Believers of the Q’uran must be illiterate

belivers of quran

Believers of the Q’uran must be illiterate

“As to the youth his parents were believers, and we feared lest he should trouble them by error and infidelity. Until when he reached the setting of the sun, he found it to set in a mire fount; and hardly had he found a people. They said, “O Dhoulkarnain!” Verily, Gog, and Magog waste their land, shall we then pay thee tribute, so thou build a rampart between us and them.” (18: 79, 84, 93.)

C. ~ How unwise of God! He feared lest the parents of the boy might be led to rebel against His authority. This cannot be compatible with the nature of God. Again mark the ignorance of the author of the Qoran! He thinks that the sun sinks into a lake at night, and comes out of it again at day-break. As a matter of fact, the sun is very much larger than the earth. How can be then set it in a river or lake or an ocean?

This proves that the author of the Quran was ignorant of Physical Geography and Astronomy. Had he known these Sciences, why would he have written such things as are oppose to the dictum of knowledge? The believers in this book are also illiterate; otherwise they would not have believed in a book which is do full of error. Now mark God’s injustice? Though He is Himself the Creator of this earth and is its King and Judge, yet He allows Gog and Mogog wage constant war with exh other. This is also incompatible with the nature of God. Such a book can only be believed in by savages and not by enlightened men.

“And remember in the book of the Quran the story of Mary: when she retired from her family to a place towards the east, and took veil to conceal herself form them: and we sent our spirit Gabriel unto her, and he appeared unto her in the space of a perfect man. She said, fly for refuge unto the Merciful God, that He may defend me from thee, if thou fearest Him, then do not approach me. He answered; verily I am the messenger of thy Lord, and am sent to give thee a holy son. She said, how I shall have a son, seeing a man hath not touched me and I am no harlot. Gabriel replied, so hall it be: thy Lord saith, this is easy with me; and we will perform it, that we may ordain him for a sign unto men, and a mercy from us: for it is a thing which is decreed. Wherefore she conceived him and she retired aside with him in her womb to a distant place.” (19: 12 – 16, 18.)

C. ~ It is a thing for the wise to consider that if all the angels are the spirit of God, they could not exist as separate entities from Him. Moreover, Mary while she was a Virgin gave birth to a son, although she did not like to co-habit with any man, yet contrary to her wishes she was conceived by the angel at the Lord’s command. Now how wrong it was of God to have done so! There are many other objectionable things recorded in the Quran which we do not think advisable to mention here.


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