Does God create by the caprice of His Will

allah is not great

Does God create by the caprice of His Will ?

If it is God Who feeds people and makes them observe the laws of health, there should be no disease. But we see that even the Mohammedans do suffer from disease. If it is God who cures people of disease the Mohammedans should always recover, but as they do not, it is clear that the Mohammedan God is not a skilful doctor, for if He were so, the Mohammedans would always come round. Again, if it is God Who kills people and brings them to life, then He alone should take the consequences. On the contrary if it be believed that punishment or reward is awarded according to deeds done (by the soul) in many births, He cannot be held blameworthy. If God forgives sins and dispenses justice on the last day, He will be a sinner and a promoter of sin. It he does not forgive sins, it cannot but he said that this teaching of the Qoran is false.

 “Thou art only a man like unto us: produce now some sign, if thou speakest the truth. Said, the she-camel shall be a sign unto you: she shall have her portion of water.” (26: 154, )

C. ~ Who would believe that the camel came out of stone. Those who pinned faith to it were savages. The sign of the camel was something which looks boorish, not Divine. If this book had been revealed, ti would not contain such senseless things.

“O Moses! Verily I am God, Mighty, the Wise: cast down thy rod. And when he saw it, that it moved, as though it had been a serpent, he retreated and fled. And God said O Moses, fear not, for my messengers are not disturbed with fear in my sight.” “Rise not up against me: and surrender yourself unto me.” (27: 9, 10, 27, 32.)

C. ~ Now mark! God calls Himself Might, even a good man would not indulge in self-commendation, why should God do so? He became the Lord of the savages by tempting them with a sort of jugglery. Such things cannot be written in the Word of God. If He is the Lord of the seventh heaven, He cannot be God being localized. If it is a bad thing to rebel, why did God and Mohammad write a book to extol themselves, even though the Prophet at the instigation of God killed many which was worse than rebellion. The Qoran is full of repetitions and self-contradictory statements.

“And thou shalt see the mountains, and shalt think them firmly fixed; they shall pass away, even as the clouds pass away. This will be the work of God, who rightly disposes all things: and he is well acquainted with that which ye do.” (27: 90.)

C. ~ Perhaps in the country where the author of the Qoran lived, the mountains moved on like clouds, for nowhere else it is so. The vigilance of God can be judged by the fact that He could not catch the rebel Satan and punish him. Who can be more careless than one who could not. apprehend one rebel and punish him.

“And Moses struck him with his fist and slew him: and he said, O Lord, verily I have injured my own soul, wherefore forgive me. So God forgave him; for He is ready to forgive, and Merciful. The Lord createth what He pleaseth; and chooseth freely.” 28: 14, 15, 66.)

C. ~ Now mark again! Are not God and Moses the Prophet of the Mohammedans and the Christians, both unjust because the latter killed people and God forgave him his sins. Does God create by the caprice of His Will? Was it due to mere caprice that one was born a king and anther a pauper; one a scholar, and another a fool. If it is so, the Qoran dos not inculcate truth, and the Mohammedan God being unjust is no God at all.

“We have commanded man to show kindness towards his parents: but if they endeavor to prevail with thee to associate with me that concerning which thou hast no knowledge, obey them not. We hereafter sent Noah unto his people, and he tarried among them not. We hereafter sent Noah unto his people, and he tarried among them one thousand years, save fifty years.” (29: 7, 13.)

C. ~ Of course, it is good thing to serve one’s parents and it is also right not to obey them when they ask one to believe that God shares His homage with some other being. But they should not be believed if they command one to tell lies, hence this injunction is only a half truth. If He sent only Noah and other prophets to the world who sent the other creatures? If it be said that he sent all, then why not believe that all are prophets. If formerly people lived for 950 years, why do they not attain that age now? This statement is also wrong.

“God produceth creatures, and will hereafter restore them to life: then shall ye return unto Him. And on the day whereon the hour shall come, the wicked shall be struck dumb for despair. And they who shall have believed, and wrought righteousness, shall take their pleasure in a delightful meadow: Yet if we should send a blasting wind, and they should see their corn yellow and burnt up. This hath God sealed up the hearts of those who believe not.” (30: 10, 11, 14, 50, 58.)

C. ~ If God ordains Creation twice and not thrice, He must be sitting idle before the first Creation and after the second, and will lose all vitality after creating the world twice. If the sinners are struck dumb with despair on the day of judgment, so much so good, but we hope that this verse does not mean that all except the Mohammedans will be branded as sinners and struck dumb with despair, for at many places in the Qoran by the word of sinner is meant a non-Mohammedan.

If the Mohammedan paradise consists of residence in a garden and adornment of the body, it is just lie this world. In that case it is necessary y that gardeners and goldsmiths should be there or God should do their work. Again, if some denizen of paradise gets a smaller number of ornaments, he might commit theft and be hurled down into hell. If it be so the doctrine of eternal heaven would be falsified.

If God superintends agriculture operations, He must needs have gained some experience in the agricultural art! Even if it be believed that God being Omniscient knew all this, He cannot escape from the charge of having bullied and blustered. If God sealed the hearts of men and caused them to commit sin, He must be held answerable for the offence and not men; even as the Commanders are held responsible for defeat or victory, so God must be regarded answerable for sins.

“These are the signs of the wise book. He hath created the heavens without visible pillars to sustain them, and hath thrown on the earth mountains firmly rooted, lest it should move with you. Dost thou not see that the God causeth the night to succeed the day, and causeth the day to succeed the night? Dost thou not see that the ships run in the sea, through the favor of God, that He may show you of his signs?” (31: 1, 9, 28, 30.)

C. ~ How funny! That a book like this should be regarded full of wisdom even though it teaches things opposed to science, such as the creation of the heavens without visible pillars to sustain them and the fixing of the mountains in the earth with a view to keep them immovable. Even persons who are a little bit educated cannot write such nonsense or believe in such balderdash. Again, how wise is the statement that the day is entangle with the night and night with day! Every body knows that day and night co-exist. The Qoran cannot be a book of true knowledge, for this statement is absolutely foolish. It is not opposed to true knowledge to say that the ships run into the sea through the favor of God when in reality they are propelled by machinery and by sailors? Would not the sign of God ( a ship) sink if it was made of iron or stone? Verily this book cannot have been written either by God or by a learned man.


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