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शैतान कहाँ है?- प्रो राजेंद्र जिज्ञासु (कुछ तड़प-कुछ झड़प फरवरी द्वितीय २०१५)

ईसाई तथा इस्लामी दर्शन का आधार शैतान के अस्तित्व पर है। शैतान सृष्टि की उत्पत्ति  के समय से शैतानी करता व शैतानी सिखलाता चला आ रहा है। उसी का सामना करने व सन्मार्ग दर्शन के लिए अल्लाह नबी भेजता चला आ रहा है। मनुष्यों से पाप शैतान करवाता है। मनुष्य स्वयं ऐसा नहीं सोचता। पूरे विश्व में आज पर्यन्त किसी भी कोर्ट में किसी ईसाई मुसलमान जज के सामने किसी भी अभियुक्त ईसाई व मुसलमान बन्धु ने यह गुहार नहीं लगाई कि मैंने पाप नहीं किया। मुझ से अपराध करवाया गया है। पाप के लिए उकसाने वाला तो शैतान है।

किसी न्यायाधीश ने भी कहीं यह टिप्पणी नहीं की कि तुम शैतान के बहकावे में क्यों आये? दण्ड कर्ता को ही मिलता है। कर्ता की पूरे विश्व के कानूनविद् यही परिभाषा करते हैं जो सत्यार्थप्रकाश में लिखी है अर्थात् ‘स्वतन्त्रकर्ता’ कहिये शैतान कहाँ खो गया? फांसी पर तो इल्मुद्दीन तथा अ    दुल रशीद चढ़ाये गये। क्या यह महर्षि दयानन्द दर्शन की विजय नहीं है? अमेरिका, फ्रांस, जर्मनी, इरान, पाकिस्तान व मिश्र में इसी नियम के अनुसार अपराधी फांसी पर लटकाये जाते हैं और कारागार में पहुँचाये जाते हैं।

सर सैयद अहमद का लेख याद कीजियेः मुसलमानों के सर्वमान्य नेता तथा कुरान के भाष्यकार सर सैयद अहमद खाँ ने अपने ग्रन्थ में एक कहानी दी है। एक मौलाना को सपने में शैतान दीख गया। मौलाना ने झट से उसकी दाढ़ी को कसकर पकड़ लिया। एक हाथ से उसकी दाढ़ी को खींचा और दूसरे हाथ से शैतान की गाल पर कस कर थप्पड़ मार दिया। शैतान की गाल लाल-लाल हो गई। इतने में मौलाना की नींद खुल गई। देखता क्या है कि उसके हाथ में उसी की दाढ़ी थी जिसे वह खींच रहा था और थप्पड़ की मार से उसी का गाल लाल-लाल हो गया था।

इस पर सर सैयद की टिप्पणी है कि शैतान का अस्तित्व कहीं बाहर नहीं (खारिजी वजूद) है। तुम्हारे मन के पाप भाव ही तुम से पाप करवाते हैं। अब प्रबुद्ध पाठक अपने आपसे पूछें कि यह क्रान्ति किसके पुण्य प्रताप से हो पाई? यह किसका प्रभाव है? मानना पड़ेगा कि यह उसी ऋषि का जादू है जिसने सर्वप्रथम शैतान वाली फ़िलास्फ़ी की समीक्षा करके अण्डबण्ड-पाखण्ड की पोल खोली।

‘जवाहिरे जावेद’ के छपने परः- देश की हत्या होने से पूर्व एक स्वाध्यायशील मुसलमान वकील आर्य सामाजिक साहित्य का बड़ा अध्ययन किया करता था। उस पर महर्षि के वैदिक सिद्धान्त का गहरा प्रभाव पड़ता गया परन्तु एक वैदिक मान्यता उसके गले के नीचे नहीं उतर रही थी। जब जीव व प्रकृति भी अनादि हैं, इन्हें परमात्मा ने उत्पन्न नहीं किया तो फिर परमात्मा इनका स्वामी कैसे हो गया? प्रभु जीव व प्रकृति से बड़ा कैसे हो गया? तीनों ही तो समान आयु के हैं। न कोई बड़ा और न ही छोटा है।

आचार्य चमूपति की मौलिक दार्शनिक कृति ‘जवाहिरे जावेद’ के छपते ही उसने इसे क्रय करके पढ़ा। पुस्तक पढ़कर वह स्वामी स्वतन्त्रानन्द जी के पास आया। महाराज के ऐसे कई मुसलमान प्रेमी भक्त थे। उसने स्वामी जी से कहा कि आर्यसमाज की सब मान्यताएँ मुझे जँचती थीं, अपील करती थीं परन्तु प्रकृति व जीव के अनादि व का सिद्धान्त मैं नहीं समझ पाया था। पं. चमूपति जी की इस पुस्तक को पढ़कर मेरी सब शंकाओं का उत्तर  मिल गया।

मित्रो! कहो कि यह किस की दिग्विजय है। इसी के साथ यह बता दें कि दिल्ली के चाँदनी चौक बाजार में किसी गली में एक प्रसिद्ध मुस्लिम मौलाना महबूब अली रहते थे। मूलतः आप चरखी दादरी (हरियाणा) के निवासी थे। आपने भी यह अद्भुत पुस्तक पढ़ी। फिर आपने एक बड़ा जोरदार लेख लिखा। श्री सत्येन्द्र सिंह जी ने हमें उस लेख का हिन्दी अनुवाद करने की प्रेरणा दी। अब समय मिलेगा तो कर देंगे। इस लेख में पण्डित जी के एतद्विषयक तर्कों को पढ़कर मौलाना ने सब मौलवियों से कहा था कि यदि प्रकृति व जीव के अनादित्व को स्वीकार न किया जावे तो कुरान वर्णित अल्लाह के सब नाम निरर्थक सिद्ध होते हैं। मौलाना की यह युक्ति अकाट्य है। कैसे? अल्लाह के कुरान में ९९ नाम हैं यथा न्यायकारी, पालक, मालिक, अन्नधन (रिजक) देने वाला आदि। अल्लाह के यह गुण व नाम भी तो अनादि हैं। जब जीव नहीं थे तो वह किसका पालक, मालिक था? किसे न्याय देता था? प्रकृति उत्पन्न नहीं हुई थी तो जीवों को देता क्या था? तब वह स्रष्टा (खालिक) कैसे था? किससे सृजन करता था? मौलाना की बात का प्रतिवाद कोई नहीं कर सका। अब प्रबुद्ध पाठक निर्णय करें कि यह किस की छाप है? यह वैदिक दर्शन की विजय है या नहीं?

Whether women lack common sense?


Woman in Indian civilization

Womanhood has been reverenced in the ancient Indian culture as a manifestation of divine qualities. Womanhood is a symbol of eternal virtues of humanity expressed in compassion, selfless love and caring for others. The Indian philosophers of yore (the rishis) considered that the seeds of divinity grow and blossom in a truly cultured society where women are given due respect and equal opportunities of rise and dignity. The scriptures and later works on Indian culture and philosophy stand witness to the fact that women indeed receive high recognition and respect in the Vedic age. The contribution of women rishis in making the ancient Indian culture a divine culture were not less than those of their male counterparts. In the later ages too, women had always been integral part of cultural, social and intellectual evolution of the human society. India has been country where we have been following up the principle of  “यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यन्ते रमन्ते तत्र देवता: ।
यत्रैतास्तु न पूज्यन्ते सर्वास्तत्राफला: क्रिया: ।( Yatra Naryastu Pujyante Ramante Tatra Devata Yatraitaastu Na Pujyante Sarvaastatrafalaah Kriyaah ।।)

i.e. “Where Women Are Honored , Divinity Blossoms There; And Where They Are Dishonored , All Action Remains Unfruitful.”

Women in Arabian Civilization

However there has been one civilization in far Arabian desert which doesn’t fall in line with this concept of the humanity towards the women and are of opinion that women are dumb and was treating them as a tool for their pleasure.

Women as Dweller of Hell

Sahih Muslim Hadith says that it is narrated on the authority of Abdullah B Umar that the Messenger of Allah said “O woman folk you should give charity and ask much Forgiveness for I say you in the bulk amongst the dweller of Hell. A wise lady among them said “Why is it, Messenger of Allah that our folk is in bulk in Hell. Upon this Messenger of Allah said “you curse too much and are un-grateful to you spouses.

This is totally baseless logic that women are not grateful to their spouses and they should pay charity as they are in bulk amongst the dweller of hell. Reason given behind being in bulk in hell is also out of the box that women curse too much that’s why they are part of hell. Opinion about the women doesn’t stop at this point, Sahish Muslim further recites that:

Women lack common sense

it is narrated on the authority of Abdullah B Umar that the Messenger of Allah said “ I have seen none lacking in common sense and failing in religion but ( at the same time) robbing the wisdom of the wise besides you. Upon this the woman remarked: what is wrong with our common sense and with religion?

Islamic Scholar Hamid Siddiqi adds that Woman know the art of playing with the sentiments of man and she succeeds in forcing her will upon him.

In our opinion both things are contradictory; in one place Mohammad sahab has said that woman lacks common sense however at the other place they are saying the woman have capability to rob their companions. If the part of population, which Muhammad sahab says that are superior to the women, is porn to be robbed by later in that case how the woman can be inferior from the section they are able to rob?

Evidence of women considered as half of man

The Holy Prophet said” your lack of common sense can be well judged that the evidence of two women is equal to one man. That is the lack of common sense. You spend some nights and days in which you do not pray and in the month of Radan ( during the days) you do not fast, that is failing in religion.

(Sahih Muslim by Imam Muslim rendered into English by Abdul Hamid Siddiqi : Part -1 page no 80)

Islamic scholar Hamid Siddiqi explains that The Holy Prophet has supported his contention with reason. Women are generally shy capricious and whimsical and are easily carried off by their emotions and thus their study of the situation is hardly objective. That is the reason why the Shari’ah has accepted the evidence of the two women equal to one man and it is only in this sphere that they are declared to be inferior in wisdom as compared with men.

This can be called a dark age in which women were considered common sense less in the Arabian part. However the position was totally different in Aryavart ( Bharatvarsh). The women occupied a very important position, in the ancient Bharat. Women were held in higher respect in India than in other ancient countries, and the Epics and old literature of India assign a higher position to them than the epics and literature of other religions. Hindu women enjoyed rights of property from the Vedic Age, took a share in social and religious rites.

it may be confidently asserted that in no nation of antiquity were women held in so much esteem as amongst the Hindus.” In Ancient India, however, The chivalrous treatment of women by Hindus is well known to all who know anything of Hindu society. Knowledge, intelligence, rhythm and harmony are all essential ingredients for any creative activity.

It is not unimportant, that Earth (prithivi) is considered female, and the goddess who bears the mountains and who brings forth food that feed all. Education for girls was regarded as quite important. While Bramhavadani girls were taught Vedic wisdom, girls of the Ksatriya girls were taught the use of the bow and arrow. Patanjali mentions the spear bearers (saktikis). Megasthanese speaks of Chandragupta’s bodyguard of Amazonian women. Kautilya mentions women archers (striganaih dhanvibhih). Similarly, Kautilya in his Artha sastra, which is also taken to be a document of Mauryan history, refers to women soldiers armed with bows and arrows.

Status of women in India can be judged by the law of Manu:

“Where women are honored there the gods are pleased; but where they are not honored no sacred rite yields rewards,” declares Manu Smriti (III.56) a text on social conduct.

“Women must be honored and adorned by their fathers, brothers, husbands and brothers-in-law, who desire their own welfare.” (Manu Smriti III, 55)

“Where the female relations live in grief, the family soon wholly perishes; but that family where they are not unhappy ever prospers.” (Manu Smriti III, 57)

“The houses, on which female relations, not being duly honored, pronounce a curse, perish completely as if destroyed by magic.” (Manu Smriti III, 58)

“Hence men, who seek their own welfare, should always honor women on holidays and festivals with gifts of ornaments, clothes, and dainty food.” (Manu Smriti III, 59)

No other Scripture of the world have ever given to the woman such equality with the man as the Scripture of the Hindus.

When Shankaracharya, the great commentator of the Vedanta, was discussing philosophy with another philosopher, a Hindu lady- Bharti, well versed in all the Scriptures, was requested to act as a judge.

It is the special injunction of the Vedas that no married man shall perform any religious rite, ceremony, or sacrifice without being joined in by his wife; the wife is considered a partaker and partner in the spiritual life of her husband; she is called, in Sanskrit, Sahadharmini, “spiritual helpmate.”

In the whole religious history of the world a second Sita will not be found. Her life was unique

In the Ramayana we read the account of Sulabha, the great woman Yogini, who came to the court of King Janaka and showed wonderful powers and wisdom, which she had acquired through the practice of Yoga. This shows that women were allowed to practice Yoga.

As in religion, Hindu woman of ancient times enjoyed equal rights and privileges with men, so in secular matters she had equal share and equal power with them. From the Vedic age women in India have had the same right as men and they could go to the courts of justice, plead their own cases, and ask for the protection of the law.

Motherhood is considered the greatest glory of Hindu women

 The Taittiriya Upanishad teaches, “Matridevo bhava” – “Let your mother be the god to you.”

Hindu tradition recognizes mother and motherhood as even superior to heaven. The epic Mahabharata says, “While a father is superior to ten learned priests well-versed in the Vedas, a mother is superior to ten such fathers, or the entire world.”


सेक्युलरिज्म या इस्लामिक तुष्टिकरण



भारतीय संविधान के अनुसार यह देश सनातनी नहीं सेक्युलर देश है, विश्व का एकमात्र देश, जिसमें सनातनी (हिन्दू) बहुसंख्यक है, ऐसा देश जो सनातनियों का है, वो आज उनका ना होकर हर मत-मजहब वालों का है, यह सब हमारी चुप्पी और एक गंभीर ना दिखने वाली बिमारी की वजह से है,
जी हां !!!
एक गंभीर ना दिखने वाली बिमारी जिसका नाम है सेक्युलरिज्म !

हर मत मजहब सम्प्रदाय वालों का भाईचारा, जहाँ कोई ऊँचा निचा नहीं, भेदभाव नहीं, सब भाई- भाई की सोच से रहे, पर ऐसा कुछ है नहीं, भारत में सेक्युलरिज्म की परिभाषा बड़ी अजीब और एक मत सम्प्रदाय मात्र को खुश रखने की निति के अनुसार है

भारत में हिन्दुइज्म की बात करना अर्थात सेक्युलरिज्म को खतरा, और इस्लाम हित की बात करना सेक्युलरिज्म है
धार्मिक स्थल का उद्घाटन करने जाने पर आजाद भारत (जो सही मायनों में है नहीं) के प्रथम प्रधानमंत्री जवाहरलाल नेहरु ने हमारे राष्ट्रपति को इसलिए उदघाटन में ना जाने के लिए समझाया की इससे सेक्युलरिज्म को ख़तरा है ! अजीब बात है किसी हिन्दू धार्मिक स्थल के उद्घाटन से सेक्युलरिज्म को खतरा कैसे ? इसका जवाब और कुछ नहीं मुसलमानों की ख़ुशी को बनाये रखना है, आज तक जितनी सरकारें आई है, वे मुसलमानों को खुश रखने के लिए इस सेक्युलरिज्म को सबसे बड़ा हथियार बनाती आई है, जिसकी परिभाषा बिलकुल इसके नाम से विपरीत और निराली है,

और हिन्दू भी इन शिकारियों के जाल में फसता जा रहा है, हिन्दू मुस्लिम भाई भाई का राग अलापे जा रहा है, हिन्दू और मुस्लिम दो अलग अलग, विपरीत और विरोधी विचारधारा से जुड़े हुए है, दो अलग अलग और विरोधी विचार वाले भाई कैसे हो सकते है ? ये सोचनीय है |

हिन्दू संस्कृति (वैदिक संस्कृति) उदारता से भरी है, हमें कभी जिहादी या हिंसक बनने की शिक्षा नहीं दी जाती, मनुस्मृति में मनु मजहबी नहीं, मनुष्य बनने की सलाह देते है, वेद भी कभी यह नहीं सिखाता की गैर हिन्दू का कत्ल करो या वे तुम्हारे दुश्मन है, यहाँ तक की प्राणी मात्र को ना मारने की सलाह हमें वेद देते है, जितना भाईचारा या उदारता की शिक्षा हमें वेदों से मिलती है वो अन्य किसी से नहीं मिल सकती

वही दूसरी और जिस मजहब को हमें भाई बनाने के लिए यह सरकारें और नए नए संगठन सलाह देते है, उन्होंने कभी या तो यह जानने की कोशिश नहीं की या जानते हुए भी चुप्प रहे की यह मजहब जिस किताब को खुदाई बताता है उसमें गैर इस्लाम के लिए क्या क्या आज्ञा दी गई है, इस्लामिक खुदाई पुस्तक कुरान, गैर इस्लामी को किसी भी तरह से भाई बनाने की सलाह नहीं देती अपितु उन्हें भाई ना बनाने की सलाह देती है, और यदि कोई भावावेश में आकर भाई बना भी ले तो वो मुसलमान नहीं रहता वो भी काफिर हो जाता है,

आइये पहले यह जान लें की काफिर क्या होता है?

काफिर एक अरबी शब्द है यदि google पर सर्च किया जाए तो आपको इसके कई मतलब मिलेंगे और वो मतलब भी सही है, मैंने यहाँ google पर जाने के लिए इसलिए कहाँ है की हमारी मानसिकता ही कुछ ऐसी हो चुकी है, लोगों को अपनों से ज्यादा आजकल परायों पर विशवास है, इसलिए उचित है उन्हें विशवास दिलाने के लिए वहां भेजना !

इसका साधारण सा अर्थ है गैर इस्लामी !!! जो इस्लाम को ना माने जो अल्लाह को ना माने जो इस्लाम में बताई उपासना पद्दति के अलावा किसी और पद्दति को मानता हो और जो नास्तिक हो

गैर इस्लामी को कुरान में नास्तिक ही माना जाता है क्यूंकि इस्लाम के अनुसार दुनिया में इस्लाम ही ऐसा धर्म (किसी प्रकार से इस्लाम धर्म नहीं है ये केवल एक मत का, समूह का नाम है) है जो खुदा का बनाया गया है तो इनके अनुसार गैर इस्लामिक अर्थात “काफिर” होता है |

अब आप जब कुरान पर नजर डालेंगे तो हर दूसरी आयत आपको आपकी विरोधी प्रतीत होगी जो की वाकई में विरोधी है, कुरान में किसी प्रकार के गैर इस्लामी से भाईचारे की कोई सलाह नहीं है, तो आप सोच रहे होंगे की फिर ये मुसलमान हर समय भाईचारे, अमन का राग क्यों अलापते है, तो इसके लिए आपको बड़े ध्यान से भारत के आज की और आजादी से पहले के भारत की जनसंख्या को धर्म के आधार पर बाँट कर देखना होगा

मोहम्मद का एक ही सपना था की उसका बनाया हुआ यह समूह बहुत बड़ा विस्तार करें उसी का परिणाम है की आज इस्लामिक लोग गैर इस्लामी को हर तरीका उपयोग लेकर उन्हें इस्लाम कबुलवाने में लगे है जिसके कई जरिये है, उन पर भी आगामी लेखों में नजर डालेंगे जो आपको हमारी वेबसाइट www.aryamantavya.in पर मिलेंगे

जब मुसलमान कुरान को पूरी तरह से मानते है और उसका अनुशरण भी करते है तो यह सर्वविदित होना चाहिए की मुसलमान गैर मुस्लिम को भाई मान ही नहीं सकते और यदि मानते भी है तो यह “मुहं में राम बगल में छुरी वाली बात होगी

आइये आपको कुछ आयते बताते है जो साफ़ तौर पर काफिरों को मारने का हुक्म देती है अर्थात ऐसी आयते जो मुसलमानों के अजीम दोस्त हिन्दू को मारने के लिए कहती है:-

ला यतखिजिल-मुअमिनुनल……………….|
(कुरान मजीद पारा ३ सुरा आले इमान रुकू ३ आयत २८)

मुसलमानों को चाहिए की मुसलमानों को छोड़कर काफिरों को अपना दोस्त न बनावें और जो वैसा करेगा तो उससे और अल्लाह का कोई सरोकार नहीं है |

या अय्युह्ल्ल्जी-न आमनू ला ……||
(कुरान मजीद पारा ५ सुरा निसा रुकू १८ आयत १४४)
अय ईमान वालों !! तुम ईमान वालों को छोड़कर काफिरों को दोस्त मत बनाओ | क्या तुम जाहिर खुदा का अपराध अपने ऊपर लेना चाहते हो |

कातिलुल्ल्जी-न ला यअमिनू-न………||
कुरान मजीद पारा १० सूरा तोबा रुकू ४ आयत २९)

किताब वाले जो न खुदा को मानते है और न कयामत को और न अल्लाह और उसके पैगमबर की हराम की हुई चीजों को हराम समझते है और न सच्चे दींन अर्थात इस्लाम को मानते है, इनसे लड़ों और यहाँ तक की जलील होकर (अपने) हाथों जजिया दें |

जब अल्लाह ने भाईचारा रखने पर अपना रिश्ता समाप्त करने की धमकी दे रखी है तो यह विचार करने की बात है की मुसलमान अपने परवरदिगार से आपके लिए कैसे नाता तोड़ सकते है बिलकुल नहीं तोड़ेंगे तो आपसे भाईचारा क्यों ?? यह सवाल दिमाग में आना स्वाभाविक है !!

इस भाईचारे के पीछे कई वजह है इसी भाईचारे को जानने के लिए मैंने आपसे जनसंख्या का धर्म के आधार पर बांटने के लिए कहा था

कश्मीर, जहाँ पर कश्मीरी पंडित और मुसलामानों का भाईचारा ही था, फिर अचानक क्या हुआ की सहस्त्रों कश्मीरी पंडितों को मार डाला गया या भगा दिया गया यह विचार करने से पहले ही लोग तर्क देते है की वहां के मुसलमान अच्छे नहीं है तो उनसे मेरा सवाल है की अन्य देशों में रह रहे हिन्दू भी क्या अलग अलग है क्या उनका मत भारतीय हिन्दुओं से अलग है आपका जवाब होगा नहीं !! फिर ये कश्मीर के और बाकी भारत के मुसलमान में अंतर कैसे ??

ये भाईचारे के दुश्मनी में बदलने का कारण है इस्लाम और खुदाई आज्ञा !! जिस समय हिन्दू मुसलमानों में कश्मीर में भाईचारा और अमन चरम पर था, उस समय मुस्लिम वहां अल्पसंख्यक थे और हिन्दू बहुसंख्यक चूँकि हिन्दू हमेशा से उदारता से परिपूर्ण रहा है तो इसी उदारता के कारण उसने मुसलमानों को अपना भाई ही माना जो गलत भी नहीं है क्यूंकि भारतीय मुस्लिम वास्तव में हमारे भाई ही है, जिनके पूर्वजों को ब्लात्पुर्वक हिन्दू से मुस्लिम बनाया गया था और उसी दबाव को आज भी वो सहता हुआ मुस्लिम ही बना हुआ है, और खुदा के डर में जी रहा है

जब कश्मीर में मुस्लिम अल्पसंख्यक से बहुसंख्यक हुए तो इनका भाईचारा दुश्मनी में परिवर्तित होने लगा और छुट पूट लड़ाई झगड़े शुरू हुए खत्म हुए और इन्हीं झगड़ों और परस्पर विरोधी मान्यताओं के चलते और इस्लाम के विस्तार के अपने लक्ष्य को पूरा करने की चाह में मुसलमानों ने हिन्दुओ को कश्मीर से भगाया और मार भी डाला

और यही परिद्रश्य आपको आसाम, बंगाल, केरल और हैदराबाद में भी देखने को मिलेगा इन कारणों पर हमें विचार करना ही होगा, अन्यथा आने वाली पीढ़ी आपको पूरी जिन्दगी कोसती रहेगी

ये भाईचारा आपको भी कश्मीरी पंडितों के दर्द से परिचय कराएगा यह सार्वभौमिक सत्य है यह होगा यदि आपका यह भाईचारा इसी तरह रहा

इस्लाम को जानिये की यह वास्तव में क्या है, क्या यह धर्म है ?? क्या ये अमन और शान्ति का मजहब है ??

नहीं ये केवल और केवल आतंक का दुसरा नाम है, इस्लाम में भाईचारे, अमन, शान्ति और नारी की कोई जगह नहीं है

सेक्युलरिज्म का यह जहर आपको धीरे धीरे खा रहा है और आप इससे अपरिचित बने रह रहे हो आज समय की जरुरत है की हमें धर्म के प्रति निष्ठावान होना होगा

आपसे विनम्र निवेदन है की हमें झगडा कराने वाला ना समझे हम तो स्वयं चाहते है की देश में अमन और शान्ति बने पर ताली एक हाथ से नहीं बजती, वैदिक धर्म तो जन्म से उदार है और हम इस ओर पहल भी करने को तैयार है पर क्या हमारे मुस्लिम भाई इस काफिर दुश्मन कुरान को त्यागने का माद्दा रखते है ??????????

यदि मुस्लिम कुरान भी नहीं त्याग सकते और हमसे भाईचारे की उम्मीद भी रखते है तो यह दोगलापन लगता है इसमें बड़ी साजिश की बू आती है

इसलिए सजग रहिये सतर्क रहिये, समझदार बनिए क्यूंकि भोले दिखने वाले गजब के गोले होते है

आपके विचार रखिये, प्रश्न कीजिये, सुझाव दीजिये आपका स्वागत है और आगामी लेख की थोड़ी सी प्रतीक्षा कीजिये

तब तक के लिए आज्ञा दीजिये




Religious Conversion through Temptation

Dec’2014 secession of parliament is stalled by our concern leader on the issue of religion conversion. Verily our elected members of parliament are our representatives and should be concerned over the issues of general public. It should be addressed in parliament. Religion conversion should not be a matter of temptation or threat. Different Muslim Member of Parliament heard saying that 95% of the Indian Muslims were Hindus. How they become Muslims these are not hidden facts. It was a conversion thru the force and lure which resulted in creating ground for Muslims in Aryavart. Sing of forceful conversion are still found as after passing lot of generations still converted Muslims are carrying their identity of Gotra like Chaudhary Muslim, Malik Muslims and Taygi Muslims etc. Chaudhary, Malik or Tyagi have not been forefather of Muslims community but these are the converted Muslims whose affection towards Hinduism have not allowed them to leave their surname and they are still carrying that identity.

In Vedic dharma it is preached “मनु॑र्भव(Rig 10/53/6) i.e. be a noble man for the benefit of the society. Vedic dharma works on the principle of “वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम” considering that all people of this universe are member of family and utmost love and care should be extended for everyone. It doesn’t preach that follow the particular idol or hate or kill who is not in line with your views it doesn’t preach to behead those who reject and hate what is revealed it does not threat that your good deeds will not have no effect at death or on the day of judgment because u have not followed what was told to you.


It is matter of joy that our elected representatives are aware now and has raised concerned on this issue. We do support the idea of stopping force full conversion thru temptation or through the treat. In this part we will discuss about few temptation offer given by few books of various sects to lure different people. We don’t think that such temptation can be a part of the book of GOD. In our opinion these would be the interpolated versed added by the mischievous people to tarnish the book of most merciful and gracious creator of universe. Otherwise what’s the necessarily to lure his own creation to follow a particular sects. We do request to the awaked member to parliament to have a look on such books that temp to convert people to their sect.

Verses From Holy Islamic Book 


This is a remembrance, of them, [made] by [the mention of] fair praise [of them] here; and indeed for the God-fearing, who comprise them, there will truly be a fair return, in the Hereafter —


Gardens of Eden (jannāti ‘Adnin is either a substitution for, or an explicative supplement to, husna ma’ābin, ‘a fair return’) whose gates are [flung] open for them;


reclining therein, on couches; therein they call for plenteous fruit and drink.


And with them [there] will be maidens of restrained glances, restricting their eyes to their spouses, of a like age, of the same age, girls who are thirty three years of age (atrāb is the plural of tirb).


Those of the right [hand], those who are given their record [of deeds] in their right hand (fa-ashābu’l

maymanati is the subject, the predicate of which is [the following mā ashābu’l-maymanati]) — what of those of the right [hand]? — a glorification of their status on account of their admittance into Paradise.


And those of the left [hand] (al-mash’ama means al-shimāl, ‘left’), each of whom is given his record [of

deeds] in their left hands — what of those of the left [hand]? — an expression of contempt for their status on account of their admittance into the Fire.


And the foremost, in [the race to do] good, namely, the prophets (al-sābiqūna is a subject) the foremost:

(this [repetition] is to emphasise their exalted status; the predicate [is the following, ūlā’ika’l muqarrabūna])


[will be] upon encrusted couches, [their linings] woven onto rods of gold and jewels,


reclining on them, face to face (muttaki’īna ‘alayhā mutaqābilīna constitute two circumstantial qualifiers

referring to the [subject] person of the predicate [‘they’]).


They will be waited on by immortal youths, resembling young boys, never ageing;


with goblets (akwāb are drinking-vessels without handles) and ewers (abārīq [are vessels that] have handles and spouts) and a cup (ka’s is the vessel for drinking wine) from a flowing spring, in other words, wine flowing from a spring that never runs out,


wherefrom they suffer no headache nor any stupefaction (read yanzafūna or yanzifūna, [respectively

derived] from nazafa or anzafa al-shāribu, ‘the drinker became inebriated’), in other words, they do not get a headache from it nor do they lose their senses, in contrast to [the case with] the wine of this world;


and such fruits as they prefer,


and such flesh of fowls as they desire, for themselves to enjoy,


and houris, maidens with intensely black eyes [set] against the whiteness [of their irises], with wide eyes

(‘īn: the ‘ayn here is inflected with a kasra instead of a damma because it [the kasra] better harmonises with the yā’; the singular is ‘aynā’, similar [in pattern] to hamrā’; a variant reading [for wa-hūrun ‘īn] has the genitive case wa-hūrin ‘īn)


resembling hidden, guarded, pearls,


Those, for them there shall be Gardens of Eden, as a [place of] residence, underneath which rivers flow;

therein they shall be adorned with bracelets of gold (min asāwir: it is said that min here is either extra or

partitive; it [asāwir] is the plural of aswira — similar [in pattern] to ahmira [for himār] — which is the plural of siwār) and they shall wear green garments of fine silk (sundus) and [heavy] silk brocade (istabraq is that [silk] which is coarse: [God says] in the verse of [sūrat] al-Rahmān [Q. 55:54], lined with [heavy] silk brocade); reclining therein on couches (arā’ik is the plural of arīka, which is a bed inside a [curtained] canopy, and is also a tent adorned with garments and curtains for a bride). How excellent a reward, a requital, is Paradise, and how fair a resting-place!


they are served from all round, each one of them [is so served], with a cup (ka’san, [this denotes] the vessel with the drink in it) from a spring, of wine that flows along the ground like streams of water,


white, whiter than milk, delicious to the drinkers, in contrast to the wine of this world which is distasteful to drink,


wherein there is neither madness, nothing to snatch away their minds, nor will they be spent by it (read

yunzafūna or yunzifūna, from [1st form] nazafa or [4th form] anzafa, said of one drinking, in other words, they are [not] inebriated [by it], in contrast to the wine of this world),


and with them will be maidens of restrained glances, who reserved their glances [exclusively] for their

spouses and do not look upon any other — because of the beauty they [the maidens] see in them — with

beautiful eyes (‘īn means with large and beautiful eyes),


as if they were, in terms of [the starkness of their white] colour, hidden eggs, of ostriches, sheltered by their feathers from dust, the colour being that whiteness with a hint of pallor, which is the most beautiful of female complexions


So [shall it be] (an implied al-amru, ‘the matter’, should be read as preceding this); and We shall pair them, either in conjugality or [meaning] We shall join them, with houris of beautiful eyes, women of the fairest complexion with wide and beautiful eyes.


And they will be waited upon by immortal youths, [immortally] in the form of youths, never ageing, whom, when you see them you will suppose them, because of their beauty and the way in which they are scattered about [offering] service, to be scattered pearls, [strewn] from their string, or from their shells, in which they are fairer than [when they, the pearls, are] otherwise [not in their shells].


And give good tidings to, inform, those who believe, who have faith in God, and perform righteous deeds, such as the obligatory and supererogatory [rituals], that theirs shall be Gardens, of trees, and habitations, underneath which, that is, underneath these trees and palaces, rivers run (tajrī min tahtihā’l-anhāru), that is, there are waters in it (al-nahr is the place in which water flows [and is so called] because the water carves [yanhar] its way through it; the reference to it as ‘running’ is figurative); whensoever they are provided with fruits therefrom, that is, whenever they are given to eat from these gardens, they shall say, ‘This is what, that is, the like of what we were provided with before’, that is, before this, in Paradise, since its fruits are similar (and this is evidenced by [the following statement]): they shall be given it, the provision, in perfect semblance, that is, resembling one another in colour, but different in taste; and there for them shall be spouses, of houris and others, purified, from menstruation and impurities; therein they shall abide: dwelling therein forever, neither perishing nor departing therefrom. And when the Jews said, ‘Why does God strike a similitude about flies, where He says, And if a fly should rob them of anything [Q. 22:73] and about a spider, where He says, As the likeness of the spider [Q. 29:41]: what does God want with these vile creatures?


A similitude, a description, of the Garden promised to the God-fearing: [the Garden] that is shared equally by all those who enter it (this first clause is the subject, of which the predicate [follows:]) therein are rivers of unstaling water (read āsin or asin, similar [in form] to dārib, ‘striker’, and hadhir, ‘cautious’), that is to say, one that does not change, in contrast to the water of this world, which may change due to some factor; and rivers of milk unchanging in flavour, in contrast to the milk of this world, on account of its issuing from udders, and rivers of wine delicious to the drinkers, in contrast to the wine of this world, which is distasteful to drink; and [also] rivers of purified honey, in contrast to the honey of this world, which when it issues out of the bellies of bees becomes mixed with wax and other elements; and there will be for them therein, varieties [of], every fruit and forgiveness from their Lord, for He is pleased with them, in addition to His beneficence towards them in the way mentioned, in contrast to one who is a master of servants in this world, who while being kind to them may at the same time be wrathful with them. [Is such a one] like him who abides in the Fire? (ka-man huwa khālidun fī’l-nāri, the predicate of an implied subject, which is a-manhuwa fī hādha’l-na‘īm, ‘Is one who is amidst such bliss [as him who abides in the Fire]?’). And they will be given to drink boiling water which rips apart their bowels, that is, their entrails, so that these will be excreted from their rears. (Am‘ā’, ‘bowels’, is the plural of mi‘an, its alif being derived from the yā’ of their saying mi‘yān [as an alternative singular to mi‘an]).


By going through from the verses given above it is clear that various temptations are given whether it is related to women or wine or many other facilities those are not easily available to the common man. A lot of men women are in stage of starving in this world. These offers lure them to get convert and people get caught in such temptation. We believe in the creator of this universe and are of opinion that HE who has created this universe has power to create his follower also. What is the need of these offers to the mankind. We don’t think that these are part of the book of GOD. These would have been interpolated by the mischievous people for their benefit. Our leaders who have stalled the parliament should raise the voice against such verses and these should be banned. People should be free to choose what they want. Humanity should be preached to all the people instead of different sects. IF we get success in making this world noble place to live in what else can we require?

CAN QURAN BE A WORD OF GOD? (PART -2): By Nishant Shaliwan



The objective is to find that whether Quran is a word of God and is Quran clear in its message or there are self contradictions and, Can the word of God be self contradictory? To know the answer read the second part of the article and decide yourself.

Nishant Shaliwan



The objective is to find that whether Quran is a word of God and is Quran clear in its message or there are self contradictions and, Can the word of God be self contradictory? To know the answer read the second part of the article and decide yourself.

In Continuation to the first part of the Article the second part also focus on the contradictions within Quran for those who have not read the first part of the article are requested to first read the first part by following the below given link –http://thelogicalbeliever.wordpress.com/2014/11/30/can-quran-be-a-word-of-god/



The English translation of Quranic verses has been taken from reliable and authentic Islamic sources like www.quran.com and anybody who feels that the English translation of Quran is not correct  should actually question these Islamic sources from where the translation has been taken. Now as we have studied in the first part of the article that Quran claims itself to be the word of God and it says  in Chapter 4 – Surat An-Nisā’ (The Women) verse 82 which says –

Then do they not reflect upon the Qur’an? If it had been from [any] other than Allah , they would have found within it much contradiction.

So here in this verse there is a very strong claim given by the Author of Quran that if it had been from anybody other than God (Allah) then we would have found many contradictory statements in Quran and no Muslim can refuse this statement in fact they very proudly mention this verse of Quran and challenge Non Muslims to prove one single contradiction in Quran. So if we find a single contradiction in Quran then it cannot be called as a word of God as per the claim of Quran only.

Now also In the first part of the article we have found that Quran claims itself to be a book explained in detail as per Surah 6 verse 114Then is it other than Allah I should seek as judge while it is He who has revealed to you the Book explained in detail?” And those to whom we [previously] gave the Scripture know that it is sent down from your Lord in truth, so never be among the doubters”.

and this is not the only verse in Quran also in Surah 41 verse 3 it says that – A Book whose verses have been  detailed, an Arabic Qur’an for a people who know,

Apart from this it is not right for muslims to follow any other scripture as it is also stated in the Quran in Chapter 68 (Surah Al Qalam) verse 37 

Or do you have a scripture (other than Quran) in which you learn?

However, within the same article we have found that in the same book there was no mention of some of the major practices of Islam such as five times of Namaz, Eid after Ramzaan, circumcision and burial of dead bodies.

Now in the second part of the article we will analyze few other things of which the details are missing in the Quran.  It is mentioned in the Quran in Surah 17 verse 1 it says “Glory be to Him Who made His servant to go on a night from the Sacred Mosque to the remote mosque of which We have blessed the precincts, so that We may show to him some of Our signs; surely He is the Hearing, the Seeing”.

Now here are a few questions related to this verse first, who is this servant of which Allah is talking about in this verse? The Muslims might say it is Muhammad, in that case where is it mentioned that the servant is Muhammad? Show us the verse from the Quran itself where it says that the servant was Muhammad whom Allah sent for a night journey to the remote mosque?

Secondly which is this remote mosque mentioned in the verse? Where is it located? And how far is it? Give the details from the Quran itself as the Quran claims itself to be a book which has been explained in detail, If Quran is really explained in detail then why are the details of this night journey not present in the Quran? Is this not a contradiction to the verse 114 of Surah 6 and verse 3 of Surah 41?

Now lets move on the another verse of Quran in Surah 10 verse 47 it says To every people (was sent) a messenger: when their messenger comes (before them), the matter will be judged between them with justice, and they will not be wronged.

In this verse and also in Surah 16 verse 36 a similar claim has been made that a prophet was sent to every nation or community, The question is how many messengers or prophets were sent in how many nations ? What were there names of those prophets? Provide this detail from within the Quran as Quran itself states that it is a book explained in detail.

Sometimes a muslim might mention Surah 40 verse 78 in reply which states “And certainly We sent messengers before you: there are some of them that We have mentioned to you and there are others whom We have not mentioned to you”,

The muslim might say that Allah has not mentioned the detail to us, He has provided us with stories which were important for us to know, but if that is the case then Quran here itself has contradicted the claim mentioned in S-6 : V-114 and S-41 : V-3 where it claims to be be a book explained in detail because as per verse 78 of chapter 40 the complete detail of all prophets has not been given in the Quran itself then how can it be a book explained in detail?

Verse 78 of surah 40 is contradictory to verse 114 of surah 6 and verse 3 of surah 41, Now can we claim Quran to be a word of God? Because the Quran itself says in Chapter 4 – verse 82  Then do they not reflect upon the Qur’an? If it had been from [any] other than Allahthey would have found within it much contradiction. 

However  there is one more interesting point where I would like to draw your attention, Muslims very often state that the prophet mentioned that there 124000 prophets sent upon the face of earth and the quote  long hadith in Musnad Imam Ahmad, narrated by Abu Umamah al-Bahili relating a conversation that Abu Dharr had with the Prophet. This is some text from toward the end of that hadith: this says  I said “O Messenger of Allah, how many Prophets were there?” He replied “One hundred twenty four thousand, from which three hundred fifteen were jamma ghafeera.”

Now the point is that if Allah has not revealed in Quran the complete detail of prophets then who told Muhammad that 124000 Prophets were sent by Allah? Or the muslims will just use the common escape approach by saying this hadith is not authentic it has become a common trend among muslims, which so ever hadith becomes difficult for them to explain or answer they simply say its unauthentic.

I hope the escape approach would not be adopted this time and we might actually find a muslim who can answer the questions raised in this article.

The Purpose of writing this article is not to hurt anybodies religious beliefs but to accept what is truth and reject what is False.

ॐ असतो मा सद्गमय । Aum Asto Ma Sad Gamya

( O supreme Lord, Lead me from unreal to real )

तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय । Tamso Ma Jyotir Gamya

( Lead me From darkness of ignorance to the light of knowledge )

मृत्योर्मा अमृतं गमय । Mrityur Ma Amritam Gamya

(Lead me from fear of death to the knowledge of Immortality)

ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥  Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti

(O lord, Let there be Peace, peace and peace )

In case of any query, suggestion or feedback feel free to write me at my email id – defenderoftruth1@gmail.com



Religion of Peace that orders to kill Non Muslims

In 2001 president Bush quoted at Islamic Center of Washington, D.C. that “Islam is Peace”.  General people who doesn’t have that much knowledge of Islam feels in similar manner. Various Muslim scholars also quote the same and say that Islam literally means “peace or submission” .Muslims who are keen to emphasize their rejection of violence have used the term “a religion of peace” as a description of Islam they says that “The Prophet  did not found a terrorist religion, but a religion of peace.” .but when we look at the history and the current affairs of various Muslim organizations like ISIS, BOKO Haram and Indian Muzahiddin etc, situation is totally different. On looking the activities of these organization and the similar emperors and organization in past it seems that it’s a different world which is shown to general public.

There is an uncanny irony here that many have noticed. The position of these Muslim organizations like ISIS in the face of all provocations seems to be: “Islam is a religion of peace, and if you say that it isn’t, we will kill you. “

Of course, the truth is often more nuanced, but this is about as nuanced as it ever gets: Islam is a religion of peace, and if you say that it isn’t, we peaceful Muslims cannot be held responsible for what our less peaceful brothers and sisters do. When they burn your embassies or kidnap and slaughter your journalists, know that we will hold you primarily responsible and will spend the bulk of our energies criticizing you for “racism” and “Islamophobia.”

The problem, however, is that the credo of these Muslim organizations like Taliban ISIS actually happens to be “Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.”

It is strange that ISIS wants to establish Islamic state. They says that they are on path of Allah. Looking into their views. Its stranger that Allah, the Islamic God, wants to make people Muslims through a cruel scheme of terror. Being the Creator, he could have achieved this goal by creating everybody a Muslim.

It is amazing to maintain appearance, Islam does not include Jihad in its Five Basic Canons, that is the confession (Kalma), Namaz, Roza, Zukat and Hajj. The reason for this exclusion is to create ambiguity to baffle the followers so that freedom is given to carry out acts of barbarity as holy deeds without inquiring into the nature of religion

Jihad is the surest way of securing paradise. Look at the following Qur’anic Evidence to lure Muslims for Jihad.


Look at the hatred verses in Quran against the non-Muslims:

is3is3is3is3Sura Repentance 9:5

 “But when the sacred months expire slay those who associate others with Allah in His Divinity wherever you find them, and besiege them and lie in wait for them. But if they repent and establish the prayer and pay Zakah leave them alone. Surely Allah is all – forgiving ever merciful. And if any of those who associate others with Allah in His Divinity seeks asylum, grant him asylum that he may hear the Word of Allah and then escort him to safety for they are a people who do not know.”

AllamaShabbir Ahmad Usmani describes that it is told that though no covenant stood between the Muslims and the covenant breakers and the Muslims were justified to take any prompt actions against them befitting their crime, yet the reverence of the Holy Months demanded some toleration either because first action might have been forbidden in the holy months up to that time or because of some expedient reason that why confusion should be created among the people for a minor things since warring during these months was conventionally infamous among them. However they were given respite till the end of these month to manage their affairs as they liked.

He further explains that After that for the purification of Arabian Peninsula (an area of land that is almost surrounded by water but is joined to a larger piece of land:
the Iberian peninsula (= Spain and Portugal)) there would be no way out save war. And what is done in war – Killing, arresting, besieging, confining, lying in wait for ambush shall be done necessarily.

Look at the further explanations how clear they are in way of forcing the people to convert to Islam. :


According to Imam Ahmad, Imam Shafaee, Imam Malik repent it is obligation of an Islamic State to slay the offender of Salat if he does not repent and begin to pray. Imam Abu Haneefa(Be God’s mercy on him) says that he should be beaten harshly and sentenced to confinement till he dies or repents.


How poor that GOD is who is dependent on these terrorists to spread his views.

If he would have been that much of powerful why he didn’t created all the people as Muslims.

Why he is so helpless aginst the Shiatan who is creating obstacle in making the whole world an Islamic State.

Jihad: A contract between Allah and Muslims

Everyone is aware about the word “Jihad” i.e. also known as holy war. Muslim scholars defines it as “in a religious sense, as described by the Quran and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (s), “jihad” has many meanings. It can refer to internal as well as external efforts to be a good Muslims or believer, as well as working to inform people about the faith of Islam.”

Muslim scholars describes that:

  • Jihad is not a violent concept.
  • Jihad is not a declaration of war against other religions. It is worth noting that the Koran specifically refers to Jews and Christians as “people of the book” who should be protected and respected. All three faiths worship the same God. Allah is just the Arabic word for God, and is used by Christian Arabs as well as Muslims.
  • Military action in the name of Islam has not been common in the history of Islam. Scholars says most calls for violent jihad are not sanctioned by Islam.
  • Warfare in the name of God is not unique to Islam. Other faiths throughout the world have waged wars with religious justifications

After studying the above one remains in no doubt the nature of Islamic Jihad. It will convince a lot of people those are not that much familiar with the Quran and Hadiths as well as the history?

Let’s examine what Quran said about the Jihad.

“Surely Allah has purchased of the believers their lives and their belongings and in return has promised that they shall have paradise. They fight in the way of Allah and slay and are slain. Such is the promise He has made incumbent upon Himself in the Torah, and the Gospel and the Quran. Who is more faithful to this promise than Allah? Rejoice, then in the bargain you have made with him”
Al – Tawbah 9:110

Defining the contract between Allah and the Muslims Mr. ZagarIshaq Ansari writes that “when a man has true faith it involves a commitment to devote himself sincerely to God and thus attain His reward in return for that commitment. This two way commitment has been described as “Transaction”. What this means is that faith is in fact a contract according to which man places all that he has – his life, his wealth – at the disposal of God; he “sells” them to God. In Return he accepts God’s promise of paradise in the next life.

It is clear that Islam is a contract between God and Muslim. God guarantees paradise to the believer provided that he is willing to kill or get killed for God’s sake. It shows how desperate Allah is for an acknowledgement from the unbelievers.

Dr. Anwar Shaikh elaborate it that Allah:

–          Has no respect for human life and dignity, whatsoever; al He is concerned with is His Self and the most urgent need for praise, pacification and prostration. Yet He declares in the Quran that he is Samad i.e. He is totally independent and has no needs or desires.

–          Murder is the most heinous crime but Allah thinks of it as a Holy Play (Jihad). It expresses His regard for morality!

–          Most importantly, it is a contract between Allah and Muslims. Again, Allah declares that so beneficial this contract is to believers that It ranks as a bargain. In other words, it is quite legitimate to commit a crime like murder if it benefits the perpetrator!

–          To persuade believers for commission of heinous misdeeds, Allah assures them that he is the best keepers of promise.


He further adds that it is evident that Jihad means challenging non- Muslims to a duel, which legalizes all the horrors of war and immorality.


Another famous scholar of Quran AllamaShabbir Ahmad Usmani writes in “Tafseer – E- Usmani that “what a better trade and mightier success might be than that God became the buyer of our ordinary persons and transient wealth? He further describes that how much merciful Allah is that “the wealth selves of ours, as a matter of fact, are His creations and a little relation with them has made them our wealth and our person. Despite this fact, God has fixed the price of ourselves and wealth and that is paradise, the highest place of virtue and honor and the means to reach the purchase himself. It is the kindness of God and a great honor given to man”


            How a man is lured to indulge in Jihad?  AllamaShabbir Ahmad Usmani has quoted that The Holy Prophet has said, “There will be such bounties in the paradise that no eye, ear or heart have ever perceived them.” So it is the most excellent reward of GOD.

He said that He only demands their sacrifice when needed.  This is why it is said that they kill and are killed in His way – they present their wealth and their persons in His way, then they kill are or are killed. In both cases the bargain is done and the price paid became their fortune.

Then what a better occasion for the believers would be to rejoice and feel proud in their fortune than that God, the most honored and glorious himself becomes the purchaser and with such a glorious style.

Abdullah bin Rawaha has rightly said that this is such a glorious bargain where after there is no question of loss whatsoever. May God admit us into the party of such believers?

Hence credo of Muslims organization like Taliban ISIS actually lies with the lines of their scholars that  “Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.”

How they can be said wrong when they are following what is being taught to them. They are bound to do that as they are believers and are bound with the agreement they has entered with Allah.

दो इस्लाम: डॉक्टर गुलाम जिलानी बर्क


यह १९१८ का जिकर है .

मैं  कबला वालिद साहब के हमरा अमृतसर गया . में एक छोटे से गाँव का रहने वाला जहाँ न बुलंद ईमारत न मुसफ्फा सड़क न कारें न बिजली के कमके  न उस वजह की दुकानें देख कर दंग रह गया . लाखों के सामान से सजी हुई दुकानें और बोर्ड पर कहीं रामभेजा संतराम लिखा है कहीं दुनी चन्द अग्रवाल कहीं संत  संघबल और कहीं सादी लाल फ़कीर चन्द. हाल बाजार के इस सिरे से उस सिरे तक किसी मुसलमान की कोई दूकान नजर नहीं आयी . हाँ मुसलमान जरुर नज़र आये . कोई बोझ उठा रहा था . कोई गधे लाड रहा था . कोई माल गोदाम से बैल गाडी पर  हिन्दू का सामान लाद रहा था . कोई किसी टाल  पर लकड़ियाँ चीर रहा था और कोई भीख मांग रहा था . गैर मुस्लमान कारों और फटनून पर जा रहे थे  और मुसलमान अडाई मन बोझ के नीचे दबा हुआ मुश्किल से कदम उठा रहा था. हिन्दुओं के चेहरों पर रौनक बशाशत और चमक थी और मुसलमान का चेहरा फक मशकत फिक्र और छुर्रियों की वजह से अफर्शर्दों और मुश्क्शुदा.

मेने वालिद साहब से पूछा : “क्या मुसलमान हर जगह इस तरह की जिन्दगी बसर कर रहे हैं ?”

वालिद साहब : हाँ

मैं : अल्लाह ने मुसलमानों को भी हिन्दुओं की तरह दो हाथ दो पैर और एक सर अता किया है . तो फिर क्या वजह है कि हिन्दू तो जिन्दगी के मजे लूट  रहे हैं और मुसलमान हर जगह जीवन से बदतर जिन्दगी बसर कर रहे हैं .

वालिद साहब : यह दुनिया मुर्दार  से ज्यादा नजक  है और इसके मुतालाशी कुत्तों से ज्यादा नापाक अल्लाह ने यह मुर्दार हिन्दुओं के हवाले कर दिया है और जन्नत हमें दे दी है कहो कौन फायदे में रहा ?हम या वो

मैं : अगर दुनिया वाकई मुर्दार है तो आप तिजारत क्यूँ करते हैं? और माल तिजारत   खरीदने के लिए अमृतसर तक क्यों आये ? एक तरफ दीन्वी साजो सामान खरीदकर मुनाफा कमाना और दूसरी तरफ और दूसरी तरफ इसे मुर्दार करार देना अजीब किस्म की मुन्तक  है .

वालिद साहब : बेटा ! बुजुर्गों से बहस करना सही आदत मंदी नहीं .जो कुछ मैंने  तुम्हें बताया है वह एक हदीस का तर्जुमा है रसूल अल्लाह अलैहि वसल्लम ने फ़रमाया ने फरमाया था .” यह दुनिया एक मुर्दार है और और उसके मतलाशी कुत्ते.

हदीस का नाम सुनकर  में डर गया और बहस बंद कर दी . सफर से वापस आकर मैंने गाँव के मुल्ला से अपनी शुभहात का इजहार किया . उसने भी वही जवाब दिया . मेरे दिल में इस मुद्दे को हल करने की तड़प पैदा हो गयी लेकिन मेरे कलब व नजर  वंजर पर तकलीद  के पहरे  बैठे हुए थे इल्म कम था और फहम महदूद . इस लिए मेरा मामला  ज्यादा उलझता गया .

में मुसलसल चौदह बरस तक हसूल  इल्म के लिए मुकत्लिफ अल्माओं व सूफियों के हाल रहा . दरस निजामी की तकमील की . सैकड़ों वाजों  के वाज  सुने . बीसों दीनी किताबें पढी. और बाल आखिर  कर मुझे यकीन  हो गयी     की इस्लाम रातज का   मह्सल यह है :

१.       फरेज खास यानी  तोहीद  का इकरार और सलौय  जक्वा सोम और हज की वजह अबरी

२.       अजान के बाद अदब से बाद कलमा शरीफ पढना

३.       मुक्लिफ रसूम मसलाई जुम्मारत चह्लीन ग्यारवीं वगैरहा का बाकीदगी से अदा करना

४.       कुरान  की इबारत पढना

५.       अल्लाह के जिकर  को सबसे बड़ा अमल समझना

६.       कुरान  और दरूद  के ख़तम कराना

७.       उछल उछल कर हुव हक़ दिर्द करना

८.       निजात के लिए किसी मर्शद की वहियत  करना

९.       मुर्दों से मुरादें मांगना

१०.    मजारों  पर सजदे करना

११.    गलीज  लिबास को पैगम्बरी लिबास समझना

१२.     सड़कों और बाजारों में सबके सामने ढीला करना

१३.    तावीजों  और मंत्रों को मुश्किल कशा  समझना

१४.    आन्हाजरत साहब को आलिमी अल्गैब नेज हाजिर नाजिर करार देना

१५.    किसी बीमारी या मुश्किल से निजात हासिल करने के लिए मौलवी जी की ज्याफत करना

१६.    गुनाह बक्श्ने के लिए कव्वाली सुनना

१७.    हर गैर मुस्लिम को नापाक सज्जन  समझाना

१८.    इमाम अबू खायीफ की फिकर पर ईमान लाना

१९.    साहीसत्य को वही समझना

२०.    सिर्फ कलमा पढ़ कर बहिश्त में पहुँच जाना

२१.    हर मुश्किल का इलाज़ अमल और मेहनत से नहीं बल्कि दुआओं से करना मशा सोते वकत या दुआ पढो ख्वाजा खिजर की जियारत होगी .जागो तो बिस्मिल्लाह करो करो हूरें तुम्हारा मन लगाएंगी  जिसकी सारी जिन्दगी के गुनाह माफ़ हो जायेंगे .इस्लाम के दस लाख हज का शवाब मिलेगा सात आसमानों और सात जमीनों जितना शबाब  हासिल करना वगैरहा वगैरहा .

जब अल्मा ए करम के फैज से में ताल्मीयत  इस्लामी पढ़ पुरी तरह हावी हो गया तो यह हकीकत भी मुझ वाजह हो गयी कि खुदा हमारा रसूल हमारा फरिश्ते हमारे जन्नत हमारी हूरें हमारी जमीन हमारी और आसमान हमारा अल गरज सब कुछ के मालिक हम हैं.और बाकी  कौमें इस दुनिया में झक मारने के लिए आयी हैं . इनकी दौलत ऐशो आराम चन्द दिन का ही है वह बहुत जल्द जहन्नम के पस्त  तरीन तबके में औंधे फेंक दिए जायेंगे . और हम वाजिरेफत के सूट पहनकर  सर्दी बहारों में हूरों के साथ मजे लूटेंगे .

ज़माना गुजरता गया : अंगरेजी पढ़ने के बाद नजर में आलिम जदीदा का मुताला किया कल्ब  पैदा हो गयी . अकवामी  की तारीख पढी तो मुझे मालुम हुआ कि मुसलमानों की एक एक सवा ढाई सल्तनत  मिट चुकी है . हैरत हुयी कि जब अल्लाह हमारा और सिर्फ हमारा था तो उसने यह खिलाफत अवासिया का वारिस हला  को जैसे काफिर को क्यों बनाया . हस्पानीया  के इस्लामी तख़्त पर फिरंगियों  को क्यूँ बिठाया . मुगलों का ताज अल्जबथ के सिर  पर क्यूँ  रखवाया? बुलगारी हंगरी रोमानिया सर्विया पोलेंड  क्रीमिया युक्रेन यूनान और बुल्गारिया से  हमारे आसार क्यूँ मिटा दिए गए ?  फ़्रांस से भीख में दो गोशान हमें क्यूँ निकला? ट्यूनीशिया  अज्जजाज और लीबिया से हमें क्यूँ रुखसत किया ?

में रफह हैरत के लिए म्ख्ताफ़ अल्माओं के यहाँ गया . लेकिन कामयाबी नहीं हुयी ? मैने इस मसले पर पांच सात बरस तक गैर  फिकर किया . लेकिन किसी नतीजे पर नहीं पहुँच सका .

बद किस्मती से यह वह दौर था जब में इस्लाम से सख्त  दिल बर्दाश्त हो चुका था और सालों  साल से तलावत अल्लाह तरक कर रखी  थी ?

एक दिन शहर को बेदार  हुआ ऊपर टाक में कुरआन शुगला  रखा था रुगला उठा लिया खोला और  पहली आयत जो सामने आयी वह यह थी  :

“ क्या यह लोग देखते नहीं की हम इनसे पहले कितनी इक्वाम ओ तबाह कर चुके हें हमने आहें वह शानो शौकत अदा की थी जो तुम्हें नसीब नहीं हुयी .हम  इनके खेतों पर झमझम बारिशें बरसाते थें और उनके बार्वात साफ़ पानी की नहरें बहती थीं लेकिन जब उन्होंने हमारी राहें छोड़ दीं तो हमने उन्हें तबाह कर दिया और उनका वारिश किसी और कौम को बना दिया .

मेरी आखें खुल गयीं अंधी तकलीद  की वह तरीक घटायें जो दिमागी माहौल पर महीत  थी यक बयक  छटने लगीं और अल्लाह की संत ज्यादा के तमाम गोशे बेहिजाब होने लगे मेने कुरान में ज्याब्जा  यह लिखा हुआ देखा की यह दुनिया दारु  अलम है यहाँ सिर्फ अमल से बेड़े पार होते हैं हर अमल की जजा दस मगरूर है जिसे न कोई दुआ टाल सकती है औरयहाँ सिर्फ अपनी कोशिशें ही कामयाब आती हैं


मैं सारा कुरान पढ़ गया और कहीं भी महज दुआ तावीज का कोई सिलह नहीं देखा . कहीं भी जबानी खुशामद का उजर जम्दीन हूरें और हजों  की शकल में न पाया यहाँ मेरे कानों ने सिर्फ तलवारों की झनकार सूनी और मेरी आँखों ने गाजियों केवह झुरमुट देखे जो शहादत की लाजवाब दौलत  हासिल करने के लिए जंग के भडकते हुए शोलों में कूद रहे थे

वह दीवाने देखे जो आजम हिम्मत का आलम  हाथ में लिए मायी  हयात की तरफ ब अंदाज   तूफ़ान बढ़ रहे थे और वह परवाने  देखे जो किसी के जमाल जहाँ  अप्रोज पर रह रह  के कुर्बान हो रहे थे मैनें  सोचा की हदीस व कुरान की बताई हुयी राहों में इतना फर्क क्यूँ ?

ये हदीस की तारीखी पढी तो मुन्कफिक  हुआ की कहीं तो अदाएं इस्लाम  ने इस्लाम ने तौहीन इस्लाम के लिए और कहीं हमारे लिए मुल्ला ने  कुरान के ठीक सुनाने  वाले इस्लाम से बचने की खातिर तगरीबन चौदह लाख अह्दीस वजह कर रखा है . जहाँ एक एक दुआ का मिहल लाख लाख सिलाह  दिया हुआ है .

इस इन्ग्शाफ़ के बाद मुझे लेकिन हो गया कि मुसलमान हर जगह महज इसी लिए जलील हो रहा है की इसने कुरान के अमल मेहनत और हयीबत वाले इस्लाम को तरक कर रखा है वो उदराद व अविया के नशे में मस्त हैं . और इसकी  जिन्दगी का तमाम तर सपरा च्चंद रियायों और चन्द तावीजें हिएँ और बस और साथ ही यकीन हो गया की इस्लाम दो  हैं . एक कुरान का इस्लाम जिसकी तरफ अल्लाह बुला रहा है .और दूसरा वजजह  हदीस का इस्लाम जिसकी तबतीख पर हमारे अस्सी लाख मुल्लाओं का जोर है

आइये !जरा इस हदीस इस्लाम पर एक तागीदी नजर डालें


कीमिलपुर  25  Sep 1949

इस्लाम में नारी की स्थिति – १. बहुविवाह प्रथा

संसार में सभी सभ्य जातियों के लोग नारी जाति की रक्षा करना उसका सम्मान करना अपना सर्वोपरि धर्म समझते है | “नारी” पुत्री, बहिन व् माता के रूप में सम्मान की पात्र होती है |

विवाहित होने पर अपने पति के साथ गृहस्थ जीवन में पति की जीवनसंगिनी के रूप में जीवन को आनन्द से भरपूर रखने वाली गृहस्थ की चिंताओं से पति को मुक्त रखने वाली, तथा सामाजिक कार्यो में मंत्री के रूप में सलाह देने वाली, सेविका के समान उसकी अनुचरी –माँ के समान प्रेम से उसे भोजन से तृप्त रखने वाली और सृष्टिक्रम को जारी रखने वाली, श्रेष्ठ सन्तान को जन्म देने वाली, उसकी सर्वप्रथम शिक्षिका के रूप में निर्मात्री होती है | हिन्दू धर्म में नारी प्रत्येक स्थिति में पति एवं परिवार की समादरणीया एवं संचालिका बन कर रहती है जहाँ उसे अपना एक विशिष्ठ स्थान प्राप्त होता है |

वैदिक धर्म में नारी का समाज में सर्वोपरि स्थान है | विवाहित होने पर पति-पत्नी के रूप में जीवन भर के लिए दो प्राणी एक दुसरे के अटूट साथी बन जाते है | तलाक व् बहु-पत्नीवाद के लिए वैदिक धर्म (हिन्दू समाज) में कोई स्थान नहीं है |

वैदिक धर्म के अन्दर तो युद्ध में भी नारियों की रक्षा का आदर्श मौजूद है | शत्रु पक्ष की स्त्रियों, कन्याओं, वृद्धो का युद्ध में अलिप्त एवं शरणागतों की रक्षा करने की मर्यादा आदि काल से कायम है |

आज इस्लाम मजहब में नारी की समाज-परिवार तथा युद्धों में शत्रु द्वारा नारी के साथ क्या व्यवहार होता है?  हम उसका कुछ दिग्दर्शन आगे कराते है | जिससे “मुस्लिम समाज में नारी की इस दुर्गति वाली स्थिति” को सभी पाठक भली-भांति समझ सकें |


Continue reading इस्लाम में नारी की स्थिति – १. बहुविवाह प्रथा

Why Allah is Evil, Sadistic God?

While I was browsing Islamic Articles online, I came through a most horrifying, sadistic, cruel article on Non-Muslims. I didn’t expect an alleged god (Allah) to be that cruel and sadistic, as his revealed book and words of his holy Prophet suggests. Below I’ll quote the article, with my comments as explanation. The article is taken from ARAB News:

AS Hell has various levels, in some of which the torment and horror is greater than in others, so the people of Hell will be given different levels of punishment. According to a Hadith narrated by Muslim and Ahmad from Samurah, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said concerning the people of Hell: “There are some whom the Fire will take up to their ankles, others up to their knees, others up to their waists, and others up to their collarbones.”

According to another report, “up to their necks” (Muslim in Kitab Al-Jannah wa Sifaat Na’imiha, Baab Shiddat Harr an-Naar, 4/2185) [ARTICLE]

Are we sure, that these words are from Holy Prophet of most merciful god? It doesn’t seems so, because all it talks about burning Non-Muslims, and tormenting them, just because they didn’t believe in an imaginary god, when they were alive? I would also like to draw the attention of readers, that it is not our deeds, which determine whether we Non-Muslim (Kafirs) will be in hell or heaven. Its Allah’s prerogative to send anyone to hell or heaven. In this connection, Prophet Muhammad himself said, in Sahih Bukhari,  Volume 6, Book 60, Number 473 :

“There is none among you, and no created soul but has his place written for him either in Paradise or in the Hell-Fire, and also has his happy or miserable fate (in the Hereafter) written for him.”

If we need to believe on this Hadith, then for sure, Allah is the most merciless & brutal god, who first predetermine the fate and then punishes the Non-Muslims. This is just beginning, let’s see what more Non-Muslims will face in hell of Islam.

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) has told us about those who will receive the lightest punishment in Hell. Al-Bukhari reports from Al-Nu’maan ibn Bashir who said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) say, ‘The person who will have the least punishment among the people of Hell on the Day of Resurrection will be a man under the arch of whose feet will be placed a smoldering ember, and his brains will boil because of it’. [ARTICLE]

I am amazed to read that the least punishment in Allah’s sadistic torment house will be a man with burning feet & boiling brain. When we are talking of fire, I’ll not forget that the fire in Islamic hell is not the same which we usually see & feel. Because the merciful prophet said, “The Hell Fire is 69 times hotter than ordinary worldly fires.’ So someone said, ‘Allah’s Apostle, wouldn’t this ordinary fire have been sufficient to torture the unbelievers?” [Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 54, Number 487]. Now we are getting little idea of Islamic hell, which is prepared by merciless, barbaric Allah to torture those who chose not to believe in his pseudo-scientific, illogical, violent rant. Below is the list of some extremely violent, inhumane, barbaric list of punishment, with reference from authentic scriptures of Islam, which will be given to Non-Believers of Islam.

Roasting of the skin
The Fire of the Almighty will burn the skin of the infidels. The skin is the site of sensation, where the pain of burning is felt, and for this reason, Allah Almighty will replace the burned skin with a new one, to be burned anew, and this will be repeated endlessly: “Those who reject Our Signs, We shall soon cast them into the Fire. As often as their skins are roasted through, We shall change them for fresh skins, that they may taste the penalty. For Allah is Exalted in Power, All-Wise.” (Qur’an, 4:56)

One of the kinds of torment will be the pouring of Al-Hamim over their heads. Al-Hamim is ultra-heated water; because of its extreme heat, it will melt their innards and everything inside: “… then as for those who disbelieve, garments of fire will be cut out for them, boiling water will be poured down over their heads. With it will melt or vanish away what is within their bellies, as well as skins.” (Qur’an, 22:19-20)

At-Tirmidhi reported from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Al-Hamim will be poured on their heads and will dissolve through until it reaches their sides and all their innards will drop out, until it comes out of his feet, and everything is melted, then he will be restored as he was.” He (At-Tirmidhi) said, “It is a sahih ghareeb hasan Hadith.” (At-Takhweef min An-Naar, p.145, Jaami’ Al-Usool, 10/540)

Scorching (the face)
The noblest and most dignified part of a person is the face, hence the Prophet (peace be upon him) forbade us to strike the face. One of the ways in which Allah Almighty will humiliate the people of Hell is by gathering them on their faces, blind, deaf and dumb, on the Day of Resurrection: “…We shall gather them together prone on their faces, blind, dumb, and deaf; their abode will be Hell; every time it shows abatement, We shall increase for them the Fierceness of the Fire.” (Qur’an, 17:97)

Then they will be thrown on their faces in the Fire: “And if any do evil, their faces will be thrown headlong into the Fire: “Do you receive a reward other than that which you have earned by your deeds?” (Qur’an, 27:90)

The Fire will burn and cover their faces forever, with no barrier between them and it: “If only the unbelievers knew when they will not be able to ward off the Fire from their faces, nor yet from their backs, and no help can reach them!” (Qur’an, 21:39)

“The Fire will burn their faces and they will therein grin, with their lips displaced.” (Qur’an, 23:104)

“Their garments of liquid pitch, and their faces covered with fire.” (Qur’an, 14:50)

“Is then one who has to fear the brunt of the penalty on the Day of Judgement his face?” (Qur’an, 39:24)

Look at this horrific scene that makes one shudder!
“The Day that their faces will be turned upside down in the Fire, they will say, “Woe to us! Would that we had obeyed Allah and obeyed the Messenger.” (Qur’an, 33:66)
Do you not see that just as meat and fish are turned over when they are cooked, so their faces will be turned over in the Fire of Hell. We seek refuge with Allah Almighty from the punishment of the people of Hell.

Another of the painful torments that the infidels will suffer is being dragged on their faces into Hell: “Truly those in sin are the ones straying in mind, and mad. The Day they will be dragged through the Fire on their faces: “Taste the touch of Hell.” (Qur’an, 54:47-48)

Their pain at being dragged will be increased by the fact that they will be tied up in chains and fetters: “…But soon shall they know, when the yokes round their necks, and the chains, they shall be dragged along, in the boiling fetid fluid, then shall they be burned.” (Qur’an, 40:70-72)
Qatadah said, “They will be dragged once in the Fire, and once in Al-Hamim.” (Ibn Rajab, at-Takhweef min an-Naar, p.147)

Blackening of the faces
Allah Almighty will blacken the faces of the people of Hell in the Hereafter: “On the Day when some faces will be white and some faces will be black; to those who faces will be black: “Did you reject Faith after accepting it? Taste then the Penalty for rejecting Faith.” (Qur’an, 3:106)

This is intense blackness, as if the darkness of night had covered their faces
“But those who have earned evil will have a reward of like evil, and ignominy will cover their faces. No defender will they have from Allah. Their faces will be covered, as it were, with pieces from the darkness of night. They are Companions of the Fire, they will abide therein [for aye!] (Qur’an, 10:27) [ARTICLE]

After reading these verses from Quran, and sayings of Muhammad, I don’t believe any sane, rational mind, will call Islam a religion of peace, or Allah the Most Merciful Lord of universe as Muslims say. These verses are evil & demonic, and it appears that these verses are written by the most demonic & sadistic man ever to live on face of Earth. I want to leave readers with choice, either they want to live a life-like hell with so-called peaceful Muslims like Osama Bin Laden & Hafiz Syed, or they want to eradicate this cancer called Islam.