�Aisha reports: �Whenever the Messenger of Allah had sexual intercourse and intended to eat or sleep, he performed the ablution of prayer� (598). The commentator explains that this was done �so that the soul of man may be transported from the urges of the flesh to its original spiritual domain� (note 511).
Muhammad enjoined the same on his followers. For example, �Umar once went to the Prophet and told him that �he became junbi [unclean] during the night. The Messenger of Allah said to him: Perform ablution, wash your sexual organ and then go to sleep� (602). The same advice was conveyed to �AlI, who as his son-in-law was shy in putting this question to Muhammad directly. His problem was mazi (prostatic fluid) and not manI (semen). �Ablution is obligatory in such a case,� he was told (593).
Ablution was also necessary if one wanted to repeat the intercourse. In the words of AbU Bakr, the narrator of this hadIs, �between two acts, there should be an ablution� (605).
author : ram swarup