Category Archives: Veda and Science


kites and sun
शुभ उत्तरायणोदय-मकरसंक्रांति अथर्ववेद 3.10
लेखक – सुबोध कुमार 

तिलवत् स्निग्धं मनोऽस्तु वाण्यां गुडवन्माधुर्यम्
तिलगुडलड्डुकवत् सम्बन्धेऽस्तु सुवृत्तत्त्वम् ।
अस्तु विचारे शुभसङ्क्रमणं मङ्गलाय यशसे
कल्याणी सङ्क्रान्तिरस्तु वः सदाहमाशम्से ॥
– अज्ञात

Meaning of the subhAShita:

May the mind be affectionate like sesame seeds, may there be sweetness in thy words as in jaggery.
May there be goodness in thy relations as is in the relation of sesame and

jaggery in a laddoo.

May there be in thy thoughts a concurrence towards auspicious glory.

I always wish that may the festival of sankraanti prove to be blessed and

auspicious for one and all.


The festival of harvest, sankraanti, is celebrated on January 14th generally.  (Occasionally, it falls on the 15th of Jan).  This is one of those festivals that follow the solar axis and hence the date doesn’t change much with every year, like with other festivals that follow the lunar calendar.  It is the time when the axis of the Sun enters the zodiac sign Capricorn (makara).  Hence it is also referred to as ‘makara sankraanti‘. sankraanti literally means – proceeding well – samyak kraanti iti sankraanti.

A celebration of harvest and crop is unanimous with the Sun, he being the basic originator of the entire food chain!  Without Him, there would be no energy for the plant sources and without plant sources, there would be no energy transmission to the carnivores either.  The Sun being the sustenance for the very life on earth, is worshiped and thanked on this day.

Many people throw away old clothes and buy new ones, marking the beginning of good times.  Sharing til-gud (a mixture of sesame seeds and jaggery) is customary among many people who celebrate this festival.  The combination oftil-gud is not only tongue tickling, but very enticing as well.  The poet beautifully wishes that kind of enticement into the spoken words and relationships of everyone!  When there is harmony in mind thoughts, actions and words, then there is no stopping, the un-abound happiness one can attain in his very being.  What better can one wish for his near and dear ones!

May the Sun radiate Health, Happiness and Harmony into the lives of one and all.

रायस्पोषप्राप्ति सूक्त ( धन पशु प्राप्ति सूक्त) भाग -1

ऋषिः –अथर्वा, देवता- अष्टका (आठों प्रहर)  (मकर संक्रान्ति –उत्तरायणोदय)

अथर्व वेद 3.10

1.प्रथमा ह व्यु वास सा धेनुरभवद्‌ यमे !

   सा नः पयस्वती दुहामुत्तरामुत्तरां समाम्‌ !!

सर्व प्रथम उषा ने अंधकार को दूर कर के इस संसार की व्यवस्था को स्वनियन्त्रित स्थायित्व के हेतु धेनु प्रदान की. जो हमारे   सब के  लिए दुग्ध के दोहन द्वारा उत्तरोत्तर उन्नति का साधन हो.

2.यां देवाः प्रतिनन्दन्ति रात्रिं धेनुमुपायतीम्‌!

  संवत्सरस्य या पत्नी सा नो अस्तु सुमङ्गली!!

संवत्सर की दक्षिणायण रूपि रात्रि और प्रतिदिन आने वाली रात्रि दोनों की देवता प्रशंसा करते हैं. प्रति दिन रात्रि को विश्राम के पश्चात जैसे धेनु हमारे लिए मंगल कारी होती है उसी प्रकार संवत्सर की दक्षिणायण रूपि रात्रि से प्रकृति मानो विश्राम के पश्चात जैसे परिवार के एक पत्नी  मंगल कारी होती है.

3.संवत्सरस्य प्रतिमां  यां त्वा रात्र्युपास्महे ! 

  सा न आयुष्मतीं प्रजां रायस्पोषेण सं सृज !!

हे रात्रि (दक्षिणायन को) संवत्सर का प्रतिनिधि मान कर हम तुम्हारी प्रशंसा करते हैं. प्रजा को वनस्पति,अन्न, पुत्र पौत्रादि से  चिरंजीवि बनाती हुई रायस्पोष –धन और पशुओं से समृद्धि का साधन बनती हो.

4.इयमेव सा या प्रथमा व्यौच्छदास्वितरासु चरति प्रविष्टा!

  महान्तो  अस्यां  महिमानो अन्तर्वधूर्जिगाय नवगज्जनित्री!!

इसी आठ प्रहर – प्रति दिन वाली उषा ने सर्व प्रथम सृष्टि में अंधकार  का नाश किया था. इन प्रति दिन वाली उषाओं में अनेक महत्वपूर्ण महिमाएं छुपी हैं. सूर्य की वधुः रूपि उषा सब जगत को प्रकाश प्रदान कर के  सर्वोत्कृष्ट रूप  उत्पन्न करती है.

5.वानस्पत्या ग्रावाणो घोषमक्रत हविष्कृण्वन्तः परिवत्सरीणम्‌ !

     एकाष्टके सुप्रजसः सुवीरा वयं स्याम पतयो रयीणाम्‌ !!

प्रकृति के वर्ष प्रति वर्ष होने वाले संवत्सरीय यज्ञ में उर्वरक मृदा द्वारा वनस्पति उत्पन्न हो कर आनंद घोष करते हैं. जिन के प्रतिदिन अनुग्रह से सुंदर वीर प्रजा पुत्र पौत्रादिक विविध समृद्धियों के स्वामी बनें.

6.इडायास्पदं घृतवत्‌ सरीसृपं जातवेदः प्रति हव्या गृभाय !

 ये ग्राम्याः पशवो विश्वरूपास्तेषां सप्तानां मयि रन्तिरस्तु !!

गाय का पैर घृत समान है.-जहां पड जाय घी ही घी है.

हे अग्निदेव इस घृत को हवि के लिए ग्रहण करो.  यज्ञ के  फल स्वरूप हमारे लिए जनोपयोगी सातों पशु ( गौ, अश्व, बकरी, खच्चर,गधा, ऊंट और भेड) आवश्यकतानुसार हमारी समृद्धि के साधन उपलब्ध  हों

7.आ मा पुष्टे च पोषे च रात्रि देवानां सुमतौ स्याम्‌ !

    पूर्णा दर्वे परा पत सुपूर्णा पुनरा पत !

    सर्वान्यज्ञान्त्संभुञ्जतीष्मूर्जं न आ भर !!

रात्रि जैसे अंधकार के समय में भी हमें देवताओं के उत्तम ज्ञान की (यज्ञ करने में श्रद्धा की) सुमति बनी रहे. जो हमारे लिए पुष्टि कारक पोषण के साधन दे. यज्ञ में हमारी पूरी भरी हुइ आहुतियां यज्ञ को पूर्ण कर के परिणाम स्वरूप  हमारे पास अन्न, ऊर्जा और समृद्धि ला कर दें.

8. आयमगन्त्संवत्सर: पतिरेकाष्टके तव !

    सा न आयुष्मती प्रजां रायस्पोषेण सं सृज !!

दक्षिणायन रूपि रात्रि पत्नी का उत्तरायण रूपि संवत्सर पति आ गया है. आठ प्रहर की रात्रि पत्नी का  उषा काल में सूर्योदय से पति के रूप दिवस भी में आ गया है, इन दोनों के द्वारा प्रजा, पुत्र पौत्र इत्यादि  को रायस्पोषण प्राप्त हो.

9.ऋतून्‌ यज ऋतुपतीनार्तवानुत हायनान्‌ !

  समाः संवत्सरान्मासान्भूतस्य  पतये यजे !!

महीने, ऋतु, ऋतुसम्बंधी तथा वार्षिक ,अर्ध मासों, संवत्सरों के अनुकूल हम यज्ञादि कर्म करते रहें.

10. ऋतुभ्यष्ट्वार्त्वेभ्यो माभ्द्यः संवत्सरेभ्यः !

    धात्रे विधात्रे समृधे भूतस्य पतये यजे !!

महीने, ऋतु, वर्ष इत्यादि सब के लिए हमारे यज्ञों के परिणाम स्वरूप , धाता, विधाता हमें सम्पूर्ण समृद्धि प्रदान करें.

11. इडया जुह्वतो वयं सं विशेमोप गोमतः !

    गृहानलुभ्यतो वयं सं विशेमोप गोमतः !!

गोदुग्ध से निर्मित , गोघृत से यज्ञ करते हुवे हम लोग समृद्धि पूर्वक गोशालाओं और अपने गृहों  में लोभ रहित हो कर निवास करें.

12. एकाष्टका तपसा तप्यमाना जजान गर्भं महिमानमिन्द्रम्‌ !

   तेन देवा व्यसहन्त शत्रुन्‌ हन्ता दस्यूनामभवच्छचीपतिः !!

आठों प्रहर, सब दिन और पूरे वर्ष हम जो तप करते  हैं उस के गर्भ से परिणामस्वरूप हम  इन्द्र स्वरूप आचरण द्वारा हम दस्युओं शत्रुओं पर विजय प्राप्त करें.

13. इन्द्रपुत्रे सोमपुत्रे दुहितासि प्रजापतेः!

    कामनास्माकं पूरय प्रति गृह्णाहि नो हविः !!

हे यज्ञाग्नि इंद्र जैसे पुत्रोंवाली, सोम जैसे अंतःकरण वाले पुत्रों को उत्पन्न करने वाली तुम प्रजापति की पुत्री हो. हमारी हवि स्वीकार करो. हमारी मनोकामनाएं पूर्ण हों.

रक्षोहाग्नि वेदों से

RV10.87-AV 8.3- रक्षोहाग्नि


Author- Subodh Kumar


 पायुर्भारद्वाज:। रक्षोहाऽग्नि: । त्रिष्टुप्, 22-25 अनुष्टुप् ।

ऋषि:-पायुर्भारद्वाज: ‘पातीतिपायु:’ = शत्रुओं से प्रजा की रक्षा करने वाला  पायु है. शक्ति से भरा होने पर ही यह शत्रुओं से रक्षा कर सकेगा, इसी से इसे ‘पायु: भारद्वाज’ नाम मिला।

This Sookt is about obtaining protection from agents that cause pain, disease and destruction of healthy life and community. It can be interpreted at different levels. Our enemies can be germs carrying diseases in the environments, and can be treated by Agnihotra. Enemies of society can also be criminals, thieves, saboteurs, black marketers, smugglers, adulterators, from which society has to be protected by joint actions of community and law enforcement by ruling forces.

Modern Science on importance of AgnihotraNegative Ion generation by Agnihotra

  Fire is Plasma & creates Negative Ions

The big difference between regular gas and plasma is that in a plasma a fair fraction of the atoms are ionized.  That is, the gas is so hot, and the atoms are slamming around so hard, that some of the electrons are given enough energy to (temporarily) escape their host atoms.  The most important effect of this is that a plasma gains some electrical properties that a non-ionized gas doesn’t have; it becomes conductive and it responds to electrical and magnetic fields.  In fact, this is a great test for whether or not something is a plasma.

For example, our Sun (or any star) is a miasma of incandescent plasma.  One way to see this is to notice that the solar flares that leap from its surface are directed along the Sun’s (generally twisted up and spotty) magnetic fields.


A solar flare as seen in the x-ray spectrum.  The material of the flare, being a plasma, is affected and directed by the Sun’s magnetic field.  Normally this brings it back into the surface (which is for the best).

We also see the conductance of plasma in “toys” like a Jacob’s Ladder.  Spark gaps have the weird property that the higher the current, the more ionized the air in the gap, and the lower the resistance (more plasma = more conductive).  There are even scary machines built using this principle.  Basically, in order for a material to be conductive there need to be charges in it that are free to move around.  In metals those charges are shared by atoms; electrons can move from one atom to the next.  But in a plasma the material itself is free charges.  Conductive almost by definition.


A Jacob’s ladder.  The electricity has an easier time flowing through the long thread of highly-conductive plasma than it does flowing through the tiny gap of poorly-conducting air.

As it happens, fire passes all these tests with flying colors.  Fire is a genuine plasma.  Maybe not the best plasma, or the most ionized plasma, but it does alright.


The free charges inside of the flame are pushed and pulled by the electric field between these plates, and as those charged particles move they drag the rest of the flame with them.

Even small and relatively cool fires, like candle flames, respond strongly to electric fields and are even pretty conductive.  There’s a beautiful video here that demonstrates this a lot better than this post does.

Negative ion production has many benefits. In general negative ion production produces air similar to the air outside after a thunder and rain storm. If you have experienced a thunderstorm then you have noticed the tension that builds up in the air before a storm as the positive ions in the air reach a peak. When the storm hits electrical charges are produced in the atmosphere and rain falls. The resultant air is oxygen rich and full of negative ions. The sensations of calm and clarity can be felt in the air after a storm. This is similar to the quality of the air produced in the home with negative ion production especially if combined with ozone production as ozone (03) is also produced in abundance after a thunderstorm. There are hundreds of scientific papers and studies on the positive effects on negative ions. The following lists a few of the findings.

  • Seasonal depression symptoms decreased for the group receiving high density treatment with negative ions.
  • Neg. ions, counteracted the effects of cigarette smoke, specifically the slowing down of the cilia (mucous and carcinogenic removing filaments) in the lungs.
  • After exposure of 15 min./ day for 25 days to male subjects. After 9 days work capacity increased 50% and by the 25 the day 87%.
  • 100s of patients treated for relief from hay fever and asthma. After 15 min. in front of a negative ionizer they felt so much better they didn’t want to leave. Relief lasted for about 2 hours after returning to unionized conditions.
  • Plants show and increased growth rate.
  • Increased in alertness in humans as well as reduced symptoms of migraines, asthma, palpitations, depression and irritability.
  • Over 5 year period treating 500 patients, negative ionization cured 45% of hyperthyroid cases.
  • Bacteria counts reduced. Escherichia, pseudomonas, klebsiella, staphylococci, streptococci and candida counts reduced by 50% within 6 hours and 70% within 24 hours of neg. ion exposure.
  • Aerosol sprayed bacteria cultures in air were virtually eliminated in 60 min. with high negative ion exposure.
  • Headaches in office air conditioned computer room reduced by 78%.
  • Hospital usage for burn victims. Sealed room with negative ion treatment for severe burn patients reduced pain to nil without the usage of morphine or narcotics in 85% of the cases. 57% of post surgical cases experienced significant pain reduction upon negative ion treatment.


1.रक्षोहणं वाजिनमा जिघर्मि मित्रं प्रथिष्ठमुप यामि शर्म ।
शिशानो अग्नि: क्रतुभि: समिध्द: स नो दिवा स रिष: धातु नक्तम् ।। 10.87.1

यज्ञाग्नि घृतादि हवि से बलशाली हो कर राक्षस- विनाशी रूप धारण करता है. समोधाओं से प्रचंड हो कर  दिन और रात्रि में (हर समय) हमें (दूषित पर्यावरण के) कष्ट से बचावे.

Homa strengthened by offerings of Ghee etc. destroys all negative elements unfriendly to our life. Homa fires on being fed by wood etc. gain sharpness to proved protection all time-day and night.

अयोदंष्ट्रो अर्चिषा यातुधानानुप स्पृश जातवेद: समिध्द: ।
आ जिह्वया मूरदेवान् रभस्व क्रव्यादो वृक्त्व्यपि धत्स्वासन् ।। 10.87.2

The offerings in the fire by its contact reduce the disease causing germs to ashes. This is as if the Agnihotra provides steel teeth in their jaws to chew away ‘flesh eaters’ and a tongue to digest the flesh eating enemies.

 हे सर्वज्ञ अग्ने! हमारी समिधा से प्रदीप्त हो कर अपनी लपटों जैसी डाढ़ों से मृत्यु तुल्य पीड़ा देने वाले  मांस भक्षी राक्षसों को चबा जा.


.(Following scientific information is thankfully acknowledged from Wikipedia)

Many different microorganisms can be in aerosol form in the atmosphere, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, yeasts and protozoan’s. In order to survive in the atmosphere, it is important that these microbes adapt to some of the harsh climatic characteristics of the exterior world, including temperature, gasses and humidity. Many of the microbes that are capable of surviving harsh conditions can readily form endosperms, which can withstand extreme conditions (Al-Dagal 336).

Details of well known airborne diseases causing germs are being given in the two tables here.



Germs’ life cycle in the environment/ atmosphere is depicted in the figure below:


The microbes undergo the emission process, in which they are emitted from surfaces such as water, soil or vegetation and become airborne and transported into the airstream. The red boxes indicate some of the harsh environmental conditions that the microbes must withstand while airborne. The microbes that are able to withstand and survive these environmental pressures are the more resistant varieties. The microbes make it into clouds, where they can begin the breakdown of organic compounds. Finally, the microbes are “rained” out of the clouds through wet deposition, and they begin colonization of their new location (Amato 2012).


Following is a digression to demonstrate how Agnihotra destroys various types of disease causing enemies in the atmosphere.

(Vedic tradition lays down a ten day regime of Havan in the maternity wards to bring about resistance and immunity to new born child and the mother both.

प्रातः सायं दोनो समय प्रसूतिका के कक्ष में अक्षत् – साबत चावल और सरसों के पीले बीजों से गो घृत से निम्न मंत्रों से अग्नि में न्यूनतम  दो आहुति देनी होती हैं ।

1.ओं शण्डामर्का उपवीरः शौडिकेय ऽउलूखलः ।

मलिम्लुचो द्रोणासश्च्यवनो नश्यतादितः स्वाहा ।। इदं शण्डादिभ्यः इदन्न मम् . pa gr sookt.1.16.23

2. ओं आलिखन्ननिमिषः किंवदन्त उपश्रुतिः।

हर्यक्षः कुम्भीशत्रुः पात्रपाणिर्नृ मणिर्हन्त्रीमुखः सर्षपारुणश्च्यवनो नश्यतादितः स्वाहा।। इदमालिखन्ननिमिषाय किंवदद्भ्यः उपश्रुतये हर्यक्षाय कुम्भीशत्रवे पात्र पाणये नृमणये हन्त्रीमुखाय सर्षपारुणाय च्यवनाय, इदन्नमम् 1.16.23

 Roughly translated by a non medical science person these two mantras carry the following sense.

(शण्डामर्का –are names given to two demons. They have  killer habits and are  from  the family of bacilli such as  found in milk curds etc. being of organic origins– उपवीरः शौडिकेय  with abilities to cause physical pains discomfort to the ऽउलूखलः  the bacteria being very small in size  as if ground and mixed together in a pestle with mortar…

मलिम्लुचो  disease caused by contagion associated with lack of hygiene  द्रोणासश्च्यवनो objects entering with breath through nose (manifesting as colds and coughs in the initial stages), नश्यतादितः and causing debility to the body of this new born may get destroyed. इदं शण्डादिभ्यः इदन्न मम  This offering in the fire is for them and not for me.

2. आलिखन्ननिमिषः causing invisible scratches /coatings /injuries (insect bites)  किंवदन्त  inimical to children (those without teeth) उपश्रुति: said to be demons, हर्यक्षः depriving eyesight कुम्भीशत्रुः  enemies of both the eye cavities पात्रपाणिर्नृ  as if  seeking alms with both hands मणिर्हन्त्रीमुखः  as if  with mouths wide open to kill/destroy सर्षपारुणश्च्यवनो of different colors नश्यतादितः  may get destroyed and thrown away)

Agnihotra changes the temperaments

उभोभयाविन्नुप धेहि दंष्ट्रा हिंस: शिशानोऽवरं परं च ।
उतान्तरिक्षे परि याहि राजञ्जंभै: सं धेहयभि यातुधानान् ।। RV10.87.3, AV 8.3.3

The fire in Agnihotra –Homa has two rows of teeth. These are sharpened by strong intense fires of agnihotra, to march radiantly to reach far wide and high to crush the two enemies शिशानोऽवरं परं च desires and anger at non fulfilling of the desires from our temperament in life there. उतान्तरिक्षे परि याहि राजञ्जंभै: सं धेहयभि यातुधानान्- The agnihotra is also to establish on the horizon of our temperaments the  habit of constantly engaging in constructive activities that prevent negative self destructive /depression in our life.

यज्ञैरिषू: संनममानो अग्ने वाचा शल्याँ अशनिभिर्दिहान: ।
ताभिर्विध्य हृदये यातुधानान् प्रतीचो बाहून् प्रति भङ्ध्येषाम् ।। RV10.87.4, AV 8.3.6

The arrows and javelins of fire get directed and motivated by mantras recited loudly accompanying the Fires of Agnihotra.

अग्ने त्वचं यातुधानस्य भिन्धि हिंस्राशनिर्हरसा हन्त्वेनम् ।

प्र पर्वाणि जातवेदो शृणीहि क्रव्यात्क्रविष्णुर्वि चिनोतु वृक्णम् ।। RV10.87.5,AV8.3.4

Oh fire of Agnihotra percolate in to the skin of sufferers from skin disease. Select all the germs that eat in to the flesh and destroy every one of them.

हे यज्ञाग्नि रोगी की त्वचा का भेदन करो , मांस खाने वाले कृमियों को लक्षित कर के प्रत्येक को नष्ट कर दो.

यत्रेदानीं पश्यसि जातवेदस्तिष्ठन्तमग्र उत वा चरन्तम् ।
यद्वान्तरिक्षे पथिभि: पतन्तं तमस्ता विध्य शर्वा शिशानो ।। RV10.87.6,AV8.3.5

Agnihotra flames (and gases) travel far and wide in to the atmosphere and wherever in the environments they see a disease carrying organism they direct their arrows to destroy them.

हे यज्ञाग्नि जहां कहीं भी तुम रोगाणुओं को बैठे हुए, चलते फिरते अथवा अंतरिक्ष में उड़ते पीड़ा देने  वाले  रक्षसों को देखो उन्हें एक धनुर्धर के तीक्ष्ण बाणों से बींध दो.

यज्ञैरिषु: संनममानो   अग्ने  वाचा शल्यां अशनिभिर्दाहन: ।

विंध्य हृदये यातुधानान्‌ प्रतीचो बाहून्‌ प्रति भँङ्ग्ध्येषाम्‌॥ AV8.3.6

Mantras chanted with Agnihotra further sharpen the arrows and coat them with medicines (of Havi) which the enemies are destroyed by Agnihotra.

यज्ञों की अग्नि के  साथ साथ मंत्र ध्वनि से आचार्यों द्वारा तीक्ष्ण किये वज्र और हवि की ओषधियों से लेपन किए बाणों  द्वारा राक्षस  (रोगाणुओं की) भुजाओं को नष्ट भ्रष्ट कर के उन्हे पलट दो.

उतालब्धं स्पृणुहि जातवेद आलेभानादृष्टिभिर्यातुधानात् ।

अग्ने पूर्वो नि जहि शोशुचान आमाद: क्ष्विंकास्तमदन्त्वेनी: ।। RV10.87.7,AV8.3.7

हे यज्ञाग्नि शत्रुओं द्वारा पकड़े यज्ञ करने वाले जनों को सुरक्षा प्रदान कर. शब्द करने वाले राक्षसों ( मच्छर मक्खी आदि को) अपने चमकते हुए  आकर्षण से मार. ( अग्नि की ज्योति की ओर ऐसे कीटाणु आकर्षित हो कर नष्ट हो जाते  हैं ) पुन: कच्चा मांस खाने वाले राक्षसों को  सफेद सफेद चीलें अपना आहार बनावें .(मच्छर मक्खी इत्यादि  कि  रोक के लिए विद्युत प्रकाश से आधुनिक सन्यंत्र  बनते हैं )
Fumigation Wood treatment 

इह प्र ब्रूहि यतम: सो अग्ने यो यातुधानो य इदं कृणोति ।
तमा रभस्व समिधा यविष्ठ नृचक्षसश्चक्षुषे रन्धयैनम् ।। RV10.87.8,AV8.3.8

( निरीक्षण कर के) यह बताओ कि किस  काष्ठादि में कृमि  अनुचित  कार्य कर रहे हैं. हे यज्ञाग्नि उन को अपनी पकड़  में ले कर उन काष्ठादि को  सब जन निरीक्षकारियों द्वारा उपयुक्त बना.

Inspect and identify wooden materials which are liable to get damaged by undesirable pests (White ants, Termite etc.). Subject the wooden material to Agnihotra fumes to reach these wood damaging organisms and destroy them to make the wooden materials acceptable on inspection. (Wood treatment by in special process for fumigation is a very standard modern technique.)

तीक्ष्णेनाग्ने चक्षुषा रक्ष यज्ञं प्राञ्चं वसुभ्य: प्र णय प्रचेत: ।
हिंस्रं रक्षांस्यभि शोशुचानं मा त्वा दभन्यातुधाना नृचक्ष: ।। RV10.87.9,AV8.3.9

Sharpened vision strategy of regularly performed Agnihotra (with Mantras and medicinal Havi) , directly attacks the enemies ( the infections) and strengthens the positive healthy elements in life.

हे यज्ञाग्नि अपनी तीक्ष्ण  दृष्टि से हमारे इस यज्ञ व्यवस्था से रक्षा कर. (हम नित्य यज्ञ करने  के कर्तव्य से कभी विमुख न हों ) हमारी दी हुइ हवि समस्त वसुओं –हमारे निवास स्थानों  तक पहुंचे. हमारे चारो ओर के पर्यावरण में हमें हानि  पहुंचाने वाले शत्रु कृमि इत्यादि को भस्म कर दो. हम जीवों को ये राक्षस कभी दबा न पाएं. ( कभी कोइ महामारी रोग हमरे समाज को न पकड़े )

नृचक्षा रक्ष: परि पश्य विक्षु तस्य त्रीणि प्रति शृणीहयग्रा ।
तस्याग्ने पृष्टीर्हरसा शृणीहि त्रेधा मूलं यातुधानस्य वृश्च ।। RV10.87.10,AV8.3.10

हे अग्ने ! तुम मनुष्यों के पाप पुण्य कर्म देखने वाले हो , सब ओर निगरानी रखते हुए मुख्यत: तीन प्रकार के रोगदायक राक्षसों का विनाश करो

Agnihotra ensures well being of all. They traverse the environment to keep a watch over the three types of harmful Germs and destroy these three types of germs by appropriate three methods. (According to modern science the germs are broadly classified in to three types based on their shapes and behavior. 1. Bacteria is from ‘bacillus’ Latin word for ‘little rod’ like shapes. 2. Spherical bunch grape like shapes growing in chains are called ‘Staphylococcus’.3. Flagellate germs that have a self propelling flagellate at one end.)

अग्निहोत्र नित्यकर्म है रोगाणु 3 प्रकार के 

त्रिर्यातुधानो प्रसितिं त एत्वृतं यो अग्ने अनृतेन हन्ति ।
तमर्चिषा स्फूर्जयंजातवेदो समक्षमेनं गृणतेनि वृङ्ंधि ।। RV10.87.11,AV8.3.11

ये 3 प्रकार के रोगाणु अग्निहोत्र द्वारा बार बार नष्ट किए जाते हैं  ( और पुन: उत्पन्न हो जाते  हैं.) नित्य अग्निहोत्र करने वाले को पर्यावरण के रोगाणुओं से सुरक्षा प्राप्त होती है.

These three types of disease causing pain giving organisms come under your grips again and again. But Homa provides continuous protection to regular performer of Agnihotras, by destroying these germs. (According to modern science germs are broadly classified in to 3 categories as shown here)

  1. Bacteria – meaning little rod shaped forms, from Latin word Bacillus meaning “little rod.lax7S
  2. Streptococcus- round shaped in bunches like grapes, from “cocas” meaning round Kernel.








2. Flagellate germs- that have whip like flagellae-tails, at one end to propel themselves.



तदग्ने चक्षु: प्रति धेहि रेभे शफारुजं येन पश्यसि यातुधानम् ।
अथर्ववयोतिषा दैव्येन सत्यं धूर्वन्तर्मचितं न्योष ।। RV10.87.12,AV8.3.21

Agnihotra with their divine powers destroys the obvious/ visibly perceptible and invisible enemies of honest simple life style, like even the polluted earth- in soil on which cows dig with their hoof.

भूमि में दृष्य और अदृष्य सभी रोगाणुओं को जिन्हे गोपशु इत्यादि अपने खुर से खोद देते हैं,उन्हें भी अग्निहोत्र नष्ट करता है

यदग्ने अद्य मिथुना शपातो यद्वाचस्तृष्टं जनयन्त रेभा: ।

मन्योर्मनसो शरव्या जायते या तया विध्य हृदये यातुधानान् ।। RV10.87.13,AV8.3.12

मंत्रोच्चार में जिन शत्रुओं को नष्ट करने के लिए कड़े शब्दों  का प्रयोग होता है अग्निहोत्र का प्रभाव उस के अनुसार ही होता है यज्ञाग्नि से निजी मानसिकता भी इष्टनुरूप बनती है

When the performers of Agnihotra are expressing their anger in chanting mantras against enemies of the community, their anger should impel you to destroy those harmful elements.

परा शृणीहि तपसा यातुधानान् पराग्ने रक्ष: हरसा शृणीहि ।

परार्चिषा मूरदेवाञ्छृणीहि परासुतृपो अभि शोशुचानो ।। RV10.87.14,AV8.3.13

यज्ञाग्नि से अमानवीय पीड़ादायक मानसिकता  का विनाश होता है. अवसाद दूर होता है, मानव तेजस्वी, तपस्वी , उत्साह पूर्ण बनता है.

Agnihotra kills those that take delight in causing self defeatist hedonistic attitudes as disease. Agnihotra performer gets the mind rid of depressive thoughts and blesses with a cheerful disposition.

वाणी की मधुरता

पराद्य देवा वृजिनं शृणन्तु प्रत्यगेनं शपथा यन्तु तृष्टा: ।
वाचास्तेनं शरव ऋच्छन्तु मर्मन् विश्वस्यैतु प्रसितिं यातुधान: ।। RV10.87.15, AV8.3.14

कटु तीक्ष्ण शब्दों  पर हिंसक प्रतिक्रिया जैसे घातक शत्रु  के स्थान पर सभ्य समाज में  उत्तम भाषा के प्रयोग से प्रतिद्वन्दी को  निरस्त्र करने की क्षमता उत्पन्न होती है .

(Agnihotra) Empower the noble well behaved persons to defeat the evil tendency to react to harsh speech by violence or harsher words.   Ability to disarm the wrong doers by well spoken words is developed in a civil society.

यो पौरुषेयेण क्रविषा समंक्ते यो अश्व्येन पशुना यातुधान: ।
यो अघ्न्याया भरति क्षीरमग्ने तेषां शीर्षाणि हरसापि वृश्च ।। RV10.87.16,AV8.3.15

पाशविक आचरण जो स्वार्थ वश अपने पशुओं पर अत्याचार करते हैं, घोड़ों को भरपेट भोजन नहीं देते ,समाज में  अमानवीय व्यवहार करते हैं , गौओं से  बलात ज़बरदस्ती दूध निकालते हैं , उन की मानसिकता धार्मिक वृत्ति से अग्निहोत्रादि करने से ठीक होती है.

Those who fill their belly by starving people, those who live by stealing horse feed, those who forcibly steal milk of cows, they should be eliminated by strong actions.( Regular performers of Agnihotra develop the temperaments of “Manyu” and there by destroy the enemies of society.)

संवत्सरीणं पय उस्रियायास्तस्य माशीद्यातुधानो नृचक्ष: ।
पीयूषमग्ने यतमस्तितृप्सात् तं प्रत्यञ्चमर्चिषा विध्य मर्मन् ।। RV10.87.17,AV8.3.17

जो अमानवीय ढंग  से गौ का दोहन साल भर  करते  हैं, जो नवजातबछड़े को पीयूष ( आरम्भ दूध भी स्वयं उपयोग करते हैं ,उन की इस प्रकार की प्रतिकूल भावनाओं का सात्विक यज्ञादि करने से निराकरण होता है.

Those who milk the cow throughout the year, themselves consume the colostrums meant for newborn calf year after year; their conduct undergoes change by following the agnihotra in life.

विषं गवां यातुधाना: पिबन्त्वा वृश्च्यन्तामदितये दुरेवा: ।
परैनान् देवो सविता ददातु परा भागमोषधीनां जयन्ताम् ।। RV10.87.18 AV8.3.16

इस प्रकार से प्राप्त किया गया दूध विष समान होता है. ऐसे दूध के सेवन से अनेक असाध्य रोग उत्पन्न हो जाते हैं . ऐसे लोग गौशाला में यज्ञादि कर के दूध मे ओषधि  तत्व को भी बढ़ा  पाएंगे. विष तुल्य दूध को सुधारना तथा   गोमूत्रादि का पान भी   करना  चाहिए .

Milk derived forcibly from cows is poisonous and leads to innumerable incurable diseases. Perform Agnihotra among cows in order that their milk is full of medicinal nutritive qualities.  Along with good milk, Cow urine should also be taken for drinking.

सनादग्ने मृणसि यातुधानान् न त्वा रक्षांसि पृतनासु जिग्यु: ।
अनु दह सहमूरान् क्रव्यादो मा ते हेत्या मुक्षत दैव्याया: ।। RV10.87.19 AV8.3.18

चिरकाल से  राक्षसी वृत्ति के रोगाणु प्रजाजन (मनुष्यों और पशुओं) को पीड़ा देकर उनका मांस खाते रहे हैं. अगिनि होत्र यज्ञादि के प्रकाश्मय वज्र से ही इन का विनाश होता है,

Agnihotra have always destroyed the disease carrying germs the enemies of men and animals disease carrying germs in the environments. Agnihotra should be performed in such a manner that it succeeds in completely destroying these infections.

(This has reference to the scale and size of Agnihotra performances to match the scale and size of the objectives.)

त्वं नो अग्ने अधरादुदक्तात् त्वं पश्चादुत रक्षा पुरस्तात् ।
प्रति ते ते अजरासस्तपिष्ठा अघशंसं शोशुचतो दहन्तु ।। RV10.87.20,AV8.3.19

अग्निहोत्र द्वारा ही सब ओर से रोगाणुओं को नष्ट कर के पूर्ण सुरक्षा प्राप्त होती है.

Agnihotra should be adequate to destroy all the infections on all sides from top to bottom and from front to our back.

पश्चात् पुरस्तादधरादुदक्तात् कवि: काव्येन परि पाहि राजन् ।
सखे सखायमजरो जरिम्णेऽग्ने मर्ताँ अमर्त्यस्त्वं न: ।।RV 10.87.21,AV8.3.20

यज्ञ देवता अमर्त्य  हैं वही हम मर्त्यों को  सदैव एक सखा के रूप में  वेद मंत्रों द्वारा स्वस्थ जरारहित शरीर और मानसिकता प्रदान करते हैं .

The immortal institution of Agnihotra provides protection from all sides. This institution that like a true friend with Veda Mantras of Agnihotra provides a lifelong is an everlasting immortal strategy for healthy body and mind for us mortals.

परि त्वाग्ने पुरं वयं विप्रं सहस्य धीमहि ।
धृषद्वर्णं दिवेदिवे हन्तारं भंगुरावताम् ।। RV10.87.22,AV8.3.22

अग्निहोत्र द्वारा चित्त वृत्तियों का निरोध होता है. प्रति दिन मंत्रोच्चारण के साथ अग्निहोत्र राक्षसी वृत्तोयों का नाश करके  मन को निर्मल बनाता है

Wise men perform Yajnas to obtain from Agnihotras all-round protection of their powerful blinding irradiance. Agnihotra are providers of bounties by always destroying our enemies the baser instincts.

विषेण भंगुरावत: प्रति ष्म रक्षसो दह ।
अग्ने तिग्मेन शोचिषा तपुरग्राभिर्ऋष्टिभि: ।। RV10.87.23,AV8.3.23

हमारी राक्षसीवृत्तियों को एक एक कर यज्ञाग्नि भस्म कर देती है वासनाएं जल जाती हैं. तीव्र ज्ञान की ज्योति सूर्य के समान सब अवगुण दाहक है.

Powerful, intense flames of Agnihotra turn to ashes all those indulging in demonical behavior by developing virtuous mentality…

प्रत्यग्ने मिथुना दह यातुधाना किमीदिना ।
सं त्वा शिशामि जागृहयदब्धं विप्र मन्मभि: ।। RV10.87.24,

पाशविक वृत्तियो के मिथुन- द्वंद्व  (जैसे काम –क्रोध, लोभ – मोह, मद – मत्सर ) हर समय अब क्या खाएं , औरों को पीड़ित कर के क्या हड़प  करें केवल यही विचार रहता है,  यज्ञाग्नि अ न्त:करण शुद्ध कर के इन वासनाओं से मुक्ति दिला कर अहिंसक बनाता है.

Duality of indecision –to be or not to be- is acting like an enemy of life. Create the wisdom in our temperaments (by Agnihotra and Vedic education) to have clear vision for leading a healthy life.

प्रत्यग्ने हरसा हर: शृणीहि विश्वत: प्रति ।
यातुधानस्य रक्षसो बलं वि रुज वीर्यम् ।। RV10.87.25, AV 13.2.22

आसुरी  भावनाएं  अति प्रबल होती हैं , इन पीड़ा देने वाली राक्षसी वृत्तियों से यज्ञाग्नि का तेज  विशेष रूप से भग्न करता है.

Agnihotra and Vedic wisdom empower to destroy the demonical enemies from our life (both in our minds the ill thoughts and disease organisms in the physical environments)

विषेणं भङ्गुरावत: प्रति स्म रक्षसो जहि।

अग्ने तिग्मेनशोचिषा तपुग्राभिरर्चभि: ॥ AV8.3.23

यज्ञाग्नि कुटिल व्यवहार करने वाले  राक्षसों को अपने व्यापक तेज और तप्ताग्री ज्वालाओं से उलट कर नष्ट कर देते हैं

Agnihotra overpowers and destroys by its powerful flames the enemy organisms that promote unhealthy life.

वि ज्योतिषा बृहता भात्यग्निराविर्विश्वानि कृणुते  महित्वा ।

प्रादेवीर्माया: सहते  दुरेवा: शिशीते शृङ्गे रक्षभ्यो विनिक्ष्वे ॥ AV 8.3.24

सब से महान ज्योति पुंज सूर्य भी अपनी तीक्ष्ण तिरछी किरणों के द्वारा  आसुरी दु:ख प्रद मय्यओं को दूर करता है .

The largest source of illumination SUN with its vast resource is also performing the actions to destroy diseases by its rays that come in slanting and straight manner. (This has a clear reference to UVB –Ultra Violet B in the slant morning and evening sun rays as source of Vitamin D and IR-Infra Red rays for solar pasteurization)

ये ते शृङ्गे अजरे जातवेद स्तिग्महेती भ्रह्मसंशिते ।

ताभ्यां दुर्हार्दमभिदासन्त  किमीदिनं प्रत्यञ्चमर्चिषा जतवेदो  वि निक्ष्व ॥ AV8.3.25

The two horns –the direct heat of flames and radiated energy never get old and lose their effectiveness to destroy our enemies. In fact they become more deeply penetrating & forceful by the mantras that are chanted simultaneously.

अग्नी रक्षांसि सेधति शुक्रशोचिरमर्त्य: ।

शुचि:  पावक ईड्य: ॥ AV8.3.26

White flames of the Agnihotra also make the entire environment clean and pure white.



Has Science Failed Us?


Has Science
Failed Us?

Swami B. B. Visnu

Scientists generally insist that all phenomena can be described, in principle, in terms of measurable quantities which can be calculated using simple mathematical laws, thus reducing the universe to a mechanism and humans to complex submechanisms whose will and feelings correspond to nothing more than patterns of chemical interaction among molecules. The vast majority of these scientists are bent on eliminating the concept of God from all descriptions of reality and its creation.

Erwin Schrodinger

Renowned physicist and Nobel laureate, Erwin Schrodinger, father of Quantum Mechanics, writes: “No personal God can form part of a world model that has only become accessible at the cost of removing everything personal from it.” (1) We find that almost all of the scientists have chosen to rule out god from the very beginning of their research.

Presumably scientists seek to improve their position of knowledge and better satisfy their needs (pleasures) in this world by controlling nature. Unfortunately we find that so-called scientific progress more often brings an unexpected toll, a negative reaction from the material energy.

With the proliferation of automobiles, air pollution threatens humanity, the industrial revolution has brought air and water pollution, truck farming with it’s pesticides and chemical fertilizers has introduced innumerable poisons into our food system, advances in physics have brought about the nuclear threat and possible holocaust, appliances and other modern amenities (time saving devices) have inadvertently spawned drunkenness and obesity and with urbanization the breakdown of morals, ethics and mental stability.

Even with all the advances in medical cures, new and incurable diseases have only increased. It seems that the goals of knowledge and pleasure have not been achieved.

It is often found that scientists are not unbiased in their search for the truth, giving preference to evidence which supports their desired thesis and unscientifically rejecting alternative theories as unsuitable without proper consideration.

Alfred Russell Wallace

Alfred Russell Wallace, co-author with Charles Darwin of the ‘Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection’ advised, “the proper way to treat evidence as to man’s antiquity is to place it on record, and admit it provisionally wherever it would be held adequate in the case of other animals; not, as is too often now the case, to ignore it as unworthy of acceptance or subject its discoverers to indiscriminate accusations of being impostors or the victims of impostors.”

Although scientists are subject to the four defects of all humans, namely, they make mistakes, are subject to illusion, have a cheating propensity and defective perception (bhrama, pramada, vipralipsa, karanapatava), their findings when presented with some sort of verifiable experimental proof, are accepted as factual descriptions of reality.

Even so, theories of creation, formation of life, and evolution cannot be rigorously proven nor do they adequately describe reality. Scientists have not provided us with adequate answers to fundamental questions about the universe, galaxies and life forms.

All too often scientists forcibly assume [albeit incorrectly] that their laboratory experimental evidence can be applied elsewhere under different circumstances. Further, almost all currently accepted theories of Creation and Evolution are unverifiable and often contradicted by reliable evidence. However, when concepts such as consciousness, a creator intelligence and soul are introduced as viable concepts, the scientists demand that they be detectable by experimentation.

Albert Einstein

Alternative world views which need to be examined more closely are those which include these concepts of consciousness, spiritual qualities and a grand designer or universal designing intelligence (god).

Although Albert Einstein professed atheism, he agreed that there is a perfect “brain” behind all the natural physical laws. It is common sense that there is some cause behind each action. Even machines cannot run automatically without an “operator” to turn them on or repair them. There is no logical reason for ruling out in advance alternative strategies for explaining the creation and it’s constituent parts. Yet, the vast majority of scientists reject outright any argument in favor of design since such a concept is not reducible to physical processes and simple mathematics. We think this approach of the scientists is unscientific .

Gödel’s incompleteness findings shook the very foundations of 20th-century mathematics, just as relativity theory and quantum mechanics redirected contemporary physical research.

Gregory Chaitlin of the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center takes Gödel’s incompleteness results one step further and shows with algorithmic information theory that mathematics has much more widespread and serious limitations than hitherto suspected. Chaitlin provides the LISP and Mathematica software so we can run our own calculations.

Chaitin’s work focuses on the problems of mathematical “truth” as a convenient fiction. There are infinitely many possible mathematical facts, but, according to Chaitin, the underlying relationships among them are impossible to establish. This isn’t good news for anyone interested in a “theory of everything,” since, if the foundation is built on cottage cheese, the tower is going to be a bit tippy at best. Even worse, Chaitin’s results demonstrate that not only is there no structure to the foundation of mathematics, the foundation is in fact random. Bad news, reductionists! (2)

W = å p halts 2 |p|


The purpose of the Educational system is to teach students how to solve the problems of life, yet educators are simply propagating how to increase one’s entanglement in this material world by economic development and sensory enjoyment. We do not find a department in the Universities which teaches what is the actual goal of life.


When Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, imaginary numbers and other non-verifiable conceptual models are accepted by our scientific friends, what is the problem in considering such concepts as the spiritual soul? Consciousness is the symptom of the spirit soul’s residency in the body of the living entity. It is a fundamental aspect of reality which cannot be ignored in any valid scientific explanation of reality.

In the field of mathematics, which underlies all other branches of Science, the imaginary number “i,” (the square root of minus one) is essential for most complex theoretical calculations. However this “imaginary” number cannot be proven by experimentation. It is also not possible to prove by experimentation the Third Law of Thermodynamics or Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle. Yet these principles are absolutely essential for modern scientific theories.

In the beginning of the Nineteenth Century it was believed that atoms could not be divided, yet as we entered the Twentieth Century the fundamental building blocks of atoms such as neutrons, protons and electrons were discovered. Newtonian Mechanics was accepted as the proper scientific explanation of reality until it was discovered in the Twentieth Century that it failed to describe the motion of these fundamental particles. Quantum Mechanics was devised to cope with this inadequacy. The General Theory of Relativity was also devised by Albert Einstein to help further explain fundamental concepts.

Because General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics appear to contradict each other, Quantum Field Theory was developed. This theories inventor, Nobel laureate P.A.M. Dirac, confessed, “It seems to be quite impossible to put the theory on a sound mathematical basis.” (3)

So we can see clearly that the various evolving theories of the scientists are constantly changing as they scramble to adjust these theories, all of which are filled with speculation. These theories can never be perfect because the scientists themselves are imperfect and subject to the four human defects. With our limited knowledge, tiny brains, limited experience and resources we cannot hope to understand the unlimited.

Noted astronomer Bart J. Bok wrote in Scientific American ” … we did not suspect it would soon be necessary to revise the radius of the Milky Way upward by a factor of three or more and to increase it’s mass by as much as a factor of 10.” (4)

For lack of other alternatives, scientists generally support the “Big Bang” Theory of creation, which postulates that in the beginning of creation all the matter in the universe was concentrated into a single point of mass at a high temperature which then exploded producing a superheated cloud of sub atomic particles. However this initial condition is mathematically indescribable. A point of infinitesimal circumference and infinite density is called a “singularity.” — an impossibility.

Stephen Hawking

Of this, renowned mathematician Stephen Hawking and Professor G.F.R. Ellis write, “It seems to be a good principle that the prediction of a singularity by a physical theory indicates that the theory has broken down.”(5)

Thus the scientists stand convicted of the crime of making unverifiable supernatural claims, just what they accuse the transcendental saints of doing.

These various “Big Bang” theories lead to a stage of uniformly distributed gas which is expanding. Again, what happens after that is the subject of further speculation and has not been properly explained.

Various alternative theories have been proposed which are little better. Of one such attempt, the “Inflationary Model” of the universe, it was written, “It is then tempting to go one step further and speculate that the entire universe evolved from literally nothing.” (6) The nothingness mentioned here is a hypothetical quantum mechanical vacuum, a state which is virtually indescribable. This vacuum is actually very complicated to describe and it is unknown how it could have evolved further to produce the life forms present today, although a number of theories have been proposed.

Attempts by the German scientist Manfred Eigen to describe how an inert chemical soup might transform into self-reproducing cells elicited such comments as: “Clearly these papers [of Eigen and coworkers] raise more problems than they solve.” (7)

Their failure is like the frog in the well speculating as to the size of the Pacific Ocean by comparing it to his well.


Darwin himself admitted that speculation was necessary in the formulation of a theory, “I am a firm believer that without speculation there is no good and original observation…”(8)

His Theory of Evolution published in his book “Origin of Species” has been accepted as fact, although it is based on Darwin’s fallible speculations. His critics write, “If the theory of natural selection of Darwin is correct, why can’t we see the intermediate forms of species, the connecting links?” Darwin did not have the answer nor the archeological evidence to back it up. Although there is ample evidence for many species, fossil records provide almost no evidence for the intermediate connecting links.

Later, scientists revised Darwin’s theory with their “Punctuated Equilibrium” evolutionary theory, supposedly making evolution invisible in the fossil record. Yet this theory is not verifiable in any way. It is indeed strange that scientists speak with absolute conviction of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, when it has been calculated that out of one billion species that have lived since the Cambrian period, that 99.9% of these species left no fossil record, thus leaving scant evidence (some of which is contradictory) to support this theory

There are innumerable anomalies in the archeological artifacts, such as: Human remains have been found from the wrong time period in the wrong continent, pollen of flowering plants from the wrong time period, etc —which sharply contradict this theory of evolution. These contradictions are either brushed aside by traditional evolutionists or rejected.

Indeed it has been noted that the vehemence of their opposition and the lengths to which they will go to discredit and reject any evidence contradicting their sacred theories, is proportional to the significance of it’s challenge to their theories. Studies of artifact dating which does contradict evolutionary theories have been published along with such statements that the authors were, “painfully aware that so great an age poses an archaeological dilemma.” (9)

Yet, such significant finds are simply not mentioned in standard textbooks and popular accounts of human evolution, nor are they included in the evolutionists writings. Sir Arthur Keith, an eminent British evolutionist, wrote, “Were such discoveries in accordance with our expectations, if they were in harmony with the theories we have formed regarding the date of man’s evolution, no one would ever dream of doubting them, much less of rejecting them.” (10)

A hint of the prevailing attitude towards unwelcome finds (those which contradict the predominating evolutionary theory) is provided by a quote of William H. Holmes during his opposition to the Tertiary humans found by J. D. Whitney, “Perhaps if Professor Whitney had fully appreciated the story of human evolution as it is understood to-day, he would have hesitated to announce the conclusions formulated, notwithstanding the imposing array of testimony with which he was confronted.” (11) What he is really saying is that if the evidence does not support the favored theory, then it should be disregarded.

The modification of species by breeding has been heralded since the time of Darwin as evidence of evolution, yet experiments have shown that there are natural limits to the changes which can be brought about by breeding. Experiments with plums and roses by the eminent biologist Luther Burbank confirmed these limits, “In short, there are limits to the development possible.” (12)

A staunch advocate of evolution, Ernst Mayr of Harvard University found similar results in his experiments with fruit flies. Some altered species died out while others reverted to their original state a few years and generations later. (13) These results show a strong anti-evolutionary characteristic in the species examined.

Domestic animals have not evolved in four to ten thousand years. “Ten thousand years of mutations, crossbreeding, and selection have mixed the inheritance of the canine species in innumerable ways without its losing its chemical cytological [cellular] unity. The same is observed of all domestic animals: the ox [at least 4,000 years old, the fowl (4,000), the sheep (6,000), etc.” (14)

It has been found that ancient Egyptian pyramids contain depictions of various species of animals which remain unchanged to this day. Why have the species not evolved?

Evolution theory fails miserably to account for complex form. How can small sequential changes over many generations improve the survivability of each generation such that these changes develop? It seems that the intermediate steps would decrease the species fitness rather than increase it. However, this would simply not take place unless each successive stage provided some definite advantage over the previous stage. Otherwise, the changes cannot be attributed to natural selection. A particularly vexing question is that of the evolution of the eye in previously sightless species. Darwin himself admitted this shortcoming of his theory, “To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree.” (15)

Anthropologist Frank Spencer stated in 1984: “From accumulating skeletal evidence it appeared as if the modern human skeleton extended far back in time, an apparent fact which led many workers to either abandon or modify their views on human evolution. One such apostate was Alfred Russell Wallace (co-author of the Theory of Evolution).” (16)

Evolutionary theorist Theodosius Dobzhansky has stated that there is almost zero chance of human evolution being repeated.

Modern humans do not have Neanderthal ancestors in their family tree, a new DNA study concludes. The DNA extracted from the ribs of a Neanderthal infant buried in southern Russia 29,000 years ago was found to be too distinct from modern human DNA to be related. (17)

Jonathan Wells, a molecular and cell biologist from the University of California at Berkeley who is a senior fellow of the Discovery Institute, in his Icons of Evolution does more than cast doubt. He takes 10 so-called “proofs” of evolution offered in current textbooks and shows where not one of them is in a fact a proof of anything, and several are actually frauds. (18)

In view of so much strong evidence to the contrary, it seems very misleading to present Darwin’s Theory of Evolution as factual as has been done and continues to be presented in today’s school textbooks.


Scientists have long theorized that life has emerged from a primordial chemical soup without the direction of any higher organizing principles. They theorize that simple molecules randomly combine into inconceivably complex organic compounds, which again evolve into higher self-reproducing organisms. How any of this happens is yet to be explained.

James Watson, co-discoverer of the DNA structure wrote, “Not only will the exact structure of most macromolecules within the cell remain unsolved, but their relative locations within cells can only be vaguely known.” (19)

The great question is: How can inert matter, acting according to simple physical laws alone, generate the remarkable molecular machinery found in even the simplest cell?

Experiments by chemists hailed as demonstrating the “creation” of life showed no signs of evolving into even slightly more complex forms, what to speak of cells. The relative success of Stanley Miller in producing amino acids by running a spark thru a gaseous substance believed to be similar to the ancient atmosphere from which life arose, is actually of little consequence. It is quite another matter to go the next step to complex cellular components with their complicated mechanisms. Another chemist, Sydney Fox, produced small drops of protein by heating dry amino acids and dropping them into water. His results were equally unimpressive and failed to demonstrate how inert chemicals could evolve into highly organized complex cells.

Albert L. Lehninger aptly expressed the dilemma, “At the center of the problem is the process of the self-organization of matter.” (20)

The scientist’s quest to show how a set of simple natural laws can explain the transformation of a few basic molecular building blocks of life into a single self-reproducing cell can be compared to finding a simple computer program which can take the 26 letters of the alphabet and transform them into a Shakespearean masterpiece. To help our readers formulate an idea of the complexity of this task we mention that Professor R, B. Woodward of Harvard, winner of a Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1965, took eleven years working with ninety-nine scientists to synthesize the vitamin B-12 molecule.

Scientists claim to be able to produce life, but can they create one mosquito, produce milk from grass or put a banyan tree in a capsule the size of a mustard seed?

In view of the fact that there exists no viable theory on the chemical origin of life, perhaps other factors may be involved in chemical evolution, such as a self-intelligent organizing principle.

A number of scientists, left with no other viable alternatives, then turn to blind chance as a last resort explanation in their attempts to save the theory of evolution. Some scientists have calculated the probability of life arising by chance from a primordial soup and shown that it is virtually zero. (21) Could Life Arise by Chance

Scientists seem obsessed with the concept that complex life forms have evolved progressively from simple building blocks. However direct experience shows just the opposite that complex forms actually originate from even more complex forms. On the basis of information theory and also the basic principle of the Second Law of Thermodynamics regarding increasing entropy, or the tendency towards disorder, we can understand that to go from a simple system to a more complicated one, that design information is necessary. If we say that this information is encoded in the DNA, then we ask simply for an explanation of how this encoding information may happen to appear without any external input to our inert primordial soup.

Our capacity to function in an intelligent way and make decisions based on external stimuli depends on our consciousness. The phenomenon of consciousness cannot be denied, yet because consciousness itself cannot be explained quantitatively, scientists themselves generally neglect to include this essential element in their constructs. Fortunately not all of them feel this way.

Albert Einstein recognized that there was a perfect intelligence behind all the natural physical laws. He concluded that the cosmos; “reveals an intelligence of such superiority that compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection.”

He is not alone in this thought. Other important scientists have considered the concept of a higher source transmitting design information; that there is a purpose in the universe. Robert Broom, who made important anthropological finds wrote, “The origin of species and of much of evolution appears to be due to some organizing and partly intelligent spiritual agency associated with the animal or plant, which controls its life processes and tends to keep the being more or less adapted to its environment. But in addition to this there seem to be other spiritual agencies of a much higher type which have been responsible for what may be called greater evolution … These spiritual agencies appear to have worked by directing from time to time the inferior agencies which are associated with the animals and plants.” (22)

Alfred Russel Wallace

Alfred Russell Wallace, co-author of the “Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection” along with Charles Darwin, expressed similar thoughts, “If there is such an Infinite Being, and if… his will and purpose is the increase of conscious beings, then we can hardly be the first result of this purpose. We conclude, therefore, that there are now in the universe infinite grades of power, infinite grades of knowledge and wisdom, infinite grades of influence of higher beings upon lower. Holding this opinion, I have suggested that this vast and wonderful universe, with its almost infinite variety of forms, motions, and reactions of parts upon part, from suns and systems up to plant-life, animal-life, and the human living soul, has ever required and still requires the continuous coordinated agency of myriads of such intelligences.” (23)

Stephen Hawking, the most famous scientist of our day, recently stated in 2002, “It is difficult to discuss the beginning of the universe without mentioning the concept of god. My work on the origin of the universe is on the borderline between science and religion, but I try to stay on the scientific side of the border. It is quite possible that god acts in ways that cannot be described by scientific laws.” (24)

If we cannot explain the origin of life via simple principles then the only choice other than giving up our quest is to search for more complex principles as the source.

So, one might rightly ask, then where do we turn for a proper understanding of reality and the purpose of life itself? If we cannot trust the knowledge or findings of any human source, then where can we find a reliable source of information?


We suggest that a body of knowledge does exist which provides sufficient explanation of the nature and origin of the universe and the living organisms that inhabit it. We refer to the ancient Sanskrit Vedic literatures of India, an internally and externally verifiable and consistent presentation of information. Herein we find profuse descriptions of an intelligent creator god and his creation.

Perhaps the most well known of these literatures, The Bhagavad-gita explains the nature of the conscious soul as an indweller in the bodies of various species and it’s journey to other bodies after the death of its present body according to the laws of karma. The living entity has free choice to act properly or improperly and receives the resultant good and bad reactions in terms of success and failure, happiness and distress.

Also encoded within this vast body of literature is a description of the process of bhakti-yoga, a process for obtaining enlightenment and rising beyond the ordinary platform of eating, sleeping, mating and defending. The essence of these teachings may be found in the Bhagavad-Gita.

An article as well as a video entitled “Scientific Verification of Vedic Knowledge” is now available.

(1) Erwin Schrodinger, What is Life? and Mind and Matter (Cambridge University Press, 1967), p. 68.
(2) A Century of Controversy Over the Foundations of Mathematics, a lecture by Gregory Chaitlin of the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center on 2 March 2000 at Carnegie Mellon University School of computer science. Available here: Mathematics
(3) P.A.M. Dirac, “The Evolution of the Physicist’s Picture of Nature,” Scientific American (May 1963), pp. 45-53
(4) Bart J. Bok, “The Milky Way Galaxy,” Scientific American (March 1981), p. 94
(5) S.W. Hawking and Professor G.F.R. Ellis, The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1973), pp. 362-63
(6) Alan H. Guth and Paul J. Steinhardt, “The Inflationary Universe.” Scientific American,1984, p 128.
(7) John Maynard Smith, “Hypercycles and the Origin of Life,” Nature, vol. 280 (1979), pp. 445-446.
(8) Philip Appleman, ed., Darwin (New York: W.W. Norton and Co., 1970), p. 66.
(9) Virginia Steen-McIntyre, Roald Ryxell, and Harold E. Malde, “Geologic Evidence for Age of Deposits at Hueyatlaco Archeological Site, Valsequillo, Mexico,” Quaternary Research, Vol. 16 (1981), p. 15.
(10) Sir Arthur Keith, The Antiquity of Man (London: Williams and Norgate, 1920), p. 473.
(11) Holmes, W. H. (1919) Handbook of aboriginal American antiquities, Part I. Smithsonian Institution, Bulletin 60.
(12) Norman Macbeth, Darwin Retried (Boston: Gambit, 1971), p. 36.
(13) Francis Hitching, The Neck of the Giraff (New York: New American Library, 1982), p. 41.
(14) Pierre-P. Grasse, Evolution of Living Organisms, (New Your: Academic Press, 1977), p. 125.
(15) Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species, (New York: New American Library, 1964), p. 168.
(16) Michael a. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson, The Hidden History of the Human Race, (Govardhan Hill Publishing, 1994), p. 155.
(17) British Broadcasting Co. (12-11-02)
(18) Interview with Dr. Michael Behe, author of Darwin’s Black Box,, Updated: 18 November 2002.
(19) James D, Watson, The Molecular Biology of the Gene (Menlo park: W. A. Benjamin, Inc., 1977), p. 69.
(20) Albert L. Lehninger, Biochemistry, (New York: Worth Publishers, 1975), p. 1055.
(21) The Bhaktivedanta Institute, Origins—Higher dimensions in science, (Los Angeles: The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, 1984).
(22) Robert Broom, “Evolution—Is There Intelligence Behind It?” South African Journal of science, Vol. 30 (October 1933), pp. 18-19.
(23) Alfred Russell Wallace, The World of Life (New York: Moffat, Yard & Co., 1911), p. 431.
(24) Dr. Henry F. “Fritz” Schaefer, III, Stephen Hawking, the Big Bang, and god,