Tag Archives: hadees



There was a lot of uncoerced charity in its nontax version among the Arabs of pre-Muhammad days.  For example, the Arabs of that time would take their camels to a pond every six or seven days and there milk them and distribute the milk among the needy (note 1329).

Muhammad�s response to this generosity was positive.  But he taught, and in some ways wisely, that charity should begin at home.  This point is brought out in many ahAdIs (2183-2195).  The order in which one should spend his wealth is this: First on one�s own self, then on one�s wife and children, then on relatives and friends, and then on other good deeds.

Following a common practice, an Arab once willed that his slave was to be freed after his death.  When Muhammad heard this, he called him and asked him if he had any other property.  The man replied no.  Muhammad then sold the slave for 800 dirhams, gave the money to the owner, and told him: �Start with your own self and spend it on yourself, and if anything is left, it should be spent on your family, and if anything is left it should be spent on your relatives.�

There is another story that makes the same point.  A lady set her slave-girl free.  When informed about it, Muhammad told her: �Had you given her to your maternal uncle, you would have a greater reward� (2187).

So the morality that Muhammad taught on the question was not particularly heroic, but it agrees with the general practice.  Nor was it really revolutionary.  The emancipation of slaves was not a matter of justice but only of charity.  And even then it should not conflict with the well-being of the family of the believer.

author : ram swarup

हदीस : खतरे के वक्त प्रार्थना

खतरे के वक्त प्रार्थना

मुस्लिम विधान-वेक्ताओं के अनुसार, खतरे की 16 विशिष्ट स्थितियों के लिए प्रार्थना के भिन्न-भिन्न रूप हैं। उदाहरणार्थ, युद्ध के दौरान, एक दल प्रार्थना करे और दूसरा लड़े (1824-1831)।

author : ram swarup

हदीस : पहले भोजन, पीछे प्रार्थना

पहले भोजन, पीछे प्रार्थना

निष्ठा की न्यूवता का परिचायक होते हुए भी यह नियम कुछ अंशों में यथार्थपरक है। मोमिन को प्रार्थना की तुलना में ब्यालू पसन्द करने को कहा गया है। मुहम्मद कहते हैं-”जब ब्यालू लाया जाय और प्रार्थना शुरू होने को हो तो पहले भोजन कर लेना चाहिए (1134)। अव्वल चीज अव्वल“।

author : ram swarup



There is an interesting hadIs which shows that the zakAt tax was unpopular even with the highest.  �Umar was appointed the collector.  When he reported that KhalId b. WalId (who later became a famous Muslim general) and even the Prophet�s own uncle, �AbbAs, had refused to pay the tax, Muhammad replied: �You are unjust to KhalId, for he reserved the armours and weapons for the sake of Allah; and as for �AbbAs, I shall be responsible. . . . �Umar, bear in mind, the uncle of a person is like his father� (2148).

The resentment against zakAt was general.  It was particularly strong among the non-Medinan Arab tribes, who shared the burden of the tax but not its benefits.  The Bedouins complained to the Prophet that the �collectors of Sadaqa come to us and treat us unjustly.  Upon this the Messenger of Allah said: Please your collectors� (2168).

But things were rougher and not as easily settled as this hadIs seems to suggest.  After the conquest of Mecca, when the power of Muhammad became supreme, the collection of the tithe became aggressive.  In the beginning of the ninth year of the Hijra (Hegira), parties of collectors were sent out in different directions to realize the tax from the KilAb, GhifAr, Aslam, FazAr, and several other tribes.  It seems that the opposition of a section of the tribe of Band TamIm to the collection was somewhat forceful.  So Muhammad sent a punitive force consisting of fifty Arab horsemen, who took the tribe by surprise and brought fifty men, women, and children back to Medina as hostages.  They had to be ransomed, and after this the tax collection became smoother.

The QurAn itself is an eloquent witness to the Arab resentment against the tax.  Allah warns Muhammad: �Some of desert Arabs look upon their payments as a fine, and they wait a turn of fortune against you; but against them shall a turn of evil fortune be; for God both hears and knows� (9:98).

In fact, the resentment was so great that as soon as Muhammad died, the Arab tribes rose in revolt against the infant Muslim state and had to be reconquered.  Their opposition ceased only when they became partners in the growing Muslim imperialism and their zakAt obligation was drowned in the immense gains derived from military conquests and colonization abroad.

author : ram swarup

हदीस : यहूदियों पर लानत

यहूदियों पर लानत

मस्जिद बनाना पुण्य है, क्योंकि ”जो अल्लाह के लिए एक मस्जिद बनाता है, उसके लिए अल्लाह जन्नत में एक घर बनायेगा“ (1034)। पर कब्रों के ऊपर मस्जिद बनाना और मकबरों को तस्वीरों से सजाना वर्जित है। आयशा बतलाती हैं कि जब पैगम्बर ”आखिरी सांस ले रहे थे…….उन्होंने मुख उघाड़ा और उसी दशा में बोले-यहूदियों और ईसाईयों पर लानत है, क्योंकि उन्होंने अपने पैगम्बरों के मकबरों को पूजा-स्थल बना डाला है“ (1082)।

author : ram swarup



There was a lower exemption limit.  �No Sadaqa [zakAt] is payable on five wasqs of dates or grain [1 wasq = about 425 pounds], on less than five camel heads and on less than five uqiyas of silver [1 uqiya = about 10 tons, or ¼ pound]� (2134).  Also, �No Sadaqa is due from a Muslim on his slave or horse� (2144).  There was no tax on horses meant for use in a jihAd.  �The horse which is used for riding in jihAd is exempted from the payment of zakAt� (note 1313).

author : ram swarup

हदीस : विधि और निषेध

विधि और निषेध

विधि और निषेध अनेक हैं। उदाहरण के लिए, प्रार्थना के समय जूते पहनने की अनुमति है (1129-1130) किन्तु विभूषित तथा चित्रित वस्त्र चित्त-विक्षेपक हैं, अतः उनसे बचना चाहिए (1131-1133)। पैगम्बर ने मोमिन को आदेश दिया कि प्रार्थना के समय ”वह अपने सामने न थूके, क्योंकि प्रार्थना के वक्त अल्लाह सामने होता है“ (1116)। एक अन्य हदीस के अनुसार उन्होंने ”दाहिने तरफ या सामने थूकने को मना किया, पर बांई तरफ या बायें पैर के नीचे थूकने की इजाज़त है“ (1118)।


प्याज या लहसुन खाना हराम नहीं है। पर मुहम्मद को उनकी गन्ध ”बुरी“ लगी (1149) और इसीलिए उन्हें खाकर मस्जिद में आने से मना किया, ”क्योंकि फरिश्तों के लिए वही चीज़ नुकसानदेह है, जो मनुष्यों के लिए“ (1145)।

author : ram swarup



According to the QurAn, the zakAt funds are meant for �the poor and the paupers [fuqarA and miskIn], for those in bondage and debt, and for the wayfarers.� All these are conventional recipients of charity.  The funds are also to be used for the �bureaucracy,� those who collect and administer the funds.  But two other items are also mentioned which deserve special attention.  The funds are to be used in �the service of Allah� (fIsabIli�llIAh) and for �gaining over [or reconciling, or inclining] the hearts [muallafa qulUbuhum]� to Islam (QurAn 9:60).

In the technical vocabulary of Islam, the first phrase, �in the service, or way, of Allah,� means religious warfare, or jihAdZakAt funds are to be spent on buying arms, equipment, and horses.  The second phrase, �gaining over, or reconciling, hearts,� means �bribes� in unadorned language.  The faith of new converts should be strengthened with the help of generous �gifts,� and that of adversaries should be subverted by the same means.  This was an important limb of the Prophet�s religious offensive and diplomacy, and as the QurAnic verse shows, it had for the Prophet, as it still has for his followers, a heavenly sanction.

author : ram swarup

हदीस : औरतें और मस्जिदें

औरतें और मस्जिदें

औरतें मस्जिद में जा सकती हैं पर वे ”इत्र न लगाये हुए हों“ (893)। यदि वे इत्र लगा सकने में समर्थ हों तो मर्दों को यह विशेषाधिकार वर्जित नहीं है। औरतों से यह भी कहा गया है कि सजदे से सर उठाते समय मर्दों से पहले ऐसा न करें। अनुवादक स्पष्ट करते हैं कि यह हदीस उस समय से सम्बद्ध है, जब मुहम्मद के साथी लोग बहुत गरीब थे और पूरे कपड़े उनके पास नहीं होते थे। निर्देश का हेतु यह था कि इसके पहले कि औरतें सजदे से सर उठायें, इन गरीब लोगों को अपने कपड़े सम्हाल लेने का वक्त मिल जाये (हदीस 883 और टि0 665)।


मुहम्मद ने मोमिनों को हुक्म दिया कि ”अविवाहित औरतों और पर्दानशीन खातूनों को ईद की प्रार्थना में ले जाया जाय और उन्होंने रजस्वला औरतों को मुसलमानों के पूजा-स्थल से दूर रहने का आदेश दिया“ (1932)। किन्तु प्रार्थना में औरतों के शामिल होने के बारे में इस्लामी शरह के नजरिये को समझाते हुए अनुवादक महाशय एक पाद टिप्पणी में बतलाते हैं-”तथ्य यह है कि पाक पैगम्बर यह ज्यादा पसन्द करते थे कि औरतें अपनी प्रार्थनाएं घरों की चारदीवारियों के भीतर अथवा निकटतम मस्जिदों में कर लिया करें“ (टि0 668)।

author : ram swarup

hadees : The Poor Tax (ZakAt)

The Poor Tax (ZakAt)

The fifth book is on al-zakAt (charity or poor tax).  Every society preaches and to some extent practices charity toward its less-fortunate brothers.  Muhammad too stresses the importance of charity, or zakAt, an old Arab practice.  But with him it became a tax, an obligatory payment made by the Muslims to the new state that was forming, and to be spent by its representatives.  In this form, those who paid zakAt were resentful, and those who spent it actually acquired a new source of power and patronage.

Much of the �Book of ZakAt� is concerned with the question of power.  In the beginning, Muhammad had many followers who were needy, and most of them, being migrants, depended a great deal on the goodwill and charity of the people of Medina.  Perhaps the rhetoric on charity emanates largely from this situation.  There was as yet no universal fellowship as such for a brother in distress, no sense of a larger human brotherhood.  ZakAt was solely meant for the brothers in faith, and everyone else was excluded on principle.  This has been the Muslim practice ever since.

author : ram swarup