Tag Archives: aryamantavya

Gross Happiness Entrepreneurship


RV1.3 Gross Happiness Entrepreneurship

Author:- Subodh Kumar

ऋषि:-  मधुच्छन्दा वैश्वामित्र:, देवता:- 1-3 अश्विनौ, 4-3 इन्द्र:ू; 7-9 विश्वेदेवा:; 10-12 सरस्वती छंद-  गायत्री 

शिल्प ज्ञान उन्नति का आधार

Life sustainability by technology

अश्विना यज्वरीरिषो द्रवत्पाणी शुभस्पती 

पुरुभुजा चनस्यतम् ।। RV 1.3.1 (Dayanand Bhashyaadharit)

On universal scale – (द्रवत्पाणी) seek fast material growth of (पुरुभुजा) food and means that provide health (शुभस्पती) for welfare of all by (अश्विना) employing the twins of Solar energy resources and Water resources (यज्वरी:)with application technological skills (इषा:) providing objects of desire such as food & facilities (चनस्यपतम्‌) for getting selectedand liked by all.

समष्टि रूप में– (द्रवत्पाणी) शीघ्रता से समृद्धि  पाने के लिए (पुरुभुजा) सब के बल और स्वास्थ्य के लिए(इषा:) अन्नादि ऐच्छिक पदार्थों  (चनस्यपतम्‌) की  सात्विक प्राप्ति के लिए (अश्विना) प्राकृतिक  उपलब्द्ध अग्नि सौर ऊर्जा और जल तत्व के प्रयोग से  (यज्वरी:) भौतिक यज्ञादि कुशल कर्मों में प्रवृत्त होवें .

व्यष्टि रूप में – On another level प्राणापान को अश्विना शब्द से स्मरण किया जाता है. कि ये ‘ न श्व:’ यह निश्चित नहीं कि ये कल  भी रहेंगे ,और यह सदैव क्रिया करते रहते हैं .  इन्हीं के कारण यह मानव शरीर चल रहा है, भूख लग रही है और सब इच्छाएं प्रकट हो रही हैं . (यज्वरी:) यज्ञशील बनने के लिए (इषा:) अन्नदि इच्छित पदार्थ  (चनस्यपतम्‌) सात्विकता का जीवन में चयन आवश्यक है. प्राणायाम द्वारा तामसिक वृत्तियों आलस्य काम क्रोध इत्यादि के परित्याग से सात्विक वृत्तियों अहिंसा कर्मठता आत्मविश्वास यज्ञशील जीवन से ही प्रगति और सुख समृद्धि प्राप्त होती है.


प्रोद्योगकि शिक्षा

Technical Education  

1.   अश्विना पुरुदंससा नरा शवीरया धिया । धिष्ण्या वनतं गिर: ।। RV 1.3.2

(अश्विना)To employ energy and material resources   (पुरुदंससा) for technologies that provides many solutions (नरा शवीरया) for speedy  implementation  (धिया) bring to knowledge । (धिष्ण्या) by fast communication methods (वनतं) to users ( गिर: ) by lecturing education.

(सौर) ऊर्जा और पदार्थ (जलादि) संसाधनों के वैज्ञानिक प्रयोग से शीघ्र  उत्तम उपब्धियों के लिए उत्तमगुरु जन उपदेश द्वारा शिक्षा प्राप्त कराएं

विषमता नाशक ज्ञान

Knowledge to remove hardship

3.दस्रा युवाकव: सुता नासत्या वृक्तबर्हिष: । आ यातं रुद्रवर्तनी ।। RV1.3.3

(दस्रा: ) that which  removes hardship  (युवाकव: ) multidiscipline ( सुता) born out of ( नासत्या ) that which is flawless (वृक्तबर्हिष: ) expert consultants- can also be pathogen destroying herbal covers   । (आ यातं) bring in common use (रुद्रवर्तनी) That does not allow any harm to come.

कठिनाइयों विषमता का नाश ही औद्योगिक शिल्प  ज्ञान की उपब्धि है.


शिल्प ज्ञान  की उपलब्धियां

Gifts of Entrepreneurship

4.इन्द्रा याहि चित्रभानो सुता इमे त्वायव: । अण्वीभिस्तना पूतास: ।। RV1.3.4

(इन्द्रा याहि)The entrepreneurs by (अण्वीभिस्तना पूतास 🙂 utilizing their knowledge and paying attention to the minutest inputs (सुता) create (इमे त्वायव :)by their efforts (चित्रभानो) amazingly useful results.

सूक्ष्म से सूक्ष्म विषय पर ध्यान दे कर अपने ज्ञान के सदुपयोग से शिल्प द्वारा आश्चर्यजनक  उपलब्धियां सम्भव होती हैं.

चमत्कारी आविष्कार 

Creation of innovative products

5. इन्द्रा याहि धियेषितो विप्रजूत: सुतावत: । उप ब्रह्माणि वाघत: ।। RV1.3.5

(इन्द्रा याहि) The entrepreneurs (धियेषितो विप्रजूत: उप ब्रह्माणि) by intelligent knowledge application (सुतावत: वाघत) create very useful products.

सफल शिल्पी अत्यंत सफल आविष्कारक  होते हैं

नवीन आविष्कार

New Technological products  

6. इन्द्रा याहि तूतुजान उपब्रह्माणि हरिव: । सुते दधिष्व नश्चन: ।। RV1.3.6

(इन्द्रा याहि) The entrepreneurs (सुते दधिष्व नश्चन:) create useful food etc. every day use products ( तूतुजान उपब्रह्माणि हरिव: ) by excellent knowledge base highly productive methods.

प्रोद्योगिकि शिक्षा का लक्ष्य

Objects of Technical  Education  

7. ओमासश्चर्षणीधृतो विश्वे देवास  गत  दाश्वांसो दाशुष: सुतम् ।। RV1.3.7

Our education should inculcate in our progeny the fearless temperament respecting laws of Nature to provide full protection on physical and mental level to us by good health and virtuous thoughts  for the sustainability of individual and society.  

हमारी संतान की बुद्धि  में सत्य शिक्षा के उपदेशों द्वारा वे सब देवताओं के गुण स्थापित होने चाहिएं  जिस से शरीर और मन की मलिनता  दूर हो कर निर्भय, विद्वत और दानवान आचरण स्थापित हो.


शिक्षकों का दायित्व Role of Teachers

8.विश्वे देवासो अप्तुर: सुतमा गन्त तूर्णय:  उस्रा इव स्वसराणि ।। RV1.3.8

(सुतम्‌) To provide enlightenment (विश्वे देवास🙂 all the world’s teachers (आगंत)should visit daily (अप्तुर: तूर्णय:) for speedy teaching  (उस्रा इव) like sun’s rays (स्वसराणि) that  bring day light.

जिस प्रकार सूर्य प्रकाश से अंधकार को दूर करता है , उसी प्रकार सब गुरुजनों को शीघ्र ज्ञान के प्रकाश का दान को देने के लिए  आना चाहिए


शिक्षा का  परिणाम Results of Education

9.विश्वे देवासो अस्रिध एहिमायासो अद्रुह:  मेधं जुषन्त वह्नय: ।। RV1.3.9

(अस्रिध:) Confident of their knowledge (एहिमायास:) knowledge based action oriented community (विश्वे देवास🙂 all knowledgeable persons (मेधम्‌) by implementing your knowledge based skills  (अद्रुह:) without causing destruction (to environment and society) (वह्नय:) bring welfare to all.

अपनी कर्म प्रधान शिल्प शिक्षा में दृढ़ आत्मविश्वास द्वारा सब ज्ञानवान वीर जनों बिना पर्यावरण और समाज  को क्षति पहुंचाए ,अपने शिल्प के ज्ञान से  संसार में सुख साधन उत्पन्न करो.

 उत्तम ज्ञानाधारित वाणि का महत्व  

Good articulate communication

10.पावका न: सरस्वती वाजेभिर्वाजिनिवती । यज्ञं वष्टु धियावसु: ।।RV 1.3.10

(सरस्वती)Knowledge enabled articulation is (Here importance of keeping one’s knowledge up to date should also be seen.)   (न:) for us ( पावका वाजेभिर्वाजिनिवती) provider of unsullied meritorious virtuous means of habitat  and strength.(धियावसु: )Provide the society thus with excellent (ecologically sustainable) habitat (यज्ञं वष्टु) by implementation of smart projects.

उत्तम ज्ञान आधारित वाणि, पवित्र योजनाओं को कार्यान्वित करने की क्षमता प्रदान करती है. ( यहां अपने ज्ञान को इस स्वाध्याय द्वारा उन्नत करने का भी महत्व देखा जाता है )  इस प्रकार समाज के कल्याण के  सुख साधन पर्यावरण को दूषित किए बिना उपलब्ध करो.


मिथ्याचरण का त्याग Take Ethical Stand

11.चोदयित्री सूनृतानां चेतन्ती सुमतीनाम् | यज्ञं दधे सरस्वती ।। RV1.3.11

(चोदयित्री चेतन्ती सरस्वती) Have the ability to perceive, stand up and speak the truth (सूनृतानां सुमतीनाम्) by rejecting wrong ideas and following wise path (यज्ञं दधे)in implementation of the projects.

मिथ्याचरण का त्याग और सुमति को व्यक्त करने की अपनी  वाणि मे क्षमता द्वारा पथ भ्रष्ट योजनाओं के स्थान पर कल्याण कारी  योजनाएं कार्यान्वित करो .

उत्तम वाणि शासन का मूलमंत्र

Secret of success- Excellent Articulation

12.महो अर्ण: सरस्वती प्र चेतयति केतुना  यो विश्वा वि राजति ।। RV1.3.12

(महो अर्ण: सरस्वती प्र चेतयति केतुना ) One who has at his command the ocean of knowledge reflected in his speech, ( यो विश्वा वि राजति) he rules the world.

जिस की (सरस्वती) वाणि (केतुना) शुभ कर्म , श्रेष्ठ बुद्धि से (मह:) अगाध (अर्ण:)  शब्दरूपी समुद्र को (प्रचेतसी) जानने वाली है, ( यो विश्वा वि राजति) वही शासनाध्यक्ष होता है

Hatred for Hindus

Hatred for Hindus

Source:  See more at: http://www.thefridaytimes.com/tft/hatred-for-hindus/#sthash.bP8mAB3V.dpuf ( Pakistan Independant weekly newspaper )

There are over 35,000 Hindus living in Larkana, making up around nine percent of the city’s population. And so when the ever-ready Muslim mob conjured the blasphemy card, in turn torching a temple and a dharamshala in the city on March 16, the religious tension in the city was as palpable as it gets. The reverberations of said tension were felt in Osta Muhammad and Dera Murad Jamali as well, as the Pakistani Muslim’s ancestral animosity towards Hindus, coupled with a baseless allegation of Holy Quran’s desecration, spilt bigotry all over the country.

It is very important for Pakistani Muslims (97 percent of the population) to differentiate themselves from Hindus. After all it’s precisely this difference that became our state’s raison d’etre in 1947. And differentiating is the first step en route to the development of hatred that eventually inflates into bigotry.

For the average Pakistani Muslim this bigotry wards off the increasingly looming identity crisis, and reaffirms the illusions of historical and religious grandeur.

Mehmood Ghaznavi was Shia-phobic

The destruction of the Somnath Temple in 1,025 AD by Mahmud Ghaznavi is one of the “proudest” moments in the “history of Pakistan” that ostensibly began when the first Muslim (Muhammad bin Qasim) entered the region in the 8th century. During his endeavour to destroy the temple, Ghaznavi also butchered 50,000 Hindus – about the same number of people that the Pakistani Taliban have obliterated in over a decade with significantly deadlier arsenal. Such is the status of destroying a Hindu temple in defining the ideology of Pakistan that the fact that Ghaznavi invaded Multan in 1,005 AD to ruthlessly massacre Ismaili Shias is conveniently forgotten.

Ghaznavi was Shia-phobic, a murderer and plunderer; however, his massacre of Hindus and destruction of temples elevates his status to a ‘national’ hero even though he had died 900 years before the idea of this nation was conceived. It goes without saying that had Ghaznavi been alive he would have been very proud of the mob that destroyed the Hindu temple in Larkana.

An excerpt from Tipu Sultan’s – another hero and role model for Pakistanis – letter to Bekal’s governor, Budruz Zuman Khan in 1790 tells us more about him than the thousands of Hindu massacres that he orchestrated and the multiple coerced conversions that he oversaw;

“Don’t you know I have achieved a great victory recently in Malabar and over four lakh Hindus were converted to Islam? I am determined to march against that cursed Raman Nair (Rajah of Travancore) very soon. Since I am overjoyed at the prospect of converting him and his subjects to Islam, I have happily abandoned the idea of going back to Srirangapatanam now.”

From Ziauddin Barani’s Fatwa-i-Jahandari calling for “an all-out struggle against Hinduism” under Muhammad bin Tughlaq to Muhammad Ali Jinnah dubbing Pakistan’s establishment “essential to prevent Hindu imperialism spreading into the Middle East” in the lead up to August 1947, Muslim rulers and leaders in the Indian subcontinent often established antagonism against the Hindus as an integral part of their governance and policy making.

The bile against Hinduism that Pakistani school curricula spew has been well documented and condemned by liberal quarters. “The foundation of Hindu set-up was based on injustice and cruelty” (Grade 6, Social Studies Book); this is one of the many gems from the books that our children are taught to further proliferate xenophobia inside their already jingoistic heads. However, the significance of hating Hindus for Pakistanis is a lot more than just biased historical narratives or pumping up bigotry under the garb of patriotism.

It is not being implied that Hindus do not – or have never – reciprocated these sentiments

It is very important to realise here that it’s not being implied that Hindus do not – or have never – reciprocated these sentiments. The stereotypical Hindu of ‘secular’ India manifests similar communal antagonism. And the nation might very well be on the verge of electing a communalist as their next prime minister in the shape of Narendra Modi. However, what needs to be understood and underscored here is that an Indian Hindu manifesting communal bigotry contradicts the ‘idea’ of India, while a Pakistani Muslim by doing so conforms to the ‘idea’ of Pakistan. Opposition to Hindus, and antagonism between Hindus and Muslims, form the founding principle of Pakistan.

Ideally the Islamo-fascist clamours of the 1940s, that became patriotic anthems of the movement for Pakistan, should have no relevance to events in modern day Pakistan. But how can you expect Hindu-Muslim harmony in a state that was created through fanning the embers of Hindu-Muslim disharmony? How can Pakistan expect the Hindus and Muslims inhabiting the country to evolve into one nation, after creating a state that owes itself to the principle that Hindus and Muslims of the Indian subcontinent are two different nations and cannot survive in unison?

The rather popular “Arabisation” of and obsession with our Islamic identity is the direct corollary of the Pakistan movement, since the Muslim inhabitants of this region were told that they had nothing in common with the Hindus of the region. This has obviously resulted in Pakistanis considering their country as a quasi-Arab land.

Refusing to acknowledge the commonalities between Hindus and Muslims of the Indian subcontinent is a part of the legacy of our founding fathers, and the reason why Pakistan was created in the first place. We might castigate the Pakistan Studies curricula all we want, but if anti-Hindu material is taken out of these books, the curriculum designers and the narrators of Pakistan’s version of Indo-Pak history would find it really hard to justify the creation of Pakistan.


Jinnah might have told the Pakistani Hindus on August 11, 1947 that they are “free to go to their temples,” but as long as his separatist movement and the cult of Ghazvani and Tipu Sultan is extolled, the Pakistani Muslims would continue to feel equally “free” to torch these temples.

For Pakistan to achieve religious harmony and existential stability it would inevitably have to question its founding ideology. That’s the paradox staring the country in the face right now.

– See more at: http://www.thefridaytimes.com/tft/hatred-for-hindus/#sthash.bP8mAB3V.dpuf


black magic 1


Author : Pt Dharmdev Vidyamartand

The authors of the Vedic Age following copiously their western masters have not only entertained wrong concepts about all the four Vedas, but their treatment of the Atharvaveda is Worse as they see in some of its hymns dealing with medicinal herbs charm and magic.

The Atharvaveda, in reality, deals with medicine as evident from Gopath’s येSथर्वाणस्तद भेषजं तदमृतम तद ब्रह्म or Tandya Mahabrahman’s भेषजं वै देवानामथर्वाण: ( अर्थात ऋषिणा दृष्टा मंत्रा: ) भैषज्यायैवारिष्टयै|

l References made in Atharvaveda to medicinal herbs, masmerism, hypnotism incantation are entirely scientific.

lt is really a matter of great ragret that such wrong concepts should be entertained by these scholars about Atharvaveda which is also known as ब्रह्मवेद :-


(The use of this word “ब्रह्मवेद:” for Atharvaveda is justified by a number of hymns which, besides dealing with medicines also deal with the science of God and soul. There is no indication in it of any “charm” and “magic”.)

Western scholars like Bloomfield and Whitney misconstrued different “manis” (which are actually medicinal herbs) for charms, amulets or sorceries. Even while translating mantras dealing with medicinal herbs, coronation and family harmony, they gave misinterpretation and misleading meanings to show that there is magic and charm in Atharvavedas.

Bloomfield in particular, gave such misleading captions as “Charm against Jaundice” to his translation of Atharvaveda`s 5.22 in which the reference is made to the cure of Takman (fever) through medicinal herbs.

“Charm with the Apamarg, a plant against sorcery, demons and enemies ” is the caption given by him to another mantra from the Atharvaveda in which there is mention of treatment of barreneness among women through the use of “Apamarga”

In Atharvaveda’s hymn 4.8, there is a beautiful description of a coronation ceremony. But unfonunately, Bloomfield’s caption for the hymn containing this mantra, is “Charm pertaining to Royalty

The hymn 3.3O of the Atharvaveda refers to family harmony, unity and mutual obligations and duties of the members of a family. Quoted below are three mantras from this hymn with Bloomfield”s own translation :

bloomfield 1

(Unity of heart and unity of mind, freedom of hatred do I procure for you. Do ye take delight in one another as a cow in her new born calf.)

bloomfield 2

(The son shall be devoted to his father, be of the same mind with his mother, the wife shall speak honied, sweet words to her husband.)

bloomfield 3

(The brother shall not hate the brother and the sister not the sister. Harmonious, devoted to the same purpose speak ye words in kindly spirit.)

It is very shocking to find that Bloomfield has given the heading of this hymn as “Charm To Secure Harmony” knowing fully well that these hymns only stresses the importance of friendliness, harmony, mutual love, co-operation and sweetness of temper. etc. among the family members.

Following Bloomfield, the authors of the Vedic Age commenting on this hymn write: “Of the same type but much more elevated in tone is the of quoted and justly celebrated charm for securing concord.”

In the hymns 7- 12 of Atharvaveda, there is a clear reference to सभा and समिति (which are the equivalents of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha of the Modem Age.) Given below are the first two mantras of this hymn with Bloomfield’s translation :

bloomfield 4

(May assembly and meeting, the two daughters of Prajapati, concurrently aid me! May he with whom I meet, co-operate With me! May I obey Father, speak agreeably to those assembled. We know thy name, O assembly, Mirth verily is thy name; may all those that sit assembled in thee, utter speech in harmony with me.”


Here the word “नरिष्टा” should mean benevolent to the people ( नृ + इष्टा ) or that which does not allow people to suffer) With this exception, it may be said the translation is not bad. What is disgusting is the title given to it by this western scholar : “Charm to procure influence in the assembly.”

The authors of the Vedic Age not only incorporated the blunders committed by such western scholar in this respect but went a step further and expressed ideas which are thoroughly absurd and misleading.

For instance, under the head “Medicinal Charms”, they write :

“Quite a number of medicinal charms are included in the Atharvaveda. The chief malady that was sought to be treated magically is the Takman. From the symptoms described it is almost certain that it was nothing but malarial fever. The plant kusha is maintained as potent in fighting Takman, but whether as medicine or as amulet is not quite clean”

This is indeed very misleading statement. Not only for fever alone but also for several other diseases like impotence, barrenness, leprosy, T.B. urinary troubles etc., the Vedas have suggested

treatment through administration of such medicinal herbs as Apamarga, Kushtaa Preshni, Parni, Soma, Darbh.

Even for fever, the cure suggested in the hymns 5-4 and 19-39 of the Atharva Veda, is through oral administration of “kustha “ and not its use in the form of amulets. One fails to understand how the authors of the Vedic Age misunderstood this point. A few mantras from these hymns, with their English translation by Bloomfield himself, will show how misleading is their interpretation :

ath 5.4.1

(Thou that art born upon the mountains; as the most potent of plants, come hither, O kushtha, destroyer of the Takman to drive out from here, the Takman (fever).

It is clear here that Kushtha has been described as वीरूधामबलवतम: which is translated by Bloomfield as “the most potent of plants”.

bloomfield 5

(Pain in the head, affliction in the eyes and ailment of the body, all that shall the Kushtha heal a divinely powerful medicine.)

The expression “powerful remedy” was enough to remove the doubt whether Kushtha was a medicinal herb or an amulet. But the authors of the “Vedic Age” deliberately entertained the doubt to confuse the readers.

In the hymn 19.39, the adjective विश्वभेषज has been used for this herb at least five times. This word has been rightly translated by Bloomfield as “Universal remedy”. In mantra 4 of this hymn, this herb has been described as उतमो अस्योषधीनाम  :-

bloomfield 6

“Thou art the most superior to the plants as a steer among the cattle, as the tiger among the beasts of prey. Verily no harm shall suffer this person here for whom I bespeak these mom and eve, aye the entire day.”

It is thus clear from the above that instead of any sorcery or amulet, the reference is only to treatment of fever by administration of medicinal herb called “Kushtha”.

In this connection we want to draw the attention of our readers to a very ridiculous comment by the authors of the Vedic Age:

“It is interesting to note that in one hymn (5.22) Takman has been asked to seize the Shudra and the Dasi or to go away to Mujavats or to the Valhikas further beyond and the last verse, the author says quite maliciously that he is sending Takman to the Gandharis, Angas and Magadhas like one sending a treasure to a person.”

The mantras which form the basis of the above comment are as follows :

hymn 5.22

lt is obvious that the whole confusion in these mantras has arisen from the misunderstanding of the words दासी, शुद्रा, गंधारी, मुजवान, मग्ध” in the above mantras.

The word “दासी”’ used in one of the above mantras, is in fact a herb called “काकजंघा“. दासी and काकजंघा are synonymous as evident from the following from राजनिघुनट्टू.


A lot of misunderstanding has been created by the authors of the “Vedic Age” by taking into account only the prevalent meaning of the words like dasa and shudra and ignoring their real meaning suitable in the context.

Just as the word dasi, so also the word shudra have been used in the above hymn for a medicinal herb-in this case for príyagulata प्रियंगुलता which is supposed to be good for curing fever.

vaidik shastra

About its power to cure fever, it is stated in Bhav Prakash Níghantu :

bhavprakash nighantu

After knowing the real meaning of the words dasi and sudra in this context, the meaning of the above quoted mantras will be as follows :

(O, disease, pervading the body like poisonous serpent and making the body lethargic, go away by the use of blossoming Desi herb.)

The sum and substance of this mantra is that the herb dasí also known as kakjanga wards off fever.

(O fever, which growest in the grassy and shady regions, go away by the use of sudra also known as priyangoo)

A repeated reference to different mantras in the Atharvaveda such as आंजन मणि(4.9),शंख मणि(4.9),वरण मणि(10.3), जांगिड मणि(2.4 ),पर्ण मणि (3.5 ), शतवार मणि  (19.36 ), etc. have led some scholars to think that there is charm or magic in the vedas. They misinterpret the Word मणि as a pearl only and feel that use of different pearls has been suggested in the AtharvaVeda for curing different diseases.

But the principal meaning of this word, as supported by Ayurvedic books, is a herb (destroyer of diseases). The word with three or four roots, has also other meanings.

According to the aphorism  सर्वधातुभ्य इन्  in the उपाधि कोष(4.118), the word मणि takes its existence from the root मणिशब्दे with इन् प्रत्यय. Thus the word मणि means a good orator or a leader :-


Other roots of मणि are मनु ज्ञाने, (दिवादि:) मन स्तम्बे, मनु अवबोधने ( तनादि ) which respectively mean a man of knowledge, one who deserts the enemies or the diseases, or one who imparts knowledge to others.

For instance, in the following mantra, it is said that through the help of Sraktya mani, an intelligent person, like a Risi, gains victory over all armies and destroys all enemies :

sraktya mani 1

The use of the word sraktya mani for an intelligent person also occurs in another mantra in the Atharva Veda :

sraktya mani 2

(You are full of action, you are able to fight back your enemies, you can attack your rival)

When this meaning does not fit in the context, it should be taken to mean some herb or the medicine.

We shall briefly discuss the word मणि used in the context of medicines.

आंजनमणि, for instance, stands for a tablet made of antimony which removes many diseases.

It is clearly stated in the following mantra of the Atharvaveda (4.95) that आंजनमणि gives strength to a patient and is the medicine for हरितरोग (kind of a fever) The use of the word भेषजं {indicates

that this subject has connection with the science of medicine and not magic.


About शंखमणि it is stated in the Atharvaveda :


(This conch shell, with a pearl, helps one recover from many diseases. May it help overcome the misery resulting from a sin or a disease.)

The word अंह: is generally used for sin but it also means disease as evident from the following etymology or derivation of this word as given in the Unadikosa.



Jangidmani has been used in the Atharvaveda mainly for Soma. Commenting on Atharvaveda’s 1.9.34 Sayanacharya writes :

In Atharva Veda Brihat Sarvanukra Maní there is a reference to the herb in the following words :

jangidmani 1

It has also been described as a medicine or a herb elsewhere in the same book :

jangidmani 2

As the words चन्द्र and सोम are synonymous, all the names denoting chandra also stand for Soma.

jangidmani 3

This is confirmed by such quotations as the following from शुश्रुत चिकित्सा स्थान :-

jangidmani 4

Thus we see that Jangadmani is the same medicinal herb as Soma about whose benefits it is stated in the 19th chapter of the same book :

jangidmani 5

The use of words like औषधि भेषज  and विश्व भेषज for this herb also gives indication of its great usefulness in curing many incurable diseases.


There is a reference to पर्णमणि in Atharvaveda’s 3.5. According to Satpath (6.5.l .1), Parna is another name for ‘ सोम (सोमो वै पर्ण: )  The relation between ‘सोम and पर्ण has been made clear in the following mantra from the same hymn :

parnmani 1

Jangdmani consists of tablets or globules of soma and Parnamani of only (soma) leave.

According to the first mantra of the same hymn, there is also reference to W: (water) andw (juice). Thus the Pamamani taken in the form of leaves, lengthens the life of a person and removes all diseases.

In eighth mantra of this hymn, the Parnamani is also called तनुपान (protector of the body and increaser of semen) :

parnmani 2

According to एष वै संवत्सरो य एष तपति(satpath),संवत्सर: means ‘sun° and, therefore, it has been suggested here by implication that “Parnamani’ should be taken to secure the splendor of the sun or its heat.

It is mentioned in the following mantra from the Atharva Veda (3.5.2) that regular use of Parnamani increases physical strength and makes a man very influential and wealthy :-

parnmani 3

In Susrat Chikitsa Shastra, it is said that one who regularly takes Parnamaní, increases his life and poison, burns and wounds do not cut short his life :

parnmani 4


In Atharva Veda (19.36.17), there is a reference to शतवार मणि  which is described as useful for killing all germs and giving splendor to the life :

shatwarmani 1

In the second mantra of the same hymn, it is said that it removes all small and big diseases :

shatwarmani 2

In the fifth mantra of this hymn, Rishabh ऋषभ as been given as a synonym for Satvar शतवार , a name which is mentioned in the books on Ayurveda also :-

shatwarmani 3

shatwarmani 4

In this very hymn, it is mentioned that rishabh or satvar mani cures such diseases as T.B. and also others connected with pregnancy. It is also good for giving strength to the reproductive organs.

In some hymns the words `रक्षांसि राक्षसो, गन्धर्व, अप्सरा do not stand for any ghost, “witch” etc. as generally misunderstood. They only denote different kinds of germs.

For instance, in the Kaushitak Brahmana, it is clearly written about रक्षांसि :-

shatwarmani 5

(The genns which sip blood of a person are called `रक्षांसि)

According to satpatha (10.53.20) अप्सरा: are those which live in rose plants etc :

shatwarmani 6

These almost invisible germs living in rose plants get into human body through the nose and cause many mental deseases. Says Satpath :

shatwarmani 7

(The insects, which fall for beautiful objects, and consume them, are called गन्धर्वा :

In the following mantra from Atharvavads, the word  पिशाचhas also been used for a deadly germ which eats away the flesh of a patient and causes wounds in his body :

shatwarmani 8

This usage of पिशाच’ for a deadly germ eating away the flesh of a person has also been supported by the derivation of the word given in शब्द कल्पदुम :

shatwarmani 9

Similar derivation of the word has also been given in vachaspatya brihadmídhana .

shatwarmani 10

Thus it can be said that `राक्षस, गन्धर्व, अप्सरा  etc are different varieties of gemis which can be killed through the persistent use of शतवार or ऋषभक मणि. They have no connection with the magic or charm.

VARAN MANI ( वरण मणि )

There is a description of वरणमणिin the Atharva veda’s hymn (10.3) In third mantra of this hymn the adjective used for varanmani  वरणमणि is visvabhaj विश्वभेषज: which means a medicine which removes all diseases :-

varanmani 1

In another mantra of the same hymn, it is described as वनस्पति a herb which is useful for many diseases:

varanmani 2

The word वनस्पति has also been used for वरणमणि in the mantra of this hymn :

varanmani 3

In the 11th mantra of the same hymn, there is an instruction to wear this herb in the form of an armour in combination with mica. It is believed that its touch with the human body is good for all cardiac diseases :-

varanmani 4

In the Ayurvedic books, this herb has been named as वरुण as evident from the Bhav Prakas Níghantu ( भावप्रकाश निघंटु) :

varanmani 5

In Níghantu Ratna (निघंटु रत्न) the herb, is considered effective in many diseases related to impurification of blood, urinary troubles.

It is believed that the use ofthis herb in the form of pills or its application on clothes is very useful.


The misunderstanding about the role of sorceries and incantation, as propounded in the Vedas, is also responsible for the belief entertained by some scholars that there is magic and charm in the Vedas. The truth is that both these things have use in Warfare and armament and have nothing to do with magic. Their use is Suggested mainly for defensive rather than offensive purposes.

Kritya is of two kinds. First अंगिरस:- which consists of explosive substances used to shatter the buildings and the second  is आसुरी which is made up of poisonous substances which are put in fire to destroy enemies :

kritya 1

According to Atharvaveda, the priests are asked to help the people to Ward off the ill effects of Krítya :

kritya 2

(May the priests do something to ward off the ill effects of violence by the enemies.)

At another place in Atharva Veda (21 .l8.5), a priest asserts :

kritya 3

(I ward off the evil effects of Krítya against cows or men.)

It is evident that it is on the basis of the Vedas that Kautalya Shastra laid down that the priests should impart full knowledge of Krítya and Abhichar to kings and their kinsmen :

kritya 4

Use of many Manis and herbs has been suggested in this connection. For instance in Atharva Veda (19. l 4.4) जांगिडमणि, सोम are stated as effective against Kritya :

kritya 5

This herb destroys the ill effects of kritya कृत्या and is useful in prolonging the life span of a person.

At another place in Atharva Veda (8.7. 1 0), herbs used against poinsonous substances, are also stated to be effective against sorceries (कृत्या) :-

kritya 6

It is made abundantly clear in Atharva Veda that if used against innocent persons, it brings about disastrous consequences and therefore, should never be used against them :

kritya 7

उन्मोचन(vomiting or purging) or प्रमोचन(countering the effects of poison by the intense use of ghee, honey etc is stated in the following mantra :

kritya 8

In  (Shusrut Kalpadum) (Chapter one Sloka 75-76) also the same remedy has been given to avert the ill effects of अभिचार :

kritya 9

There are many mantras in the Atharva Veda in which lie the seeds of modem therapy (including mesmerism) which is used to help patients in eliminating many mental and physical diseases. In the following mantra from Atharva Veda, a physician tells his patients about the healing power of his hand touch will cure him of the ailments :-

kritya 10

For curing mental diseases, the doctor first of all, tries to capture the heart  of the patient by repetition of the following mantras from Atharva Veda :

kritya 11

After gaining full control over the heart of the patient, the doctor suggests to him with full confidence that he would fully cure him of mental diseases like insanity, perplexity or confusion of mind :

kritya 12

To free a person from fever, etc., the doctor also suggests to the patients:

kritya 13

There are also mantras in the Vedas which are repeated with will and determination to remove sin, achieve success, overcome diseases, and to increase power.

For removing thought of sin :-

kritya 14

For achieving success: –

kritya 15

For overcoming diseases :

kritya 16

For increasing power :

kritya 17

It would however, be stupid to ‘suggest’ that any of the mantras relating to Kritya and Abhíchar have anything to do with charm or magic.

There is no charm or magic in such mantras.

VEDAS & Interpolation

interpolation in vedas

VEDAS & Interpolation

Author : Pt Dharmadev Vidyamartand

Authors of the Vedic Age have asserted that several parts of Vedas are no more than later additions or interpolations.

Asserting that the tenth Mandala is manifestly an earlier addition, they argue in favor of their contention that: (1) the language of this mandala is different from that of other mandalas. (2) the content of this mandala with such philosophic hymns as श्रद्धा,दान and नासदीय is also different from that of others.

Some western scholars also hold the view that the entire Kandas 15,17,18,19 and 20 have been interpolated in Atharva Veda. Even the whole of Atharva Veda was composed leter and added to the Vedas.

They say in Yajurveda also, only तैतिरीय सहिंता or कृष्ण यजुर्वेद is ancient, the वाजसनेय सहिंता which is also known as शुक्ल यजुर्वेद is comparatively modern.

In their opinion the whole of Samaveda has been stolen from the Rigveda; there is nothing original or new in it. Likewise there are many other parts of the Vedas which the authors of the “Vedic Age” have tried to show as later additions or interpolations.


Describing the 10th Mandala as “Atharvedic in character” the authors of the Vedic Age claim:

“That the Tenth mandala is later in origin than the first nine, is, however, perfectly certain from the evidence of the language”

But illustrations given by these authors to prove their contention are highly illogical and irrational.

It is a common observation that at times one and the same author uses two different styles on two occasions in accordance with the subject he is dealing with. Sometime his language appears to be difficult and at the other very simple. Vedas were revealed for the benefit of the mankind including both the intellectuals and ordinary persons. This is the reason why in some mantras like the विश्वानि देव सवितर्दुरितानि परासुव, the language is so lucid and simple while in others, it is so abstruse and difficult.

The modernity or antiquity of a passage cannot be determined by the presence or absence of particular words. But the authors of the Vedic Age have asserted that some of the words used in the 10th mandala of Rigveda such as  लोक, मोघ, विसर्ग, गुप् do not occur in the Vedas except in the interpolated portions or Balhilya Hymns. They have no evidence to show what is interpolated and what is not. The distinction made by them is imaginary.

THE WORD “लोक “

Besides in the previous Mandals, the word ‘लोक” occurs at several places in the Rigveda; for instance, it is there in 1.93.6, 2.30.6; 3.2.9; 4.17.17; 5.4.11; 6.23.3; 7; 6.47.8; 6.73.2; 7.20.2; 7.33.5; 7.60.9; 7.84.2; 7.99.4; 8.100.12; 9.92.6; ‘लोका:’ Rig. 9.113.9; ‘लोके’ Rig. 329.8; 5.1.6; 9113.72;

Even the authors of the “Vedic Age’ do not consider these portions to be interpolated and, therefore, it is surprising how they included this word among those which, according to them, occur only in the 10th  Mandala or the interpolated portions.

The word मोघम also occurs, (besides the l0th Mandala,) in the following mantras from the Seventh Mandala :-

rig 7.104.15

The word `विसर्ग also occurs in the 103th hymn of the seventh Mandala of Rigveda तप्ता धर्मा अश्नुवते विसर्गम ln the 10th  Mandala also, this word occurs though only once.

Proving modernity of l0th  Mandala on the basis of the occurrence of the word विजय as done by the authors of the “Vedic Age`, is simply absurd as the word, in its various forms, occurs many a time in Rigveda.

For instance the word  विजय has been used in Rigveda 2. 1 9.9 in यस्मान्न ऋते विजयन्ते जनास:

lt occurs in other forms in the following places :-


About the word सोम the authors of the Vedic Age say that while it occurs 50 times in the Ninth Mandala, it is used only once in the 1Oth  Mandala.

ls it important for this word to occur many times there even if it be not needed in the context? We fail to understand how the existence of separate subjects in different Mandalas and use of different words accordingly go to prove modernity? The authors of the “Vedic Age” have said that the words सर्व, भगवान, प्राण, हृदय etc. mostly, though not exclusively, occur in the Tenth Mandala. If they also occur in the other Mandalas, how do they, even according to their theory, show the modernity of the Tenth Mandala ?

We consider Vedas to be the Voice of God and therefore, the words used there are inevitable and indispensable:

vaisheshik darshan 1

We have absolutely no business to ask why particular words did not occur in this or that Mandala. It will be only impertinence on our part to raise this question. Even the ordinary writers know that the use of words changes in harmony with the content of a write up.

We can give many illustrations to show how one writer has resorted to different styles in different books in keeping with the spirit, the temper and the mood of their content.

For instance, it is well-known that the language of Panini`s अष्टाध्यायी is different from his जाम्बवती विजय महाकाव्य. There is also a lot of difference between the language of Jaimini”s Mimansa and his “Brahmana”.

The language of Katyana’s श्रौतसूत्र and स्मृति also varies widely.

Among the modem writers also Sri Aurobindo’s ‘Life Divíne ‘ differs very much from his “Basis of Yaga ” in respect of language.

We do not think that it matters very much if words like पृत्सु, गिवर्ण:, विचर्षनि:, वीती do not occur in the Tenth Mandala even when they are frequent in the preceding Mandalas. As we have pointed out earlier, it is not at all important to use the same words everywhere. What great difference does it make after all if instead of ` विचर्षनि the word प्रचेता or विश्ववेदा: has been used in the Tenth Mandala ?

The word ‘ विचर्षनि is also not to be found in the Seventh Mandala. Does it prove the modernity of this Mandala also on this count?

In fact the whole bogey of interpolation in the Vedas was raised by Western scholars like Macdonald. They raised this issue because they could not imagine that ”barbarous” people could express their thoughts so clearly on the spiritual, philosophical and psychological subjects as found in such hymns as हिरण्यगर्भ सूक्त,नासदीय सूक्त,श्रद्धा सूक्त, मन्युसुक्तादी.

The Western scholars, in fact, stressed the distinction of language to prove that the l0th  mandala is an appendix of the Rigveda. They have contended that the language and the content of the mantras contained in the mandala are different from those of preceding mandala. We, however, beg to differ with their view.

The seers of many hymns of the Tenth mandala and those of the first and several others are the same. Only the scholars who are impartial and objective can decide on how is this in keeping with the belief of those who advocate the theory of appendix?

As pointed out earlier, the Western evolutionists and the Christian scholars, were greatly surprised to note enunciation of the theory of monotheism and other philosophical concepts in such hymns as हिरण्यगर्भ सूक्त.

In their perception the entire hymns containing such concept was “modem.”

But they fail to see that the idea of the oneness of God occurs in many other mandalas. For instance, this idea of monotheism is also expressed in the first, second and the fourth manandalas.

Even the concept of monotheism found in the Tenth Mandala has been earlier expressed in the Second mandala. Dr. Macdonald, who is one of the advocates of the theory of interpolation of the l0th  mandala in Rigveda, has contradicted himself in regard to this issue.

For instance, while, on the one hand, he has tried to show that the Tenth mandala was added later and, therefore, considered it to be modern comparatively, on the other, he maintains “Nevertheless, the supplements collected in it (Tenth mandala) appear for the most part to be older than the additions which occur in earlier books.”

Thus he demolishes his own argument regarding interpolation (in the Tenth mandala) on the basis of the distinctions in language. We may also mention here that some of the Rishis of the Tenth Mandala as for instance, Aditi…. Janshayane, Vaivastan, Yama Vaivaswat, Yami Vaivaswat Yama Yami etc. are very ancient-almost contemporaries of Manu Vaivasta.

ls it not ridiculous to call a hymn to be of recent origin or modem when its Rishis who revealed them are so ancient?

The word नत्युoccurs three times in the First mandala, two times in the Fourth, two times in the Fifth and Sixth, four times in the Seventh and one time in the Ninth mandala.

विश्वदेवा: is the ‘devata’ (subject matter) of three hymns of the First Mandala, two of the Sixth and Ninth mandalas, and of three hymns of the Tenth Mandala.

The word उषसalso occurs 32 times in the First mandala, nine times in the Second mandala, 16 times in the Third, 27 times in the Fourth, 9 times in the Fifth, 14 times in the Sixth, 29 times in 14, two times in the Eighth mandala, 8 times in the Ninth and 23 times in the Tenth mandala.

lt is, therefore, illogical to prove the modernity of 10th mandala on the basis of such words.

In अनुवाकानुक्रमणी and चरण व्यूह it is stated :-

mantra 2

(There are 64 chapters and 18 Mandalas in Rigveda)

It is because of its comprising 10 mandalas that Rigveda has been described as दाशतयी by Yaskaracharya in his Nirukta.

We will now discuss the Balkhilya hymns.


Eleven hymns in the Eighth mandale of Rigveda– from 49 to 59-are called बालखिल्य सूक्त named after their preacher Balkhilya.

Some Western scholars and their followers like the authors of the Vedic Age hold the opinion that these hymns were later added in the Eighth Mandala. Not only that, they have even made some contradictory statements in regard to theses hymns.

After showing its distinction from other mandalas, the authors of the “Vedic Age” write about the Eight mandala:-

“This peculiarity of the Eighth mandala does suggest-by no means proves, that the Eighth mandala was subjoined at a later date to the kernal constituted by the family mandalas. But there is positive reason to believe that there was a time when the Eighth mandala was actually considered to be the last in the Samhita, for why else, should the Balkhilya hymns be thrust into the Eigth mandala and not added after the Tenth.”

This whole chain of arguments seems to be incongruous. First of all, the authors themselves have given only suggestion or indication but no proof that this mandala was added later. Then why to state this uncertain thing as a fact? Moreover to say that the Rigveda ended definitely with the Eighth mandala demolishes the argument that it was added later on – and it also presupposes that the Balkhilya hymns were interpolated, the fact which itself has not been proved by any strong evidence.

One of the arguments advanced in support of the theory of interpolation of Balkhilya Sukta is the existence of the following in the Aiterya Brahmana :-

aitreya brahman

Explaining it, writes Sayanacharya:-

sayancharya commentary

(i.e. there was a Rishi called Balakhilya whose 8 hymns were compiled in a book called “बालखिल्य”.

It appears that some of the hymns, which Rishi Balkilya popularized, were compiled and were available in the form of a booklet, possibly with explanation just as some such hymns of the Rigveda संगठन सूक्त ( Rig. 10.191) स्वराज्य सूक्त (1.80),शिवसंकल्पमंड ( Yaju. 34.10 ) were separately available. This does not show any evidence of any interpolation but only popularity of these particular hymns.

lt may be stressed here that the portion, from which the above sentence has been quoted from Taittireya Brahmana, is itself considered interpolated as stated in the chapter on “AncientSanskrít

literature ” in the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Therefore, a doubtful and interpolated statement cannot be given as evidence of interpolation of the Balkhilya Hymns.

These hymns which are not different from others in respect of their language or content were also included by Max Muller in his European edition of the Rigveda.

Referring to the antiquity of these hymns, Wintenitz writes in his book “A History of Indian Literature :-

“The word khilya means ‘supplement’ and this name in itself indicated that there are texts which were collected and added to the Samhita only after the latter had already been concluded; this does not exclude the possibility that some of these khilyas are of no less antiquity than the hymns of the Rigveda Samhita, but for some reason unknown to us, were not included in the collection.”

While we do not agree even with the sentiments expressed by Wintenitz (because we do not see any difference in these hymns from 49th  and others in Rigveda), his remark on their antiquity, however, deserves the attention of the readers.

Winternitz has also acknowledged that these hymns, available in the form of a hand written manuscript, are found at the end of the book.

lt was very improper on the part of Griffith to take out these hymns from the middle of the Eighth mandala and to publish them at its end. He had no right to do so. lt will not be proper to call them

interpolations only because they are preceded with अथ and ended with इति.  It seems that “अथ “, “इति” were added to them when they were compiled separately for the benefit of the the common man.

The Aryas had made arrangements since the beginning to preserve the Vedas in their purest form leaving no scope for interpolations. One of such arrangements was devising eight forms of their recitation known as :-

जटा पाठ (Jata path), माला पाठ (Mala path), शिक्षा पाठ (Shiksha path), लेखा पाठ (Lekha path), ध्वजा पाठ (Dhwaja path),दंड पाठ (Dand path), रथ पाठ (Rath path), धन पाठ(Dhan path) I

In view of the prevalance of these different modes of recitation, it was difficult to make any addition without their immediate detection.

Another devise to preserve the accuracy of the text of the Vedic mantras was to prepare many indices of the number of metres, of words and the seers and devatas (subject matter) of different mantras.


The authors of the Vedic Age have advanced the view that कृष्ण यजुर्वेद{ (Black Yajurveda) is more ancient than than  शुक्ल यजुर्वेद(White Yajuweda.)

The Black Yajurveda consists of the original mantras and the Brahmanas (which consist of explanatory notes and commentaries of the text of the mantras).

The Vedic Age authors are of the view that the mantras and the Brahmanas (which were separate in the White Yajurveda) were mixed up in the Black Yajurveda at a later date.

These authors say that listing the first words of the White Yajurveda in the Black Yajurveda might give the impression that the White Yajurveda represents the original tradition of which the Black Yajurveda (with all its variation) is a later version.

But, they assert, “Truth should rather be just the opposite, it is hardly possible that the mantras and Brahmnas kept separate in the white Yajurveda tradition, should have got mixed up at a later date.”

They hold the view therefore, that the Black Yajurveda is older than the White Yajurveda.

Despite whatever these authors might say, we are clear that Brahmanas (which are explanatory data and commentaries on the text) cannot come before the text.

The very definition of the Brahmana (given below), presupposes the existence of the text before the commentaty.

brahman commentary

Vedic commentator Patanjali’s assertion along with Swami Dayananda’s explanation go to prove beyond doubt that the Brahmanas were written and added afterwards:

patanjali 1patanjali 2

(The explanatory notes by learned Brahamins and Risis, added to the Vedas for elucidation of the Vedic hymns, are called Brahrnanas. Because of the mixture of the mantras and the explanatory notes, the Taitteriya Samhita is considered of later origin. To consider a Brahmana to be more ancient than the original text, is illogical.

It is a matter of great regret that the authors of the Vedic Age failed to see this small matter and committed the blunder of imagining  the White Yajurveda as of later date than the Black Yajurveda.



Western scholars like Bloomfield hold the view that Atharvaveda was composed much later than the other three Vedas. ln fact, they do not regard it as a Veda at all.

Perhaps such scholars formed this view on the basis of the use of the word त्रयीविद्या, which they thought denoted the existence of three Vedas.

But the fact is that this word actually denotes three subjects that the Vedas deal with – knowledge, action and devotion and the three styles ‘साम (musical) ऋक्(metrical) and यजु (prose).

Says Mimansa Shastra :

mimansa 1

(i.e., where there is metrical composition, it is called  ऋक्where there is music, it is साम and the rest is यजु. (prose)

In his introduction to `सर्वानुक्रमणी’, Sadguru Darshan, following Mimansa, has rightly observcd :-

mimansa 2

(Though there are four Vedas, they have been divided into three categories on the basis of metre, music and prose.)

Bloomfield and many other Western scholars believe Rigveda to be the original Veda. Other Vedas are supposed by them to have been composed with mantras from the Rigveda with a few more additions. But this belief is also wrong. Many mantras from this Veda (which is considered to be the most ancient) give evidence of the existence of the four Vedas.

In the following mantra from Rigveda itself, it is clear that there are four and not three Vedas :-

rigveda 21

ln this mantra a devotee offers prayers for his protection through एकया (Rigveda) द्वितियया (Yajurveda), तिस्रूभि: (Samveda) चतुस्रुभि: (Atharveda).

This mantra is repeated in Yajurveda (20,43) and also in Samaveda (mantra 36 and 1554). The word अथर्वा means a person with equilibrium of mind who is well-versed in the knowledge of the Atharvaveda                    .

The word अथर्वा or अंगिरा occurs in many mantras in the Rigveda.

For instance :

rig 1.83.5


rig 10.21.5

Thus there is no doubt that Atharvaveda is as ancient and authentic as Rigveda.

The same is also true of the Yajurveda and the Samveda because they have also been mentioned in the above mantras.

Besides Vedas, there is also clear reference to the Atharvaveda in other Scriptures.

For instance, the importance of the repetition of the mantras from the Atharvaveda has been stressed in Kanva Samhita :

atharva 1

Many such quotations can be given from scriptures to prove the authenticity and antiquity of the Atharvaveda. However those given above are, for the time being, sufficient to show how absurd are the views of Bloomfield and others on this subject.


On the one hand Bloomfield and his followers like the authors of the ‘Vedic Age”, regard Atharva Veda to be modem and on the other, they try to show that l5th , 17th , l9th  and 2Oth  Kandas were later additions. They have advanced very strange arguments in support of their contention, Their main argument is that some of these Kandas are absent in the Paíppalada recension. But their argument becomes weak in view of the fact that some of these kandas (which they say were interpolated) are present in this recension. Only a few mantras have been omitted.

Absence of some mantras in these recensions does not go to prove that they were added later or are unauthentic.

But without taking this into account, the authors of the “Vedic Age” blindly follow Bloomfield when they write :-

“Of the 20 Kandas of the Atharva Veda, the last one is manifestly a later addition manufactured almost wholly out of the borrowings from the Rigveda to serve as a manual for the priest called Brahmanacchamsin who had a definite though minor role to play at the Soma sacrifice. Moreover, the Kuntapa Suktas of this kanda are without any Pada Patha and nothing parallel to them can be found in the Paíppalada recension – showing that they had been given a place in this late kanda of the Samhita at a very late date.

“In fact, the 19’“ Kanda ends with significant prayer which strongly suggests that the Samhita, at one time, was considered to end with it.”

But how can the fact that many mantras in the 20th  Kanda of the Atharva Veda had been taken from the Rigveda, prove the modernity of the former? On the other hand, it should only show antiquity of these mantras because the authors regard Rigveda to be oldest of all the Vedas!

lt is also wrong to presume that the 20” Kanda was added only to emphasise the role of a priest because the kanda contains many other important hymns such as इन्द्र सूक्त and स्वराज्य सूक्त. etc.

Even where there is repetition of some mantras from other Vedas in this Kanda, they serve some definite purpose.

On the repetition of mantras in different Vedas, Swami Dayananda writes in his “Introduction to Rígveda: ”

“By the Rig verses, we define objects, by the Yaju verses we apply them to use and by the same verses in Sama, we sing them.”

What Swami Dayanand observes becomes clear when we examine the following mantra which occurs in all the four Vedas :

shano devir

When the mantra occurs in the Rigveda, it deals particularly with the properties of water; In Yajurveda, its application is for achmana (sipping of water). It is to be taken for God in Samaveda, which mainly deals with devotion and contemplation.

In Atharvaveda the utility of water for different technical purposes is stressed. lt also symbolises peace of which women are embodiment.

The last mantra of the 19″‘ kanda (which the authors of the Vedic Age consider to be indicative of the end of the Atharvaveda) is as follows :-

atharva 2

(We are putting the veda in the bag from which we had taken it out for preservation and safety etc.)

There is nothing to indicate the end of this Veda in the above mantra. This can as well denote the end of a particular chapter or a Kanda, in this case, of the conclusion of the 19” Kanda.

But most ridiculous is their remark which again seems to have been influenced by Bloomfield.

“But there are reasons to believe that the 19th  kanda itself is a late compilation, for its hymns, though found in the Paippalada recension, are scattered throughout that text.”

This cuts at the root of their presumption that the Atharvaveda ends at the 19th  kanda. If it is a late compilation, how could it be taken to mark the end of Atharva Veda?

Then it also falsifies their assumption that this hymn is not present in the Paippalada recension because they have themselves admitted that “these hymns, though found in the Paippalada recension, are scattered throught that text.”

As we have pointed out that in such recension, it is quite natural to find change in the order of the mantras. The new order is guided by the special purpose of such compilations.


The authors of the Vedic Age hold the wrong notion that most of the mantras contained in Samaveda had been taken from Rigveda and that it has no separate existence. If it were so, there would have been no specific reference of Samaveds and its psalms at many places in Rigveda itself as for instances, in the following mantras-

samveda 11

(In these mantras, there is a clear mention of one who sings the songs of the Sama Veda.)

The following mantra, mentions the hymns of the Sama Veda side by side with Rigveda :-

rigveda 22

ln the mantra given below the word  सामगा has been used for one who sings the hymns of the Sama Veda and separately for the knower

of the Atharva Veda thus clearly pointing out to the separate existence of the two :

atharva 3

There is an injunction for singing the hymns of Sama Veda to glorify God in the following mantras :

samveda 12





National Planning in Rig Veda

national planning

National Planning in Rig Veda

By Subodh Kumar

Email- subodh1934@gmail.com

If one were to identify the problems being faced by our Nation today and list out in order of priority, the tasks facing us, following would be considered as a reasonable blue print for future action:

1.  Education System Overhaul to teach future generations to grow in to responsible, fearless, confident, energetic, self motivated,  honest good citizens in the service of society and  provide Good teachers and mind motivators.

2.  Water conservation and rain water harvesting.

  1. Measures to control Global Warming and repair of damaged ozone
  2. cover.( to avert Natural disasters like Tsunami and Draughts)

5   Sustainable disposal of Sanitation, Sewage and Pollution

6   Organic Agriculture, for healthy disease, poverty free society

7   Honesty and transparency in public life, underpinning the role of

Teachers, Governments, leaders and the media, for educating

Cultivation of proper non exploitative mental attitudes in


7.  Eradicate Corruptions and Parallel Economy.

8.  Bio technology research to work on systems in a cow, which converts

Fodder (uneatable agriculture waste) to probiotic nutrition for     Humans, and maintains soil health.

9.  Promote transparency economy and check on ‘Black money’

10. Tackle the socially deviant behaviour

It may come as a big surprise that this agenda is found given in the same order of priority as the actions of the Prime Minister of the Country, and in this chronological order, are the subject explained in Rig Veda 2.14..


RigVeda 2-14  Rishi-Gritsamda Devta-Indra

Sub: Adhwaryu   

Introductory note: –  The term Adhwaryu has traditionally, come to designate a person responsible for making arrangements for carrying out a Karmakand Yagna.

According to Monier Williams, Adhwaryu is a person,

  1. who measures the ground. First of all he has to make the project note for all the facilities, which will be required for the Yagna. They could range in sizes from small agnihotra to a large community Yagnas. Obviously he has to first survey the required size of. Land. Then only he can proceed to acquire, level and make it fit for the Yagna.
  2.  He has to build the altar. For the building of altar he has to have command on civil engineering /architectural skills to specify and estimate the quality and quantity of construction material like bricks and mortar from which the altar will be made. He must have materials management skills to arrange for delivery at the Yagna site. He should also have civil construction skills to carry out the construction of the Altar.
  3. He has to prepare the sacrificial vessels and implements.  This means, he also has to specify correct materials of which these implements will be made of. He has to specify the design of these vessels and the implements, which will be required for the specific Yagna. This means he should also have engineering skills involving material science and fabrication techniques.
  4.  He has to fetch wood and water. Thus he also has to make an estimate of the quantities, which will be required for the Yagna, and ensure proper quality and quantity of fuel wood and water to be available at hand. He should have knowledge and awareness about natural resources.
  5.  He has to light the fire. He is also expected to know the art of creating a sustainable fire. An engineer to develop sustainable source of Energy.
  6.  He has to bring the animals for the Yagna. Thus he has to be a practicing veterinarian to know and care for the various animals. And their role in society.- and so on.

Considering that the Yagnas happened to be often very large community based activities, it is reasonable to submit that to day an Adhwaryu, will be a highly trained and skilled General Manager CEO, Educator, Engineer, Veterinarian, a Materials Manager, an Environmentalist, a Multidiscipline well educated project Manager. In fact an Adhwaryu acts as the Prime Minister presiding over the activities and the planning of the YAGYA. Running of the Nation is also a Yagna. Indeed Adhwaryu has been translated as a Prime Minister in many writings.


Rig Vedic interpretations available to day, from Sayan/ MaxMuller to later day Swami Dayanand Saraswati, Shri Damodar Satawlekarji, Swami Satya Prakash Saraswati and Shri Aurobindo , give very deep poetical interpretations of  this Sukta. Wilson and Griffith also make significant addition to the vast scholarship.  However with the traditional concepts which see the role of an Adhwaryu as limited to only the Karmakand Yagna, the full significance of this Rigvedic Sukta remains at best, spiritually and poetically masked.

But the same RigVedic Sukta lays bare its entire context, when the full life sized concepts behind terms like Adhwaryu, Indra, Soma are given interpretations like Swami Dayanand and Yogi Aurobindo.


(This interpretation is based largely on the RigVed Bhashya of Swami Dayanand Saraswati)


इस सूक्त की विशेषता और महत्व.

Significance of this VED Sookt

(Subodh Kumar)

Shows most modern scientific civilized social concepts from Rig Ved

  1. 1.  This sookt  is addressed to Adhwaryu . He is one who adopts nonviolent-(Democratic) strategies for implementing all projects , but operates on war footing – Always highly charged in his actions.
  2. 2.  The Sookt  sets out to describe the duties of a King/governor of a nation. And sets down topics in order of priorities for governance/life style for a sustainable prosperous welfare state.
  3. 3.  It Starts with Global warming and Ozone layer protection.
  4. 4.  Proceeds to define roles of a good governance – Education, Social welfare rehabilitation after natural calamities,  Rain water Harvesting,  Food safety & security, IPM ( integrated Pest Management) dealing with hoarders and black marketers, Responsible media.
  5. 5.  Maharshi Dayanand’s incisively modern interpretations are very clearly evident here.  He just only falls short of by a hair breadth in making use of modern scientific terminology in Vedas.    


  1. ऋषि: =   गृत्समद (आङ्गिरस: शौनहोत्र: पश्चाद्) भार्गव: शौनक: , प्रथम में

भार्गव: शौनक: था , भार्गव: भृगु पुत्र होने से भार्गव कहलाया था अर्थात खूब तपस्वी था, और ‘शौनक:’ = ( शुन्‌ गतौ) खूब क्रिया शील था .  जो पश्चाद्‌  बना, गृत्समद: = ‘गृणाति इति गृत्स:’ ‘माद्यतीति मद:’=प्रभु की स्तुति करता है, सदैव प्रसन्न रहता है ।आंगिरस=अंगों की शक्ति से सम्पन्न है, । शौनहोत्र: = (शौनं सुखं जुहोति) लोक सुख के लिए अपने सुख की आहुति देता है । 

  1. देवता:- इन्द्र: = जन कल्याण हेतु कर्मठ सदैव विजयी उत्साहपूर्ण क्रियाशील देवत्वधारण किये  हुवा व्यक्तित्व   

छन्द- त्रिष्टुप्

            Rigveda 2-14 (STAFF FUNCTIONS)

1.First Priority

सर्वोच्च प्राथमिकता

उत्तम शिक्षा व्यवस्था

Creation of excellent education system to provide the society with self motivated ,creative talent for its all round welfare and progress.

( महर्षि दयानंद अन्वयार्थ आधारित ) O Managers (Adhvayavo)! Provide (Sinchata) for Entrepreneurship (Indraya) sufficient (Bharat) knowledge (Somam) and exhilarating (Maddham) resource- that motivates one in single minded pursuit like a blind person- (Andhah) from well cultivated -filled vessels- resources stores (Amatrabhi).

That (Asya=Indra=Entrepreneurship) is empowered (Veerah) and always (Sadam) having a temperament  of being desirous (Kami) of consumption (Peetim)

(of Soma=knowledge & Maddham anna= exhilarating resource).  by performing action -Yajna (Juhota) to this provider of  benefits (Vrashne) by the active persons. These -benefits- (Eshah)  he (Entrepreneur=Indra) desired (Vashti).

  1. समाज में सोम के विस्तार प्रसार के लिए उच्चतम शिक्षा प्राप्त कराने हेतु गुरुकुल,उत्तम शिक्षक गण और अनुसंधान की सुविधान की सुविधाएं  उपलब्ध कराओ.

अध्वर्यवो भरतेन्द्राय सोममामत्रेभि: सिञ्चतामद्यमन्ध: ।

कामी हि वीर: सदमस्य पीतिं जुहोत वृष्णे तदिदेष वष्टि ।। 2.14.1.

महर्षि दयानंद पदार्थ – हे (अध्वर्यव: ) अपने को यज्ञ कर्म की चाहना करने वाले मनुष्यो ! तुम जो (एष: ) यह (कामी) कामना करने के स्वभाव वाला (वीर:) वीर ( वृष्णे) बल बढ़ाने के लिए (अस्य)  इस सोम रस के (पीतिम्‌) पान को (वष्टि) चाहता है, (तत्‌ इत्‌) उसे (सदम्‌) पाने योग्य सोम (हि) को निश्चय से तुम (जुहोत) ग्रहण करो (इन्द्राय) और परमैश्वर्य  के लिए (अमत्रेभि:) उत्तम पात्रों से (मद्यम्‌) हर्ष देने वाले  (अन्ध: ) अन्न को तथा (सोमम्‌) सोम रस को (सिञ्चत) सींचो और बल को (आ, भरत) पुष्ट करो ॥1॥

परमैश्वर्य, अन्न, सुख, साधनोंं, बल, पौरुष की कामना  करने के स्वभाव  की वृद्धि के लिए उत्तम शिक्षा देने और उत्तम शिक्षक गण तैयार करने की औरअनुसंधान की व्यवस्था करो ।

Adhvaryus should provide good appropriate Soma – knowledge and technology in good measure for the Indras for self  motivation of individuals to ensure   achievement of abundance and prosperity, by good  nutrition, health and peace for the land and  those living off it. Adhvaryus – Govt./Establishment should create knowledge institutions to develop Motivated , creative minds and mental attitudes by creating and developing knowledge  enabling institutions, schools, colleges for education , training of students and teachers.

द्वितीय प्राथमिकता

उत्तम जल संरक्षण नीति

  1. 2.   अध्वर्यवो यो अपो वव्रिवांसंवृत्रं जघानाशन्येव वृक्षम् ।

तस्मा एतं भरत तद्वशायँएष इन्द्रो अर्हति पीतिमस्य ।। 2.14.2

महर्षि दयानंद पदार्थ – हे! (अध्वर्यव: ) अपने को अहिंसा की इच्छा करने  वालो ! (य: ) जो सूर्य (वब्रिवांसं ) आवरणकरने वाले (वृत्रम्‌) मेघ को (अशन्येव) बिजुली के समान(वृक्षम्‌) वृक्षको (जघान) मारता है अर्थात दहशक्ति से भस्मकरदेता है और (आप: )  जलों को वर्षाता तथा जो (एष: )  यह (इन्द्र: )

ऐश्वर्यवान्‌जन (अस्य) सोमलतादि रस के (पीतिम्‌) पीने को (अर्हति) योग्य होता है इस कारण (तद्वशाय) उन उन पदार्थों को कामना करनेवाले के लिए  (यतम्‌) उक्त पदार्थ द्वय को धारण करो  अर्थात्‌ उन के गुणों को अपने मन में निश्चित करो ॥2॥

वर्षा के जल सब से उत्तम जल होता है. इस  के संग्रह और सदुपयोग की व्यवस्था द्वारा जैविक  कृषि की उत्तम व्यवस्था करो.

Harness those waters of rains, which are released by the actions of lightening, that strikes the trees and sets them on fire. Thus work for the creation of bounties of fertilized soil by rich biomass feeds and prosperity of vegetation, as the gifts provided by Indra.

(All the futuristic strategies are for conservation of our water resources. Rain water harvesting is the most significant item on not only Global level, but is of utmost importance for India, particularly, when it is realized that the total water requirements of entire India are just about 5% of the total rain fall in our coastal regions. And almost 100% of that rainfall just flows in to the sea.)

  1. तृतीय प्राथमिकता

पर्यावरण संरक्षण  वन सम्पदा का महत्व    

अध्वर्यवो यो दृभीकं जघान यो गा उदाजदप हि वलं व: ।

तस्मा एतमन्तरिक्षे न वातमिन्द्रं सोमैरोर्णतजूर्णवस्त्रै: ।। 2.14.3

महर्षि दयानंद पदार्थ – हे! (अध्वर्यव: ) यज्ञ संपादन करने  वाले  जनों ! (य: ) जो (दृभीकम्‌) भयङ्कर प्राणी को (जघान्‌) मारता है किस को कि (य: ) जो (गा: ) गौओं को (उदाजत्‌) विविध प्रकार से फैंके अर्थात  उठाय उठाय पटके और मारे और (बलम्‌) बल को (अप, व: ) अपवरण करें रोकें ( तस्मै) उस के लिए (हि) ही (एतम्‌) इस यज्ञ को (अन्तरिक्षे) अन्तरिक्ष में (वातम्‌) पवन के ( न) समान वा(इन्द्रम्‌) मेघों के धारण करने  वाले सूर्य को (वस्त्रै: ) वस्त्रों से (जू: ) बुड्ढे के(न) समान(सोमै: ) ओषधियों वा ऐश्वर्यों से (आ, उर्णुत्‌)  |  आच्छादित  करो अर्थात्‌ अपने यज्ञ धूम से सूर्य को  ढापो.

हमारी पृथ्वी पर एक पुराने वस्त्र  का आवरण है,( यह आवरण घने  बादलों जैसा होता है. इस मे छिद्र नहीं होने चाहियें , यह नीचे दिए चित्र से स्पष्ट हो जाएगा ) इस आवरण के द्वारा हि  पृथ्वी पर ओषधि वनस्पति  अन्न इत्यादि सम्भव हो पाए  हैं ।  परंतु इस आवरण  के छिद्रो के कारण अंतरिक्ष मे पवन और मेघों द्वारा ऐसे विनाशकारी बलशाली उत्पात होते  है  जो गौओं और सब नगरीय व्यवस्थाओं को  बार  बार  उठा उठा कर पटक देते हैं इस  आवरण के छिद्रों को यज्ञादि कार्यों से ढको. ( वेदो का स्पष्ट संकेत सुनामी जैसी प्राकृतिक आपदाओं की ओर है, जो पर्यावरण के संरक्षण पर ध्यान न देने के  कारण विश्वस्तर पर जलवायु का तपमान बढने  से उत्पन्न हो रहा है ।)

This phenomenon mentioned in Vedas was discovered by modern science only in 1985, as described below.

Joe Farman, ozone hole discoverer, dies at 82

Farman not only revealed the atmospheric leak above Antarctica in 1985, but also helped coax humanity into rallying against a global environmental threat.

Mon, May 20 2013 at 2:42 PM

A 3-D image of the ozone hole over Antarctica, produced with a mapping spectrometer.

Joe Farman, a British scientist who discovered manmade damage to Earth’s ozone layer in the 1980s, has died at age 82. On top of exposing the leak, Farman also helped set the stage for the 1987 Montreal Protocol, an ozone-saving treaty that showed humanity can right environmental wrongs without economic collapse, even on a global scale.

Farman studied natural sciences at England’s Corpus Christi College, then served in the British Army and worked for an aircraft company before he found his calling. He answered an ad in 1956 seeking scientists to work in Antarctica, and soon joined what’s now known asthe British Antarctic Survey. Then, after 30 years of dogged and often unappreciated research, he published one of the most important scientific papers of the 20th century.

The sky is failing

Scientists had already begun to grasp the complex nature of ozone — a pollutant at ground level but a life-saving shield in the atmosphere — and even knew it may be vulnerable to chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), chemicals used in aerosol sprays and refrigeration systems. But with no solid evidence that CFCs were actually hurting the ozone layer, there seemed little urgency to rein in their widespread use around the world.

The ozone layer begins roughly 10 kilometers (6 miles) above the Earth’s surface.

Farman left Antarctica in 1959 to take a management role in England, but he continued to oversee the survey’s ozone research through the 1960s and ’70s. This work came under fire in the early ’80s amid budget cuts, though, and the New York Times reports Farman’s superiors mocked his insistence that decades of ozone data would be useful. But Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher eventually came to the British Antarctic Survey’s rescue, the Guardian points out, as the former chemist saw its scientific potential as well as its strategic importance in Britain’s struggle with Argentina over the Falkland Islands.

Then, in 1982, Farman’s career-defining breakthrough began. Using an outdated spectrometer to measure ozone levels, he initially thought his instrument must be broken. He was seeing a dramatic drop in Antarctic ozone, and since not even NASA satellites had detected this, he ordered new equipment. But the new one also “went haywire,” as he described it, and he began to realize he was on to something. Along with co-authors Brian Gardiner and Jonathan Shanklin, he published a groundbreaking study in 1985 that shocked the world and launched a new era of international eco-politics.

The 1985 study showed a 40 percent drop in ozone above Antarctica, creating a soft spot in the ozone layer — not literally a hole — that let in ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. This not only embarrassed NASA and other scientists who had missed the leak, but also sparked a frenzy to minimize its effects on public health. According to calculations by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the excess UV exposure could trigger 40 million cases of skin cancer and 800,000 cancer deaths in the U.S. alone.

Spectrometer images show the ozone hole grow during the 1980s and ’90s. Dark blue indicates the thinnest ozone, while light blue, green and yellow represent progressively thicker layers. (Images: NASA)

Ozone defense

Many environmental crises of the ’60s and ’70s were mostly local — like toxic waste dumping and wildlife declines — but the ozone hole represented a serious danger to life across the planet. And despite chemical industry protests that phasing out CFCs would cripple economic growth, the unprecedented rehab effort proved them wrong.

Leaders from around the world met in Montreal in September 1987, eventually producing a treaty to curtail CFCs called the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. Eventually ratified by all 197 members of the United Nations, the Montreal Protocol has undergone several revisions in the past 25 years but is still widely considered a model for environmental treaties of all kinds. Former U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan has called it “perhaps the single most successful international agreement to date.”

The Montreal Protocol has also had pitfalls, though: CFCs were sometimes replaced with hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), which later turned out to be heat-trapping greenhouse gases even more potent than carbon dioxide. But safer alternatives also emerged, and despite some missteps, the treaty is expected to help Earth’s ozone layer fully recover by 2080. That’s far from a quick fix, but according to the Guardian, “without the work of Farman the effects could have been catastrophic.”

The treaty also remains a beacon to world leaders and diplomats trying to strike a meaningful global pact on climate change. Carbon-emitting fossil fuels are much more deeply embedded in the economy than CFCs were, but the Montreal Protocol at least serves as a precedent demonstrating how humanity can tackle a broad environmental threat by banding together and following scientists’ advice.

An animation of projected ozone over North America if the Montreal Protocol had failed.

Although several scientists won a Nobel Prize for their work on CFCs, Farman never received that honor. He was granted many other scientific awards, though, including the U.K. Polar Medal, the Society of Chemical Industry’s environmental medal, the Appleton (formerly Chree) medal and prize, and membership in the United Nations Global 500 honor roll. He conducted research in Antarctica until his retirement in 1990, and remained active well into his later years, the Guardian reports, growing his own vegetables at home and biking to work until he suffered a stroke in February.

Farman died May 11 in Cambridge, England, according to a statement released by the British Antarctic Survey. He is survived by Paula, his wife of 42 years.

“Joe was an excellent physicist and his work changed the way that we view the natural world,” says Alan Rodger, interim director of the British Antarctic Survey, in a press release. “After making the discovery of the ozone hole he became an energetic ambassador for our planet. Our thoughts are with his wife, Paula.”

ओज़ोन आवरण के छिद्र को समझने के लिए  चित्र

Ozone cover representation  with   hole in it

Exercise control over natural calamities like the violent storms, which with immense forces, play havocs like demons tossing all cattle and life in to air and smashing on to the ground, which cause great upheavals by disrupting life and property.  These are brought about by the holes in the protective garment, which covers the earth in the space. These holes are like holes in a worn out old garment. Heal and repair the holes in the covering, by actions of rain making clouds and atmosphere helped by green vegetation and herbs by grace of Indra.

Quoted thankfully from “the secret life of GERMS” by Philip M. Tierno)

(According to modern science during the period of formation of Earth’s History, intense volcanic activity was producing oxygen by releasing it from Earth’s interior. In the primordial soup, ancient blue green algae lived by photosynthesis, and also produced Oxygen. Over the course of perhaps three  billion years, the Oxygen produced by algae and the Oxygen spewed by the volcanoes changed the Earth’s atmosphere , creating an Oxygen blanket that allowed higher life forms to evolve from germs. Oxygen in upper atmosphere came in contact with UV (Ultra Violet) Rays and electrical discharges. This converted Oxygen in upper atmosphere in to ozone that can more strongly absorb UV rays. In this way Earth’s Ozone layer was formed.  If land dwelling organisms had to face the full force of Sun’s UV rays, all life on Earth would have eventually destroyed. This Ozone layer in the upper atmosphere prevents this by acting as a protective shield.)1

Earth’s Atmosphere

The total global environment consists of four major realms: a gaseous atmosphere, liquid hydrosphere, solid lithosphere, and living biosphere.

From space, Earth’s atmosphere looks like a blue sphere  with gaseous envelopes ..  This fragile, nearly transparent envelope of gases supplies the air that we breathe each day. It also regulates the global temperature and filters out dangerous levels of solar radiation. In recent years, scientific research has shown that the chemical composition of the atmosphere is changing because of both natural and human induced causes. There is growing concern over the impact of human activities. Mankind may be increasing levels of heat absorbing gases, thereby contributing to global warming and destroying ozone, the fragile atmospheric ingredient that shields the planet from ultraviolet (UV) radiation.

Ozone and the Atmosphere

Earth is an extraordinary planet. Complex interactions between the land, oceans, and atmosphere created conditions that are favorable for life. One species, man, has managed to alter the environment on a global scale. In order to fully comprehend the impact of our actions, we must view the planet as a whole and understand the relationship between its basic components; land, water, and air.

This web site discusses the chemical composition and evolution of Earth’s atmosphere, focusing on the protective layer of ozone in the stratosphere. The destructive properties of troposphere ozone are also presented. Diagrams and animation sequences are used to visually depict the delicate structure of the ozone molecule and the chemical reactions involved in its formation and destruction. Ozone destroying pollutants were first identified in 1973.Since that time there has been a considerable amount of controversy surrounding the subject of ozone depletion. More than 20 years of ozone-related scientific studies, international meetings, and global industrial agreements are summarized in the last section of this site.

Historical Atmosphere

Earth is believed to have formed about 5 billion years ago. In the first 500 million years a dense atmosphere emerged from the vapor and gases that were expelled during degassing of the planet’s interior. These gases may have consisted of hydrogen (H2), water vapor, methane (CH4), and carbon oxides. Prior to 3.5 billion years ago the atmosphere probably consisted of carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), water (H2O), nitrogen (N2), and hydrogen.

The hydrosphere was formed 4 billion years ago from the condensation of water vapour, resulting in oceans of water in which sedimentation occurred.

The most important feature of the ancient environment was the absence of free oxygen. Evidence of such an anaerobic reducing atmosphere is hidden in early rock formations that contain many elements, such as iron and uranium, in their reduced states. Elements in this state are not found in the rocks of mid-Precambrian and younger ages, less than 3 billion years old

Formation of the Ozone Layer

One billion years ago, early aquatic organisms called blue-green algae began using energy from the Sun to split molecules of H2O and CO2 and recombine them into organic compounds and molecular oxygen (O2).This solar energy conversion process is known as photosynthesis. Some of the photo synthetically created oxygen combined with organic carbon to recreate CO2 molecules. The remaining oxygen accumulated in the atmosphere, touching off a massive ecological disaster with respect to early existing anaerobic organisms.As oxygen in the atmosphere increased, CO2 decreased.

High in the atmosphere, some oxygen (O2) molecules absorbed energy from the Sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays and split to form single oxygen atoms. These with remaining oxygen (O2) to form ozone (O3) molecules, are very effective at absorbing UV rays. The thin layer of ozone that surrounds Earth acts as a shield, protecting the planet from irradiation by UV light.

The amount of ozone required to shield Earth from biologically lethal UV radiation, wavelengths from 200 to 300 nanometers (nm), is believed to have been in existence 600 million years ago. At this time, the oxygen level was approximately 10% of its present atmospheric concentration. Prior to this period, life was restricted to the ocean. The presence of ozone enabled organisms to develop and live on the land. Ozone played a significant role in the evolution of life on Earth, and allows life as we presently know it to exist.

Present Day Atmosphere

The atmosphere we breathe is a relatively stable mixture of several hundred types of gases from different origins. This gaseous envelope surrounds the planet and revolves with it. It has a mass of about 5.15 x 10E15 tons held to the planet by gravitational attraction. The proportions of gases, excluding water vapor, are nearly uniform up to approximately 80 kilometers (km) above Earth’s surface. The major components of this region, by volume, are oxygen (21%), nitrogen (78%), and argon (0.93%).Small amounts of other gases are also present. These remaining trace gases exist in such small quantities that they are measured in terms of a mixing ratio. This ratio is defined as the number of molecules of the trace gas divided by the total number of molecules present in the volume sampled. For example, O3, CO2, and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are measured in parts per million by volume (ppmv), parts per billion by volume (ppbv) or parts per trillion by volume (pptv).

Atmospheric temperature and chemistry are believed to be controlled by the trace gases.There is increasing evidence that the percentages of environmentally significant trace gases are changing because of both natural and human factors. Examples of man-made gases are the chlorofluorocarbons CFC-11 and CFC-12 and halons. Carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane (CH4) are produced by the burning of fossil fuels, expelled from living and dead biomass, and released by the metabolic processes of microorganisms in the soil, wetlands, and oceans of our planet.

4. ओज़ोन आवरण के संरक्षण  में वन सम्पदा  और जीवन शैलि का मह्त्व

Veda is clearly referring to the green house gases causing the damage to Ozone    

अध्वर्यवो य उरणं जघान नव चख्वांसंनवतिं च बाहून् ।

यो अर्बुदमव नीचा बबाधे तमिन्द्र सोमस्य भृथेहिनोत ।। 2.14.4

महर्षि दयानंद पदार्थ – हे! (अध्वर्यव: )  सब के प्रिय चरणों  को करने वाले विद्वानों ! तुम (य: ) जो जन (उरुणम्‌) आच्छादन करने वाले (चख्वांसम्‌) मारने वाले के प्रति  मारने  वाले को ( जघान्‌) मारे और ( नव, नवितम्‌) न्यन्यानवे (बाहून्‌) बाहुओं के समान सहाय करने वालों को (च) भी मारे (य: ) जो (अर्बुदम्‌ ) दश क्रोड़ (नीचा) नीचों को (अव, बबाधे) बिलोता है (तम्‌) उस (इन्द्रम्‌) बिजुलीके समान सेनापति को (सोमस्य) ऐश्वर्य के (भृथे) धारण करने माइं (हिनोत्‌) प्रेरणा देओ॥4॥

इस आच्छादन को क्षति पहुंचाने वाले सीमित श्रेणियों के तत्वों पर नियंत्रण करो ,तथा इस आवरण की सुरक्षा करने वाले असंख्य वनस्पतियों और व्यवस्थित जीवनशैलि की आवश्यकता को युद्ध स्तर पर एक कुशल सेनापति की तरह कार्यान्वित करो  ( वनसम्पदा का संरक्षण और वृक्षारोपण का महत्व और सात्विक जीवन शैलि को अपना कर ही ऐसा होगा. ) पर्यावरण में व्यवस्था ठीक होने से वर्षा यथा समय होगी, आंधी तूफान तंग नहीं करेंगे.

Agents causing damage to Ozone layer (limited in No) .

ओज़ोन आवरण नष्ट करने वाले भिन्न भिन्न श्रेणी के कार्य.

Ozone layer protecting actions are in very large numbers, starting with saving forest cover, tree plantation and change in human life style to more simple living habits as shown in diagram here.

ओज़ोन आवरण की रक्षा करने वाले असंख्य स्वप्रेरित वनस्पति वृक्षारोपण से ले कर सादा जीवनशैलि कितने  असंख्य हैं । जैसा इस मानचित्र से दिखाया गया है.

This protective garment is like the fleece of a sheep. There are trillions of hands on the ground, which supports the actions to prevent damage to this garment (in the space) and to keep it in good repair like new. These trillions of hands-ting with promotion of  green cover on ground- to a change in human life style to simpler plain living habits , brings orderliness in environments  with  greenery and controlled atmospheric disturbances to disarm the attackers of the fleece like protective cover. Like a good leader of armies, motivate these ‘GREEN’ actions on the lands to bring prosperity to all.

(The scientific evidence clearly indicates that reduced green cover causes increased levels of carbon dioxide in our air are enhancing the global greenhouse effect and throwing the Earth’s energy equation out of balance. That means more energy for storms in all seasons, for more extreme weather, for more droughts and floods, for changing climate patterns. We’re heading into uncharted territory and we need to reverse course and bring CO2 back to 350 ppm or our children and grandchildren will scorn our selfish stupidity. It is long past time for us to take action.)

On this subject reference to such remedial actions is also given in Yajurveda3.45  as ;

पर्यावरण सुरक्षा पर यजुर्वेद 3.45  में भी निम्न उपदेश प्राप्त होता है.

 Yaju Veda 3-45 Environmental Repair

यद्ग्रामे यदर्ण्ये यत्सभायां यदिनन्द्रिये यदेनश्चकृमा वयमिदं तदवयजामहे स्वाहा।। यजु  345।।

Whatever wrong actions we have done in habitations, forests, and in communities, we want to rectify that wrong.

5. जमाखोरों काले धन के व्यापारियों ,भ्रष्ट  तत्वों को नष्ट कर के  दरिद्रता  दुर्भिक्ष से मुक्त समाज स्थापित करो

Take strong action against the corrupt, hoarders  & black marketers to eradicate poverty and prevent famines and starvation deaths.

अध्वर्यवो य: स्वश्नं जघान य: शुष्णमशुषं यो व्यंसम्।

य: पिप्रुं नमुचिं यो रुधिक्रां तस्मा इन्द्रायान्धसो जुहोत ।। 2.14.5

महर्षि दयानंद पदार्थ – हे! (अध्वर्यव: ) अपने को यज्ञ कर्म की चाहना करने वाले वा )  सब के प्रिय चरणों  को करने वालो  ! तुम (य: )  जो जन सूर्य जैसे(स्वश्णम्‌) सुन्दर मेघ को वैसे शत्रु को (जघान्‌) मारता है वा (य: ) जो (शुष्णम्‌)  सूखे पदार्थ को (अशुषम्‌) गीला वा (य: ) जो (व्यंसम्‌) शत्रु को निर्भुज करता वा (य: ) जो (नमुचिम्‌) अधर्मात्मा (पिप्रुम्‌) प्रजापालक अर्थात्‌ राजाको वा (य: ) जो ( रुधिक्राम्‌) राज्य व्यवहारो को रोकने वलों को निरन्तर गिराता है (तस्मै) उस ( इन्द्राय) सूर्य के समान सेनापति के लिये (अन्धस: )अन्न (जुहोत्‌) देओ ॥5॥

पिप्रुम वे स्वार्थी जन जो केवल अपना ही पेट भरते हैं , और नमुचि – कर न देने वाला,दुर्भिक्ष कालिक मेघ के समान प्रजा के निमित्त कुछ भी सुख न देने वाला क्षमाके अयोग्य होते हैं ।  उन्हें किसी भी अवस्थामें (रुधिक्रा)  राज्य शासन दण्ड व्यवस्था द्वारा क्षमा नहीं करना चाहिए.

Oh men desirous of positive roles, deal like the sun, which hunts down even the beautiful clouds to shed the rains, which wet the earth to disarm the enemies such as  draught, by bringing wetness. With pipram पिप्रुम  the selfish ones’ who only fill their own belly, the namuchiनमुची  being  those who do not help in times of social distress such as famines should never be pardoned, by rudhikra रुधिक्रा the stern law enforcement  agency should deal sternly  to ensure equitable justice  food and nutrition for all.

6. आपदाओं के उपरान्त युद्धस्तरीय पुनर्वास योजना  

Rehabilitation of society on war footing

अध्वर्यवो य: शतं शम्बरस्य पुरो बिभेदाश्मनेव पूर्वी:।

यो वर्चिन: शतमिन्द्रो सहस्रमवावपद्  भरता सोममस्मै ।। 2.14.6

महर्षि दयानंद पदार्थ – हे ( अध्वर्यव: ) युद्धरूप यज्ञ को सिद्ध करने वालो!  तुम लोगों में से (य: ) जो (शम्बर्स्य) जिस से स्वीकार किया जाता उस मेघ के (शतम्‌) सौ (पुर: ) पुरों को जैसे घोड़ों को (अश्मनैव: ) पत्थर से वैसे (विभेद) छिन्न भिन्न करता है (य: ) जो (इन्द्र: ) ऐश्वर्यवान्‌  ( वर्चिन्: ) प्रदीप्त अपने सर्व बल से दैदीप्यमान राजा के (शतम्‌) सौ और (सहस्रम्‌) हज़ार (पूर्वी: ) पहले हुइ प्रजाओं को (अपावपत्‌) नीचा करता है (अस्मै) इस सेनेश के लिए (सोमम्‌) ऐश्वर्यको (भरत) धारण करो ॥6॥

(सुदूर भूतकाल के समय से)  जो आवरण  उपयुक्त समय पर वर्षा इत्यादि की व्यवस्था प्रदान करता है उस आवरण की क्षति  से उत्पन्न प्राकृतिक आपदाओं द्वारा आए संकट एवं विनाश  को तत्काल  युद्धस्तर पर निदान करने  की व्यवस्था स्थापित करें ।

Like the mobilization on war footing, when the clouds were destroyed to smithereens of rain drops by the forces of Indra to bring bounties of plenty to the people, get activated to restore the earlier prosperity, of abundance for all.

7. सातवीं प्राथमिकता. 7th Priority  

खाद्य सुरक्षा और गुणवत्ता

Food Safety & Security

7. Food Safety and Security (This is a very clear directive on what the modern agriculture science is involved with, Organic agriculture, better Seeds & IPM- Integrated pest management)  

अध्वर्यवो य: शतमा सहस्रं भूभ्या उपस्थेऽवपज्जघन्वान् ।

कुत्सस्यायोरतिथिग्वस्य वीरान् न्यावृणग् भरता सोममस्मै ।। 2.14.7

महर्षि दयानंद पदार्थ- हे (अध्वर्यव: ) युद्ध-यज्ञरूप सिद्धि के करने  वाले  जनो ! तुम (य: )  जो सूर्य के समान (भूम्या: )  भूमि के (उपस्थे ) ऊपर (  शतम्‌) सेकड़ों वा ( सहस्रम्‌) सहस्रों वीरों को (आ, अपवत्‌) बोता अर्थात गिरा देता दुष्टों को (जघन्वान्‌ ) मारता  वा (अतिथिग्वस्य) अतिथियों को प्राप्त होने वाले (आयो:) और प्राप्त हुए (कुत्सस्य) बाण आदि फैंकने वाले प्रजापति के (वीरान्‌) शत्रु बलों को व्याप्त होते वीरों को (नि,आवृणक्‌) निरंतर वर्जता है (अस्मै) इस के लिए (सोमम्‌) ऐश्वर्य को (भरत) पुष्टकरो ॥7॥

कृषक एक योद्धा के समान  उर्वरक भूमि में  जो अन्नोत्पादन  के लिए प्रयत्न   करता है, उसे सहस्रों खड़ पतवार, कीटाणु इत्यादि शत्रु नष्ट करने के प्रयास करते हैं. इन से निपटने के लिए उत्तम वीर स्थापित करो.

( इस विषय को जैविक खेती में अत्यंतमहत्वपूर्ण स्थान दिया जाता है.गौ माता के गोबर मूत्र इत्यादि से भूमि मे कृषि उत्पादन और जैविक खड़ पतवार कीट नियंत्रण विषय एकीकृत ( समन्वित) कीट प्रबंधन के नाम से आधुनिक कृषि विज्ञान का एक महत्वपूर्ण अनुसंधान का काम है )

Along with the innumerable crops being cultivated by the farmers for feeding the nation, the guests and dependents, innumerable enemies in the form of weeds, pests, etc also get in to the land. The Adhwaryus should work on war footing to provide sustainable herbal/organic remedies to help the growth of healthy agriculture crops to ensure health and prosperity to the people.

(Modern agriculture science calls it IPM –Integrated Pest Management.)

  1. अपव्यय निषेध एवं प्रतीकार

Stop wasteful expenditure of public money


अध्वर्यवो यन्नर: कामयाध्वे श्रुष्टी वहन्तो नशथातदिन्द्रे ।

गभस्तिपूतंभरत श्रुतायेन्द्राय सोमं यज्यवोजुहोत ।।2.14.8

महर्षि दयानंद पदार्थ – हे! (अध्वर्यव: ) सब  का हित  चाहने वाले (नर: ) नायक मनुष्यो !  तुम (यत्‌) जिस राज्य या धन को (श्रुष्टी) शीघ्र (वहन्त: ) प्राप्त करते हुए (कामयाध्वे) उस की कामना करो ( नशथ)  वा छिपाओ (तत्‌) उस (गभस्तिपूतम्‌) किरणों वा बाहुओं से पवित्र करे हुए  को (इन्द्रे) सभापति के निमित्त (भरत) धारण करो । हे ( यज्यव: ) सङ्ग करनेवाले जनों ! तुम   (श्रुताय)जिस का प्रशंसित श्रुति विषय है उस (इन्द्राय)सभापति के लिये(सोमम्‌) ओषधियों के रस को वा ऐश्वर्य को (जुहोत्‌) ग्रहण करो ॥8॥

सामाजिक संसाधनों एवं धन का अनावश्यक, अनुपयोगी, अनुत्तरदायी, अनुत्पादक उपयोग रोकने एवं उन्हें समाजोपयोगी पशंसा योग्य उपयोग के लिये बचाने की व्यवस्था करें ।

Stop wasteful expenditure of public money and save it for use in praise worthy social welfare projects.

  1. राज्य के हित में किन विषयों को गोपनीय रखना है, इस पर अधिकारी वर्ग संयम स्वनियंत्रण और मर्यादा का पालन करना चाहिए

Official Secrets Action /Importance

राज्याधिकारी वर्ग को राज्य हित में गोपनीयता का पालन करना चाहिए

For the leaders and persons holding senior policy making responsibilities, when some strategies for public good are being contemplated, the deliberations should be held confidential, till they are totally worked out. It is only for the well thought out plans to be made available for general public to debate and consider sustainability.

9. प्रदूषण नियंत्रण

Pollution Control

(Waste water treatment strategy suggested by Yajurved 17.6 by root zone treatment, and energy crops similar to what NASA scientists have proposed )

अध्वर्यव: कत्तर्ना  श्रुष्टिमस्मै वनेनिपूतंवनउन्नयध्वम् ।

जुषाणो हस्त्यमभि वावशे व इन्द्राय सोमं मदिरंजुहोत ।। 2.14.9

महर्षि दयानंद पदार्थ – हे! (अध्वर्यव: ) पुरुषार्थी जनों ! तुम (अस्मै) इस सभापति के लिये (वने) किरणों में (श्रुष्टिम्‌) शीघ्र (निपूतम्‌) निर न्तर पवित्र और दुर्गंध वा प्रमादपन से रहित पदार्थ (कर्त्तन) करो (वने) और किरणों में (उन्नयध्वम्‌) उत्कर्ष देओ जो (हस्त्यम्‌) हस्तों में उत्तम हुए पदार्थ को (जुषाण: ) प्रीति करता वा सेवन करता हुआ (मदिरम्‌) आनन्द देने वाली (सोमम्‌) सोमलतादिरस को ( अभि,वावशे) प्रत्यक्ष चाहता (तस्मै) उस सभापति के लिए और (व: ) तुम लोगोंको (इ न्द्राय) ऐश्वर्यवान जन के लिए उक्त पदार्थ को (जुहोत्‌) देओ.॥9॥

वैज्ञानिक विद्वतजन दुर्गंधित प्रदूषित जलों को सूर्य की किरणों द्वारा, लताओं इत्यादि के द्वारा दुर्गंध रहित और प्रदूषणमुक्त करें ।

It is for the technically knowledgeable community and the establishment to decide and implement, the handling of sewage, pollution and foul smell creating situations, by using solar photo remediation, natural vegetative filtration and the winning of the desirable components out of the system by the strategy of using wetlands and lagoons, for making the waste disposal a pleasant, acceptable and sustainable activity.

इस विषय पर यजुर्वेद 17.6 में निम्न  विस्तृत  उपदेश मिलता है. जो इस विषय को विस्तार पूर्वक  बताता है.

On this subject very detailed directive is given in  Yajurved  and  is  placed below .

“उपज्मन्नुप वेतसेऽवतर नदीष्वा । अग्ने पित्तमपामसि मण्डूकि

ताभिरागहि सेमं नो यज्ञं पावकावर्णं शिवं कृधि।। Yajurved 17।6।।

अग्ने पित्तं आपसि—— pitta and agni i.e. fever in water is

polluted water

मण्डूकि ताभिरागहि—–marine life like frogs & fish family,

get at that

उपज्मन्नुप  वेतसेऽवतर नदीष्वा —-growing plants of cane reed

family which are secondary crops ( crops not fit for direct human

consumption, but use as biomass and if fit cattle fodder etc.) in the

beds of streams of such water .

सा इमं अस्माभि यज्ञं पावकवर्णं शिव: भव —–may provide us

with means to purify the polluted water for our welfare.

Modern Science researches initiated by NASA in USA finally developed the most environments friendly process to treat pollutes waters called grey waters by process almost identical to what this Ved Mantra has prescribed.

The grey water is fist led in to wet lands with plenty of marine life to digest the organic pollutants. Next this water is led in to lagoons in which reed family of plants purify this water by photo remediation, subsequently this water is led through lagoons with ‘energy crops’. These are special plant species that harvest specific variety of heavy metal pollutants like ‘Lead’, ‘Cadmium’ , mercury and Magnesium  etc.

This happens to be the most recent modern strategy to treat

sewage and polluted waters The Polluted water is run in to ponds

with frogs, fish like marine life, and then this marine life treated

water is run in to streams. On the beds of these streams plants of cane

& reed family are grown. The final run off water is clean water.

This technology has been known as ‘root zone treatment’ and

was first promoted by NASA scientists, and is described in his book

“Growing Clean Waters” by the NASA scientist Dr Wolverton.

Modern science is also growing special plants in polluted waters, for harvesting to extract specific minerals 

  1. गो दुग्ध खाद्यान्न की पौष्टिकता

Probiotics and Prebiotics. 

अध्वर्यव: पयसोधर्यथा गो: सोमेभिरीं पृणता भोजमिन्द्रम् ।

वेदाहमस्य निभृतं म एतद् दित्सन्तंभूयोयजतश्चिकेत ।। 2.14.10

महर्षि दयानंद पदार्थ – हे! (अध्वर्यव: ) बड़ी बड़ी ओषधियों को सिद्ध करने वाले जनो ! तुम (यथा) जैसे (गो: ) गौ के (पयसा) दूध से (ऊध: ) ऐन बरा होता है वैसे (सोमेभि: ) खाई हुइ सोमादि ओषधियों के साथ (ईम्‌) जलको पी के (पृणत) तृप्त होवो जैसे (भोजम्‌) भोजन करनेवाले (इ न्द्रम्‌) ऐश्वर्यवानको (अहम्‌) मैं (व्द) जानूं (अस्य) इस की (निभृतम्‌) निश्चित पुष्टिको  जानूं वैसे इस विषय को (भूय:: )  बार  बार  जो (चिकेत) जाने उस को तृप्त करो ॥10॥

वनस्पतियों ,ओषधियों और गो दुग्ध जल के पौष्टिक तत्वो को अनुसंधान द्वारा अधिक  गुणों से  परिपूर्ण करो. इन विषयों पर अनुसंधान  अविरल गति से चलता रहे ।

It is a subject of continuous study to learn from the processes taking place in a cow and her udders, how while feeding on herbal greens and water, she provides the immensely medicinally, nutritionally beneficial milk for the humanity.

 11. पारदर्शिता से धनोपार्जन और जीवन शैलि को महत्व दो

Clear role of society and media for the development of transparency and proper mental attitudes in society is stressed in this mantra.

 अध्वर्यवो यो दिव्यस्य वस्वोय: पार्थिवस्यक्षम्यस्यराजा ।

तमूर्दरंन पृणता यवेनेन्द्रं सोमेभिस्तदपो वो अस्तु ।। 2.14.11

महर्षि दयानंद पदार्थ – हे! (अध्वर्यव: )राजसम्बन्धी विद्वानजनों ! (य: ) जो (दिव्यस्य ) प्रकाश में उत्पन्न  हुए  (वस्व: ) धन को वा (य: ) जो (पार्थिवस्य) पृथिवी मे विदित (क्षम्यस्य) सहनशीलता में उत्तम उस के बीच (व: ) तुम्हारे लिए  ( राजा)  राजा  (अस्तु) हो. (तम्‌) उस  (इन्द्रम्‌ ) ऐश्वर्यवान को (यवेन्) यव अन्न से जैसे(ऊर्दरम्‌) मटका को वा डिहरा को (न) वैसे) (सोमेभि: ) सोमादि ओषधियों से पृणत) पूरो परि पूर्ण  करो (तत्‌) उस (अप: ) कर्म को प्राप्त हू ॥11॥

प्रकृति से कृषि से जैविक अन्न से,ओषदि युक्त वनस्पतियों पारदर्शिता और सहनशीलता की शिक्षा का उपदेश ग्रहण करो और सब से बिना स्वार्थ के बांटो ।

It is the responsibility of the establishment to allow the wealth created in the nation by transparently open like in broad day light, methods of learning, such as from nature’s resources like agriculture.  Promote in the society the mental attitudes, for acceptance of only this mode of honest livelihood.

12. इस प्रकार एक सम्पन्न वैभव शाली राष्ट्र निर्माण करो

Immense bounties of nature always flow on us for welfare health and wealth of all, by the continuous pursuits of knowledge based transparent activities by our well-meaning gifted people.

अस्मभ्यं तद् वसो दानाय राध: समर्थयस्व बहु ते वसव्यम् ।

इन्द्र यच्चित्रं श्रवस्या अनु द्यून् बृहद्वदेम विदथे सुवीरा: ।। 2.14.12

हे (वसो) धन देने वाले (इन्द्र)  परमैश्वर्ययुक्त ! (सुवीर:)  सु न्दर वीरों  वाले हम लोग जो (ते) तुम्हारा (बहु) बहुत ( चित्रम्‌) अद्‌भुत (वसव्यम्‌) पृथिवी आदि वसुओंसेसिद्ध हुए ( बृहत्‌ ) बहुत (राध: ) समृद्धि करने वाले धन को (श्रवस्या: ) अन्नों के लिए हित करने वाली पृथिवीके  बीच (अनु द्यून्‌) प्रति दिन (विदथे ) विज्ञान रूपी संग्राम यज्ञ में (वदेम) कहें  उस को हमारे लिए देने को आप (समर्थयस्य ) समर्थ करो ॥12॥

इस प्रकार एक अद्‌भुत सम्पन्न वैभव शाली राष्ट्र निर्माण करो ।

In this manner, create a prosperous welfare nation.

 ( It is for paucity of space that the detailed method and reasoning to arrive at the above Vedic interpretations have not been provided here.)




quran word of god

Author – Aryavir

The Scholars of Islam claim Quran to be a word of GOD (Allah) and they bring forward some verses from Quran to support their claims. In this Short article, we will analyze one such claim and will prove that Quran is not a word of God in just three simple steps. The English translation of Quranic verses has been taken from reliable and authentic Islamic sources like www.quran.com and anybody who feels that the English translation of Quran is not correct  should actually question these Islamic sources from where the translation has been taken.




It is written in Quran Chapter 4 – Surat An-Nisā’ (The Women) verse 82 which says –


Then do they not reflect upon the Qur’an? If it had been from [any] other than Allah , they would have found within it much contradiction.


So here in this verse there is a very strong claim given by the Author of Quran that if it had been from anybody other than God (Allah) then we would have found  many contradictory statements in Quran and no Muslim can refuse this statement in fact they very proudly mention this verse of Quran and challenge Non Muslims to prove one single contradiction in Quran. So if we find a single contradiction in Quran then it cannot be called as a word of God.




Now let us have at look on some other verse of Quran-


Chapter 6(Surah Al-anam) verse 114 says-


[Say], “Then is it other than Allah I should seek as judge while it is He who has revealed to you the Book explained in detail?” And those to whom We [previously] gave the Scripture know that it is sent down from your Lord in truth, so never be among the doubters.


Chapter 68 (Surah Al Qalam) verse 37 –


Or do you have a scripture (other than Quran) in which you learn


Chapter 77 ( Surah Al-Mursalat ) verse 50 –


Then in what statement after the Qur’an will they believe?



So as per these verse Quran is a book which has explained things in detail so neither you should doubt the authenticity of Quran and nor you should follow any other book other than Quran because according to these verses Quran is a complete book and the best discourse and no Muslim can disagree with this statement.




Now in the first two steps we have studied that Quran claims itself to be a book from God and states that there are no contradictions and it is book which is itself complete and has been explained in detail now we will analyze a four well known practices of Islam and we will see whether they are explained in detail or not and whether they contradict the verse 114 of chapter 6.  Here are the four well known practices in the light of Quran-




Salat (prayer) is one of the most important pillars of Islam and it is compulsory for a muslim to pray five times ( Namely Namaz fajr, Namaz zuhr, Namaz Asr, Namaz Maghrib, Namaz Isha ) in a day but surprisingly in Quran the holy book of Muslims which is book which has explained things in detail (As per Q 6:114 )  does not even mentions the number of times need to pray in a day there is not even a single verse in Quran which says that a muslim is suppose to pray 5 times a day and even more surprisingly even the names of five prayers are not mentioned in Quran, By name only Three Namaz are mentioned in Quran


1-      Salat Al-Fajr (Dawn Prayer)24:58

2-       Salat Al-Isha (Night Prayer)24:58

3-       Al-Salat Al-Wusta (The Middle Prayer) 2:238.


Chapter 2 verse238  mentions the middle prayer and also says to perform the obligatory prayers but does not mentions how many times in a day you need to perform the obligatory prayers.

So The five times of Namaz is not mentioned in Quran a book which is claimed to be explained in detail and claims no contradictions in it and does not even clearly mentions the minimum number of times one needs to perform Prayer in a day which is indeed one amongst the basic pillars of Islam. It seems like the Author of Quran got so busy in expressing his hate and intolerance for Non Muslims that he forgot to mention the minimum number of times a muslim needs to pray in a day and then the Fake story of flying donkey (Al-Burq) was created to justify the concept of Five time Namaz in a day.


b). Celebrating Eid on the end of Ramadan 


Unknown to many Muslims, the term ‘Eid’ has never been used by the Quran to mark the end of Ramadan or to celebrate the conclusion of the fasting period. For example, the requirements to fast in the month of Ramadan, to pay ‘zakat’ and to establish ‘salah’ are not learnt by ‘prophetic sunna’ or tradition. These are clear directives instituted by the Quran as are many other prescriptive laws and edicts. There is absolutely no ‘religious’ prescription to celebrate ‘Eid’ in the Quran


The term ‘Eid’ has only been used once in the entire Quran and possibly in the context of the Eucharist which is the Christian ceremony which commemorates the Biblical Last Supper of Prophet Jesus. According to the New Testament, the festival is celebrated by Prophet Jesus’s followers as per his instructions to remember him.


According to the Quran, Prophet Jesus in response to an initial request made by his disciples (5:112), prayed to Almighty God that He send from heaven a table spread (with food) as a festival (Eid). This festival would constitute a sign from God from the ‘first to the last of them’


In Chapter 5 verse 114 “Said Jesus the son of Mary: “O God our Lord! Send us from heaven a table spread, that there may be for us  a festival (Arabic: Eid(an)) for the first and the last of us and a sign from You; and provide for our sustenance, for You are the best Sustainer (of our needs).””


But  no where in Quran (a book which is claimed to be explained in detail and claims no contradictions in it) ‘Eid’ has been used to mark the end of Ramadan or to celebrate the conclusion of the fasting period.





Now Burial of dead bodies is a very important concept in Islam Muslims believe that a person whose body has not been buried cannot enter heaven and Burial of the Dead in Islam as it is practiced today, deploys a rigid ritualized process which is performed in the name of ‘religion’. Depending on which school of thought one follows, the rituals can vary.


What is interesting to note is the fact that preparing the body in a specified manner for burial is not mentioned anywhere in the Quran . For example, the Quran states when  ‘ghusl’ (bathing) or ‘wudu’ (ablution) is required in chapter 5: verse 6 but this verse mentions no ghusl and wudu for the Dead.


There is complete silence on the matter regarding burial preparation and it is a matter left to society to prepare and bury the body in what is deems appropriate. There is no codified Quranic position with regards this. There is no right or wrong way to bury the dead, other than with respect and a matter to be performed with dignity.


d).  Circumcision 


Many Muslims never question whether this ritual has any basis in scripture (i.e. the Quran).  Instead, they blindly follow the traditions of their forefathers without rational thought, evidence or analysis subjecting their new born children to a part mutilation of their genitalia. The Quran on the other hand makes no mention of circumcision.


Instead, there are verses that indicate that God has already created the human shape in a perfected form (requiring no changes such as the removal of a male’s foreskin )


Chapter 95. verse 4




Laqad khalaqna al-insana fee ahsanitaqweem


“We have indeed created mankind in the best of stature (moulds ) (Arabic: taqweem)


The above verses beg the following question. Why then is the male incomplete and requires his foreskin to be removed if our Lord has revealed no decree for it nor hinted at it from His words which He has revealed to us?


In fact, the only source that  can be cited by Muslim is the ‘Sunna’, a practice carried forward from Abraham. But the question still remains. Where is the proof that this indeed was a practice instituted for humanity (men) when clearly God instructed Prophet Muhammad  to follow the commandments and warn by way of the Quran only (6:19; 50:45)?


At no place in the Quran does it mention that Abraham practiced circumcision and if they bring proofs from any other book than it proves that Quran cannot be called a book which is explained in detail.


In connection with the above, the desperation to prove this practice as a religious requirement of Islam is all too evident in Muslim thought when the Bible (which is claimed by Muslims to be a corrupted book) is used to invoke proof. It is clear that many Christians themselves do not see circumcision as a fundamental requirement of their faith and worship towards God and they posit their arguments from scripture. Jewish followers do much the same to support their particular stance for the commandment of circumcision.


The Quran on the other hand makes no mention of circumcision.




Quran which as per chapter 4 verse 82 claims to be a book from Allah because by claiming itself to be free from contradictions and in another verse Quran says that it is book explained in detail (as per verse 114 of chapter 6) and Muslims require no other book then Quran (as per verse 37 of chapter 68 and verse 50 of chapter 77) as Quran in itself is a complete book for Muslims.


Now in step three we have analyzed that the basic and most well known practices of Islam like


1 Five times Namaz daily

2Celebrating Eid on the end of Ramadan

3 Procedure for Burial of dead bodies

4 Circumcision of male gentiles


Is not even mentioned in Quran then how can we claim this book to be a book explained in detail ? Is this not a contradiction to verse 114 of chapter 6 ? Is this not a contradiction?


Muslims themselves knew that Quran is an incomplete book and to justify there practices they compiled the books of Hadees, We today see that Hadees themselves are books full of contradictions Sunni Muslim reject Shia Hadees and Shia Muslim reject Sunni Hadees and the Aihl-e-Quran (Quran Aloners) reject all the Hadees. In any of the above case whether we include Hadees or not Quran itself remains an incomplete book and no justification and mention for many of the current day practices of Islam are found in Quran.


So the above three step analysis clearly proves that Quran is not a word of God infact it is a man made book filled with errors and contradictions.


[Note – To keep the length of this article short, I have briefly discussed only four well known practices of Islam which are not mentioned in Quran there are some other things also which are not mentioned in Quran and some more contradictions in Quran which will be discussed in the next part of this series CAN QURAN BE A WORD OF GOD?]


The Purpose of writing this article is not o hurt anybodies religious beliefs but to accept what is truth and reject what is False.


ॐ असतो मा सद्गमय । Aum Asto Ma Sad Gamya

( O supreme Lord, Lead me from unreal to real )

तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय । Tamso Ma Jyotir Gamya

( Lead me From darkness of ignorance to the light of knowledge )

मृत्योर्मा अमृतं गमय । Mrityur Ma Amritam Gamya

(Lead me from fear of death to the knowledge of Immortality)

ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥  Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti

(O lord, Let there be Peace, peace and peace )


In case of any query, suggestion or feedback feel free to write me at my email id – defenderoftruth1@gmail.com













FROM BOOK : Veda-The Myth and Reality ( A reply to Vedic Age )

Author : Pt Dharmdev Vidyamartand

We have tried in the earlier chapter to establish that Vedas, which are eternal, have been revealed by God Himself. We have also stressed their importance from different points of view. But Western scholars like Prof. Max Muller, Weber and Macdonell hold the view that Risis were the authors of Vedas. The mantras contained in the Vedas had been written by them from time to time, How can the Vedas then be etemal and Divinely revealed? Some of these scholars and authors even quote from Vedas and Sutras to support their contention. They say that Vasishtha, Jaamdagni, Angira, Kava, Bharadwaj, Gautam, Atri (whose names occur in the Vedas) were some of these authors. They also attempt to

reinforce their view by showing names of some countries and their kings extant in the Vedic “ballads”. Their detailed list is compiled by Prof. Macdonell and Dr. Keith. This list is entitled “ Vedic Index of Names and Subjects. ”

But the fact is that Risis are “seers’ and not the “authors” of the Vedas. The following is the definition of Risis given by Yaskacharya in Nirukta :


Also Acharya Upmanyu has stated that, those who have  realised the true meaning and import of the mantras, are regarded as Risis. They were called Risis because they came to such realisation during the course of meditation and through penance. The realisation of the true meaning of the mantras, with all their mysteries, constitutes their seerhood.

Something similar to Acharya Upumanyu”s assertion is also found in Taittiríya Aranyaka (2.9.l):-


The following from the Satpath Brahman also denotes the similar meaning: –

shatpat brahman

In Taittiriya Samhita, Aitareya Brahmana, Kanva Samhita,Satpatha Brahmana and Sarvanukramni etc, seers have been described as the Risis. lt is specified which mantras, suktas and the mandals were revealed to each :-

taitriya sanhinta

Though it is true that such names as Viswamitra, Jamadagni, Bharadwaja, Atri, Angiras, Priyamedha occur in the Vedas but it might be stressed here that they are epithets cannoting certain attributes and not proper nouns standing for particular individuals.

Again it is stated in Aitereya Brahmana that words like Grtsamada, Vísvamitra, Vamdeva, Atri, Bharadwaja, Vasistha, Pragatha, generally denote vital energy :


As these words denote common attributes in accordance with the derivations given in the above passages, they can be used for men and places having such attributes. For example, one who considers everyone as his friend and whom everyone considers his friend, will be called “Visvamitra” ; One who prevents others from committing sins, will be known as Atri.

A man endowed with strength and knowledge will be called “Bharadawaja”. One who is well-versed in the science of respiration (प्राणविद्या)and is a true devotee of God will be named “Vasistha”. A person, who keeps his senses and intellect under control, will also be known by the same name.

One who develops good qualities or lives in God and is shining through His glory, is “ Vamadeva”. The same is true of other words occurring elsewhere in the Vedas.

In Satpath Brahmana, which is an authentic exposition of Yajurveda, it is said, that Vasishta stands for vital energy Bharadwaja for intellect, Vishwamítra means ears, Angirasa for spiritual energy, and Visvarkamian for speech.

satpath brahman

In Brhadaranyaka also, the words like “Gautam”, “Bharadwaja” are meant to denote senses :-


Here the two ears, two eyes, two nostrils and one speech have been called respectively Gautama, Bharadwaja, Jamadagní, Vasistha etc.

Words including Vasístha, Viswamitra, Jamadagni are not proper nouns denoting certain attributes as evident from the following:


Words like Kathaka, Kalapaka, Paippalada are- (missionaries of style) ( ).

Those who try to prove history in the Vedas are mistaken. For instance, when “Bhoj” occurs in Rigveda :-

rigveda 10.107.1

Surely it is not a particular name of the King bom in 11th or 12th  century A D, but refers to any king or any person who is charitable or who protects others.

In mantras like :

rigveda 8.2.16

Kanva” is not the name of a Risi or his progeny, but according to Nighantu, refers to all those who are endowed with sublime wisdom.

In the following mantra from Atharvaveda (18-3-16)

atharvaveda 18.13.16

Viswamitra ” is not the son of Gadhi; Jamadagni‘ is not the father of Parasurama, “Vasistha” is not the priest of he Suryavansis, as erroneously understood by a few scholars.

As pointed out earlier, Viswamitra stands for a man who looks upon everyone as his friend, Jamadagni for one who sees through the reality by his intellect or whose sight is pure; Vasistha is one who is Well-versed in the science of breath or who is the noblest of all by virtue of his inherent qualities; Bharawaja is one who is endowed with knowledge or purity of mind. One who is agile is Gautama, one who is constantly occupied in the devotion of God is Vamdeva. Atri is one who is free from all sufferings-spiritual, or material.

Sayanacharya has asserted that not only in the Vedas but even in Brahmanas, there is no human history. We, however, do not  are the living expositions of the Vedas by Risis. So, there is human history even in the Brahmans as evident from the following from Taittiriya

Aranyaka (2.9):

aryanak 2.9

But what can be more regrettable than this that the same Sayanacharya, who asserts that there is no human history even in the Brahmanas, gives historical interpretation of the following mantras from Rigveda (1-126-6) :

rigveda 1.126.6

“When seduced for an intercourse by his child-wife Romasa, Rishi Bhavahavya said to her jokingly: “And you are most worthy of enjoyment! You embrace me with arms outwardly and join your reproductive organ inwardly. What a wonderful woman you are! You’re so much attached to me! You’re like Nakuli, who never deserted her husband. There is a lot of vital energy in you. You are capable of providing one with sexual delight in more than hundred and one ways”

In fact, there is not a single word in the mantra denoting request by Romasa for an intercourse; nor is there any indication of any ridicule by Risi Bhavahavya.

ln his commentary Swami Dayanand has given the following explanation of the above mantra :-


i.e. (A man should follow that policy which gives manifold pleasures).

Thoughtful readers can compare the two explanations (given by Sayanacharya and Swami Dayananda respectively) objectively and decide for themselves which of them is more in keeping with the spirit of the Vedas as a whole and which is only strained and forced and based on fantasy. The next mantra of the same hymn is as follows (Rig. 1-126-7) :-

rigveda 1.126.7

Commenting on it says Sayanacharya :


Replying to Risi Bhavayaya, Romasa, daughter of Brihaspati and herself, a Brahmavadini, says :-

“Don’t think that I”m not fully matured and, therefore, not ripe for your enjoyment.

“My hair have fully grown. If you have any doubt, touch my hidden reproductive organ and discover it for yourself if I can give you pleasures of a paradise or not.”

Thus we see self-contradiction in Sayanacharya ‘s commentary : on the one hand he denies existence of any human history in the Vedas, nay even in Brahmanas, and on the other, he does not hesitate in giving obscene meaning of the so-called narration in the vedas relating to Bhavavaya-Romasa, Agastya

Lopamudra, Pururavas-Urvasi, Indra-Indrani etc.

Those who regard Risis to be authors of the mantras will have to face very strong objections which they will find difficult to rebut.

There are many mantras which are supposed to have more than hundred Risis. as for example in the following mantra from the Rigveda :-

rigveda 9.66.19

Are we going to believe that this mantra in Gayatri  Chhanda (containin g only 24 letters), was written jointly by 100 Risis? Can any impartial scholar accept this absurd assumption?

In fact, instead of writing the mantra, the 100 Risis only realized the true spirit of the mantra and revealed its secret to others. There is nothing incongruous or absurd in this interpretation.

There are supposed to be 1,000 Risis of the three mantras of the 34th hymn of Rigveda’s 8th  Mandal :

rigveda 8.34

It would be highly absurd and ridiculous to believe that 1,000 Risis authored these three mantras.But there is nothing irrational in believing that they were the interpreters of the same. Another objection that can be raised against believing that Risis were the authors of the Vedas is: how is it that there are different Risis of not only the same mantras in different Vedas but of the

same mantras at different places in the same Vedas? For example :-

(1) In Rigvedas (4.4.83) the Risi of the mantra

rig 4.4.83

is Vamadeva, but in Yajurveda (17-91), it is Sadhyah.

The Risi of the following mantra is “Bharadwaja“ when it occurs in Atharveda (1.20.4)

atharva 1.20.4

but not so in Rigveda.

The Risi of the following mantra is Yakasma-Nasana Prajapati  in Rigveda (l0.l6l.l) and Brahman in Atharvaveda (3.11.1)

rig 10.161.1

In Rigveda, the Risi of the following mantra is Agastya but when it occurs again in the Sama Veda (40.l6), its Rishi is Dadhyan Atharvana.

samveda 40.16

We can produce hundreds of examples in which Risis of the same mantras differ from mandala to mandala in a particular Veda.

lt is very difficult to explain away the change in the names of the Risi if we attribute to them their authorship. while no such difficulty arises if we take these Risis as only their seers and not their authors. How can we, otherwise, save these Risis from the allegation of plagiarism. But such a charge becomes incongiuous with the concept of the Risi as defined in the Scriptures.


In Yajurveda’s 34-49 Rishis have been described as follows-

yajurveda 34.49

(Those who study together the religious yore, who read together the Vedas and enjoy happiness, who retum from the Gurukula after observing Brahmacharya and completing their studies, who are together advanced in knowledge, who are masters of seven Divine forces, are veritable Risis, the knowers of the Vedas. Such calm, wise persons, viewing the path of ancient sages, take up the reins of noble deeds, as on a highway, a chariot driver does.

Defining Risis, it is stated in Mundaka :-


(i.e. Risis are those who, realising the Omniscience of God, are filled with knowledge and lead a contented, satisfied and peaceful life.)

Yaskaracharya in Nirukta defines Risis as :

 साक्षात्कृतधर्माण ऋषयो बभूवु: |

(Risis are those who realise the true religion)

It is unfortunate that the late Kanhaya Lal Munshí attributed to them the authority of mantras (which he did not even understand) and wrote thus about them in the preface to “Lopamudra “ :-“Risis who had flat noses were black in colour and lived on the charity of presents of Das and Dasis. They were usually intoxicated throughout the day and night and often betrayed a fit of anger. They praised those who made the offering of cows. They were sometimes extremely jealous of each other and in anger, tried to invoke the gods for their wrath on their adversaries.

“The young among them tried to attraet the opposite sex by their gesticulations and exhibitionism. They wrote mantras with a motive to captivate the hearts of the young maidens.”

When our readers compare the description of the Risis given in Lopamudra with that which emerges from the Vedas, Upanishads and Nirukta, they will themselves know the reality. lt will be evident then that the Risis, as described in the Vedas and the Upanishads cannot be “greedy, full of anger, and lustful” as depicted in Lopamudra. The picture of the Risis delineated in this book is highly condemnable.

The allegation that “the Risis used to compose mantras to allure the beautiful women is highly insulting, particularly as it has not been substantiated by the text of the Scriptures. How can the allegation be accepted when it is not in harmony with the true concept of the Risis?

We have already given a number of quotations from ancient literature defining the true character of the Rishis. The Risis picked up such names from the Vedas as appealed to them because of their deravative meaning. lt was just like followers of a religious faith choosing from their Scriptures, names for their spiritual heads. Or their new borns as being witnessed at all times. Besides, there are hundreds of examples to show that these names are generally imaginative or are just nick names.

It is generally observed that if a person is devoted to some

cause or a mission he becomes so much indentified with it that he

is sometimes named after it. For example, Mahatma Munshi Ram ji, who sacrificed his life for the Gurukula Kangri (which he had founded), had come to be known as Gurukula himself. “Here comes

the Gurukula”, people used to say when he arrived at any place.

A man had come to be known as .JayantiPrasad for he was working for the golden jubilee celebrations of the Gurukula.

The same is true of how the Risis came to be known by the names occurring in the Vedas.

The names ofthe Risis also had similar origin in many cases. Hundreds of examples can be given to prove the above contention leaving no scope for any misunderstanding.

Rigveda’s 10.90 is called “Purush Sukta “ which begins with:-

rig 10.90

This sukta, which gives a description of God and his creation has appropriately “Narayana ” as its Risi.

The word Naryan is synonym for God. The root of this word has been given thus in Manusmriti :–

manusmriti 2

Rigveda’s 10.97 is devoted to praise of medical science and its Risi accordingly is “Bhishaq ” (i.e. a doctor)

Rigveda”s 10.101 has its theme as विश्वे देवा ऋत्विजो वा I lt is, therefore, quite appropriate, that its Risi is बुध: सौम्य: (an intellectual and sober person).

The risi of Rigveda`s 10.106 is दिव्यो दक्षिणा वा (giver of charity) which is quite in keeping with the spirit of its content which deals with the importance of donations.

Rigvedafs 10.117 is in praise of charity of money and food grains and its Risi is भिक्षु:I

It is quite logical that Rigveda’s 10-121 which has Hiranyagarbha as its Risi, should deal with God, the Giver of happiness.

Likewise अग्नि: (Fire) is both the theme and the Risi of RigVeda’s l0-124.

In Rigveda’s 10-125 also, the subject matter and Rishi are the same. ( वागामभ्रूणी )

The famous hymn of Rigveda`s 10.190 which begins with ऋतं च सत्यं चाभीध्दात तपसोSध्यजायत | gives an account of the creation and its order and teaches us to refrain from committing sins. Its Rishi is अघमर्षण’ because the way to save oneself from sins is meditation on God.

Another well-known hymn of Ri gveda’ s 10.191 contains such mantras as संगच्छध्वं, संवद्ध्वम सं वो मनांसि जानताम  etc, calling for unity and friendship among all. The Rishi of this hymn is संवनन: ‘(one who is friendly to all).

In his introduction to Rigveda’s commentary, Swami Dayanand raises the question : Why should we not believe that Rishis, whose names occur at the top of mantras, or hymns in the Vedas, were their authors and replies :

rig commentary

(lt is not correct to believe so. Even Brahma listened to the Vedas and studied them. Brahma possessed the Vedas even before the Rishis were born.

Swami Dayanand’s view, given above, has been endorsed by Svetasvatra upanishad(6-18) :

upnishad 6.18

