The Q’uran is neither the worked of God nor an intelligent person


The Q’uran is neither the worked of God nor an intelligent person

 We lay this criticism on the teachings of the Quran before all thinking people. let them decide for themselves as to what sort of book it is. As for your opinion, we think that this book can neither be the work of God nor that of an enlightened person, nor does it contain knowledge. We have pointed out some of its many faults so that people may not be taken in and thereby waste their lives. Whatever little truth it contains being in harmony with the teachings of the Vedas and other scientific works, is acceptable to us as it is to other wise and enlightened men who are free from bigotry and religious prejudices.

The rest is superstition and error. It increases the sufferings of the human race by making man a beast, and disturbs the peace of the world by promoting war and by sowing the seeds of discord. Besides, the Qoran is simply replete with useless repetitions. May God be Merciful unto all men so that they may love one another, live together in peace and a promote each other’s happiness.

If all enlightened men were, like us, to point out, in an impartial spirit, various defects found in different religions, it is not at all impossible that all quarrels should cease, that people should live together in peace all following one religion, and that truth should thus triumph. The wise and the good, it is hoped, will understand the motives which actuated the writer of these lines and profit by what little has been said her about the Qoran. They are requested to correct any mistakes that might have crept into the book through error of judgment.

If the Quran were the work of God, how could He swear by it?

 ” I swear by the instructive Quran, that thou art one of the messengers of God, sent to show the right way. This is revelation of the most Mighty, the Merciful God.” (34: 1 – 4.)

C. ~ If the Qoran were the work of God, how could He swear by it? If the prophet had been a messenger of God, he would not have fallen in love with his daughter-in-law. It is foolish to assert that the believers in the Qoran are on the straight path, for he alone is said to tread that path who believes in truth, utters truth, acts in conformity with truth and shapes his conduct in accordance with the dictates of Dharma (duty) which consists of justice and freedom from prejudice and forsakes all that is opposed to them. Neither the Qoran nor the Mohammedans nor their God satisfies these conditions. If Mohammad had been the greatest prophet, he would have been the most learned and the most virtuous among men. The praise of Mohammedanism by Mohammad is like the praise by a coaster-monger of his own plums.

“And the trumpet shall be sounded again, and behold they shall come forth from their graves, and hasten unto their Lord. And their hands shall speak unto us, and their feet shall bear witness of that which they have committed. His command, when He willeth a thing, is only that he saith unto it “Be!” and it is.” (36: 50, 63, 80.)

C. ~ How absurd! Can the feet ever give evidence? When there was none else except God, to whom did be issue the command and who heard it and what came into existence? If there was nothing else at that time, this statement is false and if there was something else, then the statement that there was nothing else except God must be thought to be false.

Other books sent down by Allah before the Q’uran.

 “And we spake by revelation unto Moses, saying, “March forth with my servants by night; for ye will be pursued.” And Pharaoh sent an officer through the cities to assemble forces. Who has created me and directeth me; and who giveth me to eat and to drink. And who, I hope, will forgive my sins on the day of Judgment.” (25: 50, 51, 76, 77, 80.)

C. ~ When God first sent down His book to Moses what need was there for sending down books to David, Christ and Mohammad? God’s knowledge must be Unchangeable and Infallible but sending down later books would show that the knowledge contained in the first book was fallible and imperfect. If these first three works contained true knowledge, the Qoran must be false.

It is impossible for all the four books to teach true knowledge because their teachings contradict each other. If God has created souls, they must need cease to exist some day or the other. If it is God Who gives sustenance to man and other creatures, why do people suffer from disease and why does not each man get an equal amount of food? Why do some people, such as kings, get sumptuous food and others like the paupers get poor food?

The Q’uran is meaningless if the book was already given to Moses

 “We gave Moses the book and the miracles. We said unto them, be ye changed into scouted apes. And we made them an example unto those who were contemporary with them and unto those who came after them, and a warning to the pious.” (2:53.)

C. ~ if the book was given to Moses, the revelation of the Qoran becomes meaningless. Both Qoran and the Bible assert that Moses was endowed with miraculous powers, but it is absolutely incredible, inasmuch as no man can work miracles now-a-days, and what cannot be done in our day, could never have been done in the past.

Moses must have resorted to hypocrisy in the same way as the selfish impose upon the credulity of the ignorant at the present time. Now why does not God endow anyone with miraculous powers when both He and His devotees exist in our day. Where was the necessity of sending down the Qoran when God had already given Moses a book? If the teachings about dong good and abstaining from evil are the same in the Bible and Qoran, the sending down of two different books was nothing but a mere repetition of the same. Again, did God forget to record something in the book given to Moses that He had to send down another book later on?

Now either what God said regarding their (transgressors’) being changed into scouted apes in order to make an example for others never came to pass or He must have resorted to trickery.

Whoever does such things cannot be God, nor can the book containing them be divine in origin.


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