Healthy Long life by proper conduct

Healthy Long life by proper conduct- Refrain line is “व्यहं सर्वेण पाप्मना वि यक्ष्मेण सं आयुषा” by avoiding wrongful conduct I vow to attain long life !   पापनाशनम्‌ Healthy Mind वि देवा जरसावृतन्वि त्वं अग्ने अरात्या  । व्यहं सर्वेण पाप्मना वि यक्ष्मेण सं आयुषा  । ।AV3.31.1 देवता –मनुष्य  में दैवीय गुण बुढ़ापे से दूर रखते हैं, जैसे  अग्नि  कंजूसी से  दूर रहती   है ( अग्नि का गुण है कि सब को मुक्त हृदय से बिना कंजूसी के अपना सब कुछ सब को बांट देती है ) , इस प्रकार मैं समस्त पापों से दूर रह कर क्षय करने वाले रोगों से दूर रह कर दीर्घायु बनूं. Divine virtues keep the old age away. Take lesson from Homa fire, that … Continue reading Healthy Long life by proper conduct

Bounties of Forests

  Bounties of Forests ऋषि: ऐरम्मदो देवमुनि:-गृहस्थ से वानप्रस्थ और मितभाषी जीवन में आनंद लेने वाला। Seer of this Vedic Hymn is a person seeking relaxation away from noise of city life and is attracted to living in quiet natural surroundings of forests. देवता:-अरण्यानी – जो अ‍ऋण रखता है देता है बिना लौटाने की इच्छा से. ।Sanskrit name of FOREST means one who does not give loan to be returned with or without interest but provides its bounties as GIFTS. 1.अरण्यान्यरण्यान्यसौ या प्रेव नश्यसि ।कथा ग्रामं न पृच्छसि न त्वा भीरिव विन्दती3ँ ।। 10.146.1 Forests as they are appear to be perishing/deserted but they do not deter your entry and do not ask any questions about your antecedents. 2. वृषारवाय वदते यदुपावति चिच्चिक: ।आघाटिभिरिव धावयन्नरण्यानिर्महीयते ।। 10.146.2 … Continue reading Bounties of Forests

Atankvad and Nation Building

Atankvad and Nation Building RV7.104 reiterated as AV8.4 Twins of: इन्द्रसोम इन्द्रवरुण:, इन्द्राग्नि:,मित्रवरुण: make great contributions in Nation Building.  Here the role of इन्द्रसोम:  has been described.    राष्ट्र निर्माण में इन्द्रसोम:,  इन्द्रवरुण:, इन्द्राग्नि:,मित्रवरुण: का बड़ा योगदान होता है. इस स्थान पर इन्द्रसोम: पर वेदों का व्याख्यान पाया जाता है.   ऋषि: – मैत्रावरुणिर्वसिष्ठ: । देवता:- (रक्षोघ्नं) इन्द्रासोमौ; 8, 16, 19-22 इन्द्र:; 9, 12-13 सोम:; 10-14 अग्नि:; 11 देवा:; 17 ग्रावाण:; 18 मरुत:; 23 (पूर्वार्धस्य) वसिष्ठाशी: (उत्तरार्धस्य) पृथिव्यन्तरिक्षे । त्रिष्टुप्, 1-6, 18,21,23 जगती; 7 जगतीत्रिष्टुप् वा; 25 अनुष्टुप्। (हरिशरण जी सिद्धांतालंकार – मनोहर विद्यालंकार जी ,  ऋग्वेद के ऋषि: से साभार  ) मैत्रावरुणिर्वसिष्ठ: – तांड्य ब्राह्मण के अनुसार मित्रावरुण प्राण अपान हैं, इन को  पूर्णरूप से सबल  बनाने वाला ऋषि  मैत्रावरुणि है. यह वश करने वालों में श्रेष्ठ होने से ‘वसिष्ठ’हैं,अथवा उत्तम निवास शील होने से वसिष्ठहैं | ऐसा मानव जितेंद्रिय हो कर इस शरीर मे वास … Continue reading Atankvad and Nation Building

प्रेमस्वरुप श्रीकृष्ण

प्रेमस्वरुपश्रीकृष्ण    जो व्यक्ति अपने सुख से “उदासीन”हो चूका है,वही व्यक्ति अपने मित्र से, परिवार से,समाज से,राष्ट्र से,विश्व से,अर्थात संसार के हर प्राणी से प्रेम कर सकता है | जो व्यक्ति “अनासक्त” हो चूका है,वही प्रेमयुक्त कर्म कर सकता है | जो व्यक्ति स्वयं का “स्वामी” बन चूका है,वही व्यक्ति कर्म कर शांति प्राप्त कर सकता है और जो व्यक्ति भौतिक आकर्षणों से दूर हो चूका है वही व्यक्ति “प्रेम स्वरुप”बन सकता है | जहा आसक्ति है वहा प्रेम नहीं और जहा प्रेम है वहा आसक्ति नहीं | अनासक्त होना ही प्रेम में प्रवेश है | सम्यक रूप होना ही प्रेम में प्रवेश है | कर्म कर प्रतिदान की आशा न रखना ही प्रेम में प्रवेश है | निर्भय होना … Continue reading प्रेमस्वरुप श्रीकृष्ण

न्याय दर्शन द्वरा ईश-विचार

  लेखक – पं बुद्धदेव मीरपुरी  न्याय दर्शन द्वरा ईश-विचार   कतिपय पंडितो को यह भ्रम है कि न्यायदर्शन में परमात्मा का वर्णन नहीं है, इसलिए न्याय के प्रमाण से भी ब्रह्म कि सत्ता सिद्ध कि जाती है-   तत् कारितत्वादहेतु: || – ४.१.२१   यह ठीक है कि बिना कर्म किये परमात्मा फल नहीं देता, किन्तु कर्म करनेवाले जीवों पर ईश्वर अनुग्रह करता है | अनुग्रह या दया का अर्थ है-   यघथा भूतं यस्य च यदा विपाककालस्ततथा तदा विनियुक्तम |   जो कर्म जैसा हो और जिसका जब विपाक का काल हो, उसका फल कर्म के अनुसार उसी समय में देना, यही ईश्वर का अनुग्रह या दया है |   शंका– जो लोग वेद-शास्त्र को नहीं मानते उनके … Continue reading न्याय दर्शन द्वरा ईश-विचार

How can the punishment, that God inflicts on the soul, reform it

 How can the punishment, that God inflicts on the soul, reform it       Q. How can the punishment, that God inflicts on the soul, reform it..   … when it cannot remember its past; because the punishment could prevent it from committing any further sins only if it were to know that such and such a punishment was meted out to it for such and such a sin.   A.~ How many kinds of knowledge do you believe in?   Q. Eight kinds, such as knowledge through direct cognition, through Inference, through analogy, etc.   A.~ Why can you not then infer the existence of the previous life of the soul form seeing different peple born and brought … Continue reading How can the punishment, that God inflicts on the soul, reform it


GOD AND THE VEDA   They are atheists and of weak intellect, ad continually remain sunk in the depths of misery and pain who do not believe in, know, and commune with, Him who is Resplendent, All-glorious, All-Holy, All-knowledge, sustainer of the sun, the earth and other planets, Who pervades all like ether, is the Lord of all and is above all devatas. It is by the knowledge and contemplation of God alone that all men attain true happiness.” RIG VEDA: I, 164, 39.   Q- There are more Gods than one mentioned in the Vedas. Do you believe this or not?   A.~ No, we do not; as nowhere in all the four Vedas there is written anything that … Continue reading GOD AND THE VEDA

Does God incarnate or not?

Does God incarnate or not?       Q- Does God incarnate or not?   A.- No; because it is said in the Yajur Veda. “He is unborn.” Again “He overspreads all.” He is pure, is never born and never takes on a human form.” It is clear from these quotations that God is never born.   Q. But Krishna says in the Gita, “Whenever there is decay of virtue, I take on a human form.” GITA 4: 7. What is your answer to this?   Being opposed to the Veda, it cannot be held to be an authority. Though it is possible that Krishna, being very virtuous and being extremely anxious to further the cause of righteousness, might have … Continue reading Does God incarnate or not?

Do you believe God to be Formless or embodied?

Do you believe God to be Formless or embodied?       Q. Do you believe God to be Formless or embodied?   A.- Formless   Q.Being formless how could He reveal the Veda without the use of the organs of speech, as in the pronunciation of words the use of such organs as the palate and of a certain amount of effort with the tongue are indispensable.       A.- Being Omnipresent, and Omnipresent, He does not stand in need of the organs of speech in order to reveal the Veda to the human souls; because the organs of speech , such as the mouth, the tongue, etc., are needed in pronouncing words only when you want to … Continue reading Do you believe God to be Formless or embodied?


DIET – PERMISSIBLE and FORBIDDEN     Permissibility or prohibition in diet is based on two factors – one determined by the Science of morals and religion, and the other by the Science of Health.   “The twice-born –Braahmans, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas – must not eat such vegetables, fruits and roots as are raised in night soil and other kinds of refuse.” MANU 5:5   “They should abstain from flesh diet and intoxicants”, MANU 2: 177, such as wine, Ganja, Cannabis Indica, and opium, etc.   “Let them never use those articles that are prejudicial to the growth of the intellect.” SHARANGDHAR 4:21.   They should also avoid the use of all those articles of food that are decomposed, fermented, unclean … Continue reading DIET – PERMISSIBLE and FORBIDDEN

आर्य मंतव्य (कृण्वन्तो विश्वम आर्यम)