Chapter 17,The Science of Telegraphy

In the following verse the germs of the science of telegraphy have been revealed.
“You should make the telegraph apparatus of a pure white metal which is a good conductor of electricity possessing the qualities of fire and it should be charged with electricity. It should possess the qualities of the Ashvins. It has many excellent properties and mostof the learned put it to their use. In military operations of the State it is a source of strength which it is most difficult to overcome.

It should be employed most frequently in all things. It possesses this property that when it is struck it transmits the current and brings success in all great and good undertakings. It is most helpful in defeating the opposing forces of the enemy and in securing victory to the home forces.

It helps forward the operations of human armies. Like the sun it brings to light events happening at great distances. Becoming well versed in the use of theAshvins, the terrestrial substances and electricity, always make use of the telegraph apparatus. Rig I.8-21-10
[In yuyom duvasyathah there is anomalous use of the person (the second being used for the third)].

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