Is the Muhammad prophesied in the Vedas? Now there is only one thing left (before we are done with this subject.) the Mohammedans, not often, say, write or publish that the Mohammedan religion is spoken of in the Atharva Veda. It will suffice to say that there is not a word about this faith in the Veda in question. M. –Have you read the whole of the Atharva Veda? If you have refer to Allopanishad. It is given there in plain words. Why do you then say that nothing is said in the Atharva Veda about the Mohammedan religion? Here is a passage from the Allopanishad: – Asmallam ille Mitra Varuna………allorasul Mohammad Akbarasya Allo Allam……..etc. That Mohammad is here spoken … Continue reading Is the Muhammad prophesied in the Vedas?→
ALLAH WAS NOT OMNISCIENT “And when we said unto the angels, worship Adam, they all worshiped him except Eblis (Satan), who refused, and was puffed up with pride and became of the number of the unbelievers.” 2: 32.) C. ~ This indicates that the Mohammedan God was not Omniscient i.e., He was not cognizant of the three periods of time – the past, the present, and future. Had he been Omniscient, He would not have created Satan. Nor was God All-powerful, since when Satan deliberately refuse to obey Him he could do nothing against him. Now if only one infidel (Satan), could trouble God so much as to render Him helpless what will He and His votaries do when they … Continue reading ALLAH WAS NOT OMNISCIENT→
INTOLERANCE TOWARDS NON-MUSLIMS 2. Praise be to God, the Lord of all creatures, the Compassionate, the Merciful.” (1: 1, 2.) C. ~ Had the God of the Qoran been the Lord of all creatures, and been Merciful and kind to all, He would never have commanded the Mohammedans to slaughter men of other faiths, and animals, etc. If He is Merciful, will He show mercy even to the sinners? If the answer be given in the affirmative, it cannot be true, because further on it is said in the Qoran “Put Infidels to sword,” in other words, he that does not believe in the Qoran and the Prophet Mohammad is an infidel (he should, therefore, be put to death). (Since … Continue reading INTOLERANCE TOWARDS NON-MUSLIMS→
Was one man created in the beginning of Creation or more than one? Q- Was one man created in the beginning of Creation or more than one? A.~ More than one; because souls, that on account of their previous good actions deserve to be born in the Aishwari – not the result of sexual intercourse – Creation, are born in the beginning of the world. It is said in the Yajur Veda, “(In the beginning) there were born many men as well as rishis, i.e.., learned seers of nature. They were progenitors of the human race.” On the authority of this Vedic text it is certain then that in the beginning of Creation hundreds and thousands of men were born. … Continue reading Was one man created in the beginning of Creation or more than one?→
Revelation of Vedas Q. Whose hearts did God reveal the Vedas in? A.-“In the beginning, God revealed the four Vedas, Rig, Vayu, Sama, and Atharva, to Agni, Vayu, A’ditya and Angira, respectively.” SHAPATHA BRAHMAN 11: 4,2.3. Q.But it is written in the Shwetashwetar Upanishad, ” In the beginning God created Brahma and revealed the Vedas in his heart.”SHEWTAR UPANISHAD 6:18. Why do you say that they were revealed to Agni, and other sages? A.- Brahma was instructed in the knowledge of the Veda through the medium of the four sages , such as Agni. Mark what Manu Says: “In the beginning after human being had been created, the Supreme Spirit made the Vedas known to Brahma through Agni, etc., i.e., … Continue reading Revelation of Vedas→
PRAYERS Prayer to God is to be addressed in the following way:- “Endow us, O Lord, who art All-glorious, through thy mercy, at this very instant with that wisdom which the wise, the learned, and yogis pray for.” YAJUR VEDA32: 14. “Thou art Light, be merciful and shed that light into my heart. Thou art Infinite energy, through Thy grace endow me with unfailing energy. Thou are Infinite strength, endow me with strength. Thou art Infinite power, endow me with great power. Thou art wrathful with the wicked, make me also wrathful. Thou art moved neither by slander, nor by praise. Thou art forbearing towards those who offend against Thee, make me also forbearing.” YAJUR VEDA 20: 9. “May, O … Continue reading VAIDIK PRAYERS→
Is God formless or embodied? Q – If God be formless, this world created by Him should also be formless, just as in the case of other living beings, such as men, – children have bodies like their parents. Had they been formless, their children would have been the same. A.- What a childish question! We have already stated that God is not the material cause of the universe. He is only its efficient cause. It is prakriti and paramanus – the premordial elementary matter and atoms, – which are less subtle than God, that are the material cause of the world. They are not altogether formless but are subtler than other material objects, while less subtle as compared to … Continue reading Is God formless or embodied?→
How can the punishment, that God inflicts on the soul, reform it.. Q. How can the punishment, that God inflicts on the soul, reform it.. … when it cannot remember its past; because the punishment could prevent it from committing any further sins only if it were to know that such and such a punishment was meted out to it for such and such a sin. A.~ How many kinds of knowledge do you believe in? Q. Eight kinds, such as knowledge through direct cognition, through Inference, through analogy, etc. A.~ Why can you not then infer the existence of the previous life of the soul form seeing different peple born and brought up under … Continue reading How can the punishment, that God inflicts on the soul, reform it..→
Agnihotra is a beautiful home practice that anyone can do anywhere. When I say anyone I really mean it, I have a remarkable friend who sadly lost both his limbs when he was in his late teens he was a young man from Austria. When he was recovering in hospital someone came to demonstrate Agnihotra and from that time he has performed it regularly without any limbs. Agni is fire, fire is not just fire as we imagine it when someone says the word fire but all transformation and the underlying principal of transformation means one substance becoming another is agni. Agni is needed for the entire creation to exist. The very act of creation comes to … Continue reading AGNIHOTRA→
वैदिक समाजवाद 1.सहृदयं सांमनस्यमविद्वेषं कृणोमि व: । अन्यो: अन्यमसि हर्यत वत्सं जातमिवाघ्न्या॥ अथर्व 3.30.1 तुम्हारे हृदय में सामनस्व हो, मन द्वेष रहित हो, एकीभाव हो. परस्पर स्नेह करो जैसे गौ अपने नवजात बछड़े से करती है. 2. अनुव्रत: पितु: मात्रा भवतु संमना । जाया पत्ये मधुमती वाचं वदतु श न्तिवाम् ॥ अथर्व3.30.2 पुत्र पिता की आज्ञा पालन करने वाला हो. माता के साथ समान मन वाला हो. स्त्री पति के लिए मधुर और शान्ति दायिनी वाणी बोले. 3. मा भ्राताभ्रातरं द्विक्षन्मा स्वसारमुत स्वसा । सम्यञ्च: सव्रताभूत्वा वाचं वदत भद्रया ॥ अथर्व 3.30.3 भाई भाई से द्वेष न करे, बहिन बहिन से द्वेष न करे.सब उचित आचार विचार वाले और समान व्रतानुष्ठायी बन कर आपस मे मृदु कल्याणकारी वाणी बोलें . 4.येन … Continue reading वैदिक समाजवाद→