Tag Archives: Cow the economic angle

Cow instrumental in successful life By Subodh kumar



cow and economic


सफल जीवन का केंद्र बिंदु गौमाता :
Rig Veda Book 1 Hymn 22
ऋषिः-मेधातिथिः काण्व,
देवता: ;1-4 अश्विनौ, 5-8 सविता, 9-10 अग्नि,11 देव्य: , 12 इंद्राणीवरुणान्यग्नाय्य:, 13-14 द्यावापृथिव्यौ:, 15 पृथिवी:, 16 विष्णुदेवो वा: ,17-21 विष्णुश्च देवता:.

अश्विनौ देवता
प्रात: काल से दैनिक जीवन क्रम
1. प्रातर्युजा वि बोधयाश्विनावेह गच्छताम | अस्य सोमस्य पीतये || ऋ1.22.1
The अश्विनौ Ashvinou twins – प्राण अपान inhale and exhale- i.e. our breathing, both work in tandem all the time . But when the sun rises in the morning it is our duty to engage सोम Soma (our intellect) to make a start of the day with fruitful actions for intelligent and effective operations of our duties. Only when Soma gets involved with the twin of अश्विनौ Ashvinau पृथ्वी अग्नि in life, useful and desired results emerge.
(Soma is the software for operating the system of the hardware that is physical world.) For every physical activity as well as technological activity, an intelligent operating system is needed. Even the operation of the sun, modern science tells, it is a fusion nuclear reaction technology that operates it . It is referred as आदित्य:सोम:. Sun operates by Soma. To be empowered, one needs the ability to reach from one place/stage to other . Here Ashwin twin Dewtas would represent the involvement of inputs of knowledge, science and technologies along with actions to move on the desired right path to achieve wellbeing of all. Again all systems in their dynamic equilibrium depend on balancing of two polar forces. In science South Pole North Pole of magnetic phenomenon are the bases of entire electromagnetic systems of negative and positive electricity. In solar system the cycle of day and night (twins) balances the life. In family unit the twin of husband and wife stabilizes the system of progeny growth. This system of twins of polar forces is called अश्विनौ देवता Ashwinou Devta in Vedic terminology.

2. या सुरथा रथीतमोभा देवा दिविस्पृशा | अश्विना ता हवामहे || ऋ1.22.2
With dawn of the day when daylight touches here, it clears our path and vision to make our way to progress in life. For making progress by getting from one place to other along the twins of clear vision to apply ourselves with energy to the elements of air space and waters.
यज्ञ देवता
(देव पूजा, संगतिकरण ,दान)
3. या वां कशा मधुमत्यश्विना सूनृतावती | तया यज्ञं मिमिक्षतम || ऋ1.22.3
For making progress by development of these technological achievements there will be need for cooperative activities of yajna यज्ञ communication skills of discussions and education. Yajna यज्ञ involves देव पूजा , संगति करण, दान. These can be described as showing regard for elders, loving cooperative behavior with contemporaries and being charitably disposed towards underprivileged. This of course involves the cultivation of अश्विनौ Ashwinou the twins of pleasant speech and ability to listen.
4. नहि वामस्ति दूरके यत्रा रथेन गच्छथः | अश्विना सोमिनो गृहम || ऋ1.22.4
Being empowered with such twins, the Ashwinou, no goals in life are far away to seek.
सविता देवता- सविता वै प्रसविता ; कौo 6.14
5. हिरण्यपाणिमूतये सवितारमुप ह्वये | स चेत्ता देवतापदम्‌ || ऋ1.22.5
Savita Dev is the name given to the phenomenon of creation of the Almighty of entire physical creation, riches and wealth and by friendly and cooperative involvement of all living and physical substances.
6. अपां नपातमवसे सवितारमुप स्तुहि | तस्य व्रतान्युश्मसि || ऋ1.22.6
Savita Dev enables that in nature nothing is wasted by efforts & pursuits. By positive actions newer bounties emerge out of apparently naturally occurring wasting degradation phenomenon.
(Examples can be recycling of waste in to soil, while still extracting biogas energy from it. Electricity/ energy from waters going down to waste in falls,and using that water in irrigation also.)

7. विभक्तारं हवामहे वसोश्चित्रस्य राधसः | सवितारं नृचक्षसम || ऋ1.22.7
Natural products of different categories /class are utilized in producing most praiseworthy valuable products. Develop insights to visualize, how to allocate various resources for obtaining value from them.
8. सखाय आ नि षीदत सविता स्तोम्यो नु नः | दाता राधांसि शुम्भति ||ऋ1.22.8
All men should engage in environment friendly and community interest cooperative activities to generate and harness Savita Dev’s immense bounties of wealth.

अग्निः देवता
9. अग्ने पत्नीरिहा वह देवानामुशतीरुप | त्वष्टारं सोमपीतये || ऋ1.22.9
Fire in its physical manifestations as different forms of energy, solar energy, heat of combustion, force of explosion etc, offers immense opportunities for application of scientific wisdom and technologies to bring welfare for progress of mankind. This is similar to a wife to giving birth and raising good progeny for progress of the world. .
10. आ ग्ना अग्न इहावसे होत्रां यविष्ठ भारतीम्‌ | वरूत्रीं धिषणां वह || ऋ1.22.10
Individual, engages all the faculties of Devtas namely Eyes चक्षु , Ears श्रोत्रम , Nose प्राण: , Mouth वाक for perception, observation , speech communication with his intellect बुद्धि and motivations चित्त In life for his pursuit of protection and survival the progress by seeking to remove the impediments to his progress in a similar manner as an Yajna Agnihotra sanitizes the environment and brings cheer to all. (Yajna is defined as देवपूजा , संगतिकरण, दान by being the best of actions-यज्ञो वै श्रेष्ठतकर्मण: )
देव्यः देवता- Role of women
अभी नो देवीरवसा महः शर्मणा नृपत्नीः | अच्छिन्नपत्राः सचन्ताम || ऋ1.22.11
Females in society provide the peace and comforting ambience by their constant undiminished contribution as facilitators of positive activities.
No IPR (Intellectual property rights) Vedic Socialism
इन्द्राणीवरुणान्यग्नाय्यः देवता
12. इहेन्द्राणीमुप हवये वरुणानीं स्वस्तये | अग्नायीं सोमपीतये || ऋ 1.22.12
Share freely with all the intellectual bounties that bring joy and wealth सोमपीतये Sompiitaye like the Nature’s universally freely available bounties of Sun, Air, Water and Fire.( In Vedic tradition knowledge is to be freely shared with all. Most famous recent example is that of Sir J.C. Bose the inventor of wireless in the modern world. Madam Annie Besant wanted to file a patent in name of Bose as inventor of Wireless. Bose in consultation with Robindra Nath Tagore is said to have refused to give his consent to patenting his achievement, by saying that knowledge was not for concealing but for being made universally available for welfare and progress of mankind.)

पोषण में तरल रस आदि विषय
द्यौः पृथिवीः देवता
13. मही दयौः पृथिवी च न इमं यज्ञं मिमिक्षताम | पिपृता नो भरीमभिः || ऋ1.22.13
There are two macro and micro levels for interpretation of this mantra.
1. At macro level the vast bounties of bright sun shine and light above the horizon as also the vast resource of dark matter the earth below the horizon fulfill man’s desires for comfort by यज्ञ Yajna knowledge backed activity .
2. At micro level द्युलोक Dulok corresponds to our intellectually motivated mind – wisdom and मही पृथिवी Mahi Prithiwee to the adorable healthy physical body. These two when acting together bring comfort and happiness.

महान द्यौ और पृथ्वी हमारे इस यज्ञ – जीवन यापन को उत्तम पोषणों द्वारा पूर्ण करने के लिए उत्तम रसादि पदार्थों की व्यवस्था करें. अथवा हम अपने मस्तिष्क और अन्नमय कोष के सदुपयोग से सुखी जीवन प्राप्त करें .
An example एक उदाहरण
14. तयोरिद घृतवत पयो विप्रा रिहन्ति धीतिभिः | गन्धर्वस्य ध्रुवे पदे || ऋ1.22.14
(As an example) To ensure continuous normal working of human heart, wise men know that care has to be exercised while consuming milk fats and fat bearing product .
(गां वेदवाचं धरति) गंधर्व वह है जो वेद वाणी धारण करता है अर्थात बुद्धिमान होता है. मानव शरीर में हृदय की धड़कन के शब्द को ‘गंधर्व का ध्रुवपद’ कहते हैं . ह्रदय की धड़कन को बनाए रखने के लिए विद्वत्‌जन गोदुग्ध में घृत तथा घृतयुक्त पदार्थं का सेवन सावधानी से करते हैं.

उत्तम भूमि विषय
पृथिवीः देवता
15. स्योना पृथिवि भवानृक्षरा निवेशनी | यच्छा नः शर्म सप्रथः || ऋ1.22.15
Clear the waste lands to be free of weeds ,uniform level surface and made fit for habitation, and sustain life.

हे पृथिवी ! हमारे निवास में विस्तृत सुख देने के लिए कण्टक रहित हो. ( ऊबड खाबड न हो )

विष्णुर्देवा वा
16. अतो देवा अवन्तु नो यतो विष्णुर्विचक्रमे | पृथिव्याः सप्तधामभिः || ऋ1.22.16
When knowledge about attributes – laws and properties- of all the seven physical manifestations of Nature viz. Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Universe, Atoms and Structure of matter is learnt (by education and research), the विष्णु: चक्रम्‌ ability to recycle nature’s bounties is established (by sustainable resource utilization ) for welfare of mankind.
जब सातों भौतिक धामों पृथिवी, जल, अग्नि, वायु, विराट्‌, परमाणु, और प्रकृति कि विद्या का ज्ञान शिक्षा अनुसंधान इत्यादि से प्राप्त किया जाता है, और विष्णु: चक्रम्‌ सब भौतिक पदार्थों का पुन: भिन्न रूप से प्रयोग होता है ( जैसे गोबर से उर्वरकऔर बायोगैस,प्रपातों से गिरते जल से विद्युत,इत्यादि ) तब जीव, मन , शरीर और मस्तिष्क से उन्नति को प्राप्त करता है.

विष्णुः देवता

17. इदं विष्णुर्वि चक्रमे त्रेधा नि दधे पदम | समूळ्हमस्य पांसुरे || ऋ1.22.17
Man continuously strives to attain the final blessings in life viz. excellent healthy body, positive mental attitude and sharp intellect by continuously pursuing the path symbolizing the three steps of विष्णु Vishnu i.e. यज्ञ – संगति करण , देवपूजा , दान – Cooperation among all, being God fearing, and sharing with all.
विष्णु के तीन परम पद प्राप्त करने के लिए जीव इस पार्थिव (पांसुरे – धूल से बने ) शरीर से सम्यक कर्त्तव्य करते हुए शरीर को नीरोग, मन को निर्मल और मस्तिष्क को तीव्र बुद्धि वाला बना पाता है .

Cow establishes a welfare state
गौ से विष्णु के तीन पाद –परम पद
गौ ही विश्व में धर्म को स्थापित करती है.
18 . त्रीणि पदा वि चक्रमे विष्णुर्गोपा अदाभ्य: । अतो धर्माणि धारयन्‌ ॥ ऋ1.22.18
(विष्णु) वह है जो व्यापक हृदय वाला है. विशाल हृदय ही तो संकोच –अपवित्रता से रहित होता है. (गोपा:) गोपालन से ही (अदाभ्य:) दोनों प्रकार के मानसिक और भौतिक व्याधियों, रोगादि कृमियों से हिंसित नहीं होता. शरीर , पृथ्वी और पर्यावरण नीरोगि और स्वस्थ रहते हैं. जब चित्त , शरीर और पर्यावरण स्वस्थ होते हैं तभी धर्म स्थापित होता है और विष्णु अपने तीन कदम रखता है. विष्णु के तीन कदम क्या हैं?
यज्ञो विष्णु: – यज्ञ ही विष्णु है . विष्णु के अर्थात यज्ञ के तीन कदम क्या हैं ? देवपूजा, संगतिकरण और दान बड़ों का आदर, बराबर वालों से प्रेम तथा छोटों को दया पूर्वक कुछ देना.
Maintain Enterprising spirit
19. विष्णोः कर्माणि पश्यत यतो व्रतानि पस्पशे | इन्द्रस्य युज्यः सखा || ऋ1.22.19
Where enterprising spirit is adopted as a friend, in resolve to reach specific objects, they bring forth desired results – the efforts do not go waste.
जब इंद्र को सखा के रूप में साथ लेकर जीव किसी लक्ष्य का व्रत लेता है, तब शीघ्र ही उस के व्रत (और प्रयत्न ) को देख कर विष्णु आशीर्वाद से सफलता प्रात कराते हैं.
Monitor the effects of your actions
20. तद्‌ विष्णोः परमं पदं सदा पश्यन्ति सूरयः | दिवीव चक्षुराततम्‌ || ऋ1.22.20
Learned persons while walking the talk with विष्णु के तीन पाद Vishnu’s three steps keep their eyes wide open to monitor their actions.
बुद्धिमान जन जीवन में परम पद पाने के कर्म (यज्ञ) में संगाति करण देवपूजा और दान करते समय सर्व पदार्थों के दर्शन सूर्य के समान स्वत:प्रकाश से सब स्थितियों पर अपनी नज़र रखते हैं. जैसे कुसंगति हितकर नहीं होती, दन सुपात्र को ही देना चाहिए इत्यादि.
Educate &Share your expertise
21. तद विप्रासो विपन्यवो जागृवांसः समिन्धते | विष्णोर्यत्‌ परमं पदम्‌ ||ऋ1.22.21
सत्कर्म में जागृत विद्वान लोग जीवन में परम पद पाने के लिए प्रकृति सब पदार्थ गुणों का ज्ञान और उस ज्ञान के प्रयोग से जिस प्रकार कर्म करने में उन्हें सफलता प्राप्त होती है, उसका समस्त जनों मे शिक्षा और मार्ग दर्शन द्वारा प्रचार करें.


Cow the economic angle

cow and economic

Cow the economic angle

Author :- By Subodh Kumar
India has the world’s oldest tradition of domestic Cow. Indians have learnt that bounties that cow offers have many facets that provide with sustainable economic and environmental security.
1. Pastures fed cows provide the lowest cost of producing milk.
1a. This milk is rich in CLA i.e. Omega 3 and Omega 6 that provide health and disease immunity to human body.
1b. This milk is also rich in Carotenoids the main antioxidants that ensure healthy eye sight.
1c. As these cows spend most of their time under sun their milk is rich in natural Vitamin D , and there is no need to fortify like the US and Canadian dairy milk with synthetic Vitamin D.
1d. Cow milk is the only source of essential Vitamin B12 for vegetarians.
Such cow’s milk enables cheapest method of obtaining a healthy disease free human body and saves tremendous expense involved in dietary supplements of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, vitamin D capsules.
2. Cow Urine finds many Ayurvedic medicinal uses. For common man most interesting use of cow urine has been developed by MGIRI ( Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Rural Industries ) at Wardha. Cow urine contains natural biocidal properties of phenol and carbolic acids. Research at MGIRI has standardized formulation of natural organic floor cleaner as a substitute for chemically formulated phenyl used in homes.
3. Cow dung has been used as a plaster for building rural houses, as the cheapest sustainable building material for houses. It also provides hygienic living.
4. 95% of phosphorus for Indian chemical fertilizer industry is imported at a cost of over 2 billion dollars. Cow Dung contains up to 0.4% phosphorus. Entire cow dung in India as fertilizer will not only reduce the requirements of pesticides in agriculture but also will save foreign exchange expense.
5. Traditionally in rural areas dried cow dung cakes are used as cooking fuel. India has been promoting biogas plants. Methane produced by cow dung is a global warming gas. Biogas plants harvest all the cow dung methane, for use as cooking fuel. This also prevents cow dung methane to aid in global warming.
6. Slurry produced by biogas plants contains all the soil nutrients including the most important component phosphorus. This is also the cheapest and sustainable soil fertilizer.
7. Cow slaughter has been a very emotional issue in India. When a cow is well looked after it can easily provide an average of 1500 liters of milk in one lactation period. But when cows are not well looked after the milk yield falls to very low uneconomic levels and all such cows get diverted to slaughter houses to provide cheap meat. No good cows are ever discarded for slaughter. It is matter for community to have the resources and skill to maintain cows in good health and be able to provide adequate milk for as many as ten lactations. Cow slaughter agitation will no longer be necessary. Productivity of a living cow is economically far higher than a slaughtered cow. In due course every born cow will meet natural death. Leather from such cows will be always available
8. As far as meat eating is concerned world has become wiser. Meat has the highest water foot print among all foods. Scientific community is of the opinion that meat eating will not be able to sustain food production for the growing population of the world. This is where Indian wisdom of vegetarian diet becomes relevant.
9. Latest researches have confirmed that Indian breeds of Cows are producers of A2 type milk that is considered safest for human health. A2 type milk enjoys high customer preference in world markets. US cross bred cows produce A1 type milk that has been associated with incidence of diseaesc such as obesity, diabetes, cancer heart trouble etc. Even Indian constitution provides for conservation of Indian breeds. Gujarat Govt. is the first in the country to stop cross breeding. Gujarat is also home to the best Indian breed of Gir cows and has become the largest exporter of milk abroad.