All posts by rdhoot





यद्यपि प्रस्तुत पुस्तक छोटी है परन्तु लेखक ने इस विषय वस्तु से सम्बंधित अनुच्छेदों के संकलन में संभवतः सभी यूरोपीय आधिकारिक सूत्रों से विचार-विमर्श किया है और आशा है कि ध्यान आकर्षण करने वाले ये सभी अनुच्छेद पाठकगणों के विश्वास प्राप्त करेंगे।

प्रसिद्धआर्य समाज विद्वानों द्वारा पुनरावलोकन

(१) इस छोटी पुस्तिका में स्वामी मंगलानंद पूरी ने यूरोपीय और भारतीय संस्कृत विद्वानों और कुछ इतिहासकारों के भी विचारों का संकलन करके यह सिद्ध किया है कि मूर्तिपूजा वेद सम्मत नहीं है। जिन लोगों की ऐसी धारणा है कि मूर्तिपूजा वेद सम्मत है उनके लिए ये पुस्तिका विशेष लाभकारी है। वैदिक विचारधारा से अनभिज्ञ जनसामान्य में ये पुस्तिका निशुल्क वितरित की जानी चाहिए।

घासीदास, एम.ए. एल.एल.बी.

अधिष्ठातागुरुकुल ब्रिन्दाबन एवं अध्यक्ष आर्य प्रतिनिधि सभा उ.प्र.(मेरठ)

(२) स्वामी मंगलानंद पूरी द्वारा मूर्तिपूजा-अवैदिक पुस्तिका: लेखक ने शब्दों के  पक्के और विश्व के प्रसिद्ध यूरोपीय और एशियाई सूत्रों के अच्छे-खासे लेखोंका संकलन करके यह स्थापित किया है कि वेदों में मूर्तिपूजा का कोई समर्थन नहीं है और सफलतापूर्वक यह सिद्ध किया है कि मूर्तिपूजा का मूल इसाई मत में है ।

यह पुस्तिका निर्देशात्मक और रुचिपूर्ण है साथ ही दिए गए उद्धरण प्रेरणादायक और लाभकारी हैं। कम मूल्य में पुस्तिका उपलब्ध करा कर लेखक ने निश्चय ही असाधारण काम किया है।

बाबूश्याम सुन्दरलाल बी.ए. एल.एल.बी.

अधिवक्ता, अध्यक्ष आर्य समाज मैनपुरी

(३) लेखक धन्यवाद के अधिकारी हैं जिन्होंने इतनी अच्छी पुस्तिका बनाई जो सभाओं और समाजों द्वारा महाविद्यालयऔर विद्यालय के उच्च कक्षाओं के छात्रों को वितरित की जानी चाहिए। शुल्क यद्यपि कम है पर महत्व की दृष्टी से यह पुस्तिका अनमोल है और महाविद्यालय के नवजवान छात्रों की अध्यात्मिक उन्नति केलिए विशेष रूप से लाभदायक है जिससे उन्हें परमात्मा के निराकार स्वरुप की उपासना की शिक्षा मिलेगी ।

श्रीमान राव (मास्टर) आत्मा राम जी अमृतसरी

आर्य समाज के श्रेष्ठ नेताओ में से एक




यूरोपीय व्याख्यानों में

आज के समय में एक हिन्दू सामान्यतःमूर्तिपूजक होता है परन्तु आर्य समाज के संस्थापक महर्षि दयानंद सरस्वती ने पूरेविश्व को बताया कि ना तो पुरातन कालीन हिन्दू (आर्य) मूर्तिपूजक थे ना ही वेदादि सत्यशास्त्रों और आर्ष ग्रंथों में मूर्तिपूजा का लेशमात्र भी संकेत  हैं।

स्वामी जी की सत्यता इसी से प्रमाणित होती है कि अन्य पक्षपात रहित वेद विद्वान भी इसी निर्णय पर पहुंचे और मूर्तिपूजाका पुरजोर विरोध किया।अतः हम यहाँ यूरोपीय एवं अन्य संस्कृत विद्वानों को उद्धृत कर रहें हैं। हम पाठक को अपने विवेक के सहारे निर्णय पर पहुचने की स्वच्छंदता प्रदान करते हुए अनुरोध करेंगे कि यहाँ संकलित सभी मतों को यथोचित महत्व प्रदान करते हुए इनका लाभ एवं मार्गदर्शन लें  |

प्रथम अध्याय

यूरोपीय जन मूर्ति पूजा विषय पर

(१)  सरमोंलर विलियम्स (sir Monler Williams) लिखतें हैं :- “मनु स्मृति* के संकलन काल में मूर्तिपूजा के अस्तित्व के विषय में घोर संशय है”( इंडियन विजडम पृष्ट २२६)

(२)  जे.आई. वीलर(J.I. Wheeler) कहतें हैं :- “ऐसा प्रतीत होत्ता है जैसे कोई मंदिर नहीं थे और वे(आर्य या पुरातन कालीन हिन्दू)खुले वातावरण में या हर मकान के एक विशेष गृह में हवन किया करते थे” (वीलर्स हिस्ट्री ऑफ़ इंडिया इंट्रोडक्शन पृष्ट ११)

(३)  प्रोफेसर डब्लू.डी. ब्राउन कहतें हैं :- “विचारवान छात्रों के लिए कई प्रबल प्रमाण यह सिद्ध करतें हैं कि पूर्व में हिन्दू मूर्तिपूजक ना थे और ना ही अशिक्षित, निर्दयी और असभ्य थे”

(४)  श्रीमान मिल कहतें हैं :- “मूर्तिपूजापूर्ण रूप से आगे विकसित हुई है। श्रेष्ठ निराकार मान्यताओं से समक्रमण ना स्थापित कर पाने वाली बुद्धि की यह उपज है। पतन अपनी व्याख्या स्वयं करता है। कपट ढोंग आदि मतान्धता और एकेश्वरवाद के पतन के प्रमुख कारण हुए। यह ढोंग स्वतंत्र देवीदेवताओं की विविधता नहीं थी वरन विशेष आयोजनों के मुख्य देव और आहावन था।“ (मिल्स ब्रिटिश इंडिया पृष्ट ११७ मई१९१८को वैदिक पत्रिका में प्रकाशित)

(५)  मक्स्मुलर लिखते हैं :- “कभी कभी यह भी कहा जाता है की वैदिक धर्म का लोप हो चुका है क्यूंकि तांत्रिकों एवं पुराणिकों द्वारा प्रतिपादित ब्राह्मणिक धर्मशिव, ब्रह्मा और विष्णु के विभिन्न रूपों के डरावने मूर्तियों की पूजा करते हैं” | (ओरिजिन एंड ग्रोथ ऑफ़ रिलीजन्स पृष्ट १५४)

(६)  मक्स्मुलर आगे लिखते हैं :- “यदि हम वसिष्ठ या विश्वामित्र या अन्य किसी आर्य कवि से पूछ पातेकि क्या वे सूर्य, जो आग का गोला है,वह हाथ पैर ह्रदय स्नायु आदि युक्त देहधारी है? तो निसंदेह वे हमारे प्रश्न पर ठहाके लगाते हुए कहते की हमने उनकी भाषाएँ जान कर भी उनके मंतव्यों को नहीं जाना।“(ओरिजिन एंड ग्रोथ ऑफ़ रिलीजन्स पृष्ट २७५)

(दूसरा अध्याय जो मक्स्मुलर के विचारों पर था वह अनुवादक को प्रयास करने पर भी प्राप्त नहीं हुआ अतः अनुवादक ने उनके कुछ प्राप्त अंशों को प्रथम अध्याय में ही जोड़ दिया है।)

द्वितीय अध्याय

मूर्तिपूजा पर आर.सि. दत्त

प्रसिद्ध भारतीय विद्वान रोमेशचन्द्रदत्त जो किसी भी रूप से आर्य समाजी भी नहीं हैं लखते हैं:

(१)ऋग्वेद में मूर्ति का कोई संकेत ही नहीं हैं, ना ही किसी पूजागृह और ना ही मंदिरों में।

(सिविलाइज़ेशन ऑफ़ अन्सिएंट इंडिया कितब१ पृष्ट ६६)

(२)और रेखागणित के व्यावहारिक ज्ञान की शिक्षा का महत्व उस समय ख़तम हो गया जब पुराणिक काल में चित्र आदि जड़ पूजा प्रचलित हुई और भक्तों के घर से समिधाग्नि शांत हो गयी और लोगों ने वेदी बनाने की विद्या भुला दी।

(सिविलाइज़ेशन ऑफ़ अन्सिएंट इंडिया किताब १ पृष्ट २६९ २७४)

(३) आगे वह लिखतें हैं :

“… और कोई मूर्तिपूजा का ज्ञान ना था”

(क)बौद्ध मत में मूर्तिपूजा इसाई कालके सदियों बाद आई इसलिए मूर्तिपूजा बौद्धों द्वारा शुरू हुई ऐसी शंका करना असंभव तो नहीं हैं।

(ख)ऐसा अनुमान है मनु स्मृति के संकलन काल में बौद्धों द्वारा पूजा का प्रचालन बढ़नेपर पुर्वग्रहियों द्वारा विरोध हुआ।

(ग)मूर्तियों की पूजा का विधान हिन्दुवों में बौद्ध आन्दोलन तक ना था और बौद्ध मत के प्रचार के साथ यह विकसित हुई।

(घ)मनु …क्रोधपूर्वक मूर्तिपूजकों को शराब और मांस बेचने वालो की श्रेणी में रखते हैं।

(सिविलाइज़ेशन ऑफ़ अन्सिएँट इंडिया कितब२ पृष्ट १८९-१९५ )

(४)पुरातन काल में अग्न्याधानकी एक छोटी सि विधि सभी गृहस्तों के जीवन का एक महत्वपूर्ण अंग था, जब हर किसी द्वारा अपने हवनकुंड में ही ईश्वारुपसना की जाती थी और मंदिरों-मूर्तियों से सभी अनभिज्ञ थे।

(हिज सिविलाइज़ेशन किताब १ पृष्ट१८४)

(५)तीर्थों के विषय में आर.सि.दत्त लिखते हैं :

तीर्थभ्रमण, जो पुरातन काल में नगण्य या अनजाने थे, का मूर्खतापूर्ण तरीके से आयोजन होने लगा। नये-नये भगवान, नयी-नयी मूर्तियाँ-चित्र एवं मंदिरों भारत की भूमि एवं भोले-भालेश्रद्धालुओंके ह्रदय में जन्म लिया।“

(सिविलाइज़ेशनकिताब २ पृष्ट१९५)

(६)आगे श्री दत्त लिखते हैं :

“६२० ईस्वी में चीनीयात्री होव्न सॉंग के आगमन काल में जगन्नाथपुरी के विशाल मंदिर का लेश भीना था।“

(सिविलाइज़ेशन किताब २ पृष्ट १५१)


तृतीय अध्याय 

मूर्तिपूजा पर एल्फिन्स्तों

(१) श्री एम.एल्फिन्स्तों लिखतें हैं :

“दृश्यपदार्थ और चित्रों की पूजा का कोई विधान नहीं दिखाई पड़ता”

(एल्फिन्स्तों हिस्ट्री ऑफ़ इंडिया पृष्ट ४०)

(२)आगे श्री एल्फिन्स्तों लिखते हैं :

“…. औरसाथ ही, उन्होंने ना तो मंदिर ही खड़े किये ना ही सच्चेईश्वर के प्रतिक की पूजा करते थे”

(एल्फिन्स्तों हिस्ट्री ऑफ़ इंडिया पृष्ट ९३-९४)

(३)आगे जोड़ते हुए लिखतें हैं :

“श्रीमान कॉलेब्रोक स्वयं को पांच  प्रकार के पवित्र कर्मों(पञ्चमहायज्ञ) तक ही सिमित रखतें हैं जो मनु के काल से चली आ रही हैं परन्तु वर्तमान समय में एक विशेष प्रकार की पूजा का विधान है जो पहले भारतीय समाज में ना था, परन्तु अब ये विधान एक प्रधान कर्म हो चला हैं।

ये विधान हैं मूर्तियों की पूजा का, जिनके सामने अनेक प्रकार के नमन और स्तुतियों का रोज़ का विधान हैं।”

(एल्फिन्स्तों हिस्ट्री ऑफ़ इंडिया पृष्ट ११०)



चतुर्थ अध्याय 

मूर्तिपूजा पर विल्सन

(१)प्रोफेसर एस.एस.विल्सन लिखतें हैं :

“वेदों में मंदिरों का कहीं संकेत नहीं है ना ही किसी सामूहिक भवन का वर्णन ही मिलता हैं, साफ़ है कि पूजा पूर्णतः घरेलु थीं”

(विल्सन्स ऋग्वेद इंट्रोडक्शन किताब १ पृष्ट XV)

(२)पुनः लिखतें हैं :

“अब तक हमारी जितनी जानकारी हैं, शिव,महादेव,काली,दुर्गा,राम और कृष्ण के नाम वेदों में नहीं मिलते, एक रूद्र नाम आता है जिसे बाद में शिव ही मान लिया गया।“


(३)आगे लिखते हैं :

“ औरआज जिस रूप में भारतवर्ष में पूजा होती हैं, अर्थात लिंग की पूजा, उसका नाम मात्र भी संकेत , कम से कम पिछली १० शताब्दियों में नहीं मिलता। ना ही कोई संकेत ब्रह्मा, विष्णु और महेश, त्रिमूर्ति का ही प्राप्त होता है।“                       आइबीड XXVII

(४)आगे श्रीमान लिखतें हैं :

“और फिर भी मनु ना किसी अवतार,ना राम और ना ही कृष्ण कोइंगितकरतेंहैं। अतः यही माननीय हैं कि वे रामायण और महाभारत काल के बाद विकसित हुई पूजा पद्दति के पूर्व कालीन हैं।“

(५)श्री मिल्स एच.एच.विल्सन के विचारों को इस प्रकार उद्धृत करते हैं:

“…. परन्तु वे(ब्राह्मण) पगान पादरियों की तरह या यहूदियों की तरह कभी भी सार्वजानिक पूजा का आयोजन, व्यक्ति विशेष के लिए पूजन, मंदिरों में पूजन यामूर्तियों का पूजन नहीं करते थे।

जोब्राह्मणमूर्तियों की पूजा करता उसेपतित और धार्मिकआयोजनों में ना बुलाया जाता”

(मनुII१५२,१८०)-(मिल्सहिस्ट्री ऑफ़ ब्रिटिश इंडिया कितब२पृष्ट १९२)

(७)  श्रीएच.एच.विल्सन पुनः बताते हैं-

“परन्तु पूजनीय महापुरुषों की पूजा उससमाज का हिस्सा नहीं हैं और ना ही देवताओंका अवतरण जैसा की अन्य ग्रंथों में निर्देशित हैं जो अबतक मैंने देखीं हैं यद्यपि कुछ भाष्यकारों द्वारा इसपर संकेत किया गया है।“

“यह भी सत्य है कि वैदिक पूजा के अधिकतर भाग निजी हैं, जिनमे स्तुति आदि अनुष्ठान,एक अदृश्य व्यापक अप्रमाणिक सत्ता को संबोधित करते हुए,स्वयं की उन्नति लिए संपन्न किये जाते हैं,किसी मंदिर में नहीं।“

“एकशब्द में, वैदिक मत मूर्तिपूजक नहीं हैं।“

(एच.एच.विल्सन विष्णुपुराण प्रकथन पृष्ट १११)

(८)  पुनः लिखतें हैं-

“कर्ता और क्रिया में भेद मूर्तिपूजा से ही विकसित हुई है।प्रतिमा ने मुख्य प्रति की जगह लेली, और ना ही वेदों में परिपूर्ण हो रहे रहस्यवाद और वाक्यरचना[**] की कोई व्यवस्था की गयी।“

(मिल्स हिस्ट्री ऑफ़ ब्रिटिश इंडिया कितब१ पृष्ट ३९२)

(९)इसके अलावा वे लिखतें हैं :

“…. परन्तु पद्धति नयी है, जगन्नाथ स्वयं नवीन है और वैष्णवों के पुराणों में इनका कोई स्थान नहीं। यह असम्भाव्य है कि वर्त्तमान स्थल का महिमामंडन अधिक से अधिक एक शताब्दी से पूर्व हुआ हो।“

(मिल्स हिस्ट्री ऑफ़ इंडिया पृष्ट४१६)


पंचम अध्याय 

मोहम्मदनविद्वानों के विचार मूर्तिपूजा विषय पर

अब हम मध्यकालीन भारत के दो सर्वाधिक पढ़े-लिखेमुसलमान सज्जनों केविचारों की ओर नज़र डालेंगे जो यह कहतेंहैंकिहिंदुत्व का मुर्तिपूजन से कोई नाता नहीं हैं।

(१) मौलाना अबुल फज़ल, अकबर के दरबार के प्रधानमंत्री लिखतें हैं :

“वे(हिन्दू) सभीएकेश्वरवाद में विश्वास रखतें हैं औरयद्यपि वे मूर्तियों को विशेष सम्मान से रखतें हैं फिर भी वे किसी प्रकार मूर्तिपूजक नहीं हैं जैसा की अज्ञानी जन समझतें हैं।“

(आयींने अकबरी,एफ़ गोडविनभाष्यकिताब६ पृष्ट २९४)

(२)मौलाना अलबेरुनी, अरबी और संस्कृत के विद्वान जो महमूद ग़ज़नी के साथ भारत आये थे लिखते हैं:

“… परन्तु हम ये घोषणा करते हैं कि मूर्तियाँ केवलअनपढ़लोगों द्वारा स्थापित की जातीं हैं।

स्वच्छंद विचारों के मार्ग पर चलने वाले यादर्शन शास्त्र पढने वाले जो सत्य का सार प्राप्त करना चाहतें हैं वे इश्वारुपसना को छोड़ अन्य सभी विचारों से मुक्त हैंऔर प्रतिक रूप में स्थापित की गयी चित्र आदि वस्तुवों की पूजा की कल्पना भी नहीं करते।“

(अल्बेरुनिस इंडिया डॉ. ई.सि.सोचोऊ भाष्य कितब१ अध्याय XI पृष्ट ११२-११३)

(२) अतः मौलाना अलबेरुनी आगे जोड़ते हैं :

“इन सभी मूढ़ प्रलापों को दर्शाने का  हमारा उद्देश्य पाठक को मूर्ति का विवरण देना है, अगर कोई कहीं मूर्ति देख ले  औरउसकी व्याख्या करे तो जैसा हमने पहले कहा कि मूर्तियाँ नासमझ अनपढ़निम्न दर्जे के लोगों द्वारा स्थापित की गयींऔर हिन्दुवों ने कभी इश्वर के मूर्तियों की स्थापना नहीं की।”

(ईबिड पृष्ट ११२)

षष्ट अध्याय

मूर्तिपूजा का मूलइसाई मत

हमारेमुसलमानऔरइसाई भाइयों की धारणा है कि मूर्तिपूजा का मूल हिन्दू मान्यताओं में हैं, निश्चित रूप से वे गलत हैं। पहले दर्शाये गए विचार अपनी व्याख्या खुद ही करतें हैं। स्वामी राम तीर्थ, जो यूरोप वासी तो नहीं थे परन्तु कई यूरोपीय और अमरीकियों के मार्गदर्शी हुए, पूछते हैं :

“…. भारत में मूर्तिपूजा कौन लाया?आज ये इसाई आपसे कहेंगे कि आप मूर्तिपूजक हो परन्तुभारतकी कविताओं, व्यक्रण, गणित, शिल्पकला, गायन और अन्य वृहद् वैदिक साहित्य में लेश मात्र भी मूर्तिपूजा के संकेत नहीं मिलते। यह मूर्तिपूजा आई कहाँ से? भारतीय धर्म के किसी भी रूप का ये हिस्सा नहीं है। मूर्तिपूजा भारत में ईसाईयों द्वारा आई। इतिहास का यह पृष्ट अब तक लोगों के नेत्रों से दूर रहा हैं परन्तु मेरा अनुसन्धान अबछपकरतैयार होगा।

“मैंने आतंरिक एवं बहारी दोनों साक्ष्यों द्वारा ये सिद्ध किया है कि ईसा के चौंथी और पाँचवी शताब्दीबाद भी कुछ रोमन कैथोलिकइसाई भारत में बसते हैं। दक्षिण भारत में वे संत थॉमस इसाई कहे जाते हैं। इन्होने ही मूर्तिपूजा की शुरुवात की। फिर आतंरिक साक्ष्य से, मैंने सिद्ध किया है कि मूर्तिपूजा के प्रबल समर्थक रामानुजकेनिर्देशकों में से एक ये संत थॉमस इसाई थे। जैसाहमें ज्ञात है, इन्होने पहले जिस मूर्ति को शीश नवाया वह पूर्वमुखी नहीं हैं।

“मेरे सौभाग्यावानो, यह दर्शाता है किमूर्तिपूजा का मूल उस मत में है जिसे आप इसाई मत कहतें हैं। येमिशनरी जोआज मूर्तिपूजा का खंडन करते हैं, एक ओर मुर्तिपूजा को निक्रिस्ट मानते हैं और दूसरी ओर मूर्तियों का व्यापार कर पैसे कमातें हैं। इस तरह तुम (मिशनरी) लोगोंका धर्मान्तरण करना चाहते हो। क्या यह मूर्तियाँ जिन्हें तुम बनाकर बेचते हो वो तुम्हारे गोसपेल से ज्यादा शक्तिशाली हैं? अब ये तुम ही निर्णय करो।“

(इन वुड्स ऑफ़ गॉड-रेलिज़ेशनकिताब ३ पृष्ट ३११-३१२)

इतने संस्कृत और यूरोपीय विद्वानों के साक्ष्य प्रस्तुत करने के बाद लिखने को कुछ और अधिक नहीं रह गया है। अब पाठक स्वयं ये निर्णय करे कि वेदों में मूर्तिपूजा की खोज कहाँ तक सफल होगी।

छोटे शब्दों में :

(क) …..ओल्ड टेस्टामेंट का इश्वर आदम और हव्वा से बातें करता है औरअब्राहम की रसोई से खाना खाता है औरमोसेस से वार्ता करने बादलों से प्रकट हो जाता है।

(ख) …ईसाईयों का इश्वर कुवांरी कन्याओं को गर्भवतीबना सकता है और इस तरह विश्वमें अपने “मात्र पुत्र” का जन्मदाता है।

(ग)  ….. कुरान का अल्लाह आदम, नोआह और अब्राहम के समक्ष प्रकट होने को हमेशा तैयार बैठा रहता है।

(घ)  …… परन्तु वैदिक इश्वर एक ऐसा है जो देहधारी नहीं है और किसी सीमा से बाधित नहीं है और निश्चित रूप से सभी देश, काल और वस्तु में वसता है।

हे सनातनी हिन्दू सज्जनों, आपने ऊपर दिए गए साक्ष्यों को पढ़ा और जाना कि सिर्फ दयानंद ही नहीं हैं जो मूर्तिपूजा त्यागने को कहतें हैं वरन वे सभी, जिन्होंने वेदों और अन्य प्राचीन शास्त्रों का अध्ययन किया है, यही मानते हैं। अतः आप सभी सत्य को स्वीकार करें, जैसा की आप जानते हैं:




Contribution of Swami Shraddhanad to Kerala Socio-religious-reform Movements

om swami

Contribution of Swami Shraddhanand to Kerala Socio-religious-reform Movements

By : KM Rajan

23 rd Dec is the martyrdom day of great educationalist, veteran freedom fighter and Vedic scholar, Swami Shraddhanand who was closely connected to socio-religious – reform movements in Kerala. But the glorious role played by him in Kerala during the first quarter of last century is missing from our history books. Mahatma Munshi Ram was born at Talwan Village in Jalandhar (Punjab) on February 2, 1856. The magic of great social reformer and vedic scholar, Maharshi Dayanand Saraswathi totally changed a spoiled young Munshiram (later Swamy Shradhanand) into an Arya Missionary and a national leader. He actively participated in freedom struggle and motivated many revolutionaries to fight against the alien rulers. He was the Chairman of reception committee of Amritsar Congress session in 1919 just after Jalyanwala Bagh massacre and successfully conducted this session. He established Gurukul Kangri with one teacher (himself) and two students (his two sons) which is now a famous university. He was the first non muslim to deliver sermon from the rampart of Jama Masjid of Delhi.


Above all he was a preacher of vedic dharma. He spearheaded the shudhi movement which resulted the return of thousands of converted Hindus to vedic religion. During the 1921 Malabar rebellion he came to Kerala for rescue works and brought back thousands of forcible converted Hindus to their parent religion. The Arya Samaj at Ponnani in Malappuram district was the main re-conversion centre during 1921 rebellion. Swamiji and his brave followers risked their life and gave a strong presence in Ponnani, the so called Mecca of Kerala to succor the poor Hindus. The hapless Hindus were massively converted by force there. At present also Ponnani is a main conversion centre to Islam.  The landed property and buildings of erstwhile Arya Samaj at Ponnani is now encroached by some one. When new Khilafat commemorative buildings are coming up in many parts of Malappuram district, there is no one to take up the case of this encroached historical Arya Samaj property which stood great relief for riot victims.


Swamy Shradhanand was also the inspirational force for upliftment of so called lower casts in Kalpathi village of Palakkad district. When these downtrodden people were denied their right to take part in yearly conducted Kalpathi Ratha Yathra, Swamiji took up the matter in the Court of Law and obtained a Judgment from Madras Court in their favour before the start of that year’s Rath Yathra.  He also actively participated in Vaikkom Sathyagrah. But it is very unfortunate that the contribution of Swamiji and other Arya Missionaries like Pt. Rishi Ram are missing in our history books. Even a photograph of Pt. Rishi Ram who established Calicut Arya Samaj also not available now in any historical libraries of Kerala. When there was a mass function to commemorate the 85th anniversary of Vaikkom Sathyagrah with much fanfare, there were not even a mention of Swamy Sradhanand and his colleagues. This is a great insult to those brave souls like Swamy Shradhanand who was behind the socio-religious reform movements in Kerala.


He established Bharatheeya Hindu Shudhi Sabha alongwith Pt.Madan Mohan Malavia in 1923. The shudhi movement spearheaded by Swamiji brought back lakhs of converted Hindus to Vedic Religion. This enraged the muslim extremists. As a result of that he succumbed to the stabbing by a fanatic Muslim named Abdul Rasheed on 23rd  Dec 1926. The British court sentenced Rasheed with death penalty. It was very unfortunate that Mahatma Gandhi (whom the honour ‘Mahatma’ was given my Swamy Shradhanand) sought relaxation for death sentence given to Abdul Rasheed from British authorities. But same Gandhiji refused to take up a similar case for great freedom fighters Shaheed Bhagat Singh, Sukh Dev and Rajguru. But the British authorities did not care Gandhiji’s suggestion and hanged the assassin of Swamy Shradhanand as per the court verdict.


Now Kerala is passing through a tough time. Mass conversion like love jihad going on in different parts of Kerala. In these circumstances let us pay homage to this immortal Arya Missionary and dedicate ourselves for the cause of propagation and protection of vedic dharma!


Om krinvantho vishwamaryam!





Author:- Pandit Gangaprasad ji Upadyaya 

Jesus death is as mysterious as his birth. It is written in? Bible:-

  1. Jesus was crucified.
  2. He died on the cross.
  3. His body was put in a Sepulcher. (a small room or monument, cut in rock or built of stone, in which a         dead person is laid or buried)
  4. On the third day, the Sepulcher was found empty.
  5. Christ was thereafter seen walking by several people elsewhere.
  6. He rose to heaven with body.
  7. He is sitting right side of his father, God, in heaven.


These things have been described in details in Matth, Chapter XXVII and XXVIII, Mark chap. XVI, Luke chapter XXIV, and John chapters XX and XXXI. The details differ so much that no fair-minded person can be persuaded (duce (someone) to do something through reasoning or argument) to believe them. Even Christians would not believe a similarly worded story in the case of another person. Any written or printed material is not a history. And when uncommon things are said, the testimony should be free from all shades of doubts. If four witness in the form of Matthew, Mark, Like and John appears before a court and they give a same account as is given in the New Testaments, With the difference that some other name is given in the place of Jesus, even Christian Judge of the present High Court would brush it aside as a tissue of either hallucinations (an experience involving the apparent perception of something not present) or lies. Just look at the points:-

  1. Matthew mentions ‘a great earthquake.” The other three are silent on this point. It was an important point. Had there been an earthquake, it should have been marked by others.
  2. 2.       Matthew mentions one angel who told the women that ‘he is risen.’ Mark gives “a young man.” St Luke gives ‘two men stood by them in shining garment; St John also names ‘two’.
  3. 3.       According to St. John, Mary “turned” herself back and saw Jesus standing.” This Fact is not mentioned by the other three.

It was Joseph of Arimathaea Who secretly went to Pilate for the body of Jesus.

Mark says, ‘Pilate marveled   if he were already dead: and calling unto him the centurion, he asked him whether he had been any while dead. And when he knew it of the centurion, he gave the body to Joseph.’ (Mark X, 44)  (1)

(1)    “The concluding eleven verses of St. Mark, XVI, that speak of the resurrection as well as of the foreign mission and the signs, with the sweeping condemnation of the Non-Christian world, so unbecoming of the gentle soul like Jesus, have been proved to be an addition and forgery, and do not exist in the vulgate (the principal Latin version of the Bible, prepared mainly by St Jerome in the late 4th century, and (as revised in 1592) adopted as the official text for the Roman Catholic Church), nor in the ancient Greece Mss.

I found it so, and printed it out in a marginal note on these eleven verses. The fact is not unknown to the British and Foreign Bible society; yet they do not care to remove the verses from the Bibles.” (Sources of Christianity by Khwaja Kamaluddin, page 123)

Now assuming that Mary and Mary Magdalena found the sepulcher empty and also assuming that Christ was Seen by some persons after the event, the only conclusion that a sane man would arrive at is that Jesus did not die on the cross, that Joseph of Arimathaea, who was friend of Jesus, played some tricks and spirited away the body of Jesus. The man or men whom the women took an angels of God, might have been some persons acquainted with the secret. It is written that “the sepulcher was new wherein was never man yet laid.”

In all probability the sepulcher must have been so devised by Joseph himself that the stone might be easily set aside. This has been anticipated by Matthew and is clear from the following statements:-

“Now the next day, that followed the day of the preparation, the chief priest and Pharisees came together unto Pilate saying, sir, we remember that that deceiver said, while he was yet alive, ‘After three days I will rise again.’ Command therefore that the sepulcher he made sur, until the third day, lest his disciples come by night, and steal him away, and say unto the people, He is risen from the dead; so the last error shall worse than the first. Pilate said unto them, ye have a watch: go your way, make it as sure as ye can. So they went, and made the sepulcher sure, sealing the stone, and setting a watch.” (Matt. Chapter xxvii, 62-66)

The other three witnesses mention neither a watch nor an earthquake. It seems that in order to cofound. Matthew coined the story of earthquake. The points to be considered are the following:-

  1. Why did Pilate marvel if he were already dead?
  2. Why did not Pilate satisfy himself personally on the point and why did he confine his enquiry to merely the statement of the centurion? It is not possible that the Centurion might have been purchased by the rich Joseph of Arimathaea?
  3. When the people complained, why did not Pilate look to the watch personally?
  4. How was the stone sealed? What was the nature of the watch and what guarantee was there that the watch was all above temptations?

Then there are two more aspects which are of a very great importance: first of all, the possibility of resurrections; secondly, the purpose of resurrection. Either Christ died on the cross or did not die. In the latter case the question of resurrection does not rise and the miracle loses all its value. In the former case, death can only mean the total departure of the soul from the body. When Jesus body was lying in the sepulcher, his soul must have departed. To where? You can say “to heaven.”  Then why did it return? And how? Why did it take three days to return?

As regards the question of ‘purpose’ the only purpose imaginable can be the over-awing of the unbelievers by the uncanniness of the process. But here too the purpose fails miserably. The miracle could have done openly before all, even on the cross and might have converted the whole world. But instead of this we find Jesus crying “Eli, Eli lama sabachthani? My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Mark.XXXVII, 46)

Are these not the ways of ordinary men? Any man would cry like that at the time of death. Then if the purpose was to convince people of Jesus divinity, better person should have the witness than the two half-crazy women who what of attachment and what of credulity could not discern whether it was Jesus or the Gardner. There is one more point. If Jesus foretold his resurrection on the third day, as people complained against Pilate, was it known to the women?  If so why did they not expect in due course? Why did they come to sepulcher with the intension of paying their respect to dead?

If the purpose was not public proclamation but something private and secret, even then the whole story seems to be silly? Jesus appears to some friends and only and then asks them to proclaimed the event.

Then there is the question of the passion of Jesus’ body to heaven. This is the funniest event. Only those who believe heaven is somewhere in the skies above and solid bodies can rise up to they can regard it as true. In these days such persons are very rare except in exceptional asylum. Unless heaven be a court of a despotic king in some physical sense, it is absurd to say that the body of Jesus Christ passed to it, and he is still seen sitting on right side of his father. If you treat it figuratively, you have to put it nakedly so that the sense might be understood.

We should not have taken notice of such a fairy-tale, had it not been for the fact that the resurrect of the Jesus Christ is the most important portion of the Christian creed, as important as its birth. God’s son needs be born in an unusual way and so must he need die. Ingersoll has well said, “How do they prove Christ rose from the dead? They found the account in the book. Who wrote the book? They do not know. What evidence is this? None, unless all things found in books are true.”

“They say that Christianity was established, proved to be true, and by miracles wrought nearly two thousand years ago. Not one of these miracles can be established except by impudent and ignorant assertions –except by poisoning and deforming the minds of the ignorant and the young.”

Professor Huxley says,

“On the strength of an undeniable improbability, however, we not only have right to demand, but are morally bound to require, strong evidence in favor of miracle before even we take it into serious consideration. But when, instead of such evidence, nothing is produced but stories originating nobody knows how or when, among persons who could firmly believe in the devils which enter pigs, I confess that my feelings is one of astonishment that any one should except a reasonable man to take such testimony seriously.” 

ईसा के सम्बन्ध में अनेक विचार –

jesus u really know him

ईसा के सम्बन्ध में अनेक विचार –

लेखक – महात्मा नारयण प्रसाद

पहला विचार जो ईसा की सत्ता के सम्बन्ध में है वह यह है की ईसा वास्तव में कोई हुआ ही नहीं, इस सम्बन्ध में जो बातें कही और प्रमाण रूप में उपस्तिथ की जाती है, ये है :-

१.       समकालीन लेखकों के लिखे लेखो अथवा इतिहासों में ईसा के जीवन का संकेत भी नहीं पाया जाता –“ हिस्टोरियन हिस्ट्री ऑफ दी वल्ड “ vol 2, col 3 में लिखा है “यह निश्चित नियम है की महान पुरषों की महता उनके जीवन काल ही में उनके नामो से प्रगट होने लगती है- परन्तु ईसा के नाम अथवा जीवन  घटनाओ का उस समय के इतिहासों में सर्वथा अभाव है | न केवल इतना ही है की तत्कालीन लेखो में ईसा का नाम का और जीवन घटनाओ का अभाव है किन्तु पीछे हुई कतिपय नसलो तह के लेखो में उस की सत्ता का कोई चिन्ह नहीं पाया जाता |

२.       दूसरा विचार यह है- कुछ बातें कृष्ण और बुद्ध से लेकर इंजील के लेखकों ने ईसा की कल्पना कर ली है वास्तव में ईसा कोई नहीं था | इस बात की स्थापना के लिये “ कृष्ण के क्राइस्ट “ नामक पुस्तक देखने के योग्य है | पुस्तक के रचियता ने, बड़े परिश्रम के साथ, पुराण और इंजील की तुलना करते हुए इंजील का उनके आधार पर रचा जाना प्रमाणित करने का उद्योग किया है |

ईसा की जन्मतिथि भी निश्चित नहीं है | ईसवी सन जो प्रचलित है | ईसा के जन्म काल से बताया जाता है—परन्तु बात यह है की ईसा का जन्म काल अनिश्चित और विरोध पूर्ण है | इसलिए नहीं कहा जासकता कि यह सन ईसा के जन्म काल से है |

(क)  चेंबर का encyclopedia ( chamber’s Encyclopedia ) में सन ईसवी से कुछेक वर्ष और कम से कम चार वर्ष पहले ईसा का जन्म काल बतलाया गया है |

(ख)  Appleton’s New Cyclopedia ) में ६ वर्ष पहिले का जन्म बतलाया गया है |

(ग)   (The Treasury of Bible Knowledge new Edition page 191 ) “ परट महोदय ने “ जन्म तिथि ७ वर्ष पाहिले अक्टुम्बर मांस में निश्चित की है |

(घ)   इसी प्रकार जन्म वर्ष की तरह जन्मतिथि और मास भी विवाद पूर्ण और अनिश्चित है |

दूसरा विचार ईसा के सम्बन्ध में यह है की ईसा हुआ तो परन्तु वह १२ वर्ष की आयु तक जेरोसलिम आदि में रहा उस के बाद शिक्षा पाने के लिए भारत वर्ष चला आया और ३० वर्ष की आयुतक यहाँ शिक्षा पाता रहा | उस के बाद लोटकर जेरोसलिम गया | और वहाँ जाकर उसने ईसाई धर्म की स्थापना की | इस विचार के समर्थक रूस के यात्री “ निकोलस नोटोविच “ है |

नोटोविच महोदय ने एक पुस्तक प्रकाशित की थी जिसका नाम है | ( ईसा का अज्ञात जीवन चरित्र ) ( Unknown Life of Christ by Nicolas Notovitch ) पुस्तक में उन्होंने “ हिमिज “ ( Himij ) के पुस्तकालय से ईसा का एक जीवन चरित्र प्राप्त कर के छापा था |

यह जीवन चरित्र, नोटोविच का कथन है कि पाली भाषा में था और हिन्दुस्थान में लिखा गया था | उस की पाली भाषा की लिपि ( तिबत ) के पुस्तकालय में है | उसी कॉपी से यह अनुवाद तिब्बती भाषा में किया गया था | जो उन्हें हिमिज के पुस्तकालय में मिला | जीवन चरित्र पद्यमय है | जो नोटोविच ने पुस्तक का प्रथम संस्करण प्रकाशित किया था | तो उस पर स्वाभाविक रीती से पादरियों और कुछेक अन्य पुरषों में जिन में मोक्षमुलर साहिब भी सम्मिलित थे, आक्षेप किये और पुस्तक का प्रभाव दूर करने का यत्न किया गया | यह भी कहा गया की नोटोविच न तिब्बत गये, न वहा कोई पुस्तकालय “ हिमिज ” नाम का स्थान है इत्यादि ……….परन्तु पुस्तक के अंग्रेजी भाषा के संस्करण में (जो फ्रेंच भाषा में था ) नोटोविच ने समस्त आक्षेपो का सफलता के साथ परिहार किया है | उन्होंने अंग्रेज कर्मचारियों के नाम भी दिये है जिनसे वे इस यात्रा में मिले थे उन में अंग्रेजी सेना के एक मुख्य कर्मचारी “ यंगहस्वेंड “ भी सम्मिलित है जिन के नेतृत्व में अंग्रेजो की और से तिब्बत पर चढाई हुई थी – “ हिमिज “ स्थान का भी उन्होंने सविवरण पता दिया है और उस का मार्ग भी बतलाया है |

जीवन चरित्र, जो उपयुक्त भांति नोटोविच महोदय को प्राप्त हुआ है | उस की मुख्य मुख्य बातें यह है | जीवन चरित्र में प्रथम बतलाया गया है | कि ये चरित्र विवरण लेखक को इसराइली व्यापारियों के द्वारा प्राप्त हुये थे :-

तत्पश्चायत चरित्र विवरण इस प्रकार वर्णित है :-

१.       “ ईसा जब १३ वर्ष का हुआ तो उस के विवाह कि छेड़ छाद शरू हुई, इस से अप्रसन्न होकर व्यापारियों के साथ वह सिंध चला आया- कि यहाँ आकर बुद्धमत की शिक्षा प्राप्त करे-

सिंध से काशी आया और यहाँ ६ वर्ष तक रहकर उसने धार्मिक शिक्षा पाई – उसे वैश्यों और शुद्र से अनुराग था उन्ही में वह प्राय: रहा करता था | यंहा से शाक्य मुनि बुद्ध की जन्म भूमि में गया, पाली भाषा सीखी और ६ वर्ष में बौद्ध मत की शिक्षाओ से पूर्णतया अभिज्ञ हुआ |

तत्पश्च्यात पश्चिम की और पारसियो के देश में पंहुचा और धर्मं प्रचार करता हुआ जेरुसलिम, ३० वर्ष की आयु में पहुँच गया “ |

उस का जन्म किस प्रकार हुआ, और मृत्यु किस प्रकार उसने मार्ग में क्या क्या उपदेश किये थे, इयादी बातें भी प्राप्त जीवन चरित्र में अंकित है | परन्तु विस्तार भय से यंहा छोड़ दी गई |

ईसा का १३-३० वर्ष तक का जीवन किस प्रकार व्यतीत हुआ, उसने इस आयु में क्या क्या सिखा अथवा क्या क्या काम किये ? इन प्रश्नों का उत्तर देने में समस्त इंजील असमर्थ है | ईसा के तो जीवन चरित्र, इस नवीन “ प्राप्त जीवन चरित्र को छोड़कर, अब तक प्रकाशित हुये है, उनमे भी उपयुक्त आयु की मध्य की किसी एक घटना का भी उल्लेख नहीं किया गया है |


तीसरा विचार वह है कि ईसा जेरोसलिम की फीमैनरी सोसाइटी का सदस्य था | वही उसने शिक्षा प्राप्त की और जान द्वारा ( John, the Baptist ) जो उसके साथ ही उपयुक्त सोसाइटी का सदस्य बना था, सोसाइटी के नियमानुसार, बिपतस्मा लिया | और सोसाइटी की अनूमति ही से उसने प्रचार कार्य आरम्भ किया- उसके प्रचार से यहूदी पुजारी अप्रसन्न हुए फल स्वरुप उसे सूली मिली परन्तु सुलि से वह मरा नहीं था | राज कर्मचारियों ने उसे भ्रम से मरा समझ लिया था | क्यों की क्लेश यातना से यशु मूर्छित हो गया था |

सोसाइटी के सदस्य जोसेफ से उसका शव जो वास्तव मे जीवित शरीर था प्राप्त किया तिकोडेमस एक चिकत्सक ने उसकी चिकित्सा की वह अच्छा हो गया और कुछ दिनों तक वह फिर सोसाइटी की देख भाल में कार्य करता रहा अंत में उसकी मृत्यु हुई और समुद्र के एक स्थान में दफ़न किया गया-इस विचार का सम्रथन उस पत्र से होता है जो इंजिलो के लिखेजाने से वर्षों पहले का है और इस पुस्तक में प्रकाशित किया गया है | इस विचार का परिणाम यह है की ईसा के समस्त चमत्कार, और विशेष कर मृत्यु सम्बन्धी सब से बड़ा चमत्कार जिन के कथनों अकथानो से इंजील भरी पड़ी है, निर्मूल और बनावटी, केवल उस समय के अंध विश्वासी लोगो के फुसलाने के लिए उसके शिष्यों द्वारा गढे सिद्ध होते है | और इस परिणाम का फल यह होता है कि इंजीलओ का इंजीलत्व रुखसत हो जाता है | इन इंजीलओ का मुख्य और बड़ा भाग ईसा के उपयुक्त भांति कल्पित चमत्कार ही है |

Has Science Failed Us?


Has Science
Failed Us?

Swami B. B. Visnu

Scientists generally insist that all phenomena can be described, in principle, in terms of measurable quantities which can be calculated using simple mathematical laws, thus reducing the universe to a mechanism and humans to complex submechanisms whose will and feelings correspond to nothing more than patterns of chemical interaction among molecules. The vast majority of these scientists are bent on eliminating the concept of God from all descriptions of reality and its creation.

Erwin Schrodinger

Renowned physicist and Nobel laureate, Erwin Schrodinger, father of Quantum Mechanics, writes: “No personal God can form part of a world model that has only become accessible at the cost of removing everything personal from it.” (1) We find that almost all of the scientists have chosen to rule out god from the very beginning of their research.

Presumably scientists seek to improve their position of knowledge and better satisfy their needs (pleasures) in this world by controlling nature. Unfortunately we find that so-called scientific progress more often brings an unexpected toll, a negative reaction from the material energy.

With the proliferation of automobiles, air pollution threatens humanity, the industrial revolution has brought air and water pollution, truck farming with it’s pesticides and chemical fertilizers has introduced innumerable poisons into our food system, advances in physics have brought about the nuclear threat and possible holocaust, appliances and other modern amenities (time saving devices) have inadvertently spawned drunkenness and obesity and with urbanization the breakdown of morals, ethics and mental stability.

Even with all the advances in medical cures, new and incurable diseases have only increased. It seems that the goals of knowledge and pleasure have not been achieved.

It is often found that scientists are not unbiased in their search for the truth, giving preference to evidence which supports their desired thesis and unscientifically rejecting alternative theories as unsuitable without proper consideration.

Alfred Russell Wallace

Alfred Russell Wallace, co-author with Charles Darwin of the ‘Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection’ advised, “the proper way to treat evidence as to man’s antiquity is to place it on record, and admit it provisionally wherever it would be held adequate in the case of other animals; not, as is too often now the case, to ignore it as unworthy of acceptance or subject its discoverers to indiscriminate accusations of being impostors or the victims of impostors.”

Although scientists are subject to the four defects of all humans, namely, they make mistakes, are subject to illusion, have a cheating propensity and defective perception (bhrama, pramada, vipralipsa, karanapatava), their findings when presented with some sort of verifiable experimental proof, are accepted as factual descriptions of reality.

Even so, theories of creation, formation of life, and evolution cannot be rigorously proven nor do they adequately describe reality. Scientists have not provided us with adequate answers to fundamental questions about the universe, galaxies and life forms.

All too often scientists forcibly assume [albeit incorrectly] that their laboratory experimental evidence can be applied elsewhere under different circumstances. Further, almost all currently accepted theories of Creation and Evolution are unverifiable and often contradicted by reliable evidence. However, when concepts such as consciousness, a creator intelligence and soul are introduced as viable concepts, the scientists demand that they be detectable by experimentation.

Albert Einstein

Alternative world views which need to be examined more closely are those which include these concepts of consciousness, spiritual qualities and a grand designer or universal designing intelligence (god).

Although Albert Einstein professed atheism, he agreed that there is a perfect “brain” behind all the natural physical laws. It is common sense that there is some cause behind each action. Even machines cannot run automatically without an “operator” to turn them on or repair them. There is no logical reason for ruling out in advance alternative strategies for explaining the creation and it’s constituent parts. Yet, the vast majority of scientists reject outright any argument in favor of design since such a concept is not reducible to physical processes and simple mathematics. We think this approach of the scientists is unscientific .

Gödel’s incompleteness findings shook the very foundations of 20th-century mathematics, just as relativity theory and quantum mechanics redirected contemporary physical research.

Gregory Chaitlin of the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center takes Gödel’s incompleteness results one step further and shows with algorithmic information theory that mathematics has much more widespread and serious limitations than hitherto suspected. Chaitlin provides the LISP and Mathematica software so we can run our own calculations.

Chaitin’s work focuses on the problems of mathematical “truth” as a convenient fiction. There are infinitely many possible mathematical facts, but, according to Chaitin, the underlying relationships among them are impossible to establish. This isn’t good news for anyone interested in a “theory of everything,” since, if the foundation is built on cottage cheese, the tower is going to be a bit tippy at best. Even worse, Chaitin’s results demonstrate that not only is there no structure to the foundation of mathematics, the foundation is in fact random. Bad news, reductionists! (2)

W = å p halts 2 |p|


The purpose of the Educational system is to teach students how to solve the problems of life, yet educators are simply propagating how to increase one’s entanglement in this material world by economic development and sensory enjoyment. We do not find a department in the Universities which teaches what is the actual goal of life.


When Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, imaginary numbers and other non-verifiable conceptual models are accepted by our scientific friends, what is the problem in considering such concepts as the spiritual soul? Consciousness is the symptom of the spirit soul’s residency in the body of the living entity. It is a fundamental aspect of reality which cannot be ignored in any valid scientific explanation of reality.

In the field of mathematics, which underlies all other branches of Science, the imaginary number “i,” (the square root of minus one) is essential for most complex theoretical calculations. However this “imaginary” number cannot be proven by experimentation. It is also not possible to prove by experimentation the Third Law of Thermodynamics or Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle. Yet these principles are absolutely essential for modern scientific theories.

In the beginning of the Nineteenth Century it was believed that atoms could not be divided, yet as we entered the Twentieth Century the fundamental building blocks of atoms such as neutrons, protons and electrons were discovered. Newtonian Mechanics was accepted as the proper scientific explanation of reality until it was discovered in the Twentieth Century that it failed to describe the motion of these fundamental particles. Quantum Mechanics was devised to cope with this inadequacy. The General Theory of Relativity was also devised by Albert Einstein to help further explain fundamental concepts.

Because General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics appear to contradict each other, Quantum Field Theory was developed. This theories inventor, Nobel laureate P.A.M. Dirac, confessed, “It seems to be quite impossible to put the theory on a sound mathematical basis.” (3)

So we can see clearly that the various evolving theories of the scientists are constantly changing as they scramble to adjust these theories, all of which are filled with speculation. These theories can never be perfect because the scientists themselves are imperfect and subject to the four human defects. With our limited knowledge, tiny brains, limited experience and resources we cannot hope to understand the unlimited.

Noted astronomer Bart J. Bok wrote in Scientific American ” … we did not suspect it would soon be necessary to revise the radius of the Milky Way upward by a factor of three or more and to increase it’s mass by as much as a factor of 10.” (4)

For lack of other alternatives, scientists generally support the “Big Bang” Theory of creation, which postulates that in the beginning of creation all the matter in the universe was concentrated into a single point of mass at a high temperature which then exploded producing a superheated cloud of sub atomic particles. However this initial condition is mathematically indescribable. A point of infinitesimal circumference and infinite density is called a “singularity.” — an impossibility.

Stephen Hawking

Of this, renowned mathematician Stephen Hawking and Professor G.F.R. Ellis write, “It seems to be a good principle that the prediction of a singularity by a physical theory indicates that the theory has broken down.”(5)

Thus the scientists stand convicted of the crime of making unverifiable supernatural claims, just what they accuse the transcendental saints of doing.

These various “Big Bang” theories lead to a stage of uniformly distributed gas which is expanding. Again, what happens after that is the subject of further speculation and has not been properly explained.

Various alternative theories have been proposed which are little better. Of one such attempt, the “Inflationary Model” of the universe, it was written, “It is then tempting to go one step further and speculate that the entire universe evolved from literally nothing.” (6) The nothingness mentioned here is a hypothetical quantum mechanical vacuum, a state which is virtually indescribable. This vacuum is actually very complicated to describe and it is unknown how it could have evolved further to produce the life forms present today, although a number of theories have been proposed.

Attempts by the German scientist Manfred Eigen to describe how an inert chemical soup might transform into self-reproducing cells elicited such comments as: “Clearly these papers [of Eigen and coworkers] raise more problems than they solve.” (7)

Their failure is like the frog in the well speculating as to the size of the Pacific Ocean by comparing it to his well.


Darwin himself admitted that speculation was necessary in the formulation of a theory, “I am a firm believer that without speculation there is no good and original observation…”(8)

His Theory of Evolution published in his book “Origin of Species” has been accepted as fact, although it is based on Darwin’s fallible speculations. His critics write, “If the theory of natural selection of Darwin is correct, why can’t we see the intermediate forms of species, the connecting links?” Darwin did not have the answer nor the archeological evidence to back it up. Although there is ample evidence for many species, fossil records provide almost no evidence for the intermediate connecting links.

Later, scientists revised Darwin’s theory with their “Punctuated Equilibrium” evolutionary theory, supposedly making evolution invisible in the fossil record. Yet this theory is not verifiable in any way. It is indeed strange that scientists speak with absolute conviction of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, when it has been calculated that out of one billion species that have lived since the Cambrian period, that 99.9% of these species left no fossil record, thus leaving scant evidence (some of which is contradictory) to support this theory

There are innumerable anomalies in the archeological artifacts, such as: Human remains have been found from the wrong time period in the wrong continent, pollen of flowering plants from the wrong time period, etc —which sharply contradict this theory of evolution. These contradictions are either brushed aside by traditional evolutionists or rejected.

Indeed it has been noted that the vehemence of their opposition and the lengths to which they will go to discredit and reject any evidence contradicting their sacred theories, is proportional to the significance of it’s challenge to their theories. Studies of artifact dating which does contradict evolutionary theories have been published along with such statements that the authors were, “painfully aware that so great an age poses an archaeological dilemma.” (9)

Yet, such significant finds are simply not mentioned in standard textbooks and popular accounts of human evolution, nor are they included in the evolutionists writings. Sir Arthur Keith, an eminent British evolutionist, wrote, “Were such discoveries in accordance with our expectations, if they were in harmony with the theories we have formed regarding the date of man’s evolution, no one would ever dream of doubting them, much less of rejecting them.” (10)

A hint of the prevailing attitude towards unwelcome finds (those which contradict the predominating evolutionary theory) is provided by a quote of William H. Holmes during his opposition to the Tertiary humans found by J. D. Whitney, “Perhaps if Professor Whitney had fully appreciated the story of human evolution as it is understood to-day, he would have hesitated to announce the conclusions formulated, notwithstanding the imposing array of testimony with which he was confronted.” (11) What he is really saying is that if the evidence does not support the favored theory, then it should be disregarded.

The modification of species by breeding has been heralded since the time of Darwin as evidence of evolution, yet experiments have shown that there are natural limits to the changes which can be brought about by breeding. Experiments with plums and roses by the eminent biologist Luther Burbank confirmed these limits, “In short, there are limits to the development possible.” (12)

A staunch advocate of evolution, Ernst Mayr of Harvard University found similar results in his experiments with fruit flies. Some altered species died out while others reverted to their original state a few years and generations later. (13) These results show a strong anti-evolutionary characteristic in the species examined.

Domestic animals have not evolved in four to ten thousand years. “Ten thousand years of mutations, crossbreeding, and selection have mixed the inheritance of the canine species in innumerable ways without its losing its chemical cytological [cellular] unity. The same is observed of all domestic animals: the ox [at least 4,000 years old, the fowl (4,000), the sheep (6,000), etc.” (14)

It has been found that ancient Egyptian pyramids contain depictions of various species of animals which remain unchanged to this day. Why have the species not evolved?

Evolution theory fails miserably to account for complex form. How can small sequential changes over many generations improve the survivability of each generation such that these changes develop? It seems that the intermediate steps would decrease the species fitness rather than increase it. However, this would simply not take place unless each successive stage provided some definite advantage over the previous stage. Otherwise, the changes cannot be attributed to natural selection. A particularly vexing question is that of the evolution of the eye in previously sightless species. Darwin himself admitted this shortcoming of his theory, “To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree.” (15)

Anthropologist Frank Spencer stated in 1984: “From accumulating skeletal evidence it appeared as if the modern human skeleton extended far back in time, an apparent fact which led many workers to either abandon or modify their views on human evolution. One such apostate was Alfred Russell Wallace (co-author of the Theory of Evolution).” (16)

Evolutionary theorist Theodosius Dobzhansky has stated that there is almost zero chance of human evolution being repeated.

Modern humans do not have Neanderthal ancestors in their family tree, a new DNA study concludes. The DNA extracted from the ribs of a Neanderthal infant buried in southern Russia 29,000 years ago was found to be too distinct from modern human DNA to be related. (17)

Jonathan Wells, a molecular and cell biologist from the University of California at Berkeley who is a senior fellow of the Discovery Institute, in his Icons of Evolution does more than cast doubt. He takes 10 so-called “proofs” of evolution offered in current textbooks and shows where not one of them is in a fact a proof of anything, and several are actually frauds. (18)

In view of so much strong evidence to the contrary, it seems very misleading to present Darwin’s Theory of Evolution as factual as has been done and continues to be presented in today’s school textbooks.


Scientists have long theorized that life has emerged from a primordial chemical soup without the direction of any higher organizing principles. They theorize that simple molecules randomly combine into inconceivably complex organic compounds, which again evolve into higher self-reproducing organisms. How any of this happens is yet to be explained.

James Watson, co-discoverer of the DNA structure wrote, “Not only will the exact structure of most macromolecules within the cell remain unsolved, but their relative locations within cells can only be vaguely known.” (19)

The great question is: How can inert matter, acting according to simple physical laws alone, generate the remarkable molecular machinery found in even the simplest cell?

Experiments by chemists hailed as demonstrating the “creation” of life showed no signs of evolving into even slightly more complex forms, what to speak of cells. The relative success of Stanley Miller in producing amino acids by running a spark thru a gaseous substance believed to be similar to the ancient atmosphere from which life arose, is actually of little consequence. It is quite another matter to go the next step to complex cellular components with their complicated mechanisms. Another chemist, Sydney Fox, produced small drops of protein by heating dry amino acids and dropping them into water. His results were equally unimpressive and failed to demonstrate how inert chemicals could evolve into highly organized complex cells.

Albert L. Lehninger aptly expressed the dilemma, “At the center of the problem is the process of the self-organization of matter.” (20)

The scientist’s quest to show how a set of simple natural laws can explain the transformation of a few basic molecular building blocks of life into a single self-reproducing cell can be compared to finding a simple computer program which can take the 26 letters of the alphabet and transform them into a Shakespearean masterpiece. To help our readers formulate an idea of the complexity of this task we mention that Professor R, B. Woodward of Harvard, winner of a Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1965, took eleven years working with ninety-nine scientists to synthesize the vitamin B-12 molecule.

Scientists claim to be able to produce life, but can they create one mosquito, produce milk from grass or put a banyan tree in a capsule the size of a mustard seed?

In view of the fact that there exists no viable theory on the chemical origin of life, perhaps other factors may be involved in chemical evolution, such as a self-intelligent organizing principle.

A number of scientists, left with no other viable alternatives, then turn to blind chance as a last resort explanation in their attempts to save the theory of evolution. Some scientists have calculated the probability of life arising by chance from a primordial soup and shown that it is virtually zero. (21) Could Life Arise by Chance

Scientists seem obsessed with the concept that complex life forms have evolved progressively from simple building blocks. However direct experience shows just the opposite that complex forms actually originate from even more complex forms. On the basis of information theory and also the basic principle of the Second Law of Thermodynamics regarding increasing entropy, or the tendency towards disorder, we can understand that to go from a simple system to a more complicated one, that design information is necessary. If we say that this information is encoded in the DNA, then we ask simply for an explanation of how this encoding information may happen to appear without any external input to our inert primordial soup.

Our capacity to function in an intelligent way and make decisions based on external stimuli depends on our consciousness. The phenomenon of consciousness cannot be denied, yet because consciousness itself cannot be explained quantitatively, scientists themselves generally neglect to include this essential element in their constructs. Fortunately not all of them feel this way.

Albert Einstein recognized that there was a perfect intelligence behind all the natural physical laws. He concluded that the cosmos; “reveals an intelligence of such superiority that compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection.”

He is not alone in this thought. Other important scientists have considered the concept of a higher source transmitting design information; that there is a purpose in the universe. Robert Broom, who made important anthropological finds wrote, “The origin of species and of much of evolution appears to be due to some organizing and partly intelligent spiritual agency associated with the animal or plant, which controls its life processes and tends to keep the being more or less adapted to its environment. But in addition to this there seem to be other spiritual agencies of a much higher type which have been responsible for what may be called greater evolution … These spiritual agencies appear to have worked by directing from time to time the inferior agencies which are associated with the animals and plants.” (22)

Alfred Russel Wallace

Alfred Russell Wallace, co-author of the “Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection” along with Charles Darwin, expressed similar thoughts, “If there is such an Infinite Being, and if… his will and purpose is the increase of conscious beings, then we can hardly be the first result of this purpose. We conclude, therefore, that there are now in the universe infinite grades of power, infinite grades of knowledge and wisdom, infinite grades of influence of higher beings upon lower. Holding this opinion, I have suggested that this vast and wonderful universe, with its almost infinite variety of forms, motions, and reactions of parts upon part, from suns and systems up to plant-life, animal-life, and the human living soul, has ever required and still requires the continuous coordinated agency of myriads of such intelligences.” (23)

Stephen Hawking, the most famous scientist of our day, recently stated in 2002, “It is difficult to discuss the beginning of the universe without mentioning the concept of god. My work on the origin of the universe is on the borderline between science and religion, but I try to stay on the scientific side of the border. It is quite possible that god acts in ways that cannot be described by scientific laws.” (24)

If we cannot explain the origin of life via simple principles then the only choice other than giving up our quest is to search for more complex principles as the source.

So, one might rightly ask, then where do we turn for a proper understanding of reality and the purpose of life itself? If we cannot trust the knowledge or findings of any human source, then where can we find a reliable source of information?


We suggest that a body of knowledge does exist which provides sufficient explanation of the nature and origin of the universe and the living organisms that inhabit it. We refer to the ancient Sanskrit Vedic literatures of India, an internally and externally verifiable and consistent presentation of information. Herein we find profuse descriptions of an intelligent creator god and his creation.

Perhaps the most well known of these literatures, The Bhagavad-gita explains the nature of the conscious soul as an indweller in the bodies of various species and it’s journey to other bodies after the death of its present body according to the laws of karma. The living entity has free choice to act properly or improperly and receives the resultant good and bad reactions in terms of success and failure, happiness and distress.

Also encoded within this vast body of literature is a description of the process of bhakti-yoga, a process for obtaining enlightenment and rising beyond the ordinary platform of eating, sleeping, mating and defending. The essence of these teachings may be found in the Bhagavad-Gita.

An article as well as a video entitled “Scientific Verification of Vedic Knowledge” is now available.

(1) Erwin Schrodinger, What is Life? and Mind and Matter (Cambridge University Press, 1967), p. 68.
(2) A Century of Controversy Over the Foundations of Mathematics, a lecture by Gregory Chaitlin of the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center on 2 March 2000 at Carnegie Mellon University School of computer science. Available here: Mathematics
(3) P.A.M. Dirac, “The Evolution of the Physicist’s Picture of Nature,” Scientific American (May 1963), pp. 45-53
(4) Bart J. Bok, “The Milky Way Galaxy,” Scientific American (March 1981), p. 94
(5) S.W. Hawking and Professor G.F.R. Ellis, The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1973), pp. 362-63
(6) Alan H. Guth and Paul J. Steinhardt, “The Inflationary Universe.” Scientific American,1984, p 128.
(7) John Maynard Smith, “Hypercycles and the Origin of Life,” Nature, vol. 280 (1979), pp. 445-446.
(8) Philip Appleman, ed., Darwin (New York: W.W. Norton and Co., 1970), p. 66.
(9) Virginia Steen-McIntyre, Roald Ryxell, and Harold E. Malde, “Geologic Evidence for Age of Deposits at Hueyatlaco Archeological Site, Valsequillo, Mexico,” Quaternary Research, Vol. 16 (1981), p. 15.
(10) Sir Arthur Keith, The Antiquity of Man (London: Williams and Norgate, 1920), p. 473.
(11) Holmes, W. H. (1919) Handbook of aboriginal American antiquities, Part I. Smithsonian Institution, Bulletin 60.
(12) Norman Macbeth, Darwin Retried (Boston: Gambit, 1971), p. 36.
(13) Francis Hitching, The Neck of the Giraff (New York: New American Library, 1982), p. 41.
(14) Pierre-P. Grasse, Evolution of Living Organisms, (New Your: Academic Press, 1977), p. 125.
(15) Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species, (New York: New American Library, 1964), p. 168.
(16) Michael a. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson, The Hidden History of the Human Race, (Govardhan Hill Publishing, 1994), p. 155.
(17) British Broadcasting Co. (12-11-02)
(18) Interview with Dr. Michael Behe, author of Darwin’s Black Box,, Updated: 18 November 2002.
(19) James D, Watson, The Molecular Biology of the Gene (Menlo park: W. A. Benjamin, Inc., 1977), p. 69.
(20) Albert L. Lehninger, Biochemistry, (New York: Worth Publishers, 1975), p. 1055.
(21) The Bhaktivedanta Institute, Origins—Higher dimensions in science, (Los Angeles: The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, 1984).
(22) Robert Broom, “Evolution—Is There Intelligence Behind It?” South African Journal of science, Vol. 30 (October 1933), pp. 18-19.
(23) Alfred Russell Wallace, The World of Life (New York: Moffat, Yard & Co., 1911), p. 431.
(24) Dr. Henry F. “Fritz” Schaefer, III, Stephen Hawking, the Big Bang, and god,












cow pastures



1.दीर्घायुत्वाय बृहते रणायारिष्यन्तो दक्षमाणाः सदैव ।

मणिं विष्कन्धदूषणं जङ्गिडं बिभृमो वयं  । ।AV2.4.1

अथर्व 12.4.39 के अनुसार वनों में स्वपोषित गौओं के दुग्ध में अमृत तुल्य पोषक तत्व होते हैं . इस तथ्य की पुष्टि आधुनिक विज्ञान भी करता है.  ऐसे गोदुग्ध तथा  वनों में उत्पन्न  वनस्पतियों पर  आधारित शाकाहार मानव को अत्योत्तम  वीर्य प्रदान करता है. यही जङ्गडमणि है.

AV 12-4-39 Importance of Pastures- गोचर महत्व

महदेषाव तपति चरन्ति  गोषु गौरपि ।

अथो ह गोपतये वशाददुषे विषं दुहे ।। अथर्व 12-4-39

(महदेषाव – Big barriers) Barriers in pastures – stall feeding angers the cows,

the milk from such cows is likened to poison.  Only milk of Pasture fed

cows has been found to be rich in all the nutrients. Stall feeding with

unnaturally prepared  formulated cattle feeds damages the natural healthy

composition of cow milk.

(This fact is fully supported by latest dairy science researches. Only milk of

green forage fed cows is rich Essential Fatty acids-Omega3 & Omega 6

and has much lower saturated fat content and is rich with all Carotenoids.

This is confirmed by the researches shown here.)

गोचर में जाने में गौओं को कोई बाधा नही होनी  चाहिए। जो गौ गोचर नहीं जा पाती उन का

दूध विष समान  होता है। गोचर में पोषित गौ के दूध में वे पोषक तत्व होते हैं जिन्हे आधुनिक

वैज्ञानिक करोटिनायड जो नेत्र ज्योति का संरक्षण करते हैं – यह तत्व भैंस के दूध में नहीं पाए जाते.  और असंतृप्त वसा unsaturated Fatty  Acids  कहलाते हैं, जो मानव शरीर के लिए सर्व रोग निरोधक और ओषधि माने जाते हैं.  इन्हीं के कारण गोदुग्ध को अमृत कहा जाता है.

2. जङ्गिडो जम्भाद्विशराद्विष्कन्धादभिशोचनात् ।

मणिः सहस्रवीर्यः परि णः पातु विश्वतः  । । AV2.4.2

3.अयं विष्कन्धं सहतेऽयं बाधते अत्त्रिणः ।

अयं नो विश्वभेषजो जङ्गिडः पात्वंहसः  । । AV2.4.3

4.देवैर्दत्तेन मणिना जङ्गिडेन मयोभुवा ।

विष्कन्धं सर्वा रक्षांसि व्यायामे सहामहे  । । AV2.4.4

5.शणश्च मा जङ्गिडश्च विष्कन्धादभि रक्षतां ।

अरण्यादन्य आभृतः कृष्या अन्यो रसेभ्यः  । । AV2.4.5

6.कृत्यादूषिरयं मणिरथो अरातिदूषिः ।

अथो सहस्वान्जङ्गिडः प्र ण आयुंषि तारिषत् । । AV2.4.6


1.जाङ्गिडोऽसि जङ्गिडो रक्षितासि जङ्गिदः ।

द्विपाच्चतुष्पादस्माकं सर्वं रक्षतु जङ्गिदः  । ।AV19.34.1

2.या गृत्स्यस्त्रिपञ्चाशीः शतं कृत्याकृतश्च ये  ।

सर्वान्विनक्तु तेजसोऽरसां जङ्गिदस्करत् । । AV19.34.2

3.अरसं कृत्रिमं नादं अरसाः सप्त विस्रसः  ।

अपेतो जङ्गिडामतिं इषुं अस्तेव शातय  । । AV19.34.3

4.कृत्यादूषण एवायं अथो अरातिदूषणः  ।

अथो सहस्वाञ्जङ्गिडः प्र न आयुम्षि तारिषत् । । AV19.34.4

5.स जङ्गिडस्य महिमा परि णः पातु विश्वतः  ।

विष्कन्धं येन सासह संस्कन्धं ओज ओजसा  । । AV19.34.5

6.त्रिष्ट्वा देवा अजनयन्निष्ठितं भूम्यां अधि  ।

तं उ त्वाङ्गिरा इति ब्राह्मणाः पूर्व्या विदुः  । । AV19.34.6

7.न त्वा पूर्वा ओषधयो न त्वा तरन्ति या नवाः  ।

विबाध उग्रो जङ्गिडः परिपाणः सुमङ्गलः  । । AV19.34.7

8.अथोपदान भगवो जाङ्गिडामितवीर्य  ।

पुरा त उग्रा ग्रसत उपेन्द्रो वीर्यं ददौ  । । AV19.34.8

9.उग्र इत्ते वनस्पत इन्द्र ओज्मानं आ दधौ  ।

अमीवाः सर्वाश्चातयं जहि रक्षांस्योषधे  । । AV19.34.9

10.आशरीकं विशरीक बलासं पृष्ट्यामयं  ।

तक्मानं विश्वशारदं अरसां जङ्गिडस्करत् । । AV19.34.10



1.इन्द्रस्य नाम गृह्णन्त ऋसयो जङ्गिदं ददुः  ।

देवा यं चक्रुर्भेषजं अग्रे विष्कन्धदूषणं  । । AV19.35.1

2.स नो रक्षतु जङ्गिडो धनपालो धनेव  ।

देवा यं चक्रुर्ब्राह्मणाः परिपाणं अरातिहं  । । AV19.35.2

3.दुर्हार्दः संघोरं चक्षुः पापकृत्वानं आगमं  ।

तांस्त्वं सहस्रचक्षो प्रतीबोधेन नाशय परिपाणोऽसि जङ्गिडः  । ।। AV19.35.3

4.परि मा दिवः परि मा पृथिव्याः पर्यन्तरिक्षात्परि मा वीरुद्भ्यः  ।

परि मा भूतात्परि मोत भव्याद्दिशोदिशो जङ्गिडः पात्वस्मान् । ।। AV19.35.4

5.य ऋष्णवो देवकृता य उतो ववृतेऽन्यः  ।

सर्वां स्तान्विश्वभेषजोऽरसां जङ्गिडस्करत् । ।। AV19.35.5

Destiny Improvement in Veda


Destiny Improvement in Veda

Atharv Ved 19.43  सौभाग्य के लिए

ऋषि: ब्रह्मा: , देवता: अग्न्यादयो: मंत्रोक्ता:

In this Atharva Veda Sukt  consists of 8 mantras. The first line “यत्र ब्रह्मविदो यान्ति दीक्षया तपसा सह” is the common refrain line of all the 8 mantras.  This line makes a very unique statement

“One who follows the right path and observes the correct disciplines in life and develops the right temperament in his consciousness, is blessed with all the physical bounties of health wealth and prosperity in the world.”

This faith in power of prayers has been a very strong tradition in all the religions of the world.

Modern science however has always been skeptic about such ‘blind’ faith in power of prayers and thoughts.

But according to findings of Dr Bruce Lipton a scientist working on behavior of Cells and genetic of DNAs, has now established that human consciousness brings about specific changes in body cells. DNA being composed of cells, thus undergoes distinct modifications.

This also establishes the mistake science has so far been making to overemphasize that we are destined to our life according to our inherited DNA. Religiously oriented faithful also have strong belief in their destiny, and consider they are helpless against the force of the destiny. हमारे तो भाग्य में यही लिखा है.

According to Vedas as described in this sookt and as now confirmed by modern science man is maker of his own destiny.

इस वेद सूक्त के अनुसार और आधुनिक विज्ञान के आधार पर मानव अपने भाग्य का स्वयं निर्माण करता है.  


The secret of life is no secret.

OUR POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE beliefs not only impact our health but also every aspect of our life. Henry Ford was right about the efficiency of assembly lines, and he was right about the power of the mind: “If you believe you can or if you believe you can’t . . . you’re right.” Think about the implications of the man who blithely drank the bacteria that medicine had decided caused cholera. Consider the people who walk across coals without getting burned. If they wobble in the steadfastness of their belief that they can do it, they wind up with burned feet. Your beliefs act like filters on a camera, changing how you see the world. And your biology adapts to those beliefs. When we truly recognize that our beliefs are that powerful, we hold the key to freedom. While we cannot readily change the codes of our genetic blueprints, we can change our minds and, in the process, switch the blueprints used to express our genetic potential.

In my lectures I provide two sets of plastic filters, one red and one green. I have the audience pick one color and then look at a blank screen. I then tell them to yell out whether the image I project next is one that generates love or generates fear. Those in the audience that don the red “belief” filters see an inviting picture of a cottage labeled “House of Love,” flowers, a sunny sky and the message: “I live in Love.” Those wearing the green filters see a threatening dark sky, bats, snakes, a ghost hovering outside a dark, gloomy house and the words: “I live in fear.” I always get enjoyment out of seeing how the audience responds to the confusion when half yell out: “I live in love,” and the other half, in equal certainty, yells out: “I live in fear” in response to the same image.
Then I ask the audience to change to the opposite colored filters. My point is that you can choose what to see. You can filter your life with rose-colored beliefs that will help your body grow or you can use a dark filter that turns everything black and makes your body/mind more susceptible to disease. You can live a life of fear or live a life of love. You have the choice! But I can tell you that if you choose to see a world full of love, your body will respond by growing in health. If you choose to believe that you live in a dark world full of fear, your body’s health will be compromised as you physiologically close yourself down in a protection response.

Learning how to harness your mind to promote growth is the secret of life, which is why I called my book The Biology of Belief. Of course the secret of life is not a secret at all. Teachers like Buddha and Jesus have been telling us the same story for millennia. Now science is pointing in the same direction. It is not our genes but our beliefs that control our lives . . . Oh ye of little belief!

Living in love and living in fear create opposite effects in the body and the mind. I’d just like to emphasize again that not only is there nothing wrong with going through life wearing the proverbial rose-colored glasses. In fact, those rose-colored glasses are necessary for your cells to thrive. Positive thoughts are a biological mandate for a happy, healthy life. In the words of Mahatma Gandhi:

Your beliefs become your thoughts

Your thoughts become your words

Your words become your actions

Your actions become your habits

Your habits become your values

Your values become your destiny

1.  यत्र ब्रह्मविदो यान्ति दीक्षया तपसा सह  ।

अग्निर्मा तत्र नयत्वग्निर्मेधा दधातु मे  ।अग्नये स्वाहा  । ।AV19.43.1

(यत्र ) जहां (ब्रह्मविदो) – समस्त वेदों के ज्ञान को जानने वाले ( दीक्षया) सब यम नियमों के व्रतों के  संकल्प से (तपसा सह) प्रयत्न पूर्वक आचरण करके (यान्ति ) जाते हैं , रहते हैं. उन की बुद्धि में देवताओं की ऊर्जा स्थापित होती है.

(इसी संदर्भ मे एक अत्यन्त प्रसिद्ध मंत्र दैनिक यज्ञ में भी प्रयुक्त होता है.   “ यां मेधां देवगणा: पितरश्चोपासते तया मामद्य मेधयाग्ने मेधाविनं कुरु स्वाहा:” )

Wherever individuals dwell who observe well disciplined, intellectually consciously positive and socially constructive thoughts and behavior , their intellect are set afire with positive energies.

 2. यत्र ब्रह्मविदो यान्ति दीक्षया तपसा सह  ।

वायुर्मा तत्र नयतु वायुः प्रणान्दधातु मे वायवे स्वाहा  । । AV19.43.2

(यत्रजहां (ब्रह्मविदो ) – समस्त वेदों के ज्ञान को जानने वाले ( दीक्षया) सब यम नियमों के व्रतों के  संकल्प से (तपसा सह) प्रयत्न पूर्वक आचरण करके (यान्ति ) जाते हैं ,स्वच्छ वायु मे श्वास लेने से निरोगी शरीर प्राण शक्ति द्वारा सौभाग्य प्रदान करता  है.

Wherever individuals dwell, who observe well disciplined, intellectually consciously positive and socially constructive thoughts and behaviour, they achieve the wisdom to gain health by having healthy fresh air to breath around them.

3. यत्र ब्रह्मविदो यान्ति दीक्षया तपसा सह ।

सूर्यो मा तत्र नयतु चक्षुः सूर्यो दधातु मे  ।सूर्याय स्वाहा  । । AV19.43.3

(यत्र  जहां (ब्रह्मविदो ) – समस्त वेदों के ज्ञान को जानने वाले ( दीक्षया) सब यम नियमों के व्रतों के  संकल्प से (तपसा सह) प्रयत्न पूर्वक आचरण करके (यान्ति ) जाते हैं ,सूर्य देवता से समस्त शरीर की पुष्टि  प्राप्त होती है.  चक्षुओं से आरम्भ कर के

इस संदर्भ में सूर्य देवता का दैनिक संध्या का मंत्र “तच्चक्षुर्देवहितं पुरस्ताच्छुक्रमुच्चरत्‌ ! पश्येम शरद: शतं जीवेम शरद: शतं शृणुयाम सहरद: शतं प्रब्रवाम शरद:सतमदीना: स्याम शरद: शतं भूयश्च सरद: शतात्‌ “ भी पठनीय है

(आधुनिक विज्ञान के अनुसार गर्भ में मानव शरीर में सर्व प्रथम ज्ञानेंद्रियों में इस  नेत्रों की ही संरचना होती है. इसी अधार पर वेद मंत्र में सर्व प्रथम चक्षुओं के उपदेश की वैज्ञानिकता सिद्ध होती है.)  .

Wherever individuals dwell, who observe well disciplined, intellectually consciously positive and socially constructive thoughts and behavior, they have the wisdom to harness the bounties of Sun for their health& prosperity.

(Modern science confirms that exposure to sun provides the human body the most important hormone for health of human body ordinarily called Vitamin D. Through photosynthesis in biology, solar sterilization &a source of sustainable energy SUN is the most venerable sustainable source for welfare of society.)

यत्र ब्रह्मविदो यान्ति दीक्षया तपसा सह  ।

चन्द्रो मा तत्र नयतु मनश्चन्द्रो दधातु मे  ।चन्द्राय स्वाहा  । । AV19.43.4

(यत्र) जहां (ब्रह्मविदो ) – समस्त वेदों के ज्ञान को जानने वाले ( दीक्षया) सब यम नियमों के व्रतों के  संकल्प से (तपसा सह) प्रयत्न पूर्वक आचरण करके (यान्ति ) जाते

हैं , -“ चंद्रमा वै सोमो राजा ” चन्द्रमा के प्रभाव से ज्ञानी व्यक्ति उत्तम

मनसिकता को प्राप्त करते हैं.

(वैदिक परम्परा में चंद्रमा का मानव भावनाओं को दिशा प्रदान करने में अत्यंत महत्व बताया गया है. चंद्रमा किस प्रकार मन को प्रेरित करता है, यह भी एक वेदोंमें विज्ञान का एक अत्यंत वैज्ञानिक विषय है. आधुनिक विज्ञान के अनुसार स्थूल ग्रहों के गुरुत्वाकर्षण का प्रभाव समुद्र में चंद्रमा की पूर्णमास और अमावस्या से ज्वार भाटों के क्रम से स्पष्ट दीखता है.  मानव शरीर की संरचना में जल तत्व 65% से अधिक होता है. चंद्रमा की दशा का प्रभाव जैसे समुद्र के ज्वार भाटे में होता है, उसी प्रकार मानव शरीर पर भी चंद्रमा की दशा का प्रभाव होगा.  मानव मस्तिष्क में तो 80% जल तत्व होता है. जल तत्व का प्रभाव हमारे मस्तिष्क पर जब अधिक होगा तो मस्तिष्क शांति से सकारात्मक भावनाओं से प्रेरित होगा. जैसे प्यासे रहने पर  आप की मानसिकता व्यग्र और पानी से तृप्त रहने पर संतुष्ट  होगी.)

Wherever individuals dwell, who observe well disciplined, intellectually consciously positive and socially constructive thoughts and behavior , in their midst Lunar forces activate mental approaches and control over their behavior.

(Modern science confirms that movement of water in ocean tides is governed by interaction of the force of this planet’s gravity. Human body consists of more than 65% water. However human brain is nearly 80% water. It is therefore logical that corresponding ebb and tide of water in our human body will be also be subjected to lunar influences and affect human behavior.

. यत्र ब्रह्मविदो यान्ति दीक्षया तपसा सह  ।

सोमो मा तत्र नयतु पयः सोमो दधातु मे  ।सोमाय स्वाहा  । । AV19.43.5

(यत्र) जहां (ब्रह्मविदो) – समस्त वेदों के ज्ञान को जानने वाले ( दीक्षया) सब यम नियमों के व्रतों के  संकल्प से (तपसा सह) प्रयत्न पूर्वक आचरण करके (यान्ति ) जाते हैं , – “ सोम: पय:”- सोम धारण करने के लिए उत्तम गोदुग्ध की व्यवस्था करते है.

Wherever individuals dwell, who observe well disciplined, intellectually consciously positive and socially constructive thoughts and behavior dwell, they have the wisdom to obtain for themselves cow’s milk for their virility & character.

10. यत्र ब्रह्मविदो यान्ति दीक्षया तपसा सह  ।

इन्द्रो मा तत्र नयतु बलं इन्द्रो दधातु मे  ।इन्द्राय स्वाहा  । । AV19.43.6

(यत्रजहां (ब्रह्मविदो) – समस्त वेदों के ज्ञान को जानने वाले ( दीक्षया) सब यम नियमों के व्रतों के  संकल्प से (तपसा सह) प्रयत्न पूर्वक आचरण करके (यान्ति ) जाते हैं ,  इंद्रत्व के बल द्वारा समस्त ऐश्वर्य को प्राप्त करते हैं.  

Wherever individuals dwell, who observe well disciplined, intellectually consciously positive and socially constructive thoughts and behavior, they develop the positive action oriented temperaments & strength to obtain all the prosperity in life.

11. यत्र ब्रह्मविदो यान्ति दीक्षया तपसा सह  ।

आपो मा तत्र नयत्वमृतं मोप तिष्ठतु  ।अद्भ्यः स्वाहा  । । AV19.43.7

(यत्रजहां (ब्रह्मविदो) – समस्त वेदों के ज्ञान को जानने वाले ( दीक्षया) सब यम नियमों के व्रतों के  संकल्प से (तपसा सह) प्रयत्न पूर्वक आचरण करके (यान्ति ) जाते हैं , वे उत्तम जल स्थापित करते हैं  (“ आपो यं व: प्रथमं देवयन्त”  ऋ7.47.1 उत्तम जल ही समस्त कामनाओं को सिद्ध करने का प्रथम साधन है

Wherever individuals dwell, who observe well disciplined, intellectually consciously positive and socially constructive thoughts and behavior dwell,they establish availability of best quality water.

12. यत्र ब्रह्मविदो यान्ति दीक्षया तपसा सह  ।

ब्रह्मा मा तत्र नयतु ब्रह्मा ब्रह्म दधातु मे  ।ब्रह्मणे स्वाहा  । । AV19.43.8

(यत्र) जहां (ब्रह्मविदो) – समस्त वेदों के ज्ञान को जानने वाले ( दीक्षया) सब यम नियमों के व्रतों के  संकल्प से (तपसा सह) प्रयत्न पूर्वक आचरण करके (यान्ति ) जाते हैं वे ब्रह्म में स्थापित हो जाते हैं.समस्त रूप से सुंदर भौतिकता को प्राप्त करते हैं.  (अथामूर्त्तं ब्रह्मणो रूपम्‌- जो भी भौतिक जगत में सौंदर्य है वह ब्रह्म का ही रूप है. )

Wherever individuals who observe well disciplined, intellectually consciously positive and socially constructive thoughts and behavior dwell, they achieve the most beautiful environments.

Systematic Persecution of Religious Minorities in Bangladesh


Systematic Persecution of Religious Minorities in Bangladesh





There may be scepticism whether minorities (Hindus) in Bangladesh are really persecuted in their homeland. The post election situation would unfold the truth. In addition, if we scan the history of the partition of India and the independence of Bangladesh we will get a vivid picture of the reality. The partition of India cost one million lives and displaced fifteen million people. After the partition, India was named as Republic of India whereas Pakistan as Islamic Republic of Pakistan.


The birth of Pakistan began with anti-minority stance as is evident from the constitution. In the constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan the post of the president was specially reserved for a Muslim with a belief that if a non-Muslim is elected as a president Islam will be endangered.

“A person shall not be qualified for election unless he is a Muslim” [Article 32(2)]


The division between Muslims and non-Muslims was clearly specified in the constitution,


“WHEREIN the Muslims of Pakistan should be enabled individually and collectively to order their lives in accordance with the teachings and requirements of Islam, as set out in the Holy Quran and Sunnah; WHEREIN adequate provision should be made for the minorities freely to profess and practice for religion and develop their culture”


On the contrary the Indian constitution provides a different message


“WE THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC,

and to see are all its citizens;

JUSTICE, Social, economical and political, LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; EQUALITY of states and opportunity; and to promote among the all; FRETERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity of the nation”.


The following sections would reveal the mechanisms used to persecute the minorities systematically.


Communal violence


Communal riots in 1950s are established facts and the plight of the affected Hindus are also well known. The Pakistani authority deployed army and paramilitary forces to protect the Hindus. Instead of protecting the Hindus the law enforcement authority carried out large-scale oppression against them particularly against women which is evident from the resignation letter from the then Minister for Law and Parliamentary Affairs, Jogendra Mondol: “The military not only oppressed the people and took away food stuffs forcibly from Hindu houses, but forced Hindus to send their womenfolk at night to the camp to satisfy the carnal desire of the military”. The riots of 1950s caused mass exodus of Hindus from their homeland, which is current Bangladesh. Two and half million Hindus left their homeland during the period of 1950-51. No political party played any role to protect the minorities or to prevent the exodus.



Use of Judiciary for oppression


The Pakistani government promulgated ‘East Bengal Emergency Requisition of Property Act 13 (1948); East Bengal Evacuees Administration of Immovable Property Act 24 (1951); East Bengal Prevention of Transfer of Property and Removal of Documents and Records Act (1952). In order to increase the oppression another law was instituted, Pakistan Administration of Evacuees Property Act 12 (1957). After the dissolution of the United Front Government Martial Law was declared in 1958. The mass movement against the Martial Law was culminated in 1962. In order to divert the mass movement the government sponsored the horrendous communal riot in 1964. Then ‘East Pakistan Disturbed Persons (Rehabilitation) ordinance 1, 1964 was enacted. Although this law was aimed to rehabilitate the Hindu victims, but in practice it was used to persecute the minorities.


During the Indo-Pak war, 1965 (6 September), ‘Defence of Pakistan Ordinance No. 23’, 6 September 1965 was instituted. Under this ordinance the historical BLACK LAW ‘Enemy Property Custody and Registration Order, 1965’ commonly known as ‘Enemy Property Act’ was promulgated.


The unflinching love of the minorities to their motherland and their patriotism inspired them to take part in the liberation war of Bangladesh. The minorities cherished hopes for fair treatment and equal right in an independent Bangladesh as her constitution guarantees. On 10 April 1971, Bangladesh Government at Mujibnagar declared that all irrelevant Pakistani Acts would be annulled. On 26 March 1972 Bangladesh Vesting of Property and estates, Presidential Ordinance No. 29 was enforced. Though ‘Enemy Property (Continuance of Emergency Provisions (Repeal) Act 45’ was enforced in 1974, ‘Vested and Non-resident Property (Administration) Act 46, 1974 was enacted. In essence, ‘Enemy Property Act’ was abrogated through Act 45 and reinstituted through Act 46. The expectation of the minorities was a mere illusion.


In 1976 Ziaur Rahman abrogated the ‘Vested and Non-resident Property (Administration) Act 46’ and instituted No. 92 Ordinance. Alongside Act 45 ‘Enemy Property (Continuance of Emergency Provisions) Repeal Act’ was amended and the preventive ‘Enemy Property (Continuance of Emergency) Provisions Repeal (Amendment) Ordinance (No. 93) 196’ was enforced retrospectively from 23 March 1974.Through this Ordinance (No. 93) Government took the sole authority to control and sell the so called vested property. This shows Ziaur Rahman moved one step ahead to oppress the Hindus by violating Hindu Law in terms of ownership of the property. It is necessary to mention that it was Ziaur Rhaman who changed the four basic principles of the constitution of Bangladesh on 23 April 1977 which was subsequently instituted as 5th amendment. He was the architect of installing Pakistani tradition in the state machinery of an independent Bangladesh by depriving her citizens from their fundamental rights. Furthermore, Ziaur Rahman ordered the administration to find out more enemy property through a circular dated 23 May 1977. This circular intensified harassment and oppression on Hindus.


Another army President General Ershad just followed his predecessor’s foot marks. On 31 July he ordered to withhold the official circular of 23 May 1977. On the contrary, he declared Islam as the state religion through the 8th amendment, which was used as a licence to persecute the minorities. Unfortunately no repercussion was evident among the so called progressive politicians considering political gains and losses.


Khaleda Zia’s Government added momentum to the process of oppression on the Hindus through a circular (4 November 1993) in the name of validation of the list of enemy property.


During the last phase of the Awami League Government this black law was abrogated. However, practical implementation of the abrogation is a long way to go.


Hindu Population


Variation of the Hindu population with time as presented in Table 1 raises many questions.

Table 1: Hindu population at different times



Year                                           Muslim (%)                                                     Hindu (%)


1951                                           76.9                                                                             23.1


1961                                           80.4                                                                             19.6


1974                                           85.4                                                                             14.6


1981                                           86.6                                                                             13.4


1991                                           87.4                                                                             12.6



During the last fifty years the average increase in population in the subcontinent is approximately three times. Taking this into account the present Hindu population in Bangladesh should be 40 million. Therefore, the statistics of population suggests that about 25 million Hindus are missing, which raises more questions than answers.

Representation of Minorities


The representation of the minorities in various sectors demonstrate how the minorities are treated in public representations, jobs and education.

Members of the Parliament


Table 2: Representation of Hindus in the parliament


            Year                                                    Total                                                    Hindu


1954                                                    309                                                      72


1973                                                    315                                                      12


1979                                                                                                                     8


1988                                                                                                                      4


1991                                                                                                                   11


1996                                                                                                                  9(?)


2001                                                                                                                    3



Based on the percentage of Hindu population the present number of the Hindu parliamentarians should be about 40.




The representation of Hindus in defence including army, border security and police services is appalling as apparent from the following data:



Table 3: Representation of Hindus in army


Position                                                  Total                                                                Hindu (%)

Jawan                                                     80,000                                                 0.63


Second LT/LT                                         900                                                                0.33


Captain                                                    1,300                                                 0.62


Major                                                       1,000                                                 4.0


LtCol                                                         450                                                      1.7


Colonel                                                        70                                                     1.4


Brigadier                                                      65                                                  (?)


Maj General                                                 22                                                  4.5



Air Force and Navy


Essentially the Hindu representation in these two services is almost nil.


Border Security Personnel


The Hindu representation in Border Security Service is about 0.75% .



Table 4: Representation of Hindus in police


Position                                                  Total                                                                Hindu (%)


Ordinary                                                 80,000                                                 2.5%


ASP/Asst Commissioner                         635                                                  6.3


DSP/Addl SP                                                   87                                                   2.3


SP/AIG                                                           123                                                    8.1


DIG                                                                      18                                                    5.5


Add/IG                                                                  6                                                       0


IG                                                                               1                                                       0



The representation of the minority is no way better in the public service.


Education and other sectors


There was only one Hindu Vice Chancellor in the history of Bangladesh. Ironically, he was removed unlawfully from his position because of the religious denomination. Apart from the Vice Chancellor, the government also appoints the Pro-Vice Chancellor of a university. Not a single Hindu was appointed in this position although there are many distinguished Hindu academics. Discrimination is prevalent in awarding scholarships and enrolment in medical institutions.


Millions of dollars are spent for the development of Madras’s and there is Islamic University. However, Sanskrit ‘Tols’ and ‘Pali Institutions’ only exist in name. Religious teachers of the minority community are discriminated in terms of salary and other benefits.


Bangladesh Government spends huge amount of money for the development of particular religious places whereas such development of Hindu and Buddhist temples and Christian churches is denied. In almost every government, semi-government, autonomous and academic institution there is mosque for prayer but the minorities are not fortunate to have their prayer house in such institutions.


In the radio and television there is regular recitation from a particular holy book while recitation from the minority religious book is quite casual. The festivals of a particular religion are observed at a national level whereas other religious festivals are observed unceremoniously.


Savar mausoleum is a symbol of respect for those who sacrificed their lives for the independence of Bangladesh. It is a hard fact that people of all religions took part in the country’s liberation war. Regrettably a mosque was built at the memorial denying the recognition of the sacrifices of the religious minorities.


In general, the currency contains the portraits or images of famous people or places. In the Bagladeshi currency there are images of various mosques but no religious places of the minorities receive any importance.




The aforementioned facts strongly suggest that there has been a slow motion ethnic cleansing in Bangladesh. The change in power on 01 October 2001 has accelerated the cleansing process.


The recent atrocities and repression on the minorities raise the question of their survival in their homeland. The extinction of religious minorities can only be prevented if the following steps are implemented:


  • Separate state from the religion
  • Reinstate secularism in the constitution of Bangladesh
  • Establish a truly independent judiciary
  • Abolish all sorts of discriminatory laws and policies.


The recent government sponsored atrocities toll the bells for exposing those elements who, by their acts of commission and omission, are pushing the nation into the dark dungeons from which there can be no retrieval.





Kankar Sinha (1997). Communalism and Minority Crisis. Dhaka: Anannya Publishers


Bhowmik N and Dhar B (1997). Anjali. Dhaka: Dhaka Mahanagar Puja Committee


Dutta C R (1993). The Disgrace



वैदिक यन्त्र

vedic yantra

Maharshi Bharadwaja is an august name in the pantheon of Hindu Sages who recorded Indian civilization, in the spiritual, intellectual, and scientific fields in the hoary past. The rishis transmitted knowledge from mouth to mouth and from ear to ear, for long eras. Written transmission through birch-backs or palm leaves or home made paper, are from this side of a thousand years.

The word “yantra” is derived from the root yam, to control, and has been freely used in ancient India for any contrivance. Mechanical skills had produced in ancient India many accessories for scientific activities, such as surgical instruments in medicine, the pakayantras or laboratory equipment in medicine, Rasayana, and the astronomical yantras described in Jyotisa works. These belong to a different category. In the Mahabharata we hear of the Matsya-yantra or the revolving wheel with a fish which Arjuna had to shoot in order to win Draupadi in the svayamvara.

More interesting references are made by Valmiki to yantras on the field of battle, the continuity of which tradition we see later in the Arthasastra of Kautilya. The fortifications include equipment in the form of yantras. In Ayodhya 100.53, in the Kaccita-sarga, while enquiring about measures of defense, Rama asks Bharata whether the fort is equipped with yantras. Lanka, as a city built by Maya, is naturally more full of the yantras. The city, personified as a lady, is called yantra-agara-stani, informing us of a special chamber filled with yantras. (Sundara 3. 18).

The Arthasastra of Kautilya is one of the books of culture which throws a flood of light on the particular epochs in which they arose. This work of 300 B.C.E. being a treatise on statecraft, speaks of yantras in connection mainly with battles, but also with architecture to some extent. An early work, a theoretical treatise and a text of great reputation, the Arthasastra forms our most valuable document on the subject of yantras.

And, as early as the Bhagavad Gita, the machine became an apt simile for man being a tool in the hands of the Almighty that sits in man’s heart and by His mystic power makes man not only move but also delude himself into the notion of his being a free or competent agent.
“To deny to Babylon, to Egypt and to India, their part in the development of science and scientific thinking is to defy the testimony of the ancients, supported by the discovery of the modern authorities.

L. C. Karpinski

“Thus we see that India’s marvels were not always false.”

Lynn Thorndike

The following machines are to be made of a metal called Veera. An alloy formed by melting and fusing the three metals Kshwinka, Arjunika and Kanta (magnet), in three, five and nine parts respectively, is called Veeraloha or a metal namely Veera. When it undergoes shastraic processes, it cannot be destroyed by fire, air, water, electricity, cannon, gun-powder or the like. It will then be very strong, light, and of golden color. The metal is specially meant for Machines.

Panchamukha Yantra
A machine of this name contains doors in east, south, west, north and top. Weighs 170 Ratals. Carries one thousand Ratals. By the help of electricity it can travel five Kroshas per hour. It is used as conveyance for men and in wars. Since the machine is conducted by the power of a spirit called Gaja it is named as Gajaakarshana Panchamukha Ratha.

Mrugaakasrshana Yantra
These are the machines drawn by such animals as oxen, asses, horses, camels, elephants and so on.

Chaturmukha Ratha Yantra
This machine has faces or openings on four sides. Weighs 120 Ratals. It can be conducted with any oil, preferably that of coconut shells, or with the help of electricity. Travels six Kroshas per hour. Used for traveling, wars, and transporting things.

Trimukha Ratha Yantra
This Machine weighs 116 Ratals. It has three doors, downwards, upwards and on one side. It can carry a weight of 600 Ratals. It is conducted with the help of oil extracted from knotted root of Simha-Krantha, and from that extracted out of the stalks of a kind of grass. If such oils are not available, electricity may be made use of. It is used for the purposes that the above machine, viz. Cahkra-mukha-Ratha Yantra is used.

Dwimukha Yantra
It weights 80 Ratals. Doors to east and west. Conducted by a wheel fitted with screws. Travels three Koshas per hour. Can carry a weight of three hundred Ratals. Used for the above purposes.

Ekamukha Ratha Yantra
This machine has only one door. Weighs 48 Ratals. Carries two hundred Ratals of weight. Travels with the help of oil extracted from the seeds of Kancha-Thoola or Sovlaalika or by electricity: speed 1 Keosha per hour. Used for the above purposes.

Simhaasya Ratha Yantra
This machine presents a front of a lion’s appearance. Possesses two doors. 75 Ratals in weight. Carries a weight of 50 Ratals. It can travel both on land and air. It has the quality of expanding and contracting. Used for the above purposes.

Vyaaghraasya Ratha Yantra
This is modeled after a tiger. Possesses wings. Weighs 64 Ratals. Carries 200 Ratals of weight. It travels in air expanding its wings with electric power, but contracting its wings with steam power. It is used for the above purposes.

Dolamukha Yantra
This is modeled after a litter. Contains two doors. Weights 50 Ratals. Carries 148 Ratals. Travels three Kroshas per hour. Conducted with the help of the electricity and an oil, viz Shilyusha extracted from wine.

Kurmamukha Ratha Yantra
This is modeled after a tortoise. Contains small doors. Weighs 32 Ratals. Used for only spying.

Ayah – Prasaarana Yantra
Out of those that are conducted by electricity this is one which travels on iron line spread on earth. It may be constructed to contain from 40 to 80 wheels. It resembles the railway train somewhat, weighs 4000 Ratals. Carries twenty-five thousand Ratals. Travels three Kroshas per hour with the power of electricity. It is used in transporting men and goods from place to place.

Panchamukee Yantra
This machine has five faces. Weighs 115 Ratals. Carries twelve thousand Ratals. Carries twelve thousand Ratals. Has another machine which enables the five doors to open or shut. Conducted with electricity. Speed four Kroshas per hour. Used for the above purposes.

Eka Chakra Yantra
This contains only one wheel. It is modeled after a trap. Weights 105 Ratals. Carries 800 Ratals. It is given motion and kept in motion by its wheels being worked by bellows. Travels three Kroshas per hour.

Trimukhi Yantram
This machine has three faces. Contains three compartments which can be separated. Weights one thousand Ratals. Travels on water. The three compartments are so arrayed that it can travel with the second compartment if the first is damaged, and if the second also gets damaged, the third compartment can safeguard the contents, by separating them as may be necessary. Should the topmost apartment be in a dangerous predicament, it can rise into heavens and travel in the air. Uses as above.

Jrumbhala Yantra
This machine has the door below. It is modeled after a shut umbrella. The covering is made of thick water-proof cloth which is manufactured out of the juice of the five trees or Pachavarga Kasheeree Vruksha. Weighs 42 Ratals. Carries 300 Ratals. It can expand into the shape of a tent by working a screw inside. So also it can contract into the former shape by working another screw. Appears like a flag. Used for secret wanderers like spying. With electric power or with the help of its wheels turned by bellows it can travel six Kroshas per hour.

Goodha Gamana Yantra
This machine can accommodate only three persons. Weighs half a maund. Appears like an ordinary tower. Contains five keys. Can travel on land as well as air. Its motion is almost invisible. Can travel eight Kroshas per hour with the power of an oil called Sinjurika. Used for secret travels.

Wyrajika Yantra
This machine is made of glasses of abhraka or mica. There are sixteen doors. Weights three Ratals. Carries five Ratals. Appears like a sparking light and as such none can know that it is a machine. Should anyone go near it, the sparkling light produced by turning an inner key will kill him. Can travel on water as well as on land. With the electric power of solar rays it can travel twelve Kroshas per hour. Used for journeys, in wars and in dispatching money.

Indranee Yantra
This machine is constructed with paper, manufactured out of grass belonging to Maunjavarga; the 3rd, 9th, 11th, 22nd, 30th and 42nd classes of grass are known as Pishangamunja, Pingala Munja, Rajjumnunja and son on. This machine cannot be destroyed by fire or water. It is exceedingly light and strong. It can travel 15 Kroshas per hour with the help of wind-worked wheels. Carries 100 Ratals.

Vishwaavasu Yantra
This machine has two doors. Weighs 148 Ratals. Carries three thousand Ratals. With the help of steam it travels two and a half Kroshas per hour. It can go both forward and backward. It can be expanded or contracted. Contains seven keys. Used for the above purposes.

Sourambhaka Yantra
This machine has three storey. There are secret seats for 400 people to sit in each of the three storeys. The seats are not ordinarily visible. The storeys can alone be perceived. Weights 230 Ratals. Carries thirty-six thousand Ratals. It travels with the help of electricity or steam, or with the help of spirits of seventh kind of wine. Can go 32 Kroshas per hour. Useful in carrying men and things in warfare.

Sphotanee Yantram
This machine has only one door, weighs 50 Ratals. Carries 200 Ratals. Sails on water. Just like a bubble of water, sometimes it can rise above water and at times it can dive underneath water. Moves with the power of steam or of spirits of Kanajala Kshaara. Travels four Kroshas per hour. Used by marine spies.

Kamatha Yantram
This is modeled after a tortoise. Weights 500 Ratals. Carries eight thousand Ratals. Contains two doors. Travels under the surface of water. Used for the above purposes.

Parvathee Yantram
This is modeled after a lotus. Contains four doors. Weighs 69 Ratals. Carries 800 Ratals. A pole is fixed in the middle to contain keys inside to expand and contract the machine just like a lotus opens and shuts. With the help of the power of steam or electricity it cant travel 24 Kroshas per hour. Used in voyages to distant islands.

Thaaraamuckha Yantram
This contains a face of seven keys, sparkling like stars. Twelve doors. Weights two thousand Ratals. Carries twenty-five thousand Ratals. Out of the seven keys, if the first is pressed, a melodious music accompanied with every kind of musical instrument will be heard by those that are inside: if the second is pressed, dramatic scenery and action will be visible: by pressing the third, a stream of fresh water flows amidst the occupants, so that they may make use of water as they please: by pressing the fourth, plates with flowers, scents, plantains, camphor etc. will be ready before the occupants so that they may worship God.


By pressing the fifth, plates of excellent food will be ready before them; while they are taking their dinner, the plates turn round through wires: by pressing the sixth: by pressing the seventh beds will be ready for all. Should the keys be kept as they were everything will vanish. With the help of steam or electricity it can travel four Kroshas per hour. Used for the above purposes.

Rohinee Yantram
This is modeled after a hollow bamboo and is of bamboo color. Weighs three thousand Ratals. Carries fifty thousand Ratals. Contains five hundred compartments in which gun-powder, bullets, weapons etc. can be preserved. Though fire breaks out nothing will be burnt or damaged, because the fire is suppressed by the nature of the metal with which it is composed. With the help of steam or electricity, it can run six kroshas per hour. It is used chiefly in wars.

Raakaasya Yantram
From the machine a glorious light will flow out just like moon-light once in three hours. This light illuminates a distance of sixty four Kroshas by which everything that lies in its range will be made clearly visible. Weights one ratal. In the machine there is a wheel turning to right round and round just like the Sun. Can travel on land, water and in air. Useful in finding out objects from afar off. With the help of spirits of sixteenth kind of wine it can travel four Kroshas per hour on land, eight kroshas on water and twelve Kroshas in air.

Chandramukha Yantram
This machine has a front like the moon’s disk: it is dark in the middle and bright all round. Weighs 400 Ratals. Contains sixteen doors. Carries sixteen thousand ratals. Contains five storeys and sixty-eight cylinders. These cylinders are useful in filling the five kinds of smokes, the seven powers, thirty-two kinds of powders and forty-eight kinds of gas. When they are in those cylinders no harm is done to them. This travels in paths dug out inside the earth. Travels with the help of spirits of 13th quality of wine. Speed sixteen kroshas per hour. Used in wars.

Anthaschakra Ratham
This is modeled after the crooked rod of a litter. This rod, resembling the two angularly bent rods of an oil mill, will be turning round and round always. There are thirty two screwed wheels. This machine must be fixed to the earth. It is used in transporting elephants, camels, horses, men, conveyances and son, or binging them near from a distance. This can be done by working at the screws inside. This must be fixed in the fifth circle of the warfield.

Panchanaala Yantram
This is fitted by joining five cylinders. There are distillery machines in each of these cylinders. These distilleries are used in manufacturing not only oils, spirits, etc. but also smokes, powders and so on. Weighs 230 Ratals. Travels three Kroshas per hour with the help of spirits of 9th class of wine.

Thanthreemukha Yantram
The front of this machine appears like a trap of wires. Inside the machine there is a magnetic wheel in the center. Behind this, there are exact representations of lions, tigers and other fierce animals all made of wires. In front there is a magnifying glass of 103rd class. By working at the keys, these iron lions, tigers and so on can be made to roar and pounce upon people that come near it. By doing so, none can go near it. Weights 80 Ratals. Carries thousand Ratals. With the help of the powers of spirits of the third class wine, it can travel four kroshas per hour. Useful in wars.

Vegineee Yantram
This is modeled after an umbrella. It can run very fast by turning the screws at the junction of wheels. Can accommodate only three persons. Travels 8 kroshas per hour.

Shaktyudgama Yantram
This is a machine which spreads the electricity in sky. It has five storey. Contains big glass vessels (containers) in each of them. In the first storey, the glass vessels will be filled with tar mixed with coal. In the second, the glass vessels will be filled with sea-foam or lather with the extract of tin. In the vessels of the third storey, sulphur with the oil of the seeds of Visha mushti will be filled.


Those of the 4th, will be filled with the five essences of oils of the Pranaksharas. The five balls along with mercury, are fitted in those of the fifth. Wires from these five vessels are united as per shastraic principles. The vessels of the first storey must be filled with electricity and through this the vessels of other storey must be filled. Through this it can spread in the sky. The machine weighs 32 Ratals. Used in constructing airplanes.

Mandalaavartha Yantram
This is modeled after a spinning top. Contains six faces and sixty-four screws inside. Weighs 68 Ratals. Carries eight thousand Ratals. Like a top it turns round the armies and crowds of people, round and round. It can turn round thrice, a distance of two kroshas in an hour, with the help of electricity and spirit of eleventh of class of wine. Useful in wars and in mutinies of people.

Ghoshanee Yantram
This is modeled after an immense serpent. Contains three coverings and 24 faces. It is filled with electricity. Contains also 148 cylindrical apartments to stock poisonous gas. By working at the inner screws, it can produce a noise equal to 32 thunderbolts. Emits poisonous gas as it travels. The sound thus produced will be heard for a distance of 14 ¼ miles. People near it die of the mortal effects of the deafening noise and poisonous gas. Those who are beyond eight kroshas of it will swoon. Weighs 116 Ratals. Carries six thousand Ratals. Can travel six kroshas per hour, with the help of electricity and spirits of 13th kind of wine.

Ubhayamukha Yantram
This machine possesses the same symmetry on either side. Contains sixty-four small holes or doors on either side. Contains a fresh water stream inside. Above that stream, there flows another stream of tar. In the middle there are oils belonging to seven varieties. Contains 71 keys inside.


By working at these keys, the poisonous gases, powers or anything of the kind that is injurious to lives, will be swept off in the range of twelve miles (roughly) around the machine and purifies the atmosphere. Weighs 48 Ratals. Carries 108 Ratals. Travels five Kroshas per hour with the help of electricity or spirits of 27th class of wine. Use for purifying atmosphere whenever and wherever necessary.

Thridala Yantram
This is modeled after a three-leafed Bilwa patra…. Having three compartments. The first is square, the second is triangular, and the third is a hexagon in shape. Each of these compartments has two doors. Each compartment is provided with Peshanee Yantras. A Peshanee Yantra is one which grinds grain such as wheat into powder. Always filled with flour. This machine is conducted by electricity.

Thrikuta Yantram
This machine has two towers, like the peaks of a mountain. Each of these towers is one hundred (bahu) or yards in height. Each of the towers contains 32 keys inside. There are cylinders at every key. Above the towers there are flags and wheels. In front there are instruments to measure the cold. Indicates the weather, wind, sun-light, rain, thunderbolt, fall of stars and other future phenomena.

Thripeetha Yantram
This machine contains three bases. In the first, there is a machine having three heads like the elephant’s, but possessing two trunks in each head. In the second there is a three-headed instrument, each of the heads having two trunks of Vyali animal. In the third there is an instrument which has three heads, each of which has the appearance of a rhinoceros with tusks. They can be fitted together or separated as required.


The first of these Yantras can stop a stream of water, suck up water of the stream and thus change the direction of the stream. The second can tear mountain asunder and thus create passage. The third can bore a hole in earth, suck up water from down below, and jet the same out through the tusks above its head. Weighs six thousand Ratals. Carries 80 Ratals. Travels and works by the help of steam, electricity and spirits of 23rd class of wine. This machine is used in constructing roads in water and bridges, and in piercing tunnels across mountains and rocks.

Vishwamukha Yantram
This is a very spacious machine. In it there are twelve cylinders containing magnifying glasses. These cylinders are very big and they are fitted that they can be turned into any direction as may be necessary. Weighs 1800 Ratals. Carries forty thousand Ratals. There are two stories in it, which can be separated or joined together with the help of keys. Travels twelve Yojanas with the help of spirits of 32nd quality, steam or electricity. The upper storey can be separated and can be soared into heavens. By fixing the cylinders to it in the sky an area of 24 Yojanas with forests, countries, seas, cities etc become clearly visible, and a picture/photo of the same can be obtained. Used in traveling and so on.

Ghantaakaara Yantram
This machine appears as though seven almirahs are fixed together. Various kinds of wires, the essence or dravaka of the 16th kind of magnet, and many other dravakas are filled in it. There are two bells of bell-metal or white brass in each of these almirahs, and they are so fitted as to produce a terribly alarming sound just like the alarm of a clock. By the waves produced news of the world at large can be learned. Used in gathering information and in pictures.

Vishthrithaasya Yantram
The machine contains a widely open mouth. Weighs 76 Ratals. Carries 120 Ratals. In front of this machine there are five keys appearing as turrets. In the first turret there is a vessel of Chandra Kantha stone of the sixth class. As soon as the moon rises, water oozes in this stone vessel and it is filled. The same water is used by the men in the machine to drink. The other turrets attract the powers of cloud, stars and so on. Travels three Yojanas per hour with the help of spirits of the 14th class or electricity. Used in traveling. Etc.

Kravyaada Yantram
This machine contains three faces. Weighs a hundred Ratals. Carries ten thousand Ratals. With the help of steam it can travel nine Yojanas per hour. Used in traveling and in carrying goods.

Shankhamukha Yantram
A machine containing a five faced boring instrument and resembling a conch shell is called Shankha mukha Yantram. There are keys to expand or contract the machine whenever or wherever necessary. Weighs a thousand Ratals. Used in constructing wells, digging, deep pits or boring holes in mines. It can dig 213 bahus or yards in an hour.

Used also for the purposes contained in the description.

Gomukha Yantram
This is modeled after the face of a cow. Weighs 80 Ratals. Carries 700 Ratals. There is a constant flow of water through this mouth. Travels two Yojanas per hour with the help of spirits of the 20th class. Used in supplying water.

Ambaraasya Yantram
This machine appears like sky for those who look at it. Weighs 180 Ratals. Carries 2400 Ratals. Used in transporting elephants, camels, and so on. Travels 3 Yojanas per hour with the help of steam and electricity.

Sumukha Yantram
This machine presents a beautiful face of a crab. Weights 118 Ratals. Carries 1150 Ratals. Can travel with the help of spirits of the 14th class, steam or electricity. Travels two Yojanas on land, four Yojanas in air, and three Yojanas in water, per hour. Used in traveling and transporting goods from place to place.

Thaaraamukha Yantram
The balls that are made out of the metal found where stars fall, are called Thaaraamanies. A machine which contains such balls is called Thaaraamukha Yantram. There are three big cylindrical pillars in it. There is another smaller machine inside this machine. The smaller machine contains some draavakas or acids, electricity, some glasses and so on. There are keys at the bottom of the three pillars, above named.


By working the first key a brilliant light just like the rainbow will be produced. By working the second key a brilliancy light just like sun-light covered by clouds will be given out. By working the third key smoke will be issued out like dew. When this machine sails on sea, it can take the photos/pictures of all machines and animals that travel or stay both on and under the surface of the sea. Used in finding out objects that are both on and under the surface of the sea.

Manigarbha Yantram
This machine is round or circular in formation. Inside the machine there are balls called Souraka, Paavaka, and so on which attract the heat of solar rays. Weights 64 Ratals. Carries seventy thousand Ratals. Contains twelve faces to allow solar rays in. Travels three kroshas per hour with the help of the spirits of the third class. Used in traveling and attracting the heat of the sun-light.

Vahinee Yantram
This machine contains 16 keys and twelve metallic cylinders. Is 32 feet in height and 11 feet in circumference. Underneath there are 48 boring instruments. There are 96 wheels which throw off the mud dug. There are 22 keys which dig up rocks. There are twelve instruments sucking water up. This is a machine to be fixed in earth firmly. The water thus sucked up flows like streams. This machine can dig earth as far as 82 thousand feet deep. Used in digging earth and sucking water up.

Chakranga Yantram
This machine is modeled after a trap. There are wheels with stones throughout this machine. By turning one wheel plenty of wind blows out. By turning one wheel plenty of wind blows out. By turning another water flows down. In this way there are wheels by turning which fire, steam, poisonous gas, dew, power, colors and so on are issued. By the turning of the wheels it travels two kroshas per hour. Used in many ways.

Chaitraka Yantram
This machine is modeled after a scorpion. There are 24 joints inside. There is a key at every joint. Every key is numbered and colored differently. Music, melodious instruments, conversation, photos and many other wonders will be produced according to the definite key that is pressed. Those who go near it to enjoy these wonders will be not only photographed of their appearance but also of their mind. Used in Bhedopaya or in conquering enemies of deceit.

Chanchupata Yantram
This machine is modeled after a bird with its mouth open. Contains four wings. There are five keys to each of these wings. Wires are to be connected to earth from its open mouth. As long as these wires extend in earth, so long the earth will have acquired a peculiar power by which people, if standing in this area will be benumbed. By working the keys attached to the wings the people who stand in the infected area will faint, or the earth will crack and so on, according to the work allotted to be done by the keys.

Pingaaksha Yantram
This is modeled after a litter. Throughout the body of this machine it is full of green eyes. There is a button in every one of these eyes. This is to be firmly fixed on the summit of a mountain. It is 60 ft. long and 14 ft. in circumference. This is to be fixed in a town or city when it is surrounded by enemies. From this machine keys are arranged and fixed through wires underneath the surface of the earth to the extent of twenty-four miles, around the place. Inside the machine buttons are arranged and numbered for all these keys outside.


By pressing the first button it will act upon the particular key and the gates of the fort will be shut. By pressing another the moats will get filled with water. In this way, by pressing the other buttons wonderful phenomena such as tremendous fumes of fire, floods of water, cyclones etc. will be created according to the defined work of each key. This machine is used in defending a city or country against strong enemies when offensive and defensive actions are at an end.

Puruhootha Yantram
This is modeled after a mrindanga, or musical instrument. It is 25 feet in height and as much in circumference. There is a machine called Shabda-sphota Yantra inside the machine. When the key is worked a tremendous noise bursts out equal to the simultaneous roar of 63 fierce lions. Used as per the nature of its work.

Ambareesga Yantram
This is modeled after an inverted earthen pot. 46 ft in height and 23 ft. in circumference. Contains keys resembling the feet of tortoise on all four sides. Travels in water 6 kroshas per hour with the help of Chakra Bhastrika. Used in finding the things on land under the surface of the seas and bringing them up.

Bhadraashwa Yantram
This is modeled after a horse. It possesses a tail of 38 ft. in length. Weighs 54 Ratals. It gallops like a horse with the help of spirits of 32nd class. Possesses three horses’ speed. At the top of there are three-faced keys. When it is set to work by the key it goes on galloping just like a horse in a circular way. Circles a distance of twelve Yojanas per hour. While in gallops, brilliant sparks of light will come out and destroy all dew or fog covering that area and clear the atmosphere. Used in places and times of dew, where and when the dew obstructs the view.

Virinchi Yantram
This is like a globe in appearance. Around it there are 32 wires of 80 ft long and 40 ft in circumference, both in front and back of the machine. There are three keys to these wires. By working the first key, it becomes loaded with powder and bullets. By working the second it gets ready to the aim. By working the third it fires. It rends the mountains asunder to an extent of 24 feet per shot. Used in constructing tunnels in mountains and rocks.

Kuladhar Yantram
This is modeled after a crow. Contains three beaks like those of crows. Inside there is machinery of electricity and so on. At the top there are keys resembling small snuff boxes in which round buttons are inserted. When this machine is fixed on rocks and set to work it expels with the help of its beaks, slabs of stone as per desired dimensions. Cuts out 22 ft. stone in an hour. It is used in cutting stones.

Balabhadra Yantram
This is modeled after an inverted metal boiler. 64 feet long and 16 feet wide. On either side there are 16 ploughs 16 ft by 4 ft. wide, fixed. Each plough contains two wings. At the beginning and end of them there are turning screws. Inside there is electricity or steam boiler. There are 24 keys above the machine. At the bottom of everyone of these keys are wheels. By the side there are 32 screws. As soon as they are pressed the machine goes on ploughing land. When the above 24 keys are set, the machine begins to run. Goes 3 Yojanas per hour. Ploughs an area of 3 Yojanas by 64 feet, per hour. The depth of the mud turned up in the land is 3 feet. Used in tilling the land.

Shaalmali Yantram
This machine is square in shape and white in color as of the flower of acaria Shireesha. At the top there are sixteen keys each intended for a definite work. By turning the first key, there appear a pair of hands the trunks of elephants and they can hold a weight of hundred Ratals. By working the second key that weight will be placed wherever necessary. The other keys are intended to carry up weights from deep water, and to arrange pieces of stone, timber or the like in or above water in constructing bridges or so. It can also bring down weights from a height of 200 feet.

Pushpak Yantram
This is crescent in formation. It is provided with many cradles suspended to it. There are 14 of them on each of the sideways and 8 in the middle, suspended. In those of the right hand side there are machines resembling pigs, while in those of the left wing there are sawing machines. In those of the middle there are screwed wheels suspended to chains. There are two wheels. This machine is to be in a place where timber is to be cut and sawn. If the first key of the upper wheel is turned, the above said pigs come down one by one.


By working the second screw the pigs fall at the trunk of trees, beat them and cut them with tremendous noise and produce enormous quantity of smoke and fire. This fire spreads to the extent of 16 miles around, burns up all waste matter on land and clears the area. By the action of the fire on trees, the oil and so on will be extracted and stored up in bottles placed at the bottom of those trees. The heat of the fumes on the fire renders all the trees in that area soft like a plantain. The leaves of the trees fall down.


By working the third key some more pigs come down and roam about that place exhaling tremendous breaths. Owing to this wind blown the ashes of that area will be swept off and the land cleared. In the same way, if the key on left side be turned, the saws from the cradles come down one by one. By turning the first screw of that wheel the saws will get themselves ready at the place. of the trees where they are to be sawn. By working the 3rd screw, the saws will go back to their cradles and from them pairs of hands like the trunks of elephants will come down. These pairs of hands will collect the pieces of timber that are sawn down. This machine weighs 180 Ratals. Can travel in forest with the help of steam power. It is a machine to be fixed to the earth. It can saw 3200 ratals of weight of timber per hour. Used in hewing and sawing timber in large quantities.

Ashtadla Yantram
This machine is modeled after a lotus containing 8 petals. Under each of these petals there will be an enclosure. In each of these enclosures. In each of these enclosures there will be the 8 things viz. smoke, electricity, water-vapor, air, Rushakam, Vishasaram, Manjusham and Katusaram which are described in Meghotpati Prakaranam. There is the key in the center of the lotus. In it there are eight screws for the 8 petals. By working any screw the things that are in the connected petal will go high above and form a cloud. By working the central key fumes like solar rays will be given out. As soon as the heat of these fumes acts upon those clouds formed before, they begin to rain. This machine is specialized to get rain.

Souryayana Yantram
This is like a pillar 116 feet high and 58 feet in circumference. At the top there is a sieve containing holes and made of glass of the 96th class called Somapa. From this sieve in this pillar there are twelve machines in order. Above the sieve there is a covering of 97th class of glass called Somasya Darpana.


Above this covering there is a glass wheel called Kumudinee containing spokes made of 98th class of glass called Chandrika Darpana. In the twelve points of this machine there are twelve upper screws and twelve lower screws. Bu turning the first screw, the contents of the machine such as electricity, cold fluid, Shaitya Drava, Sudha Mushee, Soonruta, Pushkalee, Pranada, Dravinaamrutha, Sooraneee, Jambaalee, Lulita, Vaachaklavee, Gacyoosha, rise up in the definite proportions.


Through the cylindrical tubes which are fixed to the wheels of the sieve these powers pass and touch the glass covering above. By turning the electric screw then, the wheel turns 1192 rounds in a minute. Then a power called Someeya of the lunar rays is attracted by this wheel and it gets down through the sieve.


Thus the power fills in the bottle below in the form of gas. It must be kept air-tight. Its use is this. When such limbs as head, hands, feet, of a person are cut off, the limbs are fixed to the right place of the body and the body kept in a box. The body must be wrapped in a covering of the bark of a plant called Vaarshneeka Valkala. When to such a body the above Somadrava gas is injuncted 5 Rajanikas, the body is resuscitated. This must be done within five minutes after the injury is done. Used in setting the cut limbs right, or resuscitating the persons killed, in the above manner.

Ancient Vedic Shipcraft

vimana_ElloraAncient Vedic Shipcraft


Written by Vedic Empire   
Yukikalpataru, a Sanskrit manuscript compilation by Bhoja Narapati, which manuscript is now in the Calcutta Sanskrit College Library, is something like a treatise, on the art of shipbuilding in Ancient India.It gives, according to Vriksha-Ayurveda (“Botany”), an account of four different kinds of wood. The first class comprises wood, that is light and soft, and can be joined to any other wood. The second class is light and hard, but cannot be joined to any other class of wood. The third class of wood is soft and heavy. Lastly the fourth kind is hard and heavy. According to Bhoja, a ship made out of the second class of wood, brings wealth and happiness. Ships of this type can be safely used for crossing the oceans. Ships made out of timbers containing different properties are not good, as they rot in water, and split and sink at the slightest shock.

From the Website HINDU WISDOM

Bhoja says that care should be taken that no iron be used, in joining planks, but they be subjected to the influence of magnetism, but they are to be fitted together with substances other than iron. Bhoja also gives names of the different classes of ships:

  1. River-going ships –Samanya;
  2. Ocean-going ships – Visesa.

The measurements in cubits of the “Ordinary class” of ships are the following:






















































Bhima, Bhaya, Garbhara are liable to bring ill-luck because their dimensions are such as not to balance themselves in water.

Among the “Special” are two classes.

1. Dirgha






















































2. Unnanta


























Lota, Gamini, Plavini, Anurddhava, Gharbhini, Manthara bring misfortune, because of their dimensions, and Urddhva much gain.

The “Yaktikalpataru” also suggests the metals to be used in decorations, eg. Gold, silver, copper, and compounds of all three as well as the colors. A vessel with four masts is to be painted white, the one with three masts is to be given a red paint, a two masted vessel is to be colored yellow, and a one masted vessel is to have a blue color. The prows are to be shaped into the form of heads of lions, buffalos, serpents, elephants, tigers, ducks, pea-hens, parrots and human beings, thus arguing an advanced progress in carpentry. Pearl and gold garlands are to decorate the prows.

Three classes of Ships:

According to cabins, ships are to be grouped into three classes:

Sarvamandira ships, having the largest cabin, from one end of the ship to the other. These are to be used for the transportation of the royal treasury, of women and horses. Madhyamandira ships, with cabins in the rainy season. Ships with cabins near the prows, are called Agramandira, and are for sailings in the dry seasons as well as for long voyages, and naval warfare.It was in these ships, that the first naval battle recorded in Indian literature, was fought, when Tugra, the Rishi King, sent his son Bhujyu against his enemies inhabiting some Island, and Bhujya on being wrecked, was rescued by two Asvins, in their hundred oared gallery. Of the same description are the five hundred vessels, mentioned in the Ramayana. Carried 1000 Passengers: In Rajavalliya, the ship in which Prince Vijaya and his followers were sent away by King Sinhala of Bengal, was large enough to accommodate seven hundred passengers. The ship in which Prince Vijaya’s bride was conveyed to Sri Lanka, was big enough to accommodate eight hundred people of the bride’s party. The ship which took Prince Sinhala to Sri Lanka contained five hundred merchants besides the Prince himself. The Janaka Jataka mentions a ship-wreck of seven hundred passengers. The ship by which was effected the rescue of the Brahmin mentioned in Sankha Jataka was 800 cubits in length, 600 cubits in width, 20 fathoms deep, and had three masts. The ship mentioned in the Samuddha Vanija Jataka was big enough to transport a village full of absconding carpenters, numbering a thousand, who had failed to deliver goods paid for in advance.

Early History: An ancient couplet betrays the spirit with which the Indians were imbued and which accounts for their wonderful achievements on land, beyond seas and across mountain barriers. There is indeed evidence to show that the sons of the soil were adept at navigation both riverine and oceanic. Right from the dawn of history, therefore, Indians have been engaged in plying boats and ships, carrying cargoes and passengers, manufacturing vessels of all types and dimensions, studying the stars and winds, erecting light-houses and building ports, wharfs, dockyards and warehouses. From rustic beginnings they developed a precise science of navigation and composed regular manuals as well as elaborate treatises on the subject, some of which survive to this day. It is noteworthy that the very term navigation is derived from nau, which in Sanskrit word for ‘ship’ or ‘boat’. Thus navi gatih ‘going in a boat’ amounts to ‘navigation’.

Literary Evidence: Sanskrit literature is full of references to river transport and sea voyages. Sometimes we have graphic descriptions of fleets, even of ship-wrecks. The Rig-Veda is taken as the earliest extant work of the Aryans, though there is no general agreement as to its exact age. At one place, Rishi Kutsa Angirasa prays to Agni: “Remove our foes as if by ship to the yonder shore. Carry us as if in a ship across the sea for our welfare.”

In Ramayana: In Valmiki’s Ramayana, we come across beautiful descriptions of large boats plying on the Ganga near Sringiberapura. King Guha of that place arranges a magnificent boat for Rama accompanied by Lakshman and Sita, in exile, to enable the party to cross the river.When Bharat comes later to the same place, with the whole royal household, citizens of Ayodhya and a large army, with the intention of bringing Rama back to Ayodhya from exile, the same King Guha, suspecting Bharata’s intentions, take precautionary measures by ordering five hundred ships, each manned by one hundred youthful mariners to keep in readiness, should resistance be necessary.

The descriptions of the ships is noteworthy: “Some (of the ships) reared aloft the swastika sign, had tremendous gongs hung, flew gay flags, displayed full sails and were exceedingly well built” The ships chosen for Bharata and the royal ladies of the royal household had special fittings and furniture as well as yellow rugs.

In Mahabharata: In the Mahabharata too there are many references. The ship contrived by Vidura for the escape of Pandavas had some kind of mechanism fitted in it: “the ship strong enough to withstand hurricanes, fitted with machinery and displaying flags.” Panini, who lived about the 7th century B.C. in his Ashtadhyayi, the most commented upon work on Sanskrit grammar, has incidentally recorded certain usages which reflect in a way the maritime activity before and during his days in India. According to one sutra various types of small river craft were in use, and their names were utsagna, udupa, udyata, utputa, pitaka etc. A large boat was called Udavahana or udakavahana. Of special interest is the distinction made between the cargoes coming from an island near the coast and those coming from mid-ocean islands: the former were called dvaipya, and the latter dvaipa or dvaipaka. Certain other sutras speak of ferry chages, cargoes, marine trade and the like of those days.

Chandragupta Maurya’s minister, Vishnugupta Chanakya alias Kautilya, the celebrated author of the treatise on statecraft, Kautilya Arthasastra, of about 320 B.C. devotes a full chapter to waterways under a Navadhyaksha ‘Superintendent of ships’. His duties included the examination of accounts relating to navigation, not only on oceans and mouths of rivers, but also on lakes, natural or artificial, and rivers. Fisheries, pearl fisheries, customs on ports, passengers and mercantile shipping, control and safety of ships and similar other affairs all came under his charge. Jaina scriptures, Buddhist Jatakas and Avadanas, as well as classical Sanskrit literature, abound in references to sea-voyages. They acquaint us with many interesting details as to the sizes and shapes of ships, their furniture, and decorations, articles of import and export, names of seaports and islands, in short, everything connected with navigation.

Temples Give Proof: In the temple of Jagannath at Puri, a stately barge is sculptured in relief. The oarsmen paddle with all their strength, the water is thrown into waves, and the whole scene is one of desperate hurry. The boat is of the Madhyamandira type, as defined by Bhoja in the “Yuktikalpataru”. The Ajanta paintings are rightly interpreted by Griffiths as a “vivid testimony to the ancient foreign trade of India.” Of the many paintings one is of “a sea-going vessel with high stem and stern with three oblong sails attached to as many upright masts. Each masts is surrounded by a truck and there is carried a big sail. The jib is well filled with wind. A sort of bowspirit, projecting from a kind of gallows on deck is indicated with the outflying jib, square in form,” like that of Columbus ships. The ship is of the Agramandira type, as described in the “Yuktikalpataru”. Another painting is of a royal pleasure boat which is “like the heraldic lymphad, with painted eyes at stem and stern, a pillard canopy amid ships, and an umbrella forward the steersman being accommodated on a sort of ladder, which remotely suggest the steerman’s chair, in the modern Burmese row boats, while a rower is in the bows.” The barge is of the Madhyamandira type.

Sculpture at Borobudur: The temple of Borobudur in Java contains sculptures recalling the colonization of Java by Indians. One of the ships “tells more plainly than words, the perils, which the Prince of Gujarat and his companions encountered on the long and difficult voyages from the west coast of India.” There are other ships tempest-tossed on the Ocean, fully trying to pluck and dexterity of the oarsmen, sailors, and pilots, who, however, in their movements and looks impress one with the idea, that they were quite equal to the occasion.

What Historian say: Nicolo Conti says:

“The natives of India build some ships larger than ours, capable of containing 2,000 butts, and with five sails and as many masts. The lower part is constructed with triple planks, in order to withstand the force of the tempests, to which they are much exposed. But some ships are so built in compartments, that should one part be shattered, the other portion remaining whole may accomplish the journey.” 

Mr. J. L. Reid, member of the Institute of Naval Architects and Shipbuilders, England and the Superintendent of the Hongli Docks, has stated:

“The early Hindu astrologers are said to have used the magnet as they still use the modern compass, in fixing the north and east, in laying foundations, and other religious ceremonies. The Hindu compass was an iron fish, that floated in a vessel of oil, and pointed, to the north. Fact of this older Hindu compass seems placed beyond doubt by the Sanskrit word “maccha-yantra.” 

India’s extensive Sea-borne Trade: The historian Strabo says that in the time of Alexander, the River Oxus was so easily navigable that Indian wares were conducted down it, to the Caspian and the Euxine sea, hence to the Mediteranean Sea, and finally to Rome. Greeks and Indians began to meet at the newly established sea ports, and finally all these activities culminated in Indian embassies, being sent to Rome, from several Indian States, for Augustus himself says that Indian embassies came “frequently.” Abundant Roman coins from Augustus right down to Nero, have been found in India.

Archaeologist’s Testimony: Archaeology amply supports literary record. Excavations at Mohenjodaro on the Indus have yielded, among other things, a potsherd and couple of steatite, seals each bearing a representation of  a boat or a ship incised on it. By far the most substantial proof is afforded by the discovery of a dockyard at Lothal in Gujarat.

The eminent Indian archaeologist Dr. Bahadur Chand Chhabra concludes:

“It may be a surprise even to an Indian today to be told that in the ancient world India was in the forefront in the field of shipping and ship-building. Her ships, flying Indian flags, sailed up and down the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean and far beyond to Southeast Asia. Her master-mariners led the way in navigation. Riverine traffic within the country, shipping along the entire length of India’s coastline, and on high seas were brisk until as recently as the days of the East India Company. Owing however, to historical competition by the British, ancient Indian shipping was wiped out without a trace. No wonder then the common man in India today readily believes that Indians are not only now learning the ABC of navigation. It would have been odd indeed if, bounded on three sides by great oceans, and gifted with a remarkable spirit of enterprise and invention, India had registered no advancement in the sphere of navigation while she had gone far in other arts and sciences.

(source: Hindu America: revealing the story of the romance of the Surya Vanshi Hindus and depicting the imprints of Hindu culture on the two Americas – By Chaman Lal with foreword by Dr. S. Radhakrishnan. 3d ed. (LC History-America-E) 1966).