The Ka�ba, which had been open to all in pre-Islamic times, whether they were worshippers of Al-LAh or Al-LAt, was closed to all except Muslims after Muhammad conquered Mecca. �After this year no polytheist may perform the Pilgrimage,� it was declared on his behalf (3125). This was Allah�s own command. The QurAn says: �O you who believe! those who ascribe partners to God are impure, and so they shall not approach the sacred House of worship from this year onward� (9:28).
Most religions build houses or temples for their gods out of their own labor, but Islam conquered one for its god, Allah, from others. The difference is striking. A worthy habitation for any worthwhile god is the one built by his devotees with the love of their hearts and the labor of their hands. Any other house is a monument of imperialist greed and aggrandizement and is not acceptable to the gods of the purified spirit.