs (3498-3506) as drawn by the translator is that �mere giving option to women to divorce does not make the divorce effective, but when it is really intended.�

author : ram swarup

हदीस : रातों के जश्न

रातों के जश्न

एक महत्त्वपूर्ण हदीस है, जो मोमिनों को एक और सुविधा देती है तथा पैगम्बर की यौन-संहिता पर कुछ प्रकाश भी डालती है। निष्पक्षता के लिए यह आवश्यक है कि मोमिन अपनी बीवियों के पास बारी-बारी से जाये। लेकिन जब वह उनमें से एक के साथ हम-बिस्तर हो, तो वह दूसरी बीवियों को अपने आस-पास रख सकता है। मुहम्मद के नौकरों में से एक अनस बतलाता है-”अल्लाह के पैगम्बर की सभी बीवियां हर रात उस के घर में इकट्ठा हो जाती थीं जिसके घर में ये (रसूल) होते थे …. एक रात वे आयशा के घर में थे कि जैनब वहां आयी। उन्होंने (पाक पैगम्बर ने) अपना हाथ उसकी (जैनब की) ओर पसारा। तभी वह (आयशा) बोल उठी यही वह जैनब है। रसूल अल्लाह ने अपना हाथ खींच लिया। उन दोनों के बीच तब तक कहा-सुनी होती रही जब तक कि उनकी आवाजें तेज़ न हो गयीं।“ सुबह जब नमाज का ऐलान हुआ तब अबू बकर मुहम्मद को ले जाने के लिए आये। आवाजें सुनकर वे बोले, ”रसूल-उल्लाह ! नमाज़ के लिए चलिये और इन के मुंह में खाक फेंकिये“ (3450)।

author : ram swarup



IlA� is a temporary separation from one�s wife.  In this sense of the term, the believers are indeed fortunate in having a �model pattern� in an example provided by the Prophet.

Muhammad himself had to undergo separation from his wives for a period which lasted twenty-nine days.  The SahIh Muslim narrates this incident in several ahAdIs; but before we take them up, let us provide some background information.

In visiting his numerous wives, Muhammad observed a rough-and-ready rule of rotation.  In fact, the days in his life were known by the name of the wife he was visiting.  One day Muhammad was supposed to be with Hafza, but instead she found him with Mary, the beautiful Coptic concubine.  Hafza was furious.  �In my room, on my day and in my own bed,� she shouted.  Muhammad, trying to pacify her, promised never to visit Mary again, but he wanted Hafza to keep the incident a secret.

Hafza, however, told �Aisha, and very soon everybody knew about it.  Muhammad�s Quraish wives detested Mary and were jealous of the servile wretch, who had even given Muhammad a son.  Soon the harem was filled with gossip, excitement, and jeering.  Muhammad was very angry, and he told his wives that he would have nothing to do with them.  He separated himself from them, and soon the news was afloat that he was divorcing them all.  In fact, in the eyes of the believers this rumor was more newsworthy and significant than the reports that Medina was soon to be attacked by GhassAn (the Arab auxiliaries of Byzantium).

In a long hadIs, �Umar b. al-KhattAb (Hafza�s father) reports: �When Allah�s Apostle kept himself away from his wives, I entered the mosque, and found the people striking the ground with pebbles and saying: Allah�s Messenger has divorced his wives.� �Umar decided to find out what was actually happening.  First he asked �Aisha if she had �gone to the extent of giving trouble to Allah�s Messenger.� �Aisha told him to mind his own business.  �I have nothing to do with you.  You should look to your own receptacle [Hafza].� �Umar next sought out Hafza and chided her.  �You know that Allah�s Messenger does not love you, and had I not been your father he would have divorced you,� he told her.  She wept bitterly.

Then �Umar sought permission to be admitted into the presence of Muhammad.  The request was disregarded, but he insisted.  �O RahAb, seek permission for me from Allah�s Messenger. I think that Allah�s Messenger is under the impression that I have come for the sake of Hafza.  By Allah, if Allah�s Messenger would command me to strike her neck, I would certainly do that,� he told RahAb, Muhammad�s doorman.  He was admitted.

As �Umar entered, he saw �the signs of anger on his [Muhammad�s] face,� so he tried to calm him down.  He told him �how we the people of Quraish had domination over women but when we came to Medina we found people whom their women dominated.  So our women began to learn from their women.�

He also told him: �Messenger of Allah, what trouble do you feel from your wives, and if you had divorced them, verily Allah is with you, His angels, Gabriel, Mika�il, I and AbU Bakr and the believers are with you.�

Muhammad relaxed.  �I went on talking to him until the signs of anger disappeared on his face . . . and he laughed,� �Umar narrates.  In this new mood, the famous verses descended on the Prophet, freeing him from his oath respecting Mary, threatening his wives with divorce, and incorporating �Umar�s assurance that all the angels and believers supported him: �O Prophet!� said Allah.  �Why do you prohibit thyself what God has made lawful to you, craving to please thy wives? . . . Allah has already ordained for you the dissolution of your oaths.� Allah also told the Prophet�s wives in no uncertain terms that �his Lord if he divorces you will give him in exchange wives better than you.� Allah warned them, particularly �Aisha and Hafza, in the following terms: �If ye both turn repentant unto God,-for your hearts have swerved!-but if you back each other up against him, verily, Allah, He is the sovereign; and Gabriel, and the righteous of the believers, and the angels after that will back him up.� Allah also told them that if they misbehaved, being the Prophet�s wives would avail them nothing on the Day of Judgment.  �God strikes out a parable to those who misbelieve: the wife of Noah and the wife of Lot; they were under two of our righteous servants, but they betrayed them: and they availed them nothing against God; and it was said, �Enter the Fire with those who enter� � (QurAn 66:1-10).

The matter blew over, and they became his wives again.  The Holy Prophet �had taken an oath of remaining away from them [his wives] for a month, and by now only twenty-nine days had passed, [but] he visited them.� �Aisha mischievously reminded the Prophet that it was not yet one month but only twenty-nine days, to which Muhammad replied: �At times, the month consists of twenty-nine days� (3507-3511).

Now �Umar stood at the door of the mosque and called out at the top of his voice: �The Messenger of Allah has not divorced his wives.� A verse chiding his followers for so readily believing in rumors also descended on Muhammad: �And if any matter pertaining to peace or alarm comes within their ken, they broadcast it.  But if they had only referred it to the Apostle, or to those charged with authority among them, the proper investigators would indeed know it� (QurAn 4:83; hadIs 3507).

author : ram swarup

हदीस : जिस औरत से तुम शादी करना चाहते हो उस पर एक नज़र डालो

जिस औरत से तुम शादी करना चाहते हो उस पर एक नज़र डालो

जिस औरत से शादी की चाह हो उस पर ”सर से पांव तक“ एक नजर डालने की इज़ाज़त है। एक मोमिन मुहम्मद के पास आया और कहने लगा कि उसने एक अंसार औरत से शादी तय की है और दहेज चुकाने में उनकी मदद चाहता है। मुहम्मद ने पूछा-”क्यार तुमने उस पर एक नजर डाली है, क्योंकि अंसारों की आंखों में कुछ बात है ?“ उस व्यक्ति ने उत्तर दिया, “हां“। मुहम्मद ने पूछा, ”कितना दहेज देकर शादी की ?“ उस आदमी ने जवाब दिया, ”चार ऊकिया देकर।“ मुहम्मद बोले-”चार ऊकिया ? लगता है जैसे तुमने पहाड़ की बाजू से चांदी खोद निकाली है। (इसलिए तुम इतना ज्यादा दहेज देने को तैयार हो)। तुम्हें देने के लिए हमारे पास कुछ नहीं है। यही एक सम्भावना है कि हम तुम्हें एक चढ़ाई पर भेज दें, जहां तुम्हें लूट का माल मिल जावे।“ उस व्यक्ति को वनू अब्स के खिलाफ चढ़ाई पर भेज दिया (3315)।


किन्तु यह इजाजत वस्तुतः एक अन्य घटना के समय दी गयी थी। उमरा नाम की एक अरब औरत, जाॅन नाम के व्यक्ति की बेटी थी। उस का ”चर्चा रसूल-अल्लाह के सामने किया गया।“ पैगम्बर उस समय तक अरब राजनीति में एक महत्वपूर्ण व्यक्ति बन चुके थे। इसलिए उन्होंने अबू उसैद नाम के अपने एक कर्मचारी को उस औरत के पास एक दूत भेजने का आदेश दिया। वह औरत लायी गयी और वह “वनू साइदा के किले में ठहरी।“ अल्लाह के रसूल बाहर गए और फिर भीतर जाकर उन्होंने उससे ”विवाह का प्रस्ताव“ किया। वह ”अपना सर नीचे झुकाये बैठी थी।“ दोनों ने एक दूसरे को देखा और मुहम्मद ने उससे बातचीत की। वह बोली-”मैं तुमने बचने के लिए अल्लाह की शरण लेती हूं।“ तब तक पैगम्बर खुद एक फैसला कर चुके थे। उन्होंने उससे कहा-”मैंने तुम्हें अपने से दूर रखने का फैसला किया है।“ इसके बाद मुहम्मद अपने मेजवान के साथ जा बैठे और उससे बोले, “सह्ल ! हमें कुछ पिलाओ“ (4981)।


इस हदीस में ही शादी के लिए चुनी गई किसी औरत पर एक नजर डालने की इज़ाज़त की गयी है (टि0 2424)।

author :  ram swarup



There were two other forms of separation not amounting to legal divorce prevalent among the Arabs at the time of Muhammad: zihAr and IlA�.  In zihAr, the husband vowed that his wife would be unto him as the back (zahr) of his mother and then stayed away from her for a specified period.  This was a customary vow of abstinence among the Arabs, and according to some traditions, Muslims also took it during the period of fasting.  The purpose of the abstinence could be penitential or devotional, or the vow might be taken in a fit of anger.  The same formula was also used as a form of divorce.  Muhammad condemned divorce by zihAr (QurAn 58: 1-5) and allowed a husband who had taken the vow to go back to his wife.  The broken vow could be expiated by making a kaffArah (literally, �that which covers a sin�), which in this case is either a fast for two months or the feeding of sixty poor men and women.

There was another form of separation called IlA� (�to swear�).  In this form, the husband swore an oath to abstain from sexual intercourse with his wife.  In the pre-Islamic period, the Arabs regarded IlA as a form of divorce, but it did not fully dissolve the marriage.  The oath of IlA was sometimes taken to penalize the wife and extort ransom from her.  Muhammad forbade this (QurAn 2:226).  A man who had taken such a vow was to go back to his wife without any blame to himself; if not, the marriage was ipso facto legally dissolved at the end of four months.  The broken vow could be expiated.  �When a man declares his wife as unlawful for himself that is an oath which must be atoned. . . . There is in the Messenger of Allah a model pattern for you� (3494-3495).

In due course, the two forms of separation died away in Islam.

author : ram swarup

हदीस : बीवियों के प्रति बर्ताव

बीवियों के प्रति बर्ताव

अगर किसी पुरुष की एक से ज्यादा बीवियां हों और वह अक्सर नई शादियां करता रहता हो तो जटिल समस्याएं सामने आती हैं। मसलन, एक समस्या यह उठती है कि नयी बीवी के साथ पति को कितनी रातें बितानी चाहिए। इसका समाधान है कि वह कुंवारी हो तो सात दिन और विधवा हो तो तीन दिन (3443-3449)।


मुहम्मद की बीवियों में से एक, उम्म सलमा, हमें बतलाती है कि जब मुहम्मद ने उससे शादी की तो उन्होंने उसके साथ तीन रातें बितायीं। जब वे जाने लगे तो उसने ”उनका पहनावा पकड़ लिया।“ पर पैगम्बर ने उससे कहा-”तुम चाहो तो मैं तुम्हारे साथ एक हफ्ता रह सकता हूं, पर तब मुझे अपनी सभी बीवियों के साथ एक-एक हफ्ता रहना पड़ेगा“ (3443-3445)।


यद्यपि एक पति को अपनी बीवियों के बीच अपने दिन बराबर-बराबर बांट देने चाहिए, तथापि अगर कोई बीवी चाहे तो अपने हिस्से का दिन किसी दूसरी बीवी को दो सकती है। अहादीस (3451-3452) हमें बतलाती है कि सोदा बूढ़ी हो गई तो उसने अपने दिन आयशा को दे दिये। अतः रसूल-अल्लाह ने ”आयशा के लिए दो दिन तय किये“ (3451)।


किन्तु कई बार मुहम्मद खुद किसी बीबी से अपना दिन छोड़ देने को कहते थे। एक बीवी ने उनसे कहा-“अगर मेरे बस की बात होती तो मैं किसी और को अपने ऊपर तरजीह नहीं पाने देती“ (3499)।


आखिरकार पारी का नियम अल्लाह के एक विशेष विधान द्वारा खत्म कर दिया गया। ”तुम अपनी बीवियों में से, जिसकी चाहो उसकी बारी रद्द कर सकते हो और जिसे चाहो उसको अपने पास तलब कर सकते हो, और अगर तुम उसको अपने पास बुलाते हो जिसकी पारी तुम रद्द कर चुके हो तो इसमें कुछ बुराई नहीं“ (कुरान 33/51)। अल्लाह बहुत सुविधा देने वाला है। आयशा ने, जिसके फायदे के लिए वस्तुतः अल्लाह बोले थे, मुहम्मद पर फव्ती कसी-”ऐसा लगता है कि तुम्हारे अल्लाह तुम्हारी इच्छाएं तृप्त करने में बहुत त्वरा बरतते हैं (3453)।

author : ram swarup



The word talAq has to be pronounced three times before talAq becomes operative (3491-3493).  But opinions differ as to whether it has to be pronounced on three separate occasions, after three successive menses, or whether three times at one sitting is enough.  According to the translator, �traditions are not lacking in which three pronouncements at one sitting were held as irrevocable divorce even during the time of the prophet� (note 1933).

With such easy conditions of divorce, the limitation of wives to four at a time was not unduly self-denying.  Wives were constantly replaced.  �Abdar-RahmAn, a senior Companion, adviser, and friend of Muhammad, AbU Bakr, and �Umar, had children by sixteen wives besides those from concubines.  Somewhat later, Hasan, the son of �AlI and grandson of Muhammad, married seventy-some say ninety-times.  People in his day called him the Divorcer.

It is no wonder that women had no sanctity.  Wives could be easily disposed of by gifting or divorce.  For example, on emigrating to Medina, �Abdar-RahmAn was adopted by Sa�d, son of RabI, as a brother in faith-in accordance with the arrangement made by Muhammad to join every Emigrant to an ansAr in brotherhood.  As they sat together at supper, the host said: �Behold my two wives and choose one you like the best.� One wife was divorced on the spot and gifted away

author : ram swarup