Muhammad also �forbade the charging of price of the dog, and earnings of a prostitute and sweets offered to a KAhin[soothsayer]� (3803).  He said that �the worst earning is the earning of a prostitute, the price of a dog and the earning of a cupper� (3805).

Muhammad had a great dislike for dogs.  He said: �It is your duty to kill the jet-black [dog] having two spots [on the eyes], for it is a devil� (3813).  �Abdullah, �Umar�s son, tells us that the Prophet �ordered to kill dogs, and he sent men to the corners of Medina that they should be killed. . . . and we did not spare any dog that we did not kill� (3810, 3811).  Later on, on representation, an exception was made in the case of dogs meant for hunting and for protecting the herds.  With the exception of these dogs, anyone who kept a dog �lost two qIrAt [the name of a measure] of reward every day� (3823).

Muhammad also forbade the sale of wine, carcasses, swine, and idols.  �May Allah the Exalted and Majestic destroy the Jews; when Allah forbade the use of fat of the carcass for them [see Leviticus 3:17], they melted it, and then sold it and made use of its price� (3840).

author : ram swarup

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