ISLAMIC Paradise


Sexual intercourse in Paradise

“Aye, blooming youths round among them, when thou lookest at them: thou wouldst deem them scattered pearls. With silver bracelets shall they be adorned and drink of a pure beverage shall the Lord give them.” (76: 19, 21.)

C. ~ Well Sir, why are boys of pearly complexion kept there? Cannot those in paradise be satisfied with being served by grown up men, and their desires being ministered to by women? It would not be at all surprising of the unnatural crime, which some of the most wicked people commit with boys, had had its origin in this verse of the Qoran.

And why is in paradise partiality shown to some of the inmates by providing them with servants? This must afford pleasure to the served and be of a source of misery to the servants? And if God fills their cups with wine for them, He is more like one of their servants. What does His greatness and glory then consist in?

And do women become pregnant in paradise as the result of sexual intercourse with men and do they give birth to children? If they do not, the sexual connection is useless, and if they do, whence do those souls come from? And why are they born in paradise without having worshipped God ( (on the earth)? If they are born there without believing in the true religion, they enter paradise without having deserved it. What can be more unjust than that some should enjoy happiness by being religious and others without it?

“They shall have meet recompense. And the cups are full. Ruh and the angels shall be ranged in order.” (78: 25, 32, 36)

C. ~ If the dead are judged according to their deeds, what did Houris, angels, and boys of pearly complexion do to deserve perpetual residence in paradise? When they will drain whole cupful of wine, will they not become intoxicated, and fight with each other? Ruh is here name of an angel who is stronger than the rest. Will God make Ruh and other angels stand in a line and form them into a regiment? Will He invest it with power to punish all (erring) souls? Will He himself at that time be sitting or standing? If God were to gather all His forces before the judgment day and thereby capture Satan, His rule would become secure. Well! This is indeed God-head!

Drinking of alcohol forbidden on earth, but not in Paradise.

“A cup shall be carried round unto them, filled from a unruffled fountain, for the delight of those who drink; and near them shall lie the virgins of paradise, refraining their looks from beholding any besides their spouses, having large black eyes, and resembling the egg of an ostrich covered with feathers from the dust. And Lot was also one those who were sent by us. We delivered him and his whole family, except an old woman, his wife, who perished among those that remained behind; afterwards we destroyed the others.”43:,44, 45, 48, 57, 131, 133, 134.)

C. ~ Well! The Mohammedans cry that it is a sin to drink wine on this earth but in their paradise streams of wine flow. It is good that Mohammedans have rendered some service to the cause of temperance here, but they have been more than compensated for this abstinence in paradise. So many women have been allotted to each man there, he would find it difficult to fix his affections on one. The place must be afflicted with maladies. If the dwellers have go t bodies, they must die and if they have go no bodies, they cannot gratify their lust.

What then is the use of paradise? If you believe that Lot was a prophet, do you also believe what is recorded in the Bible that he begot children of his own daughters. If you do, it is foolish to regard such a person a prophet. If your God grants salvation to such persons and their associates He must also be like them. A being who recites old wives’ tales and kills other people through prejudice cannot be God, for such a God can only live in a Mohammedan house and nowhere else.


 “But bear good tidings unto those who believe and do good works that they shall have gardens watered by rivers; so oft as they eat of the fruit thereof for sustenance, they shall say, this is what we have formerly eaten of; and they shall be supplied with several sorts of fruit having a mutual resemblance to one another. There shall they enjoy wives subject to no impurity, and there shall they continue forever.” (2: 24.)

C. ~ The paradise as described in the Qoran is in no respect better than this world, because the same sort of things that are obtainable here are to be had there. The only exception being that men here die and are born again, whereas this is not the case with them in paradise, te women also here do not continue to live forever, whereas in paradise they do so. We should like to know how these poor women pass their days till the Day of Judgment.

Of course it will be alright if the Mohammaden God extends His helping hand to them and thereby they manage to pass their days with comfort. Tut Tut! Tut! But this goes to show that the paradise of the Mohammedans justly resembles the Golak and the temple of the Gosaeens of Gokal wherein women are valued more than men. Similarly in the temple of God (paradise) women are valued and loved more than men by God. They live forever in heaven but not men. How can this arrangement last unless God desires it? The Mohammedan God is surely in danger of falling in love with these women!!!

 Deceiving angels to impress them of his (Allah.s) greatness.

 “And he taught Adam the names of all things, and then propose them to the angels, and said, “Declare unto me the names of these things if ye say truth.” God said, “O Adam, tell them their names” and when he had told them their names, God said, “Did I not tell you that I know the secrets of heaven and earth and know that which ye discover, and that which ye conceal.”

C. ~ Could God ever deceive His angels in this way in order to impress them with His Greatness? It was an act of sheer imposture on His part. No enlightened man could ever believe such a thing of God, nor would he display such hauteur. Was it by these means that God wanted to display His supernatural powers? Such quackery can only flourish among the savages but not among the civilized.


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