Allah ignorant of physics

allah dont know phyiscs

Allah ignorant of physics ?

“Verily, your Lord is God Who hath made the Heavens and the Earth in six days – then mounted His throne to rule all things.” (15:3.)

C. ~ Space is not the result of combination or a compound substratum. It is uncreated, eternal. The assertion, that it was created, furnishes a positive proof of the fact that the author of the Qoran was ignorant of physics. Had God to spend full six days on the creation of the world? When it is written in the Qoran “Be’} and “it was,” it follows that this assertion about the creation of the world in six days is baseless. Were the Muslim God All-pervading, why would He establish Himself in the heavens or the sky? And if God has to thing of His administration, He is nothing but a prototype of a human being. Were He Omniscient, why would He cogitate seated passively? This shows that the Qoran is he production of minds steeped in savagery and destitute of all knowledge of God.

“And guidance and a mercy to the faithful.” (10: 55)

C. ~Is God the monopoly of the Muslims only, and have others no claim on Him? And is He partial, that He reserves His mercy only for the Muslims, and denies it to others. If by Muslims He meant “the faithful” they do not stand in need of guidance. If God does not furnish guidance to people other than the Mohammedans, His knowledge is of no use.

“That he might make proof which of you will excel in work – And if thou say “After death ye shall surely be raised again.” The infidels will certainly exclaim, “This is nothing but pure sorcery.” (11: 8, 10.)

C. ~ When God has to examine works, He is not Omniscient. And if He does raise people after death, are we to think that those who are raised are condemned for an indefinite period to wait for a settlement of their date? Again, is it not opposed to His own Divine law to raise the dead? Is it possible that God should compromise His Godhead by infringing His own law?

“And it was said, “O Earth! Swallow up thy water” and “Cease, O Heaven.” And the water abated. O my people! this is the she-camel of God and a sign unto you; let her go at large, and feed on God’s Earth.” (11: 43, 66.)

C. ~ What childish talk is this? Can the earth or the heavens ever hear? And if God possesses a she-camel, He must also possess a he-camel further He must own elephants, horses, donkeys, etc.! and does it reflect any credit on God to get His she-camel to feed in the field of the others? Does God ever ride the she-camel? If such is the Muslim God, His house must be distinguished for all the pomp and splendor to be found in the house of a mundane potentate.

C. ~ If, after the Day of Judgment, all people must repair either to heaven or hell, why should the earth or the sky then continue to exist? And if heaven and hell or to endure as long as the earth and the sky endure, then it follows that the assertion “that they shall abide in heaven or hell for ever” is baseless. It is the ignorant that talk in this vain, and not the wise, or God. 92. “Therein shall they abide while the heavens and the earth shall last. And as for the blessed ones – their place the Garden! Therein shall they abide while the heavens and the earth endure.” (11: 109, 110.)

“When Joseph said to his father, “O my father! Verily I beheld eleven stars and the sun and the moon.” (12: 4.)

C. ~ This verse contains a dialogue between a father and his son, which shows that the Qoran is not from God but is the production of some man who has embodied in it the biographies of human beings.

“It is God who hath reared the heavens without pillars thou canst behold: then mounted His throne and imposed laws on the sun and the moon. And He it is who hath outstretched the earth. He sendeth down the rain from heaven; then flow the torrents in their due measure.” ((13: 15)

“God is open-handed with supplies to whom He will, or is sparing.” (13: 2, 3, 15, 22.)

C. ~ The Muslim God is entirely innocent of all knowledge of Physical Science. Were He conversant with Physical Science, He would not have talked of rearing heavens on pillars. If God dwells in a particular locality or in the heavens, He cannot be Almighty or all-Encompassing. Had the Muslim God known aught of the Science of the clouds, He would have coupled the words, “He made the water go up to the sky,” with the words, “he sendeth down the rain from the heaven.”

This shows that the author of the Qoran was ignorant of the science of clouds. If God confers happiness on some or condemns others to misery without paying any regard to their merits or demerits, He is partial, unjust and utterly ignorant.

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